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00:00If you value your freedom and freedom of speech, I strongly urge you to watch this video in full.
00:06Because tomorrow it might be something that you do or say that you're being targeted for,
00:11and you would hope that someone will speak out for you.
00:14Because there's quite a controversial story that's popped up over the weekend,
00:19and that is between Waitrose and Ben Woods, known online as Ben on Wine.
00:25No rhyme intended, I promise you.
00:27Now, as soon as I say it, you possibly know the account on X,
00:31and you possibly know that he posts fairly controversial things.
00:36And most of you probably won't be surprised that Waitrose has decided to suspend him
00:40over his posts because they object to these posts, and indeed it's part of a contract.
00:47Now, I have an admission of my own here,
00:50because I did make a post about this and later deleted it
00:53because I thought it was posted in haste and a little bit too one-sided,
00:57which is not really me, so I decided to delete it and do this video instead.
01:01I'm big enough to admit if I've done something either wrong or in haste,
01:06but not for the reason that lots of the trolls seem to think it was,
01:08and that I've somehow misunderstood the law.
01:10Because a contract cannot, as a matter of law,
01:14completely override one's freedom of expression, because it's a protected human right.
01:19But that's not to say that there aren't problems in this case,
01:22because I can see it from Waitrose's point of view as well.
01:25So I'll try to be balanced in this video,
01:27because if I were an employer, I might object to those posts myself.
01:32And so whether or not that overrides the human rights element
01:36would be for a tribunal to decide, if it ever gets that far.
01:39Now, Ben is being supported by Free Speech Union here,
01:43and he has a crowdfunder running.
01:45Hundreds of people have donated to support Ben in his fight for free speech here.
01:49I believe it was first covered,
01:51or one of the first coverings of this was by the Daily Mail,
01:54and then it's been covered by Spiked Online.
01:56So I'll link those below and give you an idea of some of the posts
01:59that they're complaining about.
02:00One of them was this matte cartoon that Ben reposted that says,
02:05your son is falling behind in sex education.
02:07He could only name 47 of the 100 genders.
02:11Now, obviously, Ben has strong views about these things,
02:14strong conservative views in his own words,
02:17and he's posted a lot of conservative things.
02:20Another one he posted said,
02:22if a referendum was held tomorrow, would you vote to close the borders?
02:26Over 4,000 people voted and 98% said yes.
02:30He also criticised Angela Rayner's clothing.
02:33He also posted another one about that book that says,
02:38In My Daddy's Belly, the story of a transgender dad giving birth,
02:42which describes two dads eagerly awaiting the birth of their first child,
02:46and said that that was spreading misinformation.
02:48Now, you may hold views on that as well.
02:50So aside from some of them that you might object to that he's posted,
02:55you may agree with some of those posts.
02:57So what if we were to split those out,
02:59and you only posted the ones that you actually agree with,
03:02but you were disciplined and possibly suspended
03:04or sacked from your position for posting things that you agree with
03:08and you firmly believe in?
03:10Because you may not firmly believe in everything that Ben posts,
03:12but that's my point of this video.
03:15Where do we draw this line?
03:16Because I am stuck between a rock and a hard place,
03:19although I did make my post in haste
03:21because I felt that they were stamping on free speech
03:24in roughly the words that I used.
03:26But at the same time, I sort of retract a little and think,
03:30well, I can see it from Waitrose's point of view,
03:32because if I were the employer,
03:34I might be upset about someone posting things like that,
03:36certainly about the things that come very close
03:39to what I would consider really critical of religious values.
03:42As an employer, I would object to my employees posting things like that,
03:46but for some of them, I might not.
03:48So ask yourself which posts you would agree with
03:51and which posts you wouldn't agree with,
03:53and if there are some posts that you would agree with posting,
03:56how would you feel if you were targeted, suspended, and sacked
03:59and disciplined for posting those things that you genuinely believe in?
04:02Now, coming to the contract aspect,
04:05because it's been posted online somewhere that a snippet from the contract,
04:10I don't know if it's the same contract or what,
04:12but this is taken from a previous tribunal against John Lewis,
04:17which owns Waitrose, and it appears to be part of their social media policy,
04:23which I assume forms part of their contract.
04:25But as I say, as a matter of law,
04:27it cannot completely override your right to the freedom of expression,
04:31which is an Article 10 ECHR protected human right,
04:35which some people have pointed out as being ironic
04:37because Ben says we should get rid of ECHR.
04:40But that's not to say we should also get rid of the right to the freedom of expression.
04:43We have the freedom of expression anyway, regardless of ECHR.
04:48It just so happens that it is one of the articles that protects free speech.
04:52However, this social media policy here says,
04:55any partner who identifies themselves as an employee of John Lewis Partnership,
04:59who is known to be a partner,
05:00or who's connected through a social networking site to other partners
05:03or other suppliers or customers,
05:04must ensure that all content posted is consistent with this policy.
05:08The acceptable use policy and the internet security instructions.
05:12Partners must not post any information that could be considered bullying,
05:15harassing, discriminatory towards any individual or group of individuals.
05:19This includes derogatory or offensive comments relating to gender,
05:22sexual orientation, race, ethnicity, age, marital status, or religious belief.
05:27But that is where we have to draw a bit of a line,
05:30because they cannot, as a matter of law,
05:34say that you must not post anything that is in any way offensive
05:41regarding something that you fundamentally believe in.
05:44If it is a fundamental belief that you hold,
05:47and you are manifesting your belief within the law,
05:50this cannot override that right to do so,
05:54unless it crosses a line to be grossly offensive.
05:58In this particular case that I was quoting it from here,
06:00I believe it was very clear that it was grossly offensive what was posted,
06:04to the extent that I'm not going to repeat it here.
06:07And so in that case, clearly, it was held to be a fair dismissal,
06:12as against an unfair dismissal.
06:14So the claim by that individual failed.
06:16But this policy and the contract, etc.,
06:19cannot completely override the right to the freedom of expression.
06:23But this is a balancing act.
06:24And as I said, if it gets that far,
06:27it will be a tribunal to decide going through each of the tweets complained of.
06:31If in the event that Ben was fired and brought a claim for unfair dismissal,
06:34it will be for a tribunal to decide whether that was unfair or not.
06:38And this is where we come to Ben's crowdfunding here,
06:40because fighting these things can be very expensive.
06:44Fees for lawyers and barristers can be very expensive.
06:47And taking this to court obviously takes a toll on an individual.
06:50And so hundreds of people have supported this so far,
06:53raising over eight and a half thousand pounds.
06:55Ben had an initial target of £3,000 to go through his disciplinary proceedings,
07:00a stretch target currently set at £15,000.
07:03And so he hopes that will see him through this process to a conclusion.
07:06Moving back to the Free Speech Union, they told The Telegraph,
07:09our case and legal teams have been assisting Ben throughout this process.
07:13He's one of 260 ordinary people we're assisting right now
07:17who are being punished for their opinions.
07:19We've seen a spate of supermarket workers
07:21investigated and penalised for their lawful beliefs in recent months.
07:25Supermarkets have no business snooping on employees' lawful views.
07:29Now, some people have commented online that Ben did reference waitrose
07:33within some of his posts, but that's not necessarily unlawful either,
07:38depending on what they say and how it was put across.
07:41But at the same time, even if he was expressing his views,
07:44that could still be within the bounds of the law expressing his views lawfully.
07:49Now, again, I can see it from both sides.
07:51I can see that the employer would be upset that one of their employees
07:53is posting things that appear to be derogatory
07:55and perhaps bring them into disrepute,
07:57but that doesn't necessarily cross the line of being unlawful.
07:59So you can see the balancing act here.
08:01One of the things that's brought this to the forefront
08:03is people supporting Reform UK.
08:06Free Speech Union says that their intervention
08:08follows a pattern of employees being investigated or dismissed
08:11for expressing mainstream political views,
08:13including supporting Reform UK.
08:16Now, I've personally seen lots of cases
08:18where people have been suspended or dismissed from their work
08:22because they've been supporting Reform.
08:24Free Speech Union says they're also supporting Sabah Pursidi, a father of two,
08:28who's suing one of Britain's largest housing associations
08:30for political discrimination after being sacked
08:32as a resident involvement officer.
08:34Hightown Housing Association justified his dismissal
08:36by claiming that Reform UK's policies on immigration, net zero and housing
08:40were in direct conflict with its own values.
08:44So in essence, because an employee was supporting Reform
08:47and Reform's values were against their values,
08:50they justified his dismissal.
08:53So is that not an employer directly trying to push you
08:57to have certain political views and dismissing you
09:00if you support a party they don't like?
09:02This is the very problem here.
09:04So whether you like and agree with Ben's posts or not,
09:07and for the record, I don't agree with everything that Ben posts,
09:10but that's not the point.
09:12As a barrister, we don't necessarily agree with every client that we represent.
09:16For example, I don't do criminal work,
09:17but if a barrister were to object to what a client is accused of doing
09:22in the criminal courts and therefore refused to defend them,
09:26we wouldn't really have a justice system.
09:28We need a justice system that will fearlessly and fairly fight for both sides here.
09:33We've had people accused of espousing their political views
09:37and being punished for it.
09:39So the bottom line here, as I say, is whether or not,
09:43if it gets that far, a tribunal decides that any of these cross the line.
09:46So once again, if you have a social media account
09:48and you post your views now again,
09:50it might just be a repost, not your own post.
09:52You might repost a cartoon which you agree with
09:54because you have strong views on that particular subject
09:57and your employer finds it,
09:59then you might end up in the same position as Ben here.
10:01Whether you agree with everything he posts or not is somewhat irrelevant.
10:05Hence me asking you to watch the full video at the outset.
10:09So if you value your freedom of speech,
10:11I strongly urge you to join Free Speech Union.
10:13They've not asked me to do this.
10:15They don't know I'm doing this,
10:16but I am a member myself.
10:17I would urge you to do the same
10:19because one day you might need the support of someone
10:21if you've expressed a view and your employer fires you for it.
10:24And especially with the political landscape being what it is right now,
10:27very polarizing views from very different parties.
10:31If you are seen to support one of those parties
10:33and your employer doesn't like it,
10:35then you may well be in trouble.
10:37So please take that to heart.
10:39Consider everything that I've put up here for you to read,
10:41do your own research, etc.
10:43My video is not the only source of information on this.
10:46But I felt this video was worth doing
10:48just to give a more balanced view than my original post on X.
10:52So hopefully you found that useful.
10:54Please do subscribe to the channel, support Free Speech.
10:57And as always, thank you for watching.
