Merry (late) Christmas Youtube fam! Hope everyone had an amazing Christmas and New Years! Our outfits, accessories and more!! Amazon: US! Instagram: @Alyssafluellen
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Fluellen Fam Christmas 2024! #christmas #christmasvlog #family
TikTok: @Fluellenfam
Facebook: @Fluellenfam #ChristmasVlog #Vlog #Vlogmas #ChristmasMorning #familyof6 #ChristmasDay #ChristmasMorningVlog
Fluellen Fam Christmas 2024! #christmas #christmasvlog #family
00:00Merry Christmas!
00:07Merry Christmas!
00:12Merry Christmas!
00:15It smells like milk.
00:18Merry Christmas guys!
00:20Merry Christmas!
00:21Who's ready to open some presents?
00:25Merry Christmas!
00:26Merry Christmas!
00:28Merry Christmas!
00:30Merry Christmas!
00:31Well, this is what Christmas looks like when you have a newborn.
00:35I'm so tired, but you know what?
00:38You know what?
00:39I'm just going to do it different this year.
00:40I'm going to make us eat breakfast first.
00:43I'm just going to let you guys open presents.
00:45Can I make a cup of coffee?
00:47Do you want to make me a cup of coffee real quick?
00:50Fine, we'll do stockings and I'll get coffee.
00:52I'm fine, I'm fine.
00:53Can I do stockings and then we can do coffee?
00:57Come on, let's go.
00:58Wait, what happened?
00:59Everyone's on the nice list.
01:00How'd you know?
01:01Because the elf led note.
01:02We didn't read the whole thing because it was really long.
01:06There's just big letters that said nicest.
01:09That's all you guys read?
01:11Yeah, and I checked in all the stockings.
01:13Okay, okay, okay.
01:15I didn't really look, I just checked what's picking out.
01:18Wait, wait, you guys aren't allowed to go yet.
01:20Let me open the blinds first, okay?
01:22So you guys can get the full effect.
01:24The full Christmas effect.
01:26Because this is Christmas 2024.
01:29Oh my gosh.
01:31It looks like Santa came.
01:47Don't come out yet.
01:48I'm opening the blinds.
01:50These kids are righty and I don't blame them.
01:55Okay, come on guys.
01:58Santa came.
02:00We got a lot of presents.
02:04So cool.
02:05And you got a little bike.
02:07That's electric.
02:08You guys got a lot of presents.
02:11Oh, and I know exactly how this works.
02:14Because this is Emily and Grayson's.
02:16Oh yeah, it is.
02:18And this is the speed that I need.
02:20Let's go open our stockings.
02:22Wait, let's try the milk first.
02:24Wait a minute.
02:25What did you get?
02:27An electric car.
02:29Electric car.
02:31Man, I was hoping that for Christmas,
02:34Santa would put away my laundry for me.
02:40Santa said he had better things to do.
02:46That thing needs a break.
02:48Do you need a helmet in it?
02:52It'll turn.
02:53This way.
02:59I'll stay over here.
03:00All right, should we open stockings?
03:02Yeah, but look.
03:04Oh, Harper.
03:06Look what they're wearing.
03:08I know my stuff that I gave them.
03:11Harper gave them this earmuffs and scarves, so.
03:14They mix and match.
03:16All right.
03:17You want me to read it?
03:19Hayden, Harper, Hemet, Hemet.
03:24I'm tired, babe.
03:25I just said Hemet.
03:27I'm combining my children together
03:29because there's so many of you now.
03:31I actually can't believe I have four whole human beings.
03:33That's wild.
03:37Kiss me again.
03:38Dear Hayden, Harper.
03:39Oh, my God.
03:42Yeah, I can't.
03:45Santa is so proud of you.
03:47And so are we.
03:48Yes, this means you all made the night slip.
03:53Again, I may add, also.
03:56Don't worry.
03:58We will be back next year to join in on the fun.
04:02Until then, keep being your amazing selves
04:07and remember that kindness and laughter
04:09are the best kind of medicine.
04:13Don't forget to point your toes on
04:17the stage next year.
04:20Thank you for the earmuffs and scarf you gave us
04:25to get home born.
04:27Aw, they said thank you.
04:29Okay, stocking time.
04:32Daddy added some stuff today,
04:34so it goes oldest to youngest to dog.
04:37Speaking of dog, has anyone got Millie out?
04:39Go get Millie out.
04:40It's Christmas.
04:41Oh, this is Millie.
04:43I can already see.
04:45She got a stamp thing.
04:47Millie girl, Merry Christmas.
04:50You gotta go pee-pee first.
04:51Come on, go pee-pee real fast.
04:53Then you get to open presents.
04:55Go pee-pee, go pee-pee.
04:57Hayden, why is my stocking the soggy one?
05:01It's soggy, Santa.
05:03Daddy's my Santa.
05:04You know, once you become an adult.
05:06Wow, give me this.
05:07Santa doesn't come for you anymore.
05:09Oh, look at what I got.
05:12This is what I got.
05:13Oh, mine is so heavy.
05:14Okay, let's see, let's see.
05:17So first, I got a P.
05:20It's not a P.
05:21A Pez.
05:24Oh, and you got some candy.
05:26And I got this.
05:28What is this?
05:29I think this is a bracelet.
05:30I got an earring.
05:32I got candy.
05:36Give me real earrings.
05:43What do you got?
05:44A Target mini thing.
05:48We almost got that probably from the store.
05:51Oh, we got Avengers bouncing balls.
05:54So, Santa brings us wrapping paper.
05:57And whatever color wrapping paper you get is under the tree.
06:00He doesn't do two colors.
06:01Like that.
06:04Look, Millie got her gift.
06:14Nerd clusters.
06:16I got one too.
06:20Can I try?
06:22We have our oldest child and our middle child.
06:24Can you tell which one is safe?
06:26Oh, this kid is going straight to the pool.
06:31Babe, babe, babe, babe.
06:35There you go.
06:36This is so much.
06:42I'm going to go check on the baby girl.
06:45She is six weeks old.
06:47Six weeks old today on Christmas.
06:50She's a little angel baby.
06:52I mean, you forget how much they wake up in the middle of the night.
06:56But besides her waking up, she's so good.
07:00And she goes like right back to bed too.
07:02So, she's not like, you know,
07:04Harvard was actually our hardest baby.
07:06She was like our, she was just so hard to get to sleep.
07:10She would like wake up and it would be so hard to get to bed.
07:12But Bali girl just wants to eat and goes right back to bed.
07:17What did you get?
07:18I got lip balm.
07:20But I got a lot of lip balm.
07:22And then my sister's baby was here.
07:23We had babies at the same time and hers is puky.
07:26Like, I don't even know.
07:28But Hagan was like that.
07:29And you forget how horrible that is too.
07:31And it feels so bad.
07:33So, okay.
07:35I got to go.
07:36But wait, my point was I'm going to go check on the baby.
07:52What did I get?
07:53What did I get?
07:54What did I get?
07:56A candy cane.
07:57No way.
07:58You got a, that's what we got.
08:01My favorite chocolate ever.
08:03I got the mercury too.
08:07And that's it.
08:09That's a bunch of candy.
08:10And a million dollars.
08:12Freaking scalp massager.
08:16What is that?
08:17Santa must have got you that for your wife.
08:19Yeah, I know, right?
08:24Santa definitely got that for my wife.
08:26Because I heard it's her favorite thing.
08:29Some soap.
08:30This smells good.
08:35Some more yogurt.
08:36Dang, do I stink?
08:38That smells good.
08:39I'm going to smell good after today.
08:44Novelty socks?
08:46Novelty socks?
08:49Number one husband.
08:52Woo woo.
08:54Where are we going now?
08:56A toilet timer.
09:00Someone spends too much time on there.
09:03Rotate clockwise for one full rotation.
09:05When it goes off, get off the pot.
09:08That's funny.
09:09That is hilarious.
09:10And you need that so bad.
09:12You better use that one.
09:14Let me see.
09:16Let me see how it looks.
09:18Rotate 360.
09:20I'll link that one if anyone else is struggling like myself.
09:23I'm pretty sure every wife is struggling with her.
09:26Yeah, because you guys lie.
09:28Oh, look, he poops the timer dust.
09:31Wait, I can't see.
09:34Oh my gosh, the dust comes out of his butt.
10:00Let's see all your presents.
10:17Holy presents.
10:19Is this what happens when you're on the nice list?
10:23And you have a mommy and daddy that love you a lot.
10:28And what's the best news?
10:29What are we doing after Christmas today, you guys?
10:31We're going to Hawaii.
10:34Boiled kiddos, but that's actually my Christmas present.
10:40I'm so excited.
10:41We literally leave for Hawaii today.
10:43So let's get to opening.
10:45What is this?
10:52You guys all liked Cowie so much, I got you all another one.
10:56It's a weighted stuffed animal.
11:03Hayden's is pretty heavy.
11:04Oh, cute.
11:05What do you guys think?
11:11You're welcome next.
11:13Wait, it's Harper's turn.
11:15This one's from Santa.
11:22Why did you ask for a toothbrush?
11:27So he brought you one.
11:28Yeah, that was nice.
11:30That's from Harper.
11:32And then Harper got that for you.
11:34Oh, yes.
11:35I got that for you.
11:36Oh, it's a ramp.
11:50You got a ramp.
11:52You guys missed, but daddy got me a fanny pack.
11:55And I'm proud of him for getting me a fanny pack.
11:59So I'm opening another gift from him to see what he got me.
12:05Wait, is this a notebook?
12:07Yeah, it's a notebook.
12:08With Julie connected to it.
12:10Hayden, what do you say to him?
12:12Thank you, daddy.
12:13Daddy hooked it up, apparently.
12:17What did you get, Harper?
12:18Open it and see.
12:19I can't.
12:20It's taped.
12:21What is it, Harper?
12:28Because Emmett, apparently, drinks my family.
12:32Oh, get used to it, girl.
12:34Who drinks mine?
12:35Oh, you want the lake from Squidward.
12:38Emmett, it's a box.
12:40Do you like your box?
12:42Okay, next.
12:44All right, it's your box to play with.
12:47Can you open it?
12:49No, that's it.
12:50It's just a box.
12:51Can you open my box?
12:53Yeah, it's open already.
12:55What did you get?
12:57A skateboard?
13:00You're going to be Tony Hawk in this piece?
13:02Oh, that is dope.
13:07Emmett, what do you think?
13:09You got your first skateboard.
13:11Put it on the ground.
13:12Let me see.
13:13Stand on it.
13:14Sissy will hold your hand.
13:15I just brought a little bit.
13:16I saw a little good piece.
13:17Where did they get mine from?
13:18There's a skateboard class in our city for toddlers.
13:21And I thought it would be cute if you took him.
13:23Oh, yeah.
13:24That would be fun.
13:25So, Emmett, you're going to go to a skateboarding class with Daddy.
13:27You want to learn how to ride a skateboard?
13:29Is that cool?
13:30And go on ramps.
13:31Daddy can't touch one?
13:32He's lost all his skateboarding experience.
13:34Emmett, you can definitely ride it.
13:35His face.
13:36An underwear!
13:37What is it?
13:38Carpet tag!
13:40Oh, that's not a carpet.
13:42Oh, my goodness.
13:44So cute.
13:45That's a pad.
13:47It's lavender.
13:48It's to help you relax.
13:50Harper, what'd you get?
13:53Hayden, I missed your last present.
13:55What'd you get?
13:56I got the Stanley.
13:59It's so cute.
14:00And they're new.
14:01And they're toothless.
14:03Yeah, I got silk pajamas!
14:05Mommy's brand?
14:08With a bunch of goodies in it.
14:10Because Mommy used her boxes as boxes this year.
14:14I'm only keeping this.
14:16It's a help.
14:17It's like a care kit.
14:20So you got a bunch of, like, hygiene stuff.
14:22A dump truck.
14:24A dump truck?
14:25Is that cool?
14:27Then we need something else next.
14:31Do you know what that is?
14:33It's like clothes.
14:35For your American Girl doll or doll?
14:39Good morning, Hallie girl.
14:41Merry Christmas!
14:43Merry Christmas!
14:44Oh, look!
14:45I wished for something and I really liked it.
14:48So, let's see if this is it.
14:52Who's it from?
14:56It's it!
14:58Oh my gosh.
15:00Yes, we got the one we wanted!
15:03We can be matching!
15:05You have those, Harper?
15:07Go get them.
15:08Those are cute.
15:09Is that what you wanted the most?
15:12What do you think, Hallie girl?
15:14Oh, Hallie has eggs too.
15:17Whoa, whoa, whoa.
15:18Lost her.
15:20Hi, baby.
15:21They're so cute.
15:22I have those.
15:23Oh, she just blew a poop.
15:25Right after I changed her diaper.
15:27Okay, these are so cute.
15:29I love them.
15:30Harper's is a little bit...
15:33I need this for the airport.
15:34Hey, we might need to switch.
15:36You could switch if you wanted to.
15:39Well, this is from Mommy and it's for our Hawaii trip.
15:43One, two, three.
15:48Oh, this is so cute.
15:52What did I get?
15:53What did I get?
15:54Oh my gosh, we're matching for our American Girl dolls.
15:58Let me see.
16:01Bathing suits for the trip.
16:02One more outfit.
16:03Which outfit did you get?
16:05Ooh, this one is cute.
16:09You guys got Hawaii outfits?
16:12You gonna put them on your dolls so we can go?
16:15Let me see.
16:17Okay, who's ready to go to Hawaii?
16:22Merry Christmas!
16:23Let's go get ready to go to Hawaii!
16:26Millie, what'd you get?
16:28Open it.
16:29I know, she went straight there.
16:31Millie loves staying under the tree.
16:35Millie, it's Christmas.
16:38Let's open your first present.
16:41This is from me.
16:42Aw, it's from Haley.
16:45Oh my gosh, Haley got it for Stanley!
16:49Haley's having some breakfast.
16:51So we are headed to Hawaii in two hours.
16:54I'm kind of regretting my decision of leaving on Christmas Day.
16:58I thought it was going to be super duper fun.
17:00Which it is, I'm so excited.
17:02But it's also a little overwhelming because we're going to have to come back to our house looking like Christmas.
17:08You know what I mean?
17:09And I feel like, yeah, I don't think we're going to be able to make this clean in the next hour and a half.
17:14We did pack all of our bags and have everything ready though.
17:18So we're going to have some breakfast, get everyone ready, and head out.
17:21I'm so excited though.
17:23I hope this little one sleeps on the flight, fingers crossed.
17:27So I actually surprised my nephews and my sister and brother-in-law as well.
17:32So they're going with us.
17:33We got an Airbnb and it's just going to be a week of cousins and fun.
17:39So a lot of my job includes brand deals and also filming content.
17:45The filming content part is the fun part.
17:48I mean, it's all fun, but at the end of the day, it is a job.
17:51Filming ads, it is a job.
17:55And when you film an ad, a lot of times it can be knocked back and you have to refilm or edit.
18:00And it can just be a lot when it stacks up on top of it being the busy season.
18:05And I had a newborn, so I was literally filming ads at three days postpartum.
18:10And I'm not even kidding.
18:11That's how it turned out.
18:13So I'm just so excited to just take a moment for myself and enjoy her while she's still little.
18:20And my family.
18:22And I'm just so excited to take a little break.
18:25I hope you all have a Merry Christmas.
18:28And of course I'm going to vlog a day in Hawaii because vlogging is the fun part.
18:33Like I said, I love filming content.
18:35I love my job overall.
18:37It's just, it can be a lot sometimes in the best way possible.
18:43What do you got in here?
18:52Breakfast cooking.
18:58Biscuits and gravy for breakfast, of course.
19:01Daddy's specialty.
19:03Thank you, babe.
19:07So look at this.
19:08This is their other.
19:09This was their big.
19:11Our kids were definitely spoiled this year.
19:12And I very much know that.
19:14But look how cool this is.
19:16I wanted to do more like outdoor things.
19:18So check this out.
19:20Actually, I got to work with this brand called Cedarworks.
19:23And look at this.
19:25So look at this play set.
19:27The kids have been out here literally nonstop.
19:29And we like decorated it for Christmas.
19:32And it was just the best little surprise.
19:35So we're going to finish up out here.
19:37The weather is the best right now in Arizona.
19:39It's like 75 degrees every single day.
19:42So we've just been kicking their little butts outside.
19:44And we just wanted to finish our backyard.
19:47So we want to do like a pickleball court right here.
19:49And like trampoline over there.
19:51And we'll see.
19:53But for now, this is it.
19:56This is it.
19:57They love it.
19:58And I got it.
19:59We have 30 minutes before we leave for Hawaii.
20:01So probably should go get ready.
20:04We are packed up and on our way to...
20:09We just dropped off Millie.
20:11We're in a little bit of a rush there.
20:13It was a little stressful for a second when we were still all in our pajamas.
20:20Why did we drop off Millie?
20:22Because Millie can't go on an airplane with us to Hawaii.
20:26Well, you know, we had to drop off Millie.
20:28So, yeah, we had a moment when we were all in our pajamas.
20:31Hair wasn't done.
20:32We were stressed for a sec, huh?
20:34A little bit.
20:35A little stressed.
20:36But we made it.
20:37And we still have 2 hours and 20 minutes until our flight leaves.
20:41So fingers crossed that we are solid.
20:44It takes 20 minutes to get to the airport.
20:46So we're going to have 2 hours.
20:482 hours.
20:49And it is Christmas Day.
20:50So do you feel like it's going to be busier or less busy?
20:54I feel like it's going to be less busy.
20:55Less busy.
20:56Actually, say it's going to be busy because it's always the opposite.
21:00Okay, we don't want to jinx ourselves?
21:02Okay, we're not going to jinx ourselves.
21:03So here we go.
21:04Hallie girl's first flight, which this flight is 6 hours long.
21:08Good luck, Hallie.
21:096 hours.
21:11Hayden, good thing you were up all night.
21:14You were up all night last night?
21:16No, I was up till 1 in the night.
21:18Didn't go to sleep till 5.
21:20You were up from 1 a.m. to 5 a.m.?
21:23You really couldn't go back?
21:24And were you scared to get out of your bed?
21:26You were going to run into Santa?
21:29You were going to run into Santa?
21:30No, because I kind of peeked out and then I didn't see if the presents were on the bed.
21:38They were?
21:40You peeked!
21:41I wasn't going to peek.
21:42I just saw.
21:43What if he would have accidentally captured you?
21:45Like, oh.
21:46I would have missed you.
21:48Alright, our first time traveling as a squad of 6.
21:52Let's see how it goes.
21:54Alright, we dropped off our bags, headed to security.
21:57Droid, how's it going so far?
21:59It's going good.
22:00We dropped off 4 bags, so we are feeling good.
22:04Good to go.
22:05It's pretty empty on Christmas Day.
22:07I am so far recommending traveling on Christmas Day.
22:10It's been good.
22:11Harps, can you tell them how your doll got a ticket?
22:15The flight attendant gave you a ticket for your doll?
22:18Yeah, she gave us a ticket for our doll.
22:21So she can come on the flight?
22:23Thank goodness.
22:24Look at all the airplanes.
22:26You match them, bubs.
22:27You have airplanes on you.
22:29Oh my gosh.
22:31Go, go, go.
22:33Hi, girlies.
22:34How's it going?
22:37How many more hours left?
22:394 hours.
22:40We were delayed 2 hours.
22:41We sat in here for 2 hours.
23:30Aloha! We made it! 8 hours on a plane later. I'm so proud of you guys.
23:39Oh Gerard was in row 14, we were in row 8. Got a wait a sec.
23:45Hallie girl, you did so good. She did amazing. She literally slept like the whole time.
23:51So I'm a little scared for us tonight, but hey, I'm gonna take it.
23:56Say hi to daddy. Hi daddy!
24:00Hi daddy.
24:04We made it! Hi Hawaii girls! Hi! Aloha!
24:12We made it! Emmett! Aloha! Aloha!
24:18What do you think of the house? I love it. You love it? Merry Christmas!
24:24Gotta finish my vlog. Everyone, say Merry Christmas!
24:31Merry Christmas! Who's ready to spend a week here? Me!