CM Chandrababu on Power Sector: ఏపీ శాసనసభలో విద్యుత్ రంగంపై లఘు చర్చలో ముఖ్యమంత్రి చంద్రబాబు ప్రసంగించారు. ప్రపంచ వ్యాప్తంగా ఎక్కడైనా విద్యుత్ వినియోగం ఆధారంగానే ప్రజల అభివృద్ధిని లెక్కిస్తారన్నారు. కొన్నేళ్లుగా విద్యుత్ రంగంలో విప్లవాత్మకమైన మర్పులు వచ్చాయని సీఎం తెలిపారు. గతంలో కరెంటు కోతల సమయంలో రైతుల అవస్థలు ప్రత్యక్షంగా పరిశీలించానని గుర్తుచేశారు. రైతుల ఇబ్బందులు చూసాక పగటిపూట 9 గంటల ఉచిత విద్యుత్ ఇవ్వాలని నిర్ణయించుకున్నామన్నారు.
00:00In 2011, in the 12th district, I went on foot.
00:04As I was walking, I went to a village in Nizhabad in the 12th and 1st district at night.
00:10I was sitting on the road and salivating.
00:12I said, let's talk for a while, and we talked.
00:15Sir, I'm very sad. I don't know when the current will come.
00:18That's why I'm staying awake at night.
00:21One of them said that. I'm an engineer.
00:24What is it? Why did you come?
00:26My father has been studying for me all his life.
00:30He used to come and sleep here every day.
00:33I came on holidays.
00:35I came here to give my father at least two days of rest.
00:39Then I asked, what is this?
00:41The laser is scaring me.
00:43It's coming in the paper.
00:44The bombs are exploding.
00:45It's getting dark.
00:46The boy said, I'm getting scared.
00:49I was very sad.
00:50I'm telling you these things to say that I've seen a lot of such things in my life.
00:55I can proudly say today.
00:57It's 9 o'clock.
00:59It's daytime.
01:00I'm giving electricity to the farmer.
01:04I thought about it.
01:05The administration is also a premature administration.
01:09When they give the current bill,
01:12One person comes to our house and takes a meter reading.
01:15From there, they go straight to the office and send a meter reading to an alter.
01:19They raise the bill.
01:21Again, the department comes and gives the bill to our house.
01:25We take that bill and the bill collector comes for a few days.
01:29He has to pay that day.
01:30If they go and pay the money to the bill collector again,
01:33Otherwise, it will be disconnected.
01:35If you look at the process, it's complicated.
01:38Why is this process happening?
01:40I asked.
01:41If there is no answer,
01:43That day we brought the spot billing.
01:46We brought the bill.
01:47Paying the bill.
01:48Giving it there.
01:49Telling them to pay.
01:50Today, you need the bill.
01:52If you send a meter reading to your house and send it straight to your SMS,
01:59There is a situation where you have to pay directly to the bank.
02:01A party that accepts such reforms.
02:04Telugu Nation Party.
02:09If I wanted to work for the country,
02:11I was called a World Bank employee in the assembly.
02:15As a Chief Minister.
02:16It's okay, I fell.
02:17If I fell for something, I fell for the country.
02:20I fell with satisfaction.
02:21For the first time, I was on the electricity board.
02:24The only country that brought electricity reforms in India.
02:28The only country.
02:29The only country.
02:30Andhra Pradesh is the only country.
02:32Then, we did not do anything.
02:34When there was no regulatory commission,
02:35The reform came in 1991.
02:37In 1998, we brought the electricity reforms.
02:40We brought the culture.
02:41At that time, we divided it into three.
02:45Distribution Company.
02:46Generation Company.
02:48Transmission Committee.
02:50On the other side, to regulate all this,
02:54We set up a regulatory commission.
02:56So far, where are you selling the current?
02:59How many people are stealing?
03:01We brought energy alerting from an unknown situation.
03:04We brought alerting.
03:05For the first time in 2003-04,
03:0823% transmission and commercial loss was established.
03:14The first government in India.
03:16The government of Andhra Pradesh.
03:18I am telling you.
03:19The only country that does not have electricity.
03:22If there is no country in India,
03:24I am here to request the government of Andhra Pradesh.
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