(Adnkronos) - “Novartis è presente nell'area cardiovascolare da oltre 40 anni, un impegno continuo che ci ha visto portare soluzioni terapeutiche innovative nell'ambito dello scompenso cardiaco e dell’ipercolesterolemia. Il nostro primo impegno è nel conoscere meglio la scienza” per “comprendere alcuni fattori prognostici e predittivi sui quali lavorare, con soluzioni terapeutiche che stiamo ricercando e sviluppando, per abbattere il rischio di eventi cardiovascolari”. Lo ha detto, questa mattina a Milano, Chiara Gnocchi, country Comms & Advocacy head di Novartis Italia, in occasione del media tutorial sulla Lipoproteina (a), organizzato dalla farmaceutica a Milano.
00:00Novartis has been present in the cardiovascular field for more than 40 years.
00:08It is a continuous commitment that has seen us bring innovative therapeutic solutions
00:14in the field of heart failure, in the field of hypercholesterolemia.
00:19But we don't want to stop.
00:21Our first commitment is to know science better.
00:24And science has allowed us to understand some prognostic and predictive factors
00:30on which to work with therapeutic solutions that we are looking for and developing
00:35to reduce the risk of cardiovascular events.
00:39They remain the first cause of death in Italy, in Europe and in the world.
00:44And this is what pushes us not to stop.
00:47Our goal and our ambition is that no heart stops beating too soon.
00:54And to achieve this goal, we continue to research and develop
01:00innovative therapeutic solutions for patients.