• yesterday


00:00Forget something?
00:20What's the matter, Valentin?
00:21Cat got your tongue?
00:22BP is 60 over 38.
00:23Startle her in oribinephrine drip.
00:24Get me a vial of phenylephrine.
00:25And pray that Brennan's lab can figure out what Carly took.
00:32Polonium poisoning?
00:33WSP found traces of polonium in the champagne.
00:34There is a cure, but you can't store it.
00:35You have to synthesize it as needed.
00:36The lab's working on it.
00:37Yeah, yeah, no.
00:38I got this, Jack.
00:39Dr. Gatlin?
00:40Commissioner, you can't be angry.
00:41I understand that.
00:42I'm putting you on with Dr. Isaac.
00:43You're not going to get away with this.
00:44I'm going to get you out of here.
00:45I'm going to get you out of here.
00:46I'm going to get you out of here.
00:47I'm going to get you out of here.
00:48I'm going to get you out of here.
00:49I'm going to get you out of here.
00:50I'm going to get you out of here.
00:51I'm going to get you out of here.
00:52I'm going to get you out of here.
00:53I'm going to get you out of here.
00:54I'm going to get you out of here.
00:55I'm going to get you out of here.
00:56I'm going to get you out of here.
00:57I'm going to get you out of here.
00:58I'm going to get you out of here.
00:59I'm going to get you out of here.
01:00I'm going to get you out of here.
01:01I'm going to get you out of here.
01:02I'm going to get you out of here.
01:03I'm going to get you out of here.
01:04I'm going to get you out of here.
01:05I'm going to get you out of here.
01:06I'm going to get you out of here.
01:07I'm going to get you out of here.
01:08I'm going to get you out of here.
01:09How are you feeling, Lieutenant?
01:25How are you feeling, sleepyhead?
01:37Come on in.
01:44Taking a break?
01:46Actually, I'm reading up on Easter Island,
01:49since that's where everybody at home thinks I am.
01:52And here I thought you were hiding out,
01:54licking your wounds.
01:56Well, even if I was, I need to create back stories
01:59for all of the photos being sent from my phone.
02:02You know, it was very thoughtful of the WSB
02:05to send an agent to Easter Island with my phone.
02:08Your phone's geodata has to be right on in case anyone checks.
02:12Well, according to the messages I've been sending to my family,
02:15I'm having a grand old time exploring the locale.
02:19It's pretty exotic.
02:21If you're feeling sorry for yourself, Jax, just say the word.
02:24We can have you back in Port Charles in no time.
02:27Instead of here, wasting mine.
02:33Dante is the baby's father.
02:35It was one summer, and we were dumb kids.
02:37We had no idea what we were doing.
02:39You have a kid with Dante?
02:41The people that we were and the circumstances we were in back then
02:43bear no resemblance to anything today.
02:45Those people don't exist anymore.
02:46Yes, they do.
02:48You have a baby with Dante.
02:51Something you and I will never have.
02:58You couldn't have it delivered?
03:00You know it's always better when you pick it up, right?
03:03Can you believe it?
03:05Both my kids are home with me.
03:08You mean both our kids are home, right?
03:13Okay, so what happened?
03:15I had a checkup today.
03:17Is the baby okay?
03:19Yes, the baby is perfect.
03:23The one who is at risk is Michael.
03:29Forgive the intrusion, Sonny.
03:31I was just trying to recover something I inadvertently left here.
03:35Whatever it is, it belongs to me now because I own this place.
03:39And you're a trespassing fugitive.
03:43Which makes it very easy for me, thank you.
04:01I blew it, Miss Henry.
04:03Everything was going great and then I just screwed it up.
04:05Okay, Brad, I'm just leaving G.E.H.
04:07Can we talk about whatever this is when I get home?
04:10No, I need your help now.
04:12I'm afraid it's already too late.
04:14What happened?
04:16We met at the hotel bar.
04:18I'm Marco.
04:19Yeah, you, you.
04:20I remember.
04:21I found your credit card.
04:23You bought me a drink.
04:24We talked.
04:27I kissed you.
04:29You did.
04:30Oh, God.
04:31Don't be embarrassed.
04:33It's too late.
04:34But after that, I don't really...
04:37How did I get from the bar to my room without my clothes?
04:46Did I do something?
04:48Did we do something?
04:52I just made sure you got to your room okay.
04:53That's it.
04:54Well, if nothing happened, then why were you in the shower?
04:57You were feeling unwell in the elevator.
04:59We didn't quite make it to the bathroom in time.
05:02I threw up on you.
05:04Yeah, a little.
05:06Oh, just kill me now.
05:08Just kill me now.
05:09Just put me out of my misery, please.
05:13You and I will be parents, okay?
05:15And we're gonna raise the child.
05:17That's what makes a family, not biology.
05:19Knowing Dante is the one that got you pregnant.
05:22I know. It's a lot.
05:24It's more than a lot.
05:25It changes everything.
05:27The guy that we share a house with.
05:30The guy that I eat breakfast with.
05:32My best friend.
05:33You're a child with him.
05:34I know. I'm sorry.
05:35Please don't apologize right now.
05:39I just...
05:41I thought that this was so long ago
05:43that you couldn't even remember the guy's face.
05:45That you haven't seen or thought of him since.
05:48But it's... it's Dante!
05:50I know. I know.
05:51This is a huge thing to reconcile.
05:53Dante is in our lives right now.
05:56I know.
05:58And I am so sorry about all of it.
06:00I just... I want to say something
06:02that will just make everything better.
06:05But I just don't know what that is right now.
06:07I can't believe this.
06:09Whatever you want to know,
06:11I'll tell you, okay?
06:13As much or as little as you want.
06:16Tell me everything.
06:21Listen, you know that, um...
06:26Dante and I, we grew up together.
06:30And as teenagers, we were both a little wild, so...
06:34Ma and Olivia sent us both to camp.
06:36Dante to an all-boys camp,
06:38and me to an all-girls camp.
06:40They were hoping that it would keep us out of trouble.
06:43Yeah, I remember you saying something about camp
06:45when you were younger.
06:46We were counselors in training.
06:48And I was not good at it,
06:50and I was very, very homesick.
06:56So Dante would sneak over after lights out,
07:00and... and we'd talk.
07:04And it felt like I had a little piece of home.
07:08So one night, we kissed,
07:10and then one thing led to another.
07:12I got it. I got it.
07:14And we wanted to spend all our time together,
07:16so Cody would cover for us.
07:18Right. Cody was there, too.
07:20Yeah, I... I told Cody,
07:22mostly because I needed him to drive me to the bus station
07:24after I found out I was pregnant.
07:26Okay, so... so Cody knows.
07:28Now I know.
07:30But Dante, the kid's actual father,
07:32he's... he's got no idea.
07:36Robin's on the phone with Dr. Gannon.
07:38She's advising him how to stabilize Carly.
07:40Well, I guess we wait for the antidote.
07:43WSP Lab is synthesizing it now.
07:45They'll deliver it ASAP.
07:47Let's hope it gets here in time.
07:49Look, this whole can't hack it, Jax,
07:51maybe you should quit thing,
07:53it's getting old.
07:55I have passed every physical test that you've put me through.
07:58In fact, when we were sparring, I took you down multiple times.
08:01You did.
08:03But the biggest challenge of being an agent isn't physical.
08:06It's mental.
08:08I know that. I can do that.
08:10I'm not as sure.
08:12Why? Because I said one thing about Easter Island?
08:15You know, I've always wanted to go there.
08:18Now I get to pretend that I have been there,
08:21and I don't have to go through the trouble of actually doing it.
08:24Your recruiter should've already explained this to you.
08:27This is your life now,
08:29so you better get used to telling a good story.
08:31Because no one can ever know what you're really doing.
08:35So why is Michael in jeopardy?
08:37Because Willow has lost her mind.
08:40She thinks that she is this wonderful mother,
08:43and that moving in with Drew,
08:45while Michael is still recovering from life-threatening burns,
08:48isn't the least bit problematic.
08:50Yeah, Drew's really done a number on her.
08:53If Willow finds out about me and Michael, she will use it.
08:56She will use it to shut Michael out of Wiley and Amelia's lives completely and for good.
09:01There's no limits on what she'll do to get full custody.
09:04If that happened, it would kill him.
09:07Willow will tell herself that she was right to do whatever,
09:10even if it ends up destroying Michael.
09:13We cannot let that happen.
09:16What do you want, Valentin?
09:20Sonny, you are aware that Charlotte's with Lulu tonight, right?
09:23What does that have to do with you sneaking around my fireplace?
09:26Yeah, you've got me there.
09:28Why? Why did you tamper with my medication?
09:32I was under orders from Jack Brennan.
09:35He wanted Port Charles under the control of the WSB and Pikeman.
09:38He wanted you out of the way. He forced me to take care of it.
09:42He forced you how?
09:43Well, how do you think?
09:45It was his idea to alter your meds.
09:47He said it was the most efficient way to neutralize you.
09:50It's actually a very common WSB tactic when dealing with a target with a medical condition.
09:56Sonny, I never had a personal beef with you.
09:58This was just an order that I didn't have the freedom to refuse.
10:01It doesn't get you off the hook, it just puts Brennan on the hook with you.
10:06It's just business, Sonny.
10:08I think you, I'll be able to understand that.
10:11Yeah, I understand. I just don't care.
10:14After everything that you have done.
10:21Okay, Brad, what did you do?
10:23I told Lucas the truth.
10:25But I did it so that we could have another chance.
10:27Oh, such an idiot.
10:30Honesty doesn't guarantee acceptance.
10:33I know that now.
10:36Lucas wasn't even that angry.
10:38He was just disappointed.
10:41That can be worse.
10:42Look, for what it's worth, I'm really proud of you for being honest.
10:46And maybe someday in the future, you and Lucas can be friends.
10:49Do you really think so?
10:51When I got pregnant, I felt guilty.
10:55Like God was punishing me for having sex before I was married,
11:00and for being so stupid and careless.
11:05I prayed and prayed for forgiveness.
11:08Dante was just as responsible as you were.
11:10I know that now.
11:13But at the time, I thought it was all my fault.
11:19But I knew right from the beginning that I could not have the baby and raise it.
11:24Did you want to raise a baby?
11:26No. I would have been a kid raising a kid.
11:30No, the baby deserved better, but even though I knew it was the right choice,
11:34I hated myself for feeling that way.
11:38You made an incredibly hard choice.
11:41And it was the right move for the baby.
11:43Well, Dante's mom made a different choice.
11:45You know, she was young when she got pregnant with Dante, and she raised her baby.
11:51Do you think Dante would have made you do the same thing if you told him you were pregnant?
11:54Not consciously, but...
11:58I felt this incredible weight to do what Olivia did, and I just...
12:06I didn't want that for my life.
12:08I understand that.
12:11Keeping that baby would have ruined all three of our lives, so...
12:17I made sure that the baby was taken care of,
12:21and then I decided to take on the burden of knowing he existed.
12:24There was no point in telling Dante.
12:30The burden of knowing he existed. You...
12:33You had a boy?
12:36I thought you said you didn't know the gender of the baby.
12:39Lulu told me.
12:41You had to hear that from Lulu?
12:43Did she keep her mouth shut about anything?
12:46Not knowing anything about the baby...
12:50kept her removed from me.
12:54And hearing a detail like that, it just made it so real.
13:00All I wanted was for us to have a kid.
13:04And now you and Dante have a kid. You've got a son.
13:09Brooklyn, I need to know.
13:12Did you love him?
13:15I need to ask you something, but...
13:20I don't want to hurt you.
13:23Well, um...
13:25I don't want you to hurt me either, but why don't you go for it and see what happens?
13:30I've just lost so much time with Charlotte.
13:33And Rocco, too, and they've lost so much time with me.
13:36And with each other.
13:39Which is why I want Rocco to come live with me and Charlotte.
13:49Have you talked to Rocco about it?
13:53No. I wanted to settle things between us first.
13:56I know it's asking a lot.
13:59Yeah, it might be asking too much.
14:02You know?
14:03And not just for me, but for Rocco, too.
14:07I should have shot you when you tried to kidnap Spencer all those years ago.
14:12I would have stopped you from doing all the damage that you did to the people I care about.
14:17Like Lulu, you tortured her by taking away her daughter.
14:21You don't deserve to be a father, Valentine.
14:26And you do?
14:28You love your family, but they're in danger because of you.
14:30Because of you!
14:32Because you messed with my medication.
14:35And I was erratic taking placebos.
14:38It's unforgivable what you did!
14:41I agree with that, but I'm still deeply sorry.
14:45Not sorry enough.
14:47Diane is not going to even have a sweat convincing the DA that somebody came into my home and I shot him in self-defense.
14:56Lulu and Dante will never have to worry about you again.
15:02Maybe they won't.
15:04But Michael will.
15:11She's stabilized.
15:13It's the best we can do until we get the cure.
15:16Which better be soon.
15:19You okay, Nurse Crementosa?
15:21I'm okay, I just don't know what Carly's doing.
15:24I'm okay, I just don't know what Carly's family will do.
15:31Can I see her?
15:33Sure. I'll be right outside.
15:46I was afraid something like this was going to happen.
15:49Let me pay for your dry cleaning. Or, you know what, I'll just buy you a new shirt.
15:54Don't worry about it.
15:56I insist.
15:58Lucas, I can afford my own dry cleaning.
16:01Wow. I must have been really pathetic for you to be this nice to me.
16:07Are people usually not nice to you?
16:09I didn't mean it like that, I just... I'm sorry that I threw myself at you like that.
16:15You didn't.
16:18We kissed. And it was a good kiss.
16:21Oh. I think I enjoyed the kiss too.
16:27So if we... if we both liked it, then why didn't we...
16:32You were in no condition to consent.
16:34So I just brought you up to your room and made sure you got into bed okay.
16:38And you undressed me.
16:40You weren't just in a well on my shirt.
16:42Oh my god.
16:43I didn't want to leave in case you got sick again, so I took a shower and I cleaned up.
16:51Thank you for being so kind to me.
16:55My pleasure.
16:57So, how are you feeling?
17:01Because you weren't just drunk, you were upset about your ex.
17:05So what I'm really asking is, how are you doing now?
17:09Do you really think that Lucas and I could have a future?
17:13What I said, Brad, was someday. Friends. Maybe.
17:17Yeah. Yeah, Lucas and I could totally have a future someday.
17:21Because we've got something real. Even he said so.
17:25Yeah, I'm sure he's calmed down now.
17:28I'm sure he'll be able to see that I'm a better person now.
17:33Better than when you left him?
17:35Exactly. And with his love, I'll be a whole new man.
17:39Thank you, Miss Henry. You've been a great help. Like always.
17:43Bradley, stop. Please. Wait.
17:45Lord have mercy.
17:48Was I in love with Dante? I mean, I might have thought I was.
17:53I was a teenager. I had no idea what real love was.
17:57I didn't know what real love was until I met you.
18:01That's true for me, too. And I do love you.
18:06I love you, too.
18:08And listen, you need to understand, okay, being at camp is like being on another planet.
18:13Away from our home and our parents and all the prying eyes of people that we knew.
18:18After summer's over, did you see Dante?
18:21I didn't see Dante again for a year.
18:23I had my baby and the last I heard, a Catholic adoption agency took care of everything.
18:28Did you want more information on the adoption?
18:30No. It was closed.
18:33It was closed up inside me, too. It was the only way it could function.
18:37I get that.
18:39And any inkling I had of wanting to tell Dante, it went away as soon as I saw him.
18:44Why's that?
18:46Because it was like the summer never happened. He was dating someone else and so was I and that was that.
18:53So when Carly asked you to break Lulu and Dante up, you weren't trying to get back with Dante?
18:59Willow's not going to have a chance to come at Michael.
19:01Because like I said, if that means letting everybody think that I'm the father, then so be it.
19:07Thank you. Thank you again.
19:10I really think that it's important that we work together to protect Michael.
19:16Especially now when he can't be here to fight his own battles.
19:20Does that mean you're willing to accept my help?
19:24Under any other circumstances, I would say no.
19:28Right, but the circumstances are different now because of Willow.
19:31And the risk to Michael is even greater.
19:34Carly talked to me about letting you in, where she told me what a great man you are.
19:43Carly, she's biased.
19:46She loves you. I know that you guys are close.
19:50So, I have to ask, will you be okay not telling Carly that this baby is her grandchild?
20:00You threatening my son?
20:02Absolutely not.
20:04But everyone you love is in danger tonight.
20:07Michael could have been killed in that explosion.
20:09What do you know about all that?
20:11I know the incendiary device that was used is not available to civilians.
20:15It's only used by government.
20:16I already know all that.
20:18You know who's trying to kill you?
20:20Because I know who planted the device on him.
20:23Put down that gun, and we can talk.
20:31I ordered room service.
20:33Well, thank you again.
20:36You must be kicking yourself that you dropped that credit card.
20:40On the contrary.
20:41I'm sorry that you're having a tough time, but I'm definitely not sorry I met you.
20:45No. I wish I could make it up to you.
20:48But the symposium's over, and I fly home tomorrow morning.
20:53There's nothing to make up for.
20:55What are you? Like, professional Good Samaritan?
20:59Definitely not that. Far from it.
21:03I hate not telling Carly the truth.
21:05But if we let her in on this, she will never be able to keep it a secret, or stay away from the baby.
21:11So, for now, she can't know.
21:17I'm so grateful that Michael agreed to let me raise this baby on my own.
21:25But I have to admit that part of me really wishes that he was here.
21:31But I have to admit that part of me really wishes that he was here for the sonogram.
21:38We could have listened to our baby's heartbeat together.
21:41So you and the baby are good?
21:44See for yourself.
21:55The ugly truth is that when Carly asked me to break up Lulu and Dante,
22:00part of me did it for the money.
22:03Why'd the other party do it?
22:06Because I wanted to see if Dante could have feelings for me again, so I could rub it in Lulu's face.
22:11And if he did ...
22:13You could tell him about the baby.
22:15Yeah, but he didn't. Lulu and Dante were solid, and I wasn't in love with him, so I let it go.
22:20If you didn't love him, why'd you bother with any of it?
22:23Like I said, for the money. And I was convinced that Dante deserved better than Lulu, which I still think, now more than ever.
22:30What Dante cares for is something you don't get to decide. No one does. It's all on him.
22:36Bottom line is, whatever I felt for Dante was a long time ago, okay? It is nothing compared to what I feel for you.
22:43You know that, right?
22:45Lulu, I don't know that I can just let him go.
22:50That'd be hard.
22:53After everything that's happened and that we've been through,
22:58I'd imagine that would be hard for Rocco as well.
23:02You and Rocco would still see each other all the time.
23:06I just really feel like Rocco needs me right now. We have so much time to make up for, and it's not just with me, but with Charlotte too.
23:15You know the reason that Rocco and Danny and I are at the Q's is because Sam wanted to keep the kids together, right?
23:23And the kids, they all wanted that too.
23:24But now Scout is living with her father.
23:27Yeah, because Drew's a selfish jerk who took Scout away with him when he was kicked out of the house by Monica.
23:34Does that make me a selfish jerk for wanting to be with my son?
23:39I know what the secret and secret agent means. It doesn't mean that I have to like it.
23:45Get used to it. We'll provide you with photos, receipts, plane tickets, whatever your cover story requires.
23:51But it's up to you to sell it to the people closest to you.
23:55And I will.
23:57See, I'm not as sure. You seem to think only part of your life will be a lie.
24:02You need to accept that nothing about your life will be real.
24:06Of course it will. My family, my friends-
24:10Won't know you anymore. Not really. All they'll know is the cover story you tell them.
24:16It's a lonely life.
24:21Pretty soon you'll realize it's easier to let people go than keep track of the phony life they think you're leading.
24:29Is that what you did? Sacrifice your personal life to break down people like me?
24:37Go ahead. Start talking.
24:39The device in question was manufactured specifically for the WSB.
24:44So the WSB was trying to kill me?
24:47Possibly. But not necessarily.
24:51When I was in charge of Pikeman, a shipment of those devices went missing.
24:55I was in the process of tracking down that shipment when the FBI came for me.
24:59What did you learn before the FBI shut you down?
25:02Not as much as I've learned since I've been on the run.
25:05I identified the buyer.
25:09A hip man, Sonny. Someone who was hired to kill you.
25:12I need a name.
25:14I don't have a name. But I can make contact with that buyer.
25:17Michael should be here. Jocelyn should be here.
25:20Me, on the other hand, I think mine is the last voice Carly needs to hear.
25:23Or you're a damn good nurse and you being here is giving Carly every chance to survive this.
25:30She's going into cardiac arrest.
25:34Charge at 200.
25:36You charging? Let's go.
25:38What I'm saying is, I don't think you understand how much Rocco's life has changed while you were away.
25:48And that's honestly why I want him to come live with me, so I can get to know my son again.
25:54Look, I knew that you wouldn't love the idea, but I didn't think that you would fight me on it.
26:01I'm not trying to fight you on anything. I understand.
26:04I'm not trying to fight you on anything. I understand where you're coming from. I do.
26:10I just, I think he can wait a little bit. I mean, he's been through a lot.
26:16Yeah. You're both still grieving, Sam.
26:20You've lost a lot too. I hope we can both agree that our son needs both his parents.
26:28I'm certainly not going to disagree.
26:31So what do you want to do?
26:34I love you too, but I know Dante, and he's going to want to know that he has a child, a son out there.
26:42We're not talking about a child, Chase.
26:45We're talking about a grown adult who has lived a whole life without a place for me and Dante in it.
26:50You don't know that. Not for sure.
26:52You're right. But if Dante finds out that he has a son, he will never stop looking for him.
26:56And if he asked for my help, I would do everything I could to find him, because that's what I would want if it were me.
27:01Chase, it's not you.
27:02Look, I know that, but it feels like it is. I know that sounds crazy, but...
27:08No, it doesn't. It makes sense. You want this for Dante because you want this for yourself.
27:16All I want is you.
27:18You have me. I am mad as hell, but you have me.
27:25Thank God. And I know, as worried as you are about what's right for Dante,
27:30I am even more worried about what is right for our son.
27:34And it is not right or fair to upend his life.
27:38The decision to make his presence known should be his, not mine and not Dante's.
27:43So Dante can never know?
27:45Look, if our son comes looking for his birth parents, then I will tell him then.
27:50But until that happens, I'm not going to torture Dante with nothing but unanswered questions.
27:56Dante is happy or not knowing.
27:58I've had my heart broken once or twice. Had I been the one nursing my wounds,
28:03I think you would have shown me the same kindness.
28:06Absolutely. I'm glad you dropped that credit card.
28:11I'm lucky you found it.
28:15I should get going.
28:17But before you do, could I get your phone number? I mean, just...
28:22To reimburse you for your dry cleaning?
28:25You don't need my phone number to reimburse me, but...
28:28you will need it to call me and let me know that you survived this hangover.
28:33And that you're okay.
28:36You'll hear from me soon.
28:40If you don't toughen up.
28:42And yeah, you need to.
28:45You won't survive.
28:48Alright, well, this is better than you beating me up.
28:52Alright, well, this is better than you beating me up, but it's still not going to work.
28:56You're still trying to get me to quit.
28:58No, I'm leveling with you.
29:02Telling you this, just accelerating the inevitable.
29:07The inevitable is I lie to the people closest to me.
29:10Alright, fine.
29:12But I won't be lying when I tell them that I love them.
29:15And if I miss important moments in their lives,
29:18I will know it's because I'm doing something worthwhile.
29:22I will be protecting them.
29:24Even if they never know it.
29:26The hitman's name is Siliski.
29:29And he was hired to take you out.
29:31And since that job is not completed, you can expect he's going to return.
29:34Not if I get to him first.
29:39And what if I leave you to it?
29:41No, no, that's okay. Because that's... that's mine now.
30:11Take it.
30:13Thank God.
30:19Don't forget to call me.
30:22I won't.
30:41What you're saying, it makes sense.
30:45But you're making decisions for Dante under the guise of protecting him.
30:49I'm also protecting our son.
30:51Dante has the right to know that he has another child.
30:53Dante's right to know is not more important than our son's right to happiness.
30:57But don't you want to know if your son is actually happy?
30:59Of course I do.
31:01But I have to believe that he is or I can't go on.
31:04I have to believe that if he was unhappy then he would look for his birth parents and he hasn't.
31:10Maybe he doesn't know he's adopted.
31:11Well then it's certainly not my place to drop that on him.
31:14And not Dante's.
31:17Okay. I get why you believe what you do.
31:22But I know this for a fact.
31:24If it were me, I would want to know.
31:27I know you would.
31:30And I know it's unfair of me to even ask.
31:35Because of how hard it will be for you to keep such a huge secret from such an important friend like Dante.
31:41But Chase, you have to promise me.
31:44Dante will never know about our baby.
32:00I get that it's your job to push me to my limits and then some.
32:05But I'm gonna pass all your tests.
32:09I like your attitude.
32:12But the tests never stop coming.
32:15And not just in training.
32:17You're gonna be challenged, pushed and tested every day you're an agent.
32:23Bring it on.
32:25You think I could have a minute alone with Carly?
32:30I'll let you know immediately if anything changes.
32:33Sure. Thank you.
32:42How is she?
32:44Stable for the moment. More than that, we'll have to wait and see.
32:48Okay. Good. Thank you.
32:53This isn't right. I have to call Carly's family.
32:57Do you think Carly would want the mother of her grandchildren to get arrested?
33:01Because that's what's gonna happen if you go against Brennan.
33:05That's the baby's head.
33:06And that little thing is a hand. And then that's the baby's butt.
33:11Well, I'll make sure Michael knows that you and the baby are healthy.
33:17Hey, Jason.
33:19Do you think there's any way to get Michael a copy of this autogram without anyone knowing?
33:26I'll arrange it.
33:31I'll arrange it.
33:35Sure. I'm sorry.
33:37Go ahead.
33:45You need to get to General Hospital now. It's Carly.
34:15I know you can hear me.
34:19I know how strong you are.
34:22And I know how stubborn you are. And I know you will fight like hell. Always.
34:29I know the last thing you need is a bedside pep talk, so I'm not gonna give you one.
34:39You know how, um...
34:43You know how happy I made you when I told you that my father was a plumber?
34:49You said you liked knowing something no one else knew about me.
34:53Well, I'm gonna tell you something else about me that no one else knows.
35:00I do... I do have a heart.
35:06It's all yours.
35:23I love you.