00:00Latruska battling back! Latruska, Monomoy girl, Latruska has turned away the champion! Oh my...
00:09Champion Latruska was a fan favorite on the racetrack and now as a broodmare,
00:13she's the queen of Terracis thoroughbreds. Farm owner Eduardo Terracis introduces us
00:18to Latruska's first foal, a filly bicurlin. Latruska had her baby, it was a filly bicurlin.
00:27She was born on the fourth. Both of them are doing great, both of them are nice and healthy,
00:34but everything went pretty normal. The delivery, she stood up 16-17 minutes later. You know,
00:43ever since day one, she'll come straight to you. Horses, it's a natural reaction that they're a
00:49little bit afraid of people at the beginning. She was pretty independent, really. You can tell
00:56within a couple of hours after she knows and everything that you'll approach the stall and
01:02open the door and she'll come straight to you like, who or what are you, you know? She was
01:08very curious. She's a little bit of a handful. I think my night crew spends a little too much time
01:18with her and they baby her a little more. My daughter, she's a night watchman and she likes
01:26to play with all her kids, so it makes sense. If you look at her from a physical standpoint,
01:32I think she definitely looks a little more like a curlin than the mare. The personality,
01:39she does have a lot of her mothers. Her mama is a kind of very secure type of mare,
01:46very sure of herself, and the baby definitely shows that. Obviously, you know, I have a lot
01:53of respect for Curlin. He can give you the eight-mile-and-a-quarter type of horse.
02:02And with her being kind of a fast, free-running filly that she was, and she can hold the speed,
02:11that was a lot of the reasoning behind it. And their physical match perfectly, really.
02:17So having her here is great. You know, I used to be able to say that you had something to do
02:24with a horse of that quality. I think that's what we live for. A couple years ago, we were
02:31also blessed with our IBN Knight and used to see these horses doing so well for clients.
02:39It's just unbelievable. To see our clients do good is really what we're here for.