• 10 hours ago
These google maps locations were insanely creepy!

HUGE thank you to Wake to Wake in Turks and Caicos for hosting us on their amazing boat! 🚀

Also Wave N Wishes for the incredible boat charter in the Bahamas! 🌊 Make sure to check them out!

Stalk me on instagram for more content!

Dom: @DominicBrack
Drew: @DrewBeilfuss


00:00Today, I'm traveling to some of the creepiest places I found on Google Maps.
00:04Like this island full of haunted dolls,
00:06an underwater airplane that crashed in the middle of the ocean,
00:09and so much more.
00:11So make sure you keep watching until the end,
00:13because we risk our lives to film this video.
00:17Starting with this abandoned shipwreck.
00:19Okay, so this place looks like it's about 20 miles off the coast of Turks and Caicos.
00:23So we should rent a boat.
00:24Okay, let's go.
00:26There it is.
00:26Yep, there it is.
00:28Bro, oh my god.
00:30We can almost touch the boat.
00:33We're so close.
00:34This is crazy.
00:35Oh my god.
00:36What are some things that we might find on the ship?
00:43Oh my god, Drew is on the ship.
00:45Is that part safe?
00:48And after we all got on the abandoned shipwreck, we ran into our first problem.
00:52Wait, wait, wait, wait.
00:53Wait, wait, where's the boat going?
00:55You guys made it!
00:56What the f***?
00:56Wait, what?
00:57Yo, what's going on?
00:58Not only are we stranded,
01:00we're some of the first people to step foot on this abandoned ship.
01:03So anything can happen.
01:05Yo, this is literally insane.
01:07Oh my god.
01:08Dude, Brent, watch out for the holes, bro.
01:09There's a bunch of holes in the floor.
01:11Oh my god.
01:12Dude, look at that.
01:13That could be your foot.
01:14We're going inside right now.
01:15Okay, we're going into the shipwreck.
01:17This looks like the start to like a horror movie.
01:19Bro, like this ship is for sure haunted.
01:22Oh my god.
01:22Yo, this is so sketchy.
01:24What's sketchy about it is that the floor can fall beneath our feet at any moment.
01:28Bro, I know.
01:28Don't say that while I'm walking up the stairs.
01:31Yo, wait, is this where he died?
01:33All right, this part does not feel safe.
01:35The captain was literally here when the ship wrecked.
01:38Yeah, that's insane.
01:39All of this is like falling out.
01:41Dude, look at all the wires and stuff.
01:43Dude, where are we?
01:45What are we doing?
01:46This probably controlled the whole boat.
01:48Seeing this on Google Maps is one thing,
01:49but actually being on the ship is so creepy.
01:52I cannot believe we're actually up here.
01:54What's in there?
01:55It looks like where the captain might have slept.
01:57Oh my god.
01:58All right, guys, at one point, I think this was the shower.
02:00Ugh, smells more like a toilet.
02:02I know, look at how sketchy this stair set is right here.
02:05What is, what could be down there?
02:07Wait, I think that's the engine room down there.
02:08Oh no, I'm not going down there.
02:10Dude, this is so sketchy.
02:12I literally feel like I'm gonna fall to the floor.
02:14Bro, there's literally water in the ship still.
02:16I don't think this is safe, guys.
02:18Something about this seems like eerie.
02:19It is, it's eerie.
02:20That's a good word for it.
02:21This is the creepiest thing we've ever done.
02:23I think this was the kitchen right here.
02:25Bro, you think they have any snacks?
02:28I'm so hungry.
02:29Then we made our way outside to explore the poop deck.
02:32I found the bathroom.
02:33Drew, are you peeing?
02:35Wait, Drew, what are you doing, bro?
02:36He's literally peeing.
02:37Bro, there's no toilet in the bathroom.
02:39Are you, why are you peeing?
02:41And now I guess it's the pee deck.
02:44I wonder why we bring Drew sometimes.
02:45Oh, I know, I wonder that every time.
02:47Wait, wait, wait, bro, I feel like you should stop.
02:49There's like a lot of holes right there.
02:50I don't know if we can go to the front.
02:51Look at the pathway.
02:52Dude, what?
02:53Okay, one wrong step and you're swimming with the sharks.
02:56Why would you say that?
02:57I mean, that's just being honest.
02:58There's literally cracks everywhere in the floor.
03:00Oh, this is not sturdy.
03:02Nothing about this boat is sturdy.
03:04What am I even standing on?
03:06Is this a TV?
03:07Wait, what is this?
03:08Okay, I think this is like a really old distress signal.
03:11This is what they used when the ship crashed.
03:13I mean, probably, I'd be pretty stressed if I was the captain.
03:15Oh my God.
03:17And after exploring the rest of the boat,
03:18the boys decided to have a little fun.
03:20I'm king of the world.
03:21Guys, what are you doing?
03:23We're Jack and Rose from the Titanic.
03:25Now is not the time.
03:26We need to find a way off this boat.
03:28The ship is decomposing as we're standing on it.
03:31This is such a bad idea.
03:33I don't want to jump off it.
03:34Look how high up we are.
03:35I don't want to either, but we have to.
03:37How else do we get off?
03:38I don't know.
03:38Of course.
03:39Walk the plank.
03:40What are you, a pirate?
03:41Yes, I am.
03:42All right, here we go.
03:44Three, two, one.
03:46Oh my God.
03:49He actually did it.
03:51And after Dom and I jumped off the ship,
03:53we got in a rescue boat,
03:54and now it's time to go to the next place.
03:57And keep in mind, they only get more creepy from here on out.
04:00So the next creepy Google Maps location
04:02is a sunken plane in the Bahamas.
04:04Okay, but guys, what are the odds that that's there?
04:06Yeah, it could have washed away.
04:07It's not going to wash away.
04:08But we're in the middle of the ocean.
04:09Anything could happen.
04:10All right, so right now we're going to get on the plane,
04:12travel 3,000 miles to this Google Map location
04:14and see if it's still there.
04:16It's definitely still there.
04:16Bro, that's crazy that we're traveling for seven hours
04:19just to see if it's there.
04:21All right, so we just made it to the Bahamas.
04:24But apparently, we have to take a three-hour boat ride
04:26to get to the plane crash.
04:28Wait, what?
04:29We just got off a five-hour flight.
04:30You know what, though?
04:31A boat is better than a plane
04:32because a plane might end up like this.
04:35So we all got on the boat and started our journey.
04:38All right, this is our captain, Glenn.
04:39Glenn, you know where this plane crash is, right?
04:41Kind of.
04:42Kind of?
04:43Bro, that does not sound convincing.
04:44We flew five hours to get here.
04:46We're going to have to swim.
04:46We might have to find it.
04:47Bro, are you serious?
04:49I am not ready.
04:50Wait, are there sharks in the water?
04:51Oh, hell yeah.
04:52Bro, what?
04:53Bro, what are we doing here?
04:54And since this plane wreck was over 50 years ago,
04:57we were having a hard time finding it.
04:59It's the other way, you idiot.
05:01What, it is?
05:02Actually, it's time to find the plane.
05:03You guys ready?
05:05Three, two, one.
05:07Oh, bro!
05:09Damn it.
05:10What was that?
05:11Wait, did he actually mean to do that?
05:14The strong guys literally do nothing, right?
05:17There's no way.
05:17Shut up!
05:18I think your drone is broken.
05:22And after about another hour, this happened.
05:25Wait, there it is.
05:26Yeah, it's right there.
05:30And after pranking Drew, we actually found it this time.
05:33Wait, is that it?
05:35Yo, that's it.
05:37Wait, wait, stop the boat, stop the boat.
05:38Bro, that's literally it.
05:40That's the plane.
05:40That is literally it.
05:42It's poking out of the water.
05:43We didn't travel 10 hours for nothing.
05:45We found it.
05:46Let's go!
05:47You can literally see the wings, the propeller.
05:50Do you see a shark?
05:52Wait, run?
05:52How are you supposed to run in water?
05:54I'm not good at swimming, man.
05:56After some convincing, Drew and Dom jumped in the water and swam to the plane wreck.
06:00Here we go!
06:01This is so freaky.
06:02Here we go!
06:02Okay, so they are approaching the plane right now.
06:05What do you guys see?
06:06Oh, there's so many fish.
06:08Oh my god, it looks crazy.
06:11Do you see any sharks?
06:13No, not yet.
06:15Did you say shark?
06:16Do you see any sharks?
06:18No shark.
06:20They're not, they're panicking.
06:21Oh my god.
06:24It looks insane.
06:25They are literally standing on the wing of the plane right now as we speak.
06:31Drew's going to the back and Dom is going to the front of the plane.
06:34It's crazy after 50 years how perfectly intact this plane is.
06:37Oh my god, Drew's by the propeller.
06:40Yo, this is insane.
06:42Guys, Drew is really scared of sharks, so we're gonna prank him.
06:56I thought that was a freaking shark.
06:57Oh my god, Dom just pranked Drew.
07:11They're freaking out.
07:16Guys, what did you see?
07:17It's a skeleton.
07:18Bro, there's a skeleton in the cockpit.
07:20Bro, you're not gonna do that.
07:21We literally went all the way down.
07:22We went to the cockpit.
07:24Guys, guys, guys, guys, guys, chill out.
07:26What did you see?
07:27There's a skeleton in the plane.
07:29I swear, I got it on camera, dude.
07:31I'll show you, bro.
07:31Show me, show me.
07:32What are you talking about?
07:33I'm freaked out.
07:34Oh wait, that looks like the skeleton that I brought from home.
07:40Are you kidding me?
07:41We got you.
07:42Dude, my heart was racing.
07:44What, who got us?
07:45Glenn put it there.
07:48I thought it was real.
07:49Oh my god, bro.
07:52I literally thought that was a real skeleton.
07:54Since I felt bad for that prank,
07:55I decided to join them in the water to check out the plane.
08:00But the water was freezing, so I got the hell out of there.
08:02Oh my gosh, that was crazy.
08:05All right, well, I say we get going to the next location.
08:08Yeah, and they only get crazier from here, so.
08:10They only get crazier from here.
08:12Let's move.
08:12Okay, we're back at the airport,
08:14and this next Google Maps location is by far one of the creepiest ones so far.
08:18This is the Island of the Dolls, and it looks like this from an overview shot.
08:23This is just Google Maps, though.
08:25We can get there, and it could be worse than what this looks like.
08:27That's true.
08:28Why does it look like someone lives there?
08:30Dude, someone probably does.
08:31This place is haunted.
08:32I guess there's only one way to find out.
08:35Basically, it's a two-hour boat ride on this river to get to the island.
08:39So if we have to escape, it takes two hours?
08:43So we're gonna take one of these boats over to the island.
08:45Are you ready?
08:46Okay, so you're taking us to the Island of the Dolls.
08:48Okay, have you ever been there before?
08:50Eh, no.
08:52Would you say it's, like, haunted?
08:55Why are we going here?
08:58Okay, so we're on our way there right now, and this boat sank.
09:01That looks like the boat that we're on right now.
09:03Okay, if that's not a bad sign, I don't know what is, bro.
09:06We're, like, looking in the water, and there's, like, dead fish floating all over the place.
09:10Yeah, why are all the fish dead?
09:12Is that a bad sign?
09:13What's going on?
09:14Okay, I think this is it right here.
09:16Look, there's two dolls right there.
09:17Oh, God.
09:18They're literally welcoming us.
09:19This is definitely it, bro.
09:20It already looks creepy.
09:21I don't want to!
09:23What is this?
09:24What's what?
09:26Enter at your own risk?
09:28Oh, s***.
09:29Dude, who put this here?
09:30Why are there dolls on this island?
09:31Oh, my God.
09:33Holy crap.
09:34This one's creepy.
09:35That one is scary.
09:37There's literally dolls everywhere.
09:39Like, I can't even walk.
09:41Tell me that's not the creepiest thing you've ever seen.
09:43Okay, these dolls actually look like they're cursed.
09:45There's a whole lot more dolls than I thought.
09:47Dude, look at this one.
09:48He got, like, burned.
09:50Oh, my God.
09:51Dude, this one's thicc.
09:54Actually, holy crap.
09:56Why do I feel like every doll is staring at us now?
09:58Like, they're all staring.
10:02Oh, f*** no.
10:03What is that?
10:05That is haunted.
10:06That one's haunted.
10:06It literally never ends.
10:08Like, there's dolls everywhere.
10:10This one has, like, blood on it.
10:11What the hell?
10:12Dude, I have such a bad feeling being here.
10:13Oh, my God.
10:14I don't like this here.
10:15Dude, what the...
10:16I feel like if I touch one of the dolls,
10:18I'm gonna, like, welcome them into my life.
10:20It's as if, like, these dolls were, like, in a fire or something.
10:23Dude, I swear they got, like, sacrificed or something.
10:25Are we about to become a doll?
10:27Yo, wait, should we cross the...
10:29Wait, there's a bridge.
10:30My gosh.
10:31Bro, this is, like, so creepy.
10:34After some exploring, we saw the creepiest place on this island.
10:37Bro, what the hell is this?
10:39Oh, yeah, you got me.
10:40I'm not going in there.
10:42Dude, wait, what the hell is this?
10:44That's, like, a ritual, bro.
10:45Why does this look real?
10:46Wait, this candle is lit.
10:47That means someone's here.
10:49Oh, no, I don't like that.
10:50Someone's here or it's haunted.
10:51They're moving now.
10:52How are they moving?
10:53Look, this one's moving.
10:54Dude, as soon as I picked this up, stuff started happening.
10:57Put it down!
10:57Okay, okay, okay.
10:58Guys, there's, like, another lit candle.
11:00A burnt ass doll with a little doll in its mouth.
11:03Look, it's each piece of the doll, but separated into, like, little jars.
11:07Oh, my God.
11:10Who would do this?
11:11For all the babies never born, we will meet again?
11:14What the hell does that mean?
11:15I didn't know it was going to be this creepy.
11:17I didn't know.
11:17I thought it was going to be a bunch of dolls.
11:18I didn't know it was going to be all demonic.
11:20Is that a real doll?
11:22Is that a real f***ing doll?
11:24Wait, what the f***?
11:26Is it real?
11:27Bro, it's f***ing a real head.
11:29Wait, why are there dead animals here?
11:31Why are they, like, hollow?
11:32Wait, this place is really weird.
11:34Dude, there has to be some type of, like, rituals going on here.
11:36I can't believe you saw photos of this and brought us here.
11:38Like, this just does not look fun.
11:40Yeah, never try this at home.
11:43What is this?
11:43What is this, bro?
11:44Wait, wait, wait, what, what, what?
11:45What is that?
11:46Come here, look.
11:48What the f***?
11:49Oh, my.
11:50Oh, hell no.
11:51Is that blood?
11:52Is it just sitting there?
11:53This is actually really weird.
11:54Wait, who is Don Julian?
11:56I'm guessing that's him?
11:58Yeah, I mean, maybe.
11:59Is that the guy who owns the island?
12:00Look, if he's making an island like this, I don't know if I want to meet him.
12:04Oh, my God.
12:04Wait, what does it say?
12:05Dude, there's a bunch of notes.
12:06September 3rd, 1972.
12:08Only dolls will be safe on the island.
12:10Others will be cursed forever.
12:12I told you.
12:12Bro, this is a stupid idea.
12:14And you know what?
12:15I'm not going to become haunted like you guys are.
12:17So wait, where are you going?
12:18Oh, I have a plan, Brant.
12:19He has a plan.
12:20Yeah, great.
12:21All of his plans are stupid.
12:24What are you wearing?
12:25It said only dolls will be safe on the island.
12:27So if I dress like a doll, I'll be safe.
12:29Dude, you look so stupid in that dress.
12:31All right, at least I won't be haunted like you two.
12:33The only person who would look good in that dress is your sister, Lexi.
12:36Wait, where is Lexi?
12:36Yeah, wait, actually, where is she?
12:38Wait, what?
12:38Take the dress off.
12:39Dude, no, I'm not going to...
12:42Stop it, Brant!
12:43Take the dress off.
12:44What's wrong with that guy?
12:46Yo, what is this?
12:49It's another room filled with dolls.
12:51Look at all of them.
12:52What's that sound?
12:54What is that?
12:56It's my ghost detector.
12:57What? You brought a ghost detector?
12:59Wait, why is it beeping?
13:01There must be a ghost.
13:02Oh my God, wait.
13:04Bro, what?
13:06How long have you had that?
13:07It's not going off.
13:08The ghost is gone.
13:08It means one of these dolls is probably haunted.
13:13Wait, what?
13:14The ghost has got to be in here somewhere.
13:16It was literally just going off before.
13:19Oh, oh, oh.
13:19Which one did you point at?
13:20This one.
13:21It was that one.
13:23It's that one!
13:23Oh my God.
13:24Oh my God.
13:25It's going crazy now.
13:26It's literally the one that's burned.
13:27Look at...
13:28Wait, wait, wait, look at this.
13:28Wait, look at this.
13:30And then...
13:32Oh my God!
13:33Okay, we gotta get...
13:34Let's get out of this room.
13:35These dolls are actually possessed.
13:36Wait, dude, I'm just like...
13:37Look at this.
13:38It literally won't go off for any of these.
13:41Okay, so I looked up Island of the Dead Dolls,
13:42and it basically says a guy that lived on this island,
13:45and he found a girl floating face down in the river right here.
13:49Oh my God.
13:50Soon after, he found a doll floating in the water,
13:52which he believed belonged to the deceased girl.
13:54He hung the doll on a tree as a gesture of respect
13:57and to appease her spirit.
13:58In 2001, Dawn was found dead in the same spot
14:01where the young girl supposedly drowned.
14:03Shut up.
14:04The doll that this was beeping at was probably her doll.
14:07Oh my God.
14:08This is...
14:08It's too late.
14:08We're haunted.
14:09Bro, we need to get away from this island as quickly as possible.
14:11I think we should get out of here.
14:12We gotta...
14:13Oh my God!
14:14Did that fall?
14:15Did that fall?
14:17Bro, the doll fell.
14:18Wait, how did that just happen?
14:19Why would it fall on that time?
14:21Bro, what?
14:21Why did you take us here?
14:22Yeah, you know who wouldn't take us here is Lexi.
14:24Guys, what's your obsession with my sister?
14:26People like Lexi better.
14:27No, they don't.
14:28They do.
14:28I'm the favorite sibling.
14:30Okay, watch this.
14:31Guys, subscribe for Lexi and like for Brent.
14:33We can see who gets more.
14:34I'm gonna get more.
14:34Guys, like the video, please.
14:36No, Brent, can we please get out of here?
14:37All right, fine.
14:38Go, let's go.
14:39Get out of here, quick.
14:40And as we made our escape,
14:42it's time to travel across the world to our next location.
14:45We're in Oregon and we don't know where we are.
14:47We're trying to find a plane that crash landed in the middle of a haunted forest.
14:50Are you sure this is where it is?
14:52Dom, I think we're lost.
14:53Why did you take me here, bro?
14:54We're not gonna find it.
14:55But according to the Google image,
14:57it is literally smack down in the middle of the forest.
15:00But we're gonna have to like get out of the car eventually and just start walking.
15:02Yeah, you're right, you're right.
15:03All right, well, keep going straight.
15:04And after about an hour of driving and an hour of walking, we realized something.
15:08Honestly, the trees look really similar to where we are right now in this picture.
15:12Dude, every tree looks the same.
15:14That's just what trees look like.
15:15How are we supposed to find this?
15:16This forest is massive.
15:18We gotta keep looking, I guess.
15:19I see a whole lot of nothing.
15:20Okay, how are we gonna find this plane if the drone can't even find it?
15:23Where are we?
15:24We're in the middle of this forest.
15:26Wait, right there, right there.
15:29Oh, my God.
15:30Yo, what?
15:31Oh, my God.
15:32Yo, that's literally it.
15:33No, duh, bro.
15:34Oh, my God.
15:35Zoom in, zoom in, zoom in.
15:35Wait, look at this.
15:36Oh, my God.
15:38My God.
15:39Hey, let's go.
15:40I'm not completely lost.
15:41Oh, my God.
15:42Yo, yo, check this out.
15:44What is it, what is it?
15:44What is that?
15:45Bro, it's an oxygen mask.
15:48Wait, what?
15:48Oh, my God.
15:49Oh, an airplane.
15:50Oh, my God.
15:51Dude, we have to be close.
15:52And after walking through some more debris from the plane crash,
15:54we finally found the actual plane.
15:58Ain't no way.
15:59That is it.
16:01It's huge.
16:02Oh, my God.
16:04Guys, this is literally crazy.
16:06How did this even get here?
16:08I'm touching a plane right now.
16:10That's crazy.
16:11Oh, my God.
16:12So we saw this on Google Maps and we ended up finding it.
16:15This is the biggest wheel I've ever seen.
16:17It's literally taller than me.
16:18Yo, Drew, a lot of things are taller than you.
16:21All right, I set myself up for that.
16:23Wait, what?
16:24Wait, what, what, what?
16:25Dude, there's like wires and there's a freaking bike.
16:28Wait, what?
16:29Why would there be a bike?
16:30Maybe someone's like storing stuff here.
16:31None of this makes sense.
16:33Look at this.
16:34Bro, you're shaking the wing.
16:35You're gonna break it.
16:36Shaking the whole plane.
16:38To get a closer look, we decided to climb on the wing.
16:41Oh, my God.
16:42Dude, we're on the wing of a plane right now in the middle of the fort.
16:46Oh, my God.
16:48Yo, Drew, what do you see?
16:48Bro, I see a lot of stuff.
16:50And after getting a better look inside the plane,
16:52Drew climbed on top of it before we found a secret entrance.
16:56Oh, wait, there's stairs in the back.
16:58There's literally stairs in the back.
16:59Maybe we can go up those stairs.
17:01Oh, my God.
17:02Dude, I mean, this is like the only way in.
17:03Frank, get up here.
17:04I literally think we are inside the engine right now.
17:06Dude, I feel like I'm in a spaceship right now.
17:09I don't feel safe.
17:10Yo, it's open.
17:11Wait, what?
17:12No way.
17:12What is going on?
17:17Oh, my gosh.
17:20Where are we?
17:21There's a bunch of stuff.
17:22This is, this looks like a shower.
17:25The floor is see-through.
17:26Oh, my God.
17:28You can literally see underneath the floor.
17:30And the bathroom is still here.
17:32Wait, what?
17:32Look at this.
17:33It's like perfectly intact.
17:35All right, moment of truth.
17:36I gotta see if it works.
17:39Drew, you're literally disgusting, bro.
17:41There's a shower.
17:42There's a laundry machine, a sink.
17:45There's microwaves.
17:46There's like a bunch of monitors, a bunch of tools.
17:48Look at the airplane seats.
17:52Yep, feels like I'm on an airplane.
17:54Look how old these computers are.
17:56These computers are so old.
17:58Wait, it works though.
17:59Yo, look at the cockpit.
18:00Oh, my God.
18:01Yo, okay, move.
18:02I wanna drive.
18:04I've always wanted to do this.
18:05This is like what it looks like to crash a plane.
18:07Like, look at us.
18:08We're literally in a tree.
18:09Oh, my God.
18:10And after exploring the plane a little bit more, this happened.
18:13Dude, I found a pilot's costume.
18:15Wait, what?
18:16Where did you get that?
18:17In the closet.
18:18Is there another one?
18:19No, but there's a flight attendant one.
18:20Yo, look at this.
18:23I'm a flight attendant.
18:24Drew, you look ridiculous.
18:26Can I get you anything, Brent?
18:27Please, no.
18:28I do not want anything from you.
18:30Hey, come on.
18:30Don't talk to my flight attendant like that.
18:32All right, all right.
18:32How about you just fly the plane and you get me a drink?
18:35I can do that, yeah.
18:36I'm gonna just go to the fridge.
18:38I have food for Brent.
18:39This is it.
18:40Ew, what the?
18:41Bro, where did you get that?
18:43What do you mean, bro?
18:44In the fridge.
18:47Drew, I don't think...
18:48I don't think I want this, bro.
18:50I honestly, I found that in the fridge.
18:52So I don't know what it is.
18:53Wait, Dom, are you supposed to be flying the plane, bro?
18:56Oh my God.
18:58We're going down.
19:00And after Dom crashed the plane,
19:02we flew across the world again to our next location.
19:05A ghost town full of mannequins.
19:07All right, so everybody in this town's a mannequin.
19:09According to Google Maps, yes.
19:11Dude, that is scary.
19:12Wait, you guys are scared of a bunch of mannequins?
19:14I'm scared of whatever's growing on your face.
19:16Dude, every cowboy needs a mustache.
19:18What is that?
19:19You're dressed up as Woody from Toy Story, man.
19:21I'm about to buzz that mustache off.
19:23Like Buzz Lightyear.
19:25Wait, what?
19:26Are you dumb, bro?
19:27I don't get it.
19:28All right, let's just go.
19:29Let's do it.
19:30Let's get this over with.
19:31Guys, I don't have a good feeling about this.
19:33Yo, this is crazy.
19:35Why would there be a bunch of mannequins here in this ghost town?
19:37I have no idea, but we have to figure out how these mannequins got here and who did this.
19:42Dude, I'm not gonna lie, this is kind of creepy.
19:44Excuse me?
19:45Do you know?
19:46Not the mannequins, bro.
19:47Wait, this one literally has a child in a stroller.
19:50Oh my God.
19:51Dude, they have faces too.
19:52This is so creepy.
19:54And why are the faces so clean?
19:56I feel like when the sun goes down, they like actually move around.
19:58Oh my God.
19:59I don't know, bro.
20:00What happened to this guy?
20:01Wait, what?
20:02Should we be worried?
20:03Oh my God.
20:04Are you good?
20:05There are literally so many mannequins here.
20:08Dude, this guy's walking his dog.
20:09Wait, I literally thought that was a real dog.
20:11Oh my.
20:12Why is there a dog mannequin?
20:13That's, this is so weird.
20:15This one's missing a head.
20:18What sick person would do this?
20:20Dude, I swear to God, they're gonna start moving at any second.
20:22They're gonna move.
20:23Bro, she just blinked.
20:24I swear to God, she just blinked.
20:25Brat, dude, I don't like this.
20:26Imagine this at night.
20:28Oh my God, I don't want to be here at night.
20:30Yo, Brian, this one has your haircut.
20:32Oh yeah, real funny.
20:33It looks like him.
20:34Oh yeah?
20:34Well, this one has the height of you.
20:37Are you serious?
20:40Dude, my stash.
20:41Let's just keep exploring before one of these mannequins comes alive and attacks us.
20:44That's a good idea.
20:45Yeah, let's go.
20:45Let's go.
20:46Yo, this one has my favorite soccer player.
20:47Dude, yeah, Messi.
20:48No, Ronaldo.
20:49No, Messi.
20:51Oh, Messi's so much better.
20:52Okay, wait, wait, wait.
20:52Let's settle this, all right?
20:54Subscribe for Ronaldo, like for Messi.
20:57Like the video.
20:57Ronaldo's way better.
20:58Come on.
20:59All right, all right.
21:00What is that?
21:01Dude, there's someone in here.
21:02Bro, no way.
21:02Wait, what?
21:03Somebody just moved in the church.
21:05Are you serious?
21:06Look, bro, you're kidding.
21:07Maybe it's someone we can talk to.
21:08Dude, there's someone in there.
21:09Wait, he's right.
21:10There's someone there.
21:11Yeah, maybe we could talk to them.
21:12Knock on the door.
21:15Oh, it's open?
21:19Oh my God, of course.
21:20It's a freaking mannequin.
21:22Is everyone here a mannequin?
21:24Like, what's going on?
21:24What if everyone who visits this place eventually turns into a mannequin?
21:28Why would you say that?
21:29I don't know.
21:31What if they turn us into a mannequin?
21:32I don't know about you, but I'm getting like a really creepy vibe being in this ghost town.
21:36Yeah, no, I don't like this.
21:37I want to get out of the church.
21:38I feel like someone's watching us.
21:40Let's just keep looking around and see if we find anything else.
21:43Okay, let's do it.
21:45Wait, what is this?
21:45The saloon?
21:46Yeah, this is like the bar.
21:47What is this?
21:48Oh my God.
21:50Dude, is this guy okay?
21:51I think he had too much to drink.
21:53Oh my God.
21:55Are you good?
21:55Why is this mannequin just on the floor all broken in pieces?
21:59What's going on here?
22:00Okay, wait, call me crazy, but is this mannequin kind of hot?
22:02Don't call me crazy.
22:03You're crazy.
22:05Okay, I'm going to shoot my shot.
22:06Bro, it's a mannequin.
22:07How are you going to shoot your shot?
22:09Bro, and also, look, she's married.
22:10She has a ring on her finger.
22:12Oh, well, not anymore.
22:14You're weird, bro.
22:15You're a freak.
22:16What, dude?
22:17You got that creepy ring.
22:18No, you're weird.
22:19All right, let's go.
22:20Come on.
22:21Okay, I'll catch up with you guys.
22:22All right, bye guys.
22:27Okay, so I got this mannequin costume.
22:28Drew put this on and when Dom comes out, we're going to scare him.
22:31All right, let's hope he doesn't try to rizz me out like the girl on the saloon.
22:34Okay, this looks like a hotel.
22:35Hotel for who?
22:36The mannequins?
22:38Wait, where's Drew?
22:39He's in the bathroom.
22:40Oh, of course.
22:42Of course, more mannequins.
22:43And they're in bed together.
22:45What is this, like a husband and wife?
22:46Oh, my God.
22:49What are you doing?
22:51Oh, my God.
22:52Drew, I'm going to kill you.
22:55Oh, my God.
22:56What are you doing?
22:57I'm starting to think there's more real mannequins here.
22:59There's literally just random photos of random people all over this place.
23:03I don't know.
23:03They kind of look like a mannequin.
23:05Dude, they do.
23:05They kind of do, huh?
23:06These are the guys that used to be mannequins.
23:08Who are these people?
23:09And why is this ghost town here?
23:12Dude, imagine if we saw a picture of ourself here.
23:14Let's keep exploring because I know that there's probably something here
23:17that's going to tell us why everything is like this.
23:19All right, now we're messing around.
23:20Let's go.
23:21Yo, the bank.
23:22Yo, what if there's money in here?
23:26What is going on in here?
23:27Wait, what?
23:28Wait, is this like a bank robbery?
23:30Dude, the sheriff isn't doing anything.
23:31He's robbing the bank.
23:32Do something.
23:33Okay, you know what?
23:33You're fired.
23:34Oh, my God.
23:35Oh, my God, bro.
23:36What the hell?
23:37What is doing?
23:40I got it.
23:40Take that.
23:41I'm the new sheriff in town.
23:43Bro, you just literally destroyed a mannequin.
23:45Should we see what's in the safe back there?
23:47Dude, there's a vault.
23:48Oh, yeah.
23:49Yo, wait, that is a vault.
23:51Wait, open it up.
23:51Open it up.
23:52Oh, look at this.
23:55No way.
23:57No, no, no.
23:58Wait, Drew, it's all fake, bro.
24:00Are you kidding me?
24:01This is all fake, just like this town.
24:03Dude, why would they even do this?
24:04Bro, it's plastic.
24:06Why is everything fake, bro?
24:07Literally everything in this town is fake.
24:09What else is in there?
24:10Mannequin town.
24:11Wait, this is an old newspaper.
24:13The Daily Little Rock, that's where we're at.
24:15It started from this guy right here.
24:16He placed mannequins in everyday scenarios, shopping, strolling in parks,
24:19even attending meetings.
24:21As the town grew, strange rumors began to spread.
24:23Some locals said that at night, the mannequins moved on their own,
24:26while others reported hearing voices.
24:27Because the town has been abandoned, though some say it still exists.
24:31The few who dare to visit the abandoned town speak of overwhelming sense of being watched.
24:35Bro, that's what you said.
24:36You literally said you felt like you were being watched earlier.
24:38Okay, you know what?
24:39Okay, this is freaky.
24:40All right, I say we get out of here before it gets dark
24:42and the mannequins start walking around and being all weird.
24:44I agree, dude.
24:45Let's get out of here.
24:46All right, let's go.
24:47Sorry, Sheriff.
24:47I'm just gonna put that back right there.
24:49There we go.
24:50Let's go, let's go, let's go.
