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00:00Hi there Generosos, welcome back to the YouTube. I hope you guys are good in today's video
00:04We're gonna be ranking the strictest rules from all around the world from fun all the way up to Hitler level strictness
00:12So what we're gonna be doing we're gonna be comparing UK school rules to rules from other countries and to be honest
00:17I'm glad I went to a school in the UK
00:20You are not gonna believe what students in other countries have to do is actually insane before we start guys
00:25I just want to point this out of all of you guys that watch my videos only
00:2823% of you are subscribed if you watch my videos and you enjoy them, then please do subscribe
00:32It really helps me out growing all the time and it's just fantastic
00:36Okay, first one banana ban one school in England banned the yellow fruit due to a teacher's serious allergy
00:41Oh, we're kicking it off with England. Great. That just sounds quite funny to be honest. It's not normal
00:46It's definitely not normal by any means
00:48So I'm gonna put it in the strict column right turns only to help keep traffic moving some schools ban kids from turning left in
00:55Corridors, why did you get detention? I was turning left in a corridor teacher told me off but what I
01:02Mean, it's strict
01:03I guess kind of for a good reason like to keep if the school's like highly populated you got to keep the flow of traffic
01:08Going so many kids
01:10I'm gonna put that in very strict though. That is that is very strict girls not allowed ponytails
01:16The teachers were worried that their hairstyle would distract the male students
01:20Distract the male students with their hairstyle. Well, what about if they didn't have a ponytail surely that hairstyle is also distracting
01:27So confusing it's about any sense. All right, that's very strict
01:31I wonder how many are gonna be in the Hitler column by the end of this video
01:34No winning instead of winning some schools give prizes only for participating. I think that is such bollocks
01:41That is so stupid. Yeah, I've heard that some schools in the UK primary schools and sports day and secondary schools
01:47They don't allow you to win anymore. I think that's so stupid and it's going in strict locked outside in the cold in Siberia
01:53You don't get sent out of the class. You go into the freezing outdoors. Oh my god
01:58Can you imagine you're just like if you misbehave all the time you just get like hypothermia and die
02:03Well, that's good. I mean that's gonna go in to be fair
02:06That is as close to Hitler level strict because that's that's like corporal punishment, isn't it?
02:10It's like physically punishing the students
02:12So it's going in very strict banning the dictionary one school in Florida decided to stop their kids from ever using a dictionary
02:19Not really sure why you'd want to stop your kids using a dictionary. I guess for the kids
02:24That's kind of fun means less reading ban on school bags. No more lugging around bags full of books
02:30Why a school would ban this I don't understand then you have to lug all of your books around without the bag. So
02:37About any sense is so stupid. It's definitely not normal
02:41I don't even know if there's gonna be any of these rules in normal column to be honest
02:44Let's go in in the strict pile next one compulsory choir. Some German schools make every child sing regardless of ability
02:51I mean, it's German so I could put it in here
02:54No, I mean compulsory choir. Yeah, it's not it's not quite Hitler level
02:59It's not it's not that bad, but it is very strict. Like why the thought you have to sing is very strict
03:04It's very strict. All right, if you don't agree with me, it's my video. Just stop watching
03:08Okay, next one. The only rule there is no rules a school in the Netherlands has no classrooms
03:14No set subjects and no rules. I want to go to the Netherlands. What the fuck?
03:20So cool, but it's going straight in the fun pile
03:23There's there's there's no other column for that branded items banned. No, Nike. No adidas. Everything has to be plain
03:29I mean my school did that so that to me is actually normal
03:33But I also think it's quite strict at the same time
03:35I'm gonna work in the normal column just because it's got nothing in it
03:38No, clicky pens the teachers got annoyed by students clicking. So the easiest option was to ban them
03:43Oh my god, what are all the ADHD kids meant to do in their spare time?
03:46Well, I was bored in lesson
03:48All I would do is just click my pen to be fair to remember people telling me off for doing that
03:52So yeah, it's gonna go in strict. It's not very strict though
03:55Okay, bowing to the teachers 85% of schools in China still practice traditions like this bowing to the teachers
04:04How are you today, sir?
04:06Are you well that is very strict that is also I just feel like it's something Hitler would do
04:11It just feels like that to me if it's something Hitler would do then it's going in the Hitler pile and that is something
04:16Hitler would do I
04:18Think he would make kids bow to them next one
04:21No running at recess the schools wanted to avoid being sued for any injuries. No running a recess. I mean, it's definitely not normal
04:28It's going in strict. That would be shit though
04:29I mean break times recess if you're from America would be terrible if you couldn't run like you can't play tag
04:35You can't do anything. She's gonna walk everywhere. That's so shit toilet paper from home in China
04:41You won't find any toilet paper in the bathroom
04:43You have to bring your own imagine if you forgot your toilet paper and you ask your friend to borrow some of theirs
04:48Oh my god, we just be so embarrassing
04:50Right. Well, that's going in very strict. It's the most stupid school rule ever. Why would they not it just it's given broke, isn't it?
04:57It's given the school doesn't have the funds to pay for the hygiene for their students arseholes
05:03Next one no farting allowed if you wanted to fart you'd need to go to the bathroom and hope they let you
05:10Yeah, I bet they wouldn't let you either but I suck. I go to the toilet, please
05:13I need to I don't even need the toilet. I just need to fart. You should have farted at break time
05:17But I know please oh
05:20My god, that is very strict. I don't think it can go anywhere else
05:23Really? Well, maybe it's something Hitler would do to be fair. Hitler would make no farting allowed a thing
05:27I think you know what's going in Hitler
05:30No personal belongings a UK school stop personal items. So students wouldn't feel envious
05:36So students wouldn't feel envious. What kind of things were they bringing into school?
05:40Well, I'm thinking is they're just what I'll have to bring anything into school
05:43But as long as they're allowed to bring like school stuff, it makes sense. But I don't know
05:47Yeah, it's going in strict. By the way guys. I'm saving the worst one till last
05:51So make sure you stick around to find out what that is next one. No romantic relationship
05:55Some schools have a rule which bans relationships of any kind. That is crazy
05:59I mean when I was in school, I was never in any relationships. I was too busy thinking about
06:04Xbox and just like staring at a wall all day. I mean that would probably be annoying for some people
06:10God, right. I'm gonna put that in very strict primary school probably makes sense. It's also a bit weird to be honest
06:18Secondary school, I think I think that is stupid
06:20I feel like kids or teenagers should be able to explore from an early age what it's like to be in a relationship
06:25That's just how part of learning and growing up next one. No smiling allowed
06:30one school in the UK
06:33Stop the kids from smiling. You'd have to be serious to go here. What why why would they stop you from smiling?
06:40No positivity Timothy stop having fun. Oh, sorry. It's going straight up Hitler's arsehole
06:46I mean, it's got there's no other column for is it's got to go in hit the pile
06:50That is definitely something Hitler would do this next one's a bit weird. Absolutely
06:54No, yellow Zimbabwe ordered schools to change any yellow on uniforms. No one knows why?
07:02There's just schools in a nutshell, isn't it teachers getting annoyed and putting in rules, so they don't need to
07:09Just getting rid of just banning the color yellow
07:12It's going in very strict imagine you came into the school in a banana
07:15You just get shot no best friends allowed a school band best friends
07:19So other children wouldn't be excluded could the other children not just get their own best friend. Oh god. It's just so like oh
07:26schools just thinking about kids feelings all the time, um, I'm gonna put that in strict a
07:32Complete music ban. No headphones. Just complete silence on school premises. No, thank you. Yeah, a complete music ban is crazy
07:39I never listened to any music in my school to be found. I would just yeah
07:43I just didn't listen to any music, but I never really thought about it being banned
07:46I think if someone banned it from me, then it would make me want to listen to it
07:51That makes sense. I'm gonna put that in strict fines for not speaking English. Okay, I think this was from the u.s
07:56This school would charge you 40 cents every time you were caught
07:59So if you're caught speaking in another language, you'd get fined like that's just racist. I mean, it's Hitler, isn't it?
08:05Let's be honest, it's Hitler glad I didn't go to that school. Although I can't speak any other languages
08:10So I only speak English. So I would actually been all right
08:13Next one no red or blue. These colors can be linked with gang violence. So some schools banned them fully
08:22So no yellow red or blue
08:26Definitely no police sirens then strict very strict. I don't know where to put this one
08:31It feels like just such a random thing to ban banning colors
08:36It's going in very strict. Oh my god GPS tracking students
08:41Would you be okay with your teacher knowing where you were every minute? No, I wouldn't
08:46He's so weird. You just couldn't you couldn't bunk lessons teacher just knows where you are at all times
08:51I just imagine like yeah, they'll just be so weird
08:53So I'd imagine it's like something either something on your phone or maybe you've got something on your school uniform
08:59It's like a microchip. So just teachers just know where you are
09:02It'd be so weird
09:03You just you would just want to take your clothes off as soon as you got home and change into your home clothes
09:08Otherwise the teacher would just stalk you and track you home
09:10I mean, there's no other column for it other than Hitler straight in the Hitler pile next one dress code shaming
09:16This school can force you to wear embarrassing outfits if you arrive in the wrong thing
09:21So if you arrive to school wearing the wrong clothes, the school will make you wear something embarrassing
09:26Maybe they put you in a dress if you're a student in school and you were fine
09:29You you know, you're wearing the uniform and your friend was the one it would just be funny to say the piss out your friend
09:34But if I'm to you, I mean, it's very strict. There's no way that's from the UK. That would just not be allowed
09:41That's got to be from a different country all technology banned phone. No laptop. No music. No
09:47Could you attend a school like this? No, that's gonna go in
09:52Very strict. Why would you want to ban all technology? Like it's literally the way the world is going everyone uses it
09:58Why would you want to ban it? You want to teach kids how to use it guys?
10:01Just makes me so angry. This next one is so stupid
10:04No asking questions if you don't understand something too bad you get what you're given
10:09What you meant to do sir? Can I go to the toilet? No asking questions. Sorry
10:15Yeah, I mean very strict. It's bordering on Hitler strict, isn't it? It's almost there. It's going in very strict
10:21Okay, this one is naps in the middle of the day
10:24So not no naps
10:25But naps you have to have a nap in the middle of the day
10:28Chinese schools try to get their students to nap after lunch to energize them
10:32I don't have a lesson where the teachers tell you to go to sleep and if you don't then you get a detention
10:37What the hell?
10:39Yeah, it's better than I don't know doing maths or history or something. It's going to go in very strict mode next one
10:45Right-handed only schools used to ban students from writing with their left hands. Are you left-handed? Yes, I am
10:50I am left-handed and my handwriting is terrible because of
10:54So does that mean I wouldn't have had to go to school? Does that mean oh, yeah, they just sent me home
11:00Oh, he's left-handed. He doesn't have to learn. I'm assuming not. I'm assuming they'll just force me to write with my right hand
11:05That is very strict as well
11:06I feel like what's the issue of being left-handed other than that you write like an idiot facial recognition software installed schools in u.s
11:14Are starting to use facial recognition on their students. That's just a bit strange, isn't it?
11:19Really nobody hacks into the system and then like I don't know
11:21I don't even know what they would do with a list of students faces, but can't be good. It's definitely not normal
11:27Is it it's going in it's going in strict. It's just a bit strange next one
11:31Deodorant is not allowed several schools ban the usage of these to prevent asthma attack
11:36It's great for kids with asthma, but makes the school just stink of shit
11:39You know what you have any idea how bad the boys PE changing room smell you wanna you wanna ban deodorant?
11:45That's not fun. That is not fun for anyone. It's gonna go in strict though. It's not it's not that strict
11:51It's definitely worse things like no smiling or no farting allowed banned from saying don't know this school would much rather you get a question
11:59Wrong than to not try at all
12:01But if I went to this school
12:03I would I would probably just be shot the amount of times a teacher would say Jake what is 2 plus 2 about?
12:09Just give it a go just come on
12:12Yellow no, no yellow. I'm gonna put that in
12:16Normal, I think that's actually a normal. I think that's a pretty good rule to make kids try
12:20There's no wrong answers
12:22But of course there are up there because if you get it wrong you probably get detention next one
12:26Homework free weekends Finland wants their kids to be able to relax and have fun over the weekend
12:32Well, it's not great for the finish kids. Well, that's gonna go in fun. It's just fun, isn't it?
12:36Well, that's so good. I do genuinely think I would be better
12:39I would try harder in school if I didn't have
12:43Homework to do at home or maybe it just at least less homework to do at home because I just felt burnt out in school
12:48Sometimes because I wasn't you know, I wasn't clever. I just wanted to play Xbox
12:54Isolation booth students who misbehaved get sent to empty rooms where they're entirely alone that happened in my school
13:00It was that she just called isolation like you get sent to isolation
13:03It was like the next step up from detention and the next step up from that is just going to prison, right?
13:07Yes, so I'm gonna put that in normal teachers banned from using sarcasm
13:11Okay, so this is one for the teachers what genius came up with this one?
13:14I mean the amount of sarcastic teachers you get which to be fair sometimes was quite funny
13:19So I'm gonna put that in fun. Okay, no slang words allowed
13:23We're not talking about essays a ban on using slang on school premises. Wow. Yeah, okay interesting
13:29Uh, I think that's pretty strict. I think that's pretty strict. This one is so stupid. No looking out the window
13:36What the hell is a window for then if I'm not allowed to look out of it eyes towards the front of the class
13:40Please oh my god. Yeah, it's me fair. I if there was a rule on that in my school
13:44I would have had endless detentions. That is all I used to do
13:47I used to be the worst one for daydreaming in school like the teachers be talking
13:51I'll just be like looking out the window
13:55Butterfly yeah, okay. I'm gonna put that in strict
13:58Oh, we're getting to the juicy ones now a ban on hand raising teachers were worried
14:03It was unfair to those who were scared to raise their hand
14:06What so they would ban the kids that were confident enough to raise their hands rather than encouraging those that weren't to raise their hands
14:13That's so stupid. It's very strict. It's
14:17Stupid ban on raising hands. Yes, sir. Don't raise your hand. Can I go to the toilet, please?
14:22No questions much of the school with all of these rules in one
14:26I think I'd just go to a different school at that point
14:28Oh my god can challenge other students to jewels some medieval schools in England have kept rules that shouldn't be allowed
14:34In England have kept rules that should have left long ago
14:39Winston I challenge you to a duel. Oh my god. That is great
14:43I would love to have seen that in school mother fetch me my dueling pistols. Oh, that is that's brilliant
14:49I mean, it's definitely not normal. It's pretty fun
14:51Oh my god imagine in your school instead of a fight breaking out where everyone gathers round
14:56There's just a jewel going on whether it's with swords or guns or two penises. I don't know
15:02I'll just be funny right next one forced community service some u.s. States demand that their students complete 200 hours of community service
15:12That's just that's just going in strict that sounds so I do remember in my school
15:17Those sometimes being forced to pick up litter like just random lessons. We'd have to do that
15:21Okay, no doors on bathroom stools, although not illegal. There is a huge lack of privacy here
15:26Why would there not be doors on the stalls to piss? I mean, we've got Hitler
15:31We should have another one for Jimmy Savile. It's so freaky. Why would teachers do that? It's going in very strict
15:37It's not quite Hitler. I don't know why Hitler would do that, but it's weird
15:41Mandatory school cleaning students in Japan are made to clean their class and toilets at the end of the school day
15:47Oh my god in Japan. Can you imagine that in the UK? It just would not happen
15:52Well, that's fifth period guys. You can all go clean the school toilets. Now. That's what we're doing today
15:56It's a cleaning lesson a lesson on cleaning. One of the students would just be like, oh no
16:01I'll clean the toilets
16:04Don't be so shit. It just definitely wouldn't happen in the UK with it. That's kind of very strict
16:09Why are they getting the students to do it? Okay, no phones allowed in the building
16:13So it's pretty much like the technology one French schools have banned children under 15 from bringing phones into school
16:19Okay, so just under if you're under 15 no phones Wow. Okay, it's going in strict
16:24I wouldn't say it's very strict though feel like it's not that bad
16:27No internet usage the school that banned this is located in a radio quiet zone. So Wi-Fi is banned
16:33Okay, I'm gonna put that in strict
16:35How are they meant to learn like if there's no Wi-Fi like controlling teachers can't access things. I don't know
16:40I don't know. I'm not a teacher. Oh my god. This one is so weird
16:45Strip search students students at Japanese schools are required to remove their clothes for health checks health checks
16:55It just makes me feel so weird
16:58Strip search students again. We need a Jimmy Savile column up here. It's just so weird. It's going in
17:05It's going in Hitler though. It can't go anywhere else. It's that is so weird
17:09Let me know if you are a Japanese student watching this
17:11Is that true groups have to be smaller than five some American schools limit people walking around to be less than five
17:18To avoid gangs. So basically if you've got more than four friends, you know, you're not allowed to you're not allowed more than four friends
17:25You're allowed more than four friends, but you can't be seen hanging around more than four friends. Let's just saw God. Oh
17:31God, it's going in very strict to be fair though thinking about it now
17:35I can't think of many times I did hang around more than more than five people
17:43Mandatory tea ceremonies Japanese students may have to practice the art of making tea ceremonies in school
17:49Well, I think that is strict. I also know that's kind of fun. I would have liked to have done that
17:53It sounds like something posh kids would do in the UK just like mandatory tea making classes
17:59Political subjects banned schools in China stop students from discussing anything controversial. That's gonna go in very strict
18:06Yeah, I feel like just banning entire subjects when other countries are allowed to do them just seems weird
18:12Okay, we're on the final four now teachers stop using red pens
18:16The red pens were thought to harm some students mental health. Oh my god. It's just so stupid
18:22Where does that even come from if I'm thinking about it
18:25If someone was if a teacher was marking my test and they put green tick or a red tick I just wouldn't care
18:31It's a tick or if they put a green cross or a red cross. I wouldn't care
18:36I'd probably cry either way going very strict hugs high fives and handshakes banned the principal of the school told students
18:43They would face harsh consequences
18:45What does that mean a strip search? So basically just they're not allowed to touch each other effectively very strict
18:51It's going in very strict. Okay, three bathroom breaks a semester
18:56Can you imagine needing to go but you're out of chances time them wisely?
19:00Yeah, you really do like you'd have to like only go if you absolutely, you know
19:05You're gonna shit your pants if you didn't go I'm gonna put that in a Hitler like I just feel like I'm pretty sure every
19:10UK school can relate to this but sometimes you would ask the teacher if you go to the toilet and they'll just say no just
19:15For no reason just cuz they felt like being a tosser
19:17I'm putting in a Hitler pile because I think that is so stupid
19:21We have made it to the last one and this is arguably the weirdest and most stupid of all of them some schools in
19:27Afghanistan ban women going to school despite protests. There is still a ban on women attending secondary school classrooms
19:34That is so stupid. Oh my I mean, there's no other column for it. Is there straight in the fun section?
19:41No, that is going straight in Hitler straight up Hitler's hustle. Oh
19:46My god, it's just so weird
19:48I just don't understand in modern-day society why not just a school but entire country can think
19:55that way against
19:57Women like a whole sex the entire sex. It's just so dated and just like I don't think it's crazy
20:03Oh, so it's going in Hitler. I
20:06Don't know if you guys agree with all of these but to be honest, they're just based on my opinion
20:11So yeah, let me know if you would change any of these but I think it's pretty fair
20:15But you go to a school that had all of these rules
20:18So no women strip search students three bathroom breaks a semester GP tracking students fines for not speaking English
20:25No, smiling. No farting and bowing to the teachers. Oh my god
20:30That would be the worst school ever. Well, there you go. They are the world's strictest school rules
20:35I hope you enjoyed watching before you go. Don't forget to Like subscribe
20:37Take it easy, and I will see you in the next video. Bye
