(Adnkronos) - “Nel corso della sua vita, un paziente con diabete necessita dell’intervento di tanti specialisti, dal cardiologo al nefrologo fino all’ortopedico. La sfida che affrontiamo è quella di assicurare specialisti competenti nel campo della diabetologia e in grado di raggiungere il paziente prima che arrivino complicanze”. Lo ha detto Andrea Frasoldati, presidente di Ame - Associazione medici endocrinologi, all’incontro organizzato con la stampa a Roma da Lilly per annunciare la rimborsabilità da parte dell’Agenzia italiana del farmaco (Aifa) di tirzepadite, il primo e fino ad oggi unico farmaco di una nuova classe terapeutica, agonista recettoriale di Gip e Glp-1. Il farmaco, inserito in Nota 100, può essere prescritto dagli specialisti e dai medici di medicina generale.
00:00Diabetes, as you know, is a chronic disease that involves an increased risk of various
00:10complications, which are mainly of a vascular nature, micro- and macro-vascular, which involve
00:15various apparatus organs, so it is clear that in the course of his life the diabetic patient,
00:21both to prevent these complications or, unfortunately, when these complications
00:26occur, he will meet many specialists, I think the oculist, the cardiologist, the nephrologist,
00:33the orthopedic, and certainly I am forgetting some on the street, but it is clear that the
00:41diabetic patient needs the intervention of many specialists, so, let's say, the challenge,
00:47the commitment must be that, not only to ensure, obviously, competent specialists in this
00:53specific territory, which is that of diabetology, so an oculist who knows the complications
00:58of diabetes, but the problem is to make sure that the specialist reaches the patient,
01:04sees the patient at the right time, not too late, when the complications are already
01:09advanced and this is an organizational issue, as you can guess, not always so simple
01:16to deal with and to solve. The benefits of the new class of drugs, which has taken place
01:23in these years in the care of the patient with diabetes and, we can say today, also in the care
01:28of the patient with obesity, are very broad because, first of all, they play both on the
01:34improvement of the metabolic part, the glycometabolic, that is, the metabolism of glucose, we are
01:39talking about that, both on the side of, let's say, the struggle, the excess, that is, they are
01:47drugs that determine a reduction of weight. Intervening on weight is very important because it
01:53certainly allows to reduce the probability that over time the patient develops
01:58metabolic problems, not only. It is clear that the patient, having a situation of reduction
02:06of body weight, the patient who is facing an excess of weight every day,
02:11of course, is also a patient who is happier, more active, more involved and also in terms of adherence
02:19to the treatment, to the treatment strategy, becomes much more involved in a positive way and,
02:25let's say, less reluctant because, unfortunately, one of the problems that we have, that the patient
02:30with obesity faces, is that, at a certain point, he finds himself, in spite of accepting a
02:37condition from which he is unable to free himself, he is unable to get out and this has a whole series
02:42of negative consequences.