00:00Every spring, Stone Street Farm produces a stacked roster of regally bred foals, and
00:08this year was no different.
00:10We stopped by the farm to visit a few of the latest Stone Street bred foals.
00:15Peggy Jane had a lovely Intimista filly.
00:19Looks very, very much like her foal sister, Gamine, at this stage.
00:23Same color, has the leg, etc. that Gamine had, and kind of a bigger type Intimista filly.
00:30Looks like she's going to grow that way, but just a fabulous physical at this stage.
00:36Lady Aurelia, she had her second foal this year by Intimista, first foal was by Curlin.
00:42A beautiful filly, everything we could have hoped for, you know, beautiful balance.
00:48If I would have drawn a template of what I hope she would have produced, it would have
00:51been this.
00:53Possibly could race her, possibly could sell her, we just don't know at this stage.
00:56She would be one that, you know, I would love to race.
01:00You know, she's absolutely perfect.
01:03Dreaming of Julia had another lovely filly, and this is a foal sister to Malifat.
01:11And just physically, really, really top.
01:14I mean, looks very, very much like her mother.
01:18She has the same frame, same length, you know, as her mother.
01:22I would venture to say this one will look more like Dreaming of Julia than any of the
01:27ones we've had, but just top physical.
01:31Me and Mischief had a Curlin filly, it's her first foal.
01:35You know, obviously we bought the mare out of the sale, you know, kind of specifically
01:39to breed to Curlin.
01:40We thought she'd be a great match for Curlin.
01:42You know, she was ultra fast, you know, reigned at two, three, four.
01:47And this is her first foal by Curlin, great foal for a first foal.
01:51Has the parts of a fast horse, kind of on a two-turn Curlin frame.
01:54So we're really, really excited about her.
01:57Glinda the Good had a quality road filly.
02:00As you can tell, we've had a lot of fillies this year.
02:02You know, which is good for us because, you know, a lot of times we can carry on our lines
02:06and that sort of thing.
02:07But really, really nice quality road filly, has a lot of quality road in her.
02:12Has the stretch, has the scope, you know, looks like she'd be early, like good magic.
02:17And looks like she'd also kind of be a nice three-year-old too, like good magic.
02:22So very, very nice.
02:24Authenticity had a Spicedown Colt full brother to Charlatan.
02:29Beautiful balance, great neck, great shoulder, you know, just tremendous balance.
02:34And like I would actually say, he's probably a little better at this stage than Charlatan
02:39So we're really, really excited about him.
02:42Special horse.
02:43I mean, the quality versus what we had 10 years ago, you know, we were still finding
02:47our way.
02:48But now we have, the mayors have produced a lot of the great horses.
02:51We also have their daughters that have produced a lot of great horses.
02:54And we're starting to see the real signs of that now, I think.
02:58You know, we take a lot of pride in what we bring to auction.
03:00We try to produce an elite racehorse.
03:03We raise them the right way.
03:04We think we breed them the right way.
03:07And the ones that we keep ourselves, we try to put in the hands of the best trainers.
03:12And, you know, that's what we hope for.