Casualty S40e03
00:00Nothing in this place doesn't work in here.
00:03Nothing works.
00:06It's all bugging.
00:08I've had a really nice time.
00:14I'm necking and bugging like a pair of kids.
00:17No, no, it's erm...
00:19It's fine, I didn't say I wanted you to stop.
00:22I'm not actually drinking at the moment.
00:24She doesn't drink.
00:25She throws up and she cries over her boobies.
00:27Anyone would think you're pregnant.
00:30We can totally forget I said that.
00:32It's not mine.
00:33I'm a surrogate.
00:36Please don't tell anyone.
00:39Good to have you back.
00:41If you want to talk about it...
00:43Dylan, I need you.
00:45Patrick, hang on.
00:47We'll catch up later.
00:54Airways patent, chest is clear, pounding, radial pulses.
00:57Looks like an isolated penetrating injury to the upper thigh
01:00with vascular compromise to the leg.
01:02Can we get a second line in?
01:04We'll do FBCs, use and ease, COAG, group and save with cross-match
01:08and a VBG.
01:10All right, all right, Dylan, you're OK.
01:12You're OK.
01:13OK, let's get his analgesia under control,
01:15make him as comfortable as possible for imaging.
01:17Yeah, that sounds like a good call.
01:19That looks painful.
01:23That's unbelievable.
01:24Do we know where that's coming from?
01:27All done?
01:28All right, sweetheart.
01:29OK, OK, he's a known epileptic.
01:31He's on ecolim.
01:33Watch that leg.
01:35It's all right, Vicki, I've got him.
01:37I've got him.
01:38All right, Dylan.
01:39We can't leave him like this.
01:41We need to stabilise him so that we can move him.
01:45Yeah, yeah.
01:46OK, can we have four milligrams of Araspan, please?
01:49I can't touch him, I haven't got gloves on.
01:51Yeah, I've got him.
01:53Quickly as we can, please.
01:55Is he beginning to stabilise?
01:57OK, don't worry, don't worry.
01:59Right, let's prep to move him, please.
02:01Steady as we go, please.
02:07Patrick, is there a problem?
02:11OK, so resource two is out.
02:13That's insanitary.
02:19I think I want to add to your list of things to take to the board.
02:23OK, so have we got bloods off?
02:26OK, can you get a second line in then, please?
02:28We'll take the bloods off that and we'll need to do a full body trauma CT
02:31to check for any concurrent injuries.
02:33Apologies for any disruption.
02:35Well, you know, we need to diverge.
02:37It's all in hand.
02:38Is it? I mean, in what world is it...?
02:40Can I have a quick word, please?
02:42Rash, I'll be back.
02:49The board need to see this.
02:51Our electrics are shot, our equipment's broken.
02:53I mean, you heard about fire at St James.
02:55Shall we take this to my office?
02:56Resource is literally overflowing.
02:58Facilities haven't been my focus.
02:59Well, they don't know what has.
03:01I put the team first.
03:03Three clinical leads in the last year.
03:05You've lost doctors and nurses to fear and disillusionment, stagnation.
03:10That's where you've left me, you, Max and Stevie.
03:12I beg your pardon?
03:13Take Dr Messam.
03:14He's been languishing here for years.
03:16He's had a tough time recently.
03:18I encouraged him to step up.
03:19As have I.
03:20You've literally just undermined him.
03:23Wrestle that case from him.
03:25He was trauma team leader.
03:28The Caesars, a major undertaking.
03:30I know you're not a people person, but he needs guidance, support.
03:34He needs a mentor.
03:37I suppose I could pick up where I left off.
03:40Fine. Good.
03:42I'll watch with interest.
03:45All right, Siobhan, what's the damage?
04:17OK, just try and stem the flow.
04:33Stop it going any further.
04:35OK, it's actually water from a burst pipe,
04:39so we won't need to close the department down.
04:42Don't all cheer at once.
04:44chair at once. So what are we telling the patients? Bear with us. On you go. Bye-bye.
04:59Why are you smiling like that? Water's auspicious in my country. It means good fortune.
05:04Are you seriously? Well, even just like a burst pipe?
05:06Oh, you're so gullible. I'm happy because I finally saved him up for Obie's flight. I will see him in one month.
05:16Are you serious? Gosh, that's amazing. I know. That's brilliant.
05:20He wants everything Spider-Man. He wants Spider-Man duvet covers, Spider-Man pyjamas. He wants Spider-Man...
05:25Less talking, more walking. I could do with a hand in triage.
05:29Make your way, boss.
05:31Crash, how's he doing? He's in theatre with orthopods. They've managed to get the rating.
05:36That's good. I wanted to apologise to you. I think I barrelled in a little bit earlier on. I'm sorry.
05:41How would you feel if I was to maybe act in a supervisory capacity from a back seat?
05:47Yeah, if you think it's necessary.
05:50It's not intended to be punitive. I'd be your mentor, as I was before.
05:54Are we through? Yes.
05:57OK, well, I'll check in during the day to get started.
06:00Jacob, did you not get the divert?
06:03Well, there isn't one. Well, not that I had, anyway.
06:06Right, OK.
06:08Rash is in charge today, so, yeah, sorry.
06:11No, thank you. OK, what have we got?
06:14OK, this is Sam Williams, 54, hit on the head by a falling chainsaw 45 minutes ago.
06:18Injury from top to toe seems to be an isolated head laceration.
06:21He's had one gram of IV paracetamol, four milligrams of ondansetron and five of morphine.
06:26See Spankley. OK, thank you.
06:28Sir, can we bring you on to the bed, please?
06:32And this is Sam's partner, Matthew, who came along for the ride.
06:35We work together, so I was front row for the Holby Chainsaw Massacre.
06:39Hi, I'm Dr Massam. I'm going to examine you, assess your injuries.
06:43Do yours too. OK.
06:45Airways, patents, no catastrophic haemorrhage.
06:49Just going to listen to your chest.
06:53OK, bilateral air entry, equal chest movements.
06:57Why are we waiting?
07:02Why are we waiting?
07:06Mr Campbell.
07:10Would you like to follow me?
07:17Are you OK?
07:19Are you a doctor? No, I'm a nurse.
07:21You must be a doctor. I once doesn't get it.
07:24Do you remember how you felt?
07:26I tripped.
07:28Bit of old carpet.
07:30Was there any loss of consciousness?
07:32I just told you, I tripped.
07:34It's just that it could be important.
07:36Just fix me up.
07:40It's this way.
07:43Are you driving?
07:45Yeah, why?
07:47Hey, Jodie.
07:54Welcome to the friend zone, kid.
07:56She didn't hear you.
07:58In the friend zone, no-one can hear you scream.
08:00You're the expert.
08:02It's a bit more like a war zone with you taking it.
08:05Your first battle wound, scarred by a sword like your hero Nelson.
08:09That was gunshot, wasn't it?
08:11Or debris from cannon fire, I think.
08:14Are you a gamer?
08:16I'm just a history buff. I live on the water as well.
08:20OK, you just need a couple more stitches.
08:24Despite his bravery on the tabletop,
08:26Sam's not a massive fan of needles.
08:28Or enclosed spaces.
08:30Or hospitals.
08:34Well, you're doing really well.
08:36You won't.
08:40Sorry, give me a second.
08:42All right, I'm ready.
08:46My bad.
08:48The Battle of the Nail, that was a good one, right?
08:51Yes, it was for Nelson's signature skirmish.
08:55Oh, it was Nelson? What about Captain Foley?
08:58Ignored his boss's orders, surprised the French from the west,
09:01said none of their cannons were manned.
09:03Really? I didn't know that.
09:05Played the advantage.
09:16Yeah, definitely more of an armchair, Admiral.
09:19Nelson would never be taken down by a lingering shoulder injury.
09:23The shoulder was that painful before the accident?
09:27That top shelf's a killer.
09:29OK, we'll chase CT and run some bloods.
09:32That don't sound good.
09:34Oh, that's perfect.
09:36You can practise your chat. No, my chat's fine.
09:38What an engine, what was that he's done?
09:41Hiya, can you give us some space, please?
09:43Oh, entertainment survived girls.
09:45I've got first dibs.
09:47Right, I'm Teddy, one of the paramedics. This is Ian.
09:49Right, I'm going to make sure we're maintenance that this is powered down.
09:52Can you show me where that is, mate?
09:54I'm getting the fireboys here as well.
09:56Hear that, Jenna? We're getting the fireboys too.
09:59Right, Jenna, is it?
10:01I'd like to have a feel of your neck.
10:03Right, you lot head to the first pub.
10:05Come on.
10:07I've got to show Obi how to party.
10:09She'll be all right, we'll be right with you.
10:13Erm, Tash, not a word to your brother, OK?
10:18Can you tell me what happened?
10:20She went up the down, party dare.
10:24I've got a whole list of them laminated for her pleasure.
10:28And have you hit your head or lost consciousness at all?
10:31Not with those airbags, am I right, babe?
10:35Right, I can see that your hair's trapped,
10:38and, yeah, you've got a bit of swelling to your ankle.
10:40Is it just those two things?
10:42I think so.
10:44How much have you had to drink?
10:46Just a couple of mimosas.
10:48I'm just going to see how your hair's caught.
10:50Stay nice and still for a minute.
10:54Looks like it's just your hair.
10:56Can you fix it, or do we need to wait for the big red truck?
11:00I'm afraid I'm going to have to cut her out as soon as possible.
11:03Are you mad?
11:05She's getting married in two weeks.
11:07Look, it's not safe for you to stay there.
11:09You might have other injuries.
11:10Don't listen to him.
11:12You are not cutting my hair!
11:19When did you say you fell?
11:21I didn't.
11:25This looks like an old bruise.
11:28Was it a few hours or a few days?
11:31It could impact your treatment.
11:34Yeah, well, last night...
11:38Details are a bit hazy.
11:40It were a May's birthday.
11:42I don't normally drink.
11:46Thank you. That's good to know.
11:54Is that good or bad?
11:59Let's start with the next three.
12:02We'll take it from there.
12:04You're over-breathing, Jenna.
12:06Just give me some... I'll bash it down.
12:08If you can just say that, please.
12:10Right. The escalator is definitely isolated.
12:13Fire underway.
12:15I am having fancy curls.
12:19You need to stay calm or you'll make her injury a lot worse.
12:22You had to tell her cos she's going to rip her scalp.
12:24Babe, listen to him.
12:26You do not want bald spots like me nan.
12:31Come on. Slow breaths, in and out.
12:33I'll do you some clip-ins.
12:35I can't have a bad hair day at my own wedding!
12:42Is this thing off?
12:44It's what it told me.
12:46Can I have the scissors?
12:48Jenna, I'm so sorry, but we're going to have to do this now.
12:52I promise I'm going to do the best job I can.
13:00Dr Keogh? Yes?
13:02Mr Williams, his white cell count is elevated and the CRP is raised.
13:06OK, cos his CT was normal.
13:08I think his chest X-ray and urine dip were as well.
13:11Yeah, the medical team are busy.
13:13They've asked if we could do the lumbar puncture down here.
13:15No, I think you'd find that very traumatic.
13:17Is it not more likely to be referred back to the hospital?
13:20Is it more likely to be referred back from a viral infection?
13:23His temperature is 38.6. He's tachycardic.
13:26There's no other explanation for the raised CRP and white cell count.
13:30I think we should rule out meningitis, OK?
13:33It's your call, yeah. OK.
13:39What a day.
13:41You don't need flippers to work here, but it helps.
13:45What's wrong?
13:48Yes, hello. I'd like to book your chest X-ray.
13:51Hey, do you want to talk?
13:58Come on! At least put the sirens on!
14:02No, no, please. My head is banging.
14:05You sure she didn't smack her head?
14:07It's just the tequila. I made her mimosas. Mexico!
14:11Her mimosas, Mexico!
14:14Without telling me?
14:16Last night on the leash, babe.
14:18We are getting you absolutely battered.
14:22I am.
14:24Got to get this for the gram.
14:29Total bride vibes.
14:33Can I see? That's not a good idea.
14:36I know her best, yeah? You saw that.
14:39You've been through a lot. You're in pain.
14:43I think I'm going to be sick.
14:52I'm just going to test the insertion site. Does that feel sharp?
14:56No, but I know it is, but it's just sort of worse.
14:59Hi, Rash, just checking in. Yeah, it's under control.
15:05Tell you, you live on the water?
15:07I do, yes, at the marina in...
15:11Are you OK? I'm so sorry. Mr Williams' daughter insisted.
15:15George? Yeah, I'm fine. How did you...?
15:17I'm your ice contact, remember, since you and Mum split up.
15:20Oh, dear. What did you tell her?
15:22Can you not worry about Mum right now?
15:26What's going on? It's more precautionary.
15:29Hi. Sorry, I'm Georgia.
15:32Matthew and I work together.
15:34You can... George can take over if you need to get back.
15:41Don't leave on my account.
15:43He's not great with needles.
15:45I'll be all right. Cheers, mate.
15:50Let me know how you get on.
15:55OK, I really should get started. Can you stay very still?
15:58You're welcome to hold your dad's hand if you want to.
16:01I was just telling you, wasn't I, about my boat?
16:05Oh, yeah. What's her name?
16:07Flatover Crest 2.
16:10Don't ask what happened to Flatover Crest 1.
16:16Are we going, then, or what?
16:20I'm afraid there's quite a wait.
16:22What, like that, is it?
16:24Drunk and disorderly, he brought it on himself.
16:26They were one time. A one-off.
16:28There's a backlog in radiology.
16:30Woman next door. She's been here five minutes.
16:32You rolled out the red carpet.
16:34Yes, because we're treating order of priority.
16:36I got aches and pains like you wouldn't believe.
16:38OK, so let me take your history.
16:40I heard. Everywhere.
16:42Please, cover your mouth, Mr Campbell.
16:44I've only got one arm.
16:46You've been drinking. Look, there are people here that can help...
16:49How many times? How many times?!
16:53Do you think I'm stupid? Hmm?
16:55I can smell it on your breath, so if you want to deny it, fine.
16:58But stop wasting my time!
17:02Everything all right?
17:03Don't let that madwoman back in here!
17:05OK. Go and get a cuppa.
17:08What, Sarah, the model's very tiny, aren't they?
17:11What's the scale? It's 1.7 hundredths.
17:13Book of Boom gives you per hit damage.
17:15What's that, Book of Boom?
17:17It's like the Royal Book, you know. Right.
17:19They've completely reworked their armour penetration.
17:22Ow! Dad.
17:24Are you nearly finished?
17:26I'm almost.
17:31So how long have you and Matthew been working together?
17:34About a year.
17:39He seems nice.
17:41Yeah. Yeah, he is.
17:46I wish he could be more Nelson.
17:49He lived from the front. He was brave.
17:52True to himself.
17:54What has he said? It's the courage to continue that counts.
17:59Pressure was 19 and it's clear.
18:02Is that good?
18:04It's difficult to say, really, but, um...
18:07I don't think it's meningitis.
18:11How's your shoulder?
18:13Any chance of a comfier bed?
18:15Maybe throw in another pillow?
18:17I'm sure there's something that we could do rationally.
18:20Uh, yeah, um...
18:22Reader, can you take half-hourly OBs?
18:24Or up his fluid intake as well?
18:26Yeah. Avoid any spinal headache.
18:28Hey. Thanks for keeping me anchored.
18:31You're very welcome.
18:39So this is the queue for the queue?
18:43Yeah. Yeah, for a tour.
18:45Well, how long will it take? I've got to get this one.
18:48How long will it take?
18:50I've got to get this one fed, watered and slaughtered.
18:53Tell you what, I'll go inside.
18:55Get an update.
18:57Might have a cup of tea. Put my feet up.
19:00Maybe we should just call it a day.
19:03Don't be daft.
19:06As long as we make it back for the stripper.
19:08I told you I don't want a stripper.
19:10Same rod forever, babe.
19:12There will be no FOMO, not on my watch.
19:15What's up? Gold thong package?
19:18Your Tasha won't know where to look.
19:21We shouldn't have left her.
19:23I'll take this off, right?
19:25I wouldn't advise it.
19:27It's fine. My ankle doesn't even hurt.
19:29Yeah, that's because you've had alcohol and painkillers.
19:31You should wait and get it x-rayed.
19:33You can't make her stay, can you?
19:35Depends if she has capacity.
19:37What, so now you think she's mental?
19:39Do you know what day it is?
19:41It's Friday. I'm in an ambulance and I've got to get back to my party.
19:44I understand that you may have fracture or soft tissue damage,
19:47which could cause lasting issues if you don't get treatment.
19:49I understand.
19:50And you do understand the impact that could have on your life.
19:52All right, buzzkill.
19:54She gets it.
19:56Come on, hun.
19:57We've got places to be and bottles to pop.
20:01Are you all right to sign this self-discharge form before you go?
20:05Everything all right?
20:07We're doing the West Holby crawl, if you fancy it.
20:10She needs to get this ankle looked at.
20:11Never fear.
20:13She's here.
20:15I'll look after her.
20:17Come on.
20:23Don't start.
20:27Dr Keogh?
20:29Mr Williams, his samples have been sent off,
20:31but I'm a little concerned about his shoulder pain.
20:34Yeah, he was quite tense, wasn't he?
20:36But, you know, even somebody without a needle phobia at 23 gauges is pretty grisly.
20:42Yeah, an MRI might rule out any other possible complications.
20:47I know it's not a first-line investigation for us here.
20:49Certainly not in the ED, no.
20:51I mean, you'd be subjecting a patient to another invasive procedure,
20:56probably unnecessary.
20:58You did say to trust my instincts.
21:00Yeah, but not if they're divorced from reality.
21:02If it looks like a horse, it sounds like a horse,
21:05it probably is a horse rather than a zebra.
21:09That said, he's going to be with us for another couple of hours.
21:12Let's keep an eye on him. If he deteriorates, we'll reassess.
21:14But in the meantime, I think that one behind you is collapsed query cords.
21:18So I'll check in with you in about 15 minutes.
21:20Yeah, OK.
21:28Mr Lewis?
21:31This way, please.
21:35You can't help people that don't want to be helped.
21:40Leave him to me.
21:43He's my patient.
21:45Hey, I...
21:47He needs an X-ray and a sling.
21:49He's easy.
21:52What's going on with you?
21:58Come on.
22:00You know I'm impregnated.
22:02It's quid pro quo.
22:05I have a 10-year-old son.
22:11So far, so cute.
22:14Go on.
22:19He's coming to visit soon.
22:23I got excited.
22:25I told my housemates.
22:28Don't tell me they snitched.
22:31I didn't know I wasn't allowed.
22:35I can't afford to rent anywhere else while he's here.
22:41I hate not being with him.
22:43You understand?
22:45Well, you can stay with me.
22:50Think it over.
22:59I'm just checking in rush. Do we know what caused the collapse yet?
23:03No, not yet, but I'm still assessing.
23:06Dave was painting our nursery.
23:08Too much doo-doo bink.
23:10So, you're...?
23:12A lucky man.
23:14Misha's got study issues, so I...
23:17He stepped into the breach.
23:20Your blood pressure was a little high.
23:23There was nothing new there.
23:25Sorry, sorry, I didn't check.
23:30Always a good idea, isn't it, if it's an undifferentiated collapse?
23:48IAD's 22.
23:53IAD's 22.
23:55Er, Dr Massey's just going to have a quick feel of your belly, yeah?
23:58I'm just going to lean you back a bit.
24:06OK, does that hurt?
24:09There's a small mass.
24:11What sort of mass?
24:13It feels expansile...
24:15..positile, er...
24:17We'll run some bloods and get you booked in for a CT scan.
24:25Come on, Gene, we can't leave you here like this, can we?
24:28You know, it's not a bad thing to be stubborn.
24:31Can you sort that out for us, will you?
24:33You go, I'll stay here.
24:41Right, Gene, I know you're not feeling too good,
24:45and if you ask me, I think you'll be better off at the hospital.
24:49Nice cup of tea. Someone to chat to.
24:52It must be a bit chilly.
24:54There's a blanket in there with your name on it.
24:56Honestly, it just says Gene in the stitching.
24:58Shall we go?
25:00Yeah? OK.
25:02There you are. I've got you.
25:05There you see? I knew we'd win you over eventually.
25:08Come on, let's get you sorted.
25:10Just watch your step on this ramp.
25:12OK? Yeah? Yeah.
25:15Is it all fuel yet?
25:17Right, Gene, my love, take a seat here.
25:20Oh, you'd better get changed first.
25:23That must be Mr Campbell's blood.
25:27Mr Campbell! Dr Piper.
25:30How is radiology?
25:32She's back.
25:33Nothing wrong with your eyes, then.
25:35But you do have a head of humerus fracture.
25:37So if you're amenable, I'd like to put this polysling on you.
25:41Fine. Whatever.
25:43Thank you. Can you lift your arm for me, please?
25:46A bit higher.
25:50Just move your head forward for me, please.
25:54Oh, big lad.
25:57Did you injure your mouth when you fell?
26:00There's some blood on my scrubs.
26:02Does it matter?
26:04Let's have a look, eh? Open wide.
26:07Oh, gingivitis.
26:09There was some bruising and his jumbo is very big.
26:11Have you lost weight recently?
26:13What's all this about?
26:15Would you say you eat a balanced diet?
26:18I don't do diets.
26:20OK. Well, you mentioned aches and pains.
26:23And there might be some underlying causes.
26:26So I would like to do some blood tests and see where we are.
26:30Is that OK?
26:32Yeah, I'll come with it.
26:37All right, thank you.
26:39All right, thank you.
26:43No room in resus.
26:45Let me see if I can go and have a word with the vascular surgeon,
26:48see if I can crack things along.
26:51What about Mish?
26:53They'll come and speak to you both about the procedure, the aftercare.
26:57No. I don't want her to know.
27:00You have a slow-leaking aneurysm, Mr Lewis.
27:03If it ruptures, the prognosis is it's extremely poor.
27:06She's eight months pregnant.
27:09What's going on?
27:11It's fine. There's nothing to worry about.
27:14I'm pregnant, not stupid.
27:22OK, the CT detected an abdominal aortic aneurysm,
27:27which is a swelling of the aorta.
27:29The good news is we've caught it and there's a team getting ready to fix it.
27:32You mean right now, today?
27:35Hey, hey. It's all right.
27:39I'm here. Look, we'll get through this.
27:42I'm sorry.
27:44You've had so much loss in your life.
27:46Stop that. I am not going to lose you.
27:50They'll fix it.
27:52I should never have let this happen.
27:55I lumbered you.
27:58What about the baby?
28:00This didn't happen to me.
28:02I chose it.
28:04I chose you, you idiot.
28:07I love you.
28:12Talk to me, Doctor.
28:15What's next?
28:17How's his liver function?
28:19Not great, but that wasn't what I was interested in.
28:23Oh, that's a bit old school, even for Mr Campbell.
28:27I've treated a few cases back home.
28:29He's not going to like this.
28:31How do you want to handle it?
28:33You can be bad cop.
28:35Oh, OK.
28:47I'm just going to grab a coffee.
28:49Oh, yeah. Not what he called it, is it?
29:00Where are you going?
29:04Which floor?
29:08Actually, I...
29:22Can I take you out later?
29:25Yeah, OK.
29:27Yeah? OK. Great.
29:29Great, yeah.
29:33Right, come. Have a good day.
29:35Yeah. Thank you.
29:41I shouldn't have missed that.
29:43Your triple A's are off today, the look.
29:45Yeah, this was five centimetres and leaking.
29:47If you hadn't told me to check the other arm...
29:49Well, the vascular surgeon's on his way down now.
29:53OK, great.
29:55I was just trying to do the maths.
29:57I'm 37 weeks, so...
29:59Recovery time?
30:01It's about six weeks, so you'll have to avoid any strenuous activity.
30:05No heavy lifting or anything like that,
30:07but a newborn should be just about OK.
30:09Mr Morris here will talk you through it.
30:11Can we catch up after you've done the examination, please?
30:14Sure. Thank you.
30:18You mustn't blame yourself.
30:20The patient didn't disclose any symptoms
30:22and I thought you bounced back brilliantly.
30:25I think, in these circumstances,
30:27it's important to control the things that are in your control.
30:31Right, OK. Like what?
30:34Body language, perhaps.
30:37I think the diagnosis was writ pretty large.
30:40It's important, isn't it, to be...
30:43..discreet, almost inscrutable.
30:48Right, yeah.
30:50So, trust your instincts to a point.
30:53Don't over-treat, over-simplify or over-empathise.
30:57There you go, you've got it. The learning never stops.
31:00Now, I have got other patients,
31:02but if you need any more clinical supervision,
31:04you know where to find me, OK?
31:12You're joking.
31:14Scurvy can be fatal, Mr Campbell.
31:16You're going to need to change your diet
31:18and take daily vitamin supplements and stop drinking.
31:22Is that something you'd be open to?
31:25If the pain stops.
31:28That's why I do it.
31:30For the pain.
31:32Then we will start to treat your pain right now.
31:35I'll get you a prescription.
31:37I picked these out for you.
31:40I told you I didn't want anything.
31:42There's a voucher in there too for a local food bank.
31:46Think I'm a charity case or something?
31:48Think I can't afford my own food?
31:50If you end up back in here in a month,
31:52yellow and bleeding from every orifice, McKenzie will level us.
31:56So please take them.
32:09You didn't actually not divert.
32:11All hospitals were at the same escalation level.
32:14Talking comms, I just ran into Dr Masson.
32:17Yeah, we're on a brief hiatus from our training at the moment.
32:20You've got no idea, have you?
32:22No idea about what?
32:23You're supposed to be boosting his confidence, not tearing it down.
32:26OK, we've had a few complex cases today.
32:28So keep it simple. One bird, one stone.
32:30You told him his body language was wrong?
32:32As a footnote to other things...
32:34This can't be your first time stepping up as a mentor.
32:37No, it isn't. I've had some experience...
32:39Jim, Sam Williams' new scores, it's increased.
32:41Have you told Roush?
32:42Yeah, he's asking for you.
32:43OK, where is he?
32:44Cubicle one.
32:49Sorry, Roush.
32:50He's developed bilateral arm and leg weakness.
32:52His temperature's still high.
32:53This is 15, equal in reactive pupils.
32:55Can you hold my hand?
32:56What's happening to me?
32:58It's hardly a perfect case for training, is it?
33:01Would you like me to take over from here?
33:03Well, I think these new neurological features warrant further investigation.
33:06Should I order the MRI?
33:08Yeah, that's a very good idea.
33:09MRI's worse than surgery.
33:10Hey, sweetheart. Try and keep calm, yeah?
33:13Do you want Matthew here?
33:15I'm not an idiot, Dad. I know you're together.
33:18I wanted to tell you.
33:20It's OK. Mum can't handle it. I can.
33:23Shall I call him?
33:24I sent him away. He'll be upset.
33:26OK, we can go straight in.
33:28OK, we'll have somebody call Matthew for you, but we need to go now, really.
33:35Is that it?
33:36Yeah, I think so.
33:38Is that it?
33:39Yeah, I think so, yeah.
33:41Sounds rammed.
33:42It's all right.
33:44She's got it!
33:46Oh, second wave, really!
33:48She's got it!
33:49It's cheered up, hasn't it?
33:51I'm your Venus, pum-pum-pum.
33:53I'm your fire, your desire.
33:56Your desire!
34:03Oh, what a chance!
34:05Oh, what a chance!
34:08She's got asthma.
34:11Oh, my God!
34:13Isn't that right?
34:15Aye, second chance, second wind.
34:19Strip her, dip her, drop her, grind it on her, it works!
34:24I don't think we're in Hayworth.
34:26Josie girl lost it!
34:27I'll tell you the truth.
34:29We are totally battered!
34:33Yeah, yeah, thanks for telling us that.
34:35Hey, love, my name's Ian.
34:37I want to listen to your chest, and I want a cannibaliser, OK?
34:40Right, girls, can we give them some space?
34:42Oh, massive arms, you!
34:46Have you got a girlfriend?
34:50Maybe not.
34:52I'm sorry we left you early.
34:54No, I'm OK if the bride's OK.
34:59Hello, remember me?
35:01I'm Teddy.
35:02How's that ankle?
35:04I can't feel anything.
35:06I would like to have a look at that in the ambulance.
35:08Does that sound OK?
35:09Yeah, that's fine with me.
35:11OK, all right.
35:12You two, stay there.
35:13Well, all of you, stay there.
35:14I'll be back.
35:20How's she doing?
35:21Yeah, rest is coming down, so that's good.
35:23Right, I'm going to call for backup.
35:25Jenna's ankle's a mess.
35:26I'll put her in a cab, but she's so hot, I don't think I can take her.
35:29Hi, there.
35:39Where have they gone?
35:45Oh, sorry.
35:56Come on.
36:00Come on, girls, hold on.
36:03There's only enough room for Jenna plus one.
36:06So, can we work out who's staying and who's going?
36:08I'm Teddy Bear, it's your last night of freedom!
36:13All aboard the party!
36:21We're still waiting on the MRI results,
36:24but his recipes are boring and pulse is weak,
36:28and so we need to get him into resus.
36:30What are you still doing here?
36:31What's wrong with him?
36:32You've got all breathless in the skin.
36:33Like a claustrophobia thing?
36:35I don't think so.
36:36Where are you taking him?
36:37To an area of slightly higher monitoring,
36:39so that we can hopefully get him stable.
36:41Just give us five minutes.
36:50Girls, I've won at dares, yeah?
36:52Make sure you tell us!
36:54Can we go now, or what?
36:56Her foot's minging.
36:58Hi, I've got Tasha.
36:59That's bride to be.
37:00Pretty sure it's broken.
37:01I'm just going to need to take her in.
37:03Well, we hate to tell we told you so, ladies,
37:05but we did tell you so.
37:06Mind if I drive?
37:07All right.
37:08Well, that is it.
37:09Go on, then.
37:10You've seen us off so nicely.
37:12All right.
37:23As firmly as you can.
37:25OK, that's fine, that's fine.
37:26His muscle strength's about three out of five.
37:29He came back.
37:31I never left.
37:33Do you want to see?
37:34This is it.
37:37What's happening?
37:38BP's dropping.
37:3970 over 40, guys.
37:42Help me.
37:43We are trying.
37:45OK, he's hit with the F.
37:48I don't understand this.
37:50OK, Karen, can you get pads on?
37:52Can somebody help him, please?
37:54Sir, can you step outside, please?
37:55OK, let's go, Saint.
37:57Let the doctors help your dad.
38:03OK, pads are on.
38:06Front stand clear.
38:13Charging clear.
38:29This is Jenna Evans.
38:31She's pretty intoxicated.
38:33Went over on her ankle,
38:34and I think it's going to need an X-ray.
38:36No, she fell over about five hours ago.
38:38We brought her in, but she discharged herself.
38:40We don't want her wandering off again, do we?
38:42No, definitely not.
38:43Right, OK, what have you given her?
38:45IV paracetamol and ondansetron.
38:47There it is.
38:49Ladies, we will love you and leave you.
38:51Come on, we've got to get back.
38:57Right, enjoy yourselves.
38:59Love you.
39:01You all right?
39:02Been a long day.
39:03Same patient twice.
39:04Yeah, well, she's not going anywhere on that ankle now.
39:08What's the next one?
39:13That's two minutes.
39:14Get your pulse fit, then, please.
39:17He's been asystolic for 20 minutes
39:19with no return of spontaneous circulation.
39:22Shall I get back on the chest, then, or what do you think?
39:34Dr Keogh?
39:38Yeah, time of death, 2001.
39:46Is the daughter still here?
39:54Don't say it. Please.
39:56Your father's heart stopped about 30 minutes ago
40:00and although we attempted resuscitation,
40:03I'm afraid there's nothing more that we can do.
40:06I don't understand. What happened?
40:09Well, in the event of a prolonged cardiac arrest,
40:12if there isn't a real...
40:14Why did you hide him behind all the medical crap and answer her?
40:17I don't know. That's the honest truth. I don't know.
40:19You don't know? Yeah.
40:20What kind of doctor are you? I want somebody else in there.
40:23I'm afraid there's nothing that anybody else could do, either.
40:26He came in for a couple of stitches, now he's dead.
40:28What happened? What the hell did you do?
40:39Time for your happy ending, eh, Jim?
40:43OK, right, so...
40:45You have fractured the distal tip of the lateral malleolus, OK?
40:48So we're going to plaster it up and get it sorted.
40:51We should do a blue one.
40:53That's perfect, innit, Jen?
40:55Some are new, some are blue.
40:57You think this is funny?
40:59Somebody is sobering up.
41:01You've ruined my whole wedding.
41:06Right, can you just keep your foot still?
41:08You're not seriously blaming me?
41:12You wrote those stupid dares.
41:14You spiked my drink. You made me walk on a broken ankle.
41:17I never made you.
41:19I had to save Dash from that humping strip hole.
41:22The whole night has been so tacky.
41:24As if!
41:27You're not even married yet, babe, and you are already proper boring.
41:31You need to chill out.
41:33You need to grow up.
41:38Excuse me, babes.
41:41Would you mind signing me baps, please, party dare?
41:45Stop it! Just stop!
41:47You take things too far, you always do!
41:50Please, I don't want her here.
41:52Of course, yeah. I'm so sorry... Yeah, yeah, it's fine.
41:56And don't come to the wedding.
42:02Well, I would not be caught dead, babes.
42:09Have you seen yourself?
42:20Sorry about that.
42:32Your results? Yeah.
42:36It's posteriorly located cervical epidural haematoma.
42:41It's a pressing down the spine.
42:44If we'd run the MRI before, then we would have picked that up.
42:48It's one of the most unusual cases I think I've ever seen.
42:53You know, but it's the zebra.
42:56You did everything right.
43:01He died. There must be something we can learn from this, do differently.
43:05Not on your part.
43:08The family's still here, I think,
43:10so I'm going to go and talk to them about what we know now we know it.
43:14Actually, it was my case. I can go.
43:16No, no, no, no. I don't know what yours and mine are asking.
43:19Your shift's over. Go home. Have some time to yourself.
43:31Are they ready? Yeah, all yours.
43:39I'm sorry to disturb you.
43:41Dr... Dr Kew, I... I wanted to apologise.
43:45Really, there's no need.
43:51Do you know what happened?
43:53Yes, we do. Your father died due to an accumulation of blood
43:57between the bone in the vertebrae and the spinal cord.
44:02It was the pressure on that that caused his heart to stop.
44:08It is a very unusual presentation.
44:12To be honest, we don't know whether it had anything to do with the accident or not.
44:20He was so happy.
44:23I saw that.
44:27He was finally himself.
44:36I'm very sorry for your loss.
44:42I saw your website.
44:44I'd like to book in with one of your counsellors.
44:48Jo, are you coming for a drink?
44:50Yeah, probably. Just give me ten, all right?
44:54You coming, Raj?
44:56Maybe another time.
45:01Hey, there's free drinks in the pub.
45:04Normally I'd be all over that, but Bob may be on board.
45:11They're orange juice. It's very good.
45:14Full of vitamin C.
45:17Well, we do have to fight off that scurvy.
45:20Go on, then. You've twisted my arm.
45:22Have you given any thought to my invitation?
45:26Are you sure you don't mind?
45:28No. Every bad cop needs a good cop.
45:31That's true.
45:35Okay. Thank you.
45:40How do you feel about Spider-Man?
45:44As long as he doesn't leave cobwebs everywhere, he's welcome.
45:57Epidural hematoma's rare enough.
46:00But in the neck?
46:02News travels fast.
46:05I know we got off to a bad start, but I'm on your side.
46:08A hundred per cent.
46:10There'll be an AAR, but there's no question of blame.
46:16You've lost patients before.
46:19Yeah, but I liked him. He was nice.
46:21Look, there's money behind the bar if you want to go out and decompress.
46:27I think now the cause of death's been confirmed.
46:29I'll just... I'll wrap up the paperwork.
46:31Use my office. More private.
46:43Whoa, whoa, whoa.
46:45Why am I doing this on me own?
46:48Whoa, whoa, whoa.
46:50Why am I doing this on me own?
46:52There's glitter everywhere. It's like luminol at a crime scene.
46:56Tried to go in the hope. Management are buying.
46:59That's nice. This one needs cheering up.
47:03I think I just want a quiet one tonight.
47:05Okay. Then we'll go somewhere else then.
47:08Another time, maybe.
47:13All right, okay. Yeah.
47:17Er, well, I'll see you there.
47:24What's all that about?
47:26I thought you liked her.
47:28She's a bit keen.
47:30Says you. Changed your jewel from this morning.
47:33I just don't want anything serious. Not off the page.
47:36Can't keep up with your kids. Come on in. Make yourself useful.
47:42I didn't think you'd still be here.
47:46How are we with the estate managers?
47:48Living the dream?
47:50Recess will be fully operational from tomorrow.
47:53Must have finished your paperwork by now.
47:56Yeah, yeah, I'm right behind you.
47:59Take it. That's my cue.
48:01Yeah, yeah, I'm right behind you.
48:04Take it. That's my cue.
48:31I'm right behind you.
49:01I'm right behind you.