• 13 hours ago
Beyond the Gates S01 E004


00:00Okay, girls, here we go.
00:07So here I am getting ready for an Ebony fashion shoot.
00:11I know how much you guys love BTS glimpses.
00:14So Kat and I will be popping on and off to preview a few looks.
00:17Okay, back later.
00:24I'm still in disbelief.
00:26Did last night actually happen?
00:28The Grants ordering us to dad and Haley's wedding?
00:31Please tell me that I imagined it.
00:33I feel so bad for Aunt Dani.
00:35She just keeps getting blindsided.
00:37You worried about her?
00:38I'm worried about me.
00:40When Naomi and I left her last night, she was okay, relatively speaking, but she's been
00:45in that house all by herself all night.
00:49Probably couldn't even sleep.
00:51Everything's just eating away at her.
00:54She's going to come in here totally tripping and take it all out on me.
00:58You watch.
00:59Nothing that I do will be right.
01:04I was shocked.
01:06I tell you, shocked first, because I'm pretty sure the legendary Anita Dupree has never
01:11once called me.
01:13But when I realized why she reached out, I almost fell out of my chair.
01:18Did I hear right?
01:19Your parents are asking the community to show up at Bill and Haley's wedding at your request.
01:26How does that even happen?
01:29Dani's putting the girls first.
01:30Naomi and Chelsea are Bill's daughters.
01:32Naturally, he wants them at his wedding.
01:34Dani didn't want them to be there alone, considering all the complications, so she decided to go
01:40Wow, Dani.
01:41I'm impressed.
01:42We do what we must.
01:44The good news is Fairmont Crest is happy to turn out for the cause, especially the women.
01:50Dani will have all the support she can stand.
01:52I am so proud of you, sissy.
01:56Thanks for coming.
02:00Sorry to interrupt.
02:01It's easy fix.
02:03Keep it moving.
02:05I was hoping we could talk, just for a minute.
02:12Why not?
02:20Hey, Ashley!
02:21How's it going with the new job?
02:24I can't talk.
02:25I'm confirming a patient room.
02:26Okay, just confirming tonight.
02:27Yeah, looking forward.
02:29Okay, bye.
02:34When you weren't at your office, I figured I'd find you here.
02:37A place you come to hear yourself think.
02:44What do you want?
02:47A little respect for my daughter to start.
02:50Or is that asking too much?
02:53You don't deserve my respect.
02:55If you ever did.
02:58Naomi, to hear you say that, that really saddens me.
03:01It does.
03:02You used to think your dad hung the moon.
03:04The way my little girl loved me, that was the best feeling I ever had.
03:10Until Haley came along.
03:15You tell me what has to happen for us to coexist.
03:18I'm willing to do whatever it takes.
03:22You can't possibly expect me to believe you give a damn about me or my feelings.
03:27I do care, Dani.
03:30I'd like nothing better than for you to find forgiveness in your heart for me.
03:34Now, I realize that can't happen overnight.
03:37And I'm good with however long it takes.
03:40But in the meantime, we're here.
03:44Behind these gates.
03:46If we could just find a way to be...
03:50Not friends, but civil.
03:53It is not my job to make things pleasant or easy for you, Haley.
03:59In fact, I intend to actively look for ways to make you want to move as far away from Fairmont Crest as possible.
04:07Anything else?
04:13See you around the neighborhood.
04:20Dani handled that well, right?
04:22Haley's still standing.
04:24I know, my sister.
04:25Something tells me this is the calm before a really bad storm.
04:50Laura, my God, I was so worried about you.
05:11Worried? What's going on?
05:14It's Laura.
05:17She hasn't come in yet, and I can't get a hold of her.
05:19Well, I'm sure it's nothing to be concerned about.
05:22I mean, she and the boyfriend are relatively new, right?
05:25So they're probably just having a little morning delight.
05:28No, Laura is responsible.
05:30If she was going to be late, she would have called.
05:33I'm afraid something awful has happened.
05:40Life's been lifing so much lately.
05:42You and I haven't connected for a while.
05:44I know. I've been meaning to reach out.
05:47I mean, I keep missing each other.
05:48Our schedules don't seem to be syncing lately.
05:50Too busy, people. It happens.
05:52Diego, I've been meaning to talk to you about arranging a workout series.
05:55Absolutely. Just let me know the good day and time for you.
05:58Great. I'll contact you in the next day or so.
06:00Looking forward to it.
06:04Right? That guy is fine.
06:07Makes me want to sign up for a series of my own.
06:11You're grown, gone and married, and you've never been naive.
06:15You know how relationships evolve.
06:17People fall in love, they fall out.
06:19Situations that once worked, they become untenable.
06:24You know what's untenable?
06:26You sleeping with your daughter's best friend.
06:30When you did that, you not only betrayed mom, you betrayed me.
06:33So no, I don't forgive you.
06:35Okay, look, I realize I'm far from perfect, okay?
06:39And I haven't always been thoughtful or kind,
06:42but shortcomings as a man and a husband have nothing to do with the way I love my daughter.
06:45It's nothing.
06:46I want to make things right with you and your sister.
06:49That's why I came looking for you.
06:51To at least make a start at getting us back on track.
06:54Well, then you made this trip for nothing.
06:57Look, I'm not interested in your justifications for what's inexcusable.
07:01As a matter of fact, I'm not interested in anything you have to say.
07:04As far as I'm concerned, my father is dead.
07:12I got your text.
07:13What's this about Laura?
07:14As you can see, she's still not here.
07:16You know her.
07:17Laura is never late, certainly without giving me a heads up.
07:20She's not answering her phone?
07:21Straight to voicemail.
07:23That is concerning.
07:25Oh, that's Ted.
07:28I'm in the hospital with Laura.
07:30She's been hurt.
07:35Yes, girl!
07:37Oh my God, you look amazing.
07:39You are killing it right now.
07:46I'm not loving the hair.
07:48I do.
07:49In fact, I posted about how dope it is.
07:51It needs adjusting.
08:03You must have been something to see when you were queen of the runway.
08:07I mean, those photos tell.
08:09Some other tell.
08:11But in the flesh, walking that wall, slinging the hair, it would be still my heart.
08:16Honey, I wasn't just a star.
08:17I was a meteor with years to go.
08:20I could have been bigger than Naomi Campbell and Beverly Johnson put together.
08:25Then Bill Hamilton walked into my life.
08:29May he burn forever in the hottest corner of hell.
08:36If your intentions were to hurt me with those words, you succeeded.
08:40Listen, I'm just telling you how things are.
08:43You don't deserve my forgiveness.
08:46Not after the casual way you blew up what was left of this family.
08:50And for what?
08:52A conniving little slut who couldn't keep her legs closed?
08:56And instead of belatedly showing some consideration and class,
09:00letting wounds and hearts heal, you're planting Hayley on mom's doorstep.
09:04What kind of sorry excuse does that to the woman he promised to love?
09:10You had a whole life with mom.
09:12And you just toss her aside because someone younger came along?
09:16You are the oldest, most disgusting cliche in the book.
09:21Okay, look, I know everybody hates hearing it,
09:23but I'm going to say it as often as it takes to sink in.
09:27I love Hayley.
09:29And I'm sorry my family was hurt.
09:32Would you rather I stay with your mother in a loveless situation?
09:34Isn't that more disrespectful than a clean break?
09:36Oh my God.
09:38You don't get it, do you?
09:40It's not about ending the marriage.
09:43It's about you flaunting Hayley in mom's face.
09:47Getting married at the country club, dad.
09:50Living in Fairmont Crest.
09:51It's deliberate cruelty.
09:53And I wanted you to be better than that, but oh well.
09:56Look, Hayley has her heart set on the country club, alright?
09:58She has to have a lot in life, and I want to make up for that.
10:01And frankly, I don't see any reason we shouldn't make a home
10:03in a community that I lived in for decades.
10:06Yes, emotions are raw right now, yeah.
10:09But after enough time has gone by, everyone will adjust.
10:13Because that's what you decided.
10:15The great and powerful Bill Hamilton.
10:21I can't believe I ever looked up to you.
10:24Or wanted to be like you.
10:27You are despicable.
10:29You're cold.
10:31And arrogant.
10:33And selfish.
10:35And you have the nerve to come here bleeding about respect.
10:38Where was your respect for your family when you were unzipping your pants for Hayley?
10:42Hey, hey, don't you talk to me that way.
10:46You like it or not, I am very much alive and I'm still your father.
10:49I'll talk to you however I please.
10:51I didn't seek you out.
10:53If you don't like your reception, you can turn around and walk away.
10:59Okay, MRI looks clean.
11:01And then there's this.
11:04Make those notes?
11:05Yep, you got it.
11:06Alright, thank you.
11:07Yeah, thanks.
11:10Laura, you're going to be just fine.
11:16I don't have time for this.
11:18I know.
11:20I know.
11:22I know.
11:24I know.
11:26I know.
11:28I don't have time for this.
11:30Nicole needs me and I'm planning a trip to Maui.
11:35Unfortunately, you won't be traveling soon.
11:37It's a bummer, but Maui will be there.
11:39Your recovery has to come first.
11:41Laura, is she alright?
11:43Displaced fracture.
11:47We'll get her over to my clinic, free of charge, of course.
11:50I'll call an ortho to do the surgery.
11:52Then, she can recover there.
11:54Listen, I'm incredibly grateful for you guys.
11:57But I can't be out of commission right now.
12:00You said six to eight weeks?
12:02That's impossible.
12:04It looks like you don't have a choice.
12:06What in the world happened?
12:10I was driving home.
12:12And out of nowhere, there was a motorcycle behind me with the tide beams on.
12:17I couldn't see.
12:19And I tried to gain some distance, but it stayed on top of me.
12:25Finally, I lost control and I crashed.
12:33It sounds like someone deliberately tried to hurt you.
12:36Sounds like attempted murder.
12:39That doesn't make any sense. Who would try to kill me?
12:42I don't have any enemies or anything that anybody would want that badly.
12:47I'll call Naomi's husband.
12:49Jacob's robbery homicide now.
12:51Maybe he'll find out who did this.
12:55Hey, have you heard from Laura?
12:58She's in the hospital.
13:00Oh my God.
13:02Some lunatic ran her off the road and didn't even stop.
13:05That's awful.
13:06Laura could have been killed.
13:08I mean, she's going to be okay, right?
13:10Yes, but there's surgery and a long recovery ahead of her.
13:15She'll be out of commission for weeks.
13:17Oh, poor kid.
13:19Well, not to minimize it, but like you said,
13:22it could be worse.
13:24I just don't understand.
13:26Who would want to hurt that sweet girl?
13:28Oh, well.
13:30Times like these, people are seriously nuts.
13:38You're late.
13:40Bill's been yelling for his number one paralegal.
13:42Well, I wasn't scheduled for a meeting or anything.
13:44He must have forgotten.
13:46Possible with all that's going on.
13:48Bill's office?
13:57What is all this?
13:59A celebration of love.
14:01Yours and Bill's for each other and ours for the two of you.
14:06Surprise, baby.
14:08Thank you, baby.
14:10Oh my God, thank you so much.
14:12For me?
14:13Yes, it's good.
14:16Chelsea, can you spare some energy?
14:18Is that too much to ask?
14:20Chelsea's fine.
14:22You don't need energy for test shots.
14:24I'm just checking the lighting.
14:28This isn't my first shoot, Mom.
14:30I know when to dial it up.
14:32Give me some movement.
14:34Shoes have got to go.
14:38I want to see a longer leg.
14:40Kat, grab the higher heel, will you?
14:42Actually, I like the ones I'm wearing.
14:44They're great with the outfit in.
14:46They're comfortable.
14:47You can be comfortable at home.
14:49I knew she would be like this.
14:51Making me feel like I'm three.
14:53Like my opinion matters less than zero.
14:55You see why I hate this stupid job?
14:57It erases me.
14:59The woman that I am.
15:05I love you.
15:07I love you, too.
15:09How is Dave?
15:11Your boyfriend?
15:14He's on his way now.
15:16He just found out I'm here.
15:19You probably could really use him right now.
15:21Such a thing to have gone through.
15:23I can't imagine how terrified you must have been.
15:26I'm so shaky.
15:38I just thought for sure I was dead.
15:40It's okay.
15:41Let it out.
15:45It's okay.
15:47That bike literally came out of nowhere.
15:50It just happened so fast.
15:52I was blinded.
15:55All of the arrangements are made.
15:57Check into the clinic anytime.
15:59This is just so above and beyond.
16:01I don't...
16:03I don't know how to say thank you.
16:05You just did.
16:07You are extended family, Laura.
16:09We are happy to help you.
16:12I just...
16:14I still can't believe it.
16:16I am so sorry, Nicole.
16:19There is absolutely nothing that you need to apologize for.
16:22It is not your fault some maniac tried to run you off the road.
16:25You were just saying how busy you and Laura have been with Nicole's various projects.
16:30What are you going to do without her?
16:32I have to hire someone from the temp agency.
16:34As a matter of fact, I need to get on that ASAP.
16:38Well, hey, let me know if there's anything I can do.
16:43Hey, let me know if there's anything I can do.
16:45Thanks, Liz.
16:49Mona, wait.
16:52I had a thought.
16:55What about Eva?
16:57What about her?
16:59Well, I know you're not aware, but Eva has mad computer skills.
17:04And she's very quick, organized, and she can even do hair, if needed.
17:08Just let me know if you'd like her to step in for Laura.
17:12I mean, if that's something you would consider.
17:14Are you kidding?
17:16Eva would be a godsend.
17:18She's professional, personable, and I know Nicole would like her.
17:23Eva would really love that.
17:25It would be so good for her.
17:27I mean, she's been at a crossroads in her career path lately,
17:30and being exposed to Nicole and all the things she does will definitely give her some clarity.
17:37That sounds like a solution all the way around.
17:40If Eva has any assistance skills, or if she's at least willing to develop them,
17:45that could make my life a whole lot easier.
17:48Tell her to call me. We'll set up an interview.
17:50I would be happy to do that.
17:56I have a suggestion.
17:58Now, if this offends you, feel free to put me in my place and forget I ever brought it up.
18:04I think you should sit this one out.
18:07The shoot?
18:10I am Chelsea's manager. It is my job to supervise and guide her.
18:14I get that, but actually what you're doing is soaking all the fun out of the process.
18:23I guess I see your point.
18:25Well, what am I supposed to do?
18:27Enjoy it.
18:37I'm gonna wreck it up on the runway.
18:40I'll entertain you Sunday to Sunday.
18:42Get them on with your life.
18:44Hey, hey.
18:46Watch me do what I do.
18:50Hey, hey.
18:51Gotta turn me now.
18:53Hey, hey.
18:55Watch me do what I do.
18:58Uh, yeah.
19:00Gotta turn me now.
19:02Hey, hey.
19:04That was fantastic.
19:07You killed that, Chelsea.
19:10Thanks. And thank you, Andre. I actually had fun.
19:13Me too. It was awesome watching you work.
19:16You got something special. Like your mother.
19:19You did great, Chel.
19:20Thanks, Mom.
19:23And aren't you the man of the hour?
19:25Turning a budding disaster into a good time had by all.
19:28What can I say? It's a gift.
19:31No, seriously. I'm just here to help however I can.
19:34Well, if you mean that, I could seriously use a distraction.
19:38Why don't you hang around after the girls leave? Have a drink with me.
19:41Let me think about that.
19:45That can definitely happen.
19:52The fashion shoot was a big hit. 20,000 comments and over 50k likes so far.
19:58That should translate to some nice sales.
20:01All in all, this was a better day than I expected.
20:04Thank God for Andre.
20:06Right? I cannot wait to see those shoots.
20:08They'll be amazing.
20:10Andre was phenomenal and you were truly awesome.
20:14Ebony Magazine will be thrilled.
20:19To a job well done, cousin.
20:35You're wearing the necklace we got you.
20:38I love it.
20:40Thanks again, you guys.
20:41It looks nice.
20:42I knew it would.
20:43This is good.
20:44Being here together, it feels familiar and normal in a week that has been anything but.
20:51How are you hanging?
20:52You ready for tomorrow?
20:54As I'll ever be.
20:57I saw him today.
21:01He tracked me down in the park.
21:03Wanting to mend fences. Demanding respect.
21:07I told him my father's dead to me.
21:11Bill Hamilton expects everyone to just dust themselves off and get on with accepting Hayley and him are together like it's no big deal.
21:17Well, I'm not doing that.
21:19I'm going to hold Bill Hamilton accountable for the pain he caused with my very last breath.
21:25I'm sure I don't have to tell you what a lucky man you are.
21:28No kidding. Hayley's one hell of a catch.
21:30You never lie.
21:32Of course, Danny was no slouch either.
21:34Especially back when you met her. Back in the modeling days.
21:36Man, there's nothing wrong with going new and improved.
21:40Keeps your juices flowing.
21:42Look, if that's your politically incorrect way of saying you're happy for me, I'll take it.
21:47Can I have everyone's attention, please?
21:51I'm not ordinarily the one to make speeches, but I have something I want to say.
21:56Come on, all you want me to do is say whatever you want.
21:59This man, this man has changed my life.
22:04No, better than that.
22:07Bill has given me a life.
22:11One that I never dreamed possible.
22:14Full of love and laughter.
22:17Work that I'm proud of.
22:20And the people in this room who have become my friends.
22:23I now have abundance.
22:27And it's all because of you, Bill.
22:30This journey hasn't been smooth.
22:35People who didn't deserve it were hurt, and I am genuinely sorry about that.
22:40But what I will never be sorry for is what I found with you.
22:44Or the future that we're walking into together.
22:49I love you, Bill, beyond reason.
22:53And I can't wait to be your wife!
23:01There we go!
23:08I can't get over how amazing you were with Chelsea.
23:12She can be a real sourpuss. You lit her up.
23:15Yeah, I got the advantage of working at a distance. It makes it easier.
23:20Well, she actually enjoyed herself. And so did I. Thank you. We both needed that.
23:26It's been a rough road, huh?
23:29Just when I think it can't get any worse, it does.
23:34Seems I will be going to the wedding tomorrow night.
23:38And I'll bet I'm surprised by it.
23:40Surprise me too. That's what my parents want.
23:44You haven't been summoned?
23:45No. I am related through my uncle's side of the family.
23:49So not a dupree by blood or by extension.
23:53Lucky you.
23:55A man can't hope.
23:57Andre Richardson, are you coming on to me?
24:01Could be. Is it working?
24:14I think I'm gonna go. It's been a long day.
24:17I think I'm gonna stay for a while.
24:19Me leaving you? That's different.
24:21Gotta shake things up every now and then.
24:23Sure, I can stay a little longer.
24:26Good. Go.
24:28Love you.
24:49Are you alone?
24:51Not anymore.
24:54Did you hear from Dr. Richardson today?
24:56About Laura?
24:57Yeah, I did.
24:58Aunt Nicole's assistant, Laura?
25:00What? What happened?
25:01Motorcycle versus vehicle. Hit and run.
25:04Are you serious?
25:05Can you believe it? Some crazy person ran Laura off the road.
25:08Dr. Richardson brought me on to her case.
25:11Is she alright?
25:12Need surgery. For a leg fracture.
25:15I'm so sorry to hear that.
25:18Listen, if you find the perp, let me know.
25:20I'd be happy to represent Laura in a civil action.
25:22At least get her compensated.
25:24Can we go back a little?
25:25You're being assigned to patients already?
25:27I don't know if I was assigned
25:29as much as I was the first nurse Dr. Richardson saw
25:31when he walked off the elevator.
25:33Or, come with me, then. I want you on this.
25:35But still,
25:37I loved being used.
25:39And I think I made Laura feel a little better.
25:42So your first few days have gone well?
25:44They've been eye-opening.
25:46In a horrifying kind of way.
25:50Please explain.
25:52I'm a good student.
25:54I aced all my tests.
25:56But this isn't school or hypotheticals.
25:58This is real patients with real illnesses
26:00and injuries like Laura.
26:02What I do, how quickly I react,
26:04can literally mean the difference between life and death.
26:06It's sobering.
26:08Being a firefighter is like that.
26:09But you are naturally fearless.
26:11Me? I'm suddenly petrified.
26:13I'm starting to wonder if I made a mistake.
26:15Maybe nursing isn't the profession for me after all.
26:20You've had this calling since you were a kid.
26:22You answered it and now you're there because you're supposed to be.
26:24Of course it's scary. Big things are.
26:26But you need to trust your gut.
26:28Don't overthink. It'll just freeze you up.
26:30You already have all the information that you need.
26:32You just have to apply it.
26:34Girl, listen to your man. He speaks nothing but truth.
26:37Derek can always talk me off the ceiling.
26:40I love you, babe.
26:42I love you, too.
26:44But you said you had news?
26:46Yes. So I finally got assigned a permanent partner.
26:49At least until he retires next year.
26:51But I'll take whatever time with him I can get.
26:53Marcel Malone is the most brilliant homicide detective ever.
26:56He's forgotten things that most of us will never even learn.
26:59And I'm sure your police chief father had nothing to do with putting you together.
27:03If he did, I'm grateful for it.
27:05Malone is an arrogant jerk.
27:07But you can't put a price on his knowledge and experience.
27:19Guys, excuse me.
27:21Excuse me, everybody.
27:23Uh, look.
27:25Haley and I want to thank you all for honoring us with all your good wishes.
27:30They have been scarce lately, so this celebration meant a lot to both of us.
27:35You guys are the best.
27:37Like, I was starting to feel like people weren't happy for us.
27:40Seriously consider eloping to Vegas at one point.
27:43Wait, and cheat me out of a night at the Fairmont Crest Country Club?
27:47Girl, you better think again.
27:48Well, Bill talked me out of it, and I'm so glad he did.
27:52We may not have the full house that I dreamed up for my wedding,
27:56but our guests will genuinely wish us well.
27:59And that's the way to start a marriage.
28:03And on that note, guys, this party is over.
28:06We gotta get our beauty sleep for the big day tomorrow.
28:08Oh my God.
28:10It just hit me.
28:12We're getting married tomorrow!
28:22Thank you guys so much.
28:25This shot is incredible.
28:28I had the opportunity to work with some amazing photographers.
28:32I'm talking about you.
28:34How you leap right off of the frame.
28:37So vibrant, so alive.
28:39You know what I love most?
28:43The power I felt when I was on the runway or in front of a camera
28:47was like nothing I'd ever felt before.
28:50Certainly not since.
28:53And I wasn't done.
28:55I just walked away.
29:01Bill Hamilton is a fool.
29:04Look at you, then, now.
29:07You're magnificent, lioness.
29:12And dare I say, one of the sexiest women I've ever laid eyes on.
29:16That's high praise from Caesar.
29:19Dance with me.
29:22Here? Now?
29:24Right now.
29:30Watch your feet.
29:36Got moves.
29:39Lemon in the fingertip.
29:42I'm having a little inland.
30:03I'm having a little inland.
30:36How did I...
30:39What happened?
30:41You fell asleep in the middle of Jacob's down.
30:44Been out ever since.
30:48I talked to everyone's ear off about my stupid insecurities
30:51and then when someone else tried to get a word in, I crashed?
30:54You were adorable.
30:56And obviously exhausted, so I'm gonna go.
30:59Let you get some sleep.
31:03Not so fast, mister.
31:08Strangely enough, I'm getting a second wind.
31:17Can I take you home?
31:20Oh my God, stop.
31:23So what can I do to make you feel better about tomorrow?
31:26Just... just stay close.
31:29Damn, woman, you drive a hard bargain.
31:35I'm just glad it'll be over soon.
31:38I will never have to think about Bill Hamilton and Hayley Lawson ever again.
31:44You know your father's not gonna let you go that easily.
31:48He doesn't get to say.
31:51He made his choice and that was Hayley.
31:54Don't have to live with the consequences.
31:57But you know I'm here for you, babe.
32:03I can't wait for our wedding night.
32:06It's going to be so special.
32:11Do tell.
32:13Got a little something planned.
32:16Guaranteed to blow your mind.
32:19Well, I happen to be available right now.
32:22Down boy.
32:24When we leave here, that'll be the last you see of me until I'm walking down the aisle.
32:30Since when did you become a traditionalist?
32:33Well, I only plan on getting married once.
32:36So I don't want to tempt fate by ignoring the rules.
32:39Well, speaking of tradition...
32:42Caroline told me I was responsible for one.
32:45But you know what an overachiever I am.
32:49I handled two.
32:52I was gonna make a big presentation at the party, but...
32:55I decided that this was a private moment.
33:07I never owned anything so gorgeous.
33:11See what I did there?
33:13Something new and blue-covered.
33:15Come on, let's make sure it fits.
33:19Left wrist, I think.
33:30I love it.
33:32And I love you. Come here.
33:41You know, your life is all wrong.
33:44Tell me about it.
33:48You should be honored, valued, worshiped for the goddess you are.
33:52Not tossed aside for some pale imitation.
33:56You are starting to be very good for my ego.
34:00Well, go with it, huh?
34:03Put yourself in my hands.
34:06Forget about Bill.
34:08Even if it's for one night.
34:11Let me remind you of who you were in those photos.
34:14Who you still are.
34:26I love you.
34:28I love you.
34:30I love you.
34:32I love you.
34:34I love you.
34:36I love you.
34:38I love you.
34:40I love you.
34:42I love you.
34:44I love you.
34:46I love you.
34:48I love you.
34:50I love you.
34:52I love you.
34:54I love you.
34:56I love you.
34:58I love you.
35:00I love you.
35:02I love you.
35:04I love you.
35:06I love you.
35:08I love you.
35:10I love you.
35:12I love you.
35:14I love you.
35:16I love you.
35:18I love you.
35:20I love you.
35:23I love you.
35:25I love you.
35:27I love you.
35:29I love you.
35:31I love you.
35:33I love you.
35:35I love you.
35:37I love you.
35:39I love you.
35:41I love you.
35:43I love you.
35:45I love you.
35:47I love you.
35:49I love you.
35:51I love you.
35:53I love you.
35:55I love you.
35:57I love you.
35:59I love you.
36:01I love you.
36:03I love you.
36:05I love you.
36:07I love you.
36:09I love you.
36:11I love you.
36:13I love you.
36:15I love you.
36:17I love you.
36:19I love you.
36:21I love you.
36:23I love you.
36:25I love you.
36:27I love you.
36:29I love you.
36:31I love you.
36:33I love you.
36:35I love you.
36:37I love you.
36:39I love you.
36:41I love you.
36:43I love you.
36:45I love you.
36:49I love you.
36:51I love you.
36:53I love you.
36:55I love you.
36:57I love you.
36:59I love you.
37:01I love you.
37:03I love you.
37:05I love you.
37:07I love you.
37:09I love you.
37:11I love you.
37:13I love you.
37:15I love you.