• 2 days ago
The Law of Silence - THRILLER - Full Movie in English
00:02:33Nice place you got here
00:02:40I'm on level with you. Hell of a day. I've had
00:02:46Thirsty work. Yeah drinks, of course. Oh, no, just water on duty
00:02:54You're looking around this place it seems like you've been holding out on me
00:03:11My bad
00:03:16Why are you here Burke?
00:03:20see that
00:03:22Straight to the point cut through all the crap. This man is smart enough to know that this is not a social visit. This
00:03:30is business
00:03:32We have an arrangement Burke
00:03:34That's proved beneficial to us both. Yes, we did have an arrangement
00:03:40I'm afraid I'm not following
00:03:43Now for a smart guy George, you're pretty stupid
00:03:49You know what this means
00:03:51It means I make my own rules. I
00:03:55Want you to think about that when I ask you my next question
00:04:00Where are the files?
00:04:05What are you talking about?
00:04:07Ask yourself
00:04:09How useful those files gonna be if you're dead?
00:04:18Don't know anything about any files
00:04:26Still foggy
00:04:33The laptop in the safe where and the study
00:04:39621 44
00:05:17Wasn't gonna do anything with it
00:05:30And the backups there are none search the place
00:05:43Your gun, where is it your top drawer next to the stove?
00:06:15You just shot a police officer
00:06:38Well, it's gonna be another hot one out there folks with a high of 92 get your sunscreen on
00:06:44Thanks, Diane
00:06:49Tyler Burke claimed the life of George Fremont
00:06:52alleged links to organized crime
00:06:54This was the conclusion to an ongoing investigation headed up by detective Burke
00:06:58That was part of a major crackdown on the distribution of illegal narcotics in the area
00:07:03in a press conference
00:07:22You smashing and flashing they just sent me rehashing
00:07:31I know just what you like
00:08:44Ain't shot hold up just the person I wanted to see
00:08:50What I miss yeah pile of paperwork this big of course now, I'm a Gretton dr. Gardner and in my sessions
00:08:59What's good having you back
00:09:02Yeah, pretty no one else feels the same
00:09:06Nobody is blaming you for what happened
00:09:09Look, I don't want you feel like you're rushing back
00:09:12You're a good cop, but you took a bullet
00:09:15You need more time you take it
00:09:18He's rushing back and they're standing still
00:09:22I've done that for too long
00:09:25If you need anything my office third floor, it's practically where I live these days
00:10:18Leave this belongs to you
00:10:21Officer Jenny Taylor just at the Academy
00:10:26Yeah used to be Burke's partner, right?
00:10:29Yeah a long time ago
00:10:31Back before I got a cop kill that is
00:10:33How was your vacation anyway?
00:10:36Psychiatrist couch gets a little uncomfortable. Yeah, but well, maybe try not to get anyone killed this time
00:10:56All right, all right, all right calm down calm down I
00:11:02Just did what any of you would have done well almost any of you
00:11:06I'm just glad scum like George Fremont's off the streets makes the city safer for all of us
00:12:26Statistically most shootings take place under 12 feet
00:12:32I'm sure you'll manage to hit the target at that distance bear that in mind
00:12:38Jesus John no wonder you can't hit anything
00:12:44What's wrong with the sig 40 caliber takes 12 rounds, right, that's right
00:12:52Cops choice and guns says a lot about the cop
00:12:58Give it a try
00:13:02I'm good
00:13:24You have no idea what you can do
00:13:3145 Kimber
00:13:34The shooter who wants every round to count
00:13:38It's far from department issues you can get
00:13:42But I heard it came in real handy in the Fremont shooting last night
00:13:46You never did like the way I do. Thanks
00:13:53There's a right way in a wrong way
00:13:57Let's face it you were never necessarily afraid to break a few rules whatever it takes
00:14:06Sorry to hear about the rookie
00:14:10Nice guy from what I heard
00:14:17Yeah, it was
00:14:20These it was quick headshot, right
00:14:27Good to hear they cleared you
00:14:48Yeah kick-ass on your first day back
00:15:31That's a credit card
00:15:35Bagging a tag it might be something on it. We need to get it to the precinct and logged into evidence
00:16:07Want coffee
00:16:10I think
00:16:21What you got there? Oh, I just came up from County Morgue from Burke's bust
00:16:26Easy to miss I guess looks like a real credit card, right?
00:16:30Last drive. Yeah. Anyway, I got to get into evidence. See ya
00:16:45Signing this in
00:16:51To contact detective Burke on this no, he's out. Yeah, well you might want to give him a heads up. Okay
00:17:09Let's face it
00:18:27What evidence I
00:18:31Need to sign out some evidence those brought down here, you know the drill
00:18:52Run on the boys and meet me at the precinct
00:19:52What's up
00:19:53Evidence concerning George Fremont where the others run away. I thought we dealt with him well enough
00:20:24What's going on go to the evidence lockup get whatever was brought in
00:20:37This is my operation now
00:20:39operation precisely I
00:20:42Supply the narcotics you move them. I take the profits and you get whatever cut I deem your work
00:20:56Taylor you know where captain Matthews is she was in her office 20 minutes ago
00:21:28Don't know what copy run machines out in the bullpen because all you good suckers do is drink it all day
00:21:40Play you boys left for the day some game on
00:21:48After you
00:21:58We need the evidence dropped off from the Fremont case popular tonight
00:22:03Say again. Yeah, well detective Shaw just picked it up ten minutes ago
00:22:18Got it, you know these things are dangerous, especially when my wife is concerned. Thanks
00:22:35Have a good one
00:22:39What is it a flash drive that looks like a credit card Shaw already signed it out
00:22:45Damn it what Shaw's got the evidence a credit card. It's a damn flash drive
00:22:54Find them
00:23:08I'm in the security up
00:23:25Got him third floor
00:23:47Shit he gets out of here with that card. It's over for us
00:23:56Yeah leaks takes all and Gideon man the exits make sure shot doesn't leave with everyone else
00:24:55He's on the second floor 12 rounds
00:25:08Star over it
00:25:10Darrell I need you to put the building in a lockdown once everyone leaves
00:25:16Everything's running from the security hub. I need to get in there. Why are you still talking to me get on it?
00:25:35This is Matthews Matthews, it's Shaw everything. All right. No, I'm in trouble. I'm at the precinct
00:26:21Are you still doing here fire alarm get out
00:26:36All right, Burke, I'm starting to lock it down I cut the phone lines how to jam any cell phone signals in the building
00:27:05We're dark
00:27:18It's officer Smith down here at Metro South, I just want to let you know that everything down here is a-okay
00:27:24Hey, you can call off the fire truck
00:27:28Yeah, that thing's been acting up all day new building, you know, how it is
00:28:03Gotta be kidding me
00:28:54Let him go
00:28:58Lower the gun
00:29:00Yeah, I'd rather not
00:29:03I'm a lot of things
00:29:04But I'm not a cop killer
00:29:07A lot of things. All right, I
00:29:09Know all about it Burke
00:29:12All these years. I knew something was up with you
00:29:14They call me crazy
00:29:16You always had to do things the hard way
00:29:19I'm gonna give you this one chance for old times sake to just lay down the drive and walk away
00:29:25Burke, will you just shoot this asshole? Shut up makes
00:29:32What do you say Sean
00:29:36Press the button
00:29:40Don't be stupid taking you down Burke I
00:29:44Don't think so
00:29:46See, I got an army of loyal cops and last I checked your aim wasn't too hot
00:29:51Where's mine? I
00:29:56Don't miss
00:30:13Stay with me miss stay with me
00:30:38Have shot something's give me a radio
00:30:43Darrell shut down the elevators now
00:30:48Okay elevator is
00:31:10Copy that
00:31:18All right, Dara turn it back on
00:31:47Let's split up
00:32:21Don't move don't even think about it
00:32:27No, you're not gonna get away with this
00:32:30So be smart. Oh
00:32:32I'm smart. You're the one with gun to his head and it over. Are you flash drive? No, I can't do that
00:32:40Really? Well, I guess I'll just put a bullet in your head then
00:33:12Never did have what it tasted you shot
00:33:15To be what exactly?
00:33:17You one of us
00:33:19crop cop
00:33:32I'm off. It's made you soft
00:34:29Don't see him
00:34:35Gotta be here somewhere
00:34:44Okay, I lost him
00:34:49Sha you're stuck in here, too. I can't get out. I don't know what the hell's going on. You shouldn't be in here
00:34:55What happened to you? Are you bleeding? It's not my blood
00:34:59Who says it?
00:35:01Officer Mase
00:35:03Is he? Okay, what happened? He's dead
00:35:07Not by me. Listen, I haven't got time to explain. All right, well then put the gun down and we'll play this by the book. I
00:35:16Listen to me
00:35:17You're not looking very innocent right now shot
00:35:25Take your hands off the gun put them behind your head and turn around
00:35:40Kidding me listen to me find a quiet corner put your head down and hide until we're out of lockdown. You understand me?
00:35:50Wait, where are you going? I think the motor pools on a separate grid from the rest of the building might be a way out
00:35:57Well, then let me come with you. No
00:35:59Trust me just do what I told you, okay
00:36:22What the hell is going on here
00:36:25Anything not yet
00:36:41Burke talk to me
00:36:48Go ahead what the hell is going on? I've been told we got a fire in there
00:36:55Shaw's lost it and I've got a dead cop as a result
00:37:03Find him and keep me updated. I'll handle things out here
00:37:35He's in the motor pool
00:38:29Kill Shaw
00:38:31You go where I tell you to go
00:38:33Go to the exit man in case he gets past us. Yeah, who put you in charge?
00:38:38Don't test me. So hey
00:38:40play nice boys
00:40:54Decided Burke
00:40:56What are you still doing here? I got locked in
00:40:59Sir, I saw Shaw and he wasn't making any sense. He was telling me to hide but
00:41:07What's going on walk with me
00:41:37Perfect nine rounds left
00:41:51Pass me into the PA system
00:41:55Yeah, take a seat, please
00:42:16Shaw I've got a friend of yours here. So hello
00:42:22Detective Shaw, it's officer Taylor
00:42:33And how long have you been with us a
00:42:37Month sir, tell me are you married?
00:42:42Yes, I am what's the name of the lucky man
00:42:50You hear that shop
00:42:53Now if I don't see you on one of these monitors in the next five seconds Brett, it's gonna be a widower
00:43:02Now I know you don't want another dead rookie cop on your conscience now, do you what are you doing?
00:43:14Four three
00:43:27Then the first floor find him kill him copy that good job officer
00:43:35See you get him out
00:43:40Do a being a bad guy
00:44:26Shaw has proven to be resourceful
00:44:30From here on out. We will not underestimate him and we will not stop until he is dead and the evidence is destroyed
00:44:36Unless you boys and girls care to spend the rest of your life bent over behind bars
00:45:11Waste this asshole
00:47:09Know where the hell is he? I'm working on it
00:48:11Bingo he's in the crime lab
00:48:17Of course
00:48:38We just lost eyes in the room
00:49:21Looking at that door wondering if that's your escape route. It's one of two options. I'm considering and the other option
00:49:28Putting a bullet in your head
00:49:31Unless you just want to turn in your gun and badge right now. Yeah. Well, that's just not much of an option now, is it?
00:50:22He's in the vents, let's move
00:50:58Time being we are operating under a full media blackout
00:51:01I've spoken to detective Burke and he assures me that he's trying to end this as peacefully as possible
00:51:07Chief who's running this circus? I
00:51:10am sir
00:51:12Not anymore
00:51:13Would you mind telling me what the hell is going on?
00:51:17Detective John Shaw
00:51:19He's had a few problems
00:51:22Shaw was shot in the line of duty seven months ago along with his rookie partner Ray Jones who lost his life a
00:51:28Lot of cops around here blame them for his death. I still do
00:51:33Shaw was suffering from post-traumatic stress and assigned a station psychiatrist made excellent progress enough that last week. He was signed off and given the all-clear
00:51:42Looks like his assessment was inaccurate
00:51:45Well, that's the understatement of the goddamn century Matthews
00:51:50What's the situation inside one complete lockdown all phone signals are blocked we're communicating with detective Burke for your walkie-talkie
00:51:58At least that's one piece of good news. I want to talk to Burke
00:52:01Shaw's lost it, sir. He gunned down Meeks in cold blood. We gave him the opportunity to surrender, but it doesn't look like something he's willing to do
00:52:19He's since killed another three cops and a rookie officer Taylor
00:52:24I've got a SWAT team inbound
00:52:26If you don't stop this they will copy
00:52:46What's the deal with Burke and Shaw?
00:52:49How do you mean?
00:52:51What's history there, right?
00:52:54Yeah, they used to be partners came through the Academy together there's a time when they were inseparable
00:53:01It doesn't seem to be a lot of love there anymore
00:53:05No, they see the world a little differently these days
00:53:11She Burke wants what's due to him
00:53:14bigger car better house
00:53:17Not some lousy pension or a gold watch
00:53:20That's me and that's you but that's not Shaw. He's a guy who wants to make the world a better place. I
00:53:27Was gonna say a dick
00:53:48Here we go
00:54:13Have lost CCTV what I'm on my way
00:54:58Security alert
00:55:02Son-of-a-bitch is trying to send the evidence to IA
00:55:05How I don't know he must have manually over in the network from the server room
00:55:12I'm trying
00:55:35Come on
00:56:01I can't work good
00:56:31He's gone it's useless
00:57:09Burke he's on the roof. He could make a call from up there
00:57:20Any piece of crap
00:57:29We don't have eyes in the building we got to figure out a way to do it, so what's this is this a conduit here
00:57:39John is that you?
00:57:41Where are you? I'm on the roof. Hey, Jan the cell phone signals in the building. Listen, I'm innocent
00:57:48John you got to believe me. I've heard that you shot and killed five cops in cold blood
00:57:55Know me
00:57:56You really believe that
00:58:00But you need to tell me what is happening in there
00:58:03It's Burke. He's dirty and I got the evidence
00:58:06Wait, what are you talking about?
00:58:08Burke and his men were working with George Fremont selling him drugs from bus in return for a cut of the profits
00:58:23I'm working on
01:00:23Six bad guys
01:01:00Drop the weapon nice and slow
01:01:07Nice and slow
01:01:11And the pistol
01:01:23Kick it over here
01:01:28Call a few men turn off that radio
01:01:33Shaw's not on the roof
01:01:39You're gonna kill me nope
01:01:43You're not here you're my tickets around
01:01:47You're not getting out of here
01:01:50You couldn't save officer Taylor you couldn't save Ray Jones, I'm sure as hell can't save yourself I
01:01:58Your mental save you
01:02:01Felt like you died
01:02:03Like you let me die. Are you killing more cops than me tonight?
01:02:09And why
01:02:12Cuz you think you're doing the right thing
01:02:16Put your life on the line and what to get you a cop killed an ugly scar and a permanent date with a shrink
01:02:24Not another word
01:02:31Didn't have to be this way Shaw quiet we all put our lives on the line each and every day
01:02:37So what if we take a little something back?
01:02:39Look at your badge Burke
01:02:42Protect and serve
01:02:45That's the difference between you and me you serve the badge when the badge should serve you
01:02:54Get the elevator working
01:02:57Be convincing
01:03:02You have the elevator working coming down
01:03:32Remember our first day as partners remember I told you never cuff a man's hand behind his back
01:03:44Can't see what he's doing
01:04:34Got some advice for you shot try hitting some place that isn't covered by Kevlar
01:04:41Like your head
01:05:50Burke talk to me
01:05:52Go ahead. You got five minutes to get out. You've had long enough. All you succeeded in doing is pissing Shaw
01:06:01About five minutes to kill this
01:08:31Drop the gun
01:08:41Gonna shoot me
01:11:31Work answer me
01:11:34I've got this under control, sir. Time's up. We're cutting the power swatter coming in
01:11:42Darrow it's what's cutting the power
01:11:45Another Burke if they do that, we're out of lockdown and Shaw can make calls. Tell me something. I don't know
01:11:55Power up the elevators
01:12:23Hello shot
01:12:25Offer you ride to the lobby what?
01:12:29Don't move stay where you are
01:12:36Think you got a shot out before me
01:12:40Yeah, at least one you'd go down with me
01:12:48Are you crazy you're alive aren't you?
01:13:04All you had to do was lay down walk away now look at you hand me the flash drive I
01:13:16Can't do that
01:13:18And I'm afraid you're of no use to me I
01:13:24Know you still have it on you. You are nothing if not predictable
01:13:29I'm willing to bet it's in your back left pocket. I
01:13:37Hand it over or I'll shoot you in the head and take it anyway
01:14:07Know my favorite part of training it's combat exercises
01:14:25You call that a punch house was my good cop wait, let's see my bad cop
01:14:49You're gonna die just like Ray Jones did
01:14:54You never should have come back Shaw you never had what it took for the job even before you lost that
01:15:02Hand me his gun
01:15:21Guess what's in position prepare to kill the power any last words
01:15:35I just asked all one word or two. I don't miss Bella wrong in your Christmas card
01:15:45Funny man
01:15:50Savor the moment when your head pops
01:15:57See two rounds for yourself. I saved one for him and I saved the last for you
01:16:10Always got move in
01:17:05Last round
01:18:08They cut the power signal jammers down listen, I haven't got long
01:18:13Burke destroyed the evidence. I'm out of options. Are you gonna call SWAT off? I can't it's Kepler's call
01:18:20My only option all right it all this has been for nothing
01:18:27Okay, can you meet me at the rear of the building in the drill hall I'll try not good enough show
01:18:35Yeah, I can make it
01:18:37Be there in ten minutes
01:19:27Thank God you made it just about I had a car waiting up back come on
01:19:44There's a gun Matthews I said lose the gun
01:20:02Were going back come on, what do you think cleans up messes like tonight, huh?
01:20:09The only good thing about tonight is how you presented me with the ideal opportunity to cut Matthews out of her operation
01:20:20Don't even think about it
01:20:28I was never the type to share my toys as a kid. I
01:20:35Told you I'd never let you walk out of here
01:20:38This is my show
01:20:41It's taken a long time to build what I've built and now that you or George Fremont or anyone else. I'm standing my way
01:20:50Enjoy retirement
01:20:58Dr. Burke
01:21:04This son of just shot captain Matthews
01:21:12All right, we got it it's over arrest this piece of shit wait
01:21:25Everything you need to know is right here
01:21:28I told you I'd never let you walk out of here
01:21:32This is my show
01:21:34It's taken a long time to build what I've built and now that you or George Fremont or anyone else
01:21:40Is that in my way?
01:21:43Enjoy retirement
01:22:06I'm out
01:22:26Looks like I kicked ass on my first day back after all
