• 3 days ago


00:00The goal is for our campus to be a hard target.
00:05It's not a place you want to mess around.
00:09Is it something that you kind of live in fear of?
00:13Every night. Every time we have a school shooting, I go through our safety protocols all night long.
00:18I am a reserve deputy. There are several of us. I won't tell you the number.
00:23We are licensed.
00:25Does that then give you the license to kill if you are needed?
00:29Yes, ma'am.
00:31There is a lot of weight to carry in a badge, but yes, I would.
00:35I would have to do that.
00:41Britain and the United States, at once familiar.
00:45Can you do a British accent?
00:47I'd like to have a pot of tea.
00:49And also very different.
00:52If they come for your booms, you give them your bullets first.
00:55Hello out there.
00:57How well do we really know each other?
00:59I've heard you guys like beans and toast.
01:02All I've got to base it off is TikTok.
01:05Do you trust TikTok?
01:06No, I don't trust TikTok.
01:09Now, two groups of teenagers.
01:11Hey, he's going somewhere.
01:12Who have barely set foot abroad.
01:14It smells really bad like weed right here. Can we move?
01:17Are about to find out.
01:19Oh my days.
01:22They're going to exchange places.
01:24Come on.
01:25A multicultural comprehensive in South London.
01:28South London is like very funny, very welcoming most of the time.
01:33And a mainly white Christian high school in rural Arkansas.
01:37This is what we're going to use to squirrel hunt today.
01:39Shoot them up, bang, bang.
01:41It's just a bunch of hillbillies.
01:44Yes, little man.
01:47They'll live with each other's families.
01:50I've got to get the bat to turn.
01:51Yeah, yeah, yeah.
01:53They'll hang out with each other's friends.
01:55He's lame.
01:57They're in love with you.
01:58And go to each other's lessons.
02:00Please do not make me mom voice you.
02:04My frustration level is to a boiling point.
02:07Will the grass be greener?
02:09College itself was founded in 1571.
02:11I could probably see myself studying somewhere like this.
02:14In my dreams.
02:15Or will they come to realize there's no place like home.
02:18I'll never live anywhere. I can't pee in my own front yard.
02:21I don't really want to leave, mom. I really want to stay here.
02:37Hello. Could you do my tie for me?
02:41It's the start of another school day.
02:48And the reality of attending their new schools is taking a little bit of getting used to.
02:53We had a train strike.
02:54And so I had to have an Uber.
02:57For the American kids in London.
02:59My legs have goose bumps.
03:01I've never, like, worn a skirt in this weather.
03:05And the British kids in Mena.
03:07Hey, enjoy your day.
03:08Hey, thank you.
03:11Please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance.
03:14I know the words, I know the words.
03:16I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America,
03:20and to the republic for which it stands,
03:23one nation under God, indivisible,
03:25with liberty and justice for all.
03:28I actually knew the words for once, which is actually nice.
03:31In South London, the students also make a pledge in the morning.
03:35Who has a phone today?
03:37All of us.
03:39To hand over their phones for the entire school day.
03:43They are the absolute bane of any teacher's life.
03:47You got your phone?
03:48And that's why our children hand them in in the morning.
03:53Giving your phone in every day is quite strange.
03:56So they're definitely more strict on that.
03:58I can't, like, say I loved it.
04:00I'm a teenager, I love my phone.
04:02It's awful, but, like, genuinely it is, like, probably the biggest, like,
04:05dopamine intake I get in a day.
04:07I'm Amber Labertou.
04:08Nice to meet you.
04:09Nice to meet you.
04:10Our kids told me that they could totally see why
04:14not having phones during the school day was a good thing.
04:17Now, would they ever admit that?
04:21But they said it, and I'm saying it here.
04:28It's a bit more laid back in Mena.
04:31I have students who run a business off their phone,
04:34and they monitor livestock with their phone.
04:38My view on the phone is the student that can use it for the tool,
04:42when it's time to use it for the tool,
04:44is always going to get ahead of the student who can't ignore
04:48the social media, the tiki-tok, the whatever.
04:52And I do believe the success will be there.
04:54I think they will find their fortune.
04:56The UK exchange students already feel like they've struck gold.
05:04It's definitely less strict than our school.
05:07Like, you can have your phone out.
05:09Our school, you cannot have your phone out.
05:11You can't even be seen with it otherwise,
05:13get it in for five days, or even go to IR.
05:15Your phone gets taken away for a week.
05:17Yeah, you can have your phone out, you know.
05:22Back in London, Lily lives with her brother and sister and mum, Chanel.
05:28Lily, I'm leaving for work.
05:30Your lunch money's on the card.
05:32Make sure you're not late for school.
05:34Lily absolutely loves her phone.
05:36I wouldn't say it's an addiction.
05:38I would just say, if you don't take Lily's phone away from her,
05:41she could be on it all day.
05:43Like, even now, my phone's not in my hand.
05:46Only because I'm doing this, but if I wasn't,
05:48then my phone would definitely be mine.
05:50I can't lie to you, I think I am addicted.
05:53I do hope when Lily comes back, she wants to go out
05:56and maybe get a few new hobbies.
05:58And just see that there's more out there than a phone all the time.
06:04OK, let's change this, then.
06:06There are no new hobbies on Lily's horizon yet.
06:09Let me come and take a picture with my baby.
06:11And she's not the only one struggling to manage their screen time.
06:18Why are you sitting in here today, then?
06:20I'm in here because it's just, to me, it's flat out.
06:23Maybe today, but don't isolate yourselves, girls.
06:26This technology, we already know,
06:28it's not great for them to be connected to it all the time.
06:31But what I've noticed, ours are more dependent.
06:35They're huddled together, and they're hiding in their phones.
06:39Whereas the US kids, they put them away.
06:41You speak to them, they're not going to have an AirPod in their ear.
06:44They're actually engaging in conversation.
06:46And ours have been struggling with that.
06:49..those animals, and then we had some success
06:52this week in our...
06:58There we go.
07:00You're getting used to it. Yeah.
07:02I like it, I like it. That's a compliment, right?
07:05One consequence of phone prohibition
07:07is that it does encourage conversation.
07:10And there's one subject on everyone's mind.
07:13Have you guys seen guns before?
07:15I don't have a gun. My dad has guns.
07:17I have a gun. Is it normal?
07:19Raccoon, yeah.
07:21I heard the other guy has guns.
07:23I have guns in my house.
07:25All of them.
07:27Lashers? You can use it? Yeah.
07:29Well, I have, like, 22 revolvers.
07:31Then I have rifles. I got a 270, I got a 243.
07:34I got a 45-70, I got a muzzleloader.
07:37I got a 22. A lot of them.
07:39Yeah. That's all the ones I own.
07:41I have a shotgun.
07:43And my dad has a whole bunch more.
07:45Weyland's family own about 20 guns.
07:48This is my room.
07:50And a host of other weaponry.
07:52I go out hunting season, I grab a weapon
07:54and walk outside and don't come back till dark.
07:56All for a single purpose.
07:58My monster deer I kill.
08:00That's all I kill is big ones, obviously.
08:02And I eat the deer.
08:04And squirrels and rabbits and any game meat I eat.
08:08I'm a hunter.
08:11He hunts. That's, like, crazy.
08:13After school, we go shop, that's it, and go home.
08:16Weyland goes hunting.
08:18Gets the gun and shoots them.
08:20That was crazy when he killed us.
08:25See that squirrel? Yeah.
08:27Be pretty easy shot on him, hand-gunning.
08:29Now he's on a different sort of extracurricular hunt.
08:32The goal is to hit him in the head.
08:36Unless you want to eat the bird.
08:39His host family have sent him
08:41for fruit and veg at Brixton Market.
08:44I've got a very important question to ask you.
08:48Is this, like, Brixton, like, this part?
08:52Just seems like a great kid.
08:54Shooting, fishing, sounds really healthy, doesn't it?
08:56Just going out in the fresh air and...
08:58And he eats what he catches.
09:00Obviously, you can't do that here.
09:03So this is the first time I've ever shot a deer.
09:07So this is the first time I've been walking around London by myself.
09:10You good? I'm good. How are you guys?
09:12Yeah, man, I'm good.
09:14I'm not lost, you see that? It's down here somewhere.
09:17I don't know what this place is. We're walking down here, though.
09:20So far, it's fair to say
09:22he's not overly enamoured with his new surroundings.
09:25I don't think London's the worst, but I don't think it's the best either.
09:30If you want a picture painted about London, I'll pay you.
09:36You're walking down a sidewalk.
09:38Bunch of cars driving by.
09:42You hear screaming and yelling.
09:44You hear talking beside you, talking behind you.
09:47It smells really bad like weed right here. Can we move?
09:50Sure, yeah, wherever you want.
09:52Do you not smell that, Costa?
09:54Yeah, I can smell it. You don't like it?
09:55No, I don't like it.
10:01This is more Whelan's Cup of Tea.
10:07Hello, out there.
10:09And Dejan, who has swapped Brixton for living with Whelan's family,
10:13is about to get a taste.
10:15The plan today is for us to go squirrel hunting
10:18and, yeah, hopefully shoot a shotgun, if possible.
10:23It's been made possible by Whelan's dad, Justin.
10:26All right, man.
10:28All camoed up.
10:30Who's taught all of his family how to hunt safely.
10:34I mean, that's just the way of life for us.
10:36So just about everybody around our community,
10:38I would say just about everybody probably has a gun.
10:42I think Whelan was nine when he killed his first deer, eight or nine.
10:48It's an activity that might also resonate in another way.
10:52When I have friends that have, like, both parents,
10:55it makes me feel, like, a bit jealous, I'll be honest,
10:58because I wish I had that.
11:01Dejan's dad passed away when Dejan was four.
11:06He had an aneurysm.
11:08That has affected Dejan a lot.
11:12Obviously, they're going to say, well, my dad did this, my dad did that.
11:15He hasn't got that outlet where he can say,
11:18yeah, well, I'm going to do this with my dad at the weekend.
11:21All right, DJ, this is what we're going to use to squirrel hunt today.
11:25It's an 870 Express Pump 12 gauge.
11:29This is the safety, and it's got a little red ring around it,
11:33so when it's off safety, that shows.
11:36I don't know if you guys get it.
11:38It's like, damn!
11:41Put it in here.
11:43Make sure it's on safety, which it is.
11:46We're going to jack the bullet in so now it's live.
11:50Put it up on your shoulder, kind of lean into it.
11:54I'll be quite honest with you,
11:56I have no idea what the gun laws are in Great Britain.
11:59Safe direction.
12:01But in Arkansas, our students are hunters.
12:04We have a shooting team.
12:06You're going to load that in the bottom.
12:08There you go.
12:10Finger off the trigger.
12:12Grandparents teach their granddaughters and their grandsons
12:15how to shoot at an early age.
12:17Push it. There you go.
12:19By the time they get to high school, they're either accomplished and safe
12:22or they're never going to touch one in the first place.
12:24And that's OK, that's America.
12:26You're allowed to do that.
12:28And when you're ready, hold on to it.
12:34What do you think?
12:36Yeah, that was cold.
12:38All right.
12:40There's your first shotgun shell.
12:42Smells good, don't it?
12:46Y'all be looking for squirrels on the ground, on the trees.
12:52You can't talk too loud.
12:54You have to keep on the hush.
12:57And you have to make sure you're scoping out,
13:00looking everywhere, high and low,
13:03for your prey, which is the squirrel.
13:07I think it might be up there.
13:14They're in the middle of that tree.
13:21I think you missed him.
13:23Well, darn it.
13:31We have the moniker of hillbillies and hicks.
13:34Someone being unsophisticated, living in the backwoods,
13:37things like that, and I'm cool with that.
13:40That, to me, sounds like a great way to live.
13:44Being out here just makes me experience a whole new world.
13:48I really like it.
13:53No squirrel.
13:55Not again.
13:57I forgot to tell you, DJ,
13:59you can only shoot male squirrels this time of year.
14:03You know how you can tell?
14:05You got to go up to the tree and shake it
14:07and see if his nuts rattled.
14:22How logically can you say God is within the world, with us,
14:26and also the outside of the world?
14:28Guns and phones might be permissible in MENA,
14:31but one subject...
14:35..is strictly off-limits.
14:37True or false,
14:39Usul ad-Din are the five roots of Shia Islam.
14:42Who thinks it's true?
14:44False? Absolutely true.
14:47Elm Green is giving their American guests
14:50their first ever taste of religious education.
14:53It was a really cool class, actually.
14:55It was super interesting. I've never seen anything like that.
14:57I've never been in that type of class, learning about that.
14:59You've never learned anything about that religion?
15:01It was super cool, yeah. What were you all learning about?
15:03We were learning about Islam. The Muslim religion.
15:05Islam and Muslim? Yeah.
15:07Yeah, yeah. Maybe.
15:09What's the name of the angel that will blow the trumpet
15:12on the Day of Judgement?
15:14In America, it has just become such a touchy subject
15:18to have any type of religion taught in school
15:22without fear of somebody filing a charge against us.
15:26It's kind of restricting you only to Arkansas.
15:29It's like, if you ever leave the country,
15:31you don't know much about anybody.
15:33Who can tell me something about Israel?
15:36I kind of, like, question my faith, like, a lot.
15:38I feel like that's good,
15:40but, like, in there, I was questioning it even more.
15:43Alleluia! Alleluia!
15:47Grace can at least sing about religion back in Mina,
15:50where she is part of the choir.
15:52I would say that I'm pretty religious.
15:55Actually, no, I don't.
15:58I would say that my family is pretty religious.
16:01They're very religious, actually.
16:04Lord, we thank you so much for who you are to each one of us
16:08and thank you for your love for us.
16:12Our faith in God. Yeah.
16:14Our faith in Jesus. Yeah.
16:17Well, my parents are conservative Christians.
16:20You can't swear, can't listen to bad music,
16:22or we can't really watch a lot of things.
16:24Christianity is definitely, like, a hating religion.
16:26Like, we hate a lot of different things
16:28and we just put it down in the Bible
16:30because it's a religion, it's, like, it's what God wanted,
16:33which I don't think is fair.
16:36Since attending Elm Green,
16:38studying RE is not the only heretical act that Grace has committed.
16:46So, how was school? I had English.
16:48We were reading from, like, a Stephen King novel,
16:51which is not allowed at our school at all.
16:53Why? Because it's Stephen King?
16:55Well, it was It, like... Oh, OK.
16:57And that's, like, banned, so... OK. Mm-hm.
17:00You have a list of banned books?
17:02Do you guys know that? No. No.
17:04Like, you guys don't have banned books, like, at all?
17:06Even throughout the country? No. No.
17:08Oh! We've got banned books everywhere.
17:10Like, some mums will get upset, like,
17:12no, this isn't allowed, blah, blah, blah.
17:16The mums in question are often groups like Mums For Liberty.
17:20They and their ilk have been involved
17:22in thousands of book ban requests across US school districts...
17:27..and often find greatest support
17:29in conservative Christian parts of the country, such as MENA.
17:33So, politics and religion in MENA is very...
17:38..one and the same.
17:40Trump nation. Biden is not my president.
17:43MENA's a small town. We're secluded.
17:47If they come for your guns, you give them your bullets first.
17:51It seems mostly everyone here has very similar and very strong views.
17:56My rights don't end where your feelings begin.
17:59That was horrible.
18:01My mum does not let us read or watch Harry Potter.
18:04I've read and watched all of them, but...
18:07But, yeah, cos it's, like, witchcraft and stuff.
18:10I do find that very unusual. Harry Potter?
18:13Well, I'm not so worried about the Harry Potter.
18:17Oh, sometimes I get a good feeling, yeah.
18:22And pray that you would also bless Poppy.
18:25Poppy is Matt and Louise's daughter,
18:28and she's staying with Grace's family.
18:30We just give you all the glory for this, in Jesus' name, amen.
18:33Amen. All right.
18:35She's already familiar with the Harry Potter books,
18:38but lately she's become interested in the good book.
18:41I had never been to church, so I'm excited to go.
18:46I think there's going to be some singing.
18:48I'm not quite sure.
18:54This is Grace's Bible.
18:57My family aren't religious,
18:59but they've always been open to every religion,
19:02so when I came home and I told them that,
19:04they were like, yeah, that's fine.
19:06It comes back to us being a little bit liberal.
19:08We're like, OK, well, you explore that avenue,
19:11we're not going to stop you.
19:13You can go to church here, but no offence, we're not coming with you.
19:2079% of Arkansas' population of three million
19:24identify as Christian,
19:26and there are 47 places of worship in the town of Mina alone.
19:31Religion is the center of our lives, right?
19:33That's the purpose. That's the reason we're here.
19:35That's the reason we're here. Yeah, absolutely.
19:41Our morals and our values and our Christian beliefs
19:45all just kind of melt together,
19:48and we're just all around good people.
19:51I mean, I've been going to church my entire life.
19:53I gave my life to the Lord when I was really about Poppy's age.
19:56I was like 13, 14, and started reading the Bible then.
20:00That's really when kind of it opened up to me.
20:04It remains to be seen if it will open up for Poppy.
20:08Will you join me in this commemoration
20:11of what Jesus has done for us?
20:13And also, would you receive Him personally?
20:17Take Him in all the way, maybe?
20:19Maybe you never have before.
20:21Every time you eat this bread and you drink this cup,
20:26you remember the Lord's death until He comes.
20:29Alleluia, there's no one who's dead and free.
20:35Alleluia, death has lost its grip on me.
20:42Jesus Christ, my living hope.
20:57I'm feeling great. We had a great church service.
21:00We haven't gotten to speak with Poppy yet this morning,
21:03like her experience, so I'm excited to hear her thoughts.
21:06Poppy is also feeling something.
21:09I kept getting shivers down my spine.
21:11I don't know whether it's cos I'm cold or something,
21:14but it just felt so weird.
21:17I don't think we have churches like this in the UK.
21:22Hopefully she loved it.
21:26I'm still, like, not quite sure what to believe about it.
21:32Lily is upstairs.
21:34Yes, get her. Get her down here.
21:37Beau and his wife Laurel have organised a post-church barbecue
21:41for friends and family, including Lily and the rest of the UK kids.
21:45But there's a notable absentee.
21:48We took her some food up to her room,
21:50but I'm not sure she's came out yet.
21:52So she's missing out, right?
21:59I think this could be a documentary on phones.
22:02I think that if she were not able to just hang out,
22:06look at her phone all day, she would engage more
22:09and probably enjoy the experience a little more.
22:12I've been in my room all day.
22:14All day? Uh-huh. You haven't left?
22:16Uh-uh. Apart from to go to the bathroom?
22:20I've been in my room all day.
22:22All day? Uh-huh. You haven't left?
22:24Uh-uh. Apart from to go to the bathroom?
22:28All right, everybody, we're celebrating our long-lost cousins
22:31from across the pond. We've got Lily and Poppy.
22:34Welcome. Would you all like to say a few words?
22:37Hello. Oh, hi!
22:39And welcome, everybody. Glad you're here.
22:46What's your favourite part about this, like, house?
22:49I would say out here, but I've never been out here.
22:51This is, like, the first time I've been out here.
22:53Are you mental?
22:54If I was here, you would never get me back inside.
22:57I have been in my bed. Like, even at home.
23:00I'm always in my bed.
23:02I used to be like that as well. Yeah.
23:04But when you really take it in, it's something completely different,
23:07cos we don't get this at home. Yeah.
23:09We don't get all of this nice stuff.
23:11Like, I'm not used to it. It's different.
23:14It's so nice! Oh, my...
23:17Lily, you have a bloody living room upstairs!
23:20Bro, what the hell? This is a big-arse house!
23:23Some stuff I find challenging, cos it's like, I'm not used to that.
23:27Probably the countryside, like, how quiet it is.
23:30There's not really, like, a lot of things around.
23:33You can't walk places, you have to drive everywhere.
23:37I miss my mum, I mean, my family the most.
23:40My friends and my bed.
23:44I really think the phones is really making it really difficult.
23:48She is on her phone, I mean,
23:50more than I've ever seen anyone on their phone.
23:53She doesn't really open up too much,
23:55because she's more, like, connecting with her friends back home, and...
23:59Which can kind of make it harder. 100%.
24:02Yeah, because I don't know if she's actually getting all that she could here.
24:11Being apart for the first time is tough.
24:14Family are missing Lily, Lily's missing family.
24:17I think everything kind of threw her.
24:19And where's the most familiar thing? It's through your phone.
24:23Where you can see all your friends, all of your family.
24:29What time do you usually stay up till?
24:31On a school night, I usually stay up till, like, one, two.
24:35But then, like, on the weekend, I stay up until, like, five.
24:43What do you do until five in the morning?
24:47I'm either on the phone to my cousin, or my friend,
24:50or I'm on TikTok, or I'm watching YouTube.
24:58And Lily's not the only one thinking of home.
25:02This is us.
25:05How are you finding London?
25:07I mean, it's pretty cool,
25:09but I really just can't wait to get back to Arkansas.
25:12I just like hunting.
25:14Just the idea of just going out,
25:16feeling something and bringing it back, just...
25:19It's, like, madness to us.
25:21Do you think you've got it better than us?
25:23I think so.
25:24Do you want to get a travel bug and go to Europe?
25:26No, I just don't want to leave the United States as a country.
25:29OK, fair enough.
25:30Now, I've always wanted to go to Canada and, like, try to kill a moose.
25:33Instead of, like, a bucket list, my bucket list is just animals I want to kill.
25:40And I also told my mum before I came here, she said,
25:42what are you going to do if you just really like it over there
25:44and decide to live there?
25:45I said, Mum, I'll never live anywhere.
25:47I can't pee in my own front yard.
25:49Well, no-one's stopping you, but I just wouldn't recommend it.
26:00And he's not the only one with a confession to make.
26:05I haven't spoken to my host family about how I feel about their church,
26:08because I don't really want to, like, upset them,
26:10because I'd hate to do that.
26:12I just don't think that type of church is for me.
26:15I feel like if I say that I don't like that part,
26:17then they're going to think that I don't like them.
26:20It worries me.
26:27In Christianity, who is Evelyn willing to sacrifice?
26:35Grace and the other US students have been granted special dispensation
26:39to keep their phones, because they're going on a school trip.
26:43We get to go tour Oxford University.
26:47I don't know that they're nearly as excited as I am about this,
26:50but, yeah, I'm pretty excited about this.
27:01Wherever you're from, whatever struggles you might be having outside of school,
27:05education is about, if you're taught this,
27:08you go on to that university, you have the option to do something better.
27:12That's why I come to work every morning,
27:14is to make people hopefully do better, be better.
27:27It's so cute.
27:29It's a Hogwarts core.
27:30A future Gracie will be a pilot or want to be a teacher.
27:34Head straight into the dining hall for lunch.
27:36What is Cress?
27:38I really want to help people.
27:40I really want to be a lawyer when I grow up.
27:42The college itself was founded in 1571 by that lady up there, Queen Elizabeth I.
27:48I'm a pretty big science guy, I like space, and so I would like to work at NASA.
27:53There are no books banned here.
27:55The Round Building, that's a part of the Bodleian Library.
27:57By law, a copy of everything published in the United Kingdom has to be sent to that library.
28:03There are nine stories underground, just to keep a collection of about 13.7 million items.
28:08They've also got the world's first ever printed book.
28:11Do you know what that is?
28:12The Bible.
28:13Bible, exactly, good guess.
28:15Is this your first time in Europe?
28:17Yeah, first time anywhere out of the country.
28:19Oh, wow, really?
28:20What were you expecting?
28:22Here, I was expecting Hogwarts.
28:23Well, Hogwarts was literally filmed here.
28:25Oh, it was?
28:26So some bits are Hogwarts, yeah.
28:27I'm taking you there right now.
28:28Oh, OK.
28:30While Grace and co. get Hogwarts...
28:34So let's get our phones put away.
28:36Let's put them up.
28:37..in Mina...
28:38Miss Lily.
28:40..Lily and her friends are about to get a tour of the school workshop.
28:46When we started allowing our students to have the phones at school,
28:49we started having fewer phone disruptions.
28:54But we've used the bandsaw, that's what this saw is here.
28:58We've used the bandsaw.
29:02Yeah, put those up.
29:05I know this is not the most exciting material for you.
29:09It's paused.
29:10Yeah, so put it up.
29:11Maybe they'll learn that lesson of using the phone for the tool that it is
29:15and not the entertainment box.
29:18I tried.
29:20I tried.
29:22Back in Oxford, Grace and co. seem to be finding their tour more engaging.
29:27You've got to pick a window that takes your fancy for whatever reason.
29:30You've got to imagine yourself on the other side of it,
29:32searching our enormous catalogue for a book.
29:34What would you look up first?
29:36There you go. Now.
29:37Don't overthink it.
29:38That one.
29:39This is also cool, and there's nowhere like this in Arkansas.
29:43I mean, obviously in America, but not in Arkansas.
29:46So it definitely has, like, made me question, like, what I'm going to do.
29:50Over here, with all the spikes, we've got All Souls College.
29:53And to get in, you have to take what's alleged to be the hardest exam on Earth.
29:56I've been, like, cooped up in Uno for so long.
29:59It's like an eye-opener to the whole world.
30:02The teaching's done through basically you and maybe one other student
30:05talking to a professor for an hour,
30:07which is, like, a crazy privilege to be able to talk to
30:09one of the best people in the world for an hour one-on-one.
30:12But it's not for everybody.
30:14A trip like this, what it done to me was
30:16definitely make me not want to go to college even more.
30:20I'm not really a big fan of school
30:22because I feel like I can be doing something better with eight hours of my day.
30:25I mean, I learned how to multiply and add and subtract and stuff.
30:29But outside of school, I've learned how to, you know, build fence, work cows.
30:34To me, that's just going to help me way more in life
30:37than whatever the heck geometry is.
30:41All right, let's go.
30:43No, left.
30:50Word has reached Mrs Ashcraft about the Elm Green students' behaviour.
30:55There's a lot of frustration with our UK students.
31:01I have had multiple complaints from teachers, from other students.
31:07We're just going to have a real talk about what's going on.
31:13Can you do me a favour, please, and close your Chromebooks.
31:17And, Dajon, do you mind turning around where I can see your face?
31:23I am one of the most patient disciplinarians you will ever meet in your life.
31:28However, even my frustration level is to a boiling point.
31:34You are here for the experience of learning
31:36and to see what it's like to be an American student.
31:39And when I have teachers reporting to me that they ask you to put phones up
31:42and you continue to roll your eyes and do it anyway, that is not OK.
31:47Starting tomorrow, Mr Thomas will take your phones,
31:50and you can have them back at the end of the day.
31:52So, just like back in Elm Green, when you get here, turn your phones in.
31:56You are highly distracted, probably addiction as well going on.
32:00You get uncomfortable, you withdraw to your phone.
32:03I'm hoping tomorrow when you guys come in, I see a 180 attitude change.
32:07OK. Well, I'm going to let you guys sit and reflect on that.
32:10Thank you. Bye.
32:14So, I suppose, look, it's quite heavy.
32:16You can take it on board and say, oh, do you know what? OK.
32:20It's part of the maturing process.
32:21We don't expect you to be perfect.
32:23You're teenagers learning and growing up.
32:25Or you're going to have a hard time with what Celeste just said to you.
32:28But that's a stranger telling you.
32:30I feel bad. Like, I'm embarrassed of myself.
32:34The rules are more relaxed here.
32:36So, as soon as we heard we were allowed our phones here,
32:39I feel like that kind of flipped a switch in everyone,
32:41and they were like, OK, I can use my phone.
32:43With the phones, it's out of nervousness.
32:46You could go to a party, for example, and if no-one's talking to you,
32:50you go on your phone to make it look like you're doing something,
32:53you know, just sitting there, like, embarrassing yourself, kind of.
32:56That's how this generation thinks.
33:01While all of the kids will have their phones taken away during school hours...
33:05Come on, let's have our chat.
33:07..Mr Thomas has decided what Lily needs is cold turkey.
33:11It's like a drug.
33:12And, obviously, with your host family, you're not getting along with them.
33:16They think they've done something wrong.
33:18If we can trial, if I just take the phone, yeah, for the evening,
33:24and then just to see how you get on, where you interact with the family.
33:29OK, so we're going to just move your phone over here.
33:34It was tough, but I have to respect Lily,
33:38because her reaction, she really did not want to give me the phone,
33:44but she did.
33:45I will bring it later, OK?
33:49Now I know how it is my host family feel,
33:52I'm definitely going to spend more time with them,
33:54and then probably, like, apologise to them.
33:56Say, you know what, I'm sorry, like, this is what I'm used to.
33:59It's not like I don't like you, but it's like I'm always on my phone,
34:02so I've kind of taken back habits from England to here.
34:08While it hasn't taken long for phones to be deemed off-limits to the UK kids...
34:13I want you to know how excited I am about this.
34:17I've been thinking about this all day.
34:20..they do have access to other small handheld devices
34:23notorious for disrupting American classrooms.
34:26This right here, Ten Commandments of Firearm Safety.
34:29Poppy's introduction to them promises to be another near-religious experience.
34:34First Commandment, always keep the muzzle pointed in a safe direction.
34:38We are a right-to-carry state, and so some of our citizens do.
34:44There are people out there that can harm you,
34:48and so we have firearms to protect ourselves.
34:51If you're 21, you can put a gun on your belt whenever you want to
34:55and just walk around town.
34:57I guess this is kind of a Wild West gun.
34:59It's good and all, but if you're in a bank and it gets robbed,
35:02they see gun, they shoot you first.
35:04So I don't really recommend doing that.
35:06In the US, I don't feel afraid of guns.
35:09I feel like it is a staple of the United States that people do have guns.
35:14Just because of freedom, that's just kind of what we're based off of.
35:18It is ready to fire. If I pull the trigger, it's going to shoot.
35:24Oh, safety was on. There you go.
35:31Does it feel dangerous?
35:33I feel like because guns are so normalized,
35:35it's kind of just controlled there.
35:38Get the top of this just even with the top of that receiver right there.
35:44There you go.
35:45Even, like, kids have guns. They get them for, like, presents.
35:49Caleb, you ready?
35:50Yes, little man.
35:54Caleb, he has, like, two guns.
35:56He was, like, showing me.
35:58And he was like, oh, that's my gun. I was like, really?
36:00You can go ahead and put that up to your shoulder.
36:04Is it something that bothers you here?
36:07I don't think they've ever had a school shooting at this school.
36:09No, not at this school, but, like, in...
36:11There's been others, probably.
36:14Oh! Interesting.
36:16They said it's mainly the main city that get them. Yeah.
36:19How bad is it going to jolt me back?
36:21It's not too bad. OK.
36:23For me...
36:27..it's a mess.
36:30They do a lot of hunting. That's a different situation.
36:33But when you've got teenagers telling me they've got 20 guns at home
36:37and they get one for Christmas and birthdays
36:39and then a teacher's telling me he's got one from his grandfather
36:42from the 1930s and... It's too much.
36:54There's not been a school mass shooting in this state for 25 years.
36:58Elsewhere in the US, there have been over 400 in that time.
37:03When I asked Elm Green about school shootings,
37:06they were like, we don't have those here.
37:08I had no idea that the police officers don't even carry guns in London
37:13because they don't need to.
37:16Even though I am a very firm believer in our right here to carry a gun...
37:23..the reason we feel the need to carry a gun
37:25is because there are people who have guns
37:28that we're protecting ourselves against.
37:33What I found, like, kind of uncomfortable,
37:35some of the students would, like, show me pictures of their guns.
37:40I'm like, OK, OK, I'm going to just, like, walk away.
37:44That's another reason I stay awake at night.
37:46What if it's one of my kids that's doing that?
37:48I have to put that aside and I have to protect everybody else.
37:51That's pretty tough. But, yes, I would. I would have to do that.
37:55We have so many school shootings a year
37:57and it kind of makes me feel like if they actually cared,
38:00they would do something, wouldn't they?
38:07Weyland's host family have left London for the day
38:10to give him a taste of the familiar in Kent.
38:14Weyland was saying he's really good at it,
38:16so this is his chance to show off.
38:18I never said I was really good at it. You did!
38:20I said I was decent. You said you got 48 out of 15.
38:2325 out of 25. One time. One time. One time.
38:26It makes me feel good, you know, that they're trying to, like,
38:28incorporate stuff I like doing.
38:31OK. So what do you think happened there?
38:33I didn't hit it. Where did you think you missed?
38:36To the right. No, you were to the left.
38:38I want you to close your left eye for me.
38:41We're starting to hit them now.
38:44A little round of applause there.
38:47Well done.
38:49I've never seen this style, but I have now and I like it.
38:53Point at it. Shoot it.
38:55That's it.
38:58Point at it. Shoot it.
39:00That was my wrong eye.
39:02I think, actually, you closed both eyes.
39:05So we would ask that you would at least keep one eye open.
39:08I didn't really like London because of all the people.
39:11I've been in Kent for, like, not even a day yet,
39:14and I can say I definitely like it here.
39:17Pull and shoot.
39:19Yes! Well done!
39:21All that Call of Duty's paid off.
39:24Natural. Absolute natural.
39:26Pull. Pull.
39:28That's it.
39:30I mean, it did hurt a bit when he said,
39:32oh, you know, I hate London.
39:34And not that he meant that personally,
39:36but I think he has reinforced his ideas of what he wants to do.
39:40He loves where he lives.
39:42Beautiful shot.
39:44But you were the pro out there, weren't you?
39:46No, I wasn't very good. Isaac, he shot the most.
39:49He shot 28 out of 30.
39:52Go deep! Go deep!
39:54That's good.
39:56And he's not the only one who loves Weyland's home life.
40:01I find it hard to open up my heart to people,
40:04and I feel like they made me, like, they forced me.
40:08Like, not like they forced me,
40:10but they, like, forced their kindness onto me.
40:13Like, it's just, bang, there you go.
40:15Do you all know why Cinderella was bad at football?
40:18Do you all know why Cinderella was bad at football?
40:21She had a pumpkin for a coach.
40:23Oh! Oh!
40:26We had learned that his dad had passed away
40:29and that it was just him and his mom.
40:31And he talked about them a lot,
40:33so I could tell that, you know, it was very, very important to him.
40:36But it kind of made my job harder in a way,
40:39because, I mean, I don't know, there's...
40:41I don't know, I didn't want to overstep my bounds.
40:44You know what the fish said when you run into the wall, don't you?
40:48Dad, no-one likes your dad jokes.
40:50I do. They're funny.
40:52Ish. Sometimes.
40:54Dijon sandwiches.
40:57Oh, yes!
41:00Let's see how quick I can eat this.
41:02No, no, no, no. Slow down and enjoy it.
41:08First thing we need to do is sieve the flour.
41:11But it's not going quite as smoothly between Poppy and her host family.
41:17These are Welsh cakes.
41:19Since joining them at their church service,
41:21Poppy's decided not to go back.
41:24Honestly, when Poppy first came, I thought it was a good fit.
41:28She was excited to explore faith here.
41:31I don't know if she just didn't like the church that we attend.
41:37We were just kind of wondering kind of what happened.
41:40And she's avoided discussing the subject at all.
41:44On Sundays, we always go to church in the morning, and you've got to join us.
41:48What were your thoughts?
41:49I like church. I just don't think that specific church is the right church for me.
41:55Do you feel like the church... Is the music a little too...
42:00I like the music.
42:03It's a little different to what I thought it might have been,
42:05and I don't really know what I thought it might have been.
42:10That was kind of the first time I actually had the confidence to say,
42:14no, I don't want to do that.
42:16Because I definitely feel like I've got more confidence here than I do back at home.
42:20These are Poppy's famous, amazing Welsh cakes.
42:25Doing this whole big thing, you can find a lot about yourself
42:28when you take these opportunities, like just learning about life.
42:32Oh, these are so good.
42:34Poppy, these are delicious.
42:36They're amazing.
42:43Get the tongs.
42:46Mr Thomas has brought Lily her phone.
42:49Never had this before.
42:50Never had it?
42:52Have you had gumbo or jambalaya?
42:54It's actually nice.
42:55It's really nice.
42:56She always says it's actually nice, as if I was lying to her.
42:59Lily's been good, girl. Lily's been good.
43:03One of our favourite meals is a crawfish boil.
43:06This one's around, you know, a focal point.
43:09I've never eaten in this way, especially just off the table.
43:13Oh, there's more.
43:14Oh, there's more.
43:16It just keeps turning up.
43:18Lily was in the middle of it, you know.
43:20She was really enjoying the experience.
43:22And she loved the food.
43:25Lily, I kind of started empathising with her, you know,
43:29and she started talking to me.
43:33She's not the only teenager who has a problem with phones,
43:37but I understand she's totally out of her comfort zone.
43:41I get it.
43:42I just wanted everyone here just to see how amazing she is,
43:47and I'm loving this.
43:50It was so great.
43:51So I remember after a while, I said,
43:53you know what, Lily, well done, there's the phone.
43:55Are you going to miss it when you go back?
43:57Most probably, cos it's like a different experience.
44:00And when it was time to leave, I didn't mention the phone,
44:02and she turned the phone off, said, here, sir, she gave it to me.
44:05I was like, wow.
44:06OK, step one.
44:10I want more.
44:11I want more crawfish.
44:16We've brought Waylon to focus them.
44:19I'm trying to show Waylon a little slice of British life, I suppose.
44:25That seagull's got us vaped.
44:27I've got to take a picture of the seagull vaping.
44:29You see how bad it's got?
44:32On the horizon is France.
44:34Oh, OK.
44:35So you can say you've seen France.
44:37I've seen it.
44:41I think this gives you a bit of distance, doesn't it?
44:43You don't have to do anything here, do you?
44:45You can just stand and think.
44:47I've touched the ocean in England, look.
44:49There's proof.
44:50And he's such a nice kid, you know, you can't help but like him.
44:53I'd be sorry to see him go, genuinely.
45:02There was just a moment there, I think, that just sort of took us a bit.
45:05Because it's just so special just to see Isaac and Waylon
45:08just chilling out on the beach.
45:10Yeah, it's nice to see.
45:15How many have you got here?
45:18All right.
45:19I think sometimes children go on these adventures
45:22or expeditions when they're at school.
45:24Oh, no. Oh, no. He's got me.
45:26A long time in the future, they'll look back
45:28and they'll see that it slightly changed their perspective on the world.
45:34It would be brilliant if that's what this trip did for Waylon.
45:38Does it look any bigger than the first one?
45:40Yeah, it's not moving. It's definitely France.
45:43Yeah, it's definitely France.
45:52Next time...
45:53You have very nice hair.
45:54You have nice hair, too.
45:55..love is in the air...
45:57I've got a boyfriend.
45:58I guess I'm not really missing him.
46:00Are you guys excited for homecoming?
46:04As the UK kids prepare to experience...
46:07I'm doing my song.
46:09There's a lot of people here.
46:10..a high school rite of passage...
46:12The main point is, find a woman and ask her to homecome.
46:15It's imperative.
46:16..and all the pressure...
46:17There's, like, a lot of tension.
46:19..that brings.
46:20Let's talk to you.
46:21I need to go talk to Nassim.
46:23Oh, no!
46:25So he likes you, then?
46:26You know how to deal with that, don't you?
46:28Affirm no.