Aaron talks about his kids, his son’s godfather being Bryan Cranston, people yelling Bitch at him on the street, his high school naming the theater after him, being a procrastinator in school, working as a pizza delivery guy, his new movie Ash, the director Flying Lotus who is also a musician, stealing his space suit, if he would go to space & Jimmy gifts him with something for his three-year-old.
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Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy® nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is well known for its viral video successes, with over 16 billion views and more than 19 million subscribers on the show’s YouTube channel. Some of Kimmel’s most popular comedy bits include Celebrities Read Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Halloween Candy YouTube Challenge, Jimmy and Cousin Sal pranking Aunt Chippy and music stars like Rihanna and Dua Lipa surprising Jimmy in the middle of the night.
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About Jimmy Kimmel Live:
Jimmy Kimmel serves as host and executive producer of Emmy® nominated “Jimmy Kimmel Live,” ABC’s late-night talk show. “Jimmy Kimmel Live” is well known for its viral video successes, with over 16 billion views and more than 19 million subscribers on the show’s YouTube channel. Some of Kimmel’s most popular comedy bits include Celebrities Read Mean Tweets, Lie Witness News, Halloween Candy YouTube Challenge, Jimmy and Cousin Sal pranking Aunt Chippy and music stars like Rihanna and Dua Lipa surprising Jimmy in the middle of the night.
00:00Our first guest tonight is a three-time Emmy winner
00:02and the pride of Idaho with a new sci-fi thriller called
00:06It opens in theaters Friday.
00:08Please welcome Aaron Paul.
00:28How are you?
00:29I love it here.
00:31It's funny, because I remember a time when you were
00:34sneaking into our green room.
00:35I would sneak in here before I.
00:37For free drinks.
00:38Yeah, it was great.
00:39It's easy to do.
00:40Now you're here with the family.
00:42Now you've got, are both of your kids here?
00:44No, my baby girl is here.
00:46My baby boy just turned three today.
00:48He was a baby.
00:49Today is his birthday.
00:50Yeah, today is his birthday.
00:52Happy birthday, Rydan.
00:54He was meant to be here, but he skipped his nap.
00:56And it's utter chaos at the house right now.
00:59You've got to have the nap.
01:00You've got to have the nap.
01:01And so we had a full-blown meltdown,
01:03and so decided to leave him back home with mama.
01:05Meltdown is a word that you'll only use with kids now, right?
01:08And nuclear situations.
01:10So you left him at home.
01:12Left him at home.
01:13We had a little party planned for him here.
01:14Oh, he was so sweet.
01:16I walked into the green room.
01:17You guys are just the best.
01:19Well, that's my cousin Mickey, really.
01:21Thank you, Mickey.
01:22Love you.
01:23But there was balloons everywhere, lots of gifts,
01:26and it's just over the top.
01:27Your daughter's story is how old, you say?
01:29She's seven.
01:30My story, she's backstage.
01:32She's watching.
01:33Oh, that's fun.
01:34That's exciting.
01:35Seven is a great age.
01:36My son is seven years old.
01:37It's the best.
01:38Yeah, it's the funniest age.
01:40Oh my god.
01:40And then the dynamic between?
01:43What is the dynamic between them?
01:44Because I'm curious, because I know the dynamic between mine.
01:47Yeah, it's a love and very frustrated relationship.
01:51Exactly the same.
01:52They're obsessed with each other,
01:54and then the little one starts screaming and hitting
01:57and biting, and it's just a lot.
02:00Yeah, yeah, yeah.
02:01And I have the same thing.
02:03Not as much biting, because my daughter is 10
02:06and my son is seven.
02:08And she will clobber him if he bites him.
02:10There's a little bit of that going on.
02:12And your godfather, your son's godfather,
02:17is Bryan Cranston, right?
02:19So is he, I would imagine that Bryan
02:24would be a great godfather, is he?
02:26Oh, he's just the best.
02:29Well, you know him.
02:29He's the most immature person I've ever met in my life.
02:33You know what I mean?
02:34He really is.
02:35He's just the best.
02:36But my kiddos call him Monkey Man.
02:38Oh, really?
02:39Monkey Man?
02:41From the one and only Ivan movie
02:43he did with the giant gorilla.
02:45And they just call him Monkey Man.
02:47My son, I don't think he even knows his name is Bryan.
02:51He's like Monkey Man.
02:52He's Monkey Man, all right.
02:54Well, it could be Heisenberg, so that's probably for the best.
02:56It could be, yeah.
02:57It's better.
02:58Are people still yelling bitch at you,
03:00Jesse Pinkman style?
03:01Because I remember that was a problem
03:02last time you were here.
03:03It's still very much a problem.
03:05Yeah, yeah.
03:06I mean, it's so wild, because the show
03:07has been done for so long.
03:09But a lot of people are being introduced to it now.
03:12And I can confidently say I've been called bitch more
03:15than anyone in the world.
03:17It's true.
03:18It's true.
03:25And do the kids ever hear this?
03:30Yeah, they have no idea what the word means.
03:32Yeah, not yet.
03:32They don't.
03:33Yeah, not yet.
03:34But I feel like my character kind of made it more of,
03:37like, a term of endearment a little bit.
03:39Yeah, yeah, it was, kind of.
03:41It was just kind of part of your, like, lingo.
03:43It wasn't necessarily, like, an insult.
03:46Towards women.
03:46It was just bitch, yeah.
03:48It was like the period at the end of the sentence.
03:51But I will tell you, my seven-year-old just, yes,
03:53just last night was making a card for his older sister.
03:57And he spelled out the word B-I-T-C-H.
04:02Why, I'm not exactly sure.
04:04That's so funny.
04:05Yeah, they have a weird sense of humor.
04:07Yes, they do, yeah.
04:09Did Bryan Cranston, the monkey man, get Ryden a gift, or?
04:12You know what, he hit us up.
04:14We were on our way to Legoland, and he
04:16wanted to see if him and Robin could drop off presents
04:19for the kiddo.
04:20But so he has gifts waiting for us, but.
04:23You haven't opened them yet?
04:25No, I don't know what they are.
04:25We have a gift for you, actually.
04:27And this is something that, when my kids were three years old,
04:30this is something that they love more than anything.
04:34Yeah, Guillermo, put that down.
04:36We didn't wrap it, because, well, you'll see what happens.
04:39Oh, yeah.
04:39I'm so happy for you, man.
04:41I love you.
04:41I love you, too.
04:43I think it's nice that you hug Guillermo.
04:44I just want you to know he had nothing to do with this.
04:48All he did is bring it out.
04:49Wow, this is so nice.
04:50Yeah, yeah, you want, would you?
04:52I mean, I would love to open it.
04:53Open it, and hopefully it won't be too difficult to open.
04:56And I think you'll understand what
04:57it is when you open it, because there's, now.
05:01Oh, wow.
05:02There's nothing kids like better
05:06than an empty cardboard box.
05:15My kids are going to be obsessive.
05:16Bring that home.
05:17Yeah, I think they're going to like it.
05:19This is their favorite thing, as always.
05:21You got quite an honor.
05:23This is a pretty cool thing, I have to say.
05:26At your high school, the theater program
05:30named their theater after you, the Aaron Paul Theater.
05:34Oh, my god.
05:35They did, yeah.
05:37I mean, it's so sweet.
05:40I mean, it's crazy.
05:41It's got to be strange.
05:42Is this the same theater you were?
05:43Yeah, that's the theater that my teacher, Mrs. Link,
05:47Nancy Link, she was the one that encouraged me to move out to LA
05:52and do this for a living, you know?
05:54Did she try to get you to leave while you were in school,
05:56or did she wait till you were gone?
05:58Yeah, oh, look at this.
06:01I mean, this is right when they walk into school.
06:02So unfortunately, I mean, they get to see
06:06me every time they walk in.
06:09Yeah, I mean, it's pretty classic.
06:13That's very strange, isn't it?
06:15Yeah, it's very strange.
06:18Yeah, well, that's exciting, though.
06:19Were you like in, what plays were you in?
06:22Were you in plays and stuff like that?
06:23I was in plays.
06:24It was a lot of just like original plays.
06:27Oh, really?
06:28Yeah, because we couldn't really get the rights
06:30to like the bigger production.
06:31Oh, wow.
06:32I guess you have to have rights.
06:34Yeah, you have to have the rights.
06:35Yeah, they make you pay, even if you're in high school.
06:38Were you a good student?
06:40I think so, a little bit.
06:43Grades-wise, I was pretty decent.
06:45I mean, I graduated, you know, over a year early,
06:47and I bounced when I was 17 in LA.
06:51But I was, you know, I was a procrastinator in school,
06:56as all of the teachers would say.
06:58Oh, you were known to be.
07:00It was a whole thing.
07:00The yearbook ended up doing a story about, OK,
07:05who is the biggest procrastinator in the school?
07:08And so they got the teachers together to like vote on.
07:12I mean, can you believe this?
07:14This is awful.
07:15They're like, OK, what student is the worst?
07:18And I got the most votes.
07:20And so thank you very much.
07:22You were the procrastinator.
07:24And so they're like, you've got to give us
07:27your biggest procrastination story.
07:29And I was just thinking, and then I just kept thinking,
07:32and then I kept procrastinating on that.
07:34And then I never ended up doing it,
07:36so that ended up being the story.
07:37Oh, yeah, that's cemented is really what happens, yeah.
07:40Did you have a job in high school?
07:42Did you work?
07:43I did, I had multiple jobs.
07:45You know, I worked at a Pizza Hut, you know,
07:47a delivery boy.
07:48Oh, you did?
07:49What'd you do at Pizza Hut?
07:49I just delivered pizzas.
07:50Oh, you delivered the pizzas?
07:52Yeah, yeah.
07:52Was that an interesting experience, delivering pizzas?
07:55Oh my god, the people you would meet.
07:56I delivered pizzas too.
07:57You did?
07:58Well, you're a big pizza guy.
08:00Yeah, well, yeah, I would give them away.
08:01Well, I would sell them to people.
08:02Yeah, I delivered in Las Vegas.
08:05What was it like delivering pizzas in Boise?
08:07It was great.
08:09It was everything that you would expect.
08:10I mean, there was this one time I delivered pizza
08:13to this woman just after the holidays, after Christmas.
08:17And she answers the door.
08:18She's in her robe.
08:19And then she tries to get me to come in to help set up
08:23the kids' PlayStation.
08:25Oh, really?
08:26And the robe just kind of got a little loose.
08:28Like the movie.
08:29She was being extremely flirtatious with me
08:33and wouldn't let me leave.
08:34And it was just very.
08:36Can I tell you something?
08:37Nothing like that ever happened to me.
08:39Yeah, I felt a little trapped, to be honest.
08:44One time, a guy offered me a cigarette.
08:46That's the closest I ever got.
08:48But I only did it for, like, five years.
08:49Yeah, yeah.
08:50Aaron Paul is with us.
08:51His new movie is called, Ask, and we'll be right back.
09:00Who are you?
09:01Who are you?
09:02What the f***?
09:14It's me.
09:18Brian Cardwell.
09:20That is Aaron Paul and Ava Gonzalez in Ask.
09:24Which was really, really good.
09:28Oh, thank you, man.
09:28I mean, so well done.
09:30Tell the story of what happens, because it's mysterious.
09:34Yeah, so it's directed by this brilliant man,
09:38visionary of Flying Lotus.
09:40The man's name is Flying Lotus.
09:42Yeah, Flying Lotus.
09:43You call him, like, hey, Flying Lotus.
09:45What do we have him for lunch?
09:47I call him Fly-Lo.
09:48Fly-Lo, OK.
09:49Yeah, people call him Fly-Lo or Flying Lotus or Steven.
09:54He's just the best.
09:55But it's all about, so Ava Gonzalez,
09:57she plays this character, Ria.
10:00The moment the movie starts, she's
10:02blacked out on a space station floor.
10:04She has blood everywhere.
10:06And within 30 seconds of the film starting,
10:11she realizes that her entire crew has been massacred.
10:14And she's just trying to figure out what the hell is happening.
10:17And she also has no idea who she is or where she is.
10:21And all of a sudden, a bang on the outside of the space
10:24station door happens.
10:25And then that's when my character shows up.
10:27And so they're both trying to figure out
10:28if they can trust one another.
10:31And when someone, a director whose name is Flying Lotus,
10:34approaches you, are you skeptical at first?
10:38You know what, I've been such a huge fan
10:40of his music for so many years.
10:42Yeah, he played on our show, Thundercat, here.
10:45Just brilliant.
10:46Why should he be good at music and this?
10:48I don't like that.
10:49And every single thing he releases, it's just so,
10:53it has his own voice, his own stamp.
10:55And it's just so uniquely his.
10:58And it's just so out there.
10:59This film is just so out there.
11:02And I'm just so happy that it's getting such praise and love.
11:05Yeah, it is getting very good reviews.
11:07I still wonder, though, because even like liking his music,
11:10like, I mean, it's great.
11:11But like, you know, if Huey Lewis called me and said,
11:15I'm directing a movie, I'd say, I'm not going to star in it.
11:19He just crushed it.
11:21And I think he's going to really have a moment after this.
11:23Yeah, yeah.
11:24So now you've worked in a hazmat suit and a space suit.
11:28Which is less comfortable?
11:30The space suit is definitely less comfortable.
11:32It takes a while to get in.
11:34But any time that Aza and I were in the space suit,
11:37we just were like giddy little school kids
11:40running around the planet, taking photos, videos.
11:44I stole my suit.
11:45I love it.
11:46You have to.
11:47Of course, you have to steal the suit.
11:48I mean, you saw the suit.
11:50It must be a little bit weird that this movie is coming
11:53out on the same week as those astronauts,
11:57the man and the woman, landed here on Earth.
12:00I saw you talking about it.
12:02Is that?
12:03Welcome back.
12:04Welcome back.
12:05I mean, they were meant to be gone for a week.
12:07They were meant to be gone for a week.
12:09And they've been gone for nine months.
12:10Nine months.
12:10And you know what?
12:11That actually happens more than you think.
12:15It happened to me three times.
12:20First time I was a kid.
12:22Yeah, yeah.
12:23When you go into space, I've been seeing, like,
12:25Gayle King or Katy Perry's going into space.
12:28Have you been asked to go to space?
12:29I have not been asked to go to space.
12:32I used to think I really wanted to go to space.
12:34But now having kiddos, I'm happily married,
12:38madly in love with my wife.
12:39And I'm just going to hang here.
12:41I think that's a good decision.
12:42You know what I mean?
12:43I mean, this planet.
12:45There's a lot to see here.
12:46This planet's pretty nice.
12:48You know, we should protect this planet and focus on this.
12:52Just saying.
12:52I think you're right.
12:53I think, yes.
12:54Until you've seen all of this planet.
12:58Like, if I were to see everything on this planet,
12:59maybe I might go, OK, now I'll check out space.
13:02But until that happens, I'm staying right down here.
13:04Staying right here.
13:06I agree.
13:07I think that's a very smart move.
13:09And in fact, I'm going to call Gayle King and Katy Perry
13:12and tell them not to go into space.
13:13Yeah, you should. You should.
13:14It's a terrible idea to go into space.
13:16It's a terrible idea.
13:16Don't anyone go into space.
13:18Stay here.
13:19Well, it is great to see you.
13:21And congrats on the movie.
13:22And tell Flying Lotus he did a great job.
13:25I will. I will.
13:26You're the best, ma'am.
13:27The movie's called Ash.
13:28It opens in theaters Friday.
13:29Aaron Paul, everybody.
13:30We'll be back with Bert Kreischer.
13:33Guillermo, do you know how many subscribers
13:34we have on YouTube now?
13:3620 million.
13:37That's right.
13:38Yeah, that's why we're wearing these glasses.
13:39Thanks for being a subscriber.
13:41If you're not, help us get to 20 million and one.