LeBron James is playing at an unreal level at this point in his career. LeBron James confronts Stephen A. Smith at Lakers vs Knicks over Bronny James comments.
00:00NBA action last night the Lakers beat the Knicks in overtime 113 109 LeBron James 31 points
00:0612 rebounds 8 assists and one confrontation with Stephen a Smith
00:12Angry well, you know
00:17I just unless he was just congratulating Stephen a Smith on his new contract. I
00:21Just I just I just think
00:25like at some point you got to just
00:29Call it like you see it
00:31LeBron's one of the all-time greats
00:35I'm just saying a lot of times
00:39People treat him as low-hanging fruit nothing to talk about. Let's rag on LeBron
00:45I think LeBron's issue with some comments that he had about Bronny James people are saying that the comments that he said here
00:52were to keep his son out of it and
00:56Then he walks away, but Stephen a Smith he swore he wasn't gonna talk about this on his show
01:01But then it mysteriously went viral. So now he's leading first take with it today
01:06Yeah, I mean like
01:09If you have kids
01:14Do you understand?
01:17Where that's coming from of course
01:21But it's not coming from a
01:25NBA player is coming from a father and if you're a father you understand that that's not fair though
01:32Like he has on he has access that other fathers don't I'm sure a lot of fathers would like to tell Stephen a to go bleep
01:39Himself, but you know, they don't have the same access as LeBron James pretty much
01:46Well, you're saying that if it wasn't LeBron
01:49That Stephen a could pretty much say anything about anybody's kid and have no repercussions
01:59That's a question for you frog boy
02:02Hold on. Let me explain something to you when Fonz was like
02:06Eight years old he came in the house crying
02:10What's wrong?
02:12the big kid talking trash to me
02:15Say some things
02:17You want I say you want me to go handle it
02:20Yeah, now I go out on the name. I go out on the street to find a kid riding
02:26You know like Debo up and down on his bike. He's 16 years old
02:35And I say hey man
02:37Would you pick on somebody your own size?
02:40Because my dad's a cop. I said, well, let's go see your dad. Okay, so we rode over to the house
02:47Yeah, I told the dad what's up? I say if he want to mess if you want to mess around like a grown man
02:53He gonna deal with a grown man
02:55And his father said I understand. That's it
03:01I'm never gonna have a problem with a parent
03:06Defending a kid. I don't care what the circumstances are. Okay, you and you as a parent
03:13Will understand that soon enough?
03:17I do understand. It's but okay, let's say
03:21Fonz played for his middle school team and then I'm a middle school writer
03:27Who maybe is in eighth grade when Fonz is in sixth grade writes Fonz stunk up the joint today
03:33Do you then go to the school? No, no, no, no to keep in mind
03:38Keep in mind. Yeah that conversation
03:42Had absolutely nothing to do
03:45With basketball
03:49Stephen a's comments
03:51right and
03:53I'm more than sure LeBron say if you want to keep it about basketball, that's fine
03:57Well, I think it was about I think the thing that that went
04:00Really viral on Bron is he asked he asked LeBron to step in and stop this because Bronnie was so embarrassing on the court
04:10It's harsh criticism, I mean it is
04:12But I would understand as a dad totally to be like
04:16That's what I'm saying. I'm like here. Here's here's all the reason why I came back at your frog boy, right?
04:27Do we?
04:29Eliminate the human side of
04:32Certain situations in sports this has nothing to do with Bronnie the basketball player. Yes to do with Bronnie
04:41The son of LeBron James and LeBron James as a father went over and talked to
04:47Not a basketball player. LeBron's great enough. He knows that he knows how good or bad his son is
04:54Yeah, the 40 year old father spoke to Stephen a however old he is other man and said stop talking about my son
05:00And I respect that
05:03See and that's and and that's where I think people
05:09Read I'm more than sure
05:13LeBron been getting talked about his whole career. Yep, right? There's criticism of
05:19a talent in sports
05:23The way Stephen a
05:25Presented it right was not clearly just about the talent
05:35He was saying LeBron stop this foolishness with your son
05:41Right, which is wait a minute. Oh like what father?
05:48What father?
05:49It's gonna go to a son of a team or their work and go
05:53You know what? My son sucks get him off the team who's gonna say that give me a father
05:58No, I mean and I completely agree with that
06:01You're gonna support your son, but you're you are the only reason for real for real
06:04You are the only reason your son's there like that because I'm one of the best ever do it. Yeah
06:09Okay, that is a bit of nepotism that comes. Okay, fine
06:13So so let me ask you a question. It's gonna be the Lakers. Yeah, and you got LeBron doing what he doing
06:21At 40. Yeah, and the way him and Luca look right
06:27You got a problem with putting Briony on in the 15th seat
06:35Okay, let's not let's not act like if we only because he's Ronnie. Let's say his name was something different
06:40I'm like Drew Smith. I'd be like, no, I don't want this guy this 15 spot
06:44LeBron wouldn't respond that way. Oh, cuz that ain't his son
06:48What I'm saying is a Bron you got your son to the league. You're gonna have to deal with some criticism sometime
06:53It is he is he is going to have to deal with criticism as a professional athlete
06:57that is that is that is that is with the territory, but I definitely think that there's levels of criticism and there's like
07:04He's asking he basically asked LeBron James to tap out on his career because it's so embarrassing, right?
07:09That's what I'm saying. Like maybe it's a comment about how bad Briony is. Hell we've all done that
07:16Like I only played five minutes
07:18And it's also one of these things like I don't really have a problem with Stephen a saying it either
07:23Because he's free to say what he wants to say
07:25But don't think LeBron's but don't think LeBron's not gonna get pissed about it. He's free to say what he wants to say
07:32my question is
07:35When can what he's saying?
07:38Be taken
07:40not as
07:42criticism, but
07:44It's always gonna be personal with your son though, you're right
07:50Your son is over 10
07:53right, hmm and
07:55Somebody says what?
07:56Briony stuck up the joint. He was over 10
07:59There's a difference in that that is factual
08:03Okay, then going LeBron. You need to stop this
08:07Like is he supposed to keep it to himself at a certain point cuz like Briony James's basketball was at a point where it was
08:12So bad. It's like this is this is crazy for him to be on a court
08:15But if he but all my point is this if Steven a was talking about
08:24The basketball that's in the
08:28The basketball that's in the
08:31Was talking about
08:34The basketball that's indisputable. He's been bad, right?
08:42The way he went after it
08:45Was a different level then just criticizing basketball and that's when LeBron stepped in
08:55I'm not questioning whether Briony stinks
08:59I'm not questioning. Oh
09:02But the way Steven a threw some cheese on it and went after LeBron
09:12That's probably why he got the little
09:14Snapback. I mean, I really like it's also not a new thing
09:18It's it's going to be more of a microscope and it's gonna feel like nepotism because it's LeBron which it is
09:24But the league is full of nepotism like I've literally seen
09:29three Antetokounmpo brothers that can could an average a triple single like Zoran Dragic
09:35You know the the up and down the front office like the the league is full of it
09:40But if you say that about Giannis or you say that about Goran
09:46You don't get the same response or the same
09:50Clicks is if you say it about LeBron, of course, and so
09:55Biggest athlete on planet, right? So if if LeBron comes back and hey, man
10:01What are we doing? Right?
10:04Yeah, like yeah, I would have we would all as fathers have a problem with the way
10:12that Stephen a
10:15Went after that
10:17Situation, okay, so let's not act like
10:21You know, this is strictly about the basketball when you say something like that to LeBron
10:28Also last night the Warriors beat the Nets 121 190. Can they lose one like just
10:36Looked at the statue. Mm-hmm
10:39Jimmy is the only one that was plus
10:42Yeah, Steph was minus 16
10:45Well, they seem to be very in love Leroy 65 points come up 65 points combined yesterday
10:51Honeymoon stage. Hey honeymoon state. Hey, but my count there's only 18 regular season games left
10:58That's that's all right now. So right now right now I'm asking you a question. Yep
11:04This has nothing to do with love or hate for Jimmy. Yeah, okay
11:09Would you take LeBron and Luka?
11:11Or would you take curry and Jim?
11:16LeBron's playing amazing
11:20LeBron's playing amazing. I didn't think LeBron James could play like this
11:25Defensively like he's been a monster. It's been crazy. Like he used to like he was like taking time off now
11:30They got to let Luka take off. So now LeBron has to pick it up on defense and it's insane
11:35He's on the way down
11:42Five years on the way down. He's been he turned 40 and got better a couple years from now
11:49He won't even be able to make the lady like it. Let me tell you I will say one thing. Okay as a side
11:55I'm not saying this is a LeBron
11:58When he takes these breaks and he comes back
12:04You guys do what you will but he takes these breaks and he comes back and then all of a sudden he can't be
12:10Like six times in his career. I don't know what's going on there. Very interesting. Miss that all-star break
12:18Did you see that shot to by staff yesterday, oh
12:23Like, you know every time I see step shoot. I think it had commercial with the dude from criminal my shamar more
12:33But here's what's you know, what's pissing me off about the Warriors. This is what's really pissing me off
12:36They're the anti heat in that like the heat big lead collapse. I tune in like I look at my phone every day
12:43I'm like Warriors down 17 points. I'm like, ah cool
12:47And I'm even like looking on Twitter and there's a lot of Warriors fans blasting Jimmy Butler. They end up winning
12:53I'm like, it's every game. I'm tuning in like good warriors that maybe I can have a night of peace. Nope
12:58Warriors cruise control yet again Brunson's hurt. So I wonder how this is gonna go. Oh, that's not good. That's not good
13:06And you could see it when it that little ankle hit the ground you're like, oh
13:11Cuz it's laying flat. It's like it's like laying flat on the ground