Business Tips - How to Market Products by Dave Dahl

  • 13 years ago
Learn business tips from Dave Dahl of Dave's Killer Bread on how to manage your business. For marketing your business I believe you have to be passionate, again, I think you have to do something, you have to make something or create something, or have a service that you are passionate about. Have a community, have an environment with the community. Back in the day, back before our time, and maybe you know before my parents' time even, businesses and small communities, they were very community based, they were community minded. They took care of there communities, and people loved them for it, supported them for it and it was like all around, everybody helped everybody. Our community supports us and we support our community. We do that by going out and speaking to groups, because I have an opportunity to try to help people to do what I have done. And we also give back a lot of, to a lot of charities that we believe in. Charities that are in line with our vision and our mission and this keeps us grounded. So marketing, to me marketing is like from the heart. You just got to do what you believe in and sell it from the heart.
