00:00Oh, that's a nice smile.
00:02That's got to be because of your kids.
00:04They've got to be so happy to be reunited, right?
00:06Actually, they're arguing over a phone charger,
00:09but I'm just so happy to see my kids,
00:12even when they're fighting.
00:13Yes, I feel the same way about you and Lucky.
00:16Oh, speaking of Lucky, uh...
00:19you don't have to spend the night on the couch.
00:22You can take Lucky's room, because he's going to be
00:25staying over at Elizabeth's house tonight.
00:28Oh, really?
00:29I didn't ask. It's none of my business.
00:33But I'm so happy they're spending time together.
00:36Me too.
00:38And his room will be great for tonight, but...
00:42Mom, I think it's time the kids and I find our own place.
00:53How come you came to get me?
00:55I was getting ready for bed at Mommy's house.
00:57I brushed my teeth and everything.
00:59Well, I am so glad that you brushed your teeth.
01:03but you're here because you're going to be staying here
01:06for a few days.
01:07Mommy didn't tell me she was going somewhere.
01:10Where'd she go? Is she okay?
01:12Okay, she's fine. She's fine. Everything's fine.
01:15Listen, your mom is in the hospital.
01:19Why? What happened?
01:24Oh, good. You're awake.
01:26How are you feeling?
01:28I'm better.
01:29I mean, but I still feel terrible.
01:31This is without a doubt the sickest I've ever been.
01:34Well, I'm just glad that you're doing okay.
01:37We don't see many cases of polonium poisoning.
01:41Unless, of course, we're dealing with the WSB.
01:49Oh, hey.
01:50Um, your grandma called,
01:52and she says that she lost one of her bingo balls,
01:55and she's wondering if she left it here.
01:57Have you seen her B12?
02:01Brooklyn, look,
02:04we can't keep going on like this.
02:06I know that you are upset,
02:08but what's done is done,
02:10and, you know, we should just respect the choices
02:14that were made and put everything in the vault,
02:17like your grandma said, and then we can move forward.
02:21Easy for you to say.
02:23This is easy for me, Brooklyn.
02:27It never has been easy for me.
02:30Honey, I know that you hate
02:32that I told Gloria about your baby,
02:35but, come on, she's my mom.
02:37I needed to confide in someone
02:39just like you needed to confide in me, honey.
02:42And if you can't understand that,
02:44can't you at least respect it?
02:46I can respect that you told Grandma everything
02:49if you respect that I told Chase everything.
02:54I heard about the APV out on Valentine.
02:57Is it true? Is he back in Port Charles?
03:00Yeah. He broke into Sonny's house,
03:02then he tried to break into Laura's place.
03:05Wanted to get Charlotte before he took off.
03:08Did he actually manage to see Charlotte?
03:11No, Charlotte wasn't there.
03:13Lulu and Laura were, and they wouldn't have let that happen.
03:16You know, I got to be honest,
03:18the only thing about that guy I understand
03:20is his love for Charlotte.
03:22He wanted to see his daughter, but Father wouldn't.
03:29It's the end of the line, old friend.
03:33You were free.
03:35Anna let you go.
03:37Why the hell didn't you just take on you, idiot?
03:40You tried to murder me in front of my daughter.
03:43Charlotte could have been collateral damage.
03:46You were begging for retaliation.
03:48At the very least, you erased any history
03:51or friendship we ever had.
03:53You're damn right about that.
03:55Your poison champagne nearly killed Carly.
03:57Instead, all you did was seal your own fate.
04:09Oh, I'm gonna miss you all so much.
04:11I mean, I knew that this day would come eventually,
04:14and especially now that Charlotte's home,
04:16I'm sure you want to get your own place
04:19and put down broods and, you know,
04:22create your own family traditions.
04:26Can't wait to have a house that the kids can call home,
04:29and of course you'll have a key because you'll be
04:31a huge part of those family traditions.
04:34I want all of those things for you too, sweetheart.
04:37I'm just gonna miss you, that's all.
04:41Part of me wishes I could stay here forever.
04:44But I'm actually kind of excited too, Mom.
04:49It feels like my life is finally starting
04:53now that Charlotte's finally back,
04:55and I just can't wait to have a house where my kids live in,
04:59even if they're fighting over cell phone chargers and drawers.
05:02I know. I really do get it.
05:05I mean, you were away from them for so long, so...
05:09Of course now you just want to spend every single moment with them
05:12that you possibly can. I mean, what parent wouldn't?
05:16The last thing Charlotte needs is Valentine
05:18dropping back into her life.
05:21What if Valentine only sent Charlotte home as a distraction
05:27to divert attention away from himself?
05:30Sounds like something Valentine would do, right?
05:32I mean, there's no way this guy's just gonna let go of his daughter.
05:36He's gonna lie, sure, and say he's doing everything for the right reasons,
05:39but he's a father. He's not gonna abandon his child.
05:43Yeah, it's a tough situation.
05:46Given everything that's happened with Valentine and his family,
05:49do you think that Lulu would have been better off not knowing about Charlotte?
05:53I'm a little confused here.
05:55I thought you decided you weren't gonna tell Chase who the baby's father is.
06:01I wasn't, but finding out that Grandma has known about my baby all along
06:05started thinking about this whole baby situation a little differently.
06:08In what way?
06:10Finding out that someone I love, someone I trust,
06:14has been keeping something so important from me,
06:17has made me question my entire relationship with Grandma.
06:20Like, what other secrets are the two of you keeping from me just to keep the peace?
06:24Good! No, it's not like—
06:26I don't want Chase to ever feel the way I feel right now.
06:30I don't want any secrets between us, and that's why I told him.
06:33So the reason I told Chase is actually because of you, Ma?
06:37Well, I wish you hadn't done that, Brooklyn.
06:40Because you have put a terrible burden on Chase.
06:45Mama's gonna be okay.
06:47She just, um, she drank something and made her a little sick.
06:51What was it?
06:53It's nothing for you to worry about.
06:55Um, she's with the doctor and she just needs to rest.
06:59Okay. Can we go see Mommy?
07:02Yeah. Listen, tomorrow morning, Pilar's coming by,
07:05and we're all gonna go see Mommy after school.
07:08Yay! Can we bring her a present?
07:11Yeah, whatever. Think about something that you want to get her,
07:14and then we can pick it up on the way to see her.
07:22I love you and Mommy so much.
07:24I don't want anything to happen to either of you.
07:26And guess what?
07:28I love you very much.
07:30And nothing is ever gonna happen to us.
07:33You understand?
07:37I'm right, aren't I?
07:39Your poisoning had something to do with Jack Brennan.
07:43Yes, but it wasn't Jack's fault.
07:46It was Valentine. He was trying to kill Jack.
07:48I know what you're doing, Carly.
07:50You're trying to rationalize the situation
07:53so that it'll make sense in your mind.
07:55I'm familiar with the mental gymnastics that you have to do
07:58when you're trying to justify the danger
08:00that someone else has put you in.
08:03Jack can't be responsible for what Valentine does.
08:07I just was in the wrong place at the wrong time
08:10with the wrong drink. That's it.
08:12Exactly. And all three of those things
08:15lead back to Jack Brennan.
08:18I know you're trying to look out for me, Alicia. I do.
08:21But I've been here before. I was married to Sonny.
08:24I've been in similar situations where his business put me in danger.
08:28Brennan isn't Sonny.
08:30I'm not trying to pretend that Sonny's life isn't dangerous.
08:34But the WSB, it's on a whole nother level.
08:37Sonny's enemies are mostly in Port Charles and known to him.
08:41Brennan's are all over the world and much more covert.
08:45But Jack can take care of himself.
08:47That's exactly right.
08:49Jack is always going to have to be looking over his shoulder.
08:52But the danger around Sonny comes and it goes.
08:57When you're in the WSB, it never ends.
09:00And you in this hospital bed is proof of that.
09:04My fate was sealed the moment I met you, old friend.
09:08You talk a good game, but you don't leave anyone's life better than you found it.
09:12I didn't have to do anything to yours.
09:14You couldn't help but shred it to pieces yourself.
09:17You are wrong about one thing, though.
09:19If I had tried to kill you, you'd be dead.
09:21That sniper in Prague, that wasn't my call. I had nothing to do with it.
09:26If I'm holding a gun on you, why would I bother to lie?
09:29And at least in Germany, when you came after me, at least that was between you and me.
09:33But then you involved Carly.
09:35And that took us past the point of no return.
09:37Are we talking about Carly?
09:39Okay, I admit I was sloppy.
09:41I should have made sure you were drinking champagne by yourself.
09:43But what has she got to do with it?
09:45I know you, Jack. Carly's your flavor of the morning.
09:47I know you, Jack. Carly's your flavor of the morning.
09:49You are going to want to watch the words that are coming out of your mouth.
09:53Oh, my God. You've fallen for Carly Spencer.
09:57That is rich.
10:00All these years, you said I was weak for having feelings for Anna Devane.
10:04You said she was my Achilles' heel.
10:06You said she clouded my judgment.
10:08You were high and mighty, and now look at you.
10:10Carly Spencer? Carly Spencer?
10:12Anna Devane is Anna Devane. Carly Spencer?
10:39Not every parent gets the opportunity to make up for lost time with their kids.
10:44But you will.
10:46And you all deserve that time.
10:56I'm going to take this.
10:57Oh, sure.
11:01Hi, Laura. It's Sonny.
11:03Um, I know I'm sorry to call so late.
11:06I was just wondering if there's any way you can come by my place.
11:10Uh, there's something that I need to tell you.
11:13And I can't really leave because Donna's here.
11:17I'll get there as soon as I can.
11:19What is this about?
11:21I'll fill you in when you get here, but, uh, it's important.
11:25Would Lulu's life be easier if she didn't know about Charlotte?
11:30Yeah, maybe.
11:31But Lulu would trade easy for Charlotte every day of the week.
11:34Her life is so much better for having Charlotte in it.
11:38I mean, when she found out about Charlotte being hers, she just stepped up.
11:42Like you or I or any other decent person would.
11:46Anyone can see how much Lulu adores Charlotte.
11:49How much she missed her.
11:52That's why we've got to do everything we can to make sure Valentin can't do any more damage to Lulu or Charlotte or anybody else.
11:58And I'm going to go to the hospital right now and get Carly's statement.
12:02Maybe she'll give us something to help track down Valentin.
12:04Well, I'll certainly let you know if she does.
12:08What exactly is this terrible burden I've put on Chase?
12:13You gave him a big, heavy secret that he has to carry around with him and he can't share it with anyone.
12:20Not even with his best friend.
12:22You don't think that's going to cause some sort of a rift between him and Dante?
12:27Because I believe it will.
12:28I do know how close Chase and Dante are.
12:32How close Chase and Dante are.
12:34I've agonized for months over whether or not to tell Chase everything.
12:38I just wish I had known that you were going to tell him.
12:41Why, so you could try to stop me?
12:44My relationship is with Chase, Ma.
12:47Not you.
12:48You and I also have a relationship.
12:51It is different, of course, but it's something.
12:54Well, right now my relationship with Chase is more important.
12:57And I do know how difficult it will be for him to keep this from Dante.
13:01But it was you and Grandma who gave me the little push to finally be honest with him.
13:06What did Chase say when you told him?
13:09I mean, he agreed not to say anything to Dante, right?
13:14Get out of my way.
13:15You can't help Valentin, not this time.
13:18Uh, I'm going to bring him in.
13:20No, it's too late for that.
13:21You don't get to make that call.
13:23Just let Brennan handle this.
13:25Okay, Brennan is handling this.
13:28What the hell are you doing here?
13:30Why, are you some kind of backup?
13:32If Brennan doesn't kill him, you will?
13:34You already helped Valentin get away once and you regret it.
13:36This has to end right now.
13:37This has nothing to do with my regret.
13:39This is because Valentin hurt Carly.
13:42And you want him dead.
13:44I'm not going to let you do that.
13:49Let go of me.
13:53Let me go!
13:56Who'd have thought we'd end up like this, huh, Jack?
13:59Yeah, well, time passes, things change.
14:01Some people make unfortunate decisions.
14:04I don't blame you.
14:06I did try to kill you in Germany for almost hurting my daughter.
14:09But if you truly care about Carly, then I guess turnabout is fair play.
14:14All's fair in love and war.
14:17Goodbye, old friend.
14:19Drop the gun now!
14:29Couldn't help but notice there are an awful lot of men carrying weapons around this place tonight.
14:34Yeah, that wasn't my first choice.
14:38Can I get you something to drink?
14:40No, no, no, thanks.
14:44What's wrong?
14:45Nothing, nothing, it's just, I don't know.
14:48I guess it's that I'm not used to seeing you in this place instead of Valentin.
14:54It's funny that you mention Valentin, because he's actually why I called you here.
14:59Look, I know you gave Anna a rundown of the events.
15:02I was wondering if I could take your statement officially on the record.
15:06Yeah, of course, I'd like to get it out while it's still fresh on my mind.
15:09That's my cue to leave you two alone to talk.
15:12I would like you to stay.
15:14It's nice having you here.
15:16Yeah, I would be happy to stay, if you're sure.
15:24Go ahead.
15:26Start at the top.
15:28Why don't you tell me what you're doing up in Jack Brenner's room?
15:33You need to stay out of it this time, Anna.
15:35Jack, this isn't the way to handle it. Come on.
15:39Killing an unarmed man is murder.
15:41It's cold-blooded revenge.
15:44Valentin needs to be brought in and he needs to stand trial.
15:47You really think that's going to happen?
15:48Yes, I know it will.
15:49I also know the WSB wouldn't want this to end in bloodshed between the two of you.
15:52How do you know? Has the WSB contacted you?
15:54Of course not.
15:55The Bureau doesn't care what happens to Kassadin as long as he's dealt with.
15:58Are you under orders?
16:00The WSB may not have expressly ordered me to do this, but I know they'll be glad to be rid of him.
16:04Jack, we were so close once.
16:07We all came up through the Academy together.
16:09We had each other's backs.
16:12If you're not willing to spare him because of the law,
16:15do it for the friends that we once were.
16:17You're trying to tug at my heartstrings, Anna?
16:19It's not going to work.
16:21I know you will do or say anything to save Valentin.
16:24No, I won't. You have my word.
16:27If I let him go, I know you'll just find another way to release him, like last time.
16:31You walk away now, and this still ends tonight.
16:36Valentin will stand trial in a court of law, but I need to be the one to do it.
16:47Let me guess. Dante told you Valentin's back in town and he sent you over to stand guard over me and the kids?
16:58No. This isn't about protecting your family. It's about protecting mine.
17:04I know that this started with you trying to protect me.
17:08But let's be honest. A lot of this has been about you protecting you, too.
17:14In what way?
17:17All this time, you've been keeping the secret from people you care about.
17:22People who love you. People who have a right to know.
17:25I'm not just talking about Dante. I'm talking about Dad.
17:28I'm talking about Granny and Uncle Sonny and Olivia.
17:31One of your oldest friends and the baby's grandmother. You never even told her.
17:35Look, it kills me that I kept the secret from all those people.
17:40But not one of those people is more important to me than you are.
17:45Yeah, saving your skin is high up there, isn't it, too?
17:47Oh, Brooklyn. Look, I know that this has been hard on you, but I have no idea where all of this anger at me is coming from.
17:56I have done nothing but support you your entire life, and now it feels like you're just throwing it right back in my face.
18:02Finding out that Grandma knew this entire time changes everything.
18:07For the last two decades, I thought that I was the one who made the decision to give my baby up for adoption.
18:14You were!
18:15Was I?
18:16Or did you and Grandma secretly decide what you thought was right and then give me a little push in the direction that you thought I should go?
18:23No, Ma, you lied to me about one of the most important things in my life.
18:30And that's making me question everything.
18:33Like what?
18:35Like if I can ever trust you again.
18:45You know as well as I do, anti-agents shouldn't go against their instincts, but I'm doing it right now.
18:50I know you're going to find a way to release Kasadyne like you did last time.
18:54I'm not lying. Valentin needs to be held responsible for his crimes.
18:58Yeah, so you say. But you've lost all credibility when it comes to him.
19:02What are you going to do next?
19:04What I'm going to do next is wait for Andy to call the PCPD.
19:08Say that she has Valentin Kasadyne in custody and that she needs backup.
19:11And if she doesn't, I'm going to finish what I started.
19:22This is Commissioner Devane. I have Valentin Kasadyne in custody.
19:26I'm on Pier 55. I need backup.
19:29Copy that.
19:32Valentin broke in here earlier today.
19:37Really? So is that why you have the extra security here tonight?
19:42Yeah, I don't want him anywhere near this place again.
19:45I understand.
19:47Valentin also tried to kill you.
19:50He tried to kill me.
19:52He tried to kill me.
19:54He tried to kill me.
19:56He tried to kill me.
19:58I understand.
20:00Valentin also tried to break into my apartment earlier tonight because he wanted to see Charlotte.
20:06What do you mean he tried?
20:08Well, I told him that she wasn't there.
20:11And then Lulu and I both convinced him that even if she were there, for him to see Charlotte now would make things harder on her.
20:18And then he left.
20:21You did good.
20:26I also tried to convince him to turn himself in.
20:29You know, life on the run is a constant struggle.
20:33Nobody knows that better than I do.
20:35But, you know, he refused.
20:38Of course he did because he's a wanted man.
20:43When he came in here earlier, I could have shot him.
20:45Got away with it.
20:49Then why didn't you?
20:52Because of you.
20:53Because of me.
20:56I kept thinking if I kill Valentin, what's going to happen to the kids?
21:01Charlotte's going to, you know, won't have a father anymore.
21:05He'll be killed by the hands of Braco's grandfather.
21:11It would tear everybody apart.
21:15And your voice kept reminding me of that.
21:20And you actually listened to it.
21:23If this had been in the past, I'd have just...
21:28I'd have just shot him.
21:31Especially after he tampered with my bipolar medication.
21:36He needs to pay for that.
21:38Yeah, I understand.
21:41I am so proud of you.
21:44But, you know, I'm also a little bit confused.
21:47My influence has never stopped you before.
21:51What's changed, Sonny?
21:53I went to Jack's room because we had a fight and I wanted to clear the air.
21:58What time did you get there, do you think, and how long did you stay?
22:02I got there between 7 and 8, and I was there for a couple hours.
22:07And how did this poison drink get up to the room?
22:10Did you order it and just show up?
22:12Jack ordered champagne from room service.
22:14All right, refreshments are on the way.
22:18You see who delivered it?
22:19I'm trying to figure out if it was Valentin, if he switched the bottles, if he brought it himself.
22:22We were getting in the shower and there was a knock at the door.
22:25I'll be right back.
22:26So I went to get the champagne.
22:29The cart was out in the hall, which is standard procedure.
22:34If the guest doesn't open the door, my staff knows to leave it outside.
22:38So that wasn't unusual at all.
22:40What happened next?
22:42I drank a glass myself while Jack was getting out of the shower.
22:45And then I poured another glass for myself and for him.
22:48And what's wrong?
22:50Jack noticed that there was something wrong with the champagne bottle.
22:53Carly, don't.
22:54And he smacked the glass out of my hand, but it was too late.
22:56I already started to feel terrible.
23:01The next thing I know, I woke up here and Jack was sitting next to me.
23:04It breaks my heart to hear you say that you can't trust me, because you can.
23:12And you always could.
23:14The decision to give up your baby was yours and yours alone.
23:18Ma and I were not manipulating you.
23:20We weren't pulling any strings behind your back.
23:22I want to believe you.
23:24I just don't know what to think.
23:26Brooklyn, it was a difficult and confusing time for both of us.
23:32Baby, when you become a mother, there's no handbook that you're given
23:36that explains what you're supposed to do if your teenage daughter comes home
23:39and tells you that she's pregnant.
23:41I did the best I could to support you.
23:44I did everything I thought I could so that you knew
23:48no matter what decision you made, I was behind you.
23:51I hope you felt that.
23:53I did at the time.
23:59Well, I support you.
24:03And I always will.
24:06But what's done is done.
24:08And I think it's best to leave everything in the past.
24:11And no one else needs to know about this.
24:14Especially Dante, because it will destroy so many lives.
24:18I agree.
24:20And Chase will respect whatever I want, so...
24:23That's a relief.
24:25I'll bet.
24:27So congratulations, Ma. You're off the hook.
24:30We haven't had a chance to talk since you woke up,
24:33but I'm here to rectify that situation.
24:35I'm good with that, but why now?
24:38Because I talked to Brooklyn, and she told me everything.
24:41Unless you want Rocco and Charlotte knowing everything,
24:45I'd keep your voice down there upstairs.
24:47Fine. Brooklyn told me that she had a baby when she was younger.
24:51And Dante's the father.
24:53Well, if she told you all that, that must mean she's telling Dante too, right?
24:56Wait, are you telling him? Is that why you're here?
24:59Because Dante's not here. It's just Rocco.
25:01Nobody is telling Dante.
25:03Not Brooklyn, not me, and not you.
25:05Wow. Okay.
25:08Brooklyn also said that you've been harassing her,
25:10and I'm here to tell you to leave my wife alone.
25:15I've been thinking about life lately.
25:18What's important, what's not important.
25:22I don't care.
25:25I don't care about regrets, because that's a slippery slope.
25:29But what happened during that period,
25:31you know, what happened to our friendship was a low point for me.
25:35It affected me tremendously.
25:40And we didn't talk, we didn't, you know, we weren't close.
25:45But I just want you to know
25:50that I was thinking about you.
25:54I, um, I picked up the phone more than once to call you,
26:03and then I realized that we weren't talking.
26:10It was very hard on me too, Sonny.
26:12Yeah. I don't ever want to feel that again.
26:17I mean, I got a brother.
26:19We're not close, we've never been close.
26:21Courtney and my dad are not here anymore.
26:26But I always considered you and Luke the family that I needed.
26:39I know that you are Brooklyn's husband,
26:42but you're also Dante's best friend.
26:44Don't you think he deserves to know the truth?
26:46This is not about what I think, and it's certainly not about what you think.
26:49This is none of your business, Lulu.
26:51What do you want me to do, just forget the fact that I know that Brooklyn and Dante have a child together?
26:56No. Just get it out of your head that you have any say in who Brooklyn does or doesn't tell.
27:01I am just looking out for Dante.
27:03Are you? Or is this about you having something to hold over my wife?
27:07What are you talking about?
27:09Come on, it's not a secret that you and Brooklyn don't get along.
27:12That's why I came here myself.
27:14Brooklyn doesn't know that you're here.
27:16No. I thought you needed to hear it from someone other than Brooklyn that you need to drop this.
27:23You and Brooklyn clearly don't mind keeping secrets from each other.
27:27But I know what it's like to be in Dante's shoes.
27:31Charlotte was kept from me the first few years of her life, and it was devastating.
27:35Dante deserves to know he has a child just like I deserve to know I had mine.
27:40If you had a child out there somewhere, wouldn't you want to know?
27:44How are you doing? You must be so tired.
27:47Yeah, I'm a little tired.
27:51I was just thinking how, um...
27:56nice it would be if my mom were here.
28:00It's funny, no matter how old you get, you just want your mom when you feel sick.
28:05So she can tell you that everything's gonna be okay.
28:10It's funny that you brought up your mom because I was about to do it.
28:17All I could think about when you were talking to Dante was what Bobby would say if she was sitting here
28:24listening to how close you had become with Brennan.
28:29I can practically hear her.
28:31And as hard as this may be for you to hear this, I have to say it.
28:36For Bobby.
28:38If you cannot afford an attorney, one will be appointed for you.
28:42Do you understand these rights as I've said them?
28:45I do.
28:48Ready, Commissioner?
28:51All right, let's go.
29:10It may not have been handled the way Sonny would like, but it's done.
29:14Valentin's been dealt with for now.
29:20But you haven't been.
29:22Excuse me?
29:23What happened to Carly is not just about Valentin.
29:26It's about you.
29:30It was you who made the choice to put all of that stuff behind you and to move forward.
29:35I don't know, it's like you're determined to make yourself a better man right now.
29:41It's an incredibly exciting time to be your friend.
29:49Now, because I'm the mayor and you do what you do,
29:58I guess it's sort of inevitable that our friendship will have its little bumps in the near future,
30:03but I think that after this conversation we'll be able to navigate our way through everything more smoothly than ever.
30:12Yeah, I agree with that.
30:14I mean, it's like, it's nice that we're coming back to being friends again just like old times.
30:20I couldn't agree more, Sonny.
30:33Bad time.
30:34No, no.
30:36No, it's okay, come on in.
30:42I think you and I need a little space from each other, so, um,
30:49go upstairs and pack my bags and go back to Bensonhurst for a bit.
30:55It's probably for the best.
31:04Um, sorry.
31:09Whatever that was, I'm sure it'll blow over.
31:11Yeah, I hope so.
31:13You know what they say about close families?
31:16They fight hard, they love even harder,
31:20but in the end they stay together, they can face anything.
31:24I don't understand how you can be okay keeping this massive secret from Dante and still call yourself his best friend.
31:30This is the first and only time I'm going to say leave my wife alone.
31:35I love my wife and I will do anything to protect her.
31:39Stop inserting yourself in her life.
31:44Or I will think very seriously about arresting you for breaking and entering into Martin Gray's hotel room at the MetroCourt
31:50and reading confidential files between him and a client.
31:54He's my uncle.
31:56Well, that's just for starters.
31:57Knowing your total disregard for the law and pretty much any authority,
32:00I'm pretty sure I could find something pretty quick.
32:07Have a good night, Lulu.
32:11I need you to call the WSB, let them know that we have Valentin Casalainen in custody,
32:17just in case Jack Brennan hasn't done it yet.
32:19You got it, Commissioner.
32:28I'll take it from here.
32:37This is where you smuggle me out?
32:45Helping you escape was one of the biggest mistakes.
32:49Compromise my values.
32:51I'm not about to let that happen again.
32:53I see.
32:57So you don't love me anymore?
33:01My decisions have nothing to do with my feelings for you.
33:04They didn't the last time either.
33:06That was about Charlotte.
33:08She didn't have anyone else to depend on.
33:13Is she?
33:15I couldn't take you away from her.
33:17But now things are different.
33:19Charlotte has Lulu.
33:22And Rocco.
33:24And they can be a family.
33:28I think it may have had something to do with Charlotte.
33:35But I saw something in your eyes the day we said goodbye and I see it right now.
33:39You love me still.
33:41That's why you saved my life tonight.
33:46None of that matters.
33:51You've committed too many crimes, my darling.
33:54You have to face justice.
33:58It's over, Valentin.
34:03I know how Bobby felt about Sonny.
34:06And I think that she would disapprove of Jack Brennan for a lot of the same reasons.
34:11Felicia, Jack is a good man.
34:14I've seen it. I've experienced it.
34:17But you're ignoring all of the warning signs just like I did with Frisco.
34:22I loved Frisco so much I abandoned my own children for him.
34:27I couldn't do that. And Jack wouldn't ask me to.
34:30Carly, I got the chance to fix things with Maxie and Georgie.
34:34But I will never get back the time that I lost with them.
34:37And I will regret that for the rest of my life.
34:41I'm sorry.
34:43It's just something I have to live with.
34:46But you, you can be smarter than me.
34:49There are people that love you and depend on you.
34:53And I am not just talking about your children.
34:55Carly, I can't in good conscience just stand by and watch you willingly put yourself in a position of collateral damage in Jack Brennan's life.
35:06Please, just end things with him before it's too late.
35:12What'd you say to me?
35:14You heard me.
35:16You're the reason Carly almost died tonight.
35:19And I'm not gonna wait around for it to happen again.
35:22Stay away from her.
35:23Stay away from her.