• 2 days ago
गाजियाबाद, यूपी: ऑल इंडिया मुस्लिम पर्सनल लॉ बोर्ड के प्रवक्ता ने धमकी देते हुए कहा है कि अगर वफ्फ संशोधन बिल पास हुआ तो पूरे देश को शाहीन बाग बना देंगे। इस धमकी पर प्रतिक्रिया देते हुए आचार्य प्रमोद कृष्णम ने कहा कि धमकी देने का काम आतंकियों का होता है, भारत किसी से नहीं डरता। भारत आईएसएस से नहीं डरता, भारत हिजबुल मुजाहिदीन से नहीं डरता, भारत खालिस्तानियों से नहीं डरता। आतंकवादियों से दहशतगर्दों से भारत ना डरा है, ना डरेगा। होली को हिंदू और मुसलमानों में नहीं बांटना चाहिए। होली हिंदुस्तान का त्यौहार है। होली पूरे हिंदुस्तान का त्यौहार है और जिसे होली से नफरत है उसे हिंदुस्तान से मोहब्बत कैसे हो सकती है। अगर हिंदुस्तान से मोहब्बत करनी है तो होली से नफरत करना छोड़ना होगा

#allindiamuslimpersonallawboard #aimplb #holi2025 #waqfamendmentbill #shaheenbagh


00:00Terrorists do the work of threatening, and India does not get into anyone's threats.
00:10India is not afraid of ISIS. India is not afraid of the Hijbul Mujahideen.
00:17India is not afraid of the Khalistanis.
00:20India is neither afraid of terrorists nor will it be.
00:28So I would like to request all the responsible people of the All India Personnel Board
00:38to not try to intimidate this country.
00:43This country is yours.
00:47You belong to this country.
00:49You were born in the soil of this country.
00:52You will be buried in the soil of this country.
00:55You will be found.
00:58And the one who threatens the country, the one who threatens the country,
01:03is not considered a patriot.
01:05See, Holi should not be divided between Hindus and Muslims.
01:10Holi is the festival of India.
01:13Holi is the festival of the whole of India.
01:16And the one who hates Holi, how can he love India?
01:22If you want to love India, then you will have to stop hating Holi.
01:30Has any Hindu leader ever said, don't celebrate Eid?
01:35Has any big official of the country ever said, we hate Eid?
01:43Don't celebrate Eid.
01:45Or don't celebrate any other festival.
01:49Has anyone ever said, don't celebrate Muharram?
01:53This country is very beautiful.
01:56Don't try to spoil it.
01:59It is clear that the one who hates Holi cannot be a patriot.
02:05The one who hates Holi cannot be a patriot.
02:08So be a patriot.
02:10Holi is the festival of everyone.
02:12Play Holi together.
02:14Only then will love spread.
02:16Not one-sided love.
02:18Talking about one-sided love and loving each other are two different things.
02:25We have to create love.
02:27We have to give strength to love.
02:29We have to make this country beautiful.
02:31We have to make it together.
02:33There is no other way.
02:34There is no way.
