• 2 days ago


00:00Oh my God! Oh God! Alexis! Alexis! Honey, talk to me.
00:07Are you alright? Are you alright? I'm fine.
00:13When I told you that I thought we needed to hire another lawyer to help with the firm, I didn't expect it to drive you to the floor.
00:19I watched a video on how to meditate. I was trying to meditate.
00:23Don't worry. It didn't work.
00:25I don't know how people do this. I just need to find some peace because I'm about to do something really, really hard.
00:31What could be so hard that it sends you hippy-dippy to the floor on a rug that I spilled a latte on yesterday, by the way?
00:38Oh, I need to strike a truce with Rick or kill him trying.
00:46I hate to say it, Lucas, but from what Rick said, whatever Portia did was bad. Worse than we even thought.
00:54Brad's blackmailing is going to be the least of her problems.
00:57Well, it's tough to stomach the fact that Brad would blackmail our boss just to get close to me, though.
01:02And yet, I think that's exactly what happened. Let's talk about it more when I get to work.
01:08Yeah, see you soon.
01:22Dr. Jones, I believe we have an appointment.
01:25We do indeed, Miss Henry. And I have been looking forward to hanging out with you.
01:32You know, when we agreed to keep seeing each other in secret, I was picturing a lot of quiet nights in your apartment.
01:41Maybe even a few nice romantic dinner dates in the back of dark restaurants.
01:47A five-mile hike never even occurred to me.
01:50Well, the hike was pretty isolated, and not to mention very beautiful.
01:54Well, you were running so fast, I'm surprised you even noticed the scenery.
01:58Well, maybe it's because I wanted to hurry up and get back here to be with you.
02:02Oh, well, if I'd have known that.
02:06Thank you so much for coming with me to my checkup. It was really nice having you there.
02:09That's what family's for. But now I have to pretend like we don't know each other and just be your patient advocate.
02:19Have you given any more thought to adding your baby to the family?
02:35Have you given any more thought to adding your baby's father's information to your medical file?
02:41Hi, Nina, come on in.
02:43I offer you something, but I'm actually on my way out. Just a minute.
02:47Oh, no, I just came over to thank you for putting me in touch with Portia.
02:50You know, ever since we talked, I am pretty confident that we are going to be able to deal with our mutual Drew problem.
02:56Ah, that's great. But just for safety, don't tell me another word about it, okay?
03:01Hey, where are you going that has you rushing?
03:04Um, I have to bring Avery over to Sonny's, and I don't want to be late.
03:09Since when do you hurry to go see a man that clearly hates you?
03:17Hi, Dr. Gannon, this is Christina Crenzos-Davis.
03:20Um, I'm just calling because I have a question for you about my father's heart condition.
03:27Your pills. Why didn't you help him?
03:31I just need to know, worst case scenario, what could happen if he does have another episode,
03:36and he doesn't, in fact, have his meds on him.
03:39Um, if you could just call me back, please, as soon as you can, I would really appreciate it. Thank you.
03:51Ava kept your meds from you?
03:53Come on, Sonny, she could have killed you.
03:56It's going to take a lot more than Ava Jerome to do that.
03:58Okay, from what you just told me, the only reason that you're alive is Christina was able to get you the pills.
04:02She's not going to be around all the time.
04:04I'm going to be a lot more careful in the future. It was my fault. I let her get to me.
04:08She stressed my heart out, but you know what? My surgery's going to fix that.
04:12Okay, no, it's all the more reason to get the surgery right now.
04:14I'm not going to lie around while my family is in danger.
04:20Come in.
04:22Sorry to interrupt, fellas.
04:24Uh, that's okay. What do you got?
04:26I got a lead on the man who almost burned Michael to death.
04:32Hey, what are you doing home? I thought you'd be at Deception.
04:35Oh, I, uh, I had some work I needed to finish, so I'd rather do it here than at the office.
04:40Lulu better not be harassing you.
04:42No, she isn't. Actually, she quit yesterday.
04:47So, why don't you seem happier now that she's gone?
04:52It's not that I'm not happy yet. Just, I'm surprised by the reason she quit.
04:59Which was?
05:05I'm flattered, but I also get the feeling you set that killer high compased to distract yourself.
05:13And I'm kind of feeling the same way right now.
05:17I wish I could say you were wrong, but Councilman Boyle approached me yesterday,
05:23and he suggested that I distance myself from Laura.
05:28Boyle thinks that Laura's relationship with Sonny is compromising her integrity.
05:33And he thinks I should exploit that by positioning myself to nudge Laura aside and slide into the mayor's seat myself.
05:41That's pretty shady.
05:43But he may have a point about Mayor Collins and Sonny.
05:46I know. But the thing that bugs me the most about this is that I agree with him.
05:54The man who planted the incendiary device in your penthouse's name's Lisky.
05:58He's a contract killer. Ex-intelligence.
06:00That explains Valentine's connection.
06:03Yeah, so if somebody wants to hire this guy, how do they get in touch?
06:06As far as I can tell, the only way to do it is on the dark web.
06:08That's one of the reasons it was so difficult to locate him.
06:10How did we find this guy?
06:12I said it was difficult. I didn't say it was impossible.
06:14It took some maneuvering, but I managed to track him down.
06:17He never stays in one place too long, but he's in Toronto right now.
06:21Nice work, Rick.
06:23I can have the plane filled up and be in Toronto in one hour.
06:27Sorry, I didn't call beforehand. Mom said you were here.
06:32Can I come in?
06:34Yes, sure. Of course. Yeah.
06:36So, uh, what's, what's going on? Is everything okay?
06:42It's, it's not.
06:45I want my sister back.
06:48From the very beginning, you made it very clear that you didn't want the father involved.
06:52But since then, it's come out that Jason is the father.
06:56So, I just wanted to touch base with you
06:59to see if you've learned anything.
07:02So, I just wanted to touch base with you
07:05to see if you've reconsidered adding his info to your file.
07:10I, um, I appreciate you checking in.
07:14But, um, even if everyone knows who my baby's father is,
07:19that doesn't mean that I want him involved.
07:22This is so good. What did I do to deserve this?
07:25Maybe I just wanted an excuse to see you today.
07:29Well, I'm glad you found one.
07:31Because this is the best chicken parm I've ever had.
07:34I didn't even know they had a place in Port Charles that made it this good.
07:37They don't. I got it from Lorenzo's.
07:40Lorenzo's, like, New York? New York?
07:43Yeah, yeah, New York, yes. How?
07:45I had my ways.
07:49I remember the first time I had this.
07:52I do, too. It was with you.
07:55We had a, we had a pretty good day in the city.
07:58It seems like forever ago.
08:01It's not that long ago, right?
08:07How would you like to go away for the weekend?
08:12Just the two of us.
08:14Wow, you're full of surprises today.
08:16I just figure you can have more of this, straight out of the oven, as much as you want.
08:21What do you say?
08:23Let me take you back to New York.
08:27So, how have you been? Anything exciting going on?
08:30I'm seeing you. That's pretty exciting in my book.
08:33Right back at you.
08:35So, you are here to get tested for kidney disease.
08:39I'm not having a problem, but I have high blood pressure, so I decided to be proactive.
08:44Good for you.
08:46And the urine and blood test will give us a good picture of your overall kidney health.
08:49That's what the article I read said.
08:51And since diabetes and high blood pressure account for two-thirds of kidney disease cases,
08:56there was no good reason for me to put off being tested.
08:59When it comes to taking charge of your health, there never is.
09:04I have nothing but respect for Laura.
09:07She's a great mayor.
09:09And it probably wouldn't bother me if it weren't for the McConkie Esplanade.
09:14If Laura had moved the project to Sunnys Pier, she could have revitalized that whole area.
09:20And it would have been a huge blow to Sunny's criminal enterprise.
09:23Maybe she had reasons not to go against Sunny right then.
09:27Yeah, there were a lot of reasons.
09:29But ultimately, we decided that it would probably be best not to move the Esplanade to Sunny's Pier.
09:37But a mayor who wasn't as close to Sunny might have made a stronger case
09:44for kicking a mob boss out of an area that needs to be revitalized.
09:50I'm starting to realize that Laura will never see Sunny as the civic danger that he is.
10:01The fighting between Rick and I has gotten to be just too much.
10:04For Molly, it upsets her. It's just too much.
10:07Well, that doesn't surprise me. I've seen it in action.
10:10No one can goad you into a fight quite like Rick.
10:13Right. And every time he goads me, I respond, which delights him and upsets Molly.
10:18And I can't live with either of those things.
10:20So, I'm going to suck it up and reach a truce with Rick.
10:24Then I will leave you to it. But I advise you to double down on the meditation.
10:27No, no, no. Don't go. Because I think I need someone to referee.
10:31I'm worried this thing is going to go off the rails.
10:33I accept. Thank you for asking me.
10:35I'm very curious as to see how this is going to play out.
10:39Do I have time to make popcorn before he gets here?
10:44So much has changed in the past two years.
10:47People I love and thought would be here forever are just gone.
10:53But you're not. And you're still here.
10:59Yeah. But it's not like we're really in each other's lives.
11:05Yeah, but does it have to be like that?
11:08Because the way we are right now, it breaks my heart.
11:11I don't want to just see you in a crisis.
11:14I want to be like we were before all this happened.
11:18And I just, I miss Sam so much.
11:23And the idea that I'm going to go the rest of my life without her,
11:26I just, I don't want to do it without you too.
11:30But if you're okay with the way things are,
11:33and you don't feel like we can get back to how we were,
11:36then just, um, let's just say so.
11:39You have told me several times that handing Avery off to Sonny
11:43was the worst thing about your week.
11:45And now you're rushing to go see him? What changed?
11:49Oh, he's just very particular about the dates and times. That's all.
11:53So you agreed to a 50-50 custody arrangement?
11:56Yeah. Yes, absolutely. And I'm grateful.
11:58And to show that I'm grateful, I like to be on time.
12:01Also, it's good for Avery to see her parents getting along.
12:04Yeah. There's no question about that.
12:06And we really are trying.
12:08In fact, Sonny and I had a very illuminating conversation recently.
12:13It must have been some conversation.
12:17It was.
12:19I'm seeing Sonny with fresh eyes now.
12:23Jason's right. If you're going to move on Zelinski, you need to do it now.
12:26He can leave Toronto any time.
12:28Any idea where to find him?
12:30He's rented two properties, an apartment and a warehouse.
12:33Odds are he's at one of them.
12:35That's good. I just got to figure out how to cover both locations without him getting away.
12:39Any chance Zelinski was tipped off that we're after him?
12:43I was real careful when I asked, but honestly, there's no way to be sure.
12:47I'll take precautions. He won't see me coming.
12:50He's very, very careful, Jason. Almost to the point of paranoia.
12:54And even if you get the drop on him, he still will be very dangerous.
12:59Coming after me is dangerous.
13:04We could spend the weekend in Manhattan, have some nice meals, get tickets to a show if you feel like it,
13:10or just see where the streets take us.
13:13You know, when I was a teenager, I went on a similar trip with this guy I know.
13:18Really? Tell me about it.
13:21Well, I wanted to apply to art school, so this friend of mine,
13:26we went down to the city to drop off my application in person, but then we missed the last bus home.
13:33So we had to hang out in the city all night long.
13:37Doesn't sound too bad. Did you have a good time?
13:57Come on. Do it.
14:05I had the time of my life.
14:08I've been around ever since Lulu woke up. What did I do now that made it so she had to quit?
14:13You dropped by, had a little chat.
14:17Of course she told you that.
14:21You know, don't get me wrong, I was going to tell you myself, but Lulu inevitably just has to pass along information.
14:28It doesn't matter that it's not her business. It doesn't matter that you might not be ready to hear it.
14:32And it doesn't matter that her blabbing could upend your entire life. Lulu's just got to say it.
14:38And that's all that matters.
14:40That is her way.
14:42Well, her way needs to change. And I dropped by to tell her that.
14:46Grace, I love you for looking out for me. You know that, right?
14:50It's the least I can do.
14:52No, it isn't. I want to protect you, too.
14:56Lulu said that you threatened to arrest her if she didn't let this go.
15:01Lulu wouldn't know anything about you and Dante if she didn't break into Martin Grace Hotel room.
15:05Okay, but threatening her and using your badge to do it, that's not who you are.
15:09Just because I don't show that side of me very often, it doesn't mean it's not there.
15:13Brooklyn, I will do whatever it takes to keep you and your secret safe.
15:19So I'm going to just push back on one small thing, okay?
15:25Your baby's father may not be involved in your lives, but you won't be raising this baby alone.
15:32Not if we Scorpios have anything to say about it.
15:36Molly, look, there's been plenty of times I wanted to pick up the phone and call you
15:41and wish things could go back to the way they used to be, but they're just not.
15:47And I don't... I don't know if they ever will be again.
15:52Well, maybe we can find a new normal.
15:56You, me, and Mom, who might need this even more than we do.
16:00What do you have in mind?
16:03Small stuff.
16:04You know, start with Noodle Buddha and a movie.
16:07Maybe a cheesy rom-com we've seen a million times, so it doesn't matter if we talk through it.
16:15Or a legal thriller.
16:16Because nothing is more fun than watching our mother's head explode from the legal inaccuracies.
16:21She can never let it go.
16:22She can't.
16:23Remember that time she almost wrote a letter to that director, complaining?
16:29Who cares, Mom?
16:30She does.
16:31She really does.
16:32She does.
16:33She really does.
16:38I missed you, Malz.
16:41Even when I tried not to.
16:45I miss hearing you call me Malz.
16:48It feels like home.
16:51And these days, sometimes I really just want to be home with you and Mom.
16:56Yeah, me too.
17:02I love you.
17:04Whoever that is really knows how to kill moments.
17:16Don't get me wrong.
17:17Sonny's done a lot for the community.
17:19And he's donated enormous sums of money to the hospital over the years.
17:23But his generosity doesn't change the fact that he's been engaged in illegal activities for years.
17:29I know, but at least he does a lot of good with his money.
17:35And then there's the good guys like Ezra Boyle and Drew Quartermain who ostensibly follow the law.
17:42But after two minutes with them, I come out trusting Sonny more than either one of them.
17:49Congressman Kane's hands can't be clean if he's working with people like Sidwell.
17:54I know.
17:55I know.
17:56And if I have to choose, I'm going with Laura and Sonny.
18:00But if things were different, and I was running City Hall, I'd be a mayor who finally stood up to him.
18:09Thank you for tracking down Siliski.
18:11And we're going to handle it from here.
18:15I assume you mean you're going to send a team after him, right?
18:20Going up against this guy is going to be dangerous.
18:24A major operation for anyone, especially somebody who's about to have surgery in two weeks, honey.
18:30I'm going to make it to that surgery, I promise.
18:39You know where to find me if you need me.
18:47Alright, I'm heading to Toronto right now to track him down.
18:50You mean we.
18:51I'm going with you.
18:55Oh, this is the first song on the mixtape you made me.
18:59The one we listened to on our way to New York.
19:13You're not going to believe this, but I found the hotel that we stayed at during our time in New York.
19:19The place where you slept on the floor?
19:22Well, where we slept on the floor.
19:39I hope the carpet is as comfortable as it was back then.
19:42Because I booked a room for us.
19:52This is my work alarm. My shift is about to start.
19:57This is one of those times where I wish I didn't have the job that I have.
20:12Hang on. You didn't actually say whether you wanted to go to New York with me or not.
20:18You knew the answer before you even asked.
20:22And this time, neither of us will sleep on the floor.
20:30Oh, you have a wonderful time, sweetheart. And I'll see you soon, okay?
20:34Bye, Mommy.
20:35Okay, bye.
20:36Um, Pilar is in the playroom. Would you mind taking Avery to her, please?
20:42Okay, let's go find Pilar.
20:49I was hoping Sonny would be here when I dropped Avery off.
20:52Well, he's not, so you can...
20:55That was quite a scene the other day, wasn't it?
20:59Sonny's attack came on so suddenly. I mean, one minute he was raging at me and the next he was doubled over in pain.
21:06Is your father seeing a doctor for help with whatever that was?
21:10You know, that's really none of your business, Eva.
21:12Actually, it is. If Sonny isn't well enough to take care of our daughter, then I should. Full time.
21:19Now, you may not agree with me on that, but I'm pretty certain a judge will.
21:37Thank you for coming.
21:39Thank you for coming.
21:40Yes, of course. I'm glad you called.
21:43Alexis, I owe you an apology.
21:45Huh? What?
21:47Well, yes, you do.
21:50But you're actually doing it?
21:54Look, we have had a long and very difficult history, you and I, and we're always going to have significant differences between the two of us on just about everything.
22:02But I realize that baiting you into one pointless argument after another is not only unfair to you, it is unfair to our daughter.
22:11And I am truly sorry, Alexis.
22:17You're right. Very unfair to Molly.
22:20I mean, I don't think we're ever going to be friends, but at least we can be two neutral parties with a common interest in our daughter, who we both love very much.
22:27If you don't mind my asking, where is this coming from?
22:33Cody Bell. He gave me a little bit of perspective the other day at the PCPD when we were all together.
22:39Okay. I accept your apology.
22:43Good. And I accept yours.
22:46I didn't apologize.
22:49There's still time.
22:50Yeah, I think we should just quit while we're ahead.
22:57So we're really doing this?
23:02A veritable detente.
23:04You should shake on it.
23:16It's quiet. I guess Eva's gone.
23:18Oh, that woman. She makes my blood boil.
23:21I know. I wish my dad would just stay away from her. I don't know why they spend so much time together.
23:26But at least we have a night with mom to look forward to. That'll keep our minds off Eva.
23:31I just wish I never had to even think about Eva Jerome again.
23:35Now I want to make sure I get the UACR urine test.
23:39You will. You know, I see you work around the hospital and I'm impressed, but this just puts you over at the top.
23:46What are you talking about?
23:47You taking steps for preventative care like this and having done your research. We should all be this engaged in our health care.
23:54Well, I believe when it comes to my health, knowledge is power.
23:59Then you, my friend, are pretty powerful.
24:05Have you and Jason discussed whether his name would be on the birth certificate?
24:11Well, we already agreed that he wouldn't be involved, so having his name on an official record would only complicate things.
24:20Especially because it would give him legal rights to the child.
24:25Listen, you're the mother. You get to make all the decisions here, but I would advise you to get everything settled before the baby's born.
24:32The last thing I want for you is for Jason to file a paternity test later and insist on having his name added to the birth certificate.
24:41Jason would never do that.
24:43Oh, Sasha, there's nothing more precious than a baby and you don't know that Jason won't feel that way at some point and change his mind.
24:51Just talk to him. Make sure he's okay with all of this. You don't want to leave anything open for interpretation later.
25:00The last thing you should be doing is going to Toronto to chase down a professional killer.
25:03No one knows how long Solis is going to be in Toronto. Just can't wait till after my surgery.
25:08That's why I'm going tonight alone. You coming along is too much of a risk.
25:12We've dealt with far worse than Soliski in the past. I'm going to have my medication and everything's going to be fine.
25:18Sonny, there's too many things that can go wrong. What if you're having an episode and you can't get your pills?
25:22What if Soliski finds you in the middle of an episode? What if you have an attack and the pills don't work?
25:30You know, I'm at risk for kidney disease because I have diabetes.
25:33I read that people with high blood pressure or diabetes should get tested.
25:37Right, and I took the same two tests as you.
25:39Well, good for you.
25:40There's no reason not to be proactive. I mean, as many as 90% of people with kidney disease don't know they have the condition
25:49because they may not have symptoms until the disease has progressed far enough to cause irreversible damage to their kidneys.
25:56Well, given my high blood pressure, past medical history, race, age, and the fact that the test was pretty simple for me,
26:03I decided to make sure all my bases were covered.
26:07Good. It takes two, both a urine test and a blood test, to screen for kidney disease.
26:12And taking charge of your kidney health can help reduce the potential for serious complications down the road
26:18and may also uncover cardiovascular risk.
26:21I'm all for that.
26:23Lulu has definitely taken this whole thing too far.
26:26I don't even think she's upset with me for not telling Dante as a child.
26:31I think she's upset with Dante for not telling her that we'd have passed together.
26:35So Dante didn't tell her about a teenage hookup. It doesn't affect her unlike the rest of us.
26:40She's too self-centered and self-righteous to see that.
26:43Well, then she's blind. Her life hasn't changed.
26:46She doesn't have to see the father of her child every day or sit next to him at work or consider him his best friend.
26:53And her going on about it like this is just rubbing it in.
26:56Chase, I can't imagine how hard this is for you.
27:02I would do anything to change it.
27:05I know.
27:07Look, it's not your fault. It's not even a fault thing.
27:13You had a baby with my best friend.
27:17And knowing that is something I just have to get used to.
27:21I just never expected it.
27:23How could you? I never expected the hard things to happen in my life or the good.
27:28Like you, I never ever expected to meet someone like you.
27:34I never expected to meet someone like you either.
27:37Well, is it good that you did?
27:40Hey, Mom. Oh, Dad.
27:43What are you doing here?
27:45Your mother and I just had a very long overdue conversation.
27:49I'll let her fill you in.
27:52Dinner this week?
28:00Always a pleasure.
28:06Oh, my gosh.
28:08Oh, that was so much more than I could have even hoped for.
28:10I'm thoroughly exhausted.
28:12Thank you for inviting me.
28:14I will let the two of you catch up.
28:16And I will see you later.
28:18Oh, yeah.
28:20Okay, did Dad come here to pick a fight?
28:24I invited him here because what you said to me at the PCPD really hit home.
28:29And I was going to call a truce, but he did it before I had the chance.
28:34You're kidding.
28:36Is he dying?
28:37I don't think so.
28:39Anyway, Cody spoke to him, and whatever he said got to Rick.
28:45If anybody was going to talk sense to Dad, I wouldn't have put my money on Cody.
28:49Well, it doesn't happen often, but today your father was the bigger person.
28:54And for your sake, I was happy to accept the olive branch.
29:00I would never try and steal Laura's job.
29:04But if I had my choice, I would stay as far away from Sonny Correntos as possible.
29:10Oh, hold that thought.
29:20I didn't know you were back in town.
29:23I was going to be here on business.
29:24Wanted to see if you were free for dinner.
29:29Nice to see you.
29:30Hello again.
29:33Um, I'm sorry, Rick, but I have plans tonight.
29:38I can see that.
29:41I know you're worried about me,
29:44but this bastard Salisky is a real reason why my son is in a burn clinic in Germany in unbelievable pain.
29:53Now, it's going to stress me out if I don't go, not knowing what's going to happen.
29:58I'd rather go with you and get, you know, make sure the job's done.
30:02I'm just not.
30:04I'm just not sure about this.
30:06Yeah, OK, but you know what?
30:08Maybe taking down Salisky will be a stress reliever.
30:14Look, as much as we both want him to suffer, he's just a middleman.
30:19Somebody hired him to take you out.
30:21We need to know who hired him.
30:25Yeah, we need to know the name of our real enemy.
30:34Looks like you two are a couple now.
30:36Good for you.
30:38I'll leave you all to enjoy your evening.
30:40Rick, wait.
30:42I need you to do me a favor.
30:44Please don't tell anyone that you know Isaiah and I are dating.
30:48Is that request coming from you or from your new boyfriend?
30:52If it were up to me, the whole world would know that I was seeing Jordan.
30:56She has her reasons for keeping our relationship a secret.
31:00And I promised her I'd honor them.
31:02For Jordan's sake, I'll do the same.
31:05Thank you, Rick.
31:08Oh, by the way, I heard some very questionable things about your family.
31:14For your sake, I hope you're no part of that.
31:19Good night.
31:20Good night.
31:28So, what was that about?
31:31I guess you looked into me.
31:33You didn't ask him to, did you?
31:35No. If there's anything I want to know about you, I trust you to tell me yourself.
31:42All right.
31:46Meeting you is the best thing that ever happened to me.
31:50You are a remarkable man.
31:52My remarkable man.
31:55But Chase, you gotta promise me something.
31:57Whatever Lulu or anyone else does, you will not compromise your remarkable self or your values, okay?
32:04I won't.
32:06You know, most of the time I feel like I got my arms wrapped around this thing, but something will happen.
32:11And it sets me off and I have to regroup.
32:14Maybe if I wrap my arms around you, we could regroup together.
32:18It couldn't hurt.
32:20You got this.
32:24You deserve some credit here, too, Mom.
32:26Despite all the reasons Dad has given you over the years not to accept his offer of a truce, you did.
32:32I hope you know how much that means to me.
32:34Yeah, it was a lot easier than I thought it would be because I was doing it for you.
32:39I love you, honey.
32:41I love you, too.
32:43So, I'm always happy to see you, but is there a particular reason for this visit?
32:48Actually, there is.
32:50I went to see Christina.
32:53We talked.
32:55Like, really talked for the first time in a long time.
32:59And we're going to take things slow, but Christina and I both really want to try to get back to how things used to be.
33:06We even talked about doing a Davis Girls night, order food, watch a movie.
33:11I was hoping you would come, too.
33:14I wouldn't miss it for the world.
33:27Is that your car parked in my spot?
33:30Oh, yeah.
33:31All of the visitor spots were taken up with construction equipment.
33:36So, park on the street.
33:38Well, I just got my car washed.
33:40And you don't care that I had to park on the street.
33:44You know what?
33:45I'm in too good a mood to fight.
33:50I just had the most unbelievable conversation with Alexis.
33:55How bad was it this time?
33:56Oh, no, no.
33:57Quite the opposite.
33:58The last thing I expected happened.
34:01Alexis and I made peace.
34:04It's a whole new era for me and the Davis clan.
34:11Ava, open the damn door.
34:17We are going to finish this once and for all.
34:24Hi, Jason.
34:25I am just leaving my check up.
34:26Everything's good.
34:28But there is something we need to take care of.
34:39Everything okay?
34:42I'm sure it's going to be fine.
34:43You sure I can't change your mind?
34:46The only way we're going to find out who's trying to kill me is through Salisky.
34:53And since he couldn't do it last time,
35:02the contract is still out.
35:09I'm not going to let him or anyone else come after my family again.