The Only Way Is Essex S35 E05
Short filmTranscript
00:00The only way is love, baby
00:06For you and me now
00:19We're never going home tonight
00:22Life is great when we sleep and we die
00:27Love you
00:28Love you too
00:57Hug! Hug! Hug!
01:10You are cute
01:17I don't think I've ever been somewhere like here in my whole entire life
01:21No, I can definitely say it's one off the bucket list
01:24I feel like I'm in the middle of a rainforest
01:26Well, we are. Can you hear the noise? It's like rainy out there but it's not raining
01:29But is it peaceful? Is it?
01:31Yeah, I'm scared
01:32No, you're fine. Don't worry
01:36You OK, Elle?
01:37Yeah, you?
01:38Do you reckon Sash's done a backdoor on purpose?
01:40I think she's left us all here on purpose
01:42I think she's got us here in one place and then done a backdoor
01:46We was like, how the hell has she just gone? We needed her the most
01:49I know, she's banned it all. What an amazing place, though
01:52Stunning, isn't it?
01:53It is lovely
01:54Are you OK?
01:55Yeah, I'm all right
01:56You look nice
01:58It's so hot, isn't it?
01:59It's all right
02:00Just having a little drink, chilling
02:02Nice. Well, I don't really want to break it up but I'm going to
02:06Can I speak to Joe quick?
02:07Of course you can, babe
02:08Thank you
02:09I love you
02:10I'll see you in a bit
02:11See yous later
02:12Take your drink
02:13No, I'm nicking it
02:14He can have it, he needs it
02:15I'm having it
02:16See yous later
02:17You can get another one, Elle
02:18You been all right?
02:19I'm drying dry
02:20So am I
02:21I'm just drained of it all
02:22So am I
02:23I feel like everyone's offloading everything onto me and I'm proper
02:26in the middle
02:27Well, were you feeling calmer today, less angry?
02:30Yeah, look, I wasn't... It's not that I was angry, I feel like I was
02:36Yeah, which makes sense to me now, why you was the way you was
02:40because I didn't realise that you knew that information
02:43Yeah, well, look, I'm not... For me, look, I'm always going to have
02:47Danny's back and that is the way it's always going to be
02:50Like I was saying to Saffron earlier, I lost Danny from not having her back before
02:55and I'm never going to make that mistake again
02:57Yeah, and honestly, I want you to know I completely respect you
03:00for having your mates back
03:03Because I love you a lot and honestly believe that from the bottom of my heart
03:06I have so much time for you and I always will
03:09We've never actually ever had an argument
03:11No, we haven't
03:13We've not ever fell out for our own problems
03:15Exactly, we fall out because of everyone else
03:17I felt as if it was right for me at that time to have Danny's back
03:21because I felt you stepped out of line massively
03:23No, I appreciate that
03:24No, I agree with you, I think I did
03:25And I'll be honest, you know the truth
03:26Of course, yeah
03:27You and Harry know exactly what happened
03:29It's not anyone else's business as to why your relationship went the way it did
03:32No, of course
03:33And at the end of the day, like, we can't dwell on it forever
03:36Do you know what I mean?
03:37I just want to move on from it
03:38You've got to move on
03:39I really do
03:40And you are moving on
03:41Harry's got to move on too
03:43And, like, it's just one of them things, isn't it?
03:45It takes two to tango to break up, I'll be honest
03:47Of course, yeah
03:48It don't just take one person to fuck up a relationship
03:50And it takes two to make a relationship work, do you know what I mean?
03:52And it wasn't working for you both, which it still doesn't make it right for you to cheat
03:55No, no, no
03:56It don't
03:57But at the end of the day, if that was your way to get out, that was your way to get out
04:00But we've all got to be around each other
04:02We've all got the same associates
04:04Yeah, of course
04:05And I don't want to see you and Junaid on your own
04:08I'd be lying if I said I was your biggest fans
04:10because we've been through a lot, do you know what I mean?
04:12It's going to take a lot to get back to how we were
04:14Of course
04:15And I don't know if we ever would be able to do that, I'll be honest
04:18But I want to make you feel comfortable in my presence
04:21because, listen, I was there once and I know exactly how it feels
04:24And I was there with you, do you know what I mean?
04:26Obviously, I wasn't away with you, but I see you go through that
04:29And please, let's not fall out with other people again
04:32We talk
04:33Yeah, we talk
04:34If there's an issue and you've got the smallest issue with me, just tell me
04:37Yeah, we need to...
04:38And we'll fix it
04:41I love you a lot
04:59Right, I'm going to ring Harry
05:01Do you know what, though? I've literally just left him
05:03I've literally just left him to do his thing
05:05And if he needs me, he'll ring me
05:06So it's quite weird that you've not spoke to him
05:13Here he is!
05:15Where have you been?
05:17Two seconds
05:18I'm literally... I'm just walking outside
05:20I can't hear you
05:21OK, bubs
05:22What is it like about Harry's mum and dad?
05:25Harry's at uni
05:26Oh, hi!
05:27Right, I can hear you
05:29I've missed you both
05:31OK, so, what is going on?
05:33No, honestly, I'm having actually a better time than I probably thought I was going to
05:38But something happened
05:39What happened?
05:40So I walked into the breakfast
05:42So I just thought, oh, I'll go and sit with Danny
05:44Danny went to me
05:46Harry, I just need to tell you something
05:49And I feel really bad because I've been lying to you
05:51Jo, did she or me?
05:54You're joking
05:57I knew it
05:58I said it from the start
05:59Honestly, I said that all along
06:01What's a joke?
06:02So what happened was, two days later when we got home from Cypress
06:06They slept together
06:09And that was before Jo ended things with me
06:13Oh, mate, I'm shocked at that
06:15Bit of a kick in the teeth, finding it out six months later
06:18Yeah, but the thing is, they always said that I was innocent
06:21I started to believe in myself
06:23I feel like a broken record, but they have done you a massive favour
06:26Yeah, 100%, they've done me the biggest favour
06:28And I will not let them two ruin my time that here
06:31It's part of the process, isn't it?
06:34It's another step, making you stronger, making you a better person
06:37And making it look like the people that they are
06:40Keep being you, you look amazing, you look incredible
06:43What else is going on?
06:45So, the first day we got here, I chilled with Freddie
06:50And Freddie's been hanging around with me and the girl band
06:53And then he took me for a foot rub on the second day
06:57Just to get me out of the hotel, which was really sweet of him
07:00And then the day after that, we all went to a nightclub
07:03And we was snogging all night
07:08Nice. What was the kiss like?
07:10The kiss was really good
07:12Oh, my God, look at you, you look happy
07:15This is a happy little one
07:17This is amazing
07:18It's just the kiss
07:19Yeah, but really, you could have a little cheeky blouser
07:26Not the blouser
07:28Not the blouser!
07:31I love yous and I miss yous both so much
07:34Love you, H
07:39Right, I love yous
07:56What a night, girls
07:58I think we've gone out enough times in Bali
08:00that we don't need to ever go out again back in the UK
08:03I won't be there, so...
08:05Where will you be?
08:07Not there
08:11You're just jealous cos you want to be there too
08:14Look, girls, even though there's distance between us
08:16it might be far, but we're always going to be besties
08:18No matter where we are on the planet
08:20It's true
08:21I love you both
08:23And Harry, we're the same with Harry
08:25We'll all be each other's bridesmaids
08:27Even though there's distance between us all
08:29When she's going to be living in Australia, so crass
08:31She's not living in Australia
08:32I'm obviously in Dubai, you're in the UK
08:34Harry wants to move to Australia with me
08:36To be fair, me and Courtney are the only people that run in Essex
08:39And it's hell on Earth
08:41She's got off her phone to Amy
08:43Did you tell her about Freddie?
08:45What's she saying?
08:47She's actually quite all for it
08:49Did you tell her you snogged?
08:51Shall I send her the video?
08:53When I saw you kiss, I went...
08:56I mean, I had front row seats, I was like this
08:59Everyone was watching, I was like, give them some privacy
09:01It's their first kiss
09:02You've got your phone out, you're literally like this
09:04When he's screaming, I'm like, I don't even want to look
09:06She's not
09:08I've got to be honest with you girls, I think it's very...
09:12So unexpected
09:13At first I wasn't sure, but then seeing you together, I'm all for it
09:18I'm all for it
09:19Harry's in love
09:20I'm in love
09:21I really, really like Freddie
09:22Freddie is making me laugh so much
09:25He's funny
09:26And that's nice, I felt like you needed that
09:27Yeah, you needed it
09:28Doesn't it make the trip so much better when you've got someone that you fancy?
09:31Oh my God, so much better
09:33And I think to how I was six months ago, to who I am now
09:36And girls, you've helped me a lot
09:39You know we love you
09:40Honestly, Girl Band 2.0, it's our one year anniversary
09:44Oh, I'm loving it
09:45It's our one year anniversary, 2.0 invented in Bali
09:48We've got you, we're only going from strength to strength
09:51Love yous
09:52Girl Band, hands in
10:24That was a good session
10:25That was good
10:26Yeah, how do you feel about it?
10:27You happy?
10:28Yeah, I'm really happy
10:29A lot of risky stuff in there too
10:31I always said to you, I wanted you to push me to my limits
10:34And here I am
10:37Hello, how are you?
10:41Good to see you again
10:43Alright darling
10:45Yeah, good to see you
10:47All is well?
10:48Yeah, how's it going?
10:49Really good
10:50It is going good actually
10:51Doing really, really well
10:52It's a tough routine this one
10:53Oh, he looks it and he's fast
10:54He's fast, there's more lifts in it
10:56It's difficult, scary at times
10:59But yeah, he's gonna nail it
11:00I'll leave you guys to it
11:02Lovely seeing you
11:03See you on Sunday, can't wait to see the rest of it
11:06It's exciting
11:07Good job today
11:10See you guys later
11:11See you later Vanessa
11:14So now she's gone, how are you feeling?
11:16Shitting myself
11:19No, I'm not
11:20Have you heard anything from the lot in Bali?
11:23Yeah, they seem like they're having a good time, most of them
11:28Yeah, I spoke to Bella quite a lot
11:30I've spoke to Elle more than I thought I would
11:33Way more
11:34Saw the little photo the other day that she posted of the two of you
11:37What a lovely photo
11:38You've not seen that before?
11:40And then I saw you reposted it and it was like
11:45You showing any sort of public display of affection
11:48is not something I've seen for a long time
11:55Who's that?
11:57Oh, talk of the devil
12:03Hiya, how are you?
12:04How are you?
12:05I'm good, thank you
12:06I'm good
12:07What are you doing?
12:08So tired
12:09You're at some retreating you're?
12:10Just in like the jungle or something
12:12I'm at a retreat?
12:13I'm 8K loving apparently
12:16We just, mum just come down to watch me training
12:19Oh, it's going so well
12:23I'm excited, I'm excited again for another week
12:25I know
12:26Such a shame you're not here
12:28Such a shame
12:29Yeah, it is
12:30I know, I wish I was
12:32I'm going to leave you two to it
12:34Have a lovely time and hopefully see you soon
12:36Yeah, lovely, I will, I'll see you soon
12:38Alright, you take care
12:41Nice to meet you
12:42Go on
12:43So who's at the retreat now?
12:45Um, me, Bex, Jenose and Jo
12:49Saf's gone
12:51What do you mean she's gone?
12:52She didn't feel very well but
12:54I think it was her plans being used
12:57You do look handsome, don't you?
12:59Thank you
13:01You don't look too bad yourself
13:03Do you miss me then?
13:04I do miss you, I miss you a lot
13:06I was telling my mum that
13:07Of course I do
13:08Well listen, you're the first person I get up and think about
13:12Yeah, same
13:14So I think to myself, God, what's the time?
13:16I hope he ain't gone to bed yet
13:18So I can ring him
13:19Well then I'm sitting there late at night thinking she's asleep
13:22I'm waiting for you to wake up
13:23Do you know what I mean?
13:25I want you to come back home really, yeah
13:27I'd like to, to be honest
13:28What, you're not happy out there?
13:33Go on, talk to me
13:36What is it?
13:38It ain't that I'm not happy, cos I, um
13:41I'd just rather you be here, really
13:44It's hard cos there's nothing I can do about it
13:46Do you know what I mean?
13:47I'd love to be out there with you
13:48But look, it ain't long
13:50As soon as you're home, do you know what I mean?
13:51We'll do something nice, we'll go away for the night
13:53It'll be fine
13:54Well I can't wait to get home, put it that way
13:57Trust me, you'll come back here for a day and think, why'd I come home?
14:00I would then, because I'd be with you
14:02But I know what you're saying, it ain't long
14:05And if you're upset, just ring me
14:08Yeah, I will
14:10Well look, try and enjoy your retreat, the rest of it, whatever you've got left
14:14Hey, pray love
14:16I've got the love
14:18You've got the love
14:20Seeing all the stars, they lead me back to you
14:24Alright, well look, ring me when you get up, cos I might be awake still
14:28Yeah, I will actually
14:31Goodnight, be cool
14:32Alright, goodnight
14:33Love you
14:34Alright, love you, bye
14:35They lead me back to you
14:39The only way is up
14:42The only way is up
14:45I can't let it go, this chemical
14:48So bright like a shimmer in Tokyo skylight
14:53Sometimes I wonder if you even know
14:57The way you send me into orbit
15:00This is just blissful
15:02It hurts your feet a bit
15:04I know, it's got sea salt in it, it's great for the skin
15:06Oh, I'm already out
15:09Do you think everyone else sits by the pool in their dressing gown, just me and you?
15:13Probably just me and you
15:14Maybe it's an Essex thing
15:15I can't let it go, this chemical
15:18So bright like a shimmer in Tokyo skylight
15:24Good morning, Bali
15:26Bex, I'm Aunt Marvin
15:28Come in, darling, I've just got the thing for us
15:30Oh, stunning
15:31I've got us a nice iced latte and some fruit, I mean
15:34Lovely, lovely
15:35I'd rather have a Cumberland sausage, but this will do
15:38It's quite healthy, isn't it?
15:39Yeah, very healthy, babe, not a bit, yeah, no
15:41But it's good for the soul, do you know?
15:55Oh, Ella Rae would love this
15:57That is a bit, I feel like she's got that in pink
15:59And they've got a little pickle version
16:02Oh, look how cute, little pickle face
16:06Oh, this is making me miss my boy now
16:08Are you missing him?
16:09Of course I am
16:12I'm missing you, darling
16:16I'm sweating, I am
16:17No, I know
16:18We're sitting in the shade and the sun's just binging on me
16:20It's just so hot, though, the humidity here is a lot
16:23Look at the hair
16:24You look like a cockatoo
16:25I know
16:26I've just woke up, this is what I look like
16:28Lucky you're cute when you wake up
16:30What a lovely sight for you to look at
16:32I was honestly so exhausted last night when you got in
16:35What time did you get in?
16:36I don't think it was that late, but I come in and you was zonked
16:39Completely out of it
16:41I come in, I thought, you're all right
16:42And you were asleep
16:43Slept like a baby
16:44How was your chat with Ella?
16:45To be fair, a lot better than I thought it was going to go
16:48Thank God
16:49I think we've definitely cleared the air
16:51Good, this is great
16:52What did she say?
16:53Well, obviously she explained to me, obviously, why she had dealt with me
16:57And that was obviously about Danny
16:58Fair enough
16:59And the whole situation
17:00But to be fair, I completely took accountability for the whole thing
17:03Obviously, I am sorry
17:04And I just explained to her, deep down, I just want her to like me
17:07And I think she was understanding, obviously, what I was saying
17:10What I think I didn't realise was
17:13Ella's actually really in the middle of a lot of stuff
17:16Like, she's in the middle of me and you
17:19Harry, Fred, Danny
17:21Yeah, I mean, now that you say that, it makes a lot more sense
17:24I think we're so quick to, like, think about what's going on in our lives
17:28Yeah, she's struggling
17:29She is really struggling
17:30But I want to get back on track with her
17:32So we can also do that, be there for her as much as she can be there for us
17:36Let's wait and see what happens, eh?
17:47All right!
17:50How are you? You OK?
17:51You OK, darling?
17:52You look lovely
17:54I'm shopping for tildes, innit?
17:55We're having a little shop as well
17:56He's looking for Harry Day
17:57I'm going to buy something for Harry Day
18:05This has been, like, the hottest day
18:07Hold on a minute
18:08You struggling?
18:09My legs are too long
18:10Do you need help?
18:11Update me
18:12What, Harry Day?
18:13Yeah, something for Harry Day
18:14So, do you know what? He's so innocent
18:16He's innocent
18:17Literally, all he is at the moment is flirty friends
18:20We've had a few kisses
18:22We've had a few cuddles
18:24It's a bit of barley fun
18:26From what I saw, you lot were loving it
18:28What about you, though? Obviously, are you...
18:30Partying is all you do here
18:31I'm partying
18:32But meeting with, like...
18:33The partying was to, like...
18:35Distract me
18:36In the last couple of days, now, it's where I'm finding it harder
18:39I've got to be honest
18:40I feel like I've actually never seen you like this about a girl
18:43in my whole entire life
18:45I'm a changed man
18:47She's changed me for the better
18:49That is so cute
18:50Why don't you get her name tatted on you?
18:52I've got her date of birth tatted on me
18:53Shut up!
18:55Show me, then
18:56Oh, that is so cute, bro
18:59You've got matching ones, though, as well
19:02That is so cute
19:03Oh, my God
19:04She's going to be your wifey for life, eh?
19:06And you've never done that with no other girl?
19:08Do you know what I mean?
19:09That's why I know that she's so different this time around
19:13Here's me
19:15Thank you
19:16Thank you so much
19:18Thank you very much
19:19Fresh, I need this
19:21And one iced coffee, please
19:23Thank you
19:24Well, cheers
19:26Sorry, cheers
19:27What are we cheesing to?
19:28To seeing each other
19:29To seeing each other
19:30We're definitely not cheesing about breakfast
19:34All I heard was you shouting
19:36I feel like that's the way anyone heard was Freddie shouting
19:39Listen, ultimately, Junaid is still my friend
19:42I know that I've shouted and screamed at him at the breakfast
19:46But I feel like I need to apologise for that
19:50I don't know where his headspace is at
19:52I haven't spoken to him since
19:54I haven't spoken to him since
19:56I think I was just so...
19:57No, but you can apologise
19:58But real friends, you can shout at your friend if he's in the room
20:01Yeah, of course
20:02Yeah, but he's got to be baffled because he's where Freddie went from
20:06Zero tension
20:07By his corner
20:08I've been a bit of a turncoat
20:09He's got to be so confused
20:11Mark, listen, at the end of my table with it, I was frustrated
20:15I do want to speak to him, see where their head's at
20:17But obviously, ultimately, I am getting closer to Harry
20:19And I don't think them two are going to like it
20:21So what if they don't like it?
20:22Yeah, it doesn't matter
20:23No, do you know what?
20:24I obviously have been keeping that secret, I don't know
20:27I feel like I wasn't able to enjoy this holiday until it was off my chest
20:32And now that he knows, I'm so much better
20:35And I'm glad that he understood
20:37As much as I felt a bit sorry for Junaid and Joe
20:39It kind of is what it is, it's always going to come out
20:41Yeah, it's true
20:42The whole thing is a bit awkward, though
20:44Because obviously, Saffron's taken Ella, Joe, Junaid and Bex to the jungle
20:50Yeah, I heard about that
20:51Do you think she'll make up with him?
20:52Because obviously, remember that time when...
20:54Because Junaid's bugged Ella as well before, ain't she?
20:56I know, but...
20:58And I think Ella's been a bit soft at him, ain't she?
21:00Yeah, Ella changes her tune
21:02Like, she obviously, before we come out here, she was really angry
21:05Said she'll never make up with him again
21:06But I feel like, when she's one of them, I would see them cry
21:10And not really care, and not really buy it
21:12Whereas she sees them crying, she feels sorry for them
21:14And even if she does make up with him or not, I'm not really fast
21:17It's not an issue, yeah
21:18It's what it is, everyone can be friends with who they want
21:22I need, I need, I need a friend
21:25That's sweet and soft and kind
21:30Close your eyes
21:33Find a comfortable seat
21:37And inhale tall
21:39Hear the breath
21:41Imagine a piece of oxygen coming in past your lungs
21:45Into your finger and your toe
21:49As you exhale, letting go of what you don't need
21:55In and out
21:59Literally sculpting
22:02Breath by breath
22:05Every breath sculpting yourself
22:08Taking in what you need, letting go of what you don't
22:11Sorry that I had to take you away from your meditation
22:14No, it's all right
22:15Feel like it's time for us to have a little chat
22:17Yeah, I think we definitely need to
22:19I think we definitely need to
22:21And open your eyes
22:25Where have they gone?
22:26I don't know
22:27They've done a run up
22:28I didn't even hear them get up, did you?
22:30No, I was really enjoying that
22:31So was I
22:32Should we sit here?
22:33Yeah, lovely
22:34Nice and cosy
22:35And look comfortable to be fair
22:39I'm glad that we can like sit down and have a chat
22:43I have known you since she was 18 years old, do you know what I mean?
22:45That I do look at you like a little sister
22:47And it upsets me like we are where we are
22:49You and Joe was never an issue to me
22:52I was all for you both at the end of the day
22:55And I feel like I had to have done his back with the Joe thing
22:58One million percent
22:59It's a massive loss to our friendship group, I'll be honest, Dan
23:01You played a massive part in being friends with us all
23:04It's hard to be around you and not want to say to you like, are you all right?
23:08You've been through the run in the middle of it
23:10Like honestly, and I feel at the times that you have been through a lot
23:13Like you needed us as mates
23:15No, I know
23:16But you pushed us so far away
23:17No, I know
23:18It was sort of like, well, there's no communication there no more
23:21Like there was no like plead into wanting to be back friends
23:25And we just thought to ourselves like he obviously doesn't care about us enough
23:29He doesn't appreciate our friendship, so why should we care about him?
23:33Yeah, I wish I had a clock to turn back time
23:36And just redo, just do things differently
23:38Like I messed up, I genuinely mean that
23:41I'm looking at you in your eyes, I messed up
23:44I'm sorry, I don't want to lose you
23:46No, I know
23:47I genuinely don't
23:48My love for you guys was so pure
23:50Yeah, like naturally in life people do grow out of friendships
23:54People do grow out of being tight with each other
23:56I'd be lying if I said that I was never going to be your friend again
23:59Because I have said that
24:00And we probably aren't going to be as close as what we used to be
24:03But I am happy to get to a place where we can be amicable
24:06You can come to me if you've got an issue
24:08And I will always be there for you
24:10No, I appreciate that
24:11You know that, and I'll always be there to give you advice
24:13Because sometimes I feel like you need it
24:15Because you do get a little bit lost
24:17This trip, I said to Jo as well
24:19I said to him, I was like the person's advice I need this trip was Ella's
24:22Because last year you helped me so much
24:24And you genuinely did
24:25And you know I'd always be truthful with you
24:27No, I know
24:29It just makes me sad
24:30Like I just wish we never got to this
24:31I know, I know
24:32I genuinely wish we never got to this
24:34I feel like you have to find a healthy balance
24:36Between boyfriends and friends
24:38I appreciate it
24:39And I genuinely want you to know I am sorry
24:41It's fine
24:42I mean that
24:43No, I know you do
24:44Look, we need to work on the friendship
24:46And it's a stepping stone into doing that
24:49I feel more peaceful
24:51To go back and if I see you we can sit together
24:54And just have a little chat
24:55It's just a nice environment for everyone
24:57Genuinely, thank you
24:59Yeah, well I'm glad to
25:01Can I have a hug?
25:02Yeah, of course you can
25:04I'm back
25:06I'm back
25:10The only way is up
25:13The only way is up
25:16After midnight
25:18I'm feeling kinda freaky baby
25:20It's the moonlight
25:23I kinda wanna kiss your boyfriend
25:25If you don't mind
25:27I love a little arm warm
25:29Let's watch the sunrise
25:32Are we gonna play Mancala?
25:33Yes, I will teach you
25:34I've already taught you how to play
25:35I'm just gonna
25:36Why don't you learn so we can all play?
25:38I don't, I've not got the brain to learn right now
25:45I got you strings
25:46Oh, I love you
25:47You look so
25:49You look so lonely sat on your own
25:51I know, what a loser
25:52Do you know what I've noticed?
25:54You've lost your curly friend
25:55Look, she's gone straight
25:56Yeah, but you know what?
25:57I'm getting a blow-dry tomorrow
25:58You can't leave me on my own here
25:59You look gorgeous
26:01Right girls
26:05Wow, you two are in quite a bling tonight
26:08Yeah, I know
26:09How are you?
26:10Getting married
26:11It's like your wedding guys
26:12Oh, stop it yo
26:15Welcome back
26:16Just a little bit early
26:18I'm a celebrity getting out of here, wasn't it?
26:20Yeah, literally
26:21Did you have the shits?
26:22I left tonight, barley belly kiss
26:25Barley belly kiss?
26:26But I just didn't fancy it really
26:29Venue was stunning
26:30So was company
26:31But it was a detox retreat
26:34Raw mushrooms, bit of avocado and lime
26:38It just weren't a bit of me
26:39You proper stuck it out though, congratulations
26:44What happened?
26:45Oh, sort of come back girly girl
26:47Don't like the crowd
26:48I wanted to come back to lobby life
26:49and just literally swish about the hotel
26:52I love lobby life
26:53I know, isn't it fun?
26:55What does that mean, swishing?
26:56Swishing about
26:57That's what I do, I swish about
26:59I'm the biggest swisher ever
27:02You're very handsome
27:03Thank you
27:04I like the wet hair, like push back
27:06Leave in conditioner
27:07You look sexy when your hair's pushed back
27:08Oh, really?
27:24Come on guys, let's go
27:26Oh, they're back
27:27They're back
27:28Home sweet home
27:30Home sweet home
27:31Home sweet home, she hasn't even been here yet
27:33What a night
27:35Oh my god, that feels great
27:40Ah, facts
27:43Oh, Ella's here
27:45Oh, it's Ella
27:46Where's she been?
27:47Oh, sorry I left you
27:48Yeah, you won a bit
27:49We're back
27:50I don't know if I'm glad to be back or not
27:51I know, same, I don't know what to think
27:53Oh, the boys are here as well
27:56Janaye, Jo, hello
27:57Oh my god, you're back
27:59How are you?
28:02You got out of it, didn't you?
28:03Oh, I got out of it, too much for me
28:05Where's Ella Rae?
28:06Hi darling
28:07Oh my god, I missed you
28:09I missed you
28:11I put Freddie in my bed every single night
28:13I need you back
28:15Take him away
28:17Baby girl
28:20Oh my god, I've got that outfit, you bitch
28:24Hey darling
28:25Good, how are you?
28:26Yeah, fine
28:27How was it?
28:28Do you feel like a new person coming back?
28:30Are you glad you went?
28:31No, I'm happy I went
28:32Because I know you was a bit like, I'm not sure if I want to go
28:34Yeah, because listen, it puts everyone in a position, do you know what I mean?
28:37And it's like a little bit awkward, but it's one of them things, like, apologies needed to be made
28:41And everything that I wanted to come out of it did
28:44So I was just like, let bygones be bygones
28:46Me and Janaye's are never going to be as close as what we used to be
28:49Like, thank you for your sorry
28:51Did he apologise?
28:52He said sorry
28:53Fuck me
28:54That's big
28:55He said sorry
28:56Fuck you girl
28:57Oh, he's out on his apology tour again
28:58Do you know what I mean?
29:00But that's actually really nice for him to apologise to you, I'll be honest
29:02Because number one, you've always had one
29:03Yeah, because I'm in shock
29:04But number two, I think that also releases any tension you felt towards him
29:08Not that you did
29:09No, I said to him, like, I never held no hatred to you
29:11It was just the fact of, like, it was a massive trust thing for me
29:13And look, I'm still not going to trust you now
29:16And I'm still going to keep you at arm's length
29:17It takes time
29:18I made it known that he's not going to be in my pocket
29:20It's like, whatever, it's not going to be like that
29:22I love that he needs to talk to everyone, apart from me
29:24I know, he is going to have to
29:26Listen, I'm done with him anyway
29:28Yeah, that's the thing I'm not
29:29He doesn't even talk to me
29:30But yeah, listen, I'm glad he's making amends with people that he should be making amends with
29:33Yeah, 100%, and he's positive
29:35He probably will speak to you at some point
29:37Oh yeah, no, I won't talk to him
29:40I'll never talk to him
29:41Yeah, but sometimes it's better about being the bigger person, H
29:44I am the big person, I don't need to talk to him
29:48Fair enough
29:49Anyway, I'm so zen
29:50Babe, you shagged my fella, you're done
29:52Yeah, I know, but sometimes for the closure, you do have to hear there's someone sorry
29:56No, I think the only person that I would walk up and speak to is Joe
29:59So, it's up to you
30:01I was in a relationship with Joe, not Junaid
30:05So that's the person that should speak
30:06If it was me, I'd want to hear him out, to be honest
30:09I'd want to know why, but that's down to you
30:11What do you think?
30:12Yeah, I would
30:15If you're ever going to actually get closure on a situation, I feel like you do have to speak to him
30:19I do actually agree
30:21Because I think even if you don't want to speak to him, it's just nice to hear what they've got to say
30:24Not nice, but interesting to hear what they've got to say
30:26Whether you accept it or not
30:27I'm sorry, I feel like you're only sorry or you want to talk to me now because you got caught
30:32Because you got caught
30:33Sorry, but before you got caught, you was running around this complex calling me Voldemort
30:37No, it's so true
30:38Leave me alone
30:40Leave me alone
30:41Leave me alone
30:42Do you want to get a drink?
30:43It's different
30:44Why do I want to talk to you?
30:46Do you know what I mean, Danny?
30:48No, I get it, but I feel like I would only to hear
30:52Do you know what I mean?
30:53Just to hear it?
30:56I can't tell you how tired I am
30:58Cheers to zen-ness
30:59Zen vibes
31:01I feel like I need a freezing cold shower
31:05Should we get in together?
31:06What, like we did in the rainforest?
31:08That was fun, though
31:09That was cute
31:10I like that
31:12Bumped into Roman today
31:13Is he all right?
31:14Which was nice
31:15I've hardly seen him, but he's really sad, actually
31:18Because he's missing Tilda now
31:19Oh, it's the same as me
31:20I know, yeah
31:21I've cried for three days straight, bro
31:22What, because of Dan?
31:24I needed to have the time away from him
31:27To actually, like, take a step back and question, like, is it actually love?
31:32It's pain
31:33Yeah, just chatting about me and Dan
31:35Oh, nice
31:36How is Dan?
31:37He's good
31:39Yeah, really good
31:40I think it's love
31:41Yeah, I think it's love
31:42Because I miss him a lot
31:43And I've cried
31:44Oh my God, so this gets me excited
31:46Listen, I was on video call to him last night
31:48And his mum
31:49His mum?
31:50Yeah, his mum as well
31:51When did you go?
31:52She was lovely
31:53She was watching him train last night, which was nice
31:55And we were just chatting
31:57And just telling me how much he misses me
31:58And I was like, I might come home
32:00And he was like, do you know what?
32:01I actually really want you to come home
32:02And then he was basically like
32:03Wait, what?
32:04Have fun with your friends
32:06But I don't want to go home
32:07Do you know what I mean?
32:08But it's because you miss him
32:09It's weird with that in here
32:10Yeah, of course it is
32:11Especially when we're in the same place
32:12We're our first family
32:13We always do with these holidays together
32:14Look, this is where you and Dan become a thing, innit?
32:16We sat right here, actually
32:18Oh, really?
32:19And now me and Freddie are sitting here
32:20Now me and Aja
32:21Now we're sitting here
32:22Now you two have found love
32:24We're flirty friends
32:25I've had a few kisses
32:26It's nice
32:27Love it is
32:28Very, very nice
32:29Yeah, I just want you
32:30Look, listen, my worry was always going to be
32:32I just didn't want it to be because you wanted to piss them off
32:35And then you
32:36No, I just want to make that so crystal clear
32:38This is me and Freddie
32:41This ain't anyone else
32:42Listen, I don't want it to be tactical or persuasive
32:45I don't want people to think that at all
32:47And that would really, really upset me if people think that
32:49Because that's not the case whatsoever
32:51OK, good
32:52That really, really isn't the case
32:53Like, me and Freddie, like, I really just, like
32:56I just want to
32:57Just want to
32:58Shag him
33:00Do you want to shag him?
33:01All right
33:03You OK?
33:04Why don't you go and switch fridge?
33:06Yeah, just not now
33:07I'm shattered
33:08I need a shower
33:09I can't believe you got out of it
33:11Yeah, I thought
33:12Did anything good come from it?
33:13Yeah, yeah, yeah
33:14Oh, what happened?
33:15I had a lovely chat with Ella
33:16Oh, did you?
33:17Sorted it out with Ella
33:18We were sweet again
33:19Obviously, we've got to build on the friendship
33:20We ain't going to be, like, best friends overnight
33:21But, yeah, good
33:22Oh, good
33:23Happy, yeah
33:24Do you talk to her?
33:26Love is scary
33:27I know, mate
33:28Love is scary
33:29And I don't want to scare you
33:30But it's pretty fucking scary, mate
33:32I mean, you are ten years older than me
33:33So it might be a bit different for you
33:35Yeah, I haven't experienced
33:36I haven't experienced any of the stuff you've experienced
33:38Oh, yeah, it's true
33:39I actually haven't experienced anything apart from one time
33:41I know
33:42You've got it all to come
33:43So what are you thinking about, Fred, anyway?
33:45Where are you at after all of that?
33:46Do you know what?
33:47I'll be honest
33:48After the retreat
33:50It's just put a lot of stuff into, like, perspective for me
33:52Feeling a bit calmer now
33:53Yeah, I feel so calm
33:54The thing is, where it was unexpected
33:55We was both angry
33:57We both said things that probably didn't actually mean, like
34:00It pissed us off more than anything
34:01But I think you fall out with your friends every now and then
34:03But I don't think it's nothing that we can't come back from
34:06What was he saying?
34:07No, I think, yeah, he's bothered
34:08Oh, OK
34:09Yeah, he's bothered, yeah
34:10He said he regretted it at the time, didn't he?
34:11And he said, like, when it calms down, I'd like to talk to him
34:14We was just angry in the moment
34:17I would speak to him
34:18But I just think
34:19It's not the right environment
34:21You OK?
34:22Yeah, I'm sweating, mate
34:23What's going on?
34:24What, with me and the boys?
34:26No, yeah, what's going on there?
34:28Oh, well, obviously, like, I was away from everything
34:31And we just had a chat
34:33We just had a chat, like, I spoke to Joe
34:35And I don't want to speak for him
34:37Because he is going to speak to himself
34:39And he knows that he owes you the respect
34:41And he does want to do that as well
34:44And, like, he did say, look, it takes two for a relationship to end
34:47And it does, like, listen, you were in love with him
34:50Even though it ended
34:51But you both played a part in it, let's be honest
34:53What do you mean?
34:55Like, you both weren't perfect
34:57You both was arguing 24-7
35:00Just one wrong move
35:02I'm not doing this
35:04Is all it takes
35:07Just one wrong move
35:08Oh, there's...
35:09Oh, what's going on here?
35:11Is all it takes
35:13Harry's stormed out
35:15I think I've pissed Harry off
35:17What, what have you gone and said?
35:19I didn't fucking say anything
35:20What have you said?
35:25I'm not doing this
35:26Wait, Harry
35:28Harry, what's wrong?
35:30And then she sat there and went
35:31Takes two to tango
35:33While your relationship ended
35:34That's wrong
35:35Just one wrong move
35:39Is all it takes
35:41The only way is love
35:44The only way is love
35:54Red you on my skin
35:58Oh, wow
35:59This is cute
36:01He loves me, don't he?
36:03Oh, there's strawberries
36:23Aren't you cute?
36:26Well, you are quite romantic, actually
36:29I love it
36:30I think it's amazing
36:32It's really made me smile
36:34It cheer you up?
36:36Well, I know you was obviously
36:37A little bit down yesterday
36:38So I thought I'd do something
36:39To cheer you up when you got back
36:40Well, I couldn't have asked
36:41For anything better, to be honest
36:43You all right?
36:44Just about to go training
36:45I'll message you after
36:46See if you're still up
36:47Yeah, OK
36:48I'll speak to you later
36:49All right, go on
36:50All right, love you, bye
36:56Come to me
36:58My sunshine
37:05Oh, look at this
37:06What a lovely walkway to heaven
37:08The way I'm talking
37:12Let me go
37:17Red you on my skin
37:20Oh, yeah
37:21The ocean of my love
37:23Oh, that's so good
37:24Your love is gold to me
37:26A bit harder
37:27That's it
37:28My sunshine
37:31The way I'm talking
37:35Let me go
37:39The sun is on my skin
37:43Golden brown
37:56Here you go, bubs
37:58You OK? Come in
37:59Yeah, sorry, I feel a bit like
38:00I've been up so early this morning
38:02You sound stressed, Harry
38:03I'm not, no, I'm not
38:04No, no, maybe I'm a little bit stressed
38:06I'm not sure
38:07Why? What's wrong?
38:08But I just, like, yesterday
38:10I feel a little bit bad
38:11Because Ella was, like,
38:12Trying to talk to me
38:13And I just stormed off
38:14But I just think I was
38:15In a bit of a mood
38:16I know what you mean
38:17She started, like, asking questions
38:19First about me and Freddie
38:21And she's like, you know
38:22Is this genuine?
38:23And he says, like,
38:24You're not trying to do this
38:25A tit-for-tat with Jo
38:26And I was like, no
38:27I never knew she said that
38:28And then it went on to
38:30I have spoken to Jo
38:31And, like, it takes two to tango
38:33And, like, that really upset me, Dan
38:36And, like, I don't know
38:37If I'm, like, overthinking it
38:38Or if she really meant it in any way
38:40Look, when I first heard
38:41That she said that
38:42I took that in the exact same way
38:44I straight away was like
38:45Ella, that's a bit, like
38:46That's a bit sore
38:47But she did after
38:48Explain to me what she meant
38:49By that comment
38:50And it weren't like that
38:52But she said to me
38:53That basically
38:54She was just taking it back
38:55And saying
38:56In the relationship
38:57You's ended
38:58Because it takes two to tango
38:59You'll both argue
39:00And you both won't happy
39:01Now I feel bad
39:02Because I think
39:03Oh, I should have listened to her
39:04Yeah, but
39:05Instead of being a little bitch
39:06And just running off
39:07Do you know what I mean?
39:08Yeah, but listen
39:09I feel like
39:10Heat of the moment type of thing
39:11But do you know why I walked off?
39:12I walked off because
39:13Do you know what?
39:14I get to a point
39:15Where if I start overthinking
39:16Like, I remove myself from a situation
39:18Before I get angrier
39:20Do you know?
39:21Or upset
39:22No, I get where you're coming from
39:23I don't, I think
39:24You's just
39:26You need to let her explain herself
39:27And once you hear it from her
39:28It was just a misunderstanding
39:29Like, you's don't need to fall out
39:31It's not got to be a row
39:32Or anything
39:34How are you?
39:36You OK, bubs?
39:37You OK?
39:38Come in
39:39How are you?
39:40All right, thank you
39:41Harry D
39:42You OK?
39:43You OK, bubs?
39:44Oh, it's the lovebirds
39:45They look nice
39:47Little kiss
39:48How are you both?
39:49Yeah, good
39:50I'm all good
39:51I was just a little bit gutted about last night
39:53Yeah, it was a lot, wasn't it?
39:55Obviously, a little bit awkward for me
39:56Do you know what I mean?
39:57Because obviously
39:58Of course
39:59Me and you are flirty friends
40:00Ella's my best mate
40:02And I just never want you's to come to blows
40:04Do you know what I mean?
40:06It ain't that deep, to be honest with you
40:09No, it's not
40:10Listen, this coming all out about cheating
40:12Is tough for anyone, I'm going to be honest
40:15Because it resurfaces things for you
40:18That isn't nice
40:19Now, you've got other things to focus on
40:22I don't have any
40:24And I don't want you to get caught up in
40:29What happened six months ago
40:31Not that you are
40:32No, I'm not
40:33But I think you're better than that
40:34Do you know what I mean?
40:35It's true
40:36You so are
40:37But listen, I don't want you to worry
40:38Because that doesn't affect me and you anyway
40:40And how things are going with us, do you know what I mean?
40:42Stop embarrassing me
40:44What do you mean?
40:45Don't be embarrassed
40:51Oh, keep going off
40:53It's good, isn't it?
40:55I'm sorry, by the way, darling, that it is 400 degrees out here
40:59This was meant to be really romantic
41:02Why don't we?
41:03I've got an idea
41:05Would you like to go and get in the air con?
41:06Yeah, tick
41:07And continue the massage in the air con?
41:10Start bollock naked
41:13But Jordan, can you just look at your woman now?
41:16But Jordan, can you just look at your woman now?
41:19And just take some tips
41:20Because I'd like you to do this on me
41:22But you can take it further
41:23Yeah, I don't need any tips there, girl
41:25I like it like that
41:27She bought another shot and now we're going back to bed
41:31I asked her if she wanted to dance, she lied again
41:35Tomorrow's gonna hurt, baby, I ain't even mad
41:38I like it, I like it, I like it like that
41:42You alright, boys?
41:44You alright, Fred?
41:46Do you mind if I join you?
41:48Yeah, of course, go on, sit down
41:49Take a seat
41:54Obviously, I want to say, firstly, how sorry I am
41:58about the breakfast situation the other day
42:01I know you're probably thinking that I was jumping shit
42:05I want to reassure you that I ain't no sailor
42:07and I feel like the reason why I was so angry
42:13is because I felt like you two weren't owning
42:16what had gone down and happened
42:18So in that moment, I just switched
42:22I think where I had spent months defending you
42:25in that moment, I felt like there wasn't accountability again
42:30and then I was like, for fuck's sake
42:32I felt mugged off
42:34I'll be honest, Fred, I look at you like my best friend
42:37and for me, I'll just be honest, it was just hard
42:40for my best friend to scream at me
42:42in a room full of people that don't like me
42:44and it's like, I was just, if you ask me
42:47I was devastated afterwards
42:49I was like, I can't believe it
42:51It was just really unexpected, wasn't it?
42:52I was completely unaware
42:54When you were like, you need to apologise
42:55I was so out of the loop
42:57I didn't know what I was even apologising for
43:00We didn't know
43:01What was going on
43:02No, and do you know what?
43:03I only found that after
43:05When you'd come back into the breakfast
43:07and come over to Harry
43:08I thought you was fully aware of what happened
43:10Yeah, we had no clue
43:11And that is why I am so sorry
43:13because nothing warrants the way I went at you
43:16like a Jack Russell
43:17It doesn't, I've got to be honest
43:19We was taken aback
43:21And this is why I wanted to come and speak to you
43:23just used to on your own
43:24because it weren't acceptable
43:26and I can understand why you probably feel like
43:28where's that come from?
43:31And I am sorry
43:32No, listen
43:33I don't want to fall out with you
43:34Listen, friends row
43:37Friends argue
43:38like life's too short to hold grudges
43:41I genuinely mean that
43:42I know also as well that apologising for you
43:44like I know you inside out
43:45you only apologise
43:46when you genuinely think you're in the wrong
43:48Yeah, that's right
43:49And I think for you just to come over
43:50and like or straight away just apologise
43:53that's enough for me
43:57We love you
43:58Are you guys nervous?
43:59It's a three, guys
44:00Are we still a three?
44:02Yeah, of course we're afraid
44:05Well, unless you want it to be a four
44:07No, thanks
44:08There's only three, guys
44:09Oh, yeah
44:10I'm fine with a three
44:21Next time
44:23Oh, my God
44:27Would you like me to tell you or not tell you?
44:30You should tell me everything
44:31I do miss you in my life
44:33We can't change the past
44:35Just see how things go moving forward
44:37For me, I feel like we was done
44:39I wasn't, but
44:41Because Harry falls in love so quick
44:43I said, so what's going on?
44:45He went dry humping all night
44:48What did I do? Just rub
44:50It's a monkey
44:51Oh, my God
44:52Oh, my God, it's a fucking monkey
44:55It's not a proposal, is it?
44:57Is it?
44:58I ruined it
44:59Open your eyes
45:00What do you mean?
45:01Will you be my boyfriend?
45:03Oh, my God, yeah
45:04Oh, my God, yeah
45:34Oh, my God