• last month


00:00Previously on Southern Charm, how are you doing?
00:18I actually feel good because Shep invited me to the Bahamas.
00:21As JT celebrated his invitation and Vanita missed her flight, we arrived in paradise
00:27to a room with a view and one room too few.
00:33No one in their 30s should have to share a room.
00:36I'm not doing this.
00:37Just what I need.
00:38You're a tyrant.
00:39You're a tyrant.
00:40Meanwhile, as Taylor dug into Shep's relationship with Sienna.
00:46I know where I stand, I don't know where she stands.
00:49You're f***ing it up right now?
00:51She's stringing him along though.
00:52It's actually her that needs to be questioned, Taylor, big time.
00:57He was tied up in knots waiting for her arrival.
01:01I gotta tease it.
01:02Look at those fishing pants.
01:04I want it to look kind of messy.
01:06Put a f***ing t-shirt on.
01:08But his dream of a warm welcome turned into a nightmare.
01:13I'll give you some space.
01:16More space?
01:18Come on, stay up here.
01:19I'll meet you downstairs.
01:21You mess around with the queen bee, believe me.
01:39Damn, I got flyaways.
01:40How do I got flyaways?
01:43Why is it dark in here?
01:45Because I'm having a migraine.
01:47Oh no.
01:48Can I get you something?
01:50Um, well I took Advil and then I threw that up.
01:54Well don't push it.
01:55You guys look so cute.
01:59We miss you.
02:01I'm coming.
02:02I land early.
02:03I land at 10 a.m. tomorrow.
02:05Okay, perfect.
02:06You have your own suite and everything.
02:09Why did you come late?
02:11Oh Jesus f***.
02:13Look, I know this is pretty lame,
02:15but I couldn't find my passport.
02:18We love you.
02:20Just drink a lot of water.
02:22We'll bring you back some food.
02:24What are you doing?
02:25We're going for a ride in.
02:27If I get a second wind, I will call y'all.
02:30All right, we love you.
02:31Love you.
02:32Night, night.
02:35I think my migraine is a culmination of the 12 champagnes I had.
02:41Wait, you're not coming?
02:43Just text me.
02:44I have my phone on me.
02:46But it's okay.
02:48We're going to be here for a few days.
02:49I can watch him fawn over Sienna another day.
02:56Flip-flops okay?
02:57Flip-flops are perfect.
03:00Let's see.
03:01Where are you?
03:05Should I pull it off?
03:07You look amazing.
03:09I love it.
03:10Thank you, thank you.
03:12I don't know.
03:14We haven't seen each other in over a month and a half.
03:17That's been a lot that's happened since then.
03:19It's important.
03:20What has happened?
03:21That's a good question.
03:27Oh, there they are.
03:29Hey, guys.
03:30Hey, you look nice.
03:31Oh, my God, look at you.
03:33Oh, my God.
03:34Wait, where's Molly?
03:36She's not okay.
03:37She's not feeling too good.
03:38Oh, really?
03:39She got a migraine.
03:41The fire show.
03:43Well, let's go to dinner.
03:44Yes, let's go to dinner.
03:46So, no word on what happened upstairs?
03:48Dude, haven't heard from him.
03:50I'm sure he's just going to join us at dinner at some point.
03:53I thought she was here.
03:54She is.
03:55The intention was that you could cut it with a knife.
03:57I'm a very good read of character,
03:59and I watch enough 90 Day Fiancé to know
04:02that it just didn't feel right.
04:04Whatever Shep thought was real didn't exist.
04:07How are you?
04:08Hey, what's up?
04:09Good to see you.
04:10Good to see you, too.
04:13We were trying to leave them together
04:15to, like, figure out some shit.
04:17Sienna, obviously, we both came out of the gate awfully hot,
04:22and it was very passionate and wonderful,
04:26and that's true, right?
04:29We have a lot of fun.
04:30And then it got hotter and heavier
04:32as far as what we were saying to one another.
04:35And I thought that maybe, like,
04:37the universe had brought us together.
04:40You would mention to me, like,
04:41oh, we would have the prettiest babies.
04:43We would have these beautiful kids who are smart
04:46and go to the...
04:47And they would be connected to nature and the ocean,
04:50and we would just live all over the world
04:52and have adventures.
04:53This was in my mind.
04:54Shep, I never knew that, like,
04:56you were thinking like that.
04:58I was, I know.
05:00You made my life better.
05:02You made me want to be a better man.
05:05I'm wildly, wildly attracted to you,
05:08and I actually am in love with you.
05:17How are you?
05:19Thank you very much.
05:20Right this way for you.
05:23Oh, this is nice.
05:25Who else is coming?
05:28And Sienna?
05:29And possibly Sienna.
05:31Do we want to, like,
05:32Do we want to, like,
05:33leave, like, a space in the middle or whatever?
05:36No, okay.
05:37Do we want them in the center?
05:38I mean, they could sit, like,
05:39right here and right there,
05:40and I'll move down.
05:41Why do we have to move?
05:42We don't have to do anything.
05:43Because we're cozy.
05:44I think I have a good perspective from here
05:46down and to the right.
05:49Now we're very mixed.
05:51I don't want to put you on the spot.
05:54I just, I don't even know where we stand.
05:57Well, I mean, on my end of things,
05:59I feel like we never kind of defined
06:03what the relationship was, you know?
06:07You had to have known how I felt, right?
06:10Now I do.
06:12Oh, yeah?
06:14Now I do.
06:15Let's just hold it there.
06:17Life is way too short to ignore
06:20a strong feeling about somebody, you know,
06:23in a relationship.
06:25Because guess what?
06:26Doesn't happen every other day.
06:28Trust me, I know.
06:30We're late for dinner.
06:32Let's go.
06:39How's everybody doing?
06:41What are we having for cocktails?
06:42Can I get an espresso martini?
06:43I'll do that, actually.
06:45Three espressos.
06:47And then two seafood towers for us.
06:49Could we get two Aperol spreads?
06:51Okay, no problem.
06:53One light and a show glass.
06:54Is it this way?
06:55Yeah, I think it's this way.
06:56I think we're going upstairs.
06:57Have you eaten here before?
07:01Hey, guys.
07:02Hi, everyone.
07:04How are you?
07:05Nice to meet you.
07:06Being up real nice.
07:07You look good looking.
07:08How are you feeling?
07:11You look much better.
07:12How are you?
07:14I love your makeup.
07:17I love yours.
07:18Good outfit.
07:21I mean, she helped you.
07:22She did help.
07:24Boom, boom, boom.
07:27Oh, I forgot.
07:28There you go.
07:29We're from the south.
07:30Thank you, sir.
07:31After all.
07:32Yeah, I guess I'm loose.
07:33Honestly, anything Shep does,
07:34especially when it's like romantic
07:35or at least trying to make us believe he's romantic,
07:36I'm like, ew.
07:38I'm going to throw up.
07:39I'm sorry.
07:41I'm happy you guys are here.
07:58I'm happy you guys made it safely.
07:59I know, we did.
08:00It's such an easy trip.
08:03How's everybody doing?
08:04Everybody's doing great.
08:05What are we having for cocktails?
08:06What is everybody else getting?
08:07Espresso martinis on this side.
08:08I'll have one of those.
08:10Yes, I will have one, please.
08:11Is everybody hungry?
08:12We got some seafood towers.
08:13We ordered a while ago.
08:14Any allergies?
08:15I'm allergic to dogs.
08:16Big Craig is allergic to Little Craig.
08:17Can you imagine the irony?
08:18Little Craig and I don't have the best relationship.
08:19So I'm the best.
08:20I'm the best.
08:21I'm the best.
08:22I'm the best.
08:23Join the club.
08:24Yeah, join the club.
08:25Would you like to talk about your sleep or lack thereof?
08:28Craig was farting in my face all night.
08:31Sienna's not happy with Craig's gasp.
08:33It's really bad, you know?
08:34It's really bad.
08:36Sienna, we probably haven't seen you since y'all saw each other, right?
08:40Thank you very much.
08:41Yeah, the last time I saw you guys was at your dog party.
08:43At Bella's.
08:44At Bella's birthday.
08:46Do you remember Sienna?
08:49You forgot to bring your boots.
08:50You left your boots.
08:52My cowboy boots.
08:55I'll tell you I'll get a new one.
08:56I'll mail them.
08:56It's fine.
08:57I'll wear them.
08:59I'm kidding.
09:01Thank you, love.
09:02Thank you so much.
09:03You're welcome.
09:05Right here.
09:09Wow, that's a real oyster.
09:16You want to?
09:18Santa, sit where Austin is, and so Austin
09:20and I are going to go to the bar.
09:21Come on in here, girl.
09:22Finally, I'm at the fun part of the table, all right?
09:26This is the party side.
09:28I'm shocked to see you here tonight.
09:30I mean, not in that, but I know that he
09:32was like a little nervous because I hear
09:34you've been playing hard to get.
09:35But I think that that's good for him.
09:37Have I been playing hard to get?
09:39Or am I hard to get?
09:41Tell us.
09:42Like, tell us about you.
09:43We want to know.
09:46Chef is, like, used to girls being like, you know, like.
09:49At his beck and call, and you.
09:51And I know you're not.
09:52I love him.
09:53He's amazing.
09:54We've had so much fun together.
09:56I heard the love word.
09:59He's a great guy.
09:59He's a great person.
10:00We have a lot, we've had a lot of great times together.
10:05Well, let me just first start out by saying
10:07that I was very pleased, obviously, that the two
10:11of you came to dinner.
10:12I said everything I wanted to say.
10:15I'm wildly, wildly attracted to you,
10:18and I am actually in love with you.
10:21And she's like, I didn't know you ever thought this.
10:24And I was like, damn it.
10:26Because, like, it's only been, like, a long weekend
10:29every time we hang out.
10:34Sienna, I have a real question.
10:37OK, what's the question?
10:39Are you and Chef actually together?
10:42As of right now?
10:57Sienna, I have a real question.
11:00Are you and Chef actually together?
11:03Like, are y'all exclusive?
11:04Can you hook up with other people?
11:05Chef and I never had that conversation
11:07in the first place.
11:09We never said we're going to be in a relationship.
11:10We never said we're going to be exclusive.
11:12And so, like, were we together?
11:16Maybe, I don't know.
11:21I think Chef has probably imagined a lot
11:23of this relationship up in his head.
11:26And I am just interested to see how
11:29this is all going to play out.
11:31Because I am just a bystander, and I'm enjoying the show.
11:36Are we, like, a wait and see, getting to know you again?
11:40She goes, yeah, this discussion isn't over.
11:42She's like, I want to continue to talk about our future.
11:45OK, good, good.
11:46So that's, it was very adult, very respectful.
11:50And then, wouldn't you know it, we're walking here,
11:54and I'm like, I really miss you.
11:55And she's like, I miss you, too.
11:57Do you miss me?
11:58I'll see.
12:00Well, I miss you.
12:04I'm sure you do.
12:06And, like, I kind of want to win her over again.
12:09I'm so into her.
12:10I'm just, you know that.
12:12Let's go back.
12:16I just wish that I could see a conversation
12:20between them.
12:21Because it just seems to me that Shep is not the best
12:24at picking up on signals.
12:27We're so similar, in terms of, like, being noncommittal.
12:31And it's like, it works for both of us.
12:33Hey, guys.
12:37Oh, what's happening?
12:39We think that maybe she's good for you.
12:42Guys, guys, let's not grill everybody, please.
12:45Shep, she checked out to everything you said.
12:48Your timeline, what you want in life.
12:52Because y'all are both noncommittal.
12:58Jesus Christ.
13:00It's OK.
13:01Oh, y'all talked?
13:02Yeah, of course.
13:03I mean, we're not going to just look at her.
13:05Sienna, it's a pleasure.
13:07Cheers, Sienna.
13:08Thanks for having us.
13:10Thank you guys for coming.
13:12Let's go.
13:13Want to go party in your room?
13:15Let's show you a good time.
13:19What the hell?
13:20What the hell?
13:49All right.
13:50Let's check the outside.
13:56No one's out on their porch.
14:02We'll go check in on humans.
14:08Good morning.
14:13How are you?
14:14My eye.
14:15One left eye.
14:15One right eye.
14:16One left eye.
14:17My eye.
14:18My left eye is blurry.
14:19Are you listening to rain sounds?
14:22How are you?
14:23I'm OK.
14:24How'd you sleep?
14:25I slept pretty well.
14:26I'm so much better than last night.
14:27I've been up since like 730.
14:29Oh my god, you're crazy.
14:30I've been like in and out of sleep for like an hour.
14:33Were we being loud and obnoxious last night?
14:35Could you hear us?
14:36A little bit when y'all came back.
14:37Hey, welcome to my house.
14:39Wow, this is nicer than ours.
14:45What's up?
14:51I literally can't.
14:52You're a machine, Taylor.
14:54So do you feel up for flamingo yoga?
14:57Yeah, I'm totally down now.
14:58I'm good.
14:59Well, how was last night?
15:01It was good.
15:02How awkward was the Santa stuff?
15:04Well, it wasn't at all.
15:07But where's Santa?
15:17Thank you for talking to me.
15:23Dude, she doesn't like you.
15:26No, I'm just saying.
15:28Let's go.
15:29We'll see you all in the morning.
15:32I feel bad.
15:33He's the honest truth sometimes.
15:36I'm not going to be one of those people that's like,
15:38you know, karma, but he's tasting his own medicine
15:41and I'm like, yeah, it doesn't taste very good.
15:45What's going on?
15:52Hey, bud.
15:53Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.
15:58You OK?
16:00Don't do that.
16:01Why would you do that?
16:02Because we're up.
16:04Oh my god.
16:07Why are you doing this?
16:08I don't know.
16:11No, I woke up early.
16:13I can't sleep in.
16:14But when I woke up, I sent a text.
16:17What did you say?
16:18I said, good morning, Santa.
16:20Listen, I love seeing you and no one else
16:23makes me feel the way you do.
16:24No one.
16:25But I'm not going to try to convince someone that they
16:28love me for three days, especially when I know
16:30that deep down they do.
16:33Here's hoping that you understand
16:34my feelings and exalt them.
16:36I just don't feel this way almost ever.
16:39I know that you agree and feel a lot of what
16:41I do because I've heard it from your perfect little freckled
16:45And those around us can say and think what they will,
16:48but we will have the last laugh.
16:50And we'll have love, laughter, and literally
16:52everything that matters.
16:54OK, my TED talk is over.
16:57Oh god, Shep.
16:59You're making me cringe for you now.
17:01Shep, dude, I respect your vulnerability.
17:03That's for sure.
17:04She hasn't answered.
17:06But that's OK.
17:07Oh god, Shep.
17:09Trying to win her back is crazy.
17:11I just wish that he would have asked me
17:15before he decided to send this.
17:17I want to shrivel up and die for him.
17:20I want to f***ing evaporate.
17:23I wanted to evaporate into the Bahamian sky.
17:25She faked a stomach ache, man.
17:27No, no, no.
17:28It was midnight when we were done with dinner.
17:30She wanted to go home.
17:32Let's go have fun because I really need to get
17:33my mind in a good place.
17:37Holy f***.
17:39Coming up.
17:41Should we expect JT to be showing up?
17:44Yeah, so he missed his flight, so.
17:46Well, that's good.
18:02Wakey, wakey.
18:03I'm too hungry to do this.
18:05What do you need?
18:06You need coffee?
18:17Oh my gosh.
18:17Oh my gosh.
18:18Look at them.
18:19Oh my god.
18:20I want one.
18:22That is the coolest thing.
18:24I'm so excited.
18:25Hi, good morning.
18:26How are you?
18:28Nice to meet you.
18:29Alright, you guys want to take a space on the map?
18:33Is this two of you?
18:34We got a friend coming.
18:35We have one more coming.
18:37So we'll begin standing at the top of the mat.
18:40Bring the palms together.
18:42Thumbs at the sternum in prayer.
18:44We'll start with, connect with your breath.
18:46Relax your shoulders.
18:47This is the coolest thing ever.
18:49Twisting slightly.
18:50Inhale, extend the legs.
18:52Inhale, bring the torso up.
18:56Very late.
18:57Hi, bitch.
18:58Roll your shoulder blades down the back.
18:59Broaden the chest.
19:02F***ing crap.
19:03He's doing yoga with us.
19:05It's a magical moment.
19:06I get to do yoga with a flamingo.
19:07Who has ever done that?
19:10I don't know if I was copying the flamingo,
19:11or if it was copying me.
19:13Who knows?
19:13We were one.
19:15Find your breath.
19:16Or inhale, engage the arms.
19:19On the exhale, we're going to twist in the direction of the bent knee.
19:26Inhale, bring the arms up.
19:27Stop, you're going to make me laugh and fall over.
19:38How are you doing?
19:39I've got a t-shirt right here, madame.
19:40Oh, thank you.
19:41That one is for you.
19:42That's your wristband.
19:43For chest pain, heart beat, if I have a heart attack.
19:44We don't want any of that down here.
19:46Welcome home once again.
19:49Is this a single room or a shared room?
19:50That is a single room.
19:51And I go with the other ladies.
19:52I'm sharing.
19:54You're with the girls?
19:55Girls think you'll like it.
19:57I'm sharing.
19:58I'm sharing.
19:59I'm sharing.
20:00I'm sharing.
20:01I'm sharing.
20:02I'm sharing.
20:03I'm sharing.
20:04I'm sharing.
20:07We're going to have sleepovers.
20:08Right this way?
20:10Right this way.
20:11Knock, knock, knock.
20:12I'm so excited.
20:13I'm not as nervous as I thought.
20:15Oh, man.
20:16This is so pretty.
20:17Isn't it pretty?
20:19How rowdy did y'all get last night?
20:20Honestly, I never drink the champagne.
20:21I never drink the champagne.
20:22I don't know.
20:23It was a lot of fun.
20:24I had a lot of fun, but I'm really nervous.
20:25We can go to the front.
20:26We can go to the front.
20:27I'm nervous.
20:28I'm nervous.
20:29I'm nervous.
20:30I'm nervous.
20:31I'm nervous.
20:32I'm nervous.
20:33I'm nervous.
20:34I don't ever drink the champagne.
20:36I don't drink champagne.
20:37Oh, well, you'll learn spunkin' with her.
20:40Champagne is your only option.
20:41I mean, champagne and water.
20:42I don't know, really, it's a problem.
20:45I think we probably have like four or five bottles.
20:51Is that a second of your mind racing?
20:52Yeah, sure.
20:53Cheers to gettin' litty titty.
20:55Last night, oh Jesus, how are y'all awake?
20:57I don't know.
20:58Do y'all wanna go to the beach?
21:00I'm Craig.
21:02Would you like some omelets and breakfast?
21:05What are we?
21:06It's out here.
21:07I won't belabor it.
21:09What's up?
21:11How's your mind?
21:13It's pretty out.
21:14I'm kidding.
21:16That's okay, we can calm it today.
21:18No, we can calm it.
21:20I need to read you the text that I sent Sienna this morning.
21:24The text that you sent Sienna?
21:27Do you wanna hear it?
21:28Yeah, just read it.
21:29Good morning, Sienna.
21:30No one else makes me feel the way you do.
21:32No one.
21:33My heart sings when I'm with you.
21:35I've heard it from your perfect little freckled lips.
21:39It's a rare thing.
21:40It's very rare.
21:41The rarest thing on Earth
21:43and the most beautiful and pure thing.
21:45Okay, I'm gonna stop, but can we please follow our heart?
21:48We will have love, laughter,
21:49and literally everything that matters.
21:51Okay, my TED Talk is over.
21:53She responded to you?
21:54No, she didn't.
21:55Look, your sentiment's beautiful, Chep,
21:57but like, it is what it is.
21:59It was a good try.
21:59It was a valiant effort.
22:01You sound like Austin all of a sudden.
22:03God, don't put that on me.
22:06No, I'm the sensitive friend.
22:08I know what the is happening.
22:10But I'm also not gonna lie to you
22:11because like, this shouldn't have to be
22:13as forced as it is, you know?
22:15I don't know how Chep doesn't get it.
22:17Like, you shouldn't have to explain to someone
22:19you just started to see why you should be together.
22:22Like, she either wants to be with you or not.
22:25I put it out there.
22:26I said what I needed to say.
22:27It's important to do that.
22:29Because when we were at dinner last night,
22:30it was kind of electric and I felt a little from her,
22:33but she won't like, admit it.
22:34Craig, you're huge on closure.
22:36I mean, if this is closure, then that's fine.
22:38I'm willing to accept that.
22:39That's not a closure message, Chep.
22:41That was a let's run away and get married message.
22:45But like, today I would just be able
22:46to still have fun with like, all of us.
22:48I will.
22:55Oh, we're out here.
22:57No umbrellas?
22:58Thank you, Daniel.
23:00Thank you, Daniel.
23:02Oh, actually that's too far back.
23:03I'm such an old lady groaning to sit down like that.
23:08It's hot.
23:09Good day, ladies.
23:10Are we having any drinks today?
23:12I'll do a, what is it?
23:13The beer, Kalik?
23:16Yeah, can I have a beer too?
23:17Two beers and three Miami vices, please.
23:20Mary, Jesus, and Joseph.
23:21It is hot out here.
23:22Damn, I want to be on that boat.
23:23Me too.
23:24Go shake your tits, Sally, and get us on there.
23:27Show them your boobies before you let them go
23:29so we can get on there.
23:30Hey, over here, we're stranded.
23:32All right, ladies, here we go.
23:35We have our Miami Vice treatment.
23:36Are your stands clear for you?
23:38Look at those cherry stands.
23:41Ooh, this tastes like ice cream.
23:43Should we expect JT to be showing up?
23:46Yeah, so he got on a standby flight.
23:49I don't know what time that means he's gonna land.
23:51He was supposed to be on the original flight
23:52with Whitney and Ryan, and then they missed their flight,
23:55and then they got on the next one.
23:58And then we all ended up on the same flight here together,
24:01and then JT missed his flight, so.
24:03Well, that's good.
24:06This group is about friends,
24:08and I'm not being a mean girl, I'm really not.
24:11But I mean, if JT wants to come and blow things up,
24:14I'm locked and loaded and ready.
24:16Hopefully he comes in cool,
24:17because I want this to feel fun, you know?
24:20But yeah, that's what I would like.
24:23Coming up.
24:24What? Tell me. I didn't mean to say something bad.
24:27Oh, dude, that's not cool, man.
24:38Hey, so I'm going snorkeling.
24:40Are you, what are you guys doing?
24:42We're going to the fish fry.
24:44Um, Ryan, Ryan said he wanted to do snorkeling.
24:48Ryan said he wanted to do snorkeling.
24:50So, um, Sienna's going to come today.
24:53She was like, maybe I'll just do the fish fry.
24:55It's like a local place,
24:57and you guys are going to get, like, the best fried snapper.
25:00Okay, so fish fry for sure.
25:03I'll come join you guys.
25:04Wait, and I'm not going to be there.
25:06Well, she can go snorkeling with you.
25:08Why would she not want to hang out with you?
25:09Because she's, she, I don't, I.
25:11It doesn't make any sense.
25:13If you come to the fish fry, she can come.
25:15But if you're not there, I think it's weird.
25:17You guys had your talk.
25:18Now she wants to hang out with us instead of you
25:20because she doesn't want to hang out with you.
25:23Craig, don't be all of a sudden cutthroat.
25:25That's not who you are.
25:26You guys can talk to her and be friends with her.
25:28That's, that, is that so much to ask?
25:31I think it's a good move, Shep.
25:32I'll tell you what I don't like
25:34is somebody kicking somebody when they're down.
25:38Especially a friend kicking another friend.
25:42It doesn't sit right with me.
25:43Look, you can continue to enable your delusional friends
25:47or tell them, like, how it is.
25:50I'm not pumped that Sienna doesn't like you,
25:52but she doesn't like you.
25:54Why would you want us to be friends with her?
25:56Because I think she's a really good person.
25:57I mean, despite the way she makes me feel.
26:00But she, no, she made me,
26:03she made me feel a way that was really good.
26:04Look, you know how I am though.
26:06And if someone's not making you feel nice,
26:08I don't know how to fake be nice to that person.
26:10Yeah, well.
26:11You know.
26:12Oh boy.
26:14Sienna called.
26:15I'll talk to her.
26:20Boys, look.
26:21If she wants to hang out with us and not him,
26:23that's not a good sign.
26:26Hey, Sienna.
26:29What's up?
26:30Not much.
26:33Here it goes.
26:34So, the fish fry.
26:37Actually, I don't know if it's something
26:39that I want to take on right now.
26:43I felt super, super sick from,
26:47I haven't drank alcohol in a long time.
26:49So, I felt really, really bad today.
26:51Hey, okay.
26:52Well, no big deal.
26:57You know, the text I sent you was pretty,
27:01I don't know, not intense, but just heartfelt.
27:05It was really, yeah.
27:06It was intense, but I do want to talk about it.
27:09Did it?
27:10It was really intense and heartfelt.
27:12We'll talk about it when I see you.
27:14We can go out on the boat and have a big day,
27:17fun day tomorrow and before we all leave on Friday.
27:20Is that okay?
27:23Yeah, I mean, that's perfect for me.
27:26Well, I'm just gonna hang with the crew
27:29and not feel any sort of way.
27:32It's fine.
27:33As long as you guys are good.
27:34He makes it seem like he can let the f*** off.
27:38All right, well, you guys enjoy the rest of your day, okay?
27:41Will do.
27:42Okay, bye.
27:48I really think that there's something so special
27:51that we have that how could you ignore it?
27:54How could you turn away from that?
27:56I'm a rational guy.
27:57I can't believe anybody would do that.
27:59So there's still a part of me that's like,
28:00she knows, she knows.
28:02She knows what we have.
28:05You're just staring out the window.
28:07Yeah, yeah, yeah.
28:08I'm just in uncharted waters.
28:10She should've just texted back, I love you too.
28:14I don't want it to f*** with your day.
28:16It's not, it's not.
28:17Okay, good.
28:18Because you're going snorkeling.
28:19I'm gonna go snorkeling
28:20and I'm gonna stare at the fishies
28:22and the f***s in the green.
28:23All right, we'll see you after.
28:31Let's go snorkel.
28:33Okay, we ready?
28:37How's it going?
28:38Good, good, yeah, yeah.
28:39I'm happy you're here.
28:42How are you?
28:44My hand.
28:46On to snorkeling.
28:48Taylor, you expressively said
28:50you wanted to go to the fish fry.
28:52So now I'm choosing water over food.
28:55It's a good call.
28:57That way we don't have to talk to anybody too.
28:59We can just stare at the marine life.
29:02I think I've had enough of talking.
29:04Rodrigo, come on.
29:06Oh, f***ing Christ.
29:08I don't have my bracelet.
29:12I hope that you will not steal all this for me.
29:18I'm ready.
29:20Oh, this is cute.
29:21You can go all the way in the back.
29:23If there's not a stripper pole,
29:24I'm not getting on.
29:25I'll go here.
29:27It smells like horse s*** in here.
29:29It smells like leather.
29:30It smells like leather, yeah.
29:35She wanted to come to the fish fry with us
29:37and not Chef.
29:39I feel bad for him, honestly, because...
29:41You do?
29:42I mean, I think you do.
29:44No, I think he's being a little...
29:46A little simpy.
29:48It is sad, but honestly,
29:50Chef has been digging into my relationships
29:53since I met him.
29:55Why, like, get involved in our relationship?
29:57He's like not having fun and he's yelling.
29:59What brings that out of him?
30:00I know it's you.
30:01Like, I know it's you.
30:02No, you don't.
30:03In the face of all the things that have happened,
30:06you still are staying the course.
30:08If it blows up in my face, then it is my f***ing fault.
30:11Oh, yeah.
30:12It might be your fault, right?
30:13I thought you guys are stronger than a f***ing tire iron.
30:17We're gonna be just fine.
30:18What only doesn't kill you makes you stronger.
30:19I hope you find that.
30:21I'll find it somewhere amazing with sun and white sands
30:25and me with a big-ass grin on my face.
30:28And alone?
30:30So, yeah, I kind of enjoy him moping around a little bit.
30:34It's okay to like someone,
30:35but then you gotta recognize when they don't like you back
30:38and move on.
30:41Has Sienna messaged you back since you messaged her?
30:44Oh, okay.
30:45Yes, she did.
30:45And I've made the decision to just take the day off,
30:49take the night off and just enjoy yourself.
30:52Because there's just a strange energy
30:54and I don't know, you got me as to what it's all about,
30:57but I'm not gonna,
30:59don't water plants that don't bring beauty.
31:03Or if that makes any sense, like just...
31:06Sometimes you're watering a plant
31:08that just needs to be repotted.
31:10There you go.
31:11I don't know if that means a bigger pot.
31:12She's like, I don't know what that means either.
31:15Sometimes the hermit crab outgrows its shell.
31:18He was right.
31:19And he goes, I don't know.
31:21It somehow made sense to me.
31:29Coming up.
31:30Like, things haven't been the same with me and Austin
31:32since like this all started.
31:34He has our brothers.
31:35Yeah, he doesn't like me though.
31:37Austin hates me.
31:49This looks good.
31:50Looks good until we get eaten on a shark.
31:54God, that's so funny.
32:01Gosh, you must be warm in that suit.
32:03I'm sorry.
32:06Look at that ocean.
32:08How y'all doing today?
32:09Hey, sorry, hi, I'm Chef.
32:10Nice to meet you.
32:11Nice to meet you.
32:12Gonna bring you guys right on over to the hut.
32:14Get you guys all geared up and ready to go, man.
32:16Cool, cool.
32:17All right, so it's just you guys?
32:19All right, all right.
32:20We're gonna have some fun, man.
32:21You got these two doors right here.
32:23Guys can go ahead, put all the items right on the shelves.
32:26I got some gear right here.
32:27Got the masks.
32:29And then your size.
32:30And where are we going out there?
32:31All right, so pretty much,
32:32we're gonna be swimming out towards these white buoys
32:34that you guys see, Odia.
32:36We have a fish shark.
32:37Blue angelfish, squirrelfish.
32:40I cannot wait to see the angelfish.
32:42Great barracuda.
32:44Oh, I had a video of a barracuda when I went to Bimini.
32:47They're fast.
32:48Nurse shark.
32:49Yeah, we got a few nurse shark that hanhaba the big.
32:51They do?
32:52Oh, cool.
32:54The nurse sharks are like super,
32:55they're like little puppy dogs.
32:57The nurse sharks are?
32:58No, you can pet them, they won't bite you.
33:01So you all have done this before?
33:02With the nurse shark?
33:04We've pet nurse sharks before.
33:06All of these are friendly?
33:07All of them are friendly, man.
33:10All right, ladies, just try these fins.
33:11If these fit.
33:14They're good?
33:15So y'all ready to have some fun?
33:16Oh, yeah.
33:17God, this is so hot.
33:20Oh, yeah.
33:33Oh, yeah.
33:51So cool.
33:55That was awesome.
33:56I'm gonna head in.
33:57Let's go.
33:59Oh, shit, this is awesome.
34:01Thank you, sir.
34:03Thank you, sir.
34:08Oh, I smell the fish fry.
34:11Oh, hell yeah.
34:12Look at this place.
34:14What's up, guys?
34:16Hey, how you doing?
34:16Y'all want a conch salad?
34:18Let's not sit in a sundae.
34:20Yeah, let's do this.
34:22This and this.
34:24Oh, yeah.
34:25Oh, yeah.
34:29Hey, guys.
34:30Hey, there, how are you?
34:31How you guys doing?
34:31Good, how are you?
34:32Good, awesome, awesome.
34:34All right, my name is Tamar,
34:35so I'll be taking care of you guys, okay?
34:36Oh, thank you.
34:37All right.
34:38Thank you, thank you.
34:39What's your favorite thing?
34:40My favorite thing?
34:43Snapper, fried dry.
34:45All right, we'll do one of those, please.
34:47Yeah, two.
34:48One there, one here.
34:49Oh, my God.
34:50We gotta get this old island-style chicken in a bag.
34:52Oh, chicken in a bag's fucking awesome.
34:54It actually come in a bag?
34:55That's why it's called chicken in a bag.
34:57I used to live in Marsh Harbor.
34:59The Bahamas were very healthy for me.
35:01I got my own machete and learned how to, like,
35:04open up coconuts and harvest my own fruit.
35:06Craig, it's like that movie
35:08How Stella Got Her Groove Back.
35:12Chicken in a bag was Mondays,
35:14and you'd have to call in and reserve one.
35:15I mean, it was really fucking hectic.
35:17And you were always on the boat.
35:19The boat will be fun tomorrow.
35:21Yeah, it will.
35:21If it works.
35:23Well, I just don't think sandwiches come.
35:25I don't either.
35:27She gave bad vibes last night.
35:29I don't want to go in on her too much,
35:30but I've never felt the energy of a person
35:34that I felt coming off of CNN, ever in my life.
35:36I've never met someone with that energy.
35:38I agree.
35:39I was like, when she walked in the room, I panicked.
35:41I poured, like, champagne
35:42because I thought we were gonna hang out,
35:43and I was like, I need to go fix the reservation downstairs.
35:47Are you joining us for dinner?
35:48Yes, yes.
35:50I gotta go deal with the restaurant reservation.
35:54I figured out what I needed to know,
35:57quicker than I expected.
35:59You're a great mom, babe.
36:09This was fun.
36:10Yeah, this was-
36:11It was, nice.
36:12Thank you, chef.
36:13Yeah, thanks a lot.
36:14This is all good for you, man.
36:15I don't know about that.
36:16Please don't remind me when I'm here.
36:21Look, you're here on this beautiful beach.
36:23Things are great right now.
36:24Please don't remind me that I'm here.
36:25At this moment.
36:25I just, I'm having a hard time.
36:29I know.
36:30I'm in not the greatest place.
36:33But it's okay, because y'all are here.
36:36You too, Taylor.
36:39This isn't my, it's not my circus anymore,
36:42but it might be a good wake-up call
36:44that he needs to start dating people his own age.
36:47That's what-
36:48Gettin' old.
36:49What is that?
36:50I don't know.
36:51Is this the sandal you stole from the bar?
36:51He's been quarreling.
36:53I would feel so bad if I-
36:53Do you think I can skip it?
36:55How many times do you think I can skip it?
36:57Taylor, this is why I like to prove you wrong.
37:01He lives for this.
37:02You will rue the day.
37:03You are wrong.
37:03You will rue the day.
37:04It's literally gonna hit the water and go straight in.
37:06Oh, you're too high above the water.
37:08No, don't give him any-
37:09I'm watchin'.
37:10Don't give him any-
37:11I'm gonna watch it.
37:13Not, there's absolutely no way.
37:14Oh my God!
37:15Oh my God!
37:19Chef deserves better.
37:20Chef deserves someone who gives a shit.
37:22Like, I could be a better match for him than she could.
37:28I don't know.
37:30No faith.
37:31Three times, it's good.
37:32I had no faith.
37:33That was-
37:34All right, yeah, on that note,
37:35I need to shower, but yeah.
37:37Go get ready.
37:43Look at the breeze going through here.
37:47Chicken in the bag, man.
37:50Love that.
37:50Tough snap.
37:52Dang, look at that snapper.
37:53That's a whole ass tail.
37:54Tough snapper, yeah.
37:59Hot, damn!
38:00That fish.
38:02That's really good.
38:03Yeah, yum.
38:07JT is here.
38:08I wonder if he got his wings on the plane.
38:10And his outfit is cheesy.
38:11Hey, little guy!
38:13Traveling alone today?
38:14Good, I'm sorry, that was-
38:15You wanna see the cockpit?
38:16You two are bad together.
38:18Yeah, boy.
38:20Chef said he's excited for JT.
38:24Chef is just feeling all sorts of something today.
38:26Have you guys ever seen him, like,
38:27infatuated with someone like this before?
38:29No, I've not seen him like this.
38:31I just hope he doesn't spin out.
38:35Tell me, I didn't mean to say something bad.
38:36I understand.
38:37Oh, dude, that's not cool, man.
38:39I do see that he, like, really wants it.
38:44And Craig will tell you
38:45that he's always rooting for everyone,
38:47but I think that I have far more empathy than Craig does.
38:49Because I know the underlying tones of him saying that.
38:52And the underlying tones are like,
38:53I hope that Chef doesn't turn back to the bottle
38:55because he doesn't have, you know, control of his emotions.
38:57I have control over my emotions
38:59because I'm like, oh, right, right, right.
39:01Unless they don't put you in the biggest room possible
39:05in the hotel.
39:06No one in their 30s should have to share a room.
39:11Then you have total control over your emotions.
39:29Hey, guys, should we check out another bar?
39:32You have to tell Austin, or he'll be like,
39:33why do we have to do what Craig wants to do?
39:36Y'all ready?
39:38All right, guys.
39:39Let's move it.
39:40Let's leave.
39:41All right, cheers.
39:42All right, bombo.
39:46Can we go there?
39:47Are we going in here or are we going straight?
39:48What we got going on here?
39:49We're going in here, I think.
39:50We're going in here?
39:51Maybe the next side?
39:52To the bar.
39:52Are we going in here?
39:57How you doing?
40:00What are we drinking?
40:01You want a little daiquiri?
40:02I think you won't.
40:04Who gonna hold me up so I can write my name?
40:06Pick her up.
40:07Oh, shit.
40:09Oh, God.
40:10That's alcohol at the top there,
40:11so the one at the base.
40:14Watch your head.
40:17What did Madison get?
40:18Yeah, you don't need all that right now.
40:22No, I'll fucking die.
40:24Let's go see the water.
40:29What's up, man?
40:29Hey, hey, how y'all doing?
40:30Good, how are you?
40:31Good, how are you?
40:32Thank you, sir.
40:34Not my flip-flops and Gucci bag.
40:37It's fine.
40:39This feels so nice on my feet.
40:41This is so much better than trying to hang out
40:45at a random place in West Ashley.
40:46Why would you be in West Ashley?
40:48Me and you, the last time we got to hang out.
40:50Oh, my God.
40:51It was just, you and I hadn't gotten to talk in so long,
40:54and I feel like life in Charleston for the group
40:57just got real fractured.
40:59I know.
41:00Like, things haven't been the same with me and Austin
41:02since this all started.
41:03But you guys are brothers.
41:05Yeah, he doesn't like me, though.
41:07Austin hates me.
41:10Where's everybody else?
41:12Craig and Madison are talking down by the water.
41:14It's nice to see you guys getting along.
41:16I've just been trying to keep things fucking copacetic.
41:20I can see it in his face, like,
41:21I know he loves me and he doesn't want to hate me,
41:24but when he looks at me, like,
41:25I'll say something and I'll see his face twinge.
41:27Taking it in a bag was Mondays.
41:31I've never met someone with that energy.
41:34I need to go fix the reservation downstairs.
41:42And I'm like, why do you fucking hate me so much?
41:47Y'all just, y'all figure it out.
41:51Clearly, the band-aid that Austin and I
41:53put on our relationship is starting to come off rapidly.
41:56I mean, at the end of the day, they're sisters for life.
41:59And I just think that they've got to get back together
42:01and, you know, I don't want to choose sides,
42:03but I think Craig has taken it a little bit too far.
42:07I think y'all will always be friends.
42:09That's good, that's what I want.
42:19Next time on Southern Charm.
42:21I sort of spiraled last night because of the Sienna stuff.
42:24Woke up on a beach chair and was just like, okay, go home.
42:27Whatever this is, isn't healthy.
42:31You say the word affair.
42:34You say the word affair.
42:37Craig, you're lying.
42:38It was loud and clear.
42:39What you said blamed us.
42:40What you said blamed us.
42:41No, I didn't say what you said.
42:45No, no cameras.
42:47Come on in.