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I'm a Barrister of England and Wales.
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00:00At some point we are really going to have to question this Labour government that Keir
00:03Starmer's running and maybe the whole of the Labour Party. When we have suspended Labour
00:08councillor Ricky Jones facing trial later this year for encouraging violent disorder.
00:12Keir Starmer's already had one minister resign because she had a fraud conviction.
00:16They've now had 11 Labour councillors suspended over offensive WhatsApp messages.
00:20One of their policies such as the VAT on school fees is now going to cost over £8,000 to the
00:26taxpayer because the local authorities can't find school places for those children.
00:30And to top all of that off the business secretary is now accused of acting as a solicitor when he
00:36was not in fact a solicitor which if that's the case would be a criminal offence. So I'll talk
00:41about a few of those in this video but first of all you know the drill if you're not subscribed
00:44yet please do that. About half of you don't and I'd really like it if you did. That helps my
00:48channel grow and it helps YouTube spread my channel to a wider audience. So where do we
00:52start? Let's start with the VAT on school fees and I'll come back to the business secretary later in
00:56the video. Please stick around for that but I hate to say I told you so but in many cases this is
01:02going to cost the taxpayer more money than they ever could have hoped to raise. So in one such
01:07case that is brought up here and some people bless them in the comments don't actually read the
01:12article so they don't really understand what's going on but here's what's going on. This one
01:17lady gives her perspective for her daughter and says Labour forced my daughter out of private
01:22school and now taxpayers foot the £8,000 bill for taxis. That's it in a nutshell. That's exactly
01:30what's happening. So just to summarize that a little bit because they've added VAT to the
01:35school fees they can now no longer afford them or choose not to afford them because as it says in
01:41this article here which I'll link below the fees went up with the 20% by £3,270 which her parents
01:49could no longer afford. Now even if they could afford it that's somewhat irrelevant. It's still
01:55a choice. You see many of these parents that choose to save money, work double jobs and everything
02:01else to send their children to private schools they choose to do that and so if Labour puts VAT
02:07on the school fees which they have these same parents have the same choice not to send their
02:12children to those private schools and not pay the additional £3,270 at this one particular school
02:18for each and every child. So obviously if you have three children that's just shy of £10,000 a year.
02:25So whilst there's no obligation on those parents to pay those fees if they withdraw the child from
02:30the private school there is an obligation on the local authority to ensure that there's sufficient
02:34schooling in the area for every child in the area and if there isn't and they haven't managed to do
02:41that they are in breach of their statutory duty to do so. So in other words they then have to find
02:47an alternative and in that case they are now spending £8,000 a year on those taxi fees
02:53or £8,199 a year on taxis to send her to the school 25 miles away. This is a failed policy
03:00if ever I've seen one. I'm going to borrow this infographic here which contrasts what Bridget
03:04Phillipson has said which is that these schools are somehow a leech on society which I really
03:09don't understand but this contradicts it quite starkly. This one independent school alone
03:14contributes £82.5 million pounds to the UK GDP, £40.3 million pounds to MENDIP GDP,
03:232,014 jobs, 8,000 children and public have attended events at this independent school,
03:31it's issued £5.9 million in bursaries and scholarships, 500 primary children have attended
03:37the league cross-country, they pay £21.1 million in tax to HMRC and these numbers go on and on
03:45raising money for charity and all sorts of good things. Now why on earth would a self-respecting
03:51society then take independent schools like that and slap them with a 20% VAT bill on top of their
03:59education so that it forces quite literally forces some of these children out 25 odd miles away to
04:05another school that then the taxpayer has to foot the bill for. That doesn't make any sense to me
04:11whatsoever. Moving on to the suspended Labour councillors you really couldn't make this up
04:16they're all part of this WhatsApp group sending and exchanging offensive messages. Now there's a
04:22difference between exchanging a bit of a joke with a friend or your brother or whomever but sending
04:27them in a group of councillors is only going to end one way. Someone's going to leak them because
04:33someone objects and then a whole bunch of them are going to end up suspended as is the case here.
04:40Now 11 councillors in Greater Manchester. Now how far does this spread really because this is one
04:47group of WhatsApp councillors in Greater Manchester let alone other parts of the country this might
04:52prompt others to come forward and share their views on these private messages or so-called
04:57private messages that have been sent. So apparently this group has already led to two Labour MPs being
05:03suspended in the region. The MP for Gordon and Denton Andrew Gwynne was suspended on Saturday
05:08admitting that he'd made badly misjudged comments. He was also sacked as a health minister.
05:13Burnley MP Oliver Ryan was then suspended on Monday saying that he'd made comments which
05:17he deeply regrets and then the list goes on. The BBC reports that the following councillors are
05:23suspended from Labour. Councillor Clare Reid, Jack Naylor, George Newton, Vincent Ritchie,
05:30Charlotte Martin etc. 11 councillors all from the same area all from the same group. All of this
05:37going on or so they thought in private until somebody blew the whistle and let everybody else
05:42know what kind of messages they were sending and that that was not in line with the policies of the
05:47Labour Party. But is it just that they came to light? I mean this might be going on all over
05:53the country so this may well prompt hint others to come forward if they've exchanged those messages
05:58and they object to them because after all we should protect whistleblowers when they call out
06:02wrongdoing and this is wrongdoing if ever you've seen it whether they call it badly misjudged
06:06comments that they deeply regret or otherwise it's something that really reflects how they really
06:10think. But now we come to the big sting of the day Jonathan Reynolds being accused of what would
06:14ordinarily be considered a crime which as Robert Jenrick puts it as former director of public
06:21prosecutions Keir Starmer should recognize criminal conduct when he sees him. More about that in a
06:26moment don't go away. On another note for a moment let me ask you this. Would you allow a complete
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08:45Jonathan Reynolds and as Robert Jenrick said there's always a tweet. He quote posts here Jonathan
08:50Reynolds saying though quote though further to that last tweet personally I find being an MP
08:57better for work-life balance than being a solicitor and a counsellor. So you can infer from that that
09:02he's saying that he was a solicitor. He was working as a solicitor but that raises the question was he
09:07really working as a solicitor. Now just so you know when I see quotes like that I do go back and
09:12check. So this is Jonathan Reynolds account. It's definitely sent from his account would be a tweet
09:17by then in 2011 and that's where he says that tweet right there. So now that raises the question was he
09:22really a solicitor. Now there's just pausing for a second there's whether you're a solicitor or
09:26barrister there are different routes. I don't fully understand the solicitor route because
09:29obviously I'm not a solicitor. I've never gone to qualify as a solicitor but there are different
09:33routes but there's several stages to it and you have to comply with all those stages. As a
09:37barrister I had to have a law degree then went to bar school. Actually I did a master's at the same
09:41time and then you do pupillage and well in between once you've qualified you call to the bar then you
09:47do pupillage and then you can practice as a barrister. But if you qualify but you don't do
09:52pupillage you are an unregistered barrister. So you cannot hold yourself out as a barrister. You
09:57cannot offer services as a barrister and to do so would still be a criminal offence even if you're
10:02qualified as a barrister but not authorised to practice as a barrister. Hopefully that makes
10:06sense. So the same I think applies very broadly to solicitors. You cannot hold yourself out as a
10:11solicitor unless in fact you are a solicitor on the role of solicitors. And someone screenshotted
10:18the SRA website here which quite rightly says it's a criminal offence for someone to call themselves
10:23a solicitor or act as a solicitor if they're not on the role of solicitors. This could be pretending
10:28to be a solicitor for example at court but may also include describing themselves as a solicitor
10:33on their social media profiles. Now this is not as uncommon as you might think. I've seen documents in
10:39fact as a law firm we've received documents that there's been a name at the bottom and it's fairly
10:44routine for us which certainly is for me because I like to be thorough. We always check whether the
10:49person is a solicitor or not and in more than one case we've found that someone is signing court
10:55documents they are not a solicitor they're not a barrister and point of trivia if you're a barrister
11:00and you want to do certain court documents called litigation you have to be authorised to conduct
11:05litigation. I'm authorised to conduct litigation but most barristers are not. My firm is also
11:11authorised to conduct litigation. Solicitors by default are authorised to conduct litigation
11:15because it's normally solicitors that do the litigation and it's not normally barristers
11:18that do litigation. We do advocacy and advice and representation and so on. So there's a whole few
11:24things going on there and so even the conduct of litigation itself would be an offence under the
11:29Legal Services Act if you are carrying out a reserved legal activity without being qualified
11:35and authorised to do so and there is a difference you can be qualified but not authorised to do so.
11:39So if you are holding yourself out as a solicitor and that includes putting it on your social media
11:45profiles if you're not then that would be a criminal offence. Likewise barrister. I've had
11:51clients of mine who've come for advice from me and the first bit of my advice to them has been
11:57you probably have a claim against this individual because this individual is not a barrister.
12:02They gave you advice that made it look like they were a barrister and you believe they were a
12:07barrister and therefore that could amount to an offence and that the advice was negligent as it
12:11happens and so I've had to tell them in that situation that they have an alternative cause
12:16of action. It's my duty to do that as a barrister to advise them on that. So that raises this
12:21question here. Now the Telegraph reports here that Jonathan Reynolds has been accused of
12:25fabricating his CV. Sounds familiar. After it emerged that he repeatedly described himself as
12:32a solicitor despite never qualifying. It says he previously claimed on his website that he
12:37worked as a solicitor in Manchester branch of the law firm Adelshaw Goddard before becoming an MP.
12:42He also told the Commons in 2014 that he worked as a solicitor in Manchester city centre before
12:48switching careers. In fact he didn't qualify for the title because he never finished his training
12:52contract, the Telegraph reports, having quit the course in 2010 to run for Parliament. This means
12:58he was never added to the official role of solicitors regulated by the SRA, a requirement
13:02to legally practice in England and Wales. It says he also previously stated in his LinkedIn profile
13:07that he was also simultaneously a solicitor and a trainee solicitor between 2009 and 2010
13:13according to screenshots obtained by Guido Fawkes, reported the discrepancies.
13:17So this is yet another scandal. This is the business secretary for the United Kingdom.
13:23So we have question marks over Rachel Reeve's CV who's running the economy. We have question
13:27marks over whether the business secretary has wrongly and falsely claimed that he was a solicitor
13:33when he wasn't, which would ordinarily be a criminal offence if that's the case. Obviously
13:38no finding of facts made in this video. These are reports and I'm reporting on the reports,
13:43how very meta. So reportedly this is an allegation that he's committed a criminal offence by holding
13:48out as a solicitor if in fact he did and if in fact he wasn't. And I know that he did because
13:54at least in the post that he did himself he's referred to being a solicitor. This tweet by
14:02itself may not qualify as holding out because he's referring to past tense of being a solicitor
14:08but if you go back far enough you may well find that he did exactly that and that's possibly what
14:13they're referring to. So as I say at the outset of this video I could find no other way to open it.
14:17We really do have to question this Labour government and the Labour party in general. If
14:21they've got literally dozens of councillors being suspended over their messages, we have MPs being
14:26suspended over those messages, we've had an MP resign because there was a conviction in the past
14:31and now we've got question marks over CVs on people holding top positions in government.
14:36You really couldn't make this up but we don't have to because this is what's being reported
14:41and I find it really bizarre and I've never said that I want to get into politics. In fact I've
14:46always said the opposite. I've always said I don't want to get into politics but some people have
14:49said it's people like me that should get into politics because I don't like the politics of
14:53things. I just like things to run normally. Just like for example my yesterday filler video about
14:59my story with EE. I'm not sour about people being a little bit cocky and arrogant on the chat. I
15:05actually found it quite entertaining but I did go back as an update to that story. I did go back
15:10and I spoke to them on the phone and I will shout out Darrell. He was absolutely fantastic. If you
15:16need great service with someone absolutely on the ball, knows what he's doing, gives you a good deal,
15:21explains it exactly as it is, which is absolutely fine by the way. If they tell me this is what you
15:25get and you pay for it, I'm perfectly happy with that. It's when I'm misled into thinking that I'm
15:31getting something that I'm not. That's when I object. But other than that EE so far fantastic.
15:36If the signal's as good as the service I'll be good. So I'll keep you posted but so far so good.
15:42So let me know what you think about any of that in the comments. Failed policies and failed
15:47politicians it would seem in many respects. But let me know what you think. Do like the
15:51video and subscribe. That helps my channel grow. I'm keeping it real and as always thank you for watching.
