Expedition 33 Hands on Preview
An upcoming turn based roleplaying game with real time combat elements is coming out soon I got hands on to do a preview.
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Buy, wait for a sale, rent, or never touch it. The Patented Karak review system to see if a game is worth a buy upon release or if I recommend waiting
An upcoming turn based roleplaying game with real time combat elements is coming out soon I got hands on to do a preview.
Behind the scenes on the music https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E9fay-Ttmkg
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Sniper Elite Resistance https://youtu.be/-wlwGNWqcSU
Planet Coaster 2 https://youtu.be/0pJPcsqCuTs
Still Wakes the Review https://youtu.be/qPs6aThTvPk
Dragons Dogma 2 Review https://youtu.be/eKu3cwSuBYw
We also do the Best Gaming and Videogame Podcast each Friday
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Coverage includes ps4, PS5, XBox series X/s, Xbox one, pc, Switch, and digital storefronts like Steam, as well as companies like Microsoft, Sony and Nintendo.
Buy, wait for a sale, rent, or never touch it. The Patented Karak review system to see if a game is worth a buy upon release or if I recommend waiting
00:00In the last few days, I've got to spend some time with a new game coming out, Expedition
00:05And if my time spent with the demos any indication, we're in for one hell of a ride, even if
00:09we don't understand like 50% of it.
00:11Developed by French studio Sandfall Interactive and published by Kepler, this turn-based RPG
00:16takes not only the turn-based stylings that you may expect, but adds in some real-time
00:21mechanics with an eerie French-inspired dark fantasy world, and then smash it all into
00:25a turn-based strategy title that also has real-time components.
00:29And that's precisely why this may be on the right track, because it's actually wrong to
00:32think of it as a mishmash.
00:34It's dropping on April 24th for PlayStation 5, Windows PC, and Xbox, and I got a chance
00:39to sit down with it and play many hours, so let's check it out.
00:42And now's the time I'd tell you to subscribe, but no, don't.
00:45Instead, go check out some smaller channels, channels you may have watched, and not hit
00:49the subscribe button, especially the way YouTube works, it always helps.
00:53Imagine waking up one day to see a number scrawled across the side of a giant mountain
00:57like some celestial death warrant.
00:59If it happens to match your age, tough luck, you're gonna die.
01:01That's a grim fate humanity suffers every year at the hands of an enigmatic force known
01:04as the Painteress, an eldritch executioner with a brush instead of a blade, and has the
01:09world at her beck and call.
01:10With every passing cycle, entire generations are wiped clean, like ink spilled on old parchment
01:15to be thrown away.
01:16And now, as the dreaded 33 shows up, one last desperate gamble set into motion, where an
01:21expedition goes out to try to destroy her.
01:24And this expedition is led by Gustav, played by no less than Charlie Cox from the Daredevil
01:30TV show.
01:31You join up with other characters, a mix of warriors and scholars and rogues, characters
01:35that are voiced by Jennifer Inglis, Kirstie Ryder, and Andy Serkis.
01:39Each of them carries on a reason to fight and help you out, and tries to defeat the
01:44Painteress before the inevitable 33 turns into, well, basically 32.
01:48Their odyssey is really no simple march.
01:51It starts out in the middle of the story, it spans across different haunted sea-like
01:54locations, drowned ruins, and landscapes that are all twisted into eerie reflections of
01:59many different fantasy settings and games overlapped on top of one another.
02:03And every bit of the world you explore sort of peels back that mystery of past failed
02:07expeditions and different stories about what's happened in the past, existential choices
02:12as well as the team's resolve and their understanding of one another and why they're
02:16fighting for this.
02:17Speaking of who's fighting, you are with Gustav, you take other characters with you,
02:21and you explore the world, which is actually surprisingly vertical.
02:24There's a lot of places where you're climbing up using grapple locations where other teams
02:29have used it to try to find new story elements or fight enemies.
02:33And fighting enemies is something you do a ton of in the demo and in the real game itself.
02:37When you jump into a battle, it's what you would expect.
02:40On the left, you have your character portraits, which say who goes first, who goes last, and
02:44then you have your turn-based battle system.
02:45When you're playing, you have to sort of figure out when it's gonna require a turn-based
02:49action where you can sit back and do nothing, and the next moment when it's gonna require
02:54you to press a button.
02:55It's about picking moves from a menu, as we've seen in all turn-based games, and then watching
02:59those numbers fly out, nailing a perfect parry or dodge when it's required of you by hitting
03:04that button exactly when the enemy attacks.
03:07There's even a free aim system in this that lets you actually aim a gun that zeroes in
03:11on enemy weak spots.
03:13So if you've ever wanted to snipe a demon's kneecaps, you can do that.
03:16Each character, no matter what they had or what they were doing, had an almost fiction
03:19built around them where it made you start to believe that the classes, or at least the
03:23character archetypes, made a ton of sense.
03:26Whenever you do something in a game, it costs action points, and while you gain one per
03:30turn, there's a lot of ways different characters can actually squeeze out extra AP, or you
03:35can get some from good parries or skill chains, specific maneuvers you choose.
03:40When you hit a button, one indicator on the screen quickly plays out, maybe something
03:43that people are accustomed to at times, but the way this game goes about it is distinctly
03:49You can also go into the actual settings of the game and at any time turn those on to
03:54automatic, so it'll handle it for you.
03:56There's also relics that function like the RPG's answer to pretty much wearable cheat
04:01You equip one of them, and that'll give you a ton of stat points, and you find these around
04:04the game world.
04:05You stack the right ones together, and you can fine tune your party's play style.
04:08What I found with this was, when I experimented with the different characters, there were
04:12actually distinctly different ways to play the same character, not only depending on
04:16just your upgrade path, but also on the way you put points into the different attributes,
04:21like vitality, might, agility, defense, and luck, and they raise things like attack, power,
04:26speed, defensive abilities, and critical hit, respectively.
04:29This is the kind of combat system where every decision does feel like it matters, even if
04:32you don't really want to engage in the real time.
04:35It is something that, if you jump in there and use it, you get enough bonuses from doing
04:40It can be the difference between life and death, and it actually feels like something
04:43that works fairly well.
04:44There were a couple times where I felt like, why in the hell is this one system not actually
04:48asking me to enter a real time input?
04:51It's just, there were a couple skills that didn't do that, which seemed odd.
04:54Especially at the starting of the game, I was always wondering, okay, which one of these
04:56is going to require a button press, and which one isn't?
04:59And then once you sort of figure that out, it's not so bad.
05:01What I did like also is how each character, as I said before, has an almost class style
05:06feeling for it.
05:07For example, one character has offensive stances that they switch into, and it gives different
05:12Another character casts spells, and while doing those, they gain something on their
05:15spirit called stains.
05:16It's almost like wounds for an old style D&D monk, which you can then use to power other
05:21moves, but they're elemental based, so you might actually end up getting a stain of flame
05:26on yourself by casting a flame spell, and to use it, you sort of burn that flame off,
05:31and you cast an ice spell with it, which may seem odd, but it almost feels like, in
05:35a way, to remove that heat from yourself, you create an even deeper cold feeling, and
05:41that's what you cast on the enemy.
05:42The main character was a more standard shoot shit, slash shit, magic attack shit, and
05:46then move on kind of character, but that actually solidified the gameplay group, where you have
05:50a character you can pretty much understand instantly, and you know exactly what's going
05:54on even when you add on different weapons and their skills, but the side ones were where
05:59the juice was.
06:00You can also switch and attack any character in the lineup that you're facing with some
06:04massive modifiers.
06:05For instance, floating characters can actually usually dodge up close attacks, completely
06:09meaning you have to plan out the magic attacks to hit them, while another character may be
06:13almost impervious to a particular element, things we've seen before, but when it's their
06:17turn to attack, you can basically dodge or parry, with parrying able for you to deliver
06:22massive bonus damage back to them.
06:25I can say that the input system for this did feel a little odd.
06:28That large box on the screen with an arrow on it, I thought, okay, I need to hit the
06:31button right when the box lights up, and the arrow sort of matches up with the countdown
06:36design, but that resulted in a number of misses.
06:39In fact, sometimes it would say perfect, regardless if I felt it was perfect or not.
06:43Now, the setting, as I said before, is equal parts, let's say, opulence and nightmare fuel
06:47feel, but not in that, oh, look, we're at an art museum kind of way, more like what
06:51would old French design colliding with elder gods horror feel like.
06:55Enemy design was the same way.
06:56It's all over the place.
06:58At first, it was like Stonehenge got pissed at those people trying to graffiti it, so
07:00the rock sprouted legs, bad attitudes, and tried to defeat you.
07:03And then the next, you'd be fighting a Pinocchio looking automaton, and then a foresty, rocky
07:10As I continued playing, I started to think I figured out why.
07:13We'll just have to see.
07:14With these worlds and these hubs, I would say it's one part almost Final Fantasy, another
07:18part undersea theme park.
07:20You'll move through an alien location that has warped Alice in Wonderland style motifs,
07:24and then ocean scenes where, as I said, water bubbles up into the sky.
07:28There's cracks in the ground.
07:29And one point in the game, there is a whale swimming or floating or flying above your
07:34It is this eclectic, ethereal feel to the fiction that ended up paying off dramatically,
07:39especially as I sort of looked around and said, you know what, these mysteries, these
07:43little bits of story I'm finding are pulling me forward in the demo, which I didn't quite
07:47think was going to happen.
07:54Now, the sound sphere is wide, almost distractingly so when you're playing, so especially when
08:19traipsing around in non-underwater underwater sections where ambient sounds, creature calls,
08:23and your own footsteps can become almost confusingly wide, like the center channel isn't necessarily
08:28doing all it needs to ground the character in that space.
08:31There's a lane here of effects, one on top of the other, that really delivers that otherworldly
08:37This also tightens up into a fine space when you go into combat with attacks, dodges, and
08:41blocks all centered pretty expertly.
08:43Also, this might be some of the best music I've heard in a demo ever.
08:47And I mean ever.
08:48The otherworldly melodies, they sort of resonate hand in hand with the visuals.
08:51You have angelic vocals fading into harmonies that sounds like they're almost from childlike
08:56instruments, things that you don't usually hear in games, especially this eclectic.
09:01The soundtrack so far is very off-kilter, something that you might expect from a number
09:06of games actually mixed into one.
09:08There are elements of titles like Fable, Final Fantasy, Kingsbird, and others.
09:13I've enjoyed the soundtrack a great deal, but I did have some concerns.
09:16First, when it comes to control, which is mouse-based movement systems or controllers,
09:21it sees you moving the mouse a huge amount before it makes an impact on the character's
09:24controls, which is what really matters in third-person, and it feels more clumsy than
09:28it needs to be.
09:29They had a warning, hey, we'd like you to play on gamepad, that feels the best in this
09:33game at least right now, and I jumped to it, but it still felt somewhat the same way.
09:37Also, the awful free-aim gun in the combat.
09:40I love the idea that you can do it, but it feels almost completely, 100% disconnected
09:45from everything else.
09:46The way you aim, the way it looks, even the way it animates, the game's worldview and
09:50batched story don't help that part of it, but also when you switch out to that free-aim,
09:55you're just sort of sitting there going like, why does this feel like nothing else in the
09:59Also, when it comes to the animation for movement, it's not only floaty, but also pretty rough,
10:03especially starting and stopping, which aids the feeling of these characters appearing
10:06on their own, almost like puppets, but it makes movement feel weirdly unresponsive on
10:11both the mouse and keyboard and on the controller.
10:14And there's no maps in exploring the areas, which can suck when everything looks like
10:17you drained 20 miles of the Pacific and you're walking around coral beds.
10:20Lastly, the game's atmosphere is very thick, and at times this means the world has a smudgy,
10:25smoky look.
10:26The game doesn't always put its unique and interesting visuals forward because of that
10:30look, it almost looks like the bloom is set way too high on it.
10:34And when you're playing the game, there are times where you realize this would look great
10:38if I could, you know, sort of see it all.
10:40The game also has an open world map.
10:42So this is harkening back to the RPG Days of Yore, where you go into a large open world
10:48map and you can explore.
10:49We've seen a ton of it and I got to run around in it.
10:51I like that overall, but at this time, I really haven't seen how that reflects the main game
10:56proper yet.
10:57So far, I think they're pretty close to nailing this.
10:59We'll just have to see if they can make it through to the very last days.
11:02If the preview is anything to go by though, Expedition 33 is shaping up to be something
11:06that's at least visually striking with some good gameplay chops, with possibly a couple
11:12The turn-based and real-time elements does give everything a frantic feel almost that
11:16then is combined with the momentary relaxation of sitting back and just watching the turn-based
11:22combat happen.
11:23That to me is almost unsettling and in a good way, intriguing.
11:27I'm actually excited to see where this title goes.
11:31That's it for me.
11:32I'd love for you to subscribe, hit the patron button, jump on over there.
11:35We have awesome discussions in there, or you can just become a YouTube member or you can
11:39do none of those, and give this a thumbs up and leave a comment if you like these videos.
11:43Peace out.
11:45Elodie's expedition.
11:46You know, the commanders of every expedition.
11:55Expedition 68.
11:56Their boat was blown into the air by a storm.
11:59Lumiere lost sight of it, but assumed they crashed on the continent.