• 2 days ago
Spring has officially started now, but temperatures still seem to be bouncing back and forth between spring and winter after severe storms on March 19.
00:00Chicago, you have seen it all, you've seen thunderstorms, you've seen snow, you've even seen the dust.
00:05That's right, this time yesterday we were tracking tornadoes moving in to Chicago,
00:09but now, today, nice blue skies with that high pressure dominating the forecast.
00:12Yeah, it's a much calmer end to the week, not just for Chicago, but for Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska,
00:17where we have these really high snow reports.
00:19That's right, blizzard conditions that can produce multiple feet of snowfall,
00:25or multiple singular feet of snowfall reports. Very impressive.
00:29Yeah, definitely, maybe not how you want to start off spring.
00:32There was some of the challenges this brought to the roads in places like Fort Dodge, Iowa,
00:36that you're seeing on the right-hand side of your screen.
00:38Looking ahead to tomorrow, still dealing with some of the precipitation, but nothing like that.
00:42Yeah, nothing like that, but to the north you can see that cold front.
00:45That is really going to drop afternoon highs to below freezing here for some areas.
00:50Yeah, it is. So, still seeing the back and forth, spring, winter, spring, winter, even though it is spring now.
00:56Eventually spring will win out here across this region, we promise.
00:59But the next thing we're tracking is going to be a windy and dry forecast ongoing here across the southern plains.
01:05Now, we're still going to be tracking dry conditions.
01:08No rain chances in the forecast here as we head into the weekend,
01:11and we will be watching out for some breezier conditions tomorrow, so this is going to be the result.
01:15Yeah, nothing like the fire risk that we had just a couple days ago,
01:19but still something that you want to be aware of and keep an eye on.
01:22And just like the fire risk, we're looking at blowing dust as a possibility the next couple of days,
01:27but again, nothing like the dust storms we saw just a few days ago.
