• 3 days ago


00:00People always say that I've had plastic surgery on my face, I haven't.
00:07The only thing I've done is having my boobs done, which I have to have done again.
00:12I did a show and I jumped off a bridge, popped my implants.
00:17You did not tell me.
00:18I did tell you.
00:19You did not tell me.
00:20That's really dangerous, Mom.
00:21You didn't know that?
00:22I would never jump off a bridge.
00:24I would go skydiving.
00:25I really want to go skydiving.
00:26But you won't jump off a bridge.
00:27But I won't jump off a bridge.
00:28I won't jump off a bridge.
00:43I'm excited about this.
00:44This is going to be our third video.
00:47Now your sister is here.
00:48Um, okay.
00:50Yeah, it looks good.
00:54You want me to set up the recording?
00:56Eloise is laughing.
00:57Eloise is laughing at me.
00:58And here we go.
01:01My mom would laugh if she knew that I loved to cook because when I was younger I didn't.
01:10Are you recording this?
01:11Yeah, we're just starting.
01:12I really started cooking once the girls were born.
01:15Hi, Louise.
01:16How are you?
01:17Remember, because I do my making pasta and showing it on Instagram, I want to get my
01:24own cooking show.
01:25Well, yeah.
01:26I think you should.
01:27You have amazing food.
01:28You really do.
01:30You do.
01:31I love it.
01:32It takes me a minute to get there.
01:33It takes you a minute.
01:34The end result is all that matters.
01:35When she cooks, she's so excited.
01:36And I even told her, why don't you just start filming little bits and pieces?
01:39And then she started doing it, and some of the stuff is really charming.
01:42Oh, man.
01:43That's not going to be pasta.
01:46It tastes like a noodle.
01:49If I make it to tomorrow, then you'll know it was good.
01:53There are a lot of cooking videos that no one has seen.
01:57Honey, I have to go.
01:59All right, ladies, see you later.
02:02I'm going to have to cut this.
02:03I forgot you're still recording.
02:04Let's get going.
02:05Okay, I know some of you saw me make homemade pasta.
02:10We're making pasta again since she didn't do it, and she loves pasta too.
02:17I'm really good at homemade soups, but I still have not perfected making my own pasta.
02:23I buy all this flour.
02:26It's expensive, and it comes from Italy.
02:29And so I just think it's important for people to see I'm like you.
02:33It's not easy, and you can just keep trying until you get it right.
02:36You don't have to buy the expensive flour from Italy, but you can keep trying.
02:40What do we do first?
02:41I'm hungry.
02:42Hold on.
02:43We need yolks in there.
02:44How many?
02:45Let's do four yolks.
02:46This is going to be an egg.
02:47You said eight?
02:48How many?
02:49I said egg.
02:50Ugh, that's so gross.
02:52Does it matter if there's a little yolk in the white?
02:55It smells like f***ing salmonella on my hands.
03:00Is there a recipe I can read so you can do that?
03:02It's in my brain.
03:03What the f***?
03:04It's flour to egg yolks.
03:07There you go.
03:08Pour those in there.
03:12We need more eggs.
03:14We do.
03:16How can I help if I don't see anything on paper?
03:19You said we need two cups?
03:21Okay, can you fill it up to there?
03:23Wait, stop, stop, stop.
03:25How do I know what to measure?
03:27I understand.
03:28It's very dry in here.
03:30That's where the extra virgin olive oil comes in.
03:33How much of this can we put in here?
03:35Not much.
03:36Most of the time when I'm cooking, I'll improvise certain things.
03:40That was probably one of the more infuriating things she's done.
03:44Like, I can't go inside her brain.
03:49If we had an actual recipe to follow, I think it would have helped a lot.
03:52Well, I will print it out of my brain so that we have the recipe out of that.
03:58The family is making the egg pasta.
04:05We have to let the dough rest a bit.
04:07Okay, how long does it take to rest?
04:09It takes an hour or two or three.
04:11That's crazy, Mom.
04:12All right, we are going to let this rest.
04:14We're going to let this rest.
04:16I let it rest.
04:17And then we're going to let it rest.
04:18We have to let it rest.
04:20I'm telling you.
04:21We're going to let the dough rest.
04:23Yeah, I had no idea it takes dough like four hours to rest.
04:26And I'm hungry, so that's a problem.
04:29The dough has rested.
04:31How is it going to cook if it's only rested for five seconds?
04:34We're faking it.
04:35I'm just so confused.
04:36How is it going to...
04:37Never mind.
04:38Do you want me to get the dough?
04:43This is good.
04:44Okay, it's done resting.
04:45It's been there for five hours.
04:46You don't...
04:47The dough has rested, so we are going to roll it through.
04:54What is that?
04:55When you make a pancake, the first pancake is not good.
05:03This is like...
05:04What is this?
05:05This did not rest long enough.
05:07This is how not to make pasta.
05:09This is how it shouldn't look.
05:11It shouldn't.
05:12Follow this recipe.
05:13The pasta is a mess.
05:14Am I surprised?
05:17Mom, okay, we can't...
05:18No, it didn't.
05:19No, this is crazy.
05:20Amy, I'm just cooking them.
05:21How is this even a freaking noodle?
05:24If I did my own cooking show,
05:26I just think it would be fun in something different,
05:29being like someone that is not trained at all.
05:32We're not cooking any of this, because this is not good.
05:35I'm just going to make mac and cheese that I found in your cabinet.
05:38It's sad you're making mac and cheese?
05:40It's because I didn't get to rest.
05:42We didn't get to rest.
05:43I was going to say, we didn't rest for long enough.
05:45This video isn't even worth posting.
05:48I know my kids make fun of me when I say this,
05:51but you have to let it sit or rest.
05:54I hope you enjoyed our cooking segment.
05:57We're done?
05:58We are.
05:59Oh, my God.
06:00I need to go to culinary school.
06:08Oh, shoot, sorry.
06:10What the f*** was that?
06:11It's the clutch.
06:12I hate this car.
06:13I want to be a person.
06:14I know you do.
06:15I want to light this car on fire.
06:17You're not used to a stick shift.
06:19You should learn how to drive a stick.
06:21Why? We don't live in the 1800s.
06:23People are surprised that I can drive a stick.
06:26My very first car was a VW Volkswagen Bug,
06:30and in L.A. it is a little difficult with traffic,
06:32but what's great, Sam and Lola,
06:35they can't steal my car,
06:37because they don't even know how to f***ing drive it.
06:39Anyway, are you excited to meet the doctor?
06:42Yeah, I think you'll really like him.
06:44I did check around, and he is the nose guy.
06:47Yeah, I know.
06:48I've wanted this done longer than, like, I wanted my boobs done.
06:51Like, if I had to choose between two, it would be my nose.
06:54I've wanted both for as long as I can remember.
06:56It was boobs and then nose.
06:58I just wasn't really confident being so flat-chested.
07:01The amount of bras I was, like, stuffing with socks,
07:03or I would buy these, like, chicken-cutlet-looking things to shove in there.
07:06I wore them to Coachella one year,
07:08and they ended up by my belly button by the end of the day,
07:11because I was sweating so much.
07:13Imagine, like, how much prettier I'll be.
07:15Being able to contour without there being, like, lumps on the side of it.
07:18Maybe we need to take it to an eye doctor.
07:21I wish it was tomorrow. I'm so freaking excited.
07:23High school was very hard.
07:25I had to deal with kids bullying me.
07:27People would say I looked like my dad.
07:29I actually got a comment the other day of someone saying,
07:32you'll never be as pretty as your mom.
07:34And I want to look so much more, like, feminine, too,
07:37because it's a very hard feature on my face.
07:39I'm really trying to think if we lived in, like, Alabama,
07:42and they worked, like, a normal job,
07:45and I wasn't on social media,
07:48I probably would still want a nose job.
07:50I'm just so excited to, like, finally be done.
07:52Like, I have this freaking honker stuck to my face.
07:55You don't have a honker.
07:57Yes, I do, Mom. I'm literally paying for your nose.
08:00Do you know I was made fun of as a kid with my nose?
08:03Well, now all those kids are probably
08:05getting nose jobs to look like you.
08:07For my daughter to want to get her nose done,
08:09it made me so sad that Sammy wanted to.
08:14This is not gonna make me cry.
08:17I feel bad that she feels she has to live up to...
08:22my nose, or whatever the...
08:25because I don't want them to feel
08:27they have to look a certain way.
08:29Sometimes I wanted to move the kids out of L.A.,
08:32and I couldn't because of where I worked,
08:35and they have two parents in this...business.
08:39I feel bad.
08:41I am excited for you that this is something you want to do.
08:44Are you actually genuinely excited?
08:46I'm genuinely excited that you're doing something
08:48that you want to do, and I am very supportive of it.
08:51Otherwise, I wouldn't be here.
08:53Well, thank you.
08:55But, Sammy, you told me that you really do not want me there
08:57for surgery.
08:59Yeah, you give me anxiety, and I need...
09:01I can't fight when it's me.
09:03...my best friend there who will, like, get me excited
09:05instead of, like, get me nervous.
09:07Okay, Mom, I'm actually, like, getting really car sick.
09:09Can I pick you up from your surgery?
09:11I just wish...
09:13That's actually funny.
09:16I have an appointment at 2.30.
09:20You guys can have a seat right here.
09:26So who knows that you're getting it?
09:28I can count on one hand.
09:30I have not told, like, anyone.
09:34No, she's not allowed to know.
09:36I won't say anything.
09:38Come on, let's go.
09:40Come on.
09:42Come on.
09:44Come here.
09:46Come on, Willow.
09:48I don't even know if that's Willow.
09:50Are you guys not potty trained?
09:52I thought you went to training for three months.
09:54Hold on.
09:56Stop it.
09:58That is disgusting.
10:00They went to a camp for three months.
10:02Um, I don't even know their names.
10:04I cannot tell them apart.
10:10Wait, I'm actually so confused right now.
10:12Wait, this way.
10:14I can do all things through Christ.
10:16I think I'm actually, um, a builder.
10:24Um, Mom, I don't understand why you think
10:26it was okay to leave me by myself
10:28with all these dogs.
10:30I'm so stressed out.
10:32I don't know where their beds are or anything,
10:34and they're ruining the couch,
10:36and they peed everywhere,
10:38and I love you, bye.
10:40Does Dad know not to tell Lola?
10:44I mean, I told her not to tell anyone, but...
10:46If you tell Lola something, you're telling, like,
10:48a whole army of people stuff,
10:50because she tells everyone everything.
10:52I'm going to take you into a clinic room.
10:56When I got my implants done,
10:58I told way too many people.
11:00I was filled with so many different opinions.
11:02I wish I went bigger.
11:04So many people told me to go smaller,
11:06This is literally like Christmas.
11:08I am so excited.
11:10I'm very, very, very selective with who I tell stuff to now.
11:12Okay, so what I'm going to do
11:14is I'm going to do seven shots.
11:16I'll tell you exactly what to do.
11:18And the first one will be
11:20just looking straight into the camera.
11:22Hey, I'm here at the doctor
11:24with Sammy for her pre-op appointment.
11:26And a smile.
11:28She does not want Lola to know she's having it done.
11:30All right, well, come on in.
11:32Oh, she's walking in.
11:34I'll see you later.
11:36Hi, how are you? Nice to see you.
11:38Nice to see you, too.
11:40Please, thank you for coming in.
11:42So, this beautiful young lady,
11:44tell me your desire.
11:46I just want a more feminine nose.
11:48Nothing, like, crazy.
11:50Her nose is, like, perfect.
11:52She's never gotten any work done on it,
11:54which is crazy.
11:56Natural nose, gorgeous, stunning.
11:58So let's see what you think about this.
12:00So this is the concept of what I want you to kind of envision
12:02from here to here.
12:04Okay, that looks so much better.
12:06We need to do what's called finesse rhinoplasty.
12:08The way I do finesse rhinoplasty is from inside the nose,
12:10no cuts, no scars.
12:12You never lose the concept of your anatomy.
12:14We just fillet your natural anatomy.
12:18When you say you fillet it,
12:20what does that mean?
12:22So literally imagine it like a piece of sushi
12:24with a chef who's just carving a little bit of sushi off.
12:26We're gonna shave this little piece of the cartilage,
12:28little piece of the bone.
12:30I don't think I've ever messed around with medical stuff ever,
12:32but when he said fillet, he meant, like, literally scraping my bone.
12:34No, I know. I have to block that out
12:36because that, I'm the same as you.
12:38I'm like, ugh.
12:40It's scheduled for next Monday.
12:42I think you'll get a phenomenal result.
12:44Are you more relieved now?
12:46No, I am, after meeting you. No, definitely.
12:48Any other questions I can answer while I'm here?
12:50Do you do necks?
13:00You excited for school today?
13:04So I'm gonna make you a snack.
13:06Actually, Eloise, can you go get the door?
13:08That's Miss Angie.
13:12Good morning, Eloise.
13:14How are you?
13:16Good morning.
13:18Are you ready for a good day?
13:20I think a lot of parents that have special-needs children,
13:22it's hard finding what's best for them.
13:24Every kid's different.
13:26For Eloise, we've tried
13:28being in a classroom,
13:30but kids can be very mean.
13:36We saw her start to shut down,
13:38so we felt it was best that she had
13:40one-on-one with the teacher.
13:42And I've just seen
13:44Eloise blossom.
13:46Do you love having school with Miss Angie?
13:48Okay, honey.
13:50I'll see you in a little bit.
13:52Is it okay if we work on the texting again?
13:54Like, thumbs up.
13:56I'm typing out yes and no.
13:58I can have her text.
14:00All right, have a great lesson.
14:02Eloise, she's primarily nonverbal.
14:04She can say
14:06eight to ten words.
14:08Most of the time, she'll, like, whisper it.
14:10Is that one working?
14:12Do you want help?
14:14So sometimes with watercolors,
14:16you sometimes have to add a lot of water
14:18to get the color you want.
14:20Do you get along with your sisters all the time?
14:22I definitely think Eloise brings out
14:24Sammy and Lola. They do light up with her.
14:26I feel like she honestly gives me some
14:28good advice sometimes. If there's, like, a new guy
14:30I'm talking to, I'll be like, is he cute?
14:32She'll give me thumbs up or thumbs down.
14:34If it's thumbs down, on to the next.
14:36If I ask her if she likes an outfit, she'll laugh at me,
14:38and that's how I know it's ugly.
14:40She's very honest, and I really value her opinion.
14:42Ah, see? Now it's
14:44showing up. Do you need another one?
14:46Yeah? Can you tell me more?
14:48You just want me to read your mind?
14:52started taking swimming lessons.
14:54She could do some of the things
14:56that the instructor was teaching her,
14:58and then the next day, it's
15:00like as if she never got in a pool.
15:02Are you giving
15:04your pumpkin hair? Literally
15:06just one day when we were in Hawaii,
15:08she just started swimming.
15:10It's like certain things will just
15:12click. I hope one day she'll
15:14just blurt out sentences and start
15:16talking. That will just be,
15:18I really hope. We're gonna
15:20practice saying yes and no,
15:22answering with your phone.
15:24Eloise, are you all done
15:28Nice! Okay.
15:30I like that you're learning to answer
15:32yes and no by writing. When mom
15:34asks you a question like, are you hungry?
15:36You can answer, or are you okay?
15:38Eloise is getting very savvy
15:40with the phone and the computer.
15:42We had a little mishap with
15:44an iPad.
15:46I didn't know some of my
15:48pictures were synced to her iPad.
15:52What face did you make when you saw those pictures?
15:58Do you want to paint
16:00the other pumpkin?
16:02Oh, you already
16:04had it answered.
16:06Alright. You're doing a really good job,
16:14Babe? Yeah?
16:16Did you bring my pans?
16:18Here you go.
16:20Babe, I need this thing down.
16:22That pink one.
16:24People would be like, okay,
16:26Denise Richards cooking show.
16:30I don't think it's boring.
16:32Thank you for saying that.
16:34If I present it as Denise Richards
16:36only pans,
16:38that's great.
16:40I like it.
16:42Only pans with my boobies underneath it.
16:44I'm sure my kids will
16:46love this.
16:48Then, if we wanted to get
16:50really risque, we could have
16:52these on my boobies
16:54and then I hold one here.
16:56You're going to be the photog for this.
16:58I'm very
17:00excited about this.
17:02You have to do things that might get someone's
17:04attention sometimes. Maybe they could say,
17:06look, we love the idea of
17:08your show, but perhaps
17:10we should maybe change the title.
17:12Then I'll be like, okay, that's great.
17:14I'm going to change.
17:16What if I do something like that, babe?
17:18Let's shoot it.
17:20There we go.
17:22That's it, baby.
17:24Only pans.
17:26Please watch my new cooking show.
17:28When I started out in my career,
17:30after Wild Things, it was like, okay, she's a sex symbol.
17:32I was told
17:34you've got to shy away from that
17:36and do a different role so people
17:38don't see you just as that.
17:40Okay, this looks good.
17:42Now, I definitely think it's empowering
17:44to embrace my sexuality
17:46and do what
17:48I want to do.
17:50Turn up the heat. Let's go.
17:52Babe, hold on. I'm sucking in my gut on this pan.
17:56I do a lot of Christmas movies.
17:58I do a lot of
18:00conservative films
18:02and then still doing
18:04only fans and be seen
18:06as sexy.
18:08And a chef, too.
18:10You look amazing.
18:12I'll show you.
18:14I hope so after all this.
18:16Jesus Christ.
18:18I hope so, too.
18:32Hi, Siri.
18:34I'm just going to go over some of your pre-surgery forms.
18:38All right. I'll have you take a look at these.
18:40I'm scared if I see the word
18:42death, I'm not going to want to do
18:44the surgery.
18:46I'm so nervous that I literally
18:48can't think straight.
18:50So, here is your dressing room.
18:52It shouldn't be long at all.
18:54Maybe I should have told Ola so she could have set up
18:56an 85-minute long prayer parade.
18:58I kind of do regret not having my mom.
19:00More just because I feel bad and I don't want to offend her.
19:02I tried to not let her know it hurt my feelings,
19:04but it did.
19:06Hi. How are you?
19:08I'm nervous. Oh, my God.
19:10Good morning. Do you have any questions for me? Any last-minute thoughts?
19:12I feel like I have questions, but everything's
19:14going over my head right now.
19:16Understandably. How long do you think it'll be?
19:18About an hour and a half. I feel super confident.
19:20We're going to get a great result. Okay. Cool.
19:22Happy thoughts? Yes.
19:24I know if my mom was here, she would
19:26ask him a bunch of questions.
19:28When you say you fillet it, does that
19:30set up a computer that does all of this?
19:32Break the nose? It would just be a whole
19:34ordeal and I would be freaking out.
19:36My mom said to text or call her
19:38to keep her updated. Okay.
19:40I'll put you in the window.
19:44You guys are so hot. And then stay behind.
19:46Mom, stop. I'm sorry. I know.
19:48Well, I'm excited to get stuff for the dogs.
19:50You are? Yeah.
19:52I need your help with them, by the way.
19:54It's on a weekend? Yeah, it's on a weekend.
19:56Well, I work all weekend.
19:58Sammy can watch them.
20:00She's going to have her nose job done.
20:02What? She's getting a nose job?
20:04Oh my God. What?
20:06I was not supposed to say anything.
20:08That is your fault.
20:10I actually don't have trouble
20:12keeping secrets and that is why I'm
20:14shocked that I slipped.
20:16The thing is, telling secrets to my mom,
20:18it never ends well.
20:20You did not hear that. Why is it a big deal?
20:22Lola, now I feel horrific that I...
20:24It's a nose job.
20:26I'm going to wake up with the best nose
20:30I'm sending love to all you guys
20:32in the world.
20:34You can't tell anybody.
20:36Wait, Lola.
20:38I can't believe I just did that.
20:40Oh my God.
20:42Alright, she is out
20:44for the count and now it's time
20:46for surgery.
20:48Next time on Denise Richards and her wild
20:50things. That's a very nice
20:52part. Just a little something
20:54to relax my shoulders.
20:56Brooke Williamson, she wants
20:58to do a video. I'm just standing
21:00here drinking a margarita while you cook.
21:02You're my husband's hall pass.
21:04Really? Really? Okay,
21:06well. He said to sleep
21:08sitting up. I really hope I didn't mess
21:10it up. Alright, you ready to take the top?
21:12Yeah. I'm so scared.
21:14Oh my God.
21:16I'm literally going to cry.