Zion Williamson is listed with a "fishy" injury... Tobin believes it's all a part of the "plan." Drama with the Warriors, Steph Curry left with a pelvic contusion.
00:00I have a correction to make. Do you? All right, so I went to ESPN, right? I looked at tonight's
00:05injury report. Yes. And it said on the status, you can see here, Frog Boy, look, I'm in Thompson out.
00:12Yes. Right. All right. But I didn't look at the fine print that says he's out. But then it says
00:16under it listed as probable for tonight's game. He hasn't played since March, March 8th with an
00:24ankle sprain. But I just saw this is from probable. This is from Vanessa Richardson,
00:31who is the Houston Rockets sideline reporter. Yes, I just posted. She just posted a video
00:38from Rockets shoot around. And it looks like I'm at Thompson's going to be good to go tonight.
00:44Come on, you go to Miami, you know, the weather, whatever injury you have,
00:48Miami, you know, builds it back up, get you ready.
00:51Is he just wants to fight again? I think that might. Well, he just wants to fight again.
00:59Man, that was a hell of a that was a hell of a scrap.
01:03Not one dollar here right on his head. I'm glad we won the game because had we had we lost the
01:08game and then potentially lost the scrap to it'd be very disheartening. Yep. But
01:13it you know what that that not only signifies one of the last memorable wins for the team,
01:18it signifies the last time that I was proud of Terry Rozier.
01:24Interesting, because he punched somebody right because he stepped in immediately without
01:29question and got it was a dangerous it was a dangerous melee. That was just because he
01:35threw him very like that. He did. I could have been that he did the old hip toss to him.
01:40Get your weight up, Tyler. He's not very he's not very heavy. He's very he's a very skinny man.
01:45I know he should have got his weight. You like you can't let a grown man ragdoll you like that.
01:49Like, he's just he's young, too. He's a bull. He's very good. He's a very good player. He's
01:56a very good player. But maybe this will get I don't know, maybe we'll get the heat going.
01:59And I had a little extra juice. Maybe they you know, maybe maybe maybe Eric Spolstra throws
02:05the the old fight on in the in the locker room, gets the juices flowing. You know,
02:09they didn't have Jimmy for that game. Oh, yeah. Why not? If you're exposed to their motivation,
02:18he said this after the last game where he was like, well, you know, kind of tried everything.
02:23Yeah. You know, like I think he was asked by Will Manson. He's like,
02:25have you guys switched up at all or anything like that? And he goes, switch it up.
02:31What? Not everything. And it's it's so maybe he's thinking to himself. All right,
02:36maybe this will get it done. It's the mental discipline. It doesn't have to weigh on you.
02:41You know, shown and the losses mount. Is there a temptation to try to change things,
02:47whether it be shoot around, practice, motivation, rotation, whatever it may be
02:51to shake things up? Or does that not cross your mind? I would say we've probably tried virtually
02:57everything, you know, at this point, you know, within, you know, our personality for sure. And
03:03we've we've, you know, shown the right kind of perseverance. You know, I always say that a team,
03:10you know, you have a feeling when you're worthy to win. And I would say 10 days ago,
03:15I really felt like we were worthy to win. Now, the last three out of four have not we have not
03:20had that feeling. And I think that's human nature where all of this, you know, can kind of weigh on
03:26you. And that's the mental discipline that doesn't have to weigh on you. You know, we've we've built
03:31up enough kind of habits, enough kind of resilience to win one game. And that's what we
03:37have to focus on and just quiet all the other noise, you know, down. Well, they lost their
03:44ninth straight after that. But the point is, he's tried everything. It's like a madman.
03:50Maybe they do. Maybe they do. Maybe something, you know, I don't know, maybe an iguana needs to
03:55be sacrificed or something. Whatever. We have a lot. I don't know. We have too many of them down
04:01here. At least it wasn't a frog. You know, they actually are chickens just like roaming around,
04:05roaming around by their side. Like, I'll just be like, I don't want to hit you little chicken.
04:10There's please, please move. Three animals that roam the streets of Miami as if like,
04:15it's their streets, iguanas, peacocks. Oh, yeah. I know. But the peacocks are only in certain
04:21neighborhoods, right? Like I have this guy, you know, even up on my house, and he's like,
04:26they had the audacity. And then may I say the audacity? He's got a peacock crossing sign up on
04:33his little side of the neighborhood. And I'm like, first of all, what are these things reproduce
04:38like rabbits? Like, how horny are peacocks? And second of all, you could just have peacocks
04:45roaming around. And here's the thing is everyone's going to be like, oh, it's great. You know,
04:49peacocks, they're beautiful. Why? You don't like my peacocks? Yeah. And I'm going to be sitting
04:53here being like, yeah, but in the morning, I'm sorry. I know that's a triggering thing.
04:59Oh, man, you just triggered.
05:00Peacocks are really beautiful, though.
05:01They are really beautiful.
05:02They are.
05:03I used to see them all the time when I would drive to school.
05:05It's great, though.
05:06But you know, they jump on roofs.
05:08Yes. Yeah. They get very high.
05:10Now they're pooping on roofs.
05:13You know, we got those ugly ducks. Those things can just poop while they walk.
05:19I have some news.
05:21Oh, wow.
05:22Zion Williamson is out tonight versus the Timberwolves back injury.
05:28Oh, those are fake, though. Those are fake.
05:30What do you mean? That's with fake back injury.
05:32Anytime you want to take a game off to get some rest, you hit them with the old back.
05:36So here's what I would say if I'm Zion Williamson.
05:38And what are the Pelicans have like, you know, like 20 wins?
05:41Something like that.
05:42I don't even think that. No, no, I think they might be like 17.
05:46And Pelicans record this season is 19 wins.
05:51You know what I would do if I was Zion Williamson?
05:54Yeah, I got I got 12 games left.
05:56I'm like, yeah, I just had this killer game against the Timberwolves.
06:00You know, we're probably not beating the Timberwolves again.
06:02What I would do be like, oh, it's the wolves again today.
06:05I made my point.
06:09I got to give the doc credit.
06:13Point for Twitter.
06:17That's true, though.
06:18I mean, a full stomach does hurt your back.
06:20That's true.
06:21That's true.
06:22But I think Zion Williamson is probably thinking to himself.
06:25Yeah, I kind of made my point.
06:26You know, we're not going to beat the wolves again.
06:29Might as well just have that in everybody's mind.
06:31Me about what I just did to the Timberwolves.
06:35That's going out on top.
06:38It's like you with the bet today.
06:39See, if I was on and I want to get to a team, right, I know that my team, you know, maybe
06:44maybe they have some illusions that my trade value has gone way up.
06:48If I was Pat Riley and I was trying to get Zion Williams here and say, hey, big fellow,
06:53we know what you can do.
06:54He's up, though.
06:55Let's have another fake injury.
06:57And he's like, and Zion's like, oh, my bad.
07:02Because you can't check back.
07:03You can check that.
07:05Well, I'm just saying very fishy, fishy injury.
07:09Like if he returns from this, the next game, we know this was right.
07:14We've been hoodwinked.
07:15If this lasts for a while, then typical Zion, he's injured again.
07:19We get it.
07:19We get it.
07:20But it'll be interesting to watch.
07:22It'll be interesting to watch.
07:23You guys really want him here, don't you?
07:25I do.
07:25You guys is a lot of people.
07:27You don't want Zion here, Jfig?
07:29Leroy's not here to shout us down.
07:32You're nervous about it?
07:33Well, here's what would make me nervous about it, right?
07:35Injuries, man.
07:36If we're at a situation.
07:37What if that back is not actually a fake injury?
07:41Zion loves hearing my neck and my back.
07:46Here's where it would make you nervous.
07:51If the Miami Heat do get their two picks this year and then you're lingering with two unprotected
07:58picks in the next two years and you have Zion Williamson on your roster, that's a scary spot
08:03to be.
08:04It's a scary spot to me because that means Oklahoma City could end up theoretically with
08:08the number one pick of Zion Williamson just had like another one of his seasons where he was out.
08:12Yeah, for sure.
08:13So that's the scary element of it.
08:16What if he's awesome, dude?
08:19But but let me ask you this.
08:20Here's the counterpoint to your counterpoint.
08:22Yeah, counterpoint.
08:24When has he?
08:27We played like 70 games the year before.
08:28You always go to that 70 game season.
08:31Like the two were full regular season.
08:33Everybody wants to go do that.
08:35And then what happened the following year?
08:38He got hurt.
08:39Okay, say it louder.
08:40But two years before that 60 games.
08:46Two years before.
08:47So two years before he played 60.
08:49Then the following year, he played 70.
08:51Average 20.
08:52No, no, no, no, no.
08:53Oh, it's like a crazy.
08:54He played 24 games his rookie year.
08:5960 games the next year.
09:00I believe he was an all star.
09:02There's 22 games he missed.
09:04It is 22 games, but he averaged 27 in that season.
09:09He shot 61% from the field.
09:11He's always going to shoot when he plays.
09:13He's going to always be efficient.
09:15Very efficient.
09:16The next year.
09:1829 games.
09:19Oh, so.
09:21The next year.
09:2370 games.
09:24Oh, okay.
09:26Got hurt.
09:27Oh, okay.
09:27So when you needed him the most.
09:30And then what happened a year after that?
09:32Well, he's in the midst of a 30 game performance.
09:36So there's more likely of him next year, right?
09:41But then the other year, the next two years after that is
09:43going to be 20 and 30.
09:46And that's the scary thing, because you have the unprotected
09:49next year to.
09:51So by your theory, by those numbers and information, you've.
09:58You've told us.
09:59There's more likely of him having back to back bad seasons of
10:03missing games due to injuries than there is a back to back
10:06seasons of him playing 70 plus and being available in the most
10:10important time.
10:11You know, Vlad, Steph Curry had bad ankles.
10:14You know, what if people were rats off a ship off his ankles
10:17early on?
10:18Steph Curry can shoot.
10:20So, you know, as long as you send him a pick, he can shoot.
10:24Unfortunately, Zion needs his back in his legs to jump.
10:28Let's see.
10:33And that was like, what, 15, 17 years ago, a long time ago.
10:38You're talking about a four time champ.
10:40He's not going to make it.
10:41Who he played.
10:43Steph Curry only had one season where he didn't play in his
10:46first seasons.
10:48He only had that one season where he played 23.
10:50Oh, wow.
10:5380, 74, 26.
10:55The ankle season, 78, 78, 80, 79, 79.
10:59Very durable.
11:01Very durable.
11:02Man, he really gave him an out with that cheap contract.
11:05Yeah, he made up for it.
11:09Well, by the way, I don't know if you guys saw this last night.
11:12Speaking of drama last night, Steph Curry, he went down with
11:16a pretty.
11:17It looked like a pretty gnarly back injury.
11:19He got he landed on his tailbone.
11:22They're calling it a pelvic.
11:24He bust a pelvic contusion, which is basically he busted
11:28his ass.
11:29That's what it's called.
11:32That was it.
11:32I remember Jimmy got that injury one time against Denver.
11:35Yes, that was that took him a while to get back.
11:38Which means which means Tuesday could just be Jimmy and
11:45I mean, Jimmy goes for 50.
11:48Maybe he's going for 50.
11:50Maybe 50, dude.
11:52But but that was good.
11:53Is a twist with the Miami Heat will be going for their final
11:57signature win of the season.
12:00This is their Super Bowl.
12:00This is the NBA final.
12:02This is all we got.
12:02It is just like this is all we got.
12:04It's just like LeBron on Christmas.
12:06This is everybody.
12:08Listen, Godfather.
12:09You know that he's got some some stacks of cash ready to go in
12:13some of those locker room drawers because, like, the bonuses
12:16are waiting for sure.
12:17The bonus is Danny Granger.
12:19Danny Granger got that bonus that year.
12:20Oh, yeah.
12:21You know, he got that bonus that year when he beat LeBron on
12:23There you go.
12:25You never saw him after that.
12:26That was it.
12:26That was like, thank you.
12:28That would thank you.
12:28Thank you for your thank you for your service, Danny.
12:31Pittman still lives like a king.
12:32Wonder why.