00:00I watched Gio grow up. He's a great kid.
00:03But I care about him enough to just stay away if that's, you know, the best thing for him.
00:10Sonny, Gio is old enough to make his own decisions.
00:16It's up to him whether he wants your support or not.
00:19And clearly today it looks like he made his choice.
00:24You didn't answer my question.
00:26Do you trust me around Gio?
00:31As much as I did that very first day in Bensonhurst when I invited you over so the two of you can meet.
00:50Hey, I'm glad you're here.
00:52I just hope that someone...
01:07Is, uh, is everything okay?
01:18Where did you get that?
01:19I found it in a cabinet in the downstairs living room.
01:22The workmanship is exquisite. It's obviously very valuable.
01:27That's impossible.
01:29That should be at the bottom of the harbor.
01:33Just a minute.
01:42Oh my...
01:43Joy, um, wait, please.
01:46I like the look.
01:49Okay, okay, I'm sorry.
01:51It's just, um, it's nice for this mere mortal to see that you're not a goddess 24-7.
01:56What are you even doing here?
01:58I thought we can get lunch.
02:00Well, I already have lunch coming.
02:02Sorry. Not anymore.
02:09What is it, Collette? I'm about to grab lunch.
02:13No, no, it's fine.
02:15How's she doing?
02:20I want hourly updates on her progress.
02:24You're special, Jocelyn.
02:26It's clear to me you have all the qualities necessary to make a great agent.
02:30Ingenuity, initiative, mental and physical fortitude.
02:34You're willing and able to do what's necessary.
02:37Necessary for what?
02:39For the WSB.
02:42I want you to become one of us.
02:49I would do anything for you to wake up right now.
02:55Or for someone to wake me up and tell me that this is just a nightmare.
03:05God, that's not gonna happen.
03:09You're gone.
03:12You're really gone.
03:19Break's over.
03:24Looking tired.
03:26Sure you want to stick around?
03:30On to the next phase.
03:33What brings you by?
03:35I wanted to check out the new place.
03:39I hope I'm not interrupting something important.
03:42Oh, no, no. Just family stuff.
03:45Yeah, we were just talking about Geo.
03:54Is everything okay?
03:57I'm actually glad you're here, Lulu.
04:00That's a first.
04:01Oh, Granny's on a tear and you were one of the few people she lets get away with murder, so maybe you can calm her down.
04:07I'm not doing you any favors.
04:09Not after what you've done.
04:16Excuse me?
04:17I think you heard me.
04:20Hey, are you okay?
04:27Dante Falconeri.
04:33Not listed on birth certificate.
04:35But I do think that Dante deserves to know that he has a child out there somewhere.
04:40In a perfect world, I agree with you.
04:43But this isn't just about Dante anymore.
04:51I was just saying that I don't want to get involved.
04:53Whatever your issues are with Tracy, you're going to have to solve them yourself.
04:57Thanks. Far be it for anyone to ask you for help.
05:00Look, I really hope everything's okay with your dad.
05:03Lulu, next time maybe you should call before you just drop by.
05:09Hey, what was that? I thought we talked. We're going to cut her a little bit of slack.
05:13I am done.
05:14You guys can coddle Brooklyn all you want.
05:19Okay, you know what? I think actually I'm done.
05:23Okay? I don't want to referee you two anymore.
05:26Look, no one's asking you two. I came to talk to you.
05:28Yeah, is it about Rocco or Charlotte?
05:30No, but...
05:31Then it's going to have to wait because this thing happened with my dad and Gio and believe it or not, Tracy.
05:34And if you're not into helping anybody, then I've got to go deal with that, if you don't mind.
05:42Go. Handle it.
05:50So, is everything okay with Gio?
05:52Oh, yeah, yeah. Sonny very generously set up an educational trust for Gio so that he could go to grad school after PCU.
06:01That's great. What's the problem?
06:03Tracy told Gio not to take my money.
06:06Of course she did.
06:07Tracy has always been biased against Sonny.
06:10Yeah, you don't have to tell me.
06:12Yeah, but she's barking at the moon on this one because you and I were always going to be family.
06:16And the entire Cirillo clan is always going to be grateful for everything you've done for Gio.
06:22Family is family and I'm happy to do this for him.
06:26But, you know, the real reason is I can't really say no to you, Lois.
06:36So, let me get this straight. You ran into my food delivery guy?
06:41Literally. There was pad thai all over the pavement.
06:45But don't worry. I helped him clean it up and I tipped him.
06:51Well, that's great and all, except now I don't have any lunch.
06:55Oh, no problem. I could fix something up for you.
06:59You cook?
07:00Oh, I cook.
07:02Well, good luck because I don't think I have anything in the fridge except for baking soda and a packet of soy sauce.
07:10I'll see what I can do with what you've got. But I've been known to work a miracle or two, you know.
07:16Oh, really?
07:24You feeling tired? You've been up for 48 hours.
07:27I'm good.
07:28What about martial arts? Got any training?
07:30A little kickboxing.
07:32Nice. Got good instincts. Not the agency standards, but a decent starting point.
07:38Not bad. You haven't slept yet and you're in the middle of nowhere. Why are you doing this?
07:43What? Kicking your ass?
07:46Clearly this dagger is of some significance to you. I suspected that its provenance was something worth determining.
07:55I'm only aware of two owners. My stepmother and the person that she bequeathed it to. Me.
08:04It's quite the unique gift.
08:05It's not a gift.
08:07It is.
08:08Helena Cassadine was my stepmother. And she used that dagger to slit my mother's throat.
08:16Hey, uh, Gio. I'm so sorry if things got a little intense here this morning.
08:21I hope my grandmother didn't offend you any more than she usually does, anyway.
08:24She really does mean well. You know that, don't you?
08:27Yeah, I know.
08:28I'm sorry.
08:29I'm sorry.
08:30I'm sorry.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:32I'm sorry.
08:33I'm sorry.
08:34I'm sorry.
08:35I'm sorry.
08:36I'm sorry.
08:37She really does mean well, even when she's doing wrong.
08:40And, uh...
08:42Uh, okay. I'll see you at home, or give me a call back if you want to talk. Bye.
08:53I thought we were done.
08:56We are far from done.
08:59You know what's good about the fact that there's no real connection between us?
09:03Except that you're my terrible assistant and you're mooching off my grandmother.
09:07I don't have to pretend to give a damn about you.
09:12Okay, so we're doing this.
09:16You're gonna want to close the door.
09:19I doubt you want everyone in the house hearing this particular conversation.
09:22What conversation? What is this about?
09:25What conversation? What is this about?
09:28It's about how you have been lying to Dante for years.
09:34Sonny, is there anything else we need to discuss regarding the trust in Gio?
09:39No, I'm gonna talk to him and let him know that he doesn't have to feel pressure to take my money.
09:44Well, I doubt he'll feel that way.
09:47I mean, he knows how generous you are. We all do.
09:51Anyway, I'll be in touch.
09:53I'll be in touch, Carly.
10:00Educational trust fund.
10:03That's an investment.
10:05Well, you know, I mean, education is very important and the Cirillos are my family
10:12and they're not gonna be able to afford Gio's musical education.
10:17I'm in a position to do it. I'm happy to do it.
10:20I know that. I believe it.
10:22It doesn't surprise me. You always take care of the people you love.
10:25I try, but Tracy reminded everybody that those same people,
10:31they're gonna end up hurt by me.
10:33Okay, you know, are you sure Tracy wasn't talking about herself?
10:35And she doesn't get to remind you of anything.
10:38I don't know, Carly. Maybe she has a point.
10:42She doesn't have a point, Sonny.
10:44And Gio's an adult, right? You've known him most of your life.
10:47Most of your life. He gets to decide, not Tracy, if he wants to accept your help.
10:51Michael didn't decide to be my son. Look where he's at.
10:57Michael's the other reason that I stopped by.
11:01I actually talked to him on the phone today. He called me.
11:04He's up to making phone calls?
11:06Yeah, I mean, he said he's doing better.
11:09I mean, it's slow, but he's in therapy and he's moving in the right direction.
11:13That makes... I feel great.
11:17Do me a favor. Next time you talk to him, tell him I love him.
11:23I will. But I know he's gonna call you and you can tell him yourself.
11:30I know he loves you, too.
11:35I still can't believe you made this terrific pasta out of, I don't know, whatever I had in my pantry.
11:41I mean, I had to work with what I had. You have, like, three ingredients in this place.
11:45That is why I order in.
11:47I see why now. But I'm glad you're enjoying your meal.
11:52So why did you stop by? Was it to assault my delivery driver or impress me with your culinary skills?
12:00The cooking part was a bonus. But I'm glad I get to see you.
12:06Is that so?
12:07It is. I thought the whole idea behind you going after Sidwell was that we'd pursue whatever this is in private.
12:21I read your file.
12:22Oh, yeah? What's in it?
12:24Jocelyn John Jacks. PCU pre-med. Switched to environmental science major. Volleyball player.
12:31Former volleyball player.
12:32Former. Billionaire dad. Hotel owner mom. Rich girl. You could do anything and be anywhere. But you're here.
12:40Well, in about five minutes, you're going to wish I wasn't.
12:43Why are you sipping some fruity drink on a beach in Cancun?
12:46Maybe it's not because I'm some rich girl who enjoys suntans and dysentery.
12:52But why this? Why the WSB?
12:54Well, I've seen people die. I've seen people take advantage of their power and use it to hurt others. I want to balance the scales. Get a little justice.
13:06If you meant any of what you just said. There's the door.
13:14You need to understand something. Out of respect for my grandmother and for Dante, I have allowed you to push my boundaries.
13:21But that ends now. Look, I am happy for your children and your family that you are awake, but you have gone way too far with me.
13:31And I have zero grace left to give you. So if you have something to say to me, go ahead. Say it. Lulu, I dare you.
13:39Okay. How about this? You had Dante's baby and you never told him.
13:46You had Dante's baby and you never told him.
13:55I'm surprised that Lucy didn't fill you in on the sordid history of this property and its former owners.
14:01Well, she gave me some of the history, but clearly she omitted a few of the important details.
14:10So, to be clear, this dagger was used to murder your mother?
14:15Well, in light of that, the least I can do is offer you a drink.
14:19No, thank you. I'm sober.
14:21Well, in light of that, I'll make myself one.
14:31Forgive me, but did you witness your mother's murder?
14:43Jordan, I don't want to pressure you or put you on the spot, but if now is not the right time for you or you're not interested, I get that. We're cool.
15:01But I don't want there to be any misunderstanding.
15:05I am very interested in seeing what this could be, even if it's just here in this apartment.
15:11You and me.
15:15So, how are you liking the place?
15:18Well, you know, it's not bad. As you can see, it's bigger than the penthouse, right?
15:23That's great.
15:25Did you get it decassodined? Did you get a priest in here doing exorcism and everything?
15:30Well, you know, I mean, look, I had my concerns, but it's all good. It just needs to be comfortable for my daughters.
15:40Yeah, are you kidding? Don and Avery, they're going to love it here.
15:43That's the plan. You want to drink something?
15:46No, I'm good. Actually, I just, I came to see you because I just wanted to apologize. All that crap Trace was saying, I should have said something sooner.
15:58You don't have to defend me. I can handle myself.
16:00I know you can, but what you're doing for Gio, it's just really generous, and I should have spoken up.
16:08You don't have to apologize if you agree with Trace.
16:14So, the new edition of the book will be delivered tomorrow? Fantastic. My son Leo loves these books. Thank you.
16:23Where is she?
16:25Your mother.
16:26Oh, hello to you too. She's out for a ride. Why?
16:30Oh, I will give her a ride right off the end of a dock.
16:34Any particular reason?
16:36She's gone too far this time. You want to know what she did?
16:39It doesn't matter. You're going to tell me.
16:41Absolutely I will. Sonny very graciously created a trust for Gio's musical future, for him to use now or whatever he might need.
16:49That's very generous of him.
16:50Yes, it was. And when Sonny brought the paperwork over here for Gio to sign, your mother stuck her face in their private business and told Gio not to sign it.
17:00Uh-huh. I see what the problem is now.
17:02Yeah, of course you do. I mean, the gall of that woman. Can you imagine?
17:07Yes. And this time, my mother's right.
17:12This is new. A speechless Brooklyn.
17:16Whatever you think you know, save it.
17:21I know the truth. Don't bother trying to deny it.
17:24I didn't deny anything. I didn't confirm anything either.
17:28You don't need to. I saw the paperwork.
17:31What paperwork?
17:33From your lawyer.
17:37Come on, Brooklyn. I saw Martin's files.
17:40You had a son, and Dante's the father. You gave him up for adoption, and Dante never even knew he existed.
17:48Yeah, that's right. You. You did that. You kept Dante's child from him.
18:01I had a son.
18:03I had a son.
18:11Hold on. You have the power to throw me out?
18:14No. But you have the power to walk away.
18:18And why would I do that?
18:20So what you just described, that's idealism. Take it to the Peace Corps.
18:26I'm not going anywhere.
18:28Idealists in this line of work end up dead or worse.
18:30What's worse?
18:32You need to understand. This world, the WSB, it changes people. Ideals get shattered. They get corrupted.
18:43And people? There's no one more corrupt in this world than a person who used to have ideals.
19:00Carly, you really gotta help me out here. Where is this coming from?
19:03You really need me to spell this out for you.
19:08You should be with someone like Vivian. You should. Someone who's fun with no strings attached.
19:13Because I can't do that. And I don't want to do that. And I know that I was crazy to think there was something else going on between us.
19:20Carly, there is something else going on.
19:30I didn't expect to see you here again.
19:36If I hadn't seen the notes in Martin's room with my own eyes, I might actually be buying your act. It's not bad.
19:44But it's clear from the notes that you were trying to track down your son or at least find out something about him. That's why you went to Martin.
19:51I never went to Martin. I have never talked to a lawyer about my baby. I've never talked to anyone.
19:57Give it up, Brooklyn. I saw Martin's notes.
20:03You had a baby when you were a teenager. Dante's baby. You can at least admit that much. I can show you pictures of that too if you'd like.
20:23I had a baby.
20:27I gave birth in San Francisco. I didn't even know if I had a girl or a boy. Couldn't know. I never even helped him.
20:45I have never looked for him. And I have never talked to a lawyer.
20:53Well, your mother has.
20:56Because she showed up at Martin's hotel room.
21:02Forget it, Ned. You never liked Sonny. I should have known better than to talk to you about this.
21:07Lois, wait. Look, I know you and Sonny go back to the old neighborhood.
21:13And that the Sorellos and Sonny have a rock solid relationship that goes back before Columbus.
21:18Yeah, and then some. And that is never going to change.
21:20I know. And honestly, I don't love it. But it's none of my business.
21:23I wish your mother understood that too.
21:26But what I don't understand, and I'm guessing my mother didn't either, is why you would encourage Gio to tie himself to a known criminal, especially knowing where his money comes from.
21:38Oh, please. This has nothing to do with Sonny's businesses.
21:41Yet. If you let Sonny create a trust in Gio's name, and Gio being a good guy, he is going to feel indebted to him, Lois. It's that simple.
21:50And what if Gio decides to, I don't know, follow in his benefactor's footsteps, or do Sonny a favor, and he ends up being in the line of fire?
22:02How does your loyalty to Sonny help Gio then?
22:06Well, no, I didn't agree with Tracy. And if you thought I did, well, it's a good thing I came over.
22:13Well, I gotta admit, that's good to hear.
22:18Dad, I can count on one hand how many times I've agreed with Tracy on anything.
22:23But you should know that if you asked Jason or Stone, they'd both tell you the same thing, that they were happy to have you in their lives, as am I.
22:32You think your brother would feel the same way?
22:35Yeah, Dad. I mean, Michael, he got hurt in the penthouse.
22:39But you're his dad, and he loves you.
22:42And this thing you're doing for Gio, it should be appreciated, okay? Not picked apart by Tracy or anyone else.
22:50I appreciate the hell out of you, Dad.
22:54When I suggested we spend time together clandestinely, I thought it would be sexier.
23:02Excuse me? I'm bringing the sexy.
23:05Oh, yes, you are. But look at me, I'm in sweatpants and pedicure pads.
23:10No, no, no. I have seen grown men stop mid-sentence when you enter a room.
23:15But I like seeing you that other people don't get to see.
23:19But if you want me to even the playing field, I could run home, get on the treadmill, run a quick two miles, get super sweaty.
23:27You could.
23:29But I can think of better ways to get sweaty.
23:33Well, I came here hoping to see you. But then again, I'm always open to see you, Carly.
23:41Okay. But, uh, what happened? We were heading in such a nice direction. What changed?
23:49Come on, Jack. You remember what happened on our date.
23:53I don't remember.
23:54What happened? We were heading in such a nice direction. What changed?
23:58Come on, Jack. You remember what happened on our date.
24:02I explained about Vivian.
24:04Yes, you were clear and above board.
24:07So what's the problem?
24:09This is the problem. Yes, you were upfront with me about Vivian and your lifestyle.
24:16I just was fooling myself believing that our lifestyles were compatible. They're just not.
24:24So you're telling me you don't care about anything. You've got no ideals at all.
24:29I'm saying that sometimes you gotta do bad things to prevent worse things from happening.
24:33That's cynical.
24:35That's pragmatic. I've got no illusions about lighting the way for truth and justice.
24:39And I feel sorry for you. Must be a pretty hopeless existence. But hey, we're not the same. And I can do this.
24:50You sure about that?
24:51What's that?
24:57Rule number one. Never fight fair.
25:04Rule number two. Let's see rule number one.
25:12Still think you got what it takes?
25:13I'm sorry for asking such a difficult question. My curiosity can sometimes come across as a lack of common courtesy.
25:23It's a tragic story with an all too common theme.
25:30My father was Mikos Kassadin who fell in love with my mother, Kristen. She was an opera singer.
25:38And also his mistress.
25:41And when his wife Helena found out about it, she came to our home and she murdered her right in front of me.
25:48So yes, I watched it.
25:53I am so sorry. It's a horrible thing for a child to see.
25:59You don't strike me as someone easily shocked.
26:02You don't strike me as someone that shares something like this openly.
26:09And with a stranger, no less.
26:19Yes, sometimes it's easier to talk about something with a stranger.
26:24Especially when it's something this barbaric.
26:29You know, this dagger keeps reappearing like it's haunting me.
26:36And I, I know the weight of it. It's not a replica.
26:40I wouldn't know.
26:46I'm sorry.
26:48I wouldn't know.
26:54I threw this in the harbor.
26:59Maybe you misremembered. Trauma can wreak havoc with memories.
27:07In any event, looking at it, holding it is horrific.
27:18I'm sorry.
27:24Okay, that was the last thing I expected when I ordered that pad thai.
27:29Normally, I would never stand between a woman and her takeout.
27:34Hope you're not too disappointed.
27:36Well, I do love pad thai. But I'm okay with the way things turned out.
27:41Would you say it was a pleasant surprise?
27:45Yeah. Definitely.
27:53So, uh, why do you think this Gio thing's bothering you so much?
27:58I just think Tracy's words hit home with Gio.
28:03She made him feel like, you know, now he feels obligated to take the trust because of his loyalty to me.
28:11I don't know. Maybe it has nothing to do with that. Maybe he's got his own reasons.
28:15But I don't want him to feel forced to take my money.
28:19Well, then don't. Tell him. Talk to him.
28:21Tell him he can take it or leave it, but either way, it's not going to cost him his relationship with you.
28:26Forget the trust right now. Forget the money because it's just, you know.
28:31How are you doing?
28:34I don't know.
28:35I don't know.
28:37I don't know. I thought finding out what happened to Sam would give me closure, but it hasn't.
28:45You miss her. That's not going to change. It's just going to get a little more manageable.
28:51Yeah, but I think the reason I'm having a hard time managing is Lulu.
28:56You saw my mother in Martin Grey's hotel room?
29:00Not exactly, but what were you doing in there?
29:02What were you doing in there?
29:04I'm pretty sure that Martin just didn't hand you his notes.
29:07No, he didn't.
29:09How did you get those pictures?
29:11What does it matter? The truth's the truth.
29:13You broke into Martin's hotel room, didn't you?
29:15You got that information illegally.
29:18I swear, if your cousin Carly gave you the master key, I would-
29:21Carly had nothing to do with this.
29:23And this has nothing to do with you!
29:25The child you gave birth to is my son's half-brother. Dante's son.
29:30He has another child out in this world.
29:35Dante cares about you, and I believe that you care about him,
29:40so how could you give birth to his child and never tell him his son existed?
29:49What would you like me to do with it?
29:51It's yours. You can take it with you, though.
29:53I totally understand why you might not want to.
29:56Oh, I came with the house. It's your property now.
29:59I'll walk you out.
30:01I know the way.
30:23So, I guess we're gonna see where this goes.
30:28Good. Because we need to be careful.
30:32Sidwell can't know we have a connection.
30:34Are you really sure you want to cozy up with Sidwell?
30:38Is that what this is about? You want me to change my mind?
30:43No. No, no, no. I just don't understand why you have to be the one to expose Sidwell.
30:49The WSB and PCPD already have eyes on him.
30:52And you're not in law enforcement anymore, so why be involved in this?
30:57Wouldn't you rather just have—
30:59What, date you than bust Sidwell?
31:01No. Not sneak around.
31:04Well, that's the deal, Isaiah.
31:07And if you're uncomfortable with that, then I've got a simple solution.
31:10Opt out.
31:14So, to be clear, you don't want to see me anymore because of my lifestyle.
31:20My lifestyle.
31:22Exactly what type of lifestyle do you think I'm leading right now?
31:26One where you diffuse bombs, spark revolutions, and sleep with women without commitment or consequences.
31:33What if I want commitment and consequences?
31:35Don't. Don't do that.
31:37That's not fair.
31:39Because you don't want that. Not really. And I have to be honest with myself about this.
31:47All right, then.
31:50Take care of yourself, Carly.
32:03When I had you on the floor, you didn't pull out all the stops.
32:06Rule number three, do whatever you have to to survive.
32:09Claws, scratch, bite.
32:17Something like that.
32:18Yeah. Something like that.
32:22Look, Lulu's trying to help. I know that.
32:26But honestly, the person who's been the biggest help, grieving Sam, has been Brooklyn.
32:33She's stepped up.
32:35Yeah, you know that. She's been great. But that hurts Lulu.
32:38Lulu doesn't get it. You and Brooklyn have known each other your whole lives. There's a lot of history there. Trust.
32:46Just like me and her mother. There's a kinship there.
32:51You are being unfair, Ned.
32:53Not this time. I'm actually confused, Lois, by your whole take on this thing.
32:58I mean, you've always been loyal to Sonny, but in the past, your loyalty had some guardrails.
33:03I mean, you went out of your way to extricate L&B Records from a business relationship with Sonny.
33:09I mean, you even encouraged Brenda to wear a wire and record the man.
33:12But eventually, I saw the financials and confirmed that every single penny he put into that was legit, including the money that he put into Deception.
33:22But now, Gio's trust is perfectly fine because Sonny says so. Why? What changed?
33:29Where is your due diligence, Lois?
33:32Why is it different with Gio?
33:36You call me a hypocrite?
33:39You call me a hypocrite?
33:42You got pregnant in high school, too. Remember? I certainly do.
33:47And you made a choice that was right for you.
33:51And you had people supporting you, as they should have.
33:54Well, Lulu, I made a different choice.
33:59I gave birth to my child, and I gave him up for adoption so he could have a better life.
34:06I wasn't ready to be a mother.
34:09And had I told Dante the truth, that choice would have been taken away from me.
34:15So you get off your high horse, okay? We both made choices.
34:20Do you regret yours?
34:23You made the choice that was right for me at the time.
34:27And I am glad that you feel that way.
34:29I'm not judging you for your choice, so don't you dare judge me for mine!
34:35I am not judging you for your choice. I am judging you for your lies.
34:40Dante has a son out in the world, and because of your lies, he doesn't know it.
34:45No matter what your circumstances were then, he deserves to know now.
34:49And if you won't tell him, I will.