• last month


00:00Previously on Wild Cards.
00:02You scored us some snags.
00:06I think we were dosed.
00:10We should probably talk about it.
00:11Yeah, we need to talk about it.
00:12Something definitely happened.
00:13But I don't want it to be weird between us.
00:15Well, me either.
00:24Cup of plain old, regular, boring black coffee on the pass.
00:30Hey, a little out of your neighborhood, aren't you?
00:32Sorry, I was up all night reading book club with my dad.
00:36And now I'm seconds away from falling asleep because Ricky tossed out all our coffee.
00:40My guess, another caffeine cleanse?
00:42It's only when mercury's in retrograde, okay?
00:45What do you got for me today, Greg?
00:47It's my masterpiece.
00:48I've named it after you.
00:49I call it Master Noon Delight.
00:52My own coffee?
00:54I have to take this.
00:55It's my mom.
00:57Oh my god, do you know what this means?
01:00It means that long after I leave this mortal plane, this beverage will live on.
01:04My time here will have meant something.
01:06I have a legacy.
01:08You want to try it?
01:09No, I like my coffee black.
01:10Thank you very much.
01:13Anyway, it's good you're here.
01:14I won these tickets at an event at JJ's school.
01:17It's hot air ballooning.
01:19I remember you always said you wanted to try it, so I thought we could...
01:24I had them right...
01:26Can you stop doing that?
01:28First, immortality, and then I get to fly like an eagle?
01:31Can this day get any better?
01:33It should be fun.
01:34We got our performance reviews today, so I really gotta run.
01:37Nobody told me about performance reviews.
01:39I don't know how many times I have to tell you this.
01:41You're not a cop, Max.
01:42Cop, Max.
01:43Sheesh, I know.
01:44Meet me back at the station.
01:45Three o'clock sharp.
01:46Don't be late.
01:48Now what am I supposed to do until three?
01:59Ready for the performance review?
02:00I got 20 bucks says I get a higher score than you.
02:02You know we don't actually get scores, right?
02:04It's just about pointing out areas for improvement.
02:06Well, I feel pretty good about the fact that I'll have less areas for improvement as, well, this one here.
02:11Please, you ain't ever gonna out-review me.
02:12I am the queen of performance reviews.
02:15What's all that?
02:16They scheduled this dumb performance review on the same day as my cousin's baby shower.
02:20I haven't had a chance to wrap any of this yet.
02:22What are you talking about?
02:23You could have wrapped it yesterday.
02:24See, that's the first item on your performance review.
02:26You procrastinate all the time.
02:27You do.
02:28I do not procrastinate.
02:30I create joyful, in-the-moment experiences that do not involve working.
02:36Tequila? Really?
02:37Yeah, this one's for me.
02:38I was at a baby shower once over.
02:40Never again.
02:43Sir, why are the performance—
02:44I don't want to hear it.
02:47Look, the commissioner's campaign advisors told her that performance reviews poll well.
02:52So if the numbers are good, she takes credit.
02:54If they're bad, she'll blame the mayor.
02:55She calls it a win-win.
02:56Come on, Chief.
02:57We brought down a CEO.
02:58We solved the jackpot murder case.
03:00That's what I'm calling her case, the jackpot murder case.
03:02Max and Ellis solved a street racer's case and seized six mil.
03:06With all due respect, we've been killing it.
03:08No one's doubting the results.
03:10It's how you all got there.
03:11They'll be looking at our methods.
03:13Did we break procedure?
03:14Did we follow protocols?
03:15Ellis, Max isn't one of us.
03:17So when I give you an order, I expect you to follow it and to rein Max in.
03:20Yes, sir.
03:21I already have a headache.
03:22Do we have any ice packs in the freezer?
03:23Oh, I'll check.
03:24And would you like a cup of coffee?
03:26Stop sucking up.
03:28Two sugars, no milk.
03:31I'm gonna spike his coffee.
03:32Loosen him up for us.
03:34Actually, not a bad idea.
03:49What the hell?
03:54Do not get up.
03:55You have just activated a bomb under your chair.
04:01If you get out of the chair, the bomb will detonate.
04:04If you disregard any of my instructions, the bomb will detonate.
04:08I am watching you.
04:10If you understand, press Y.
04:19Clear out the entire building.
04:21No one is to remain inside.
04:23Only you.
04:25I will issue my demands once the building is empty.
04:28You have ten minutes.
04:30And if you think I'm bluffing...
04:44You have three hours to meet my demands.
04:46Or else you die.
04:53Sir, there's just been an explosion outside the station.
04:56Ellis, listen to me very carefully.
04:58I need you to clear the entire building in less than ten minutes.
05:01Call the tactical response team and tell them there's a bomb inside the station.
05:04Inside the station? Where?
05:06Clear a two-block radius outside.
05:07Where's the bomb?
05:08It's under my chair.
05:13If I get up, the bomb will detonate.
05:15The bomber said he'll issue his demands as soon as the entire building is empty.
05:19No one else is to remain inside.
05:21Including you, sir.
05:22And come on, I'll roll you out nice and slow. We'll get the bomb squad.
05:24No, listen. If we disobey his instructions, the bomb will detonate.
05:27I'm sending you a picture of the bomb. Keep me posted.
05:29We have three hours.
05:31Ellis, I'm putting you in charge.
05:34Your first priority is to get everyone outside.
05:36Yes, sir.
05:38All right, everybody, listen up.
05:40There is a bomb inside the station.
05:42We need to clear the building in under ten minutes, all right?
05:44Now move. Move!
05:45Wait, are you saying that boom we just heard was just a warning?
05:48Chief Lee put me in charge.
05:50We're going to clear the building on your way down, all right?
05:52Make sure nobody's left behind.
05:54Wait, why is Lee staying?
05:56I'll explain outside. Now just go.
05:58All right, everybody, let's go.
06:09We need to evacuate the surrounding buildings.
06:11We want everything locked down within a two-block radius.
06:13We don't know how many more bombs we're dealing with or where.
06:16Simmons, call Max. My phone's not working.
06:19Neither is mine.
06:20Same here.
07:00Am I dreaming?
07:04No, I'm usually naked in that dream.
07:08The world would end the day a coffee gets named after me.
07:22The performance reviews were so bad you fired everybody?
07:24What are you doing here? Get out!
07:26Well, somebody had too much coffee.
07:28I was just so tired I took a nap.
07:29Max, there's a bomb in the station.
07:31You need to get out of the building right now!
07:33Wait, are you serious?
07:34Yes. Now go!
07:35Then why are you still sitting there?
07:36I can't get up. The bomb is under my chair.
07:38You need to get out of the building.
07:40What was that?
07:41Those are the emergency lights. He must have cut the power.
07:43Who's he?
07:44A bomber rigged a pressure-sensitive explosive under my chair. It'll blow if I get up.
07:48Okay, I'm gonna call for help.
07:50Phones don't work.
07:53Okay, but look, I'm gonna roll you to the elevators and then we can get you outside.
07:55No, the elevators don't work on emergency power.
07:57Max, I'm giving you a direct order.
07:59The bomber said if we don't comply he will detonate this bomb.
08:02I'm bringing back help.
08:03Do not bring help!
08:05I'll be right back!
08:12Get everybody out of those buildings. Okay, let's go. Move!
08:15TRT command center is set up in the warehouse of the building across the street.
08:19Perimeter's locked down.
08:20Commander Sanders, TRT. Who's in charge?
08:22I am. Detective Ellis. This is Detective Simmons and Yates.
08:25We were briefed on the way over. Are there any updates?
08:27We're clearing all the buildings within a two-block radius.
08:29The bomber seems to have taken control of all the police station systems.
08:32He just took the power out.
08:33Any demands?
08:34No, not yet.
08:35None of our phones are working.
08:36Cell signals in Waukee's within half a mile of the station are being jammed.
08:39My lines are cut, too.
08:40So there's no way we can communicate with Lee on the inside?
08:42No. Are we sure everyone's out?
08:43The chief is the only one left in there.
08:45Ellis! Ellis!
08:46The stat phones are still working.
08:48911 patched someone through to us. He says he's the bomber.
08:50Let's move.
08:53This is Detective Ellis.
08:54If you want your chief to get through this, follow my instructions to the letter.
08:58First order of business, he remains the only one inside.
09:01Second, do not try to gain access to the building.
09:04Third, I want ten million dollars in unmarked bills.
09:07Okay, that amount of money is going to take some time and some effort.
09:10So why don't you, as a show of good faith, let us talk to the chief?
09:13No. You have two hours and forty-five minutes left.
09:15Do not try and delay with the usual tactics.
09:18Look, we'll get you your money, okay? But we need proof of life.
09:21I know the playbook.
09:22If you break any of the rules, there will be consequences.
09:25Hello? Hello?
09:29He'll call back. They always do.
09:31Just follow the protocol.
09:32Now, I'm told you have a photo of the bomb.
09:38This is a new one for me.
09:40I'm going to see if any of my team has seen anything like this before.
09:43We're prepping the robot now.
09:45Hold on. You heard him. He said only Lee inside.
09:47Detective, we've done our share of these.
09:49He's not going to detonate any bomb until he has his money.
09:52The money is our leverage, okay?
09:54So, all you have to do is delay him when he calls.
09:56Maybe you don't understand. This guy's not an amateur, okay?
09:59Not only did he sneak a bomb into a police station, he put it under the chair of the chief of police.
10:04These people are always finding new ways to do damage.
10:06But at the end of the day, they're out for the same thing.
10:08And it's money.
10:12I don't like this. TRT always want to be cowboys.
10:15She has a point.
10:16They do this a lot. You don't.
10:36We're standing by.
11:07Get back! Get back, get back!
11:09The doors are booby-trapped!
11:11Are you sure?
11:12Yes, they're all wired. Do not open them.
11:17Pull them back. The doors are rigged to blow.
11:25Max is inside.
11:27Hey, come back here!
11:28Stay here.
11:37Hey, hey!
11:40Ellis, give me a second with her.
11:43Max, what are you doing inside?
11:44I was trying to kill time until three.
11:46Look, I promise I'm going to get you out of there, okay?
11:48Whenever we work on a case, you tell me not to promise people things.
11:51Yeah, well, this time I'm promising.
11:54Get back! That's a live explosive!
11:58Look, Max, do me a favor. Go to the other side of the building, okay?
12:01Get as far away from Lee as you possibly can.
12:03Ellis, I can't abandon him.
12:05Max, if that bomb goes off...
12:06It won't. You promised me.
12:09And we're not going to miss that hot air balloon ride.
12:19I'll see you soon.
12:21See you soon.
12:36Come on.
12:48What are you still doing here?
12:49Bad news. All the doors are booby-trapped.
12:51But good news. I hid some mint chocolate chip ice cream in the back of the freezer.
12:56Don't tell me you're lactose intolerant.
12:58No one is supposed to be inside.
13:00Well, luckily nothing happened.
13:05You disobeyed me. No one inside.
13:07The girl stays put now.
13:09No more visits to the door.
13:11I told you there would be consequences.
13:18He took 30 minutes off the clock.
13:20I'll get the ice cream.
13:29That was him. The bomber just took 30 minutes off the clock.
13:34Because you were disobeying orders. He saw your bomb tech at the door.
13:37And I told you there would be consequences for that.
13:39In this job, there's always consequences.
13:41You can't negotiate with C4.
13:42Yeah, well, we can't shoot from the hip either.
13:44On that, we're in agreement.
13:46So don't ever pull a stunt like that again.
13:49All right, listen up.
13:51Looks like the bomber has hacked into the lobby cameras,
13:53so we have to assume he's watching every move we make.
13:55Inside and out.
13:57How's he doing that if internet and comms are down?
13:59It's the same way he's sending commands to the bomb.
14:01He's close.
14:03We're still analyzing this,
14:04but this type of antenna operates on a narrow frequency,
14:07outside the one he's jamming.
14:08So that means he's nearby.
14:10Maybe within 500 yards.
14:13Okay, Jim, listen up.
14:14I want you to take as many teams as you can get
14:15and start sweeping the area for any sign of the bomber, okay?
14:17I want you to take uniform and plainclothes officers.
14:20DRT's gonna let you know what to look out for.
14:21Now go.
14:22Got it. Derek, Marcy, let's go.
14:24We've confirmed that all the entry points are rigged with explosives,
14:27but I think we can get in through the roof or the garage.
14:29No, absolutely not.
14:31If he sees you, he could take another 30 minutes off the clock, or worse.
14:34He's got the advantage right now. We play by his rules.
14:36Hopefully your team can change that.
14:38Commissioner Russo said that we should...
14:39Commissioner Russo is not in charge right now.
14:41I am.
14:42And time is our most precious commodity, so we have to preserve it.
14:45Now, if your team can figure out how to defuse the bomb,
14:47then maybe we can talk about going in.
14:49Until then, we do what I say.
14:51Yes, sir.
14:53Just try to remember.
14:54We're the bomb experts here.
15:01Hey, what else?
15:03Let's figure out who the hell this guy is.
15:05That bomb wasn't here yesterday,
15:06so he must have planted it between last night and this morning.
15:09I'll check the login records and CCTV, see if we can ID this guy.
15:12Great. Simmons, I want you to check on the neighborhood evac.
15:25Hang in there, you guys.
15:32Why does Yates have a baby monitor? Is she pregnant?
15:35Not that I know of.
15:36No luck on the ice cream.
15:40Jeez, it's getting hot in here.
15:42It'll get worse. The AC doesn't operate on the backup generator.
15:45Well, you better hydrate.
15:47You're kidding, right?
15:50You can't use the little chief's room.
15:54I better not talk about waterfalls, flowing water.
16:00Sorry, I'm just trying to be helpful.
16:05It's no use.
16:07I've tried everything I can think of. Nothing responds.
16:09If the internet's down, how is the bomber messaging us?
16:12He's taking over the servers.
16:14Do you have any idea who could be behind this?
16:19Okay, well, let's look at the case files and see if anyone stands out.
16:22Maybe someone has a grudge against you.
16:24I don't think so.
16:26Maybe someone has a grudge against you.
16:28I haven't run my own case in years. This isn't about me.
16:32It's about money. It always is.
16:35Okay, well, take a deep breath.
16:37At least we know Ellis and everyone's out there doing the best they can to get us out of here.
16:41It's driving me crazy we can't talk to them outside.
16:43Silver lining? Maybe this is a good opportunity to work on your control issues.
16:48I don't have control issues.
16:49Okay, call it what you want.
16:51Call it deep-seated childhood trauma.
16:54Nevertheless, it's a good opportunity to channel that energy.
16:58What are you doing? Stop doing that.
17:01What are you doing?
17:02Two words. Movie title.
17:04We're not playing charades.
17:05See? Control issues.
17:07But you're kind of a captive audience, so you have no choice.
17:13Area's clear.
17:14Still no sign of the bomber. TRT's gonna do another sweep.
17:17What about Lee? Does he have any family we need to contact?
17:19Well, I know both his parents are deceased, but now there's no one else I can think of.
17:23I mean, Chief would always keep his personal life pretty close to his chest, you know?
17:26You gonna contact George about Max?
17:28Let's not worry him just yet.
17:30God, why is taking the money so long to get here?
17:33You know what? I want you to call the mayor's office and tell them to hurry.
17:36Because if they don't, there's gonna be a lot of blood on their hands.
17:39Ellis, we got something.
17:43This is CCTV footage from overnight. That is the cleaner.
17:46Usually there's a crew of four that work the overnight ship, but last night only one showed up.
17:51The crew members got an email saying that they'd get a paid night off due to building payments.
17:54And that's why a guy had the run of the place.
17:56You can't see his face, though.
17:58I can't see it anywhere.
17:59Okay, show me the other cameras.
18:00We don't have any angles that look into Lee's office, but we do have this.
18:06He's booby trapping the doors.
18:08Okay, go back further. I want to see how he got into the place.
18:20Wait a minute, stop.
18:21Pushing on his ball cap?
18:27When the cleaner goes into the closet, he was wearing a cap with a curved bill,
18:30but when he comes out of the closet, he's wearing a cap with a flat bill.
18:33That's not the same guy.
18:34Exactly. Scrub ahead.
18:37And stop, right there.
18:40We're back to the curved bill.
18:41That's the first cleaner. They swapped places inside that closet.
18:44The real cleaner was smuggling the bomber in and out of the building with his cleaning cart.
18:47Okay, nice work, Yates. Go find him.
18:48On it.
18:57Come on, it's a movie.
19:00Running Man, because I was running and you're a man?
19:03Geez, I basically gave that to you.
19:07You know, your heart is really not in this.
19:15You know, you have no personal photos in here.
19:19That's correct.
19:20Come to think of it, you know a lot more about me than I know about you.
19:24Once again, right on the money.
19:26No autographed baseball from a game you went to with Dad.
19:30No Tom Petty concert tickets from when you went with a best friend.
19:34And what about a significant other?
19:38You're not going to drop this, are you?
19:39Answer one question and then I'll drop it.
19:42Have you ever been in love?
19:45Yes. Once. A lifetime ago. Question answered.
19:48Whoa. You can't just drop a bomb like that.
19:52Sorry, that was a poor choice of words.
19:54But you gotta give me more.
19:55You should have asked for more than one question. A deal's a deal.
19:58But I feel like-
20:05What's that for?
20:14Oh, tickets to go hot air ballooning.
20:16I was going to take Max this afternoon, but then-
20:18Oh yeah? You guys going on a date?
20:20No. It's not a date.
20:22Hot air balloon? Champagne? Sunset?
20:25I won free tickets at JJ's school event. It's no big deal.
20:28Something happen between the two of you?
20:29No, nothing happened between us.
20:31Just, you know, didn't want them to go to waste and didn't know who else to ask.
20:35Oh, okay. Right, right.
20:36Hey, Sanders.
20:37If a co-worker invited you on a hot air balloon ride on a Friday, just the two of you, is that a date?
20:42My husband proposed to me in a hot air balloon.
20:45You gotta be kidding me.
20:47Wait, you don't think Max thinks that it's a date, do you?
20:53Oh, crap.
20:56This sucks.
20:58I mean, obviously this sucks, but I was supposed to go hot air ballooning with Ellis today.
21:03He asked you to go hot air ballooning?
21:05Yeah. Why?
21:07No reason.
21:10What are you saying? He had two free tickets, and he asked if I wanted to go.
21:14Like a date.
21:15No. Not like a date.
21:17Sounds like a date.
21:18No, he got the tickets for free, and I've always wanted to try it.
21:23Oh my god, did he ask me on a date?
21:26Do you think that he thinks it's a date?
21:28I don't know.
21:29Well, what if he does? What does that mean?
21:32No, there's no way he thinks it's a date. I'm good at reading people. He doesn't think it's a date.
21:39If you say so.
21:45It seems that your people aren't taking this seriously.
21:49This is Detective Ellis.
21:51The clock's ticking. Do you have the money ready for the drop?
21:54We're working on it. Okay, but that amount of money comes with a lot of red tape.
21:57Don't lie to me.
21:58I'm not lying to you, okay? We're going to get you your money.
22:00But letting that woman go is going to go a long way towards cutting through that tape.
22:04Just let her go. She's a civilian. You don't need her, alright?
22:07Liar. I can see you.
22:09You're all busiest little bees, busy doing everything but getting my money.
22:13Maybe you and your team need a little help.
22:15Why did we just lose 30 minutes? What did we do?
22:17We didn't do anything.
22:19What is going on outside?
22:35Yates, you better have some good news for me.
22:37Our cleaner was evicted from his last known address for unpaid rent. Now living in an RV.
22:41How close are you?
22:42Approaching now. Stand by.
22:47We found him.
22:48But he won't be doing any talking.
22:54Somebody take a look at this.
22:56I'm not going to.
22:57I'm not going to.
22:58I'm not going to.
22:59I'm not going to.
23:00I'm not going to.
23:01I'm not going to.
23:02I'm not going to.
23:03I'm not going to.
23:04I'm not going to.
23:05I'm not going to.
23:06Somebody take him out?
23:07Yeah, looks like it.
23:10His prescription thyroid medication smells like almonds.
23:12Potassium cyanide gives off an odor that smells like almonds. It's probably what it is.
23:16Exactly. We'll need the lab to confirm, but I'd say that our bomber switched Jones' pills with a killer dose.
23:23Oh, one more thing.
23:25We found 5K in cash.
23:27Kind of odd for a guy that couldn't pay his rent.
23:29Okay, so the bomber paid this guy to smuggle him in and out of the building and then poison his daily meds.
23:33Forensics is en route. They'll turn this place over for anything that's useful.
23:36Nice work, Yates. Get back here as soon as you can.
23:38Bomber just took another 30 minutes off the clock.
23:40On it.
23:41Hey, temporary boss?
23:42Yeah, what's up?
23:44We're going to get them out of this.
23:46I know.
23:51Coming through.
23:53Money's here.
23:58Ten million, counted and verified.
24:00There's a tracker sewn into the lining.
24:02Good. I want you to take this to the drop point right now.
24:04You can't do this.
24:05We're not wasting any more time.
24:07If you give this money up, you give away our only leverage.
24:09We already saw what happens when we don't follow his instructions. I'm not doing that anymore.
24:12Protocol is we don't pay.
24:14We don't pay, they die. You understand?
24:17It's up to your team to make sure that they find him with that tracker. Now go.
24:21This is on your head.
24:24Hell what? Not you too.
24:27Yeah, I'm always going to tell you the truth.
24:31I think you're making a mistake.
24:32If it wasn't Max and Lee in there, would you still be making this decision?
24:41Jeez, it's hot in here.
24:44Chief, take off your shirt.
24:45I'm fine.
24:46What, you think you're the first police officer in the world?
24:48I'm fine.
24:49Chief, take off your shirt.
24:50I'm fine.
24:51What, you think you're the first police chief I've seen with their shirt off?
24:56Not a word.
24:57Cross my heart.
25:05What did I say?
25:06Who are you?
25:10Give me some more angles on that, yeah?
25:13More bad news. My team's been studying your photo of the bomb, and they don't know if it can be disabled.
25:17That's not exactly the news I was looking for.
25:20There might be one thing we can do to buy us a little time.
25:22If we can lower the temperature of the device, we can delay the chemical reaction that triggers the explosion.
25:27How much time will that buy us?
25:28Four to five seconds.
25:29That's not enough to outrun the blast.
25:31No, it's not.
25:33But if I could get my team inside, then we can come up with a plan.
25:36I've confirmed there's a great access point in the parking garage.
25:39I just need to knock out a camera on the ramp to get in.
25:41No. He's going to know you took out the camera. Absolutely not.
25:44I knew you were going to say that, so I spoke with the commissioner.
25:47Commissioner Rousseau agrees with me. We'll give the money drops some more time.
25:50But if I feel like we're running out of options, I'm taking over command.
26:01Okay, I know they say every chat has a story, but this is like Game of Thrones. It's endless.
26:06Just give me one. Your secret's safe with me, I promise.
26:10I doubt that.
26:11Wait, I recognize that. That's a gang TAT from out east. The Crimson Vipers.
26:17What is a police chief doing with a TAT from an east coast crew?
26:22You don't need to know everything.
26:24Okay, I understand. Some things are just better left in the vault.
26:28Like that box that Ricky said I opened when we moved. Oh, my stars.
26:33That's it.
26:34What's it?
26:35The tactical response team. They're storing gear downstairs. I completely forgot.
26:38In the basement, next to the evidence room, there's a box of satellite phones.
26:42What, do you think they'd work?
26:43They don't need cell phone towers.
26:44What if the bomber sees us?
26:47It's worth the risk. Go.
27:00Stop. Don't move.
27:01Not moving.
27:02Hands in the air.
27:09Oh, you scared me.
27:12Identify yourself.
27:13I'm Max, special police consultant. Still no badge, but I'm working on it.
27:17I got stuck here with Chief Lee.
27:21We heard there was a sippy in here. Special Officer Jin, TRT bomb tech.
27:24How did you get in? Aren't all the doors rigged to blow?
27:27I found a way through the ventilation system, a grid in the underground parking garage.
27:30Where's the rest of your team?
27:31I'm taking point first, securing access. Is the chief okay?
27:35Yeah, I'm just down here looking for a sat phone.
27:37Don't need that now. Have you seen the bomber?
27:40Good. Let's get to Chief Lee so I can lay eyes on the explosive.
27:47Can I ask you a personal question?
27:51Okay, if you were to ask a girl to go hot air ballooning,
27:54now what if you and this girl are co-workers and there's been some weirdness here and there?
27:59Still a date.
28:00Damn it.
28:01Okay, Lee's in there.
28:04Cavalry has arrived.
28:07Well, hello, Chung.
28:08You two know each other. Cool. Except his name is Lee.
28:12No, his name is Chung. Stephen Chung.
28:15You're the one behind this.
28:20Well, I couldn't let it in until you knew it was me who killed you.
28:28Okay, I'm missing a few things.
28:30Okay, I'm missing a few things.
28:32Well, Stephen was my lieutenant in the Crimson Vipers.
28:35Jin, stop.
28:36What? You don't want everyone to know who you really are?
28:43I swiped it when we went up the stairs.
28:45How did you know?
28:46Your watch.
28:47Bomb techs don't wear smart watches.
28:49Their signals can interfere with the explosive devices.
28:53So I've been told.
28:55Now disarm the bomb.
28:56Except this isn't any old smart watch. It's connected to my heart rate.
28:59If it detects extreme changes, the bomb goes off.
29:02Shoot me and we all die. Now give me the gun.
29:04It's called a dead man's switch.
29:07You're bluffing.
29:10Well, Stephen knows me almost better than anyone. Am I bluffing, Stephen?
29:13Give him the gun.
29:14I'm not giving him the gun.
29:15Max, give him the gun.
29:27Let her go, Jin. This is between us.
29:29Oh, then you do know why I'm here.
29:33Because I've been looking forward to this for a long time.
29:37A chance to show off the skills I learned in prison.
29:41But when I got out, I couldn't find you.
29:43Until I saw you in the paper.
29:44Suited up.
29:45Announcing a six million dollar bust.
29:47You got careless.
29:49Just let her go.
29:52You care about this woman?
29:54You care about this woman?
29:55You'd be upset if something happened to her?
30:00Now you know how I felt.
30:01What happened to Sadie was an accident.
30:03No, it wasn't an accident.
30:04You betrayed me.
30:06She wasn't supposed to get hurt.
30:08I took you in.
30:09I made you part of our family.
30:11It was a gang, not a family.
30:14We were loyal because we were terrified of you.
30:16You seem to forget what you were like back then.
30:23You killed us.
30:25It's hard to let go of, isn't it?
30:27I look at it and I remember the fear we put in people.
30:30The power.
30:32The rest of it all.
30:38Move next to him.
30:43Put it on.
30:47Jin, just let her go.
30:48This one's on you.
30:54Come on.
30:59Making you wait any longer just seems cruel.
31:09Goodbye, Steven.
31:21Money hasn't moved.
31:23Units haven't seen anything or anyone out of the ordinary.
31:27Maybe you're right.
31:29I think I just screwed this whole thing up.
31:33We're going in.
31:34Hey, give us some time.
31:35Ellis is still in charge here.
31:37No, he's not.
31:40My team, moving out.
31:50Don't you dare say anything about being on the job.
31:52It wasn't gonna.
31:59Baby monitor.
32:00There's a baby monitor inside the police station.
32:03Sims, didn't you learn how to use communications gear when you were in the military?
32:06It's part of my basic training.
32:07So if Max can turn it on, could you lock onto it?
32:09Baby monitors use a very unique frequency spectrum.
32:12Okay, but can you do it?
32:13Yeah, I think I can.
32:17Want it on record?
32:18Then my shopping saved the day.
32:23We're not done yet.
32:24I'm not done yet.
32:26I still need to visit Machu Picchu, learn how to play the guitar.
32:30If he only wanted revenge, he could have blown up my car and done it in my house.
32:34But he didn't.
32:36There's a reason why he did it here.
32:41I'm so sorry, Max.
32:42Nothing to be sorry about because we're getting out of here.
32:44I still need some dolphins, a little hot air ballooning, your nose, maybe even kids.
32:52You did it!
32:54Wait, kids.
32:55That's it.
32:56That's what?
32:58Ellis, Ellis, come in Ellis.
33:00Ellis, Ellis, come in Ellis.
33:02Max, I'm here.
33:03It's me.
33:04Thank God you figured out the baby monitor.
33:06Ellis, the bomber is in the building and he's wearing a TRT bomb squad uniform.
33:10Okay, is he still there?
33:11I don't know and I don't have time to explain.
33:13We only have six minutes.
33:14Six minutes.
33:16Okay, Max, listen.
33:17If you can lower the temperature of the bomb, you can delay the blast five seconds, okay?
33:21It's not much, but it's all we have.
33:22We can't outrun the blast in five seconds.
33:25Maybe we can.
33:26Get some ice.
33:29Max, you there?
33:30Let's go.
33:31We got less than six minutes, everybody.
33:32Come on, let's go.
33:34You got this.
33:35Come on.
33:36You got this.
33:38We're running out of time.
33:40That's it.
33:41We've got like 30 seconds.
33:42Get the hell off this floor.
33:43What do you mean?
33:44No guarantees this will work.
33:45Go save yourself.
33:48Stop being such a control freak, okay?
33:50I'm not going anywhere.
33:51On three.
33:52Okay, one, two.
33:53Wait, wait, wait.
33:54On three or after three?
33:55Like one, two, three, go?
33:56Or one, two, or one?
33:57On three.
33:59One, two, three.
34:08Clear this area.
34:10Go away.
34:17Over here.
34:22Get a medic ASAP.
34:48Max, are you okay?
34:49Yeah, but Ellis, we can't let him escape.
34:51Look, we're checking every TRT officer, all right?
34:54The bomber's here.
34:55We're going to find him.
34:56Detective, we need to check our vitals.
34:58I'll be right there, okay?
35:03TRT officers are all accounted for.
35:04He ain't here.
35:05Okay, we'll check again.
35:06He's got to be close.
35:16Come on.
35:47All right.
35:50You all right?
35:58Son of a...
36:17What happened to Sadie wasn't because of me.
36:20It was because of you.
36:22How you treated her.
36:26What the hell, Steven?
36:32Already there.
36:47So what, you're saying it wasn't only about money?
36:52I was an undercover agent and helped take down Jin and his gang.
36:55You know, I gotta say, I'm just thankful that not all the convicts that we put away go this far to get back at us.
37:00So wait, why would he go through all that trouble if he wasn't going to take the money that he was demanding?
37:04Because that wasn't the money he was after.
37:06It was all Con 101.
37:08Classic sleight of hand.
37:10Distract the mark with a ticking time bomb and then he could pick his pocket.
37:13After sneaking in disguised as a cleaner, Jin stayed in the station all night.
37:17He emptied the building because he needed the time to cut through the evidence from door.
37:20It was actually after the six million we seized in the street racing bust.
37:24It was just sitting in the evidence lockup.
37:26It was smart.
37:27I mean, who would think of robbing a police station?
37:30And he almost got away with it.
37:31Yeah, but he didn't realize he was up against the A-team.
37:34That's right.
37:37Good work today.
37:39You're right.
37:40Good work today.
37:41You're right.
37:42You left me in charge and I'll let you down, sir.
37:45Sanders had to come in and take command at the end.
37:47Alice, you saved lives today.
37:49And if it weren't for you remembering the baby monitor, we wouldn't be here.
37:53And you know I could count on you.
37:55Thank you, sir.
37:57Okay, we need a toast.
38:00To us.
38:01To you.
38:03Is this a serious head trauma talking?
38:06Max, you talk way more than anyone ever should.
38:08And your methods are always south of legal.
38:10But you showed some real bravery today.
38:12You stayed with me when you could have left.
38:15I'm alive only because of you.
38:17So thank you.
38:18I'm really happy you're one of the team.
38:20To Max.
38:22To Max.
38:23Aw, guys.
38:27Thank you, sir.
38:31Okay, got a little bit too gushy for me.
38:33Can we please address the tattooed elephant in the room?
38:35Yeah, I think I missed your episode of Ink Master.
38:37You've got some serious tats.
38:40Oh, that was part of the undercover work.
38:42Chief Lee here goes full method.
38:44He told me all about it.
38:46I would like to hear those stories, please.
38:48Yeah, me too.
38:49Yeah, that story is saved for potential life-ending moments.
38:55Yeah, what she said.
38:57Grab that bottle of tequila.
38:59Let's go get drunk with tactical.
39:02You know, we should get matching tattoos.
39:04Something meaningful.
39:05Something like a teeny tiny UFO abducting a cow.
39:08Um, no.
39:11Should get started on this paperwork.
39:15My office.
39:20Have a seat.
39:33I just wanted to say thank you for keeping that between us.
39:37It's a part of my life that would be hard for a lot of people to understand.
39:41You're not the only one with a past that follows them around.
39:45That woman you told me about earlier?
39:47When you left?
39:49That was Sadie, wasn't it?
39:54That life, it took over everything.
39:58Then Gin met Sadie.
40:01She was the one who told me to get out.
40:03That I didn't belong there.
40:05Did Gin know that you fell in love with her too?
40:11The abuse started after they married.
40:14She had no way out and I couldn't just leave her with him.
40:18So, I turned.
40:22I made a deal with the cops.
40:24They'd get Gin, Sadie would get a new identity, a fresh start.
40:28Even though you knew you'd never see her again?
40:30I just wanted her to be safe.
40:34But the bust went bad.
40:37Sadie wasn't supposed to be there.
40:40People died.
40:44I'm so sorry.
40:45I'm so sorry.
40:51I left that life behind.
40:53Came out west.
40:55And with the police connections I made, I became an undercover officer.
40:58Worked my way up.
41:00So why did you keep your Crimson Viper tattoo?
41:09It's all I have left of her.
41:12May I say something?
41:13If I said no, would it make a difference?
41:17Not in the least.
41:20Holding on to things doesn't change them.
41:23Maybe it's time to start putting yourself out there, Chief.
41:33You should go home.
41:34What are you going to do?
41:36Buy a new office chair.
41:39Good idea.
41:41Get out of here.
41:52We missed it.
41:54Missed what?
41:55The hot air balloon.
41:59Today was the last day.
42:01We'll get another chance.
42:03I hope so.
42:06Anyways, I'm tired. I should go home.
42:09Do you need a ride?
42:10No. Ricky's coming to get me.
42:11Okay. Well, good night.
42:17Thank you for keeping your promise.
42:19Actually, I didn't.
42:20What do you mean? I didn't get blown to smithereens.
42:23I promised you that I'd get you out of there today.
42:26But you got yourself out of this one, Max.
42:30You did that.
42:31Nice work today.
42:33Get some rest.
42:41Get up there.
43:11Get up there.