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00:02I hope you guys are good.
00:03In today's video, we are going to be looking at the funniest things to happen in school.
00:07For the most part, school can be very boring, but sometimes, something really funny can happen.
00:12And that is exactly what we're going to look at in today's video.
00:14Before we start, guys, I just want to point this out.
00:16Of all of you guys that watch my videos, only 23.1% of you are subscribed.
00:22That is climbing, but I would like to get that to 100%.
00:25So if you're watching this video and you have not yet subscribed, please do so.
00:28I don't know why I'm wearing this hat, but I just am, alright?
00:30I feel like it adds to the video.
00:32Okay, so as this video goes on, the funny things get more and more unlikely.
00:36But these are all apparently real things that have happened in school.
00:39Okay, so the first one, a 1 in 8 probability, calling the teacher mummy.
00:43I've said mum and dad, I definitely haven't said mummy.
00:46That would be- HA!
00:48That would be very bad.
00:49Pretty common in younger kids, and they'll be mocked for years to come.
00:52Oh yes. I mean, it's happened to most kids, hasn't it?
00:55I once called a male teacher mum. That wasn't ideal.
00:571 in 10 probability of a chair squeak that sounds like a fart.
01:01Oh, we've all done it, haven't we?
01:03You sit down in your chair, and the chair makes a weird noise that sounds like a fart,
01:07and everyone looks at you and goes,
01:08Oh my god, he's just sh** himself.
01:10You're like, no, it was the chair.
01:111 in 15 probability of teacher's voice cracking.
01:15I don't think that ever happened when I was in school.
01:16Not that I remember anyway, but that sounds very funny.
01:18The entire class has to hold in their laughter for the rest of the lesson.
01:22That would have been great.
01:22If it was me, if I was the teacher and it happened, I would have just made a thing out of it.
01:25I would have made it funny.
01:26I think I would have been a great teacher, to be fair.
01:281 in 23 probability for getting to mute on Zoom.
01:32It might not be so bad depending on what you were doing.
01:34If you were a teacher and you forgot to mute and then you just start swearing,
01:37that would be so funny.
01:391 in 28 probability of dropping everything in the hallway.
01:43Yeah, you're just carrying loads of stuff and you just drop it.
01:45Oh, it's just annoying.
01:46You have to pick it up while others laugh and awkwardly step around the mess,
01:50and then you get one legendary hero who helps you pick all the stuff up.
01:541 in 35 probability of drawing private parts on the board.
01:57The teacher wants to laugh, but they try to keep a straight face.
02:00I don't know why teenagers have this obsession of just drawing private parts around schools.
02:05In my school, there would literally just be graffiti of penises everywhere.
02:09Sometimes vaginas too.
02:11Oh my God, there was always one kid that was ballsy enough to swear at the teacher.
02:151 in 47 probability, easiest way to speedrun getting a detention.
02:20Yeah, that would be straight detention if you did that.
02:23Oh no, f*** off sir, I'm not doing the work.
02:25I would never have done that.
02:27I just didn't have the balls or the personality at that age.
02:311 in 58 probability of swinging back on a chair and falling.
02:35Oh my God.
02:36Yeah, and the teacher would just tell you that you would die if you did that.
02:39Well, here I am.
02:40I did that.
02:41I'm still alive and I've never been quite the same since.
02:44In 2016, one student banged the back of his head while doing this and died.
02:48This is what every teacher says.
02:50I just don't believe it.
02:511 in 79 probability, girls leggings rip in gym class.
02:55Oh no, that would be so embarrassing.
02:56Thin or worn out fabric can easily tear, especially during physical activity.
03:00I've never seen that happen.
03:01Apparently, there's a 1 in 79 chance of that happening, but I never saw.
03:04Let me know in the comments, has that happened to you?
03:061 in 100 probability of the teacher shows wrong picture on projector.
03:10Oh no, they've got their porn up from the night before.
03:13Nearly 70% of teachers experience technical issues with projectors.
03:17Technical issues.
03:18Also, there will always be a teacher that had no idea how to deal with those technical issues
03:23and have to go get the teacher next door, borrow their charger.
03:251 in 122 probability of pulling someone's chair behind them.
03:29That happened to me.
03:30I pulled out this girl's chair just as she was about to sit down because I wanted to take it.
03:34I didn't know she was going to sit down.
03:36And then she fell on the floor and the teacher was like,
03:38Ah, no, no, Jake, out!
03:41I honestly, I cried so much and then she just let me off.
03:44It was fine.
03:45Turns out, if you want to get out of trouble, you just cry.
03:47That's all you have to do.
03:481 in 145 probability of teacher slips over in gym class.
03:53Slips, trips and falls are responsible for 16.9% of all accidental deaths.
03:58Jesus Christ, accidental deaths just from falling over.
04:02I mean, that does sound very funny.
04:04Apart from if your teacher died in front of your eyes.
04:061 in 231 probability of adult movie on max volume.
04:1073% of teens aged 13 to 17 have watched adult movies online.
04:15Oh no, so they get it out.
04:17They get it out on their phone and it's still playing.
04:20Oh, just in school or in an exam or something.
04:23That would be so bad.
04:24One way to get your phone confiscated and your parents phoned home.
04:27Don't forget guys, these keep getting funnier and funnier and more and more improbable.
04:311 in 324 probability of classmate eating boogers.
04:36Definitely something Henry would do.
04:37A study showed that 91% of people admitted to picking their nose.
04:40Yeah, I mean, we've all done it, haven't we?
04:42I mean, I definitely have and I've definitely been caught doing that as well.
04:46Very embarrassing.
04:481 in 458 probability of student poops their pants.
04:52Oh my God, imagine pooing yourself in school.
04:55That would be so bad.
04:56Most children are potty trained by age 4 or 5, but accidents can still occur.
05:01Wow, you would never live that down, would you?
05:04If you sh** yourself in school.
05:06You might as well just give up.
05:08Give up your social life from that point on.
05:11If you poo yourself in school, you're never being invited to a party.
05:14You probably never have a friend.
05:151 in 548 probability of your gum falling out while talking.
05:19You definitely can't pick it up.
05:20So just take the mockery and disgust.
05:23Oh God, I didn't really chew gum that much in school.
05:26I still don't really now.
05:27I've definitely seen it when people are talking.
05:29It just comes out of their mouth while they're talking.
05:31It's worse also if they spit on you.
05:33You know, you get those people that like spit while they talk.
05:36They don't mean to but it's just they just seem to have a really damp mouth
05:39and it just comes out.
05:421 in 893 probability of toilet paper stuck on teacher's shoe.
05:47That does sound funny.
05:48Even the teacher's pet isn't sure if they should point it out or not.
05:51Yeah, because if you don't, it's just funny.
05:53It's just funnier not to.
05:55Everyone's just laughing.
05:57It's probably stuck on there as well because there's probably sh** on it.
06:001 in 912 probability of students stuck in locker.
06:036% of all young people had experienced bullying daily.
06:07I mean, that's not really that funny, is it?
06:08It's just bullying.
06:10I don't really know what it's getting at there.
06:11It's just straight up bullying.
06:151 in 1000 probability of every table being turned upside down.
06:19A good prank until they're made to flip them all back over.
06:22That does sound very funny actually.
06:23Although I'm pretty sure the tables in my school in the canteen were like nailed down.
06:27So you couldn't do that.
06:29But the ones in the classrooms, definitely not.
06:31You can move those around.
06:32That is a funny prank.
06:33I wish I did that.
06:331 in 2.3 thousand probability of self-pleasure in class.
06:38There's a time and a place.
06:39And the classroom during school is definitely neither.
06:42Yeah, I literally don't know what I would do if I turned around
06:47and the back of the class was my friend just watching porn having a wank.
06:51I just think that would be so weird.
06:53And I would not want to be their friend anymore to be honest.
06:57You just turn around and it's just going.
07:01Oh God, what is this video?
07:031 in four and a half thousand probability of having a period in white jeans.
07:08I mean, first of all, my school definitely did not allow white jeans.
07:12That was not the school uniform.
07:14And second of all, I couldn't get a period because I'm a bloke.
07:1786% of women have experienced period leaks in public at least once.
07:21I mean and also if that happened, I don't think I would openly laugh at a girl.
07:25If I saw that happened to a girl, I wouldn't be like,
07:27you're bleeding from the mensch.
07:29I'll be like, I just wouldn't say anything.
07:31I don't even know if I'd tell her.
07:32I'd be like, excuse me, you're bleeding.
07:35I think I would just leave it.
07:36But I wouldn't laugh.
07:371 in 8,000 probability of student knocked out with volleyball.
07:41Injuries in volleyball occur at a rate of 1 to 10 per thousand hours of play.
07:46Student knocked out with volleyball.
07:48That is, that's a, that's a hard hit.
07:51Imagine a kid being knocked out in school.
07:53That is crazy.
07:54That, I mean, that would be kind of funny,
07:55but it also be one of those things that you laugh at that you're not supposed to.
07:591 in 9.1 thousand probability of failed backflip onto head.
08:03I've actually done that, not in school, at home.
08:05I was like, mommy, mommy, look at me.
08:06I just thought, I don't know why I thought this.
08:09I must have been like seven.
08:10I just thought I would attempt a backflip for the first time ever in front of an audience.
08:15I just landed on my neck and started crying.
08:19Why are kids so stupid?
08:20There's a serious risk of breaking your neck doing this.
08:22Well, there you go.
08:231 in 10,000 probability of teacher hitting the head with an eraser.
08:28Would you snitch on the person who did it?
08:30I don't know. If it were going to get a class detention, then yes.
08:33I'm not being punished for someone, some prick,
08:35who's just lobbed an eraser at a teacher for no reason.
08:39But until that point, no, because it's quite fun.
08:431 in 31,000 probability of ordering a pizza to class.
08:48Oh my God, absolute legend, whoever does that.
08:50Definitely never happened in my school.
08:51I don't think it could because I don't even know how the pizza would get in
08:54because we had like big gates.
08:55You'd have to come out and meet them.
08:57Worst case, the teachers take it and enjoy it for themselves.
09:00Who's paying for it though, the school?
09:011 in 34,000 probability of the student falls out the window.
09:06More than 5,000 children a year go to the emergency room after falling from windows.
09:12Do they? Why? Is there like a window cleaning lesson that I'm unaware of?
09:17That's really dangerous.
09:18How is this many kids falling from windows
09:21and why are the teachers not stopping them?
09:23Oh my God, that is funny.
09:26As long as they don't die, I guess it's funny.
09:28I can't believe these have all actually happened.
09:311 in 45,000 probability of saran wrap on toilet.
09:35A pretty common prank to send pee flying everywhere.
09:38I've never heard it called saran wrap before,
09:40but I'm pretty sure it's like cling film.
09:41You put it over the toilet and because it's see-through,
09:44you don't know it's there.
09:45So you sit on it.
09:46I'm pretty sure once you sit down on it though,
09:48you know it's there,
09:49but let's pretend someone didn't know that
09:51and they start peeing or pooing and they just get a shitty ass.
09:56It is pretty funny to be fair.
09:57Make sure you stick around to the end guys
09:59to find out what the funniest thing that happens in school is.
10:011 in 100,000 probability of all boys wearing skirts.
10:05Teenage boys wore skirts to school
10:07to protest against no shorts policy.
10:09That does sound funny actually.
10:11The no shorts policy.
10:12I wonder if that actually worked wearing skirts to school.
10:151 in 119,000 probability of the student flashing the whole class.
10:20You'd face more than just a detention for this stunt.
10:22Yeah, you'd probably get I guess some sort of fine
10:24for public indecency.
10:26I don't really know how that works.
10:27I can't say I've ever streaked or flashed in front of my school friends,
10:30but that does sound very funny.
10:33Um, just one question.
10:34Why the f*** would you do that?
10:37That would definitely be a story to tell for years to come.
10:391 in 154,000 probability of the fat student breaking the chair.
10:44Oh no, poor kid.
10:4631.8% of college students in the United States are overweight or obese.
10:50Well, there you go.
10:51I can't say that's ever happened in my school,
10:53but if that did happen,
10:54it would be kind of funny,
10:55but I would also feel bad for the student that it happened to.
10:581 in 201,000 probability of peeing in a trash can.
11:02If the teacher won't give you a bathroom pass,
11:04what do they expect?
11:06Yeah, I mean, I've definitely never felt the need to do that.
11:09To be fair though, if the teacher said to me
11:11if I really needed to go to the toilet
11:12and the teacher wouldn't let me go,
11:14what do you do?
11:15You either piss your pants
11:16or you get up and stand and piss in the bin.
11:20Just to make a point.
11:21That's, that would be very funny.
11:23I can definitely see some of the kids in my school doing that.
11:251 in 343,000 probability of students pooping 26 times on the floor.
11:31Why 26 times?
11:33Yes, this really happened
11:34and they didn't get caught for 25 of the times.
11:38Oh my God.
11:3926 times.
11:42It took them 26 times before they got caught.
11:45That is some stealth shitting right there.
11:47I want to know where they were pooing.
11:48Surely they weren't pooing in the class while all the kids were there
11:51and the teacher was there.
11:52It'd have to be when nobody's in there, right?
11:551 in 453,000 probability of the pillow fought in the hallway.
12:00Honestly, the teachers would have to respect your workmanship.
12:02A pillow fought in the hallway.
12:04Where'd you get pillows from in the school?
12:05There weren't any pillows in my school.
12:071 in 578,000 probability of your friend eating yellow snow.
12:11Fair warning, despite what they tell you,
12:13it is not lemon flavored.
12:15That is very funny.
12:15I would love to have seen that.
12:17If that happened in school, that would be so funny.
12:19If anyone's going to do that, it's going to be Henry, isn't it?
12:21Let's be honest.
12:221 in 805,000 probability of teacher giving birth in the school bathroom.
12:27I don't know where they get these statistics from.
12:30A Texas teacher gave birth in the school bathroom with help from her colleagues.
12:35Oh my God.
12:36That is crazy.
12:37And yeah, I guess that would be kind of funny,
12:39but also what a story to tell your parents when you get home.
12:421 in 831,000 probability of the teacher engaged to student.
12:47In the U.S., teachers can't date students even if they're over 18.
12:55Yeah, good.
12:56Where the f*** did this happen then?
12:58Teacher engaged to student.
13:00Did the student ask the teacher to marry them or was it the other way around?
13:03I don't know which is worse, to be honest.
13:05That is so weird.
13:07Imagine the teacher asked the student to marry them in front of the whole class.
13:11If I was one of the friends, I'd just be like,
13:15Sir, you pedo.
13:181 in 921,000 probability of the girl elbow dropping the principal.
13:23The principal tried to break up a fight and he was left laying on the floor in pain.
13:28Oh my God.
13:29Two girls having a fight.
13:31The principal comes in, tries to break it up,
13:33and the girl elbow drops him accidentally.
13:35Oh my God.
13:36She must have got detention. Major. Big time.
13:39If not, expelled.
13:401 in 1,000,000 probability of firecrackers lit in school bathroom.
13:45Wow, that would be very fun.
13:47Doing this is illegal in a lot of places, so it really isn't worth it.
13:50Well, there you go.
13:51I don't know. I say it is.
13:53No, I'm saying that because I'm not in school, but it definitely isn't worth it.
13:56You don't want to go to prison.
13:57But it does sound very funny.
13:591 in 5,000,000 probability of snorting chalk.
14:03Chalk contains calcium carbonate, which can irritate the nasal passages.
14:07Well, there you go. Don't snort chalk, kids.
14:09Why would you do that?
14:12I love how it's a 1 in 5,000,000 probability as well.
14:14Like, there's definitely just one weird of the weird kids
14:17in one school that snorted chalk once, and it's made it into this video.
14:221 in 10,000,000 probability of a life-size cutout of your teacher.
14:25How would your teachers react to somebody doing this to them?
14:28That would be very funny.
14:30I think it depends on the teacher.
14:31If it was one of the fun teachers, they would just find it hilarious.
14:35If it was a strict, uptight bitch of a teacher, probably not.
14:38And I reckon they'd give you a detention.
14:40It's funny, isn't it?
14:41You think all teachers should react the same to something like that?
14:44They just wouldn't. It just depends on the person.
14:461 in 20,000,000 probability of classroom filled with balloons.
14:51It took thousands of balloons and hours of effort. Worth it.
14:54Wow, that does sound very funny.
14:56Imagine your teacher entering the classroom.
14:58It's just completely full of balloons.
15:00That is a great prank to play.
15:021 in 35,000,000 probability of a student shoving beer up their butt.
15:09A whole frat house was arrested after one guy was hospitalized from this.
15:14Why would they do that?
15:16Yeah, lads, lads, lads.
15:17Shove that car in up my ass.
15:20Why would you do that?
15:211 in 40,000,000 probability of fake bomb threats.
15:26Okay, it's just definitely not funny, is it, to do that?
15:29That's one very illegal way to get out of a test.
15:32I'm not really sure why it's in this video either because it's definitely not funny.
15:35Okay, we have made it to the last few now and these ones are very funny.
15:391 in 50,000,000 probability student reassembled teacher's car.
15:43They took apart the teacher's car and reassembled it in their classroom.
15:47Oh my God, what are they? Are they all mechanics?
15:50Is it just a school full of mechanics?
15:52How do they do that?
15:53That would be very funny.
15:54I mean, I remember on the last day of my school,
15:57some of my friends got loads and loads of toilet paper and just wrapped the teacher's car in it
16:01because it was a teacher that was really horrible and she was just a bitch.
16:04So they wrapped her car in loads and loads of toilet paper
16:07and she couldn't do anything because it was our last day.
16:09But actually getting the car into the classroom is just crazy.
16:14Like, how do they do that?
16:151 in 100,000,000 probability of cookies laced with laxatives.
16:19A bully kept stealing a girl's lunch so her mom had laced her food with laxatives.
16:24Oh my God.
16:25I'm just trying to think if she could get in trouble for that.
16:28Probably not.
16:28I think that's probably fine.
16:30That is a great story.
16:31So she gave her daughter cookies for school
16:33and this bully kept stealing her daughter's cookies.
16:35So she decided to put laxatives in them to make the bully s*** himself.
16:41Oh, that is good.
16:42That is a good story.
16:44Absolute win, mom.
16:451 in 500,000,000 probability of students put a cow on the roof.
16:51They carried the cow up a winding set of stairs to the roof.
16:55Poor cow.
16:57Oh my God.
16:58That is very funny.
17:00What would the teachers think?
17:01Imagine you're a teacher, right?
17:03You just work a normal 9 to 5 job or whatever.
17:06You come into school on a Monday morning
17:09and there's a cow on the roof.
17:10And you think, for f*** sake, what have these students done now?
17:15How would they get a cow on the roof of a school?
17:18And how would they do it without any teachers knowing or seeing?
17:21Like, did you just...
17:23Okay, finally, we have made it to the last one.
17:25And this is definitely the best one.
17:271 in a billion probability of driving a car up to the third floor.
17:31The students stole the teacher's car and parked it in front of her classroom.
17:37How did they get that upstairs?
17:40How big are the stairways?
17:42Or how small is the teacher's car that they managed to drive it up the stairs?
17:45I wonder what the teacher thought when she came up to her classroom
17:48and her car was just parked right outside of it,
17:50on the third floor of a building.
17:54Oh my God, that's so funny.
17:55The things some students get up to.
17:57I would have loved to have been there for that.
17:58That would just be so funny to see.
18:00If that happened in a UK school, those kids would...
18:03I mean, obviously, detention minimum.
18:06We're talking exclusion.
18:07Potentially even being expelled for doing something like that.
18:09Stealing the teacher's car and driving it inside,
18:12which is, like, dangerous.
18:13You could have hurt people.
18:14Yeah, they're getting expelled.
18:16Let's be honest.
18:17But that is very funny.
18:18And that is why it's right at the end of the list.
18:21Right, that is it for today's video, guys.
18:22I hope you guys enjoyed watching.
18:24Before we go, guys, don't forget to like and subscribe.
18:26Take it easy.
18:26Also, let me know in the comments what you want to see me do next.
18:29Take it easy, and I will see you in the next video.