00:00Nurse Corinthos.
00:04Good evening, Dr. Bannon.
00:06Ready to head into battle?
00:07I hope not. I have fought my share of battles today.
00:10Tough patients?
00:12Nothing I can't handle.
00:14Here's to hoping the ER is quiet tonight.
00:30Who is it?
00:40It's Kai. You okay?
00:42I'm fine. I just need to be alone.
01:01I thought I heard your dulcet tones, Tracy.
01:04Did you need something?
01:05Yeah. Tell Maria I need tea.
01:08Maria has left for the day, but I'll get it for you.
01:11Okay. Make it snappy. I have an appointment.
01:14Coming right up.
01:18Hey, everybody.
01:19Oh, Gio.
01:20How was Trina's party?
01:21Gio, did you happen to see any government officials or anyone with a bulldozer when you came up the driveway?
01:32Granny, what are you up to?
01:37Well, I was just saying, you must be so relieved that Charlotte is now home with Lulu.
01:42I can't even begin to tell you.
01:44You don't have to.
01:45And now that Lucky and Rocco and Ace are all present and accounted for.
01:50And Nicholas, too. I mean, maybe he's not here, but he's accounted for.
01:54Nicholas is strong, okay? He's gonna be fine.
01:57Still, I worry.
01:58I know. That's my point.
02:00I think you can let it go, just for now.
02:02You know, I think we should focus on the positive because things are starting to look up for our family.
02:10That was fast. I guess it was a success.
02:14Not entirely.
02:20Oh, man, that's so good.
02:30Okay, what took you so long?
02:41So that text I called you about on the plane.
02:44Turns out Charlotte didn't send it to Rocco.
02:46It was Valentin.
02:49Was it an ambush?
02:51I mean, he was expecting Lulu.
02:54Like, his plan was to give Charlotte over to her mother once she got to Buenos Aires.
02:57So I guess Valentin finally realized that he couldn't protect his daughter anymore.
03:01So even Valentin wants to keep his kids safe.
03:05Yeah, and he was right.
03:06Because the WSB kill squad showed up right after we did.
03:09And they would have gotten the jump on him if Anna and I hadn't been there.
03:12So you protected Valentin?
03:14I mean, the priority was getting Charlotte out safely.
03:17I mean, I couldn't get rid of Valentin in front of Anna.
03:19Where's Valentin now?
03:21I don't know.
03:23Well, the great thing is that you brought Charlotte home to her mother.
03:28Rocco missed her tremendously.
03:32And now the whole family can start to heal.
03:39I wasn't sure if anyone else wanted tea, so I made a pot.
03:43What kind is it? I hope it's nothing soothing or healthy.
03:47I would never try to soothe you.
03:50It's peppermint.
03:51Oh, good. At least it's not green.
03:53That's like sipping warmed up lawn cuttings.
03:58So you've said.
04:02Granny, I asked you.
04:04What am I doing?
04:05I am securing this family.
04:09The whole situation with the crypt has gotten way out of control.
04:13No thanks to your husband.
04:16You got into a physical altercation with a county surveyor.
04:20I wanted to press charges. I had to arrest you.
04:22We were on private property.
04:25It's still assault.
04:26It was not assault.
04:28You're supposed to be family anyway.
04:30Chase is family.
04:32If I may.
04:35You may.
04:36I think Chase was just doing his job and trying to follow the law.
04:41And maybe there's a way to make the law work for you.
04:47As it should.
04:49Look at the time. Got to run.
04:55Tea, anyone?
04:59I don't mean to intrude, but I saw you're gone from the party.
05:02And I get it.
05:04Sometimes you need to be alone.
05:06After my injury, I needed to be alone, too.
05:10So I'll go.
05:12But when you're ready to not be alone anymore,
05:16I'll show up for you like you did for me.
05:20And you also showed me that I don't have to be alone for too long.
05:36Maybe I don't want to be alone after all.
05:41Now that Charlotte's home, it might be kind of a good time for you and Lulu to start to get to know each other.
05:47I mean, without the shadow of Valentin hanging over the both of you.
05:50And I hope so.
05:51I mean, Valentin and I are still going to have a professional connection,
05:54but considering he's still, you know, out of the picture and very much off the grid,
05:58I'm hopeful that maybe Lulu could get past it.
06:02My daughter is pretty stubborn, so it's just going to be an uphill battle.
06:08I'll take it under advisement and remain cautiously optimistic.
06:12OK, good. OK, that is the spirit.
06:14Yeah. Yeah.
06:16You expecting somebody?
06:18No, it's kind of late for a social call.
06:25It's Anna.
06:27What is it? Is there is there some kind of an emergency at the PCPD?
06:30No, this isn't a PCPD matter. It's federal.
06:35Federal? I don't understand.
06:38Madam Mayor, this is Federal Marshal Thompson, Marshal Thompson.
06:41This is Mayor Laura Collins.
06:43Madam Mayor.
06:44It's a pleasure to meet you, Marshal.
06:46Please, tell me what this is about.
06:49The Marshal is here to serve an arrest warrant.
06:52For who? Not one of my children.
06:55It's for your brother, Martin Gray.
07:06I am so glad you showed up at my door.
07:09Yeah, I would have really regretted not giving us a chance.
07:15And what about now? Any regrets?
07:19Not yet.
07:29Thank you, all of you, for being so patient with Granny. I know she's been a little...
07:36Volatile, entitled, combative, like she always is, but more?
07:40I was going to say passionate.
07:42Sure. Passionate.
07:43Go with that.
07:45I'm not trying to make any excuses, but all this insanity with the crypt, it's really getting to her.
07:50No one should have to move their deceased family members.
07:53This whole thing's getting kind of creepy, right?
07:56It's creepy and distasteful and disrespectful.
08:00Just like Drew.
08:01No argument there.
08:03I feel like it goes beyond that.
08:05Sure, to the outside world, Tracy might seem like some wealthy woman who could easily afford to rebuild a family crypt.
08:13But she goes down there to visit her parents at least three times a week.
08:18Three times a week? To a crypt?
08:20She goes there to think. She feels close to her parents and brother there.
08:24She always makes sure that they have fresh flowers. The place really matters to her.
08:30What really bothers me is Drew didn't have to do this.
08:32No one was being hurt by a crypt taking up a few feet of public land.
08:36They could have reclaimed the conservancy land at a different part of the property.
08:40Drew was just doing this to hurt Tracy.
08:42All because she was trying to get back the family name.
08:44Honestly, the more this plays out, the more it feels like Tracy's just trying to protect her family.
08:50I respect that.
08:51Look, lover or hater, Drew has picked a fight with the wrong broad.
08:56Seriously. Tracy could probably take anybody on any corner in Bensonhurst.
09:03There has got to be some kind of a mistake here.
09:06No, no. I'm sorry. There isn't. I reviewed the warrant myself.
09:09And since Mr. Gray is your brother, I asked the marshal if I could accompany him, just as a courtesy,
09:15to make sure that everything is handled appropriately when Mr. Gray is taken into custody.
09:20Taken into... This is nuts! I haven't done anything wrong.
09:25Listen, what federal crime are you attempting to charge me with?
09:29Apparently you're in arrears when it comes to some alimony payments for one of your ex-wives.
09:34Which one?
09:36Well, the particular ex-wife in question isn't actually listed on the warrant,
09:40but I can tell you that the charges were filed out of a federal court in California.
09:46Yes. You're being extradited there.
09:50So I didn't get to celebrate my birthday last year.
09:53Why not?
09:56I'm not sure if you know, but my boyfriend, Spencer, he died.
10:07I had an impression that you lost someone, but I had no idea who.
10:12Well, you couldn't have known.
10:15But it was January of last year, and when my birthday came around,
10:22the loss was just so fresh.
10:24I'm sure.
10:26And my mom and Joss, they all understood, and they gave me the space that I needed.
10:30But this year, when I walked into the gallery, and everybody yelled,
10:38Surprise! I was genuinely surprised.
10:43And was it like a good surprise?
10:46Yeah, it was.
10:50I was happy to see everybody.
10:53My family, my friends, the people that I love.
10:58But then when I opened Emma's gift, and I saw this book cover.
11:11Everything just came crashing back.
11:14Katrina, I am so sorry.
11:16I feel like I'm moving on.
11:19I feel like that all of the grief is behind me, but it just sneaks up.
11:25You know, and in a way that I don't expect.
11:30This book reminds you of Spencer.
11:36This one isn't the one Emma gave me.
11:40It's the one from Spencer.
11:45May I?
12:01Tell me about it.
12:04So any updates from Brick about who planted the bomb at your place?
12:08Not yet. One dead end after another.
12:11Well, I mean, if Brick's hitting dead ends, then...
12:14Well, you know, the person who did this gets in, gets out without leaving any tracks.
12:18Yes, but nobody's perfect. We just got to find this guy's mistake.
12:22We got to find this guy soon, because my family's not going to feel secure
12:27until we find out who's responsible and take him out.
12:32Speaking of family, any word for Michael? Anything new?
12:39Yeah, Carly spoke to Michael on the phone.
12:43Wow, that's new.
12:45Yeah, I don't think they talked very long, but Carly probably did all the talking.
12:50Yeah, that's a safe bet. I'll call him.
12:54Yeah, Michael's doing better, but it's going to be a long road.
12:58I know, but he's a tough kid.
13:02Yeah, his whole life was ripped apart.
13:05There's nothing I can do about Drew or Willow, but whoever hurt my son, they're going to pay.
13:14So Brick said the device itself wasn't anything the five families normally would have access to.
13:21I'm thinking we take a look at Sidwell.
13:23I mean, he says he's here to start a legitimate business.
13:26Yeah, but I don't buy it. Last time he came to Port Charles, he was lucky to get out with his diamonds and his life.
13:32That's true. His story, his cover story is very thin.
13:36Sidwell's a smart man. Why does he think it's smart to come after my family?
13:46Okay, well, the shower can wait, but this champagne is so good, we can't let it get warm.
13:52Yeah, this is an excellent vintage. I'm surprised you had it in the cellars.
13:55I knew. Olivia must have picked it out. Well, I mean, she doesn't pick it out, the sommelier picks it out, but Olivia, she has to approve it.
14:04Carly, don't.
14:07Oh my God.
14:09Oh my God, look at this.
14:22Sidwell returning to Port Charles right before the bombing, very suspicious.
14:27And he also threw his hat and withdrew to muscle me out of the waterfront.
14:32Yeah, but it doesn't make sense to start with a bomb and then turn to bureaucracy.
14:36Maybe that's what he wants us to think. Okay, maybe not. I don't know. Listen, forget Sidwell for now.
14:44Who else do you know who would have any reason to want to come after me?
14:48I mean, anybody who would want to take you out and get a foothold here.
14:51But you got to remember, there are very few that have access to that technology that was used in the bomb.
14:57What do you know other than what Brick told us?
15:00I know what Anna said. She said that the device that was used at your penthouse was typically and exclusively used in the intelligence community.
15:10We're talking WSB, CIA. It's not military made. It's not homemade.
15:14What about the bomb that Sidwell used to kidnap Sasha?
15:19Doesn't match.
15:20Okay, maybe he doesn't use the same bomb twice.
15:23So either somebody bought that device off the books from an intelligence agency.
15:27Or someone in the intelligence community wants to take me out.
15:32Okay, what about one of Carly's buddies, Jack Brandt, in the WSB?
15:38You think he could be involved?
15:41A woman has ingested an unidentified poison. Her heart rate is irregular. Her breathing is shallow.
15:46I need you to prep the ER at General Hospital. Tell them they have to pump her stomach and get a trauma team ready.
15:54Spencer could be in the WSB.
15:56Trauma team ready.
16:00Spencer could be spoiled and entitled and arrogant, which was annoying because he was so cute.
16:10Oh, that's always the worst.
16:12But it took me some time to realize that there was a reason for all of it.
16:17And not saying that he couldn't be a jerk, because he could be. And a lot.
16:23Yeah, well, if you loved it, there must be good in him. And I like that you're keeping me in suspense about that.
16:29Most of his attitude came because he was protecting his heart. And he had reasons for that.
16:37Spencer's dad left Port Charles for a long time. And it really hurt Spencer.
16:45I can imagine.
16:46But if given the chance, he was thoughtful and perceptive. It can be hurt easily. And that's why he was so protective of his heart.
17:00But not when he was with you?
17:03No. Not when he was with me.
17:10And when we decided to be in us together, like really decided.
17:17I realized that we didn't have to protect ourselves from each other.
17:22It turned out that we had to protect ourselves from everything else outside of us.
17:28I can do that, you know.
17:35Hey, what you said about Tracy earlier was really nice. You care about her.
17:40Tracy's tough, but she means well. Most of the time.
17:48If you didn't feel the same way, you wouldn't put up with so much.
17:51Tracy has a unique way of showing her affection, but yeah, it's definitely there.
17:58It's funny, even as outsiders, she still kind of takes us in. We may not be part of the family.
18:04But it still feels like we're a small part of something precious, right?
18:09Yeah. When the baby gets here, you're going to be a real part of it.
18:14Yeah, I'm still wrestling with that idea.
18:18But on nights like tonight, I think it might not be such a bad thing.
18:25Don't take this the wrong way, but you and Tracy have a lot in common.
18:30You mean you've arrested each of us on multiple occasions?
18:34That's part of it, yeah.
18:36I'll take that as a compliment.
18:37Until last night, I would have sworn that I had more in common with my Grandma Gloria.
18:41But realizing how wrong I was.
18:45You need to tell me that the federal government is going to waste taxpayer money to extradite me for alimony payments?
18:55The law is the law, sir.
18:57Why should I?
18:58The federal government is going to waste taxpayer money to extradite me for alimony payments?
19:05The law is the law, sir.
19:07Marshall, could I have a moment with my brother, please?
19:15I thought you had some kind of an understanding with your ex-wives.
19:20Yeah, so did I. I mean, they're all erratic in their own unique way, but I assume things were civil at least.
19:25Okay, look, are you behind in your alimony payments?
19:28That's what I'm aware of.
19:30Okay, yeah, maybe I, you know, I came into a substantial chunk of change with the sale of Valentine's House, but that was...
19:37You might want to declare that.
19:39Don't help.
19:42What a fine party this is.
19:46Tracy, what are you doing here?
19:48Oh, I was in the neighborhood and I thought I'd just step up and say hi to Lulu, but I see you already have guests.
19:57This was you, wasn't it?
20:00Yeah, you're behind this arrest, this treachery. This is all you're doing, isn't it?
20:07Of course it is.
20:10Heart rate's 50, respiration's 10.
20:13Carly ingested a poison via champagne, lost consciousness.
20:17Quantity consumed is unclear. Approximately a three-minute window between consumption and effect.
20:23Ms. Correntos, you good?
20:24I'm fine.
20:26Let's go, trauma one.
20:28Come on.
20:41I need two agents at General Hospital now, first floor, and I need a lab tech prepped.
20:45Poison identification. Immediately.
20:55I need you at GH. Now.
20:59If Brennan's behind the bombing, it'd have to be personal.
21:04We've been, you know, divorced a long time. I mean, he knows I don't like him, but I'm not in the way.
21:09And hurting one of her kids intentional or not?
21:11She would kill him herself. So, uh, Brennan is a stretch. We just have to keep our options open.
21:20Will do.
21:21Um, Anna, can you talk to her again? Because she doesn't talk to me.
21:25Maybe she knows somebody in the intelligence community who has access to that device.
21:30I'm on it.
21:32And one more thing.
21:37I don't want to get into your business, but, uh, Sasha is Brandon's wife.
21:43She's pregnant, and her pregnancy and her safety is in danger.
21:48Her pregnancy and her safety is very important to me.
21:53And somebody's after me. You're connected to me. She's connected to you.
22:01Just make sure you take good care of her.
22:05I'll take care of Sasha.
22:13What's going on with you and Gloria?
22:19I don't know.
22:31It's about my pregnancy. Back in high school.
22:37I thought it was something that just me and my mom knew about, that it was a secret that was just between the two of us.
22:43And that's not the case?
22:45No. She told my grandma.
22:48Someone she could trust to talk to.
22:50Well, what about our trust?
22:52She either should have kept it between the two of us or told me that my grandma knew.
22:56Okay, you have a point.
22:58How'd you find out they were keeping this from you?
23:00From Lulu.
23:08I know.
23:10Tell me this isn't the universe punishing me.
23:13I wish I could. Um, how did—
23:15All I know is that my ma was talking about my baby to Martin Gray.
23:20Just another person that she was babbling to that I had no idea about.
23:25So Lulu found out that Martin and Lois were talking?
23:28She found Martin's notes from his conversation with my mom.
23:32Why was Lois talking to Martin?
23:35Wait, was she trying to find your child?
23:39Uh, Laura, I'm so sorry. I have to take off. I'm really sorry.
23:42Well, yeah, by all means. Thanks for the courtesy visit, Commissioner. You've been a real comfort.
23:46I'm sure the Marshal is going to handle everything by the book.
23:49Yes, I'm sure he will. Thank you, Emma.
23:54How'd you do it?
23:56I made a phone call.
23:58But how did you know to make a phone call?
24:01Well, I followed your brother's example. I took a shot. It panned out.
24:06Would you mind explaining that to me?
24:09Not at all.
24:10I overheard Lucy Coe bragging about her magnificent windfall commission that she made selling Valentine's house to Sonny.
24:20With you as fiduciary.
24:22It's my job.
24:24Yes, and I figured you got paid a pretty penny for that job.
24:28One that you would want to squirrel away from all the women who were unfortunate or stupid enough to marry you.
24:35I was right.
24:36I wasn't squirreling. I simply hadn't declared it as income yet.
24:41Oh, because you were busy?
24:44I didn't even know you had an ex in California.
24:47I don't. Okay? They're all here on the East Coast.
24:52Oh, God. Wait a minute. There is one who's mean enough to do something like this.
24:58Makes Blair Kramer look like a teddy bear.
25:01Wait a minute. Blair Kramer is a lovely woman with terrible taste in men.
25:06Anyway, we got married in Los Angeles. Not Blair, the mean one.
25:10And I mean mean. This is bad, baby sister. Really bad.
25:14If I get sent to California, this won't put me on the rack and make microwave popcorn.
25:17So could you please just...
25:19Yeah, Tracy.
25:22What do we have to do to make this go away?
25:30Spencer had a truly psychotic ex-girlfriend named Esme.
25:35And out of revenge, she slept with Spencer's father and then got pregnant.
25:44Wow. That is a long-haul revenge play.
25:50But then I got accepted to this program at the Sorbonne in Paris.
25:56And Spencer and I decided to go together.
25:59And were you two planning to live together?
26:01Yeah. We were going to get an apartment and take in all of the art and the music and the food and the architecture.
26:11And then we got there. We actually got to Paris.
26:15And was it everything you expected?
26:18It was more. And for a moment, we had everything we ever dreamed of.
26:26And it was long enough for me to truly believe it was all mine.
26:33And then Esme showed up.
26:36What did she want?
26:38To kill me. And she almost did.
26:41But Spencer... Spencer died saving my life.
26:57Mom likes that they only use real stuff in them.
27:00I like that I don't have to catch them myself.
27:05I want this bottle tested to identify the toxin.
27:08Get a team down to the metro court. I want to analyze their security footage.
27:11Find out who delivered that bottle.
27:13You, I want you on Carly Spencer's room.
27:15No one but her medical team gets in or out without my authorization.
27:17If anyone gets past you and you're not dead, I'm going to kill you myself. Go.
27:20Found her, Spencer. What's her status?
27:23We're doing our best to keep her stabilized.
27:25We gave her a gastric lavage, but we can't treat her sufficiently until we know what she was poisoned with.
27:30I'm working on that. You just keep her alive.
27:33Dr. Gannon, Carly's family needs to know she's here. I'm going to call her ex-husband, Sonny.
27:36No, you're not.
27:38She could die. Her family needs to be here.
27:40This is a matter of national security, and as WSP Station Chief, I'm exerting my authority.
27:43How is this...
27:45No one gets into that room without my authorization. Is that understood?
27:48I'm sorry.
27:50I'm sorry, Mr. Brennan. I know you're upset, but that's not how we do this.
27:54Try me.
27:56There is nothing to be done.
27:59Martin has paved the way for Drew to literally uproot my family from their final resting place,
28:07and there are consequences for that. This is one of them.
28:11One of them? Oh, Tracy, come on.
28:15Martin was just representing Drew's interests here. He has no issue with your family.
28:22Amen to that. Look, I may be guilty of doing my job a little bit too well, but your conflict is with Drew.
28:28Yeah, my conflict is with anybody who messes with my family, including people that aid and abet that messing.
28:37Okay, look, he told me that he only planned to use the location of your family's mausoleum as a starting point of a negotiation.
28:44It was Drew, Tracy, who took it and ran with it and made it part of public record. Isn't that right?
28:50Oh, yeah, yeah.
28:52You know, when I worked for your father, one of the very first things that Edward ever taught me, and I never forgot it,
28:57is that everything is a negotiation. Everything.
29:00So how can you hold it against Martin for negotiating on behalf of his client
29:05when you know that Drew is the driving force behind all of this?
29:11I don't know what my ma's doing. I don't know what she's thinking.
29:14All I know is that when I confronted her, she confessed that my grandma has known the entire time
29:20and that they both agreed to never say a word about it.
29:23And they didn't, until now.
29:25Exactly. Look, maybe this makes me a hypocrite, but now I am looking back to every interaction,
29:33every conversation that me and my grandma had.
29:35Yeah, I was keeping a secret from her, but her and my mom were keeping a huge secret from me.
29:40And secrets hurt.
29:42Hurt like hell.
29:46And the relationship I thought I had with my mom and my grandma feel completely different.
29:52They're not who I thought they were.
29:55Hey, they are the same flawed people that have always loved you.
30:00Hey, they are the same flawed people that have always loved you.
30:06They're people who keep things from me.
30:15And as the same flawed person who has always loved you, I...
30:20I just realized I'm doing the exact same thing to you.
30:24I'm sorry, I'm for oversharing. You know, I'm just gonna get us some water and maybe...
30:28Wait, Trina, wait, wait. Do not apologize.
30:32Okay, I asked you about Spencer because he's part of you.
30:36And the more I get to know about you, the more I want to.
30:39Even the dark and depressing parts?
30:42Even the dark and depressing parts.
30:45Do you remember that first painting you showed me at the Chuck?
30:49The one with the deep contrast between light and dark elements?
30:53Yeah, that's one of my favorites. Of course I do.
30:55Yeah, and you showed me how it was so bold and striking because of that contrast.
31:00And this is kind of like that.
31:02The more I get to know about you and the dark and light parts of you,
31:07the more beautiful and striking you become.
31:18Happy birthday.
31:19Happy birthday.
31:23I couldn't give this to you earlier.
31:28Hi. No, you didn't have to do that.
31:31No, I wanted to. And you don't have to open it now. Just whenever, whenever you're ready.
31:40And thank you for telling me about Spencer. He sounds very cool.
31:44He was.
31:46Alright, well, have a good night, Trina.
31:49You too.
32:20Okay, I think we can all take a step back from the brink, right, Martin?
32:25Absolutely. Okay, just for the record, it was never my intention to have anybody disinterred.
32:31I was never going to let Drew go through with it.
32:34Yeah, well, that's a battle you would have lost badly.
32:37Yeah, maybe yes, maybe no, Tracey. I mean, come on, you know, the law was on Drew's side.
32:42You can't build a mausoleum on public land, you know, it's illegal.
32:45Martin, Martin.
32:46No, seriously, it'd be just another rich family making up the rules as they go along.
32:50No, that's it. I'm done.
32:55Do your job.
32:57Martin Gray, you're under arrest.
33:01You have the right to remain silent.
33:04Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.
33:07You have the right to an attorney.
33:09I don't want to keep any secrets from you.
33:11I don't want us to think that we have one kind of relationship and then realize years later that it's something completely different.
33:16Hey, I love you. There is nothing you can say that could change that.
33:23I pray that's true. I just want to tell you everything.
33:32I've never told you who my baby's father was.
33:37I just assumed it was some kid from the neighborhood.
33:41It was someone from the neighborhood.
33:45This wasn't some random kid.
33:51My baby's father was, is Dante.
33:59Jason, thank God you're home.
34:02Is something wrong?
34:04We need to talk about the baby.
34:07Nurse, we're going to need a second line.
34:09Pulse is 40 and ready. Respiration's down to 8.
34:12We need to know what she ingested. Now.
34:17Okay, what's going on? Why the urgent call?
34:21I was with Carly. She's not well.
34:23Okay, what's going on? Why the urgent call?
34:26I was with Carly. She drank a glass of champagne and collapsed. I brought her here. They're treating her.
34:30I sent the bottle down to the WSB for testing. I'm awaiting results.
34:33Okay, is that them?
34:37What is it?
34:41You're sure?
34:43What is it?
34:47Polonium poisoning.
34:52Polonium poisoning.
35:22Forget something.