• 2 days ago
00:00There has been a special arrival at Landways this season and that is the first foal of
00:06Alpinista. We went along to the stub to visit the Ark heroine and her Dubawi filly and to
00:12talk to Breeda Kirsten Rousing.
00:15I always say about Alpinista that she is of course incapable of doing anything wrong.
00:21She is a wonderful heroine and so last year she went in foal immediately at first attempt
00:30and she has a really nice grey filly foal by Dubawi and touch wood everything has gone
00:38well with both mare and foal and again she's done it all completely right this year so
00:45she's back in foal, one pulp to study of man.
00:51At the moment he's exceeding my expectations. The last foal night he's had 10 individual
00:59winners in this country, England and in France and Italy. He's got 70% winners to runners
01:09at the moment which is absolutely extraordinary. He has a group 2 winner in his first crop,
01:16two year olds last year, a deep one winner of the Bearsfoot group 2 and of course a second
01:23stakes winner came with Bertha in France the other day. He's also got two group placed
01:32horses namely Sons and Lovers in the Craven Stakes and the German horse in the Italian
01:422000 Guineas. Winners keep coming every day. There's a new study of man winner and some
01:49of them look quite exciting such as the Judd Montefili Calpana and there may be yet others
01:56to come. Obviously we hope Sons and Lovers may also prove to be more than useful. He
02:05is heading for the Heron Stakes list year at Sandar.
02:10Herpionista herself has a yearling foal sister so by Frankel of course and very, very nice
02:22filly, slightly taller than Alpinista and bay, not grey and there is also a full brother
02:33foal on the ground. The full sister yearling will go to the sales so that will hopefully
02:41create a bit of interest I hope. We have more news of the family is that Alwilda, Alpinista's
02:51down has just recently been covered by See the Stars. The reason being that See the Stars
02:58has but two previous progeny out of Hernando Mares and both are group one winners. So there
03:06is hopefully much more to come from the family.
