00:00Something seems different about you today.
00:07Well, I'm out of the sling.
00:09That's good, but that's not it.
00:14Honestly, I'm nervous about today.
00:18This is nothing.
00:20You talk to reporters all the time.
00:22Yeah, before and after games.
00:24Okay, but this is different.
00:25You know, there's a lot riding on this press conference and I don't want to disappoint Drew.
00:29You're going to be amazing, okay?
00:31And the last thing you need to be worrying about is Congressman Cain.
00:41Remind me why we're doing this again.
00:43Because the Pediatric Sports Initiative is so worthwhile and I do not want my antipathy for Drew to get in the way of that.
00:49But that's not the only reason, is it?
00:52Why not? Let Drew think he's won.
00:55And when you introduce me, it should be our representative, Congressman Drew Quartermain.
01:00So, introduce you as who you are.
01:05There's been a little dispute about the name lately. I just want to make sure.
01:08Drew, I can handle this.
01:09Okay, don't forget to smile, Portia.
01:12Remember, this is all about the kids.
01:16There are a few listings that I cannot wait to show you.
01:20The houses are perfect for you and the kids.
01:23Nina, you have been so generous and I can't thank you enough for the offer.
01:30But I don't need a real estate agent. What I need is a mover.
01:35Thank you for letting me know.
01:39Yeah, goodbye.
01:43Uh-oh. Something happen?
01:47What is it? Molly? Danny? Scout?
01:50No, no, no, no. It's Valentin.
02:00Jason Morgan.
02:04You gonna assassinate me in a police station?
02:07Is that practical?
02:09Certainly gutsy.
02:12Okay, enough with the small talk.
02:15What do you want?
02:31No such luck. It's just me, your baby brother.
03:03You okay?
03:05Yeah, I just got left without saying goodbye.
03:09Oh, me?
03:12Never again.
03:15Valentin is in custody at the PCPD and he wants to see me.
03:21He can't possibly want you to represent him.
03:24And yet he does.
03:26He also wants to be released.
03:29And I'm very flattered that he thinks that I can make that happen, but I can't.
03:33Because not only is he an international fugitive, allegedly he tried to poison Carly last night.
03:40That's fine. And apparently not the intended victim.
03:44Who was?
03:46That information hasn't been released yet.
03:49So what's Valentin been charged with?
03:52I don't know.
03:54Probably premeditated attempted murder of someone.
03:59The facts haven't been told to me yet.
04:02You don't have to defend him.
04:04I know that.
04:06He's in a very difficult situation and even Valentin deserves representation.
04:11Doesn't he have a lawyer?
04:12Martin Gray. But when I tell you about that, that is another tricky situation.
04:17Alexis, I am so sorry to barge in, but we really need to talk.
04:32What, you don't like the suit?
04:34No, I love the suit. Is it new?
04:36No. Last time I wore it was for the pregame. Right before I got hurt.
04:41Oh. It must be strange wearing it again.
04:44It is. But the way I see it is that this suit will be put to good use.
04:49And so will I. Right? I'll be using my football cred as long as it lasts anyway.
04:55I'll be using it to help people.
04:57Wow. That's a shockingly positive outlook.
05:02Well, that's on you, Trina Robinson.
05:05Really, I wouldn't be here at all if it wasn't for you. So, thank you.
05:13Drew and I talked it through last night and we both decided there's no reason for me to move into another house when this one is right here.
05:20It is perfect for the kids.
05:22Well, it's one of the reasons Drew chose it, isn't it? For you and Wiley and Amelia to move in here.
05:28Well, yeah. But it was hardly a huge presumption.
05:31Of course it wasn't. Willow. Willow. We've discussed this.
05:36I know. But Wiley and Amelia love Scout and they love Drew.
05:40So you've said.
05:41So how can I ask you to go through the trouble of buying me a house when we all know I'll be moving in with Drew sooner or later?
05:47It's no trouble. It's no trouble. In fact, I was looking forward to it.
05:51Mom. Please. I need you to believe that I know what I'm doing.
05:56It will make my kids happy. I need you to trust me.
06:03Drew, I've done everything that you've asked me to do. Take the win.
06:09Or what? Are you going to tell Curtis what you did?
06:12Because if you were going to do that, you would have done it already.
06:15But you are right. There's no reason for our relationship to be antagonistic.
06:19Okay, then why are you pushing me?
06:21Oh. Okay. No reason to be defensive. I'm not trying to ruin your life here.
06:26I'm not trying to deprive GH from a great co-chief of staff. On the contrary.
06:30I'm what's keeping you from paying for crimes that you committed.
06:35And I can't tell you how grateful I am for that.
06:39You should be. So stop treating me like the enemy and I hope you think of me as a friend.
06:51Just you.
07:15Drew actually wanted me to refuse to let Aurora Media cover his press conference.
07:19Because then it would look like you were using Aurora to enact some personal vendetta at the expense of a genuinely good children's health initiative.
07:27And I refused to let him play me like that.
07:29Good for you. Because Drew won't stop baiting you.
07:33He blames you for not getting on the appropriations committee and he's never going to let it go.
07:37Because his ego won't let him.
07:39Exactly. And eventually, that ego will have him cross a line.
07:43Or make a big enough mistake. When he does, I will be rid of him.
07:48Hey, Jordan. Hey, Dad. Hey.
07:50There she is. Hey, baby.
07:53Mr. Taylor. How you doing? How you feel?
07:55I'm feeling ready. Just waiting for the congressman to give me my marching orders.
08:00There he is. PCU's biggest star.
08:07Hey. How was Miami?
08:08Not great. And then I came home to find you almost dying.
08:12I'm okay.
08:13I will be the judge of that.
08:15I grabbed some things for you from the house.
08:19Because you were admitted wearing only a bathrobe.
08:23I can explain that.
08:24Explain what? The polonium poisoning?
08:27Oh, that's an easy one. That was Valentin.
08:29He has a vendetta against Jack and he had a poisoned bottle of champagne sent to the room.
08:34I wasn't even the intended target.
08:36Oh, thank goodness. Because here I was all worried.
08:39Carly, I know everyone has warned you against Brennan. I have.
08:43Yes, everyone has. And it's no one's business.
08:45You slept with a guy and two minutes later you are on death's door.
08:48That makes it the hospital's business.
08:50Not to mention law enforcement's business, both local and international,
08:54your children's business and mine.
08:56That is a lot of people's business.
08:58I'm not going to blame Jack for something Valentin did.
09:01Jack is not the threat. Valentin is.
09:04You can refuse the visit.
09:06If I do that, how would I know why you came?
09:09Uh, give us a minute, please.
09:21Sonny send you?
09:22Settle the score?
09:24For altering his men's or is this about Carly?
09:28You almost killed her.
09:29Oh, mislaid plans.
09:31Listen, Jason, you're not going to spend a minute more in a police station than you have to, so what do you want?
09:42Is there anything that you know about Jack Brennan?
09:48We had plans that weren't supposed to end with me downstairs snoring on your couch.
09:54Speaking of that, why didn't you wake me up?
09:57Oh, you're never supposed to wake up a patient if you don't have to.
10:01You know how amazing I think you are, right?
10:04But sometimes I just really, really wish you weren't a nurse.
10:10What's wrong?
10:12It's just my neck's all messed up. I think you need a more comfortable couch.
10:18I think my couch is fine.
10:23But next time, maybe you should sleep upstairs.
10:30Well, if it's information on Jack Brennan you're after, I'm your man.
10:33Because I've known him since we were in our early 20s.
10:36Start talking.
10:38In all the years I've known him, I've never seen him vulnerable or scared until last night.
10:43So, he was scared for Carly?
10:45Mm-hmm. And so are you.
10:48What are you looking for? Is this about leverage? Because I can give you leverage.
10:51I'll tell you everything there is to know about Jack Brennan.
10:56And I'm going to need something from you. I need someone to break me out of here.
11:00It's not going to happen.
11:03But I might think about doing you a favor at some point in the future.
11:11A favor? That's the best you can do?
11:14Yeah. Take it or leave it.
11:18If Valentine's all you have to worry about, I have good news.
11:21Is he dead?
11:22I said good news, not great news. He's in custody. The PCPD picked him up last night.
11:27Great. Problem solved.
11:29No, Carly. Problem not solved.
11:31It is not automatically safe for you to date Brennan just because Valentine's in jail.
11:36I know where you're going with this, okay? And I heard it all from Felicia last night.
11:39Brennan is a spy, and spies live dangerous lives. I get it, okay?
11:43And honestly, she's given me something to think about.
11:45Save it. That is just Carly for I'm going to do whatever I want.
11:48Lucas, I'm not engaged to the man.
11:51And I know your pure soul would never have a one-night stand.
11:54I get that.
11:56But a gorgeous spy was interested in me, and he is gorgeous.
11:59Okay, do not try to seduce me by proxy.
12:01I wanted to see what it was like, and it was incredible.
12:05Until it went terribly wrong, okay? That's all.
12:08So could you ease up on me, please?
12:11I'm going to check in with Portia before the big conference.
12:15Good idea. Thank you.
12:22I'm a little worried about Kai.
12:24He thinks that he can trust Drew, and you and I both know that's not true.
12:31So Deputy Mayor Ashford's going to be first, then Councilman Boyle,
12:34and then Dr. Robinson's going to read a statement on behalf of the hospital.
12:37Then I'm up, and then you are.
12:40Okay, I got it.
12:41Yeah, I know you do. I've seen you under pressure on the field.
12:44Look, you're going to be great.
12:46Thank you. I really appreciate it.
12:48Kai, let me ask you.
12:50What are your plans for the future?
12:53Well, I still got one more year at PCU, and after that, I'm going to figure it out.
13:01Some advice.
13:02Not that you're asking for any, but use your natural gifts.
13:07You are a born leader. You got charisma.
13:10And there are plenty of areas where that could be very, very useful.
13:14Politics being one of them.
13:15Hey, Kai Taylor.
13:18Congressman Quartermain.
13:19Ah, gentlemen.
13:21It is a great day for the city of Port Charles.
13:27I feel like I should have said something to Kai about Drew.
13:31I just didn't know how.
13:33That's okay.
13:35I do.
13:46Come in.
13:49Hey, I just wanted to let you know that Kai and Trina just got here.
13:53Okay, well, I guess I better go join them.
13:56So, if you're still going through with this, you're just going to stand next to that guy.
14:01Well, unless something has changed, you're going to be standing right next to me.
14:04No, no, nothing's changed, but events like this are the Deputy Mayor's job.
14:09You're the Co-Chief of Staff.
14:11I'm publicizing a worthwhile initiative that is good for this hospital.
14:15That's a part of my job.
14:17Okay, but why not pass it off to Dr. Randolph?
14:20After everything he's done, I'm just a little shocked that you can stand next to Drew and smile and sell him to the world like he's a good man.
14:30Jordan Curtis and I discussed this, and we are on the same page.
14:35Now, we don't want to be late.
14:42You coming?
14:48I'm so sorry to intrude. I will come back later.
14:51Later is not better. Never is better.
14:55But I don't have that kind of luck.
14:57What do you want?
14:58Well, this is a legal matter. Do you think we could speak privately?
15:05What about attorney-client privilege?
15:07I'm not your attorney.
15:08And you're not my client.
15:17You have made it very clear that you will not give me access to any funds in the Cassidyne estate.
15:23And yet, here you are.
15:25I have come to accept that.
15:27Oh, I have the feeling that you haven't.
15:31I do have financial obligations.
15:34Obligations that I reasonably believed I could meet with the money for my divorce settlement.
15:38Again, we've been all over this.
15:40Now, I understand, as trustee, you can't return that settlement.
15:45However, you could arrange for the estate to loan me the money.
15:53The estate is not a bank.
15:54It would be a private loan with a schedule of payments and a fair rate of interest.
15:59The estate would actually benefit.
16:01No. There is no way in hell my mother is giving a dime to the woman who killed her grandchild.
16:12I know you're nervous about the repercussions of my moving in with Drew.
16:16But I'm going to reach out to Michael.
16:19I will explain that since there's no way to know when he'll be coming home, it's not fair for the children to live their lives in limbo.
16:25Do you really think that Michael is going to see it that way?
16:27Michael has shown that he's willing to compromise.
16:29Unlike his families, he would not use his children as a weapon.
16:33Not as long as his kids are happy.
16:34Okay, can you just please, please talk to Martin first?
16:37Martin's busy dealing with his own problems.
16:40Then we will find someone else. A lawyer needs to go to Michael, not you.
16:45Lawyers only make things more hostile. I want to keep things civil and calm.
16:49Michael does not want a custody fight any more than I do.
16:51Well, that's true if you lived in a home of your own.
16:54But if you move in here with Drew, you're going to force Michael's hand.
16:58I don't see it that way.
17:00Willow, please, please. If you do this, you are going to lose your children.
17:08Fourth quarter, down by six, right? You passed it, Jameson.
17:11Hey, good to see you.
17:13If you and the congressman don't mind, I would like to borrow Kai for a minute.
17:18Yeah, sure. Just, uh, just one?
17:26That kid is the perfect spokesman for the initiative. He was a good choice.
17:30Thank you, Ezra. Thank you.
17:31Hold on. I gotta tell you, a shame we couldn't use your plan, relocate the Esplanade.
17:35So good for the unions and for public safety, for commerce.
17:39I could not agree more.
17:41Yeah, well, only the mayor hadn't let her personal attachment to Corinthos get in the way.
17:48Christina, I will always regret what happened that day.
17:54But your fall was an accident.
17:56You can lie to the jury, but you cannot lie to me. I was there. It happened to me. You pushed me.
18:03I didn't. You accidentally tricked over some luggage.
18:08You are the reason my baby is dead. You.
18:13Alexis, I would not be here if this wasn't my very last option.
18:19The IRS will seize both my properties within the month if I do not pay the back taxes.
18:24Ava, the estate is not going to-
18:28Oh, come on!
18:31I'm not asking for a handout here.
18:33This would benefit the estate and I would be able to take care of my daughter.
18:37A daughter that you are lucky to have. A daughter that should be with her father full time.
18:42Stop. Christina. Ava.
18:46You must understand, as a mother, why I have to say no to you.
18:50Because you wouldn't want to devastate your daughter in any way.
18:54Which is why I'm not going to devastate mine.
18:57Fine. I'll go.
19:00But just one thing.
19:02I understand doing anything to protect your child.
19:06But fueling Christina's delusions isn't doing her any good.
19:11She is not being rational.
19:14And you know that as well as I do.
19:26I would love to go easy on you.
19:29Nobody wants to see you happy more than I do.
19:32But is it too much to ask that you date somebody who won't get you killed?
19:36What's wrong with the dentist?
19:40What's going on with you?
19:42You're way more wound up than you were before you went to Miami.
19:45Why are you in such a bad mood?
19:47I drank too much in Miami.
19:49I woke up with the worst hangover in my life.
19:51Worse than mine?
19:52No. Because I didn't drink colonia.
19:56Carly, if you just tell me that this was a one and done.
20:01That you're never going to go near the man again. That's all I need to hear.
20:07I love you.
20:09But that's my decision. Not yours.
20:12Well, maybe it should be mine.
20:18Because you risking your life to date someone like Brennan is not an option.
20:27There is a long, long list of people who need you.
20:31And I'm on it.
20:34I can't lose you, Carly.
20:37Well, you've already done me a favor, so I suppose I owe you one.
20:42Yeah, I accept your offer.
20:44Good. Give me something I can use.
20:49The first thing you have to know about Jack Brennan, he's a company man.
20:53For all anyone knows, he's the head of the WSB.
20:55You mean the former head of the WSB?
20:57No, the current one.
20:59Just because he's in Port Charles and he's a lowly station chief, that could be an elaborate cover.
21:05Why would you say that?
21:07Because lowly station chiefs don't order drone strikes on other continents.
21:12He's done everything the WSB has ever asked of him.
21:15He's got plenty of blood on his hands and there are lots of people who want him dead.
21:19Not just you?
21:21Forget about that. Jack doesn't care about that. All he cares about is the WSB.
21:26Until now.
21:28He didn't try to kill me last night for the Bureau.
21:32He tried to kill me for Carly.
21:35Kai, I want to talk with you about something.
21:37About Trina?
21:39The congressman.
21:40Oh, yeah, I know his personal life is a little messy, but I try not to judge.
21:44Agreed, but this isn't about that.
21:50Drew will promise you anything to get what he wants.
21:54But he has no intentions of following through with those promises.
21:58I just need you to be careful.
22:06Oh, hi, sweetheart.
22:08Hey, mom.
22:10You know, I'm going to take a minute and go over my speech.
22:15What is that about? It looks serious.
22:19Yeah, um, dad's giving Kai a little background on Drew.
22:25Honey, I know that you're concerned about Kai.
22:28But for right now, I think what's best for everyone is if we all just try to get along.
22:34So, is this really just a heads up, or are you telling me I should back out?
22:38Because I can't be associated with some bad politician.
22:41I get it. No, no, no, I'm not saying that.
22:44He's actually doing some good this time.
22:47But if I can't trust him, then...
22:48No, listen, sometimes you're going to have to do work with people that you neither trust nor like.
22:53But as long as you know who you're dealing with, you can protect yourself.
22:57So, I'll keep my guard up.
23:00Good man.
23:01You know, this initiative, it's a good thing for poor Charles.
23:04It's a good thing for the hospital, it's a good thing for the kids.
23:06Do not let Drew Cain get in the way of that.
23:13I'm glad to hear there's going to be a next time.
23:17Well, I hope there will be.
23:19We'll have the house to ourselves soon enough.
23:22Cain spends the night at his friend's house all the time.
23:24Well, listen, whether Aiden's here or not, I want to be with you because you know that what I feel for you is real.
23:36And that's never going to change.
23:39Funny, I feel the same way.
23:43Definitely, yeah.
23:46Mmm, I have to get to work.
23:50Like I said, you know, sometimes I hate that you're a nurse.
23:55Yeah, so do I sometimes.
23:58If you don't mind, I'll stick around and take a look at your freezer.
24:02Oh, if you can fix that thing, that would be my hero.
24:05Willow, please, just think about it.
24:08Michael is going through a heroin infliction and you're going to have to deal with it.
24:13I know.
24:15I'm not, I'm not going to help you.
24:17I am, I am not.
24:18I want you to take the time to think about this and make the right decision.
24:23It's not like you can't.
24:24No, it's not.
24:26It's not like you can't.
24:27I'm not going to harm you, I'm not going to harm you.
24:29Yeah, that's true, but it's not like you can't, you'll just have to work for it.
24:33Michael is going through a harrowing, life-changing experience.
24:37He has suffered unimaginable pain, and he nearly died.
24:41It's really difficult to come out of something like that and think life is beautiful,
24:45and bygones should be bygones.
24:47Maybe not most people, but Michael-
24:50Who is a Corinthos, and a corner maid, and Carly's son.
24:53He may be out of the country healing, but he can still make life for you very difficult.
25:00I still don't think it'll come down to a custody battle.
25:04If it does, Michael is not the only one with power.
25:08Drew's a congressman. He would never let Michael take my children away from me.
25:11Ola, please.
25:14Reconsider this.
25:15I appreciate your concern, but I've made up my mind.
25:20Now, I need to get to Whiteley's school for a conference.
25:23Yeah, of course, Ola.
25:26Ola, I'll walk you out.
25:28The kids are gonna love it here.
25:30I promise you, we are all gonna be so happy together.
25:37You were spectacular. You were amazing.
25:40Kai, honestly, thank you.
25:41I had no idea how it would go.
25:43You know, I'm used to talking football with reporters, but that was a lot different.
25:46Yeah, maybe, but you didn't miss a beat.
25:48I'm telling you right now, you're a natural.
25:53Your guy was good.
25:55Good? Please.
25:57He was amazing.
25:59Okay, maybe a little amazing.
26:01Look, I'm just, I'm so happy that everything worked out with Kai.
26:06But, um, I don't think Mom enjoyed her moment at the spotlight.
26:12It is great for the city.
26:14For Charles, it's great for the hospital.
26:16Maybe you're right.
26:18But your mom, she's kind of amazing, too.
26:20I mean, she really stepped up and, uh, she's doing what's right.
26:26So, tell me about Miami.
26:30Well, I think I met the man of my dreams.
26:33Details, please.
26:35Okay, so I found a credit card on the floor of the hotel bar.
26:39I look up, and there he is.
26:42Handsome, tall enough, Latin, the kindest eyes.
26:47Oh, you had a meet-cute.
26:49Yeah, I totally did.
26:51And then, brace for it.
26:54Then, I got so drunk, I got sick all over him.
27:16Hiya. I was gonna ask if you had a minute, but you seem a little stressed.
27:20Oh, I start at stressed, and I just, you know, go up from there.
27:25Well, I caught the end of the press conference.
27:28It didn't seem that bad.
27:30Oh, well, I'm glad, because in real life, it was awful.
27:35There I am, standing next to Drew while he parades Kai out in front of all those reporters.
27:41Well, I'm sure that Trina is very proud of both of you.
27:45She should be proud of Kai. He's a phenomenal young man.
27:49And we both know he's the only reason she's been smiling recently.
27:53Meanwhile, Drew is using him to restore his good name to the public, and I can't say a word about it.
28:00Because Drew's got you exactly where he wants you.
28:03Yeah. Or so he thinks.
28:15Thank you, Willow, for this pair of key.
28:19You're welcome.
28:28All right, so this is my key to Charlie's back entrance, so try not to lose it.
28:33Don't lose the key. I just haven't figured out where I left it yet.
28:38Hey. What's going on?
28:41Nothing. Just, you know, it's just one of those days.
28:44Okay. But if it's not, you know, you can tell me. I mean, I promise it'll stay between us.
28:50Yeah, no, I'm good. Everything is... I'm good. It's...
28:58You know, I'm not... I'm not good, actually.
29:05My dad's having heart problems.
29:09Yeah. Yeah.
29:11Is he gonna be okay?
29:12I don't know, to be honest. I mean, I think so, but he has to have surgery.
29:16And until he does have the surgery, he has to keep his stress down.
29:19And that's the whole reason why he settled this custody suit with Ava.
29:23Because he couldn't handle the stress.
29:25And now Ava can't even afford to take care of her daughter financially.
29:28How do you know that?
29:30Because I was just with her.
29:32She was hitting my mom up for money, because that's what Ava does.
29:35She takes advantage of people, and she just takes and takes and takes.
29:38And she... she doesn't deserve to have her daughter.
29:41I mean, my daughter is dead, and it's because of her, and she still hasn't paid for it.
29:47Thanks for the intel.
29:48Hey, Jason, one last thing you should know.
29:50Whatever Jack wants, Jack's gonna get.
29:52If he wants Carly, he's gonna get her.
29:54He'll use whatever tool he has to, including the WSB.
29:59Unless you intervene.
30:03Then that would suit you just fine.
30:05Forget about me. Think about Carly.
30:08She'd finally be safe.
30:12So, to review.
30:13In the last two days, my sister almost died.
30:16I learned more about Brad than I ever wanted to know.
30:18And I threw up on the kindest, sexiest, most beautiful man I have ever met.
30:23You really packed it in. I admire your time management.
30:27Oh, Marco was the bright spot, but he lives in Miami, so we'll probably never see him again.
30:33Well, yeah, if only there were a way to communicate and travel over long distances.
30:39I am sure he is waiting by the phone for the man who ruined his shirt to call.
30:44You'll never know.
30:46Oh, not to add to your day, but your aunt is looking for you.
30:54Yes, everything you're saying about Ava is true.
30:58Now, don't hate me for saying this, but there's really nothing you can do.
31:05Yeah, I just, I don't know if I can accept that.
31:09I understand, but maybe there's another way to think about this.
31:18Would Adela want her mother to be consumed with bitterness and hatred, or would she want you to find peace?
31:29I want to.
31:31Then let it go.
31:33Not for Ava, for you.
31:38I'm trying. You know, I really am trying. I try every second of every day.
31:44I just, I, I, I can't.
31:48Portia, you need to be very careful.
31:51If you lash out at Drew and it backfires, you could lose everything.
31:56Yeah, that's what Drew keeps reminding me of.
31:59And think of Trina. If you lose your medical license, or God forbid you go to prison, she's going to blame herself.
32:05Because I did what I did to Heather because of what Heather did to Trina.
32:09Exactly. And so if all you have to do is smile through a press conference, isn't it worth it? To keep him happy?
32:19Only as long as I have to.
32:24Oh, hello, Ava.
32:25Hello, Congressman. I saw the press conference. It's very exciting.
32:29Do in no small part to our friend Portia, which is why I'm here.
32:34Before I head home, I just wanted to say thank you for your help with the press conference.
32:43It was my pleasure, Drew.
32:45I really couldn't have done it without you.
32:48He seems chipper. And any outsider might think the two of you are as thick as thieves.
33:01Oh my gosh, you were amazing. If you were nervous, nobody could tell.
33:05Well, thank you. I just hope I did the right thing. You know, your dad filled me in a little bit about the congressman.
33:10Yeah, I know.
33:11And I would have backed out, but your dad said it's a good cause and I should see it through.
33:16But he also told me I should watch my back.
33:18Well, I mean, he's right on both counts, but really what you need to focus on-
33:22Is you.
33:24Well, I mean, that's always an acceptable answer, but not this time.
33:30You need to focus on you and your future, because what I just saw, it looks like you could be running for office someday.
33:37Office? Really? Okay, well, will I have your vote?
33:43We'll see.
33:46Deputy Mayor Ashford. It's nice to see you here. Unfortunate that our mayor couldn't make it.
33:52Yes, Mayor Collins' schedule is pretty packed these days.
33:56Or maybe Mayor Collins is just happy to let her deputy do her job for her.
34:00Councilman Boyle. Thank you again for coming.
34:04Oh, this is way too important to miss.
34:06Yeah, if you don't mind, I'd like a word with the deputy mayor.
34:09Oh my goodness, of course, of course, of course. I gotta get going anyway. Union meeting.
34:16Thank you for the save. That man is dumb, dull, slimy, and gunning for Laura.
34:47Thanks for coming. Sorry, the accommodations are not to the usual Kassadine standards.
34:53I can live without the cryo chamber and the bottomless pit.
34:59So I figure you need legal representation.
35:04You're a brilliant lawyer, but I don't think even you can save me.
35:08Then why am I here?
35:10Because there's something else I need you to do.
35:13How you feeling?
35:15Well, my brother just left here and he's not happy with me.
35:19Can't imagine why.
35:21Can you please not be one more person that's going to lecture me about Jack Brennan?
35:24There's no lecture. You and Brennan are done.
35:28You can't go near him again. Your life depends on it.