00:00Previously on Wild Cards.
00:02You lied to me, Max.
00:03I could be on the other side of the world right now.
00:05I'll give you the egg.
00:06You keep your badge, I stay out of jail, and you can catch your brother's killer.
00:09That's why I need my best people on this.
00:11That means you.
00:13Her too.
00:14What do you want?
00:15Six more months off my dad's sentence.
00:16Two weeks.
00:18He's dead.
00:19The 33 million is nothing compared to what this can get us.
00:25What is this?
00:26What's this?
00:27This is the con man's bible.
00:28The handbook of hornswoggle.
00:29The fundamentals of the fleece.
00:30Yeah, I know what it is.
00:31I've already read it.
00:32You gave it to me for my 16th birthday.
00:33Well, read it again.
00:34You need to be focused on the long game.
00:35I am focused.
00:36You've gone soft, honey.
00:37It too, Brute?
00:38You did give back our 33 million dollar egg.
00:39Okay, we need to give it a rest, fellas, and rise up.
00:40How can we move forward if we keep living in the past, alright?
00:41Thanks for the insight, Dr. Phil, but are you planning on handing anything else over
00:42to the cops?
00:43Yeah, that's true, because that's a crime.
00:44That was uncalled for.
00:45I'm sorry.
00:46I'm sorry.
00:47I'm sorry.
00:48I'm sorry.
00:49I'm sorry.
00:50You're right.
00:51I was feeling attacked.
00:54I apologize.
00:55Darling, what we wanted to say is we forgive you.
01:03Well, it sure doesn't seem like it.
01:05But don't do it again.
01:06Which brings us back to the book.
01:08Remember who you are, kiddo.
01:09I hear you, Pops.
01:10So, we all agree to leave the past behind and look forward to our very bright future.
01:13If this keeps up, I'm gonna need a shot of insulin.
01:15Next on the docket.
01:16Where you two living?
01:17Ricky's gonna find us a place.
01:18Which would've been far easier.
01:19on a budget of 33 million.
01:22Sorry, I'll find us something acceptable.
01:26Oh, speaking of self-sacrifices.
01:32Hello, Chief Lee.
01:33How can I be of service today?
01:37Of course, I would love to do another assignment,
01:39but for two weeks off my dad's sentence, as we discussed.
01:42Oh, and I want a mini basketball hoop.
01:44And a mini basketball hoop.
01:45And a Thighmaster.
01:46And a Thighmaster.
01:46Face cream.
01:47And face cream.
01:50Chief Lee?
01:53He must have cut off where he's going
01:55to our general or something.
02:00How's your breakfast?
02:04Why, there.
02:07Need to clean out your scuppers.
02:09You're talking to me?
02:10Yeah, your scuppers are clogged up.
02:12My what?
02:13The gutters that drain the excess water.
02:15They need to be cleaned out.
02:16Oh, I mean, it's fine.
02:17The boat never leaves the marina, so I'm good.
02:20I used to do it for your brother, Daniel.
02:22Now it's your home.
02:23Need to take care of it.
02:24Show it some love.
02:26Or it'll rot from the inside.
02:28I'll be by this weekend.
02:30I'm fine, really.
02:37Morning, Chief.
02:40Are you gonna tell me what the case is?
02:42Lee didn't tell me much about it.
02:44Well, is there a file?
02:52Okay, can we just lay all our cards out on the table
02:55and hash this out?
02:56There's nothing to hash out.
02:57Oh, there's a bunch of hashing to be done.
02:59What do you want me to say, Max?
03:01I don't know, say anything.
03:02Say that you hate me.
03:03Say that I'm a liar.
03:05Say that you think my new shoes are super cute.
03:06Thanks, I got them on sale.
03:08But can we move past this and back to the way we were?
03:12We'll never go back to the way things were, Max.
03:16You still don't trust me, do you?
03:19Why should I?
03:20Well, I don't know, let me count the ways.
03:21Did I steal the egg?
03:23But did I return it?
03:24Of course I did.
03:25But I also helped you get your desk back,
03:27handed you your brother's killer,
03:29and took the blame when you disobeyed Lee's orders.
03:33But sure, feel free to hold a grudge.
03:42All right, fine, look, there's been an attempted murder
03:43at the Pruitt Ranch.
03:44On who?
03:46Target's name's Paul, that's all I know.
03:49Why all the secrecy?
03:51Pruitts are a really private family.
03:52They've been on their land for 100 years or so now,
03:54and they carry a lot of influence in the area.
03:57Russo wants their endorsement for mayor.
04:00Yeah, exactly.
04:02Settle up, partner.
04:05This little bit of country
04:06is about to get a lot more rock and roll.
04:17Detective Ellis, see the Pruitts?
04:19We didn't stand for any police.
04:21These aren't the droids you're looking for.
04:25Right here.
04:27Well, they don't seem very neighborly.
04:30You must be Russo's detectives.
04:32That's us.
04:33I'm Rose Pruitt.
04:35Follow me.
04:37Well, could I get a minute of your time?
04:39I've got to check in with this guy.
04:41Keep your eyes peeled, I'll be back.
04:42All right, I'll be back.
04:43Just let me know when you're there, okay?
04:46So, how was it?
04:49You're going to be part of the Pruitts.
04:50The Pruitts?
04:52It's an amazing family.
04:54I'm sorry, I didn't mean to,
04:55but they're not talking about you!
04:55I know, I know!
04:57Okay, give me a second.
04:58I'm going to get Sara,
04:59and she's going to explain to you
05:00about the Pruitts down there.
05:02I'll be right there.
05:03亘I'll see you, so long!
05:05Russo didn't give us much information about the victim.
05:08I didn't give any.
05:10Why not?
05:11Our business is our business.
05:13A woman with few words and great genes.
05:15I like that.
05:16Okay, well, is there anything you can give us?
05:19Someone tried to kill Paul.
05:23Who's Paul?
05:30This is Paul.
05:35Who's Paul?
05:45Someone tried to kill your horse?
05:47He has a name.
05:48Don't you, Paul?
05:49Someone knocked out the ranch hand I had posted here to get to him.
05:52Is it normal for you to post guards in front of your stables?
05:55No, but he's a ten million dollar stud.
05:57Whoa, nelly.
05:59Ten million buckaroos just for being suave?
06:01Ah, he's a champion breed horse.
06:03Horses have good intuition about people.
06:05Look, he trusts you.
06:07You hear that?
06:08The horse trusts me.
06:11Look, ma'am.
06:12No offense, but isn't there some kind of a livestock commission that handles these cases?
06:16That's like sending a locksmith to deal with a bank robbery.
06:19Okay, fair enough.
06:21Walk me through what happened.
06:22My men saw the flames from the bunkhouse and then a figure running off in the dark.
06:27Did your men chase after this figure?
06:29Yeah, but they lost him.
06:31They had to put out the fire to save my horse.
06:34Look, I've been to my fair share of arson sites and this is not it.
06:40How so?
06:41There's no sign of an accelerant.
06:43It's a wood barn full of hay, right?
06:45I mean, if the point was to burn it down, they would have used gasoline.
06:47The whole thing would have been up in flames in minutes.
06:50You don't agree?
06:51I absolutely agree, but I just stepped in something and I'm pretty sure it's not oatmeal.
06:56I hope you kept the receipt.
06:59Oh, this is Lana, our vet.
07:01I called her right away.
07:02Detective Ellis, this is Max.
07:04Did Paul sustain any injuries?
07:05My examination isn't finished, but aside from some mild smoke inhalation, he's okay.
07:09Rose, we got trouble in pasture nine.
07:11Shane's getting into it with Mike White and he took his gun.
07:14Who's Shane?
07:15My son.
07:16Cattle didn't knock over your fence, Mike.
07:18You're telling me that's not the Pruitt brand on those cattle?
07:21You calling me a liar?
07:23From where I'm standing, it's the only explanation that makes sense.
07:25Take one more step, Shane, and you'll meet the business end of a shotgun.
07:29Hey, hey, hey!
07:33Forget the boots.
07:34I'm gonna need a rifle.
07:35What the hell is going on?
07:36Y'all broke down my fence so your cattle can graze on my land.
07:39Mike, you know better.
07:40He's a liar.
07:41He's the one who can't build a proper fence.
07:43And you can?
07:44You know, calling you a cowboy is like putting socks on a rooster.
07:47It don't fit.
07:50Okay, that's it.
07:51Shane, get back in the car.
07:52I bet he's the one who tried to kill our horse.
07:54That's a damn lie!
07:56My apologies.
07:57I don't have a gun yet.
07:58I'm working on it.
08:00Alright, that's enough.
08:01Metro PD, everybody put their guns away and go home.
08:07Alright, I'll talk to Mike Wyatt.
08:09You talk to Rose.
08:10See if our suspect left behind any clues.
08:12Got it.
08:17Doesn't seem like there's any love lost between you and the Pruitts.
08:22Everyone's out for themselves now.
08:24Everyone's out for themselves nowadays.
08:25So it wasn't always like this?
08:26This used to be a community that looked out for each other.
08:29Rose and I played together as kids.
08:31My family would go to her house for barbecues all the time.
08:34So what changed?
08:35I guess the Pruitts decided to shut everybody out and keep what they had for themselves.
08:39Where were you last night, Mr. Wyatt?
08:42Me and my men were on the road.
08:44Coming back from cattle auction.
08:46Got home this morning.
08:47Got lots to verify that.
08:48Send me what you have.
08:49I'll be following up.
08:50You know, I've been around horse breeding my whole life.
08:53Stud horse like that is worth $250,000 a pop.
08:56But if he starts shooting blanks, he's more valuable dead than alive.
09:02What are you suggesting?
09:03Horses like that aren't sure of the wazoo.
09:13I ran chance, chased him this way, but lost him in the dark.
09:17Well, can't hurt to check again.
09:19You never know what you'll find in the light of day.
09:22So it's just you and your son?
09:24My daughter Callie works the ranch, too.
09:26My husband died almost 20 years ago, and since then it's just been the three of us.
09:32Wait, what is that?
09:35It's a boot print with a scorpion carved into the heel.
09:38Do you recognize it?
09:40Everyone who works at Pruitt Ranch has a P, like this.
09:43It's an old tradition that way.
09:44If you die off-site, they know which ranch to send your body back to.
09:47Fearsome, but practical.
09:58I know one man's trash is another man's treasure, but what is this?
10:03Well, this could be a horse killer.
10:04These two found this by the fence line.
10:06I know sometimes ranches use electrocution as a way to put down animals.
10:09We don't do that here.
10:10It's horrible and I don't agree with it, but it's the most humane method if they're suffering.
10:15What's he looking for?
10:17He's horse whispering.
10:18Let me ask you something.
10:19Is Paul still an active stud horse?
10:22So he's still able to breed?
10:23Sperm's perfectly healthy.
10:24He's booked out for the next year.
10:28Let me take a look at you, buddy.
10:32You see that?
10:34That burn mark, it's about the same size as the clamp.
10:38What do you think?
10:39That burn mark, it's about the same size as the clamp.
10:43What do you think, Lana?
10:44It could be, but he's also got a few minor burns from stray embers.
10:47If someone was trying to electrocute the horse, the fire could have started from the spark on the ground.
10:52You here?
10:53Excuse me.
10:55Well, that could explain why there was no accelerant.
10:57Yeah, but why go through all the trouble?
10:59Why not just shoot the horse?
11:03What did Mike Wyatt say?
11:04Where was he last night?
11:05He was out of town with his men.
11:07But, uh, I have to ask, is Paul insured?
11:10For 20 million. He's the prime producer.
11:1220 mil? You're getting jiggy with it?
11:14I'm going to need to take a look at that insurance policy as well as any financial records you have.
11:18Why's that?
11:19They think we tried to electrocute our own horse for the insurance money.
11:23Get the hell out of here.
11:24Look, I can come back with a warrant, but it's just going to slow things down.
11:27Paul has a pre-existing condition.
11:29It's a heart murmur. It's nothing serious for a stud horse, but you have to put it on record for the policy.
11:34Okay. And?
11:36Have you ever seen an autopsy report for a horse that dies by electrocution?
11:41Comeback listed as a heart attack.
11:43Which would make your policy void.
11:45And your family wouldn't get a dime.
11:47So, unless you think we're dumb enough to spit in the wind, you have to get to work and find the real killer.
12:03I've heard enough.
12:04Where are you going?
12:05To the office. Vendor's got to be paid. Payroll needs to ready.
12:08This place doesn't run itself, you know. If you want to waste your time with them, go ahead.
12:18Who put a snake in his boot?
12:20Shane's just protective. Growing up without a father, he took it on himself to be the man of the family.
12:25Look, ma'am, we're just trying to do our jobs here, okay? We have to explore every option.
12:29It ain't my first rodeo. I can take it. Just find out who's behind this.
12:33How about one of your ranch hands? Do any of them have a scorpion on the bottom of their boot?
12:37I don't know, but I trust them same as family.
12:40Sometimes it's the people closest to you that take advantage of that trust.
12:44We do have day workers coming through. Callie's the ranch manager, so if one of them wears that mark, she'd know about it.
12:51Where is she?
12:52This time of day, she's probably out at pasture five.
12:56But you can't get there on foot or by car.
12:59So, how?
13:01Time to settle up, partner.
13:07Nope. No way. I don't ride anything that makes its own decisions.
13:11That makes so much sense, you know that?
13:17Show off.
13:19Come on. Grab on.
13:22Come on.
13:28Come on. There you go.
13:32Okay. Hold on tight, alright?
13:35Okay. Just take it slow.
14:02Callie Pruitt?
14:03Yeah, I heard you'd be coming.
14:06Max, you can let go now.
14:08I will when we stop moving.
14:12Oh. We have.
14:18I'm afraid you guys came all the way out here for nothing.
14:21I've been sleeping with the hurry for the last month.
14:23You don't sleep in the main house?
14:24No. Mom and Shane and me get along a whole lot better with the kids.
14:28Do Mom and Shane and me get along a whole lot better with the couple hundred acres between us?
14:33Do you recognize this boot print from any of your day workers?
14:38Nope. But I don't check every one of their boots.
14:42We're going to need a list of names and addresses for all the ranch hands you currently employ.
14:46Yeah. A lot of these guys don't have proper addresses.
14:49But it is Thursday night.
14:52It's time to brush up on your Apple Jacks and corkscrews.
14:59These ranch hands won't talk to a cop.
15:01They'll scatter faster than a sneeze through a screen door.
15:04What do you got in mind?
15:05I'll be a filthy, rich Texas heiress with a PhD in sass.
15:09Call me Darlene.
15:11Why not Jolene?
15:12Because everybody knows Jolene is a man-stealing homewrecker.
15:15But only Darlene has a bow-legged husband named Earl.
15:19You're my tall drink of bitterness and seething rage.
15:23Max, we're doing this by the book, okay?
15:25Callie said the day workers are going to be at the bar tonight.
15:27So what we're going to do is go there, match the boot heel to the one in the photo, and just keep a low profile.
15:33Clear as creek water in July.
15:36Pull over at that tech shop.
15:46Finding that boot just got as hard as putting a saddle on a rattlesnake.
15:50Right, Earl?
15:56We'll be right back, hon.
16:17Honey, do you have a map?
16:19A map? No, why?
16:21Because I just got lost in your eyes.
16:23My boy.
16:25Shoo, ladies. You're about as welcome here as a porcupine at a news corner.
16:32Don't be shy now.
16:35What did you do?
16:37Found a way to look at some boots.
16:39All right, all right. Listen up, folks.
16:41An anonymous patron has just ponied up 500 buckaroos to see who is the best line dancer in this honky-tonk.
16:48Who's up for the challenge?
16:50You better know how to heel-toe hustle.
16:53By the way, can I borrow 500 buckaroos?
17:49Honey man of mine, better walk the line.
17:55Show me a tease, and squeeze, and please and count the time.
18:01I need a man who knows how the story goes.
18:08He's got to be a hog and fine, where you can't take it earth, make it kind.
18:15Any man of mine
18:45Who's gonna tell you when it's too late?
18:52Who's gonna tell you things?
18:56I didn't see any blue heels with a scorpion on it, did you?
19:07I didn't see any blue heels with a scorpion on it, did you?
19:19You were right.
19:23I was right? About what?
19:26We'll never go back to the way things were.
19:30It's okay, because it'll just be something new.
19:48There he is.
19:51Let's go take him down and hogtie him like the no-good farmer he is.
19:55No, not based off one boot print.
19:57He's really not in a crowd like this, okay?
19:59We need to isolate him, get him alone, question him.
20:01Oh, okay. I've got a better idea.
20:03How about you go over there and stand next to him at the bar?
20:06And do what?
20:07Just look pretty, okay? Trust me.
20:18I'll take a whiskey.
20:21Damn, partner.
20:22That looks painful. How'd you get that?
20:24You ever seen a rope burn before?
20:26That comes with being a real cowboy.
20:33I've given you everything, Earl.
20:35Best months of my life.
20:36And all you've ever given me is disappointment.
20:38You're all hat and no candle.
20:40Yeah, well, maybe if you weren't such a lying, cheating, no-good wife, I'd trust you more often.
20:47You've never trusted me, and you never will.
20:49Trusting you is the biggest mistake I ever made.
20:51Oh, really?
20:52Well, how about I trust you with one thing?
20:54To get lost.
20:58With pleasure.
21:00Anything's better than sitting here and listening to your lies.
21:07You're good for nothing, jackass.
21:10I am tighter than bark on a log.
21:13And you, you're straight as an arrow.
21:16You can sure hold your liquor, darling.
21:18Oh, thank you kindly, Sam.
21:20You know, Earl never says sweet things like that to me.
21:23But as I was saying, Earl bought me a stud horse.
21:26And I think he's firing on me.
21:28And I think he's firing on me.
21:30And I think he's firing on me.
21:32And I think he's firing on me.
21:34And I think he's firing on me.
21:36And I think he's firing on me.
21:38And I think he's firing blanks.
21:40Just like him, you know what I mean?
21:44I wish there was a way I could put him down.
21:47And the horse, too.
21:50Can you believe anyone would spend a million dollars on a horse?
21:54He could have just bought me down.
21:56Is that horse insured?
21:58For more than the house.
22:00Are you serious about this?
22:02Dead serious.
22:04But I'd want to do it in a humane way.
22:06You know, I would have wanted a stuffer.
22:08A horse.
22:09Not the husband.
22:12You could talk the legs off a chair, darling.
22:15You know, I do get that a lot.
22:17I bet you do.
22:19You know what?
22:20I can't help you with your husband.
22:22Oh, my achy breaking heart.
22:24But I could help you with your horse problem.
22:28Let's say $5,000.
22:31$2,500 now.
22:32Rest when it's all done.
22:35Well, you've got yourself a date.
22:40Not here.
22:42Let's meet out back in 20 minutes.
22:46Red pickup truck.
22:51Oh, hello.
23:00He said he's in a red pickup.
23:06There it is.
23:08Whoa, whoa, whoa.
23:09Hold on a sec.
23:11Stay back.
23:12He could have a gun.
23:22Well, looks like somebody had a gun.
23:25But it wasn't Sam.
23:36Yates, what do you got?
23:38Killer didn't leave anything but a bullet,
23:40but forensics found electrical clamps and car batteries in the back of his truck.
23:44Yeah, just did a quick background check.
23:45No fixed address, no next of kin.
23:47What about his financials?
23:48He made a cash deposit of $2,500 just before the fire at Pruitt Ranch.
23:53That's the same amount he asked for at the bar.
23:55Which confirms that Sam was the one hired to kill the horse.
23:57We find out who killed Sam, we find out who hired him.
24:00Anyone around town know him?
24:02He was a ghost even before he was dragged up by the spurs up to cowboy heaven.
24:06Wait, hang on. He never worked on the ranch?
24:13Don't know him.
24:14Well, he's the one who tried to kill your horse.
24:16Which for most would be an expensive loss, but a drop in the bucket for you folks, I'm sure.
24:21What's your point?
24:22His point is, killing Paul only makes sense if someone were trying to hit you in the pocketbook.
24:27But judging by the size of this ranch, you guys certainly aren't hurting.
24:31How does any of that matter?
24:33You were brought here to find who tried to kill our horse.
24:36Send them home.
24:37Our business is our business.
24:41What's so funny?
24:42Our business is our business?
24:44You hate it here, Shane.
24:46You'd be way happier in some corner office far from here.
24:50Oh, says my sister who lives in a tent and plays cowgirl.
24:53You think that keeps this place running?
24:55I'm the one trying to save this ranch.
24:57Save the ranch from what?
25:00I gotta tell him the truth, Mom.
25:02Callie, shut your mouth.
25:05The truth is we're broke.
25:07If the horse dies, we lose everything.
25:10Unless we sell the ranch.
25:11Over my dead body.
25:15I'm gonna go try and find a way to make payroll this week.
25:22You wonder why I never come home?
25:25We used to be so close.
25:27Like a real family.
25:29Show yourselves out.
25:33Boy, and I thought we had issues.
25:35Yeah, yikes.
25:42Well, he's not a happy camper.
25:44I think he's hiding something.
25:46I agree.
25:47Let's find out what it is.
25:54The building you followed, chain two, doesn't belong to the Pruitts.
25:57It's owned by Kildare Builders.
25:59They're like the Christie's of country western real estate.
26:02They don't touch anything for less than eight figures.
26:04And get this, I did some digging.
26:06They made several offers to Rose Pruitt over the past few years,
26:09and she turned them down every single time.
26:11Shane Pruitt took two round-trip flights to Dallas in the past month.
26:15Guess whose head office is in the Lone Star Estate?
26:18Kildare Builders.
26:20Well, we know Rose won't sell, so why is he meeting with Myers?
26:23Because their last offer was upwards of $200 million.
26:26Well, I imagine for that kind of money, you'd do anything to sell a ranch, including murder.
26:30And why would you want to kill the stud horse?
26:32Because it would have forced Rose's hand to sell the ranch.
26:35She would have had no choice.
26:37You think I killed someone?
26:39The money from the ranch sale could add up to be a lot of money.
26:42Where were you when Sam was killed?
26:46I was with a Kildare CEO, drinking scotch and eating steaks all last night.
26:50Why are you doing all this behind your mom's back?
26:52Every generation of Pruitt has taught us it's their responsibility to keep the land and the family, no matter what.
26:57In Mom's mind, selling the ranch would mean her life has been a total failure.
27:01So she'd rather go down fighting than give it up.
27:03You ever had someone who you loved so much, who was so infuriating, it made your blood boil?
27:11Oh, yeah.
27:20You okay?
27:21Hey! Hey!
27:39How's our patient?
27:40She refuses to go to the hospital, but why would she?
27:43She only got shot once.
27:44I'm fine.
27:45She's lucky the bullet just grazed her shoulder.
27:48What are you doing?
27:49Whoever tried to kill Paul is out there, not in here.
27:51Look, my partner's calling for backup, okay?
27:53We're going to post two uniforms at your front door.
27:55You'll do no such thing.
27:56I have 12 ranch hands with rifles.
28:01We haven't found him.
28:02Ranch hands are still scouring the perimeter.
28:04Mom, this isn't worth it.
28:05Just sell this place before it kills you?
28:07Oh, yeah, you'd love that, wouldn't you?
28:10I've been talking to Kildare.
28:12They upped their offer.
28:13You did what?
28:14You're trying to save our legacy, but you're going to leave us with nothing.
28:17Get the hell out of here.
28:18Mom, just—
28:19Get out. Go on.
28:24What? You have something to say?
28:26Yeah, I do.
28:28But you're too stubborn to listen.
28:30I'm going to go check on the boys.
28:32You can't keep running out to that pastor when things get tough.
28:35Someone's trying to take our family down.
28:40I don't see much family left, Mom.
28:49Sorry you had to hear all that.
28:51Forget it.
28:53I'll check in on you later.
29:00Can I get you anything?
29:02I need a drink.
29:04Have you ever thought about selling just a piece of your land?
29:06People have been trying to get their hands on this land for over a hundred years.
29:10I'm not going to be the first Pruitt to sell out.
29:13We're on duty. Thanks.
29:15Speak for yourself.
29:17Why not lease off a few hundred acres of land to a neighbor, like Mike Wyatt?
29:21He doesn't even speak to us anymore.
29:23Wyatt says you guys used to be a community that looked out for each other.
29:26We used to be. The Wyatts were on one side, the O'Neill family on the other.
29:30It didn't even seem like there were fences.
29:32So what changed?
29:33My husband discovered the O'Neills were poisoning our cattle.
29:38Yeah, it was devastating. They were our best friends.
29:40So why would they do that?
29:42Our cattle went to market at the same time as theirs.
29:45And with us out, they'd just sell their whole lot without any competition.
29:50My husband told me they were struggling. I just couldn't believe they would do that.
29:53What happened after that?
29:54The main water source for the whole valley is on our property.
29:58And we would always share with the neighbors.
30:00But after that, my husband dammed it up.
30:02No water for their livestock or their crops. They were gone in three months.
30:06Good old country justice.
30:08We've done so many things to hang on to this ranch.
30:11But if you're alone at the dinner table every night, what's the point?
30:17I think I am going to go lie down for a while. Excuse me.
30:22Of course.
30:32I can hear the grinding of gears.
30:34What you thinking?
30:35What you thinking?
30:36I think we may be looking at this case all wrong.
30:39What if it's not about the future of the Pruitt Ranch?
30:42What if the motive is buried in the past?
30:47I got a copy of the land records for the Pruitt Ranch.
30:50Okay. What are you hoping to find?
30:52The reason for murder.
30:54Now, this is all the Pruitt land.
30:57Up here is the Wyatt's.
30:58And over here, the O'Neil's had 5,000 acres.
31:02That is, until Rose's husband dammed up the water supply.
31:05Then they sold their entire property to Rose Pruitt.
31:07The Pruitt's took the O'Neil's land.
31:08They bought it, technically, but for pennies on the dollar.
31:11Well, if I was the O'Neil's, I'd have a hard time burying my past with the Pruitt's after that.
31:15If there's any O'Neil's left.
31:16I got Yates looking into that, by the way.
31:21There she is now.
31:23Turns out there is one O'Neil left.
31:25Look who it is.
31:28We need to talk to Rose, right now. Let's go.
31:33Come on, Rose. Pick up.
31:55Damn it. Callie's not picking up, either.
32:03Listen to this. Lana's mother died six months ago.
32:06Lana started working for the Pruitt's right after that.
32:08That timing can't be a coincidence.
32:10Why wouldn't Lana tell them that she's an O'Neil?
32:13To get close to the family and hurt them from the inside.
32:18We need to find Rose.
32:26Rose isn't here.
32:27Yeah, one of the ranch hands said he saw Lana with Rose earlier, but he doesn't know where they went.
32:30Me and the guys are gonna ride out, check the pastures.
32:32Oh, and Mike Wyatt offered to watch the house. He should be there.
32:37He just got here.
32:38Okay, look. Stay where you are, alright? I'll call you if we find Rose.
32:42Did you know Lana, the vet, is an O'Neil?
33:01Lana, where are we going?
33:03We're gonna put the past right.
33:06Over here.
33:07You think that this is all because the Pruitt's took the O'Neil land?
33:11Let's check here.
33:14But that was over 20 years ago.
33:16If Lana wanted revenge, why would she wait until now?
33:19You said her mom died six months ago.
33:21And Lana came right after that.
33:23Well, maybe her mom finally told the Pruitt's.
33:25There were rumors back in the day.
33:28What rumors?
33:33Come on, Ellis. Pick up.
33:36This is Detective Ellis. Please leave a message.
33:39Ellis, I know where they are.
33:41I'm headed to the O'Neil homestead.
33:44Get in.
33:45Why? I don't understand.
33:47I'm headed to the O'Neil homestead.
34:05Get in.
34:06Why? I don't understand.
34:18Come on, Ellis.
34:20This is why I need a badge.
34:23And a gun.
34:31Lana, what are we doing here?
34:32We're here because of what you did.
34:34What did I do to you?
34:35You destroyed my family.
34:36I don't know your family.
34:38And now I'm gonna bury you on the land that was rightfully ours.
34:41Your land.
34:42And now I'm gonna bury you on the land that was rightfully ours.
34:45Your land.
34:47Who are you?
34:49Maybe I can help.
34:52What the hell are you doing here?
34:53Don't suppose you'd believe I was looking for the little cowgirl's room?
34:57Where's your partner?
34:59Russell and I have some backup.
35:01Doesn't matter. There's enough room in that grave for two.
35:04I can tell you've gone through a lot of trouble here.
35:06Digging up a grave is a lot of work.
35:08But it's gonna kind of be like a sisterhood of the traveling pants kind of moment.
35:12Not that we're gonna try on each other's secondhand jeans to see if one pair fits us all.
35:16There's so much more to that movie.
35:18But like, family...
35:21Okay, I can see family is a touchy subject for you.
35:26But I think you need to know the truth before you do this.
35:29So do I.
35:30What the hell is going on?
35:32Rose, your husband was having an affair with Lana's mother.
35:35How do you...
35:36Because of the affair, they had a baby girl.
35:43It's true.
35:45He knew what you would do if you found out.
35:47I would kick him to the curb with only the clothes on his back.
35:50And that's why he lied to you and tricked you into driving the O'Neills away.
35:54Mom felt so ashamed she kept the affair a secret up until the end.
35:57I didn't know anything about this, Lana. You have to believe me.
36:07Whoa, whoa.
36:17Rose was lied to, just like you.
36:22Pruitts took everything from my family. This all should have been ours.
36:27You forced my family to sell out to you, my mother left with nothing.
36:32Set me in her belly.
36:34Look, you can't turn back the clock.
36:36And killing Rose wouldn't fix anything.
36:39I want every last Pruitt to know what it feels like to lose your home.
36:42To lose everything!
36:45God knows I've made a lot of mistakes in my past.
36:49I've hurt people.
36:51I've hurt my family.
36:52I've made a lot of mistakes in my past.
36:54I've hurt people.
36:56Betrayed those who trusted me.
36:59But the past is the past.
37:01Okay, please.
37:03You gotta just move on.
37:05And not until the Pruitts have lost everything like my family did.
37:21Hey, you alright?
37:26Max? Max!
37:27Yeah, I'm here. Relax.
37:30The reports of my death have been greatly exaggerated.
37:40Will do. Thank you, Commissioner.
37:50I just got off the phone with Commissioner Russo.
37:53She sends her appreciation.
37:56Appreciation is nice, but how about the basketball hoop, Thighmaster, and the face cream?
38:01Okay, appreciation is good.
38:03Nice work, you two.
38:04Thank you, sir.
38:12I thought I told you to stay at the Pruitt house.
38:13I thought you said eek. That's a mouse.
38:15I'm serious, Max. It was dangerous. You could have been killed.
38:18Heavens to Betsy.
38:19Is this your passive, aggressive, emotionally stunting way of saying you actually care about little old me?
38:27I'll see you around, Max.
38:32See ya, Earl.
38:42What are you all doing here?
38:44We wanted to say we're sorry.
38:46And that we want to try to make this a family again.
38:50That's a surprise.
38:52We have another surprise for you.
38:55Got room for a few more stragglers?
39:06Keep your eyes closed.
39:09No peeping.
39:12I'm sorry.
39:14I'm sorry.
39:16I'm sorry.
39:18I'm sorry.
39:20I'm sorry.
39:22I'm sorry.
39:27You can look now.
39:33Oh. My. God. Is that?
39:36Yep. From the Stardust Casino. I got it before it was demolished.
39:41And you ain't seen nothing yet, girl.
39:48I'm not finished yet.
39:49But it's somewhere to sleep tonight.
39:51It's not a private island or even a mansion, but it is officially our humble home.
40:00You like it?
40:03You're not speaking. Why are you not speaking? What's wrong?
40:07It's perfect, Ricky.
40:10Just like you.
40:12I have one more surprise.
40:13There's more?
40:15Okay, you've outdone yourself.
40:16Your dad asked you to brush up on your con skills.
40:21I managed to get Jonathan Ashford's video diary.
40:25Think of it as your CliffsNotes. It'll tell you everything you need to know.
40:29How did you get this?
40:31Ricky is magic, buttercup. Don't you know that by now?
40:35Yeah, all too well.
40:37Alright. Videos on the laptop. Ronnie's egg rolls are on the counter. I have a date.
40:43Don't wait up.
41:07Well, here we are.
41:10I never had any intention of doing one of these look back on your life sort of things.
41:13But, well, it seems that time has come. Even for me.
41:18In my line of work, I have accomplished what many say is the impossible.
41:22I got out while I was still ahead. And believe me, that sounds a lot easier than it was.
41:27It takes a great deal to trust your instinct and walk away from a sure thing when you know it's too risky.
41:33Or to turn your back on a person or a relationship because that's even riskier.
41:37Bottom line, I never got caught. My name is still a mystery.
41:40My whereabouts unknown. And I've managed to hang on to most of the wealth I've acquired over the years.
41:47I made it to the finish line, so to speak.
41:50I won the game.
41:52So how did I get here?
41:54There's quite a lot to go through. I made some notes so as not to miss anything.
41:58Oh, and in case you're wondering if any of this is true, you'll just have to take my word for it.
42:03And you know, I do love to have the last word, which is perfect.
42:06Because once I'm gone, there'll be no one left to confirm or deny.
42:11Which raises the question, why am I here alone?
42:17Because frankly, if you're as fortunate as I was to make your living in this business,
42:23there will be no Rosencrantz to your Guildenstern, no Holmes to your Watson.
42:27In the end, the only person you can count on is you.