• 2 days ago
Ruzgarli Tepe - Episode 188 (English Subtitles)
00:01:52Stay a collateral season
00:02:00Oh, it's just a name
00:02:06Yeah, it's a tenor name kurtaramaz ya haji de gerçekten boşanmak zorunda kalırsın çıldıracağım düşündükçe
00:02:21The issue is
00:02:30Ayrılık ikimize de ilgili çekseydim
00:02:35Yavaş mı anladım acaba
00:02:40Bundan daha kötü olamaz zaten göreceksin hayatlarınız çok iyi olacak
00:02:47Ayrılık ikimize de ilgili çekseydim
00:02:54Verdiğin karar doğruydu
00:02:56Şimdi daha iyi anlıyorum
00:02:59Zaten hiçbir şey sonsuza kadar sürmüyor
00:03:02Sevdamız gerçekten bitti mi de böyle konuşuyorsun olmaz ki yapamam
00:03:10Bitsin bu iş birbirimize daha fazla ırpalamamıza gerek yok ikimiz hayatlarımıza bakalım
00:03:18Ne gerçek ne uyum karmakarışık oldu aklım
00:03:22Sonra öylesin Zeynep
00:03:24Sakın Zeynep
00:03:26Sakın ağzından yanlış bir şey çıkmasın
00:03:30Bu kadar kolay mı vazgeçmek
00:03:32Verdiğim zoruncu emek boşa eriyen
00:03:36Hayır Zeynep dur
00:03:42Yapma Zeynep
00:03:44Zorlaştırmıyorum bu süreci
00:03:47Ayrılacağımızı herkes açıkladığımızda bir yük kalktı sırtımdan
00:03:59En doğru kararı aldık bence
00:04:17Gözde burada bunun içinmiş demek
00:04:31Vedalaşma faslı sence de çok uzamadım ben
00:04:33Bugün avukatta görüşeceğim
00:04:35İşlemleri hızlandıracağım
00:04:41Madem öyle diyorsun
00:04:45İkimizde çok yorulduk zaten
00:04:47İmzalayalım şunu bitsin bu iş
00:04:49Bence de
00:05:07Öldüm galiba kusura bakmayın
00:05:09Vedalaşıyor muydunuz
00:05:11Boşanma işlemleri başladı
00:05:15Zaten çabuk olur diye düşünüyorum
00:05:17Anlaşmalı boşanma çünkü
00:05:37Bu süreçte yapmam gereken bir şeyler olursa
00:05:39Söylenen yeterli
00:05:43Bayağı boşanıyorlar
00:05:45Oh be sonunda
00:05:47Ben çok
00:05:49Çok üzüldüm
00:05:51İki yetişkin insan hayatlarıyla ilgili
00:05:53Önemli bir karar alıyor farkındayım
00:05:55Bana da laf düşmez ama
00:05:57İnsan yine de üzülüyor işte
00:06:05Zeynep hanım
00:06:07Zümrüt hanım kendisini odaya kapattı
00:06:09Ne yapsam olmadı açmıyor kapıyı
00:06:31Hadi aç kapıyı
00:06:41Bak ben buradayım mavisin geldi
00:06:43Halil de burada
00:06:49Hadi aç kapıyı bir konuşalım
00:06:53Gidin buradan
00:06:55Boşanacak mısınız siz
00:06:59Sultanım ben sana söylemek için
00:07:01Doğru zamanı bekliyordum
00:07:03Üzme beni ne olur aç kapıyı hadi
00:07:05Sultanım demeyin bana
00:07:07Siz karar vermişsiniz
00:07:09Bir kere boşanacak mısınız
00:07:11Konuşacak bir şey yok
00:07:21İstersen balkondan girelim
00:07:29Babaannesi torunu için
00:07:31Üzülüyor tabi
00:07:33Bence sırf Zümrüt hanım üzülmesin diye
00:07:35Boşanmaktan vazgeçebilirler
00:07:39İşine baksana sen
00:07:57Nasıl yaptık biz bunu
00:07:59Nasıl düşünemedik Halil
00:08:15Gidin buradan
00:08:17Yalanlarınıza karnım tok benim
00:08:19Yüzünüzü görmek istemiyorum
00:08:23Güzeller güzelim biz sana yalan söyler miyiz
00:08:25Hadi aç şu kapıyı da içeri geleyim
00:08:37Bizi bir dinlesen
00:08:43Bak yedi kat yabancın değil
00:08:45Torunun Zeynep karşındaki
00:08:47Çok üzgün o
00:08:53İyi tamam madem açmıyorsun
00:08:55Sen bilirsin
00:08:57Ama sen açana kadar
00:08:59Biz burada nöbetteyiz
00:09:01Haberin olsun
00:09:03Soğuktan donsak da açlıktan ölsek de buradayız
00:09:05Gitmiyoruz bir yere
00:09:35Sizi affettiğim için açtığımı sanmayın
00:09:41Hava soğuk
00:09:43Üşütür hasta olursunuz
00:09:45Ne bari kalmasın
00:09:49Yoksa ikinizi de affetmiştik
00:09:53Yanaşma bana yanaşma
00:09:59Babaanne bunu sana kim söyledi
00:10:01Çocuğun ne önemi var
00:10:05Yalanınızı mı doğrulayacak yani
00:10:07Konakta herkes konuşuyor bunu
00:10:13Ne olur
00:10:15Ne olur yalan deyin
00:10:19Bunların hepsi bir oyundu
00:10:21Deyin bana
00:10:33Niye bana yalan konuşuyorsunuz
00:10:37Hani senin sevdandı
00:10:41Hani gönlünün en kuytu köşesindeydi onun yeri
00:10:55Mavişim sen hiç bana yalan söylemezdin
00:11:01Ne oldu böyle sana
00:11:03Ne yaptın sen
00:11:11Ne oluyor ne bu sesler
00:11:13Zümrüt hanıma ne oldu ben anlamadım
00:11:31Zümrüt hanımın nesi var iyi mi
00:11:33İyi abla
00:11:35Boşanacağımızı duyunca biraz üzülmüş
00:11:37Bizde bir şey oldu zannettik
00:11:39Koskoca kadın bir de teselli mi bekliyor
00:11:43Halil yani Zümrüt hanım için
00:11:45Durum biraz kritik bildiği düzen değişiyor sonuçta
00:11:47Destek almalı
00:11:49İstersen bir psikolog olarak
00:11:51Ben yardımcı olabilirim
00:11:53Sağol Gözde
00:11:55Şimdilik gürültü kalabalık olmasın yeter
00:11:57Herkes işinin başına dönebilir
00:12:11Yaklaşma bana
00:12:13Yanaşma bana seni affetmedim hala
00:12:17Sultanım Allah aşkına bir dur da dinle şu mavişini
00:12:19Bak her şey daha iyi olacak
00:12:21Yoksa biz böyle bir karar alır mıyız
00:12:29Sultanım dur ne yapıyorsun
00:12:31Huzurevine götürün beni
00:12:33Gözüm görmez daha iyi olur
00:12:35Olur mu hiç öyle şey
00:12:37Nerden çıktı huzurevi ver şunu
00:12:39Mademki beni böyle üzeceksiniz
00:12:41Gözüm görmez daha iyi
00:12:45Ben böyle bir şeye izin verir miyim hiç
00:12:47Sen bizim atamızsın atamız
00:12:49Kabul edemem ben
00:12:51Zaten gelinimde
00:12:53Unuttu beni
00:12:55Hiç kimse beni görmeye gelmiyor
00:12:57Nasıl kalırım ben
00:13:01Anladım ben anladım
00:13:05Kimse beni sevmiyor
00:13:07Hep seviyoruz diyorlar
00:13:09Ama yalan konuşuyorlar
00:13:15Bak biz kırdık seni üzdük
00:13:17Özür dileriz
00:13:19Ama bu böyle olmaz
00:13:21Seni bir yere gönderebilir miyiz hiç biz
00:13:23Ayrıca hepimizde seni seviyoruz
00:13:27Bir oturalım konuşalım
00:13:29Derdimizi anlayalım
00:13:31Hadi kırma beni
00:13:33Ver onu şimdi bana
00:13:37Madem öyle
00:13:43Geçin ikinizde şuraya
00:13:45Oturun bakayım
00:13:59Yani hiç böyle
00:14:01Sebepsiz yere boşanma mı olur
00:14:03Daha dün çok iyiydiniz
00:14:05Bugün ne oldu da delilendiniz böyle
00:14:09Söyleyin bakayım bana
00:14:11Sizin derdiniz ne
00:14:15Halil beni çok kırdı
00:14:19Kırıldığı zamanda torununuzu siz daha iyi tanıyorsunuz
00:14:21İnadı inat
00:14:23Tamam biliyorum ama
00:14:25Tuttuğunuz yol yol değil
00:14:27Böyle küçücük kırılmalar
00:14:29Gücahmelerle evlilik mi bitermiş hiç
00:14:31Eğer öyle olsaydı
00:14:33Dünyada evli çift kalmazdı çocuklar
00:14:35Öyle değil işte
00:14:37Sultanım biz
00:14:41Bu şekilde yürütemiyoruz
00:14:43Ettiği lafa bak ya
00:14:47Bir durun
00:14:49Birbirinizi anlayın
00:14:55Evlilik külfet değil berekettir
00:14:57Meşakkat değil
00:15:01Böyle hemen boşanma mı olurmuş canım hiç
00:15:07Aşk sevgi
00:15:11Bak buna söyleyecek lafım yok
00:15:15İkinizde birbirinizin
00:15:17Gözünün içine bakıp
00:15:19Artık birbirimizi sevmiyoruz değil
00:15:21Bak o zaman ben belki inanırım
00:15:31Daha gözlerine bakıp sevdiğimi söyleyemedim ki sana
00:15:33Şimdi sevmiyorum mu diyeceğim
00:15:37Gözlerinden akarken
00:15:39Yürüyemese eden
00:15:41Dilim varmaz
00:15:43Nasıl söyleyeyim sev yok ya
00:15:45Gözlerinden akarken yürüyemese eden
00:15:47Dilim varmaz
00:15:49Gözlerinden akarken yürüyemese eden
00:15:51Dilim varmaz
00:15:53Nasıl söyleyeyim sev yok ya
00:15:55Gözlerinden akarken yürüyemese eden
00:15:57Dilim varmaz
00:15:59Sen söyle hadi
00:16:01Hadi söyle
00:16:03Hadi söyle
00:16:05Hadi söyle
00:16:15Gördünüz mü
00:16:17Beceremiyorsunuz işte
00:16:19Boşanmak istemiyorsunuz
00:16:21Siz şimdi içeri gidin
00:16:23Böyle bir oturun
00:16:25Sorunlarınız neyse halledin
00:16:27Take care of it and then come to me, okay?
00:16:46Thanks to my friend Halil,
00:16:49he found the e-mail address from Mr. Zeynep's IP number.
00:16:53Where is it?
00:16:55E-mails were sent from an internet cafe.
00:16:57The address is here.
00:17:02Do you have a security camera? Did you check it?
00:17:04I'll go and check from here.
00:17:06No, you wait.
00:17:08I'll take care of it from now on. Thanks.
00:17:12I have to get this information to you somehow.
00:17:18But how am I going to do this while you're playing the divorce game?
00:17:41What is this?
00:17:49I'll be in charge of the car.
00:17:52Do you know what is the biggest source of inspiration for a husband, Hakan?
00:17:59It's his wife.
00:18:16You say it first.
00:18:17No, no, you say it.
00:18:19You say it.
00:18:21Of course, now...
00:18:23I have to tell our people something.
00:18:26Who should give the good news?
00:18:28If you want, you give it.
00:18:30Okay, okay, I'll give it.
00:18:32I'll give it.
00:18:33Eren, wait.
00:18:36Can we keep this news for now?
00:18:39Why are we hiding it?
00:18:42Honey, this is our happiest day.
00:18:45Of course.
00:18:47I know you're happy.
00:18:49I'm very happy too, believe me.
00:18:51But on the other hand, my mind is with my mother.
00:18:53If we tell my aunts now, my mother will know.
00:18:57God forbid, if my mother goes to jail, I'll be the only one left.
00:19:02I know my mother. My mother can't do it without seeing my child.
00:19:06Besides, it's not something we can hide for a long time.
00:19:09At least if we wait a little, until my mother's trial.
00:19:12Then when the court gets good news, we'll give it to everyone.
00:19:18Whatever you want.
00:19:22As long as you don't get upset.
00:19:24Whenever you say you're ready, we'll tell you.
00:19:31We'll get the same news on the day of the trial.
00:19:36Okay? Don't worry.
00:19:38Thank you for your understanding.
00:19:41I'm a very lucky woman.
00:20:03Please God, let this nightmare end.
00:20:07My grandmother was stubborn too.
00:20:09She won't eat this in my hand now.
00:20:12She said, don't show me your problem without solving it.
00:20:14She won't take a step back.
00:20:21If you didn't bother, I would have prepared Mrs. Zümrüt's dinner.
00:20:25No, I've already taken care of it.
00:21:06Well, Ms. Songül ordered me to remove it.
00:21:12Can you take this tray to my grandmother?
00:21:15I'll throw it in the bin.
00:21:17And she has to finish them all before she takes her medicine.
00:21:21Please be careful.
00:21:23And there was one more thing, Ms. Zeynep.
00:21:25Mr. Halil ordered me to remind you of the oath of the flower.
00:21:39It's so hard to pretend that I care about you.
00:21:52So, did the doctor say no to you?
00:21:56No, he didn't.
00:21:58He didn't?
00:22:00No, he didn't.
00:22:02He didn't?
00:22:04He didn't.
00:22:05The doctor said he didn't care about you.
00:22:08And you were so happy, weren't you?
00:22:13So, why were you so angry?
00:22:19Didn't the doctor say anything?
00:22:26He's such a weird doctor.
00:22:28He doesn't have a diagnosis or treatment.
00:22:31You say he didn't give you any medicine.
00:22:33What are you talking about?
00:22:35No, dear.
00:22:37What medicine?
00:22:39They don't give you that much medicine.
00:22:45What is that little thing?
00:22:54Well, it's just a little thing.
00:22:58I mean, it's not that important.
00:23:06You don't have to use medicine if you don't have to.
00:23:10If you don't have to.
00:23:13I hope for the best.
00:23:16Can I have a cup of tea?
00:23:18Wait, dear. I'll take care of it if you don't get tired.
00:23:20No, I'll do it.
00:23:21I'll do it.
00:23:32Don't look at me like that.
00:23:34Selma is fine.
00:23:36It's nothing. You've seen it.
00:23:38She's fine.
00:23:42if something bad happened, would the doctor let us go?
00:23:45He wouldn't, would he?
00:23:47I mean,
00:23:49you just need to rest a little, doctor.
00:24:01I'll go to Selma.
00:24:04Let me see.
00:24:07They left as if they were running away.
00:24:10They left with a lot of milk, but they won't eat.
00:24:15Let me turn these cabinets.
00:24:16I hope
00:24:18Selma doesn't get a serious illness.
00:24:24don't say that.
00:24:26Don't be silly.
00:24:31She's sick anyway.
00:24:33Don't worry about that.
00:24:36She's fine.
00:24:40I hope.
00:24:46I hope.
00:25:00Are you hungry?
00:25:16What's that?
00:25:23Hakan found the place where the e-mails were sent.
00:25:26An internet cafe.
00:25:27I'm waiting at the crossroads in front of the farm to go there.
00:25:36So that's why he reminded me of your oath.
00:25:42Did you know about this?
00:25:58Zeynep, were you here?
00:26:01What are you doing?
00:26:04Are you packing your stuff?
00:26:10He went into the room.
00:26:12How does he deserve it?
00:26:15I came for Cicek.
00:26:18I can't stay here,
00:26:23this is a good opportunity.
00:26:24I can't stay here,
00:26:26but I can't neglect this beautiful bird, right?
00:26:29After the divorce,
00:26:31you will not stay in this house.
00:26:34You will take that stupid bird with you and leave.
00:26:37Where is Halil?
00:26:39I have no idea.
00:26:44It was a silly question.
00:26:46I mean, it's normal that you don't know each other right now.
00:26:50It's normal.
00:26:53It's a little uncomfortable for people in the divorce stage to be under the same roof.
00:27:00Of course, my dear Halil can't tell you in detail.
00:27:04I can understand a strange situation for both of you.
00:27:08You know Halil.
00:27:10He doesn't hide his thoughts.
00:27:12I'm sure he'd tell us even if it was the slightest inconvenience.
00:27:16Our intention is to end this marriage without any accidents.
00:27:21This can only be possible if we listen to the words of the third person.
00:27:31Are you okay? Would you like some water?
00:27:56I'm sorry, dear.
00:27:58It was a little annoying.
00:28:00Of course, you know.
00:28:04But don't ever think about Halil.
00:28:07Whenever I need someone, I will be with him.
00:28:12I will always be with him in his difficult days.
00:28:15He needs a friend who can understand and listen to him.
00:28:22Come on, look at you.
00:28:24I don't believe what they say.
00:28:26He will listen and understand.
00:28:30By the way, as a psychologist for Zeynep, my door is always open to you in this process.
00:28:36Don't forget to get support.
00:28:38It's very important.
00:28:40Thank you very much, Gözde.
00:28:42But you don't have to worry about me or Halil.
00:28:45Like our marriage, our separation will be respectful and faithful to each other.
00:28:50Don't you ever lose your mind, okay?
00:28:53I'm sure you won't even open the door once in this process.
00:28:59Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to go to the pharmacy to get your father's medicines.
00:29:04Excuse you?
00:29:05Excuse me?
00:29:14When I put Halil on my arm as my husband, let's see if you can talk to me face to face again, town girl.
00:29:41Are you okay?
00:29:43I'm fine.
00:29:48Don't go to the room.
00:29:51I'll take care of it.
00:29:52I'll take care of it.
00:30:03Doctor, there are two separate processes.
00:30:08You will never be tired and sad until our baby is born.
00:30:18We'll be very careful.
00:30:23My love, wait. It's heavy.
00:30:26Wait, I'll take care of it.
00:30:28Leave it to me.
00:30:52I'm sorry.
00:31:04I know.
00:31:06You want to hide this situation.
00:31:09I promised you, too.
00:31:11But it's a little hard.
00:31:13It's even very hard.
00:31:17You see.
00:31:19My mother and aunt forced us.
00:31:22I almost died.
00:31:27But we'll hide it somehow.
00:31:30If my mother hears it, she'll be upset.
00:31:33And I don't want this to happen.
00:31:36No one should know this.
00:31:43Oh, come on.
00:31:46Umruk was going to be right.
00:31:48This girl has a disease.
00:31:49She has a disease.
00:31:52I'm begging you.
00:31:54Please forgive us.
00:31:55I'm begging you.
00:32:18What did they say?
00:32:20They look at my face.
00:32:22What do you mean?
00:32:23My grandmother is bad.
00:32:25I became bad looking at her.
00:32:27Is that so?
00:32:29Is that what I meant?
00:32:32You always handle things from the other side.
00:32:37It's normal in your mind.
00:32:40You fight even when you go to the clinic.
00:32:45Did I tell you to come to the clinic?
00:32:47I'd take it alone.
00:32:49But no.
00:32:51You're going to get involved in everything.
00:32:53It's up to you to get involved.
00:32:56I hope you didn't get caught up in the dream I came for you.
00:32:59This is a duty for Zümrüt Sultan.
00:33:03Besides, we won't have any communication soon.
00:33:06Then you can go wherever you want alone as you wish.
00:33:09You're very curious.
00:33:11With pleasure.
00:33:13I'm going to enjoy being alone.
00:33:19After the time I spent with you.
00:33:21It'll be like medicine.
00:33:23No medicine is useful.
00:33:25There's no cure for being a goat yet.
00:33:28You're so funny.
00:33:30That's right.
00:33:32Is there a lie?
00:33:36Besides, when I get rid of this goat stubbornness.
00:33:39I'll have a good time.
00:33:41It's not a lie.
00:33:44Everyone has a limit.
00:33:53I'll go alone.
00:33:55So this fight doesn't last.
00:33:59Is Bechet next to you?
00:34:04I'm talking to you. Is Bechet next to you?
00:34:07I'm texting a friend.
00:34:09Don't be impatient.
00:34:11Classic Halil.
00:34:13When you say it, it happens.
00:34:15I'll call you.
00:34:17I'll call you.
00:34:19I'll call you.
00:34:21I'll call you.
00:34:23I'll call you.
00:34:26Here's the prescription.
00:34:43They even got into each other for a prescription.
00:34:48They're finally getting what I want.
00:34:54Halil and I have decided to divorce.
00:34:57He doesn't know anything.
00:34:59He accepted the divorce.
00:35:01This is proof.
00:35:03Divorce petition.
00:35:05My mother doesn't have much time left.
00:35:07Send the video immediately.
00:35:18What happened? Is there any progress?
00:35:21What happened? Is there any progress?
00:35:24They finally sent the divorce petition.
00:35:27What did you say?
00:35:31Do I look stupid enough to write from my phone?
00:35:34I can't copy my IP address and invite them to find me.
00:35:39I'll take the old way.
00:35:41I'll write from the internet cafe.
00:35:49They're finally getting a divorce.
00:35:52I still can't believe it.
00:35:54I'm going to get rid of the lions forever.
00:35:59What are you going to do?
00:36:01Are you going to send the video right away?
00:36:05It's not that easy.
00:36:07First, they'll go to court.
00:36:09They're going to get a divorce.
00:36:10They're going to get a divorce.
00:36:12Ms. Zeynep will only see that video in her dream without getting a divorce.
00:36:19This is just the beginning.
00:36:22What will happen to his face when he writes that he can't save his mother without seeing the result?
00:36:41Oh, I get it.
00:36:43But I wish I didn't.
00:36:45Is this what was going to happen to my most sensitive nephew?
00:36:48It's you.
00:36:53They're going to hear it now.
00:36:56We don't make any noise so they don't get upset.
00:37:00We don't make any noise so the kids don't get upset.
00:37:04But how can such a thing be hidden?
00:37:07Life is a matter of memory.
00:37:09Life is a matter of memory.
00:37:11Are they hiding it from us?
00:37:13They're not hiding it.
00:37:15Besides, whose liver is alive?
00:37:17What kind of name are we?
00:37:19One of us is the mother, the other half is the mother.
00:37:22Oh, my unfortunate nephew.
00:37:25How old are you when the doctor came to your door?
00:37:30What am I supposed to do?
00:37:32Should I cry for my sister?
00:37:34Should I cry for Selma?
00:37:35God, don't let my daughter-in-law get sick.
00:37:38Please, let her get better.
00:37:41Don't cry for nothing, Ms. Kıymet.
00:37:44What you've done so far is obvious.
00:37:48You've hurt Selma a lot.
00:37:51She won't forgive you.
00:37:55You have the right to talk about your mother.
00:37:59I've saved my daughter-in-law a little.
00:38:04Believe me, my heart is burning.
00:38:27God, help me.
00:38:29I'm going to court all of a sudden.
00:38:31I'm going to get divorced all of a sudden.
00:38:33One of them is my mother.
00:38:35I have to make a choice between the two of them.
00:38:37Don't leave me, God.
00:38:53He's in the car. We can talk comfortably.
00:38:55Okay, mine's in the car, too.
00:38:57I searched the internet cafe.
00:38:59There's no security camera or anything.
00:39:01Everyone who threatened you before and sent e-mails should have thrown it from here.
00:39:06He'll come back here to answer us, too.
00:39:09Okay, but he can go to another internet cafe.
00:39:13I asked him, too.
00:39:15The closest internet cafe here is 10 kilometers away.
00:39:20Zeynep, I'll stay and look for him.
00:39:22Everyone who will take that person is from Yeşilpınar.
00:39:27And he'll come here.
00:39:37This is the last e-mail he sent.
00:39:43So, if it's like you said, he'll be here soon.
00:39:52Let's wait in the car.
00:39:54If he notices us, he can run away.
00:39:56Come on.
00:40:00Come on.
00:40:13I'll do everything I can to erase the worry in your eyes.
00:40:22As long as I live, I'll stand against anyone who makes you feel this way.
00:40:29But believe me, it won't be as bad as you think.
00:40:33I promise you.
00:40:35I'll get this done.
00:40:41If it weren't for you, I wouldn't have made it this far.
00:40:46You taught me to stand up to difficulties.
00:40:50Your courage worked for me.
00:40:54Otherwise, I couldn't stand it.
00:41:05That courage was always there for you.
00:41:09I didn't do anything.
00:41:26I didn't do anything.
00:41:50Why are you getting on my nerves?
00:41:54Why are you following me?
00:41:56I wanted to do something good for Mrs. Zümrüt.
00:41:59You brought it from my mouth.
00:42:02I didn't.
00:42:04Who told you to follow me like a tail?
00:42:07I can take care of my parents' business.
00:42:11From now on, you take care of your own business.
00:42:15Besides, who are you?
00:42:17Who are you to interfere with my business?
00:42:26Who are you?
00:42:43How can you interfere with my business?
00:42:47Who are you?
00:42:56Who are you?
00:43:23I can't hear you.
00:43:27Are they quiet, or is this device broken?
00:43:35I can hear the breathing sounds, but they must be quiet.
00:43:43There is little time left, Halil.
00:43:47There is very little time left.
00:43:49I will save you from this city girl very soon.
00:43:52She and her family will be out of our lives forever.
00:43:57The days I've been waiting for her are over now.
00:44:22Are you still mad at me?
00:45:01I'm not mad at you anymore.
00:45:03I'm not mad at you anymore.
00:45:19If there was someone else in your place,
00:45:22he would never come back and say that you are working for your father's will, not for me.
00:45:33I wish I could tell you.
00:45:35I wish I could get rid of this anxiety.
00:45:38But I don't have it, I can't.
00:45:41Especially when we're talking and resting, I can't do it.
00:45:52What kind of medicine is this, friend?
00:45:55It didn't work.
00:45:57It's not working.
00:45:59It's not working.
00:46:01It's not working.
00:46:03No, it's like a depository.
00:46:06Why can't they bring it?
00:46:08It doesn't work if you wait a little, does it?
00:46:11I'm always in a hurry.
00:46:13The most important thing is yours.
00:46:20Did you give her the divorce petition?
00:46:23I gave it.
00:46:25All the transactions will be over today.
00:46:29The documents will be enough.
00:46:33I'm sorry.
00:46:52You will get rid of me soon.
00:46:57Don't worry.
00:47:03Don't worry.
00:47:30Is he playing for us?
00:47:39Did you pull the car?
00:47:41Are you crazy?
00:47:45Ali, stop.
00:47:50Calm down, brother.
00:47:52Are you acting like an uncle?
00:47:54Who are you?
00:47:56Why did you come to my place?
00:47:58I'll hit the car.
00:48:00Calm down.
00:48:01It's not a big deal.
00:48:03Let it go.
00:48:05I'm not a kid anymore.
00:48:07I'll go.
00:48:11Calm down.
00:48:15Pull the car.
00:48:17Sir, okay.
00:48:19Ali, please.
00:48:21He came to my place like his father.
00:48:24And he's teaching me.
00:48:26No, you don't understand.
00:48:28Ali, don't do it.
00:48:31You don't understand.
00:48:37No one can touch my son.
00:48:41Do you hear me?
00:48:44Let it go.
00:48:46I'm sorry.
00:49:02I'm sorry, brother.
00:49:05I swear I did it to scare you.
00:49:07I didn't mean anything bad.
00:49:09Ali, let it go.
00:49:11Were you going to scare me?
00:49:13Okay, he apologized.
00:49:15Let it go.
00:49:17Please, I'm begging you.
00:49:19I'm begging you.
00:49:21From now on,
00:49:23don't do anything stupid.
00:49:25I'm begging you.
00:49:27I'm begging you.
00:49:29I'm begging you.
00:49:31You're going to leave me and your anger at home.
00:49:34Otherwise, you'll be a bigger package.
00:49:38Ali, you're going to kill him.
00:49:40Let it go.
00:49:42I'm sorry, sister.
00:49:48What happened when you did that?
00:49:50What happened to us, Ali?
00:49:52What will happen, Zeynep?
00:49:54Don't I know about people's impoliteness?
00:49:56Why don't we do it, partner?
00:49:58No one can act like that with a woman.
00:49:59Especially next to my wife.
00:50:01No one can raise their voice at me like that.
00:50:03I spoke in the language she understood.
00:50:05That's all.
00:50:07No one can act like that again.
00:50:09Okay, I won't argue with you about this.
00:50:11But please calm down.
00:50:17No, we forgot our main topic.
00:50:37Start the process before your lawyer.
00:50:39You can't save your mother before I see the divorce paper.
00:50:43This is your last e-mail.
00:50:45This is the last e-mail you're going to send me.
00:50:47Divorce papers.
00:50:48Divorce papers.
00:50:58So you're here.
00:51:05Peace be upon you.
00:51:07Peace be upon you, too.
00:51:10Did you have a customer here ten minutes ago?
00:51:12I just came from prayer.
00:51:14May God accept.
00:51:18He came here.
00:51:20He left the money.
00:51:23So you didn't see it.
00:51:27He used this.
00:51:29Take a look.
00:51:47He erased all the evidence.
00:51:49It's not even in the trash.
00:52:01Does this belong to you?
00:52:07I cleaned it before I left.
00:52:10The person who just came,
00:52:12that's his button.
00:52:31What happened? We missed him, didn't we?
00:52:36What are we going to do now, Halil?
00:52:38Is there any other clue?
00:52:40There is this.
00:52:43What is this?
00:52:45The button.
00:52:47It probably fell off the person who emailed you.
00:52:53There's nothing else.
00:53:00I'm sorry.
00:53:30I'm a relative of Ms. Tülay.
00:53:33This is my permission paper.
00:53:35Is it possible for me to see her even if it's very short?
00:53:50Tülay, how are you?
00:53:52I was very curious about you.
00:53:54What are you doing here?
00:53:56Get out of here.
00:53:58For God's sake.
00:54:00I brought you the latest news.
00:54:02Don't you ever wonder?
00:54:04Now, one of the news is good, the other is bad.
00:54:07What a pity. You choose.
00:54:09Which one should I start with first?
00:54:11I'm fed up with you, Songül.
00:54:13I mean, I don't need you.
00:54:15Get out of here now.
00:54:17I said one of the news is good, didn't I?
00:54:20I guess I confused it with sadness.
00:54:22Both are bad.
00:54:24In this case, I have to choose one, even if I don't want to.
00:54:27It's time to wake up from the dream, Tülay.
00:54:30Zeynep and Halil are getting divorced.
00:54:44Where is your ring?
00:54:49It was on my finger.
00:54:51I took it off when I was passing by the hospital.
00:54:57Of course, you don't know what's going on in the world while you're lying here helplessly.
00:55:02A lot has changed in your absence, Tülay.
00:55:05The water in the mansion doesn't stop.
00:55:07If you were here, you would definitely look for a solution, but...
00:55:10You know, you were always on my side.
00:55:14Oh, you won't be able to save your daughter's marriage now.
00:55:19What a pity.
00:55:21Get out of here, Songül.
00:55:22Get out of here, Songül.
00:55:24Look, don't even think about it.
00:55:27As soon as I get out of here, I'll pay you for all of this one by one.
00:55:32It's not possible now.
00:55:34Maybe in another life, Tülay.
00:55:36This brings me to my second bad news, which is...
00:55:41You know that Cengiz...
00:55:46He's dead.
00:55:47He's dead.
00:55:50Songül, don't play games with me.
00:55:54You're a snake.
00:55:56You're lying, you dirty snake.
00:55:58Ladies, calm down.
00:56:00And your time is up.
00:56:02Please, ma'am, can you leave?
00:56:04Get well soon, Tülay.
00:56:17Get well soon, Tülay.
00:56:47I'm sorry.
00:56:57Where have you been, girl?
00:56:59Stop it, mom.
00:57:01We have things to do.
00:57:03Listen to me a little.
00:57:05Don't drive me nuts.
00:57:08Let it go.
00:57:10Why shouldn't I?
00:57:14You're sick.
00:57:15You know, you got cold, you caught a cold.
00:57:18Come to your senses first.
00:57:20Be a little lazy.
00:57:21Come on, come on, go, go.
00:57:24Ms. Kıymet is right.
00:57:25Come sit here.
00:57:26Let me rest a little.
00:57:28From now on, we'll do everything in this house.
00:57:30Okay, auntie?
00:57:33We'll cook two kablimat.
00:57:34We'll cook two fush fush.
00:57:36That's it.
00:57:37It's not worth staying up.
00:57:42Is there anything Can wants?
00:57:44I'll get it ready right away.
00:57:45I'd like to explain.
00:57:50This interest is still not a sign.
00:57:52Do they know I'm pregnant?
00:57:55Oh, Eren, you couldn't hold your mouth?
00:58:01I'm tired of you, Zar.
00:58:04I'm going to do a job, auntie.
00:58:11Hold my land.
00:58:12From now on, it's all about goodness and beauty.
00:58:17It's over.
00:58:20I'm more than happy with you, I'm a victim.
00:58:23Please, give me what's rightfully mine.
00:58:32There's no death without an excuse.
00:58:35I'm right.
00:58:38You're a coward.
00:58:40Come on, act like a child.
00:58:43My heart is burning since I found out.
00:58:46You're so young, auntie.
00:58:49How can you stand this?
00:58:57Why are they treating me like I'm going to die?
00:59:00God forbid.
00:59:03What's wrong with you?
00:59:04What's wrong with you?
00:59:06Why are you crying?
00:59:08Am I not okay?
00:59:10I'm fine.
00:59:12You literally hit me on the head.
00:59:14Why are you acting like I'm going to die?
00:59:16My daughter.
00:59:18I guess I heard what they said.
00:59:20You didn't tell me what the doctor said, but...
00:59:25...I understood.
00:59:27You're not going to die.
00:59:34Let's not cry.
00:59:36Who's going to cry?
00:59:38Can a heart stand this pain?
00:59:41It's over, we're forgiven.
00:59:46Okay, don't be sad.
00:59:49Don't cry.
00:59:51I'm fine.
00:59:53I'm not going to die.
00:59:55My daughter-in-law.
00:59:57How can we not be sad?
01:00:00You're such a cruel girl.
01:00:03How can I not be sad?
01:00:05I'm not going to die.
01:00:07I'm fine.
01:00:27What's going on?
01:00:33Okay, calm down.
01:00:36You don't have to be sad.
01:00:42Selma is fine.
01:00:45She's not going to die.
01:00:52She's just pregnant.
01:01:02I'm sorry.
01:01:09Forgive me, Selma.
01:01:12But you see...
01:01:14...we shouldn't have kept this any longer.
01:01:26After a senator's assistant in New York treated a nurse...
01:01:30...they invited me to their yacht with my husband.
01:01:34It was an 80-foot yacht.
01:01:3625 meters.
01:01:38I couldn't get used to this metric system.
01:01:41So I invited them to an original Turkish restaurant, Ali.
01:01:46It's definitely a place you should see.
01:01:49Believe me, you'll love it.
01:01:58Good evening, everyone.
01:02:01Mr. Lawyer, welcome.
01:02:05We've started the divorce proceedings, Mr. Ali.
01:02:07We're ready to proceed.
01:02:16Can you call Ms. Zeynep here?
01:02:19Of course, sir.
01:02:26Aren't you being too hasty?
01:02:28Is this really something you can't talk about?
01:02:32Zeynep, it's a secret between us.
01:02:35You'll see.
01:02:48I came to get my mom's clothes.
01:02:52When Arzu called my sister, I came too.
01:02:55Welcome, Merve.
01:02:56You may proceed.
01:02:59Mr. Ali, as I said...
01:03:01...the divorce proceedings have begun as of today, Ms. Zeynep.
01:03:04Your divorce case will be a settlement, not a dispute.
01:03:07Ms. Zeynep's request will not result in any financial gain as a result of the divorce.
01:03:17Just a minute.
01:03:27Would you read this?
01:03:38I'll have to make some changes.
01:03:41I'll be right back.
01:03:50While you're all here...
01:03:51While you're all here...
01:03:57...this house, which was once owned by Omer Aslanlı...
01:04:01...which was once owned by Omer Aslanlı...
01:04:05...the fields...
01:04:08...the land and all the property...
01:04:11...will be Zeynep Aslanlı's after the divorce.
01:04:51Zeynep Aslanlı's After the Divorce
01:05:21Zeynep Aslanlı's After the Divorce
01:05:51Zeynep Aslanlı's After the Divorce
