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I'm a Barrister of England and Wales.
Videos for educational guidance only, Always seek advice before taking action. Videos on my channel are not legal advice and should not be taken as such. I accept no liability for any reliance placed upon the content of these videos or references, therein. Description may contain affiliate or sponsored links, for which we may receive commissions or payment.
00:00In this video I'm very pleased to report there's a major blow to this government's plans in
00:04destroying what is really valuable to this country and that is the private education
00:08that we should be proud of in this country. But it's going to take some explaining. So
00:14bear with me. I think you'll enjoy this one. So first of all please do subscribe to the channel.
00:18I'm trying to be hot on the pulse with these things. I'm independent. I will stay so
00:22please do subscribe and I'll be really grateful. So where do we start? It's about private schools
00:27and it's not that they've been knocked back on the VAT. That is still yet to come hopefully
00:33because that's going to court. This is something different. Many of you may have missed the bit
00:38about the private schools. Not just the VAT element but they were also being well they're
00:42being hit twice or three times really with the employer national insurance. That's obviously
00:47a thing that's coming in. They were hit with the VAT which is another thing that came in.
00:52But also many people missed the charitable rates relief which for many schools because obviously
00:58they use a lot of buildings they many of you may not know that they have a charitable status rate
01:03relief on the buildings that they use. But they also in adding the VAT and the employer national
01:10insurance and everything else they were also hit with this removal of charitable rates relief on
01:17the buildings. And that's where we come to this bit of law here. So for a bit of context and a bit
01:22of explanation this comes from the Local Government Finance Act of 1988 and under charitable rate
01:28relief this essentially means that these schools did qualify for charitable rates relief which if
01:35this were removed means that those schools would have to pay hundreds of thousands of pounds a year
01:41some of them on top of what they already pay for nothing extra. So if they weren't already
01:47struggling which many of them were and we should be propping them up rather than making them fail
01:53they certainly would be on the brink of failing because of this hundreds of thousands of pounds
01:57worth of extra fees that they'd have to pay if they lose this charitable rates relief.
02:01That's where the extra spiteful in my view attitude from this government came from with the bill that
02:09was designed to remove that relief and that is this one here the non-domestic ratings multipliers
02:14and private schools bill. Many of you may not have heard of it but that's exactly what it does. It
02:18sought to remove this rates relief from charitable status private schools another blow that would have
02:28made them struggle to survive. Now this was a long way along now you can see at the bottom here that
02:35a bill is what becomes an act of law and it obviously has to go through both houses of
02:41parliament before it becomes law for royal assent and becomes an act of law. Watch the comment
02:47section go crazy now but it starts as a bill and so this started in the commons house of commons
02:54it went through the first reading the second reading committee stage report stage third
02:57reading and then over to the house of lords. Now we're on the third reading of the house of lords
03:02now but here's where it gets really interesting. There was an amendment moved by Baroness Barron
03:08amendment 30 which was to leave out clause 5. So what does that mean? Let's move to this is the
03:16bill as it came across from the house of commons. Now we can scroll down to the bit that I highlighted
03:22which is clause 5. Clause 5 says removal of relief. So this clause in the new bill amends
03:31the old law the government finance act that I showed you a moment ago with the charitable rates
03:35relief bit this amends that law or would amend that law that in schedule 4za in paragraph 2
03:42the bit about charitable rates relief that's this bit here that I showed you a moment ago this is
03:48schedule 4za that's paragraph 2 there you can see you can't really see it's not zoomed in enough
03:54but there's the charitable rates relief bit this would amend that to insert after subparagraph 2
04:01but this paragraph does not apply where this is situated in England and on the day that it's
04:07concerned the heritage element is wholly or mainly used for the purposes of carrying on a private
04:11school and a private school means an institution which is a school at which full-time education is
04:15provided for pupils of compulsory age. Now that's what I think is abhorrent what this did if people
04:22hadn't realized this specifically said we are going to make them pay more money for using the
04:29buildings to deliver education to children it was removing the rates relief from charities that are
04:35charitable status they're not for profit they are providing education to schools
04:39and I think that's abhorrent to remove or even seek to remove this the VAT is a separate but
04:46similar thing but they sought to remove this rates relief so this would have inserted into
04:54this act here but this rates relief bit doesn't apply to private schools so they don't get that
04:59relief any longer however as I said the amendment was moved to leave out that clause i.e. we'll move
05:09ahead with the bill but without that clause this was one of a few six I think different
05:16things that were proposed and so this was one of them to leave out that clause so now
05:24the bill as it's moving forward is not with this clause 5 removal of rates relief we move that
05:30across now the new clause 5 is now the threshold effect something else something else entirely
05:35so clause 5 has been removed so as I said a huge blow to this government's plans to desecrate the
05:42private school sector of this country this alone would have affected over a thousand schools
05:47and the house of lords peers voted overwhelmingly by majority of 91 to remove this provision from
05:54that bill that would have ended that tax relief status for those schools now there's been some
06:00reporting on this baroness baron reported to say that education should not be taxed
06:06says clearly the government does not agree with us and we've seen this from the egregious
06:10introduction of vat on independent school fees and now with this bill former schools minister
06:16expressed concerns about political overreach affecting charities warning that government's
06:20actions would create a two-tiered system punishing charities that don't conform to its views
06:24it also argued that ending the tax relief will impact vulnerable children such as those with
06:29special education needs and disabilities and a conservative peer lord shinquin who himself has
06:35a genetic condition osteogenesis imperfecta who was educated at private school said that the
06:39government's treating children with send as expendable said that removing the part of the
06:43bill that was set to end the tax relief for these schools is the only way to protect pupils with
06:48send that attend independent schools like those that I attended he says where the proportion
06:52with send is much less than 50 he says the sad fact is in the government's eyes the damage to
06:58many of these children's life chances seems to be a price worth paying they are expendable
07:03immaterial inconsequential collateral damage caught in the crossfire of what appears to be
07:07an ideological obsession with punishing anyone they perceive as rich yet many of these children's
07:12families are not rich as I've been saying all along and the government knows it but they seem
07:17not to care they seem not to care incredibly about pupils with send mental health which is undoubtedly
07:23going to be hurt by the impact of this measure and branded the measure as deeply damaging and
07:28wholly disproportionate saying that schools could close as a result and we've seen lots of schools
07:34closing as a result of all of these different measures some people saying well these schools
07:39were struggling anyway well that might be the case but we should be championing these schools
07:43and helping them to survive not slapping them with vat to make it more difficult for children to go
07:48they're slapping them with all the employer national insurance which every company has been
07:53hampered with and to top it off removing the charitable rates relief which they were intending
07:58to do but now has been blocked so I for one think that's a good thing I think that's a good thing
08:03for children across the country particularly those with sand and in general because we shouldn't be
08:08taxing education because that is abhorrent I hope you agree you don't have to agree but please do
08:13leave me your comments and thoughts please do subscribe to the channel and as always thank you
08:16for watching