Tiktok - Secretlifeofgigii
Instagram- Theregena
Snapchat - Regenaaa
BUSINESS - regenasinquires@gmail.com
#regena #viral #trampoline
Instagram- Theregena
Snapchat - Regenaaa
BUSINESS - regenasinquires@gmail.com
#regena #viral #trampoline
00:00Hey guys, welcome back to my YouTube channel, Sumasai Family!
00:04I hope you guys can tell by the title, I will be going to a trampoline park with my friends, and they're here.
00:10Behind the camera, QM is Mooma.
00:13And we will be going to a trampoline park, but first guys, we're going to be watching a movie.
00:18And I'm scared to like, record in the cinema guys, so...
00:20Yeah, we're in the toilet, and we just got chillin'.
00:24In the arcade.
00:25Yeah, we're just chillin' in the arcade.
00:26And then after, we're going to go to the cinema and book it.
00:29I'll try and like, record the scenery for you guys, when I'm buying stuff and that.
00:32But yeah, see you guys in a bit.
00:33So guys, we're getting popcorn now and that.
00:36Getting drinks and that.
00:37Serving guys over like a Demi-Pan.
00:39Like Chocoluma-Pan.
00:42Chillin' in that pan.
00:44Guys, I could've sworn this was bigger last time the boys come.
00:47Oh shit, my drink is, oh.
00:49I couldn't see where my drink was.
00:51What the hell?
00:52So guys, obviously I couldn't talk in the cinema too loud, innit?
00:54Even though like, we're actually joking around the whole time.
00:57But, we were watching a movie called Wicked.
00:59I've seen it all over TikTok.
01:01You get me fam, you get me fam.
01:06So guys, we're here at Jumpin' It.
01:07And basically, we're going to get our socks changed.
01:10And that, see Demi's doing her thing.
01:12We're going to get our socks changed.
01:14Alright so guys, I'm already in here, you already know the deal.
01:16I was going to pop up.
01:19Oh my god.
01:26That is sick.
01:27Guys, listen to that shit go.
01:28Let me tell that shit go.
01:30Go on.
01:42Do you want to try?
01:45Why don't you just go somewhere else?
01:47Let's go, let's go, let's go.
01:53Anyways guys, we're going somewhere else.
02:01Wait, they shut that down.
02:06Guys, you already know the thing.
02:08Why was it zoomed in? Oh my god.
02:10The whole time I was walking and it was literally zoomed in.
02:13It was zoomed in.
02:14There's always something wrong.
02:18Guys, we're just chilling innit.
02:22Anyways guys, you already know the thing.
02:24Look at Demi, go on Demi.
02:26Go on Demi.
02:28Is that working?
02:29I'm not going all the way over there fam.
02:31Yes Luma.
02:36Wait, can I do something?
02:38Do what?
02:39Can you turn it up?
02:41Let's go dance then.
02:43Should I turn it up with my ass?
02:48Oh shit.
02:50Oh my god.
02:54I know, it's so scary.
02:57I know, it's scary.
03:08Oh, be careful.
03:11They can't see you.
03:17Go on Gigi.
03:22Oh my god, be careful.
03:26Guys, that is actually so scary.
03:28That's so scary.
03:36It's so scary but I'm singing it.
03:38It's so scary.
03:41Isn't it?
03:46Guys, Luma's going to try and do a backflip.
03:47But I don't know how.
03:48I can't physically.
03:49I can't.
03:50Even on a trampoline fam.
03:53Go on Luma.
03:59Period fam.
04:01Guys, you want to know the deal?
04:02Let me jump with my hand.
04:10I'm going to try and go higher.
04:21Okay, so guys, now we're at this section here.
04:28Oh, Luma, what's that?
04:31Guys, this is actually sick.
04:33But you have to touch it.
04:39Okay, so you have to touch it.
04:42Look at this guy, fam.
04:47That's it for Luma.
04:56But I don't get the point of that, fam.
04:57Because you're literally just touching it.
04:59Like, you're literally just touching it.
05:03If you're actually doing it.
05:08Wait, what?
05:11All you have to do is touch it.
05:15Look at this delinquent, fam.
05:32I'm not jumping off that, fam.
05:33That is actually wrong.
05:37Freddie's going.
05:43No, I'm not doing that, fam.
05:53Go on, Luma.
05:56Actually, let me record this, fam.
06:01Yeah, he's just trying that.
06:34No, stop it.
06:49Oh my, where is it?
06:54Wait, that's sneaky.
06:56Well, guys, now we're going in here.
07:02What's this?
07:04They have a slide, so.
07:06You just crawl to that thing.
07:12Crawl to reach.
07:14Guys, I'm going in.
07:17Oh my God.
07:18My knees hurt, fam.
07:20Wait, oh my God.
07:22Oh my God.
07:24It's a spider.
07:26I'm jumping, I'm jumping.
07:27No, stop it.
07:28Who's numbing my legs?
07:34Stop it.
07:35We need to get out.
07:42Let me record you, fam.
07:43No, I don't want to go.
07:44Guys, look at this, fam.
07:46Let's get out of here.
07:51All right, guys.
07:53What's this?
07:55All we need to do is just camera and do nothing.
07:56What the flip?
07:57I'm not going.
08:04No way, there's so much grass on camera.
08:06Go on, Danai.
08:07Go on, Danai.
08:18There we go.
08:21What's this?
08:24Where's the demo?
08:34Guys, I'm sweating.
08:42That's it.
08:48Oh, what's that?
08:50Is she going in there?
08:52Guys, she's going in there.
08:54Oh my God.
08:56Oh my God.
08:57I'm going in.
09:00Just chilling here, fam.
09:02I feel like I can't go on when I'm going in.
09:03In, fam.
09:12Yo, I nearly broke my neck.
09:13I nearly broke my neck.
09:14I nearly broke my neck.
09:15Somebody help me.
09:16What the fuck, yo.
09:44Oh, it's like that.
09:53Yo, it's actually hot.
09:54Go to the flim.
09:55It's so hot.
10:00One Elsie bag.
10:05Happy birthday.
10:15Just put one leg.
10:17The other leg.
10:28Oh, go on, Regina.
10:30On straight, fam.
10:31On straight.
10:32Let's go.
10:46We did it.
10:47Oh my gosh.
11:04Keep up on the climb up, guys.
11:13You know what?
11:28But how is it up there, fam?
11:36My feet feel like air.
11:38What's he not going all the way up?
12:00Guys we just finished
12:15Know guys, I'm looking trying to go and get a bag. Yeah
12:21They're gonna be that why you recording for
12:23Sometimes funnest guys
12:25So guys I've clearly finished and I've got KFC
12:28Cuz I why not in it?
12:31Guys I forgot to vlog I'm scared to video when people are watching me
12:35So I'll tell you guys more when I'm inside five hours later
12:37Oh my days guys. I'm actually so bad at vlogging fam. I'm literally so bad at vlogging
12:42I haven't got a home and got a change and everything guys
12:45I went to funnels to get a flippin because I want this bag, right?
12:49So I went to find I've got a bag and I forgot to vlog the whole fucking thing
12:52And I'm even home and change and everything like you know, I swear down. I was in a YouTube video
12:57so I've got a bag farm and basically
13:01See that's what it looks like good sign. I'm not watching this video just the same
13:06My post it like
13:07Week later a couple days. They are something so some of you I've already seen it on my story, but that's about now guys
13:13But you guys should have seen me because today
13:16Today to rain meet they actually drain me Bob. Oh, it's all forgot. I was even broken. Is it snowing? I'm tweaking
13:24That's why I forgot that was flipping blocking from but today was fun. Today was fun guys
13:27You know, the movie was to always a 41 minutes
13:30Flippin the jump was so flip it from the jump was so fun guys. It was just like a long and fun day
13:35I'm tired and I have to hit gym tomorrow farm
13:39so I mean I
13:41Don't know just videos probably like 10 minutes to sign on a ball. Thank you guys for watching in it
13:46Let me know when you want to see a nice YouTube video on that farm. Peace out