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40x 89+ FUT BIRTHDAY PACKS! 😲 FC 25 Ultimate Team

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#EAFC25​ #EAFC #FC25

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► Music Credit: LAKEY INSPIRED
Track Name: "Better Days"

► Outro song:
Venice Beach - Topher Mohr and Alex Elena
00:00EA have released an 89 plus foot birthday guarantee pack and you can do this twice
00:06You have to give up three foot birthdays into this for one foot birthday back a 89 plus min rating
00:13It does remove a lot of foot birthday cards. And the first one is
00:17Gonna be
00:21It's not great is it's a 90 over rule, but it's not what I'm looking for
00:26Cascarino from the first one. Sure. The second one, please be better
00:31Who is that sent amid French
00:36Please peace. I am really
00:38Please. Oh
00:40Why man? It's always
00:42rabiot always
00:4491 overall rabiot so
00:47Cascarino, which is fodder rabiot, which is fodder if that was I am re that's unreal. There's no min rating on this one
00:53So this is from the weekly objective. I'm pretty sure EA
00:57Have a usable card now for me, huh?
00:59right mid
01:01German, ah
01:02It's gonna be nabri
01:04Good father. Very good father
01:06He's got the new place all plus the low driven a place all plus but I have used him
01:10Not really a big fan. Has he gone straight into it? Yeah, it's gone straight into it. We just got here
01:14Good luck left mid
01:22My god, I forgot about gone actual nah, that's so poor from a United fan that is so so poor for me
01:30He's good. He's actually honestly. He's a very very solid card to get he has got another one as well
01:36So we'll go ahead and see the other one. Good luck again
01:39Who this time?
01:42Who right back English
01:45Nah, but you skipped him. Have you already got him?
01:47Is that why that would have been so nice as well?
01:50That would have been back-to-back dobs by the way gone natural and Trent for him. He's got the new campaign mix. Why not?
01:56He's also got the eight to nine pluses as well. So we will see it right after this. We'll see Allah Santa Cruz and law
02:03Charles the Catalan a goat himself. Who do you want six foot birthdays in total has been chucked into these two packs
02:12Is it Kelly it is gonna be Kelly?
02:17She's okay
02:19Do you want to see someone better than Kelly?
02:21Of course you do but it's not a bad card to get and then this one is a cam a Spanish cam La Liga. Ah
02:29This one's gonna be isco. Yeah, it's goes not good. It's go is for Sean L
02:35You could also count Kelly as an L if you really want to a small L the second campaign mix of the day
02:40Is it better than the first one?
02:45Savino Goulton
02:47Not that good either to be honest. You cannot get foot birthday icons from this
02:52It's foot birthday cards and foot birthday heroes only it would be nice to see an icon
02:56But of course they've denied that Ruben Eves. He skipped that as well. He knew before me to be honest
03:01We need to see a crazy foot birthday card today
03:05That's a hero. That's the first time we see a hero striker. Oh
03:10It's gonna be sassage
03:12Sassage ain't great. It's a W. I'm pretty sure sassage is like a
03:17100,000 coin so in terms of value on what he threw into the SPC what he's got back. It is a dump
03:22Let me see actually no, she's less
03:25Wow, she's less than a hundred thousand coins. Good luck in yours a nine plus foot birthday pack
03:34Eyes gonna be has a gala
03:36Yeah, it's not good 91 overall I'm not surprised that you already have her as well
03:40I feel like everyone's got her in the SPC storage in the club everywhere. This one is not has a gal. It's on different
03:47Center mids. Oh
03:49It's gonna be la vodka. Yeah, that's shocking as well. It would be nice to see more heroes. That's for sure
03:55I only seen sassage right now
03:57He's not great striker
04:01Syria oh, it's Taran. He's actually pretty good in game. Well, I really honestly I've really struggled defending against him
04:08It's just he's like physical presence. It feels like he just bullies people. He just goes through people
04:13He's already got him. Good father. Don't I to overall the other 89 plus is who I?
04:20Think that's Kelly
04:22Yes, it is Kelly and Taran. I see it
04:26It's not a small player this time
04:31It's gonna be grassy the amount of times we've seen him by the way from a 90-plus player pick
04:36Too many times one hero so far
04:39Not hero again
04:42It's a
04:43CVM it is. Yeah, I was gonna guess a Ruben Evers. Not good storm into the club move on
04:5190 overall will take the father. That's it. Oh
04:55Okay, here we go. That's a hero
05:00JJ JJ a coach is decent, especially from this pack JJ. I'm pretty sure it's like 400,000 coins the way this guy feels on a ball
05:09Different he's dribbling is unreal. Of course, you guys can see 98 dribbling. What is he doing? By the way?
05:14What is that animation? How much is JJ?
05:18400,000. Yeah, just under around 370 K. That's good
05:21I did have a feeling that we're gonna bump this up to one or four
05:24But I also had a feeling that we're gonna do an 88 plus as well
05:27Looks like they only did the one or four van der zon
05:33Yeah, Cameron Horan for father. Hold on a second 60% of people watching this video right now have not subscribed
05:41So if you are enjoying a video make sure to leave a like and hit that sub button
05:45200k plus
05:47No hero. Who's that walking towards us striker?
05:50Gracie, yeah, we've seen him. I'm actually surprised with the we've not seen Jackson by the way campaign mix player pick one or four
05:57Let's see it. I'm Derek
06:01Savino so a player people are looking for right now is that left-back roll fold if left-back roll fold pops up now
06:07It's actually a W because of the new evil but before of course
06:11We kind of just saw her and just pushed her to a side to be honest you
06:15CDM Spanish
06:17CDM Spanish
06:19First time we see Zuma Mendy. How is it taking us this long to see Zuma Mendy? That's weird
06:25I thought he would have been like one of the first cards to pop up and the next one Zuma Mendy from the first one
06:30And the other one is
06:32It him I was waiting to be honest to you. I was waiting. It was gonna happen. Eventually good old Harry Maguire
06:38I'm actually so disappointed. They didn't give him anticipate or in the set like surely you give him one
06:44We have not seen a Ruben Diaz
06:47No idea. No idea when we're gonna see him if we're gonna see him sent him it
06:52we've also
06:54Not seen parade us. This is the first time we see him
06:57If you get a Demarco from this a nine plus it definitely is a W for sure
07:03right wing
07:04Kelly has Kelly been the most common card today. Don't know how she's the most common card to be honest you the other one I
07:11Don't know who it is
07:13CDM. Oh my god, Ruben Evers as well to be fair Ruben Evers
07:17I think this might be the third time we see him as well
07:19Everyone's like full setting blow for these at the exact same time. Good luck. We get a cam
07:26It's never honestly the amount of times we saw isco out of the first
07:31I say out of first out of team one. It was a joke. Let's do the one on the right first. Why not? Good luck
07:39first one is a
07:44Please if this is Rabia again, don't even so I am free. Oh
07:48My god. Oh my god. I just want to see so I am re once that's it
07:53Just once EA JJ a culture has been our most expensive pool so far
07:58That's an icon. Is that
08:01It's his that's smaller it let me actually search up how much smaller it goes for because this card is nice
08:07He's not as much as JJ's
08:09230,000 coins, but it is 100% a W campaign mix player pick where we're going for the third one
08:18Not good. No good
08:21saw off
08:22Notice how all of a sudden roll fold just doesn't pop up roll full out of the one of three
08:27Popped up non-stop from the one of four as soon as she's usable in an Evo nowhere to be seen
08:3389 plus go ahead. I don't know if he's actually done both of them. He had another pack there though. It's that
08:41It's Holland. Okay. That's not a real that's actually crazy. That is our best for today
08:4795 yeah
08:4995 over Harlan. Sorry. I was trying to honestly. I just didn't believe it was gonna be Holland
08:53I was trying to think of another Norwegian striker in foot birthday. Yeah, he's
08:58700,000 coins. That's a W. Of course is a dub this one first and then the other one after
09:04No hero
09:06Is nl
09:08Skip skip skip skip skip skip skip. Wobbin boy. Yeah into the club you go
09:14perfect for the 89 exchange that will
09:17Hopefully be coming in the future being saying that for the past two months, by the way
09:23Hopefully soon. No chance. Are you kidding me?
09:27Are you kidding me perfect for the 89 exchange that we coming in the future?
09:33Xbox bring us that luck man. Bring us that luck. I want to see a card. That's over a meal today best pool Harlan so far
09:40It's that so yeah, no, it's not man
09:43I want to see Zy Emery so bad to the point where I'm trying to see Zy Emery, you know
09:46I'm trying to like convince myself. It's Zy Emery walking towards us Jackson first time. We see Jackson this one
09:53Better please than Jackson because Jackson's just father
09:57Is that LeBron code don't do it. Oh
10:00It's love vodka, that's shocking good luck. I'm not controlling so it's all him. I
10:06Don't know who days
10:09My god, all of a sudden Jackson's popping up
10:11It's got didn't pop up from the first like 20 or 30 that we opened and all of a sudden
10:16We see him twice in a space of like what three or four packs. I have this a grassy feeling right now
10:21I'm not not a big fan of him
10:24It's not grassy, it's actually Wilfred first time we see Wilfred's a heart he's super cheap, by the way
10:29He's like 40k to a 585 plus player pick go ahead
10:33I don't know what rank he got but we will be finding out after we see this player pick Zuberman D
10:39Bruno Paulina Kimmich Sarnie
10:42Free buy-in players in a row by the way, that's a little bit weird
10:45one of three so
10:47rank three
10:49Yeah, rent for I'm pretty sure in terms of player picks this turns into an 84 plus could be wrong though could be wrong
10:56But I'm pretty sure it's rank free. Good luck out of this for birthday pick
11:02Not good. Jata. Not good. Oh
11:05The Marco, all right, DeMarco solid 288 in a row really and then the 93 saves the day
11:13We're telling again. Are we about to do this again?
11:19Okay, that's shocking we didn't get saved in that second one DeMarco is decent 88 plus times 2 he's got foot birthday
11:27Center mid Spanish. Oh
11:29It's gonna be Porteus or Bon Mati. It looks like
11:36Correct. Yeah, 90 overall and then alibar. Hold on. This guy's actually getting some really solid foot birthday cards
11:44He's also got an 85 plus times 10 and we're in again for birthday
11:50CDM Spanish
11:52We got to Zuma Mendy. This is tradable as well. So he could make a lot of coins here Zuma Mendy with
12:01Is that yeah, it is Cascarino and two players
12:04I don't really go for too much
12:05Three unforms in total though with a Dembele probably hold on to Dembele because there's probably gonna be an Evo from very soon
12:12One or five foot birthday picks two or five
12:1585 plus player picks I feel like two or five a five plus player picks
12:18It's like a whole mouthful to say every time Wow, really?
12:21Oh 80 fives, at least you got one in form, right at least so this is ranked two rewards
12:26So we should have 86 tens as well
12:29I'm hoping they give out 286 is 185 Antonio silver with the 87 gundo. Yeah
12:36Yep. All right foot birthday picks or do you want to open up after all right campaign mix player pick first
12:42We get bright
12:44Oscar the kneeler
12:48Mid very very very mid one of five foot birthday picks. Here we go the vodka
12:54He's done a reveal all trend eyes already got trend though, and he's already gone untradeable. You might as well go from yeah
12:59The we want to see the father just around trend shocking
13:04Train out the first one. Please be good. No, no, no. Oh
13:10My god for rank two, it's not good enough which one we're doing first a nine plus times two first, okay
13:16I don't know who that is. It's a sentiment Kevin de Bruyne
13:2090 overall
13:22The foot birthday card. I don't think the rating of KDB has any impact on the foot birthday card, but we're about to find out
13:30Not nothing. It does 90 90 parade us 90 parade us 90 KDB
13:36Sure, it's an 89 plus times two to a six tens 184 plus times 25 in form
13:45No big fan of that unless there's a foot birthday hero, right? I think it's gonna be an L
13:51Okay, mandanda, so we do actually get a foot birthday card
13:54But I don't see a foot birthday hero and in terms of fodder. It's not that great either. Good luck. This is tradable
14:03Who's that cam?
14:08Wait tune as the first walk out
14:11Please be someone ridiculous
14:14Who mossy Allah unreal man unreal in this pack alone?
14:19800,000 coins maybe even 900 K. We'll see if there's anything else behind here
14:24No one really that special. No, we'll see alias around
14:28700,000 coins alone really good man
14:31I'm pretty sure he's happy with what he's walking away with but let's see if it can even get better. Oh my god. He's got a
14:38Hero, I was gonna say icon, but I'm pretty sure it's a hero
14:41It's got like this weird little tint to it. So I'm gonna assume it is this is has a gala 91 overall
14:49it is
14:51Smaller it this guy got smaller it from his second 86 plus times 10 and mushy Allah from the first one
14:58What elite foot birthday guarantee pack go ahead man
15:03No, uh, no hero actually no icon. We can't say no hero
15:09tune oh
15:10My god, wait, he just got he literally just got her two seconds ago as the first walk out as well
15:17Who is it?
15:18It's out of it this time. Okay, Alaba soon. There still is a chance for something else. Hold on
15:26Okay, zoom Mendy soon Alaba
15:29It's definitely not as good as his 86 plus times tens, but it's still not too bad
15:33Which one is it gonna be an icon or hero? It's gonna be a hero
15:38That is sentiment
15:42It's a 90
15:44It's decent, but we've seen this plenty of times and it usually is someone that's not that great
15:51This time yeah, it's Martinez Martinez ain't actually shocking, but he is usable
15:56But we need to see more than this to call it a dub. Who's the hero? Oh
16:02My god, it's on the next page. You have to be kidding me zero dupes as well. So it's the only player on the next page
16:09My keys, yo, he's actually gone up as well. He's around
16:14470,000 now that's a W
16:16Icon pick then campaign mix then back to the icon pick then one foot birthday pick
16:22Yes, we are mixing it up and this story Kelly Smith Roy Keane. All right, so Kelly Smith
16:28Straight over to the campaign mix how we're done. We're doing this in a very weird order just because why not saw off the hair
16:36Good, shall we we'll go for kachow here. All right back to an icon pick. Let's do this in
16:42reveal all
16:43Who we got?
16:45keen again
16:47Barnes Oh
16:49Hey, yeah, yeah, come on
16:52For birthday pick and then back to the icon pick then back to the foot birthday pick
16:57We get Sam's
16:59new sir
17:01Rabiot will go for a rabiot because of the rating icon player pick
17:06Have we got here?
17:08We have got
17:11And this story again and then David Beckham. It's like L after L after L
17:16Look at this. What are we playing at last the last player pick here for birthday pick?
17:23That's a gala
17:25Alaba. Oh, okay. This is way better than the first one. Who do you want to take here?
