• 3 days ago


00:00I have never said no to taking in an animal.
00:07My friends call me Snow White because the squirrels all come around.
00:14I'm going to feed them.
00:15So I go through like 25 pounds of this sh**.
00:18That's really cute.
00:19I know, I hope they come and sit at it.
00:21Any dog, any cat, whatever.
00:23We had sheep.
00:24I had a bearded dragon.
00:26I had nine cats one time.
00:28I had a couple chameleons.
00:31Pigs in our house.
00:33Hey girls, I got a surprise.
00:35Isn't he cute?
00:37The squirrels are my pets without being my pets.
00:40I call one Fat Fred.
00:42I know that's not nice and people will think I'm fat shaming them.
00:45But it's Fat Fred and Skinny Joe.
00:47Because Fat Fred is the first one to get there and he will stuff his face so fast.
00:52I love them so much.
00:53This is not normal.
00:54But there's nothing normal about us or our family.
01:15I'm there.
01:16Denise Richards and then my daughters Sammy and Lola are coming too.
01:20I don't know if they're here yet.
01:22Hi mom.
01:23Hi honey.
01:24How are you?
01:25How are you?
01:28I think that maybe you haven't filled out your waiver yet.
01:30I might have forgotten to do that.
01:32That is not a problem.
01:34They're going to be right over there on those iPads.
01:35Okay, thank you.
01:39This is Lola.
01:40Hi Lola.
01:41Hi mom.
01:42The last time they were together, the girls took hands.
01:46We'll keep it simple and it'll take me a very, very long time to be able to actually like truly want to be best friends again.
01:53Me too.
01:56It would have been nice to give each other a hug, but I guess I'll take a handshake for now.
02:03Why don't you tell me a little about the climbing you've done before?
02:06So I did a show called Special Forces.
02:10Do you know it?
02:13I'm sorry.
02:14I don't.
02:15No, it's super physical.
02:16And so one of the things that I started training, I tried the rock climbing.
02:20The first thing we want to do is get some shoes on.
02:23Let's go with that.
02:24I think I'm going to get an ingrown toenail from you.
02:26It's a short period of time.
02:28I know.
02:29I'll pay for your pedicure.
02:30This will be fine.
02:32Who's going first?
02:33Show the way.
02:34Yeah, I think you should go first, mom.
02:35You guys ready?
02:36Yeah, I'm going to give it a whirl.
02:37All right.
02:38Just nice and easy.
02:39Think of dance, right?
02:40She can't dance.
02:41I'm not a dancer.
02:42She doesn't dance.
02:43If I could do this, you girls can do it.
02:45I mean, the smiley faces are encouraging.
02:49Not seen a lot of climbers with hoops, but this is a new adventure.
02:54Well, I don't go a day without them.
02:55I thought he said boobs.
02:58Okay, I did it.
02:59Guys, I'm scared.
03:01Go ahead.
03:02Just keep marching.
03:03All right.
03:04So now you're just going to sit down.
03:05Push off with your leg.
03:06There you go.
03:07Jump with both feet, Lo.
03:09Easy as pollen right here.
03:11She's not jumping.
03:12He's the instructor.
03:13I know, but she's not jumping.
03:14Who cares?
03:15Okay, fine.
03:17I'm so glad you girls are talking again.
03:20Me too, Mom.
03:22So I really need your help together.
03:24Brooke wants us to plan Godzilla's memorial.
03:30No one told me he was dead.
03:32Brooke had Godzilla for 20 years.
03:35He's scary when you first see him.
03:36He looks like a dragon.
03:38He's f***ing huge.
03:40Maybe we can order something with his name on it.
03:43We should get like a custom cake.
03:45Where should we have a memorial?
03:46I don't know.
03:47I'll find a place and we'll do it.
03:48Maybe like at a nice park?
03:49We should bring other lizards there.
03:52We had Godzilla for about nine months before he passed.
03:56We have his ashes in here.
03:59In some ways, he was like my little soulmate.
04:03Would you guys want to maybe do a memorial, plan something?
04:07I mean, I'm totally—
04:09You know, I miss him.
04:10He was cool.
04:11He did bite me twice, but it wasn't his fault.
04:13Bit her.
04:15I need you two to help plan it because I'm busy.
04:16I don't really want to plan a memorial right now.
04:18It's going to be a happy thing.
04:19It's not bad.
04:20I don't know if I meant to go because I didn't hang out with Godzilla ever.
04:25You care about Brooke?
04:28Godzilla was like her kid.
04:30Brooke was going to rehab, and whoever the f*** was with her,
04:34she goes, take him to Denise's, and they just left him in front of my f***ing door.
04:38And I didn't really know how to take care of him, but I learned.
04:42Aw, you're thirsty.
04:44I wanted him to feel comfortable,
04:46so we moved him upstairs and gave him a whole primary suite.
04:49And he has his own balcony, so we set up a nice area for him.
04:54When is it going to be?
04:56I can't Saturday.
04:59I have work.
05:00If it was a person?
05:01Well, obviously, I would go.
05:03So, don't tell them it's not a person.
05:05I'm not going to—
05:06Mom, I'm not telling them I'm going to a person's memorial.
05:09You don't—
05:10Why would I put that out there?
05:11You're not going to say that.
05:12You're just going to say, I have a memorial.
05:13You're not lying.
05:14We're there for Brooke.
05:15With Brooke.
05:16I pray that she's okay, but I think she was married to my dad.
05:21I actually—yeah, they got married, I'm pretty sure.
05:24Was she married?
05:26She was married to him?
05:27You didn't know she was married to your dad?
05:29You were there.
05:31How old was I?
05:32You were young.
05:33I don't know s***.
05:36Thank you for helping me, girls.
05:37You're welcome.
05:38I'm going to go take off my harness.
05:40I'll meet you guys over here.
05:42So, we'll just go shopping tomorrow.
05:45So, did you have fun?
05:56These are cool.
05:57They are cool, right?
05:58Didn't you get Eloise one of these things?
06:00No, I got her this toothbrush.
06:02She came up to me, and she was like this to me.
06:05And I go, oh, s***.
06:06Can't f***ing charge it without an adapter.
06:08But we'll just get a converter.
06:10New cave trap.
06:11I'm joking, honey.
06:13I don't want to blow an outlet over a toothbrush.
06:16You don't want to blow what?
06:17An outlet over a toothbrush.
06:19Oh, that's what I thought you said.
06:20Shut up.
06:22Oh, my God.
06:23So, I talked to the girls about Brooks,
06:27her wanting a memorial for Godzilla.
06:31So, I said, I need you guys to set it up.
06:35Are they going to?
06:40I think any time I have an opportunity
06:42to have the girls work together,
06:44it's going to help them get over their s***.
06:47This will be...
06:48It'll be interesting.
06:49We try to help everybody, and then we get stuck.
06:51I know.
06:52I'm like, when she was crying and s***.
06:53It's like, what the f*** are we doing?
06:54Do you know what I would like to do is have a memorial.
06:56Did you think she was really serious?
07:00But she was.
07:02But then she didn't even take the box of his s***.
07:04I know.
07:05She left the box of his remains.
07:06I'm like, it can't be that important.
07:08We'll give it to her on Saturday.
07:17Sammy, do you have a hairbrush?
07:21Because I just wanted to fix my hair.
07:25Sammy, can I please use...
07:27It's a Mason Pearson hairbrush.
07:29Oh, I'm not dirty.
07:30My hair...
07:31I'm sorry, I didn't quite catch...
07:34I've never heard of someone having a memorial for a lizard.
07:38We've never even done that for one of our dogs.
07:40Like, it's not weird coming from mom.
07:42She, like, lets a lizard sleep in her bedroom.
07:46My mom was the one who got Godzilla those tiny hats.
07:49She loves putting clothes on animals.
07:51Like, she's always...
07:52She's always done weird s*** like that.
07:54Like, I can't say anything.
07:56Well, I'm not going to say anything.
07:57I'm not going to say...
07:58Can I see your nails?
08:04They're not my favorite.
08:05Okay, well, that's because you don't like bright colors.
08:08Yes, I do.
08:09Look at my nails.
08:10Yeah, I don't...
08:17Oh, gosh.
08:18Why is there no caller ID for me?
08:20Answer it.
08:22Yo, I'm not trying to apologize...
08:24Who is that?
08:25That's a f***ing...
08:27I've blocked him on everything because he's so weird.
08:30Why you even have him blocked?
08:31Like, what did he do?
08:32Well, I've made it clear that I just want to be friends with him.
08:35He doesn't follow Jesus or make him the center of his life.
08:43I'd like to have a word with him.
08:45No, that's...
08:46You don't need to do that.
08:47I'm very overprotective of my sisters.
08:50And, like, even though I'm, like...
08:52I don't even want to look at you, I'm still, like...
08:54That's my sister, you know?
08:55Like, any guy that's ever wronged her,
08:57I would never speak to that man ever again.
08:59And that's something she doesn't feel for me,
09:01which makes me really frustrated.
09:03Well, thank you for driving.
09:05Can I have your hairbrush now?
09:17Oh, hello.
09:18Good afternoon.
09:20How are you today?
09:21How are you, ladies?
09:22Thank you, thank you.
09:23Thank you, thank you.
09:24How can I assist you?
09:25We are looking for a picture frame for a memorial.
09:30Can I look at your photo?
09:32So we have this photo.
09:37Um, okay.
09:39We won a...
09:42And I take it if he passed or she passed?
09:44Yeah, he passed.
09:45He was around for, like, 20 years.
09:46My condolences.
09:47If you want, we can go with, like, a silverish-gray color.
09:50I was thinking that.
09:51Which picks up the background.
09:52We can also finish it with a nice black frame.
09:55That looks good.
09:56That does look good.
09:57Yeah, I like that a lot.
09:58All right, so if you have no more questions,
10:00I'm going to take this in the back,
10:02and we start working on it right away.
10:05I'll be right back.
10:06Nice meeting you.
10:07What do you think we should do with the service?
10:10Like, should they get up?
10:11I don't know.
10:12Do you want to start off, like, leading a prayer?
10:15I mean, I've never led a prayer with a lot of people,
10:17but I can try.
10:18Are there good prayers for lizards?
10:20I'm not really, like, specific prayer for lizards,
10:24but I can pray for a lizard.
10:26OK, that's perfect.
10:27I don't know what Christians think of that,
10:30but I really think that animals just go to dog heaven.
10:36I'm honestly so uncomfortable that I have to do this tomorrow.
10:40I don't know.
10:41I just noticed you copied my hairstyle.
10:44I wear clips in my hair every single day, Sammy.
10:47I didn't copy your hairstyle.
10:49How long have I had those in for?
10:51All day.
11:03Hi, Roxanne.
11:04Just a table for two, please.
11:06OK, Roxanne, right this way.
11:08I think people are surprised that I get past stuff.
11:13I'm one of resolution.
11:15You don't hold a grudge.
11:17You move forward.
11:19I've had conflicts with people.
11:21But you resolve them.
11:22I do my best to resolve them.
11:24One person that I don't have any closure with, weirdly, is Erica.
11:29I don't know.
11:30Yeah, it would be nice to meet her for lunch.
11:31I mean, if that's something that you need for yourself, do it.
11:33I don't need it, but it would be nice to find out what it was.
11:37Are you waiting on another guest?
11:38I am, thank you.
11:39Yes, OK.
11:41This will be interesting.
11:49Hey there, lady.
11:55How are you?
11:56I'm good, how are you?
11:57I'm good, thank you.
11:58It's good to see you, Erica.
12:00You too, Denise.
12:02So what's going on?
12:04A lot.
12:05I'm so glad you met me.
12:07I am too.
12:08Of course.
12:09No, really.
12:10Of course.
12:11It means a lot.
12:12I never want any bad vibes.
12:14I don't either.
12:15And I'm happy to see you.
12:17I'll never forget my first year knowing you.
12:20It was a lot of fun.
12:22We had so much fun.
12:24Erica and I, we were starting to become friends.
12:27And then from there, it went super sideways for some reason.
12:31Can I have a classic old-fashioned, but not too sugary?
12:35I'm just going to do a single Casamigos Reposado.
12:38You got it.
12:40I just felt like there was still some unresolved crap.
12:44And I like to resolve things.
12:48I like you so much, and it really hurt my feelings
12:52that there was a shift in the dynamic of our connection.
13:00I didn't know what I did.
13:04I really was upset, like, after your barbecue.
13:08We were all talking, and you were like, oh, my kids were there.
13:11I've never done a lesbian thing.
13:12I haven't either.
13:13Wait, you guys.
13:14My kids are over there.
13:15I was with a couple.
13:18So did you have both of them separately?
13:20No, no, no.
13:21I've never been with a girl.
13:22I've only been with a couple.
13:24What is the difference?
13:25There's a penis and two vaginas.
13:27I've got to get my kids out of here.
13:30I got to get my kids out of here.
13:32I felt very judged because we were all talking about sex,
13:36but I was the one that got taken to coffee.
13:39I was the one that got called out.
13:41I went to lunch yesterday with Sammy, my oldest daughter,
13:44and she overheard something.
13:47I'm sure that they did.
13:48So she mentioned threesome.
13:50You can see I'm totally embarrassed at the time.
13:53I'm like, oh, my god.
13:55But I said, I'm not upset about it.
13:58I just made a point.
14:00I just want to talk about threesomes and s*** with my kids.
14:03I get it.
14:04But I wasn't mad.
14:05I was not mad.
14:06I thought you were.
14:07I just felt singled out.
14:08Why, though?
14:09Because I was the only person that you took and talked to about it
14:12when everybody else was talking about it.
14:15I'm really sorry.
14:16It's okay.
14:17And I'm really sorry about how I acted, too,
14:18because it wasn't fair.
14:19But anyway, I would prefer to leave all of that.
14:22We're going to leave it.
14:23Let's table all of that.
14:25Leave that alone.
14:26That's all in the past,
14:27and I would much rather be here now with you.
14:30Thank you so much.
14:31Whether it's me getting past something with Erika Jayne
14:35or your dad and I,
14:37I think it's showing just that sometimes, you know,
14:40you have to move past certain things.
14:42Your sister, you want her in your life,
14:45and you guys will get past this.
14:47Yeah, I just wish people would just, like, let us breathe.
14:50How about, can we have a goal, though, by Christmas?
14:56Around Christmastime, you sent me a text,
14:59and you were very kind.
15:01I've always taken that to heart,
15:03and I really, and I still have it,
15:05and I will never forget that,
15:07and I want you to know that.
15:08And you also sent me a text when things were bad,
15:10and I appreciate that as well.
15:12I have been through a lot of s***,
15:14and people will believe what they want to believe.
15:17You cannot worry about that.
15:20I'm really glad that we got to connect today.
15:22I am, too.
15:27Are you still out in Malibu?
15:30Oh, you're in Calabasas.
15:32And Charlie's in Malibu.
15:34Brooke, his other ex, is in Malibu now.
15:38Is she doing okay?
15:40Okay, so Brooke had a Cuban iguana,
15:45five feet long, plus his tail.
15:48He was 30 years old.
15:50He's from Cuba?
15:51I don't know where the f*** he's from, but I think so.
15:53But he passed away.
15:55He was 30 years old?
15:57What is the iguana's name?
16:00No, it's Godzilla.
16:02Anyway, the iguana was at my door.
16:07They dropped the iguana off at your place?
16:09A guy dropped it off while Brooke was going into rehab.
16:12We had him for nine months.
16:14We gave him a whole bedroom.
16:16I took all my clothes out.
16:18Did she leave any instructions?
16:20Her instructions were he likes Big Newtons and kale.
16:26I swear to God, she goes nuts.
16:28So she wanted us to do a memorial for him.
16:33I am so glad you are here with us, cocktail.
16:35This story I'm listening to needs one.
16:38Thank you so much.
16:39Jesus Christ.
17:14Why do I keep doing it backwards?
17:16Does it look right, Sammy?
17:18Yeah, I think it looks good.
17:19Are you gonna say a prayer?
17:21I don't know, but first I think we should have everyone come up
17:26and say something about Godzilla.
17:29Hi, Mom.
17:30Hi, honey.
17:31This is so cute.
17:34Feel free to sign on here.
17:37Oh, you signed your name there.
17:38You girls did this?
17:40Oh, my gosh.
17:42I love you guys.
17:44I'm Stevie Nicks.
17:46I would put on Fleetwood Mac,
17:48and he would go up to the iPad
17:50and just stare at the iPad.
17:53Brooke didn't even know that.
17:54Have Elodie sign hers, too.
17:56And then sign your name next to you.
17:58This is super cute.
18:00And a little weird, but super cute, nonetheless.
18:04Do you like it, Brooke?
18:06Oh, my God, Denise.
18:08But how... Did you order all these flowers?
18:10Yeah, we ordered it.
18:13Did you guys get a rabbi?
18:15A rabbi?
18:16A rabbi.
18:17That's for Jewish people.
18:21Brooke's Jewish.
18:25I was telling Bob that this is his ashes right here.
18:30I'm so glad you guys came here.
18:34I think everyone should say their favorite story.
18:38Who wants to go first?
18:40For Brooke, this guy was in her life for over 20 years.
18:44That's a long time.
18:45I really miss this little guy.
18:47I saw him, and, like, that guy's really special.
18:50I loved him from day one.
18:53I just had this connection with him.
18:55He's, like, a spiritual animal.
18:58I mean, look at his eyes. Pretty cool.
19:00When I was having a lot of grief,
19:03that I could just sit next to him,
19:06and it helped take it away.
19:08He had, like, a good presence.
19:09Like, his aura was really good for the house.
19:12Oh, he was so sweet,
19:14even though I was really scared of him,
19:16but he was really nice.
19:17Bob is smart.
19:18Oh, God.
19:19Oh, God.
19:20She dropped Godzilla.
19:23I am so proud that Sammy and Lola came together
19:27to host Godzilla's memorial.
19:29So when I croaked, you guys can get together
19:31and plan my funeral.
19:32Oh, my God, can we not, Mom?
19:33That's really morbid.
19:34I don't want to f***ing think about that.
19:36Oh, life is short.
19:38That's why I want you guys to get together.
19:39What the hell?
19:40When I croaked, you guys can plan my funeral.
19:41Well, it's true.
19:42Will you?
19:43Yeah, I just don't want to think about
19:45planning my mother's funeral right now.
19:47Holy s***.
19:48That's crazy.
19:49So you said you were going to say a prayer.
19:51Not right now, Sammy.
19:52I never said I could for sure say a prayer, Sammy.
19:55Okay, whatever.
19:56No, I'm good.
19:57I'm forced to.
19:59So we can all get in a circle.
20:01Let's do it.
20:03This is a proper...
20:04This is a proper send-off.
20:05It's a proper send-off.
20:08I pray that the Lord can heal Brooke's heart in this time
20:13because going through grief is a really hard thing to go through.
20:16The fact that she was able to find love from Godzilla,
20:20I pray that she continues to find love
20:23flowing into her life from the Lord.
20:25Maybe we just take a moment of silence.
20:28No stories to be written, no memories to make.
20:36We love you, Godzilla.
20:38We love you, Godzilla.
20:40Now I'm just a picture of a ghost inside a frame.
20:48Next on Denise Richards and her wild things.
20:52That's it, baby.
20:53Please watch my new cooking show.
20:55Is there a recipe I can read so you can do that?
20:57It's in my brain.
20:58What the f***?
21:00What is this?
21:02We need to do what's called finesse rhinoplasty.
21:04We just fillet your natural anatomy.
21:06I have not told, like, anyone.
21:09No, she's not allowed to know.
21:10Sammy can watch them.
21:11No, she's gonna have her nose job done.
21:14Oh my God.
21:15I was not supposed to say anything.