• last month
प्रयागराज, उत्तर प्रदेश: तीर्थराज प्रयागराज में आयोजित दिव्य, भव्य, अलौकिक और अद्वितीय महाकुंभ में आज बसंत पंचमी के पावन पर्व पर अमृत स्नान आयोजित किया गया। देश भर से पधारे साधु-सन्यासियों, महामंडलेश्वरों, धर्माचार्यों और आम श्रद्धालुओं ने अमृत स्नान के अवसर पर गंगा, जमुना और सरस्वती की पवित्र त्रिवेणी में आस्था और विश्वास की डुबकी लगाई। अमृत स्नान में विभिन्न अखाड़ों द्वारा स्नान करने की परंपरा है और आज तड़के से ही अलग-अलग अखाड़ों के साधु-संत रथों पर सवार होकर संगम नोज पहुंचने शुरू हो गए थे। इनके आगे-आगे हजारों की तादाद में नागा साधु भी अपने अस्त्र और शस्त्र लेकर चल रहे थे। अमृत स्नान के बाद अखाड़ा परिषद के अध्यक्ष रवींद्र पुरी जी महाराज ने बसंत पंचमी के स्नान की महिमा का बखान करते हुए सभी श्रद्धालुओं से गंगा के तट पर जहां जगह मिले डुबकी लगाने की अपील की। जूना अखाड़े के आचार्य महामंडलेश्वर स्वामी अवधेशानंद गिरि जी महाराज ने कहा कि उन्होंने देश में सामाजिक सद्भाव, सनातन धर्म की रक्षा और मानवता के कल्याण की कामना के साथ पवित्र संगम में डुबकी लगाई है।

#MahaKumbh #MahaKumbhMela #MahaKumbh2025 #MahaKumbhMela2025 #Prayagraj #UP #KumbhSnan #SangamSnan #GangaPoojan #AmritSnan, #BasantPanchami, #JunaAkhada, #NiranjaniAkhada, #Mahamandleshwar #Kinnar Akhada


00:00Amritsanan is being held at Divya Bhavya Alaukek and Adwitiya Mahakumbh in Teertharaj Prayag at Basant Panchami.
00:11Sadhus, Sanyasis, Mahamandaleshwaras, Dharmacharyas and Aam Shraddhalis have come from all over the country.
00:18On the occasion of Amritsanan, they have put their faith and faith in Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswati.
00:26In Amritsanan, there is a tradition of bathing in different Akhadas.
00:30And today, from the Tadka itself, Sadhus and Sanyasis of different Akhadas were riding on chariots and started reaching Sangamnauj.
00:37In front of them, thousands of Nagas and Sadhus were also walking with their weapons.
00:43After Amritsanan, the head of the Akhada Parishad, Ravindra Puri Ji Maharaj,
00:47while praising the glory of bathing in Basant Panchami,
00:50appealed to all the Shraddhalis to bathe wherever they could on the banks of the Ganga.
01:11What message would you like to give to the Shraddhalis who are coming today?
01:17I humbly request you to bathe wherever you can see the Ganga.
01:22Your sins will be forgiven and you will be blessed with good deeds.
01:27What message would you like to give to the Shraddhalis who are coming today?
01:30I would just like to say that today is Basant Panchami.
01:33Everyone should bathe and pay their respects to the Goddess.
01:36A new energy will be radiated.
01:38I feel the same way.
01:40Today, the energy of knowledge, devotion and detachment will be radiated to our bodies.
01:45Mahamandaleshwar, who bathed in Basant Panchami, said that
01:48he dived into the holy Sangam with the hope of social well-being,
01:51protection of Sanatan Dharma and the welfare of humanity in the country.
01:57This is our bath.
01:58May the people be blessed.
02:00For the unity of India and the social prosperity.
02:03This is our bath for the unity of India and the social prosperity.
02:07May the people be blessed.
02:09India is united.
02:13One soul is everywhere.
02:15Today's bath is for the realization of knowledge.
02:19The soul is eternal.
02:21We want to show the world that there is only one family.
02:26The world is one family.
02:27Animals, birds, birds, everything is one.
02:30This is our bath for the social prosperity, for the welfare of the people
02:35and for the propagation of this knowledge.
02:37The world is one family.
02:39We worshipped Lord Shiva.
02:40We worshipped Ganga.
02:41We remembered Mahadev.
02:43We bathed Kartik.
02:44We bathed our deity.
02:45And this message reached the whole world.
02:49This message reached the whole world that in the Indian tradition,
02:52sadhus, shantas and sanatani are all one.
02:54And this Sahi bath, Amrita Rajasi Sahi bath,
02:58which was the pleasure of this bath,
03:04was divine.
03:06It was divine.
03:07And now our bath is over.
03:08We all took a bath.
03:09Now we are all going to our shelter.
03:13The world's largest religious organization,
03:15Prayagraj Mahakumbh,
03:17has its third and final Amrita bath on the 5th of this spring.
03:20Before this, on 14th January, Makar Sankranti
03:23and on 29th January, Mouni Amavasya,
03:26Amrita bath was also held.
03:27In which millions of devotees and sadhus and shantas
03:31took a dip in the holy Sangam.
