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Murdoch Mysteries - Season 18 Episode 17


00:02Mrs. Breckenridge.
00:04What are you doing in this part of town?
00:06I'm escorting Margaret to an appointment to see a quack.
00:08He is a highly regarded medicinal expert, Thomas.
00:12I've been having the worst itch in my wrists from typing.
00:15And what was it?
00:17Oh, this is your...
00:19Calls, darling. You'll be safe.
00:21I will.
00:25Hey, Clay.
00:28An aeroplane.
00:30Probably didn't like it.
00:32Always falling from the bloody sky.
00:40It says Arcadia.
00:42Given the size of the pilot, I'd say it's a woman.
00:46And the crash, hardly surprising.
00:49Why do I feel we've seen this before?
00:58My God.
01:01It's landing.
01:04Not landing.
01:13What have we got, Murdoch?
01:15Sir, some sort of flying machine.
01:17Sir, I think the pilot is selling the machine.
01:19Careful, George. Don't touch any of the metal. It may still be hot.
01:24Bloody hell, Murdoch. You don't think that...
01:26No, sir. I don't think the pig was in control of the aircraft.
01:30Except this time the aircraft is piloted by a human being.
01:34And given the heat from the fire, I would say this aircraft was fueled with liquid hydrogen.
01:41Liquid hydrogen? What's that?
01:43Liquid hydrogen isn't an explosive.
01:46It's a propellant.
01:48Project D isn't a projectile. It's a rocket.
01:55It certainly isn't intended to carry an explosive.
01:58What's it intended to carry?
02:04The intent of my invention is the exact opposite of war, Murdoch.
02:09I seek nothing less than to be an ambassador to a world beyond our own.
02:15The moon, Murdoch.
02:19I intend to go to the moon.
02:21Sir, I believe we may be looking at the piloted version of James Pendrick's rocket.
02:28You don't think this had anything to do with Pendrick?
02:30Sir, I don't believe anyone in the world but James Pendrick has ever built a functioning aircraft fueled by liquid hydrogen.
02:39But the pilot's a woman. Meaning if he built this thing...
02:43Then he's responsible for her death.
02:51This is the aircraft?
03:09What's left of it.
03:10What have you learned about the pilot, Miss Harper?
03:13Very little, I'm afraid.
03:15She hadn't had any children, nor suffered any broken bones.
03:18Beyond that, I can't tell you anything given the state of the body.
03:21We still have no information as to this aircraft's origin.
03:25Nor the whereabouts of James Pendrick.
03:28There were a few items on the body that didn't burn in the fire.
03:31A piece of melted gold.
03:34Could be an earring. A piece of jewelry.
03:37Perhaps. But this was of the greatest interest.
03:40A piece of metal that had withstood the fire.
03:43In order for it to withstand a liquid hydrogen fire, it would have to be made of tungsten or some other steel alloy.
03:48Something in the back.
03:49Yes. Ashmi. I know that name.
03:54There's somebody I'd like you to meet.
03:56This is Ashmi, my assistant.
04:01The way you are looking at me is both flattering and uncomfortable.
04:06Pendrick's assistant. I remember her. She betrayed him.
04:11Burdock. James. Gone.
04:13What's gone?
04:14The granode. The formulation. My research. All of it. It's gone.
04:18Slow down. What's happened?
04:20I left my lab last night to get some rest.
04:23When I returned, Ashmi had vanished. And all my work along with her.
04:28I hate to say it, but she may have been planning this all along.
04:32But she made one mistake.
04:34A letter addressed to Ashmi from Panama City.
04:42Who are you? Identify yourself.
04:47You. Pendrick's assistant.
04:50The name is Ashmi, detective.
04:54Was she working with him again?
04:57For her to have this sort of tag, it means she was involved in this Arcadia project in some official capacity.
05:05But she was an expert in pharmaceuticals.
05:08Why would she be working on a rocket-powered airplane?
05:11I know someone who might be able to tell us.
05:14This is private property. You must leave.
05:17Detective Murdoch. I need to speak with you.
05:19Dr. Kemps is not here. My name is Svetlana.
05:24When will she be returning?
05:27Soon. This is a matter of some urgency.
05:31He returns presently.
05:33Janice Kemps is a man.
05:39James Pendrick.
05:41Hello, old friend.
05:46The exploration of cosmic space by means of reaction devices by Konstantin Tsiolkovsky.
05:51It outlines the means by which man can travel to the planets.
05:55I had to travel to Russia just to meet the man.
05:58And ended up with his brilliant...
06:01Svetlana Tsiolkovsky. We meet again.
06:04I assume you know why you're here.
06:07I have no idea.
06:09We're looking for James Pendrick.
06:11I suspect you have some idea of his whereabouts.
06:14You suspect wrong.
06:16We found a wreck of a spacecraft.
06:19I suspect you have some idea of its location.
06:22I suspect you have some idea of its location.
06:25I suspect you have some idea of its location.
06:28You suspect wrong.
06:30We found a wrecked aircraft this morning on Girard Street.
06:35It was powered by liquid hydrogen.
06:39I know nothing of this.
06:45My constable found these in your residence today.
06:50Schematics for an experimental aircraft.
06:56Yes. I was designing a specialized airplane with James.
07:01It was to soar great distances in order to deliver medicine around the world.
07:08James discovered an antibacterial drug that would be systemically active.
07:14You mean it could cure bacterial infection anywhere in the body?
07:18He called it antibiotic medicine.
07:22It would cure all disease.
07:25His dream was to have it aerosolized and distributed automatically over every city in the world
07:31through a mechanism on the long-range aircraft.
07:36We called the project Arcadia.
07:39Autonomous rocket-charged aerosolized dispersal aircraft.
07:44Also the Greek word for utopia.
07:47Did it work?
07:48We never got that far.
07:50Before it was completed, James disappeared.
07:56And what about Ashmi Desai?
08:01Mr. Pendrick's former...
08:05I believe she was the person piloting this aircraft when it crashed.
08:11I've never heard of her.
08:14Did Mr. Pendrick recently have cause to replace you as his assistant?
08:21If he did, it would break my heart.
08:25I love James, detective. I always have.
08:34This appears to be the aerosolized particle device she spoke of.
08:38Good lord.
08:40What? What is it?
08:44I don't know.
08:50I've only seen this sort of solution once before.
08:55I put a bullet between the only eyes that ever trusted me completely.
08:59Your dog contracted rabies?
09:05And I swore no man would ever have to go through what I did.
09:08So you attempted a cure?
09:10I read everything I could.
09:12There was so much unknown. I wanted to experiment, but rabies takes weeks to manifest.
09:17I needed a version of the disease that would take days at best.
09:21So you teamed up with Dr. Quinlan?
09:23Yes, and we succeeded in creating a strain that breached the blood-brain barrier.
09:28Instant rabies.
09:30Hello, gentlemen.
09:32Kling. How's the eye?
09:35How did you know, Kling?
09:37Soldiers of Columbia have a thousand eyes that never close.
09:39That's how we knew Mr. Pendrick had created the most terrifying disease humanity has ever seen.
09:44And we couldn't let that go to waste.
09:48No! Julia! No!
09:50If Mr. Pendrick has the cure, she will live.
09:53And if not, well, you've seen the film.
10:02Pendrick's instant rabies.
10:05He says he took to spray all over Toronto.
10:07Someone did.
10:09Rabies can be transmitted via aerosolized particles through the eyes, nose, and mouth.
10:14If this had been detonated, it could have killed everyone in the city.
10:19Why would James do that?
10:21James was a man of peace, not war.
10:34It's not yours.
10:36I will not have my name on a war machine.
10:39You betrayed your country, sir.
10:42We have but one life, Murdoch.
10:45I have to be true to myself.
10:48I think you're correct, sir.
10:50I don't believe James Pendrick was behind this.
10:54That's exactly right.
10:58Terrence Myers.
11:01Why am I not surprised?
11:03And why are we correct?
11:05That James Pendrick is not behind this because James Pendrick is dead.
11:21I can't believe James Pendrick is dead.
11:24How did it happen?
11:26Pendrick and I had been working together for much of the past year, but several months ago...
11:30He'd been working with you.
11:32I wouldn't expect that given your history.
11:36It must be Myers.
11:39He's in the launch room.
11:41I don't like him snooping around in there.
11:53Not before I'm done with it.
11:56I'm going to launch myself into orbit, Murdoch.
12:05What is it?
12:07He's inside the rocket.
12:10What the devil is he doing?
12:29He couldn't have.
12:31Oh, my God!
12:34Myers! Myers!
13:04Pendrick is not without his faults, but the man is a genius, and in this case, our ends aligned.
13:09He wanted to rid the world of disease, and Canada had the money to fund it.
13:13The Canadian government didn't have other purposes for a long-range, rocket-powered aircraft.
13:19So what happened to Pendrick?
13:21There was a fire in his laboratory several months ago, and there were no survivors.
13:27An accident with the liquid hydrogen?
13:30No. I believe it was a murder by an operative of the Ottoman Empire.
13:35The Ottomans? How do they know anything about James Pendrick?
13:40Ironically, through one of Pendrick's own inventions.
13:44What on earth is this device?
13:47Images and texts are processed by the computer and then transmitted to local receivers, which are connected to a network.
13:53We call it cellular telegraphy.
13:55All our transmissions are first recorded to a coil of magnetic wire.
13:59What am I looking at here?
14:01He was a participant in our face space.
14:03Face space?
14:05When a group of people gather together in a mutual conversation, we call it a chat space.
14:10When they transmit images, we call it a face space. It's just marketing.
14:14So you can send a message to anyone in the world with this?
14:17If they have a portal, yes.
14:19They currently have a thousand machines. We want to make that a million.
14:22And then a billion.
14:24Pendrick Parler? I thought he shut that down.
14:28Parler is the machine, so as long as people use them, they exist.
14:34What did you know about it?
14:37Canada became aware of Pendrick's Parler as an alternative means of encrypted communication.
14:42Much more secure than trusting a mail carrier or telegraph operator.
14:46Unfortunately, the Ottomans gained access.
14:49Not so secure after all.
14:52These days we have much more secure passcodes. In the past, everyone used the names of their pets.
14:57George Crabtree, I presume?
14:59Yes, we met yesterday.
15:01Not by name. I'm Melody Struthers, assistant machine instructor.
15:05So, I was able to reverse engineer the passcode.
15:09And it was Tesla, so?
15:12Tesla was the name of Pendrick's dog at the time.
15:16Yes, it has to be.
15:17What was your passcode?
15:20Who's Violet?
15:21She was my dog.
15:23But this is Pendrick we're talking about. I mean, he's trying to save humanity, not destroy it.
15:30But the Ottomans cracked the code, intercepted our messages, found out about Arcadia, and conscripted someone to steal it.
15:38They used sophisticated recruitment techniques to find a vulnerable Canadian Parler user in something called chat space.
15:45They turned an ordinary Canadian into an Ottoman agent simply by typing a few lines from somewhere around the world?
15:52Murdoch, manipulating a simple mind is easier than one might think.
15:55One simply has to inundate the target with misinformation, and then convince him he has to commit acts of treason in order to save the world.
16:03So Pendrick was killed by some halfwit sitting behind a computer?
16:07And that halfwit stole the plans for Arcadia, built a biological weapon that is capable of killing the citizens of Toronto.
16:16How do you know about this?
16:18We monitor all Parler transmissions.
16:21Then why didn't you simply stop this plot to kill all the citizens of Toronto?
16:27Because we didn't know if the threat was credible.
16:30We didn't know that the Ottomans actually had instant rabies.
16:34Plus, Pendrick's Parler is filled with a myriad of schemes, many of them nothing more than the fantasies of schoolboys.
16:41It is indeed a chaotic web of darkness.
16:45Why the Ottomans?
16:46Because the Ottomans have aligned themselves with the Germans and the Austrians against the Entente.
16:52They anticipate a war the likes of which the world has never seen.
16:56With this technology, it ends before it begins.
17:00By exterminating the enemy.
17:03We need to find out who did this before they try it again.
17:07Even if some Parler halfwit was able to steal Pendrick's schematics, there is no way they could build the Arcadia.
17:17They would have to have had help.
17:21Oh no. She's gone.
17:27Miss Tsiolkovsky, stop!
17:29What are you doing? Why did you run?
17:32You built Arcadia, didn't you?
17:35It's true. I did. But I had nothing to do with turning it into a weapon. I built it for love.
17:48James! James!
17:52How did you find me?
17:55Who are you working for, Miss Tsiolkovsky?
17:57I don't know his name. He's from the government.
18:00He told me we would split four million dollars. He told me the rocket would never have to fire.
18:06I did it for you, my love.
18:10You are the greatest man I've ever known. What you could do with two million dollars.
18:14Forget the moon. You could bring to mankind all the benefits of science.
18:18A brave new world will be yours to create.
18:21Whatever she did, she did it for me.
18:25Perhaps I'm not such a bad judge of character after all.
18:28James and I have always loved each other. I wanted to complete his vision.
18:33You did it with the help of the Ottomans.
18:35What? I don't know what you mean.
18:37How did the rabies virus end up on the aircraft? And why did the aircraft crash?
18:43I don't know.
18:44Then why did you lie to us?
18:47I knew you would blame me for the death of Ashmi.
18:50So you did know her?
18:52A group of James' former assistants came together.
18:56Myself and Ashmi, as well as Sam Trenwith and Melody Struthers.
19:02It's gone! Ashmi!
19:05Yes, Mr. Pendrick?
19:06Where is it? Who's been in my safe?
19:07No one. No one but you.
19:09And lastly, my assistant, Mr. Sam Trenwith, without whom I'd be entirely lost.
19:15Now that is just shameless flattery, but it does happen to be true.
19:20Sir, we went through the contents of Mr. Trenwith's desk.
19:25He seems to have an odd preoccupation with Mr. Pendrick, sir.
19:28We found the poems.
19:30You knew he was going to test his theory.
19:34I couldn't let the information get out, not on the eve of the share offering.
19:38James needs that money for Phase One.
19:41Mr. Trenwith, there isn't going to be a Phase One. Mr. Pendrick's flash won't work.
19:46As of this particular moment, maybe, but James will figure it out.
19:50He always does. He is a genius.
19:53Whatever did I do to deserve such loyalty?
19:56I believe he was in love with you.
20:00I'm Melody Struthers, assistant machine instructor.
20:03I'm not sure what that means.
20:05It means I write coded instructions for the machines and Professor Harding gets the credit.
20:11We'll be working together.
20:13You come up with brilliant ideas and I'll explain in boring detail why they can't work.
20:18Are you also considered indispensable to the future of humanity?
20:21I'm needed for my innovative approach to applied mathematics.
20:25Ah, indeed. Doctor Harding, this is Melody Struthers.
20:28Do you know what this is all about?
20:30Not the foggiest. And if anyone else does, they're not sane.
20:34We all wanted to honor James. We would never betray him by building a weapon.
20:42I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but James Pendrick is dead.
20:53We feared this might be the case.
20:56We worked on Arcadia, hoping every day for his return, but knowing...
21:00Perhaps we were building his monument.
21:10Thomas, where were you? You were supposed to pick me up at my appointment.
21:13Lydia, woman, I've got things on my mind.
21:15Don't speak to me like that.
21:19Margaret, James Pendrick is dead.
21:22Oh no, Thomas, I'm so sorry.
21:26Excuse me.
21:30James Pendrick.
21:33What's so amusing?
21:35Nothing, nothing.
21:36What are you doing here?
21:38I just popped in to see my old friend Tommy Two-Kicks.
21:40I told you about that.
21:41You liked the name fine enough.
21:43I ran into James at the World's Fair. He showed me around.
21:45Not as much as you did me.
21:47I'm sorry.
21:48I told you about that.
21:49You liked the name fine enough.
21:51I ran into James at the World's Fair. He showed me around.
21:53Not as much as you did me.
21:55Your inspector is a man of great appetite.
21:57I just wish I had time to see everything the fair had to offer.
22:00You might have, had you not spent so much time on Mr. Ferris' wheel.
22:03It was like flying.
22:04Man's achievements from gathered together are an impressive sight.
22:07You can say that again, James.
22:08Those Egyptians were a clever bunch. I never knew that about them.
22:11We flew...
22:13Sorry, Murdoch.
22:14We flew over the falls.
22:16Well, that was something.
22:18Yes. Yes, of course.
22:20But you know what is interesting, Thomas, is that Egyptians aside,
22:23the most impressive achievements on view at the fair have all come into being in the last ten years.
22:27I'm leaving on the next train, but it is a journey fraught with danger.
22:32I only wish I had a partner.
22:36Sir, are you quite sure about this?
22:38Of course he is. It'll be the adventure of a lifetime.
22:41Tom, the journey begins.
22:43If you only live once, why not make it forever?
22:46Come here, Margaret.
22:49I'll miss him.
22:51Of course you will.
22:53I'll go home and make some dinner.
22:54William, you are welcome to join us.
23:01You all right, Murdoch?
23:03You probably knew him the best.
23:04No, I don't know, sir.
23:07I suppose you're right.
23:09Sir, look out!
23:17James Pendrick.
23:19Detective Murdoch, we meet again.
23:22It's flying! We're flying!
23:25What did you expect, ma'am?
23:27I'm James Pendrick!
23:34You've all noticed these.
23:36They're very easy to use.
23:38Simply affix them like this.
23:40Like this.
23:42Now, prepare to be transported to a new world.
23:46A world where all your senses are engaged.
24:00Moving pictures are this century's predominant form of entertainment.
24:04I'm willing to bet on it, for young and old.
24:07I highly doubt that.
24:08How many bombs have you defused, Murdoch?
24:13That's two more than I.
24:22I have an extra gliding seat, Murdoch.
24:39Are you all right, Murdoch? We parachuted late.
24:45I flew!
24:47I actually flew!
24:49It's quite something, isn't it?
24:53The launch tube and control room are over there.
24:57I flew!
24:59Sir, I don't think James Pendrick would want our tears.
25:04He would want us to clear his good name.
25:06It's but a little.
25:08So, progress?
25:11We'll be keeping Mr. Tsiolkovsky in custody until we know more.
25:15But I believe another of Mr. Pendrick's assistants could be the Ottoman operative we're looking for.
25:21Figure it out, gentlemen. In the meantime, I'll be taking the rabies. It's an asset of the Canadian government.
25:26Fine. We don't want it here.
25:28Where is it?
25:31The rabies file. It was right there, and now it's gone.
25:34It was right there, and now it's gone.
25:39Then the operative we seek is within this station house.
25:53That file was stolen within the last hour. We've checked Ms. Tsiolkovsky, but she's clean.
25:59One of your constables, then.
26:01My men are trustworthy.
26:02I'm sure most of your men are trustworthy, sir, but one of them may well be a spy.
26:06We should kill them all, just to be sure.
26:09It could also have been the chief constable, or myself for that matter. Do you propose to kill us as well?
26:17Every man here will be checked. No one comes in or goes out until we find the file.
26:25You have the afternoon to find the culprit.
26:28Where are you going?
26:30I have to attend to a matter.
26:32Oh, you know.
26:33Mr. Myers, just as the chief constable and myself could be the culprit, so could you.
26:41I beg your pardon?
26:43You were here in the station house unattended the entire time we chased down Ms. Tsiolkovsky.
26:49Murdoch, have I ever lied to you?
26:52I'm Belial Anderson. And you are?
26:56I became God.
26:58It's time for the truth, Myers.
26:59I've told you the truth. I never did say McCarthy was real, I just neglected to tell you he wasn't.
27:06Enough lies, Mr. Myers.
27:08I have no idea what you're talking about.
27:10You actually own an insurance company?
27:12Yes, I do.
27:14No, not at all, sir. I regret if you inferred that I was inferring that...
27:17Enough. I cede the point. Go ahead.
27:30What's this?
27:32I was testing a newfound bent. Are you quite finished?
27:39I don't trust him, Murdoch.
27:41Neither do I.
27:43Do you think he took the vial?
27:45I have no idea. But I'd like to find out what he's up to.
27:49Do you still have the Pendrick portal in your office?
27:52No, no, no, no. I've got two wrapped up in it.
27:54Look at this. Someone sent out a photo of a cat hanging from a clothesline.
27:59Bloody priceless.
28:01I was going to throw it in the garbage, but then Margaret took to it.
28:06Your wife has been using a Pendrick portal?
28:09She types non-stop. She's at it night and day.
28:24This is Bracken Reed.
28:26I must say I'm surprised to learn that you are a parlor machine user.
28:30Oh, it's a marvel. I can speak to anyone on here.
28:34We trade recipes and remedies.
28:36I found out about the man who's healing my wrist from a parlor user.
28:41You got medical advice from a stranger communicating to you through a computer?
28:47Why not seek care from the Women's College Hospital?
28:51I like to do my own research.
28:53I told you. Addicted. Margaret, we need to use the portal for a few minutes.
28:59Fine. Just let me know when you're finished.
29:04Put the kettle on.
29:06What are you thinking, madam?
29:08Sir, I believe the slip of paper in Meyer's pocket is his passcode.
29:13If so, it will grant us access to all of his communications, no matter how secretive.
29:20Have you gained access to the machine yet?
29:23Not yet.
29:25We need to reconfigure the passcode manually.
29:27What's in here then?
29:29Hopefully Mr. Cormac's latest transmissions.
29:31So you can send a message to anyone in the world with this?
29:34I want to bring the world together, Inspector.
29:36A free exchange of ideas between people and peoples.
29:39I just want to send a message without talking to anyone.
29:41I've managed to access some of the blocked sections.
29:44Look at him. He's naked.
29:46Meyer's keeps the passcode in his pocket.
29:48He said the government mandated greater security.
29:51A random string of letters and numbers is much more difficult to remember.
29:55How did you remember it? You only saw it for a second.
29:58I don't know. I just remember things.
30:04It worked.
30:08A number of messages reference a specific location.
30:12A 77 Amelia Street.
30:15It must be the location of some sort of government asset.
30:19Another aircraft perhaps?
30:21Possibly. He calls it Jade Neck Prism.
30:26What's that?
30:28Perhaps it's a refractory weapon of some kind.
30:30Oh, here, sir.
30:32A message from Meyer's just this morning.
30:36Telling someone that he will be at the Amelia Street location later today.
30:42And that person then in turn replied that the access protocol has changed to ask for Mr. George.
30:53So he's there now?
30:55What are we waiting for?
30:58I told you. Addicted. She didn't even put the kettle on.
31:07Just the thumbs.
31:27Must be the wrong place. Maybe 77 Amelia Street is code for something.
31:33Pardon me, sir.
31:37We're looking for Mr. George.
31:43There is no one by that name here.
31:45Let's get out of here, madam.
31:51King George.
31:57King George.
32:28What the...
32:30Where did you find me?
32:32Forget about that. What are you hiding from us? Did you take that vial?
32:36You are on the site of a top secret operation. You have to leave now.
32:40Tell us what you're hiding. And what's this Jade Neck Prism? A weapon?
32:44I will tell you nothing. Both of you, out!
32:49He's not hiding a device. He's hiding a man.
32:54Jade Neck Prism.
32:57It's an anagram.
33:03Dr. Janice Kemps. It's an anagram for James Pendrick.
33:09Hello, old friend.
33:16All right, come out.
33:19Anagram for James Pendrick.
33:23You're alive.
33:25Indeed I am.
33:28And you're working with Agent Terrence Myers?
33:32In a manner of speaking, I was kidnapped and placed into servitude by the Canadian government.
33:37Myers has forced me to develop Arcadia as a tool for war.
33:41As a deterrent.
33:43Regardless, I'm being held captive again.
33:49Mr. Pendrick?
33:58Now, Mr. Pendrick, tell me what I need to know.
34:03Any success, Mr. Pendrick?
34:05Not as yet.
34:07That's unfortunate.
34:09You see, I'm under some time pressure here. I'd hate to think you were stalling.
34:15I'm working as fast as I can.
34:17What you're asking is difficult.
34:19Not as difficult as failure.
34:24Let me assure you.
34:28It's for the good of Canada.
34:30Have I not made you comfortable? Provided you with every resource, luxury?
34:35I am literally shackled.
34:37Because if you weren't, you would run. And if you ran, you would be killed.
34:41Myers, this is bloody mad.
34:43Where's the rabies virus?
34:45Stolen by the Ottomans, presumably.
34:48However, just like Arcadia, we have no idea how they stole it.
34:51Well, I might be at fault there, actually.
34:54I beg your pardon?
34:56I beg your pardon?
34:58I've been hiding my true progress on Arcadia to prevent you from weaponizing it.
35:02Instead, I've been feeding my research to my team.
35:05Your team? How?
35:08I used your portal.
35:11It's impossible. We monitor all transmissions on the portal.
35:15We use a backdoor channel engineered by Cat Lady.
35:18Your pseudonym is Cat Lady?
35:22Yes. I like cats.
35:26Melody struthers, but clearly the plan was folly.
35:29Someone must have infiltrated my assistance operation and weaponized Arcadia.
35:33One of your assistants has been compromised by the Ottomans?
35:37Any idea who?
35:39No, but I know who it isn't. And she can help us.
35:47James, I feared I would never see you again.
35:50Hoping we would be reunited is the only thing that gave me a reason to go on.
35:53All right, enough. Please, who is the spy?
35:57I know it wasn't Svetlana.
36:00We installed a failsafe on Arcadia, a self-destruct feature that only she and I knew about.
36:05She's the only one I truly trusted.
36:07It's true. I destroyed Arcadia.
36:10Because it had been outfitted with a biological weapon?
36:14Yes. I discovered Ashmi was a spy.
36:17I confronted her and she tried to kill me. I escaped.
36:20When I saw Arcadia taking off, I knew I had to stop the operation.
36:24Why didn't you simply tell us about all of this?
36:28I trust no one but James.
36:31Any other assistants?
36:33They fled. That was always the plan if something went wrong.
36:37I am so sorry, James. I destroyed our dream.
36:41We saved every man, woman and child in the city.
36:45All right, well, if Ashmi was the spy, then that problem is solved.
36:50But the vial was stolen after the crash, which means that someone else,
36:55someone else working in this station house is also working on behalf of the Ottomans.
37:00What is this?
37:02Oh, this is Ashmi Desai's identity tag.
37:06No. This.
37:09Oh, it's a filigree medal of some sort.
37:12It's a filigree medal of some kind. I assume she was wearing jewelry at the time.
37:17This does not belong to Ashmi.
37:20Of course.
37:22I'm Melody Struthers, assistant machine instructor.
37:26The gold plating has melted off, but this is the tie pin always worn by Melody Struthers.
37:32So she's the one who died in the crash.
37:35Ashmi knew I was onto her. She must have known her flight could be compromised.
37:38So she was forced into the pilot's seat and her identity tags were exchanged.
37:43Oh, Melody!
37:50Detective Murdoch.
37:52So Ashmi is still alive, but she was never here.
37:55How could the vial have been stolen without us noticing?
38:01It's her.
38:03Ashmi? What does she want?
38:11Hello, James.
38:13What do you want? Arcadia?
38:16I already have the plans to rebuild Arcadia. I want you dead.
38:21And I have something to trade.
38:23Mrs. Brackenreid.
38:29She has your wife, Tom.
38:31Margaret, are you alright?
38:34Thomas, I'm so sorry. I met her at the parlor and she said that your life was in danger and that stealing that vial would save you.
38:43If you harm her...
38:45Bring me James Pendrick, or your wife will be injected with a dose of rabies that will kill her instantly.
38:52If you harm her...
38:54Bring me James Pendrick, or your wife will be injected with a dose of rabies that will kill her in a matter of minutes.
39:02What? No! No!
39:20I'm sorry, Tom. Pendrick's too important.
39:24You're gonna let her die!
39:25It will be alright, sir. We just need to focus.
39:29Now, if Ashby intends to use the rabies as a weapon, then we could...
39:37It's dangerous, Murdoch.
39:38We would only need to...
39:39I have some in my lab.
39:41But of course then we would have to...
39:43It's too big.
39:45Of course.
39:52I will return to you. I will return.
39:59I will return.
40:06Alright, Ashby. You have me. I'll let Margaret go.
40:10Not until I am certain. First, you must die.
40:17Fine. Do what you must.
40:20No, Pendrick. You mustn't.
40:29There. It's done. Now let her go.
40:41Only a matter of minutes now. Are you ready to die, James Pendrick?
40:46Not just yet.
40:50What is this?
40:52The antidote. Aerosolized.
40:56The house is surrounded. Ashby Desai, you are under arrest.
41:12What happens to Ashby now?
41:14She will be coming with me.
41:16She stole the plans for Arcadia and needed Pendrick dead so he wouldn't build it for Canadians.
41:21What about Svetlana?
41:22She and Pendrick will also be coming with me as they will be rebuilding Arcadia.
41:27This is outrageous. I caught your spy and returned honorably. Svetzi saved the city from total eradication. We deserve our freedom.
41:33Pendrick, the world will be at war unless one side, preferably ours, doesn't have the deterrent to stop it.
41:41The jobs are not done.
41:43I don't think so.
41:46Get out of the way, Tom.
41:49They're free to go.
41:50They're not free to go. Get out of the way, now.
41:54James saved my wife. You were willing to let her die. If you want him, you're going to have to go through me.
42:04I demand you step aside, now.
42:09Murdoch, get them out of here.
42:10The Government of Canada commands you to step aside.
42:16I take orders from the King.
42:18And the King is instructing me to knock your bloody head clean off, sunshine.
42:23But is the world still not in danger? Terrence Myers has the plans for Arcadia that had been stolen by Ashford.
42:29The plans are useless.
42:31Much like the self-destruct feature, there are several crucial pieces missing from the written plan.
42:37The plans are useless.
42:39The plans are useless.
42:41The plans are useless.
42:43The plans are useless.
42:45The plans are useless.
42:47The plans are useless.
42:49The plans are useless.
42:50There are several crucial pieces missing from the written schematics.
42:54Only Svetzi and I know the missing elements.
42:56We had to keep the technology from falling into the wrong hands.
43:00The only two people who can rebuild Arcadia are standing right here, and we will never do it again.
43:06Not even to cure humanity of all diseases?
43:09Humanity cannot be trusted.
43:12Thank you, Murdoch.
43:14Once again.
43:16I hope we meet again someday.
43:17Given that every time we do, the fate of the world seems to hang in the balance, I sincerely hope we don't.
43:47Thank you for watching!
