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This is the greatest genshin marriage of All Time
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Get Goof Juice https://gamersupps.gg/?ref=moist
This is the greatest genshin marriage of All Time
Get a Starforge PC https://starforgepc.com/moist-yt
Comics https://badegg.co/
00:00Let me paint you a scenario here. This is kind of like a gamer's version of Rorschachs.
00:05You have $600 lying around that you're saving for a rainy day.
00:09You live paycheck to paycheck and it's emergency money for you and your fiancé.
00:14But, Genshin Impact has some new gotcha coming out.
00:19What do you do?
00:21Do you let that money sit there?
00:24Just waiting to be spent?
00:26Or, do you take the initiative like a true level 100 raid boss
00:31and spend that $600 that you and your fiancé have been saving on that Genshin Impact drop?
00:37There's only one right answer.
00:39And unfortunately, that correct answer of spending the $600 of emergency funds on Genshin
00:43is getting this marriage in hot water.
00:46It's actively falling apart.
00:48Now, gamers are some of the most misunderstood creatures in the universe,
00:52but we're also the most advanced species.
00:54So, I don't blame people for not always fully comprehending our methods.
00:58We can level up, we can emote, we can even make you come to the computer screen.
01:02Watch this.
01:06But sometimes, shit just goes cattywampus.
01:10And this is one of those stories.
01:12So, this guy's fiancé, his IRL life duos partner,
01:18found out that he spent $600 on Genshin and it's not looking good.
01:23So, his fiancé finds out and tries to get a hold of him.
01:26We tune in in the middle of this where he's saying,
01:29Stop calling me.
01:30She insists that they need to talk right now.
01:33But he says,
01:34You're not being fair at all.
01:36I explained my boundaries to you, but you're not respecting them.
01:39This is exactly what Redacted says is abusive about you.
01:43So, she says in caps lock,
01:45You spent $600 on our credit card on a fucking game.
01:49I explained it already to you.
01:51$600 for two virtual characters you don't need
01:54without asking when we are paycheck to paycheck.
01:57That card was for emergencies with the Civic.
01:59And then he just drops a screenshot of one of the Genshin Impact characters that he bought.
02:04An interesting strategy.
02:05He tries to turn this around on her and begins calling her abusive here in a little bit.
02:10But he starts by saying,
02:11I told you my boundaries and you're not respecting them.
02:14But what the fuck?
02:16I told you I was going to spend all of our money on Genshin Impact.
02:18You can't be getting mad at me.
02:20You're not respecting the groundwork I've laid out here.
02:23I told you I was going to do this.
02:25What's the issue here?
02:27This is very unreasonable.
02:29You told me you wanted her too, but you aren't happy for me, LMFAO.
02:33I like how he puts the picture of the Genshin Impact character that he bought
02:39as like a, look at this.
02:41How can you be mad when I bought this for us?
02:44I did this for us.
02:45You said you wanted it too.
02:47How can you possibly be mad?
02:49So what? I spent all of our emergency money.
02:51Look at what we got for it in Genshin Impact.
02:53You should be thanking me.
02:55I just love how he's saying that she should be happy for him.
02:58Like, oh my God, honey, I'm so proud you bought this Genshin character
03:02with all of our remaining emergency money.
03:04Oh my goodness.
03:06I've never loved you so much.
03:09Then he goes on to say,
03:10Actually, I am done.
03:12I am a 29 year old man.
03:15I am allowed to make purchases without needing your permission.
03:19That is an abusive dynamic.
03:21Explain that, or blank, explain that very well to me.
03:25We're going to jack out of the Matrix here for a moment here
03:29to digest that statement.
03:31I like how he puts his foot down.
03:32I'm a 29 year old man.
03:34If I want to waste $600 on Genshin Impact characters
03:37with money that we have been saving for emergencies
03:39while living paycheck to paycheck,
03:40then dammit, as a man, I'm going to do it.
03:43Then he like rips his shirt, like Hulk Hogan style.
03:45In his mind, I bet this went so hard, he's like,
03:47I'm putting on the big boy britches this time.
03:49No, no, no.
03:50I'm a man.
03:51I'm a man.
03:52I can buy Genshin Impact characters all day
03:54till the cows come home if I want to.
03:56I don't need your permission.
03:57I am a hunter-gatherer.
03:59I gather Genshin Impact characters.
04:02Ah, where's my juice box?
04:04And then he has the chutzpah to say that
04:07this is an abusive dynamic from her
04:10for getting upset at him
04:12for spending all of their emergency money
04:14on Genshin Impact characters.
04:16This is like a pretty classic thing where
04:18they try and like spout therapy words
04:20at the other person to like
04:22belittle them or make it feel like it's their fault.
04:25So he's going for some big, bold strategies.
04:28Yes, I said I want Farina.
04:30I didn't say we should spend hundreds to get constellations.
04:33You are a fucking addict.
04:34You already spent all our Christmas money on it.
04:36You're snooping into your fiance's purchases.
04:39You should take a look at yourself.
04:41He flips the bird at him and says,
04:43This is a shared card that I set up for emergencies
04:45and you went behind my back.
04:47Why don't you tell Redacted about your
04:49gambling addiction to video game characters?
04:52He just says, A.
04:53That's like a classic anime like,
04:56Actually, Redacted told me all about your coercion
04:59and I believe you are a narcissist personality.
05:02That is why you are continuing to try and control me
05:05and control my financial decision making.
05:08You know this is my values
05:10and I have had Farina as my wallpaper forever.
05:13I refuse to be verbally abused for being myself.
05:16I'm battling anxiety
05:18and you do not care at all.
05:20There's a lot that just went on here.
05:22So he tries to make her feel bad
05:24for looking into the finances,
05:26saying you should look at yourself.
05:28Which is a crazy thing to say
05:30when it's a shared credit card that she set up
05:32and you went behind her back
05:34to use that money for yourself.
05:36Like, it's not like she was snooping.
05:38She set it up
05:40and it is your joint credit card with her
05:42so of course she's going to see it.
05:44We then get into some real pathetic stuff
05:46where he calls her a narcissist
05:48that's trying to control him
05:50and control his financial decision making.
05:53Brother, this isn't financial decision making.
05:56This is Neanderthal caveman gooner brain.
05:58This guy's saying that he's had Farina
06:00as his wallpaper forever
06:02so he had to indulge in this obsession.
06:04Brother, it makes you sound like
06:06a fucking golem with your precious
06:08where he's like touching his phone
06:10like petting Farina's wallpaper.
06:12No, you don't get it. I've had this for my wallpaper forever.
06:14I had to waste our money on it.
06:16How can you be so heartless? You know I'm battling anxiety.
06:18And wasting all of our money
06:20on Farina? That helps.
06:22Farina's the only thing that can
06:24cure my anxiety.
06:26Do you want me to suffer? Is that what you want?
06:28I'm a 29 year old masculine beast.
06:30I have to spread my wings sometime
06:32and waste all of our money on
06:34Genshin gacha. You know this.
06:36I set those boundaries, you narcissist.
06:38He just has the gall to call her
06:40verbally abusive and controlling
06:42and a narcissist.
06:44Meanwhile, this unhinged
06:46goober just wasted $600
06:48of their emergency funds for virtual
06:50Genshin characters. It's
06:52unbelievably pitiful.
06:54And he tries to blame her
06:56for not respecting his battle with
06:58anxiety. Hey buddy,
07:00you know what's gonna make that anxiety much worse?
07:02Having $0.
07:04I think that's gonna make it a lot worse.
07:06Farina's not gonna come to your rescue.
07:08She's not real. Sorry to hit you with the cold water.
07:10All you're doing is digging yourself
07:12into a deeper hole and now you're losing
07:14your fiancé over it as well because you
07:16couldn't resist the urge to waste
07:18your money with her
07:20on this game behind her back.
07:22Everything pops off here
07:24in Act 4 of this.
07:26He spirals out of control.
07:28I don't want to get married to you.
07:30I'm not talking on the phone.
07:32So now he's the one calling the marriage off.
07:34If you can't respect me wasting all
07:36of our money on Farina and Genshin
07:38Impact characters, then we're just not meant to be.
07:40You narcissist. You thought you
07:42could control me? You can't control me.
07:44I'm like Michael Jordan in his prime.
07:46You can't control me. You can only hope to contain me.
07:48But you can't do that either because I'm heart-addicted to Genshin
07:50Gacha. And I will waste all of the money
07:52that I ever see in my life on it.
07:54I emailed screenshots for my appointment
07:56tomorrow. Thank you.
07:58Oh, sorry. I emailed screenshots for my appointment
08:00tomorrow. Thank you for giving me
08:02a horrible anxiety attack and ruining my night.
08:04And no, I didn't do a fucking
08:06thing with Farina yet because of your calls.
08:08That's heartbreaking.
08:10I spent all this money on Farina
08:12and you yapping and blabbering about
08:14how bad and big of a deal it is
08:16has prevented me from spending time with Farina.
08:18You proud of yourself now?
08:20I didn't even get to use Farina yet.
08:22As he's like shedding tears,
08:24profusely crying in his bathtub.
08:26She then makes a threat that
08:28sends him off the rails. This was threatening
08:30the nuclear option.
08:32She said, I'll call Capital One
08:34and dispute the charge. Your account
08:36will be banned. I have no
08:38doubt when he read that, his heart
08:40sank. The pit in
08:42his stomach expanding to a black
08:44hole in his soul.
08:46All the color in his world turned to grey
08:48as he was faced with the possibility
08:50of losing Farina.
08:52He said, try it.
08:54You'll lose me forever. Why?
08:56I'm going to Scottsdale
08:58for the night. Stop calling me for 12
09:00hours and we can talk then. Good night.
09:02Will you please answer my mom?
09:06So, during this, his mom
09:08I guess was trying to get involved, like,
09:10how can you do this to my son? According to
09:12the fiancé here,
09:14his family started calling her abusive
09:16for this, which is crazy that even
09:18his family doesn't understand
09:20how bad it is to waste the emergency money
09:22on fucking Genshin Impact characters.
09:24So his mom, I guess, was trying
09:26to call to give her, uh, peace of her
09:28mind, an earful on this, like,
09:30how unreasonable can you be to my son, you abusive
09:32narcissist? And then he tries to
09:34do the old Jekyll and Hyde routine, so
09:36he comes back and says, I apologize for
09:38my reaction. As I said, my anxiety is bad
09:40today, and I have to do better.
09:42I love you. You don't need to dispute
09:44the charges. I'll get you the money soon.
09:46Redacted can spot me 600
09:48tonight, so you can text him your Venmo.
09:50Anxiety really bad.
09:52Redacted, please. That damn
09:54anxiety using him like a goddamn fleshlight
09:56here. He treats anxiety like he's
09:58trapped in a fucking Ginjutsu.
10:00I love how everything about him changed
10:02once she threatened to dispute the
10:04charge and he might lose Farina.
10:06No, don't do that. Please, don't do anything
10:08drastic. We can still come back
10:10from this. Look, don't. Without
10:12Farina, I have nothing. I
10:14have nothing. So now he's getting his mom
10:16on the horn, like, Mom, we have to save
10:18Farina. He's treating it like a hostage
10:20negotiation now. He's like, I'm sorry, I'm so
10:22sorry. Look, don't dispute the charges.
10:24Don't dispute the charges. I'll get the $600 another way.
10:26Anything but that. Please, God, no, don't
10:28do it. My anxiety's really bad. Look,
10:30it's just bad anxiety. Anxiety is what
10:32caused all this. Look, we don't need to
10:34do anything like this. It doesn't have to be this extreme.
10:36Anyway, though, that's the
10:38whole text journey, but the poster
10:40did give a bit of an update. The marriage
10:42is off, and he's blocked
10:44her, but is still actively
10:46playing Genshin Impact on Discord, so
10:48he's at his mom's house doing that.
10:50She did get $600 sent
10:52to her, so she was able to get that back and
10:54lock the account, which is good. And
10:56also, it's good that they
10:58got this out of the way before they were
11:00fully married, because this would
11:02have been a disaster if this had happened during the marriage.
11:04That would have made it a lot messier, so
11:06pretty rough situation overall,
11:08but at least it came before
11:10it was fully, you know,
11:12kaput in the books as a marriage.
11:14She got to get out of it before things got too
11:16hairy. Anyway, though,
11:18what an interesting adventure.
11:20That's about it. See ya.