00:00Protected conservancy property. It's illegal to build on it.
00:02And this is really all about your last name?
00:04Yeah, that and that he hates this family.
00:08Oh, so you're abusing your power in office.
00:11Got it.
00:13Congressman, shouldn't you be helping your constituents
00:17instead of traumatizing them by digging up their beloved parents?
00:24Don't you dare throw my son in my face.
00:28Someone has to.
00:30Braco may be your son, but I live with him.
00:34I see him way more than you do.
00:36And when you went off to Prague, he was afraid and hurt.
00:41He finally had his mom back.
00:44And the first chance she got, she up and left him again.
00:48That's low, but not wrong.
00:53You're using my kid to justify your lies?
00:57Your son is lucky you gave him up.
01:01If you can use someone else's child against them,
01:03then it's a good thing you're nobody's mother.
01:11Guinea's boys are notoriously moody.
01:14Yeah, but I feel like Braco's just been struggling ever since Lulu woke up.
01:19I thought he seemed happier.
01:21He is, okay, for the most part.
01:24But then Lulu took off to Prague to find Charlotte,
01:28and ever since then, this kid's terrified he's gonna lose her again.
01:31Yeah, that makes sense.
01:32And I'm not blaming Lulu for doing that.
01:34If it was my kid, I'd have done the same thing.
01:35I'd still be looking for him.
01:36I know you would.
01:38And Braco wants his sister back.
01:41Look, Lulu and I, we both want our son to be happy,
01:45but for some reason, we can't come together to make that happen.
01:47It's like any time we talk to each other,
01:49we can't do it like normal people would.
01:52But I can talk to Brooklyn.
01:55Which hurts Lulu's feelings.
01:57Right, it doesn't make her any less mad at Brooklyn.
01:59I mean, this thing has been going on for 15 years.
02:01I can't believe it.
02:03Al, it's not because of that.
02:06It's because Lulu is still in love with you.
02:13All right, you let me handle this, okay?
02:15Under no circumstances fire your weapon.
02:17I won't unless they give me a reason to.
02:19Can't you just maybe not look for one?
02:21How about that?
02:25This is Anna Devane, Police Commissioner Port Charles, New York.
02:29Don't shoot!
02:31Where is Valentine Castadine?
02:33He just left.
02:34You missed him.
02:35Get down on the ground.
02:36Search the house.
02:41Wait, before you do that, you should call Jack Brennan.
02:46Tell him that you're with me and he will give you your orders.
02:49Jack Brennan's not running this op.
02:53Look, now that you've found me, your mission has changed, you know?
03:01You need to talk to Brennan.
03:02Stop moving.
03:09You okay?
03:12Yeah, you?
03:14I don't know where Valentine is.
03:16He and Charlotte are probably long gone.
03:18Not this time.
03:21Hello, Anna.
03:23You seem very civic-minded and I applaud that, but you are on the wrong side of this.
03:31Tracy is not some downtrodden member of the public.
03:34She is an entitled bully who expects to get whatever she wants.
03:37Says the man who is using his public office to retaliate against the family who threw him out.
03:44Well, it sounds to me like Emma has a good point.
03:46You've only been in Congress, what, a few months?
03:49Hmm, which is interesting because Congress is in session right now and yet you're still here.
03:55Your vote's in action, poor Charles.
03:58There has to be bigger problems facing your constituency than, what, a property loan?
04:04Look, when a problem is brought to my attention, I see it through Lois.
04:06You were there when Alexis and Martin tried to work this out.
04:09Oh, yeah, no, I'll never forget it.
04:11It was the day that Tracy was willing to bend, yet here you are pushing it.
04:17I'm just following the law.
04:20Your surveyor just said that his findings were preliminary,
04:26which means you got the order without confirmation to seize the building.
04:37All I'm saying is it's better to see the produce,
04:40touch it with your hands before you buy it, but since we can't risk being seen.
04:45Oh, well, you accepted my terms, so there's no backing out now.
04:48I'm rolling with it.
04:50Okay, so why am I buying tomato paste and tomatoes and garlic and basil
04:57when I can just get the sauce that I like?
04:59You don't cook.
05:00Okay, I'm a fantastic cook, I just don't have time to cook.
05:05Okay, well, homemade is superior to canned in every way.
05:09You are such a food snob.
05:11Deal breaker.
05:12Well, as long as you don't make me cook with you.
05:17Why not?
05:18I promise I will make it with you, wow.
05:21Oh, really?
05:31Hey, Ned, it's been a long time.
05:33What's going on?
05:35What are you talking about, man?
05:38Actually, okay, Lulu and I were connected yesterday,
05:41but she's not in love with me, she was gonna marry Dustin.
05:43What? No, she was not.
05:45She was.
05:45Oh, God forgive me, because I'm about to break girl code here, but
05:49the night of the explosion, Lulu actually broke things off with Dustin
05:53because she realized that she was still in love with you.
05:58I don't, so she told you that?
06:00Yeah, and I'm pretty sure she was about to tell you when she collapsed.
06:06Why? I don't know.
06:08I don't know what to do with that, I've just lost Sam.
06:14And I think Lulu is trying to accept that,
06:18which is why she's not putting her feelings on you,
06:21and she pushes you away when you're trying to help her.
06:26That, yeah, that is what she does.
06:28Yeah, she's trying really hard not to love you, classic Lulu.
06:32And if memory serves me correct, when she went into a coma,
06:36when she went into a coma, you wanted her too.
06:40Well, yeah, I did, but then she was gone for so long,
06:45and then I fell in love with Sam.
06:49Look, all I know is she's doing her best not to push her feelings on you,
06:53and that she didn't want you to know this at all.
06:58So why did you tell me?
07:01Because, Dante, you asked her to be patient with Brooklyn,
07:05but I think you need to be patient with Lulu.
07:08Look, you have to be careful with her, okay?
07:12She is really doing the best that she can.
07:20I am a mother.
07:24I went through 12 hours of labor,
07:28and then gave my baby to some stranger from an adoption agency.
07:33I couldn't even let myself hold him.
07:38I didn't even know if it was a boy or a girl until you told me.
07:48I'm sorry about that.
07:52I assumed you knew.
07:54Probably also assumed it was easy for me, but it wasn't.
08:01I love my baby.
08:03I love him with all my heart, and I still do.
08:11And I have to believe that giving him away gave him a better life.
08:21Don't you want to know for sure?
08:26More than anything.
08:27I love my baby.
08:32But not at the expense of his happiness or peace.
08:40Even I'm not that selfish.
08:44Look, if he wants to find his birth parents, he will.
08:51In the meantime, Lulu, please.
08:55I am begging you.
08:57Leave it alone.
09:03Look, I'm sorry, but for the record, you did come here asking for my help,
09:07and for once, the truth was the only thing I could think to say.
09:10Well, you could have just said, I don't know.
09:13Ah, but I usually do know.
09:15Look, Rocco needs you.
09:18Both of you, obviously.
09:20And Lulu knows that.
09:23She's a great mom.
09:24And I know she loves her son.
09:26And she knows you're a great dad.
09:29I could actually do with her telling me that less.
09:32Look, whenever Rocco needs extra assurance, you guys can come together to give him that.
09:39No matter what's going on between the two of you.
09:42So what are you gonna do?
09:48I don't agree with any of this.
09:50But I don't want to be the one who blows up Dante's life.
09:56Or your child's.
09:58So you're not gonna tell Dante?
10:04I'm not gonna tell Dante.
10:07I still think that he should know.
10:11But I think you should be the one to tell him.
10:16I made my choice years ago.
10:17I need the past to stay the past.
10:30You should know.
10:32I never would have found out about any of this
10:35if your mother hadn't talked to my Uncle Martin.
10:39So the secret of yours, it's not the past.
10:42That's now.
10:45Believe me, I know.
11:13Deputy Mayor Ashford, you really didn't need to concern yourself with this.
11:17Actually, Jordan is here as a favor to me.
11:19I saw her negotiating skills firsthand when I was mayor.
11:22And she was the police commissioner.
11:24And I thought that she could just help us keep the peace.
11:26Right, well, I'm sorry that Ned dragged you into this.
11:28There's really nothing to negotiate here.
11:29The Quartermain Crypt is partially on a protected conservation area.
11:34And it's not a safe place for you to be.
11:35I'm sorry, but I don't want to put you in a position where you have to negotiate with me.
11:38I don't want to put you in a position where you have to negotiate with me.
11:40It's on a protected conservation area.
11:43And the law is the law.
11:44And I'm sure you've got better things to do.
11:47Then why was Martin so willing to drop everything
11:50if I allowed you to retain the Quartermain name?
11:56I do believe you referred to that meeting earlier.
11:59Lois was a witness.
12:02Drew, I understand you feel provoked.
12:05But if you move forward with this,
12:06you will be using public funds to fight a personal battle.
12:09And that's not who you are.
12:12What do you think, Tracy?
12:14Am I Drew Cain?
12:16Or am I Drew Quartermain?
12:19Thank you for taking care of the WSB.
12:22I was expecting Lulu.
12:24You know about the text.
12:25I sent a text.
12:28I need Charlotte to be safe.
12:30I'll be safe with you.
12:32When the Kill Squad doesn't check him, they'll send another one.
12:37Why are you here?
12:39Where's my mom?
12:40We'll explain everything on the way.
12:44I don't want to go with you.
12:45Okay, then come with me.
12:47I promised Rocco I'd bring you home.
12:50That's what's going to happen.
12:58Je t'aime, mon petit.
13:01Je t'aime aussi, Papa.
13:09Je t'aime.
13:13I feel like that's the last time I see my daughter.
13:19It doesn't have to be.
13:22Why don't you come with us?
13:26Let me bring you in.
13:32Maxie, it's me.
13:33I need to talk to you.
13:41Did you two get out of there because Anna's going to kill my father?
13:44No, Anna wouldn't do that.
13:46She came all this way to bring you home.
13:49And knowing her, she's going to probably try to save your father, too.
13:52You always come through for me, don't you?
13:55Don't remind me of that.
13:58You get to say goodbye.
14:00I'm glad.
14:03It doesn't have to be.
14:09Why don't you come back?
14:12Wait, I can...
14:14We can make a plea deal.
14:18I know too much.
14:20I tried to kill Jack if that bridge wasn't burned already.
14:25You and I both know the WSB is not going to let me live.
14:30But if Charlotte is safe, then I'm free to do what I have to do.
14:35Valentin, just please.
14:39Don't throw your life away.
14:43The time when you thought you loved me.
14:47Those were the best months of my life.
14:50I didn't think I loved you.
14:54I loved you.
15:00A part of me always will.
15:04Thanks for that.
15:07Take care of Charlotte for me.
15:23You can call yourself Du Smith for all I care.
15:25She'll never be a quartermaid.
15:27If that's your choice.
15:28And if your decision is based on hers,
15:30it just proves that you're abusing your power in office for the purpose of petty revenge.
15:36How to recall a congressman.
15:39I like her grip.
15:41Me too.
15:43Hey, stop that!
15:44Hey, that is assault, Chase!
15:46Oh, I'll show you assault.
15:50Sir, do you wish to press charges?
16:00You wouldn't dare!
16:01I'll forgo the handcuffs.
16:03Tracy Quartermain, you are under arrest for assault.
16:06You have the right to remain silent.
16:08Anything you say can and will be held against you in court of law.
16:15Hey, oh, hi, Brooklyn.
16:17I was down at the crib with your granny and Drew.
16:20It was...
16:27Um, I got you a text.
16:34You're upset.
16:36What can I do to help?
16:38But I'm upset.
16:40How much haven't you told me about my baby?