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00:00Hi there, Junior Roses! Welcome back to the YouTube!
00:02In today's video, we're gonna be looking at some of the funniest weird kid stories.
00:06Now, we all had a weird kid that went to our school.
00:08You're probably thinking of someone right now.
00:10But sometimes, these weird kids would do something absolutely incredible and so funny and unforgettable
00:16that it's just worth sharing the story.
00:18And those are the stories we're gonna be looking at today.
00:20Honestly, I think some of these kids are competing for Henry in terms of weirdness.
00:24As this video goes on, the stories are gonna get funnier and funnier and weirder and weirder.
00:28So make sure you stick around to the end to see the last story
00:30because when I read it, honestly, I didn't know what to do with myself.
00:33Before we start, guys, I just want to point this out.
00:35Of all of you guys that watch my videos, only 23.5% of you are subscribed.
00:39So if you watch my videos and you enjoy them and you want to help me out, then please do subscribe.
00:44All of these stories are real stories that I have found on Reddit.
00:47Okay, so the question that was asked on Reddit was,
00:49what was the weirdest thing the weird kid did at school?
00:53Okay, the first one.
00:54In high school, this kid would regularly pick his nose and eat it in class.
00:57He was also caught masturbating, another one, classic.
01:01He was also caught masturbating next to girls in the school library and on the school bus.
01:06Oh my God.
01:07He got suspended for a week and had to register as a sex offender.
01:11Oh my God.
01:12Edit update, he was 17, is no longer registered as a sex offender, and was able to go to college.
01:18Oh my God.
01:19That's the first one.
01:20If I was to go back to school, I definitely wouldn't change the weird kids.
01:23Like, I think they make school so much more funny and memorable.
01:27Although this one's a little bit too weird.
01:28For elementary school, I was that weird kid.
01:31I didn't talk until I was five, and when I started, I had maybe a 20-word vocabulary,
01:36and only spoke when spoken to for about three to four years.
01:39But at age five, when I started talking, the local 10-year-old genius,
01:43who was also our neighbor, was actually a genius, graduated at 12 or something close,
01:48walked up to me and said,
01:49The answer to every question can be found through observing.
01:53Oh, what a thing to say.
01:57And then walked off.
01:58That's it.
01:59That is all he said.
02:00I, on the other hand, was, and still am, an absolute idiot.
02:03What I interpreted from what he said was, the answer to every question is observing.
02:07Now, I knew this kid had the smarts I didn't have,
02:10so I took what he said very seriously, and unfortunately, very literally.
02:15My parents were freaking out.
02:16My school had to call my parents multiple times, and eventually, we had a big meeting.
02:20That ended up landing me in therapy, because for nearly a solid year,
02:24the only thing I ever said to anyone was observing.
02:28Two times two equals observing.
02:30What do you want for tea? Observing.
02:32What's on TV? Observing.
02:34Why the hell are you such a stupid f***ing kid? Observing.
02:38That was all he'd say. That's so funny.
02:40Oh, these stories are just so good, and they just keep getting better and better.
02:43This next one's quite a short one.
02:44Every lunch, he would put a baguette in his sleeve and secretly eat it.
02:50Why would he put it in his sleeve? Why doesn't he have a lunchbox?
02:53Imagine him just sitting there in class with a baguette up his sleeve, just going.
02:57Next one. He had heard that you'd automatically get suspended if you peed your pants at school.
03:03He wanted to find out if it was true.
03:05Peed his pants, got suspended.
03:07Why would you get suspended for that? Because you're in big trouble.
03:11Oh, good. Very good.
03:13But seriously, why would you get suspended for peeing your pants?
03:17Oh my god, that is funny.
03:18Also, why would you want to try that?
03:20He wanted to see if it was true.
03:23So he pissed himself in school and then got suspended.
03:26Like, it sounds weird.
03:28He sounds pretty weird. Had a kid nicknamed Cheeseburger in the grade ahead of me in high school.
03:33He got his nickname because when it was time for his class to go to lunch,
03:37he snuck into the roof and crawled his way into the cafeteria,
03:40dropped down and proceeded to steal all the cheeseburger put out for lunch.
03:45Unfortunately, they caught him in the act and sent him to the principal's office.
03:49Just stole them all. He stole all of them.
03:51A year later, he was caught stealing a teacher's computer,
03:53and in the process of being arrested, he bit the officer's hand,
03:57getting him sent to juvie, never to be heard of again.
04:00Oh my god. He really does sound like Henry.
04:02That is definitely something Henry would do.
04:07Jumping on the giant Christmas tree from the second floor balcony.
04:11This was the last time they put a Christmas tree on our school.
04:15Oh my god. Why would he do that?
04:19See, that is the perfect example of why weird kids are just brilliant.
04:24That sounds so funny.
04:25He got mad that he didn't understand how to play a game at lunchtime,
04:29so he started hitting and punching the nearest person to him who happened to be me.
04:35When I shoved him away and asked him what the hell was he doing,
04:38he whipped his dick out, charged at me,
04:42and when I shoved him away from me again,
04:44he started crying and ran away with his member still sticking out.
04:49Why did he get his dick out? That would be so weird.
04:54If somebody got their dick out and started running towards me,
04:57would I push them away or just sprint? I think I would just run away.
05:00I would fancy my chances at outrunning whoever's got their dick out chasing me
05:05than I would at pushing them away.
05:08A wild kid activated a fire hose and started blasting everyone that came his way.
05:13Students, teachers didn't matter.
05:17How did he get access to a fire hose? Because they're like super powerful.
05:21Oh my god, he must have got expelled for that or in serious trouble.
05:25She wrote a list of all the girls and boys she wanted to kiss
05:28and murder and then casually passed it out on the playground.
05:33A list of all the ones she wanted to kiss and murder.
05:35Okay, one of the comments says two separate lists or just the one?
05:38Same list, two columns lol. Imagine being handed a list from a girl.
05:43There's a kiss and murder column and you're on the murder column.
05:47I don't know which one I'd rather be on to be honest
05:49because either way you either get kissed or someone's attempting to kill you.
05:54Weird kid in elementary was a self-proclaimed alien.
05:57Once, while waiting for the bus, she told me,
06:00On my planet we eat people like you.
06:03And proceeded to bite me. Oh my god, that is Isabel.
06:07That is Isabel. We later became friends.
06:09Really? You wanted to become friends with that person?
06:12We later became friends in high school
06:13and she used to give me massages during lunch break in the quad.
06:18Okay, just realized now she was likely tenderizing me.
06:23What the f**k, it's so weird.
06:25How good were the massages though? Worth the risk for sure.
06:28They took the edge off from Algebra 2.
06:31That's some risk reward ratio right there.
06:35Oh my god, this is so funny.
06:37That is so funny. Just the thought of her massaging him during algebra.
06:41That's so strange. After like a few years earlier,
06:44she said she wanted to eat him. He didn't say much,
06:47but if asked he would go to the front of the class
06:49and perform tiptoe through the tulips with all of the emotion
06:52and volume of Tiny Tim holding nothing back.
07:00That is, so he'd go up to the front of the class,
07:02just sing that song with all of the emotion.
07:06That is the beauty of the weak kids. I think they just don't care.
07:09They just don't give a s**t and they would just do things like that
07:11and it just makes for really memorable moments.
07:14Now he is on Broadway. The last I heard he became an energy trader,
07:19made a ton of money and married well.
07:22Married well, what does that even mean?
07:24Don't forget guys, these stories get funnier and funnier
07:27and weirder and weirder. Sharpened a pencil super sharp,
07:29muzzle loaded it into the recorder,
07:32covered all the holes and then blowgunned it at another kid.
07:37The pencil went between his eyeball and socket.
07:40So fortunately he kept his sight.
07:42Oh my god. He basically made a weapon.
07:45Similarly, after I switched schools, this happened before I arrived.
07:48So I didn't actually see it. A girl used blue tack to stick a short
07:53and very sharp pencil on a kid's seat.
07:56He sat on it and it punctured the skin right next to his arsehole,
08:00then perforated his rectum. Needed emergency surgery.
08:05Oh my god. What the f**k were they on at your school?
08:08Yeah, what the hell man? Imagine having to go to hospital
08:12because you've sat on a pencil. Oh my god, that first kid as well.
08:16He's very lucky to not be blind in one of his eyes.
08:18Made it like a dart gun with a recorder.
08:21That is insane. When the teacher told him to sit down,
08:25he screamed f**k you cow. Fast forward two years,
08:27he tells everyone he's a vampire
08:30and stabs my friend with a pen to try and make him bleed.
08:33He was weird like. Yeah, he sounds weird.
08:36He's trying to convince everyone he's a vampire.
08:38So then try to make the other kids bleed.
08:39Like how is he allowed in school at all?
08:42He's trying to make his classmates bleed.
08:45I mean, he sounds like he just belongs in prison to be honest.
08:47Had this weird kid in my class,
08:49who was otherwise okay, just would do really unexplainable stuff.
08:52He once opened his lunchbox in class
08:54and threw the contents right onto the overhead ceiling fan.
08:58It was something liquidy and greenish. Hit the spinning fan,
09:01splashed down all over us, the walls, the board.
09:05The poor teacher got the worst rain down on his face.
09:07Oh my god. As a punishment,
09:09the entire class was made to clean the classroom.
09:12See, this is what I don't get.
09:13Why was the entire class made to clean the classroom
09:15and not the kid that threw it?
09:16Surprisingly, we were not mad at him.
09:19We all had a real good laugh at it.
09:20I'm surprised you weren't mad at him.
09:22I would have been so annoyed
09:23if somebody threw something in the ceiling fan
09:26and it went everywhere, probably so on me,
09:28and I had to clean it up.
09:29I suppose if it was just really funny,
09:31then obviously they didn't care.
09:32Said absolutely nothing to anyone besides,
09:35I like cows for about a month.
09:37I like cows! Anything you said to him,
09:39regardless of the context or situation.
09:41I like cows!
09:44That is very similar to fingers!
09:45The list is endless,
09:46but one instance sticks out in my mind.
09:49The boy was getting told off by the teacher
09:51and instead of taking it on the chin,
09:52he decided to jump on the table,
09:54shout, I'm out of here,
09:56and proceeded to run full pelt into a steel beam
09:59that was supporting the roof,
10:02knocked himself out cold,
10:04was a fun lesson by all accounts.
10:07He just ran, I'm out of here,
10:09and then just, just, just knocked himself out.
10:13Oh my God.
10:14Shout, I'm out of here,
10:16and by here, he meant this plane of existence.
10:19That is a great story.
10:21The thought of someone being knocked out in a classroom,
10:23that, that would have been so funny.
10:25I mean, I hope he's all right,
10:26but that's so funny.
10:28This next one's really short and simple,
10:29but I love it.
10:30Bring a toaster and make tuna melts in computer class.
10:35That sounds so good.
10:36Most people's computer classes,
10:37you're playing around with your friends
10:39and turning off their computers
10:40and they're getting annoyed.
10:41This kid just brings in a toaster,
10:43makes tuna melts for everyone.
10:45What an absolute legend.
10:46He once asked me to play spies with him.
10:49Knowing he didn't play with many people,
10:51I said yes.
10:52That was very kind of him.
10:52He took me on a mission around the school
10:55before coming to a stop in front of the bushes.
10:58Pulling his pants all the way down
11:00and then started peeing in the bushes.
11:03At that point, I was out.
11:05Yeah, I don't blame you.
11:06I just want to know, like,
11:08what is going through their brain sometimes
11:10to think that is a normal thing to do?
11:12It's not even just being normal.
11:13It's like, why would you want to do that?
11:15Why wouldn't you just go to the toilet?
11:17In fourth grade, one kid got so angry at something,
11:21maybe the work we were doing,
11:22he gripped his pencil as hard as he could,
11:24started yelling and moaning
11:27and stuck the sharp end of the pencil
11:29square into his forehead.
11:34That would be so painful as well.
11:35Like, why?
11:38Oh, so funny.
11:40Again, like, why would you want to do that?
11:43There was a kid who used to eat erasers
11:45and growl at other kids.
11:46That one of the comments says,
11:48I feel like every school had a growler.
11:50That was me.
11:51I was a growler in school.
11:52I don't know why.
11:53I used to think I was a lion
11:54and I could roar at other people.
11:59It didn't actually scare anyone.
12:00Oh my God, this one is so bad.
12:02A kid had a wank in the back of the classroom
12:05and thought it was funny,
12:06ejaculated on his desk.
12:0814 or 15, it was like he discovered fire.
12:11Oh my God!
12:13How weird would it be
12:15if you like turned around in the back of the classroom
12:17and you just see someone just chissing?
12:21Oh my God!
12:22You think it can't get any weirder than Henry
12:25and then you read a story like this.
12:27Third grade whipped his dick out
12:29while we were sitting on the mat,
12:30did not say anything,
12:32just sat there as the teacher processed what was happening.
12:35God, how did it end?
12:36What did the teacher say?
12:36Yeah, I want to know.
12:37I want to know what happened.
12:38In middle school, there was this chick named Katie
12:41used to eat her panty strings in class.
12:43Oh my God!
12:44Like she would pull strings from the elastic part of them
12:47and eat it.
12:48Oh God!
12:49I mean, we kids would just eat weird things.
12:52Unnecessarily so.
12:53I used to eat some very weird things when I was younger.
12:56Hole, bark.
12:57I used to eat like soil
12:59when I was really young,
13:00not like a teenager.
13:01I don't know if that makes it any less weird.
13:02I don't know why.
13:03I don't know what came over me.
13:04I felt like I needed the nutrition.
13:06So I thought, you know,
13:07mud is the way to go.
13:08Okay, we have made it to the last story
13:10and I've saved this one till the end
13:12because it's a good one.
13:12My old art teacher told our class a bunch of stories
13:15about weird things kids did in her class
13:17through the years before she retired.
13:19Before she worked at our school,
13:20she worked as an English teacher at the juvenile court school.
13:24Oh God!
13:24So you can imagine,
13:25there'll be some weird kids there.
13:27All of the kids there had issues,
13:28but there was this one kid who really stuck out to her.
13:31She was assigned to teach him,
13:32but the catch was that he had to be in solitary
13:35in order to be taught.
13:36Why did he have to be in solitary to be taught?
13:38Why was he so bad?
13:40She was also told that he needed to be watched at all times
13:43because he always tried to escape class
13:45and usually was successful.
13:47When she taught him,
13:48there was a guard posted at the door.
13:50It was that bad.
13:50He needed a guard to wait outside the door at all times.
13:53The windows were locked and boarded up
13:56and the door was kept locked.
13:57The only things in the room were his desk,
14:00his chair and her desk
14:01so that he couldn't hide either.
14:03Apparently, he was also extremely good at that.
14:05The first time she had to teach his kid,
14:07they were put in a solitary room,
14:09but it had a closet.
14:10The kid went missing
14:11and about three hours later,
14:12they found him taking a nap at the bottom of the closet.
14:14They missed him the first time they checked it.
14:16Oh God!
14:17Wow, that is bad.
14:19Another time she had to teach him,
14:20this time the room did not have a closet
14:22or any other visible places he could hide.
14:24She left the room probably to go to the bathroom
14:27and when she got back,
14:28the kid was gone.
14:29The guard just vanished,
14:31just vanished into thin air.
14:32The guard was there the whole time
14:34and the room was basically sealed.
14:36There was no way he could have gotten out.
14:38Once again, there were also no places he could really hide.
14:41The school went on a lockdown
14:43while they tried to find the kid.
14:44Oh my God!
14:45If you were a guard, you'd be so confused
14:47like where's the kid gone?
14:48About two hours passed
14:50and they finally find the kid
14:51when he pushes away the panelling on the wall of the classroom
14:55and steps out
14:56and casually asks if he could go to the bathroom.
14:59Can I go to the toilet?
15:00This kid opened up the goddamn wall
15:02and climbed inside to hide
15:04causing no one to be able to find him for hours.
15:08That is a great story.
15:11He went to the extreme measure of hiding in a wall
15:14to get out like he was just escaping death.
15:17It sounded like he was hiding for his life.
15:19Seems like this kid would be quite useful as a spy
15:21or some sh**.
15:23Yeah, sounds like it would be.
15:25Okay, well we have made it to the end of the video
15:26and I can say that Henry definitely has competition.
15:30There's some good stories.
15:32Let me know in the comments guys
15:33what is the weirdest thing the weird kid has done in your school?
15:36I hope you enjoyed watching guys
15:37and found this as funny as I did.
15:38Take it easy and I will see you in the next video.