Fire Country S03 E10
00:00Previously, on Fire Country.
00:01Bodhi, I'll drown! I can't swim!
00:04So you brought me flowers, huh?
00:05I'm not saying thank you.
00:06Better not.
00:07First win with my son by my side,
00:09it feels better than any in my career,
00:11far as I can remember.
00:12So about the other night,
00:13hooking up with my best friend's ex
00:15is something I don't want to be doing.
00:16We were in a safe space on a bad day.
00:19Obviously, we have to tell Bodhi.
00:21Do what you need to do.
00:23What are you doing here?
00:24I want to get here early, make sure I got a good seat.
00:27For what?
00:27For Bodhi's graduation, smartass.
00:30Bodhi's graduation was last week.
00:32This is some kind of stupid joke, it's not funny.
00:42So, Dad messed up the date of Bodhi's graduation.
00:45If that happens, big deal.
00:47Or it's a sign of a larger cognitive issue,
00:50and the sooner we get it diagnosed...
00:52Okay, we can't keep having this conversation, all right?
00:56Dad's been here for a week,
00:58only person losing their mind is me.
01:01Right, because lighting the house on fire is fine.
01:04He was drunk.
01:07All the man does is drink and watch the news.
01:09I should be diagnosing him with brain rot.
01:12You know what?
01:13Your brother gets here today.
01:14Maybe I'll have better luck with him.
01:16Well, Luke sees him all the time.
01:18If there was a problem, Luke would have told us about it.
01:25And there it is!
01:26I dropped the pole, I reached down with both hands, I...
01:30The biggest white sturgeon you've ever seen in your life.
01:32It's got to be 10, 12, 13 feet long.
01:35People catch fish that big?
01:36Oh, the Leonis do all the time.
01:38And it took me, Vince and Luke to hold that bastard up.
01:46Hey, you remember the orange peel?
01:48That's an old-fashioned way to add it.
01:51Gosh, I hope that this calms my nerves.
01:55It's my first shift back tomorrow after almost drowning.
01:58If my mom's sending you right back out to work, she believes in you.
02:02Let me have another one.
02:03And don't forget about the family discount.
02:06All right, we got you.
02:08Your grandpa's a character.
02:11If you ask my parents, it's a problem that they can't solve.
02:14That's why I brought him here, so...
02:16He'll be out of earshot while they fight.
02:18You brought him here to get him drunk.
02:20That's thoughtful.
02:21No, not to get him drunk.
02:22Try and cheer him up.
02:24You think there is a problem, though?
02:27I think my dad's right.
02:29I mean, Nono still seems like he's pretty sharp.
02:31We just gotta get out of the house a little more.
02:37Now, you're looking at that gal the same way I used to look at your grandma when we were...
02:41...sitting at that same bar.
02:43We're just friends.
02:45Go get her, Tiger.
02:54Never expected to be invited back here again.
02:58You looking for a rematch at a gala?
03:00I shouldn't have hit you, bro.
03:02I mean, don't get me wrong.
03:04I'm still pissed as hell you tried to shut down Three Rock.
03:07I was trying to do the right thing, Manny.
03:09Yeah, I thought I was, too.
03:12And right now, I'm just... know...
03:16...trying to get back to the guy I used to be.
03:18I've been there a couple of times.
03:20So, I'm sorry, man.
03:22I truly am.
03:25Apology accepted, Manny.
03:27I appreciate your help.
03:29I heard about your little adventures at Cooper's Ridge.
03:32I hope that was worth a write-up.
03:33What, saving my daughter?
03:35Bet your ass it was.
03:37I'd done the same thing.
03:40Yeah, but the difference... when I do it... parole hearing request goes in.
03:47But... parole hearing request goes down the drain, you know?
03:52Sharon and Eve made it pretty clear this is my last strike.
03:56One more...
03:58...and I'm back to prison.
04:02Look, you want to get back to being you?
04:06The Manny Perez that everybody knows...
04:09...built himself an inmate to captain.
04:13You made it look easy the first time around.
04:17Just do it again.
04:24I'm sorry.
04:26I know that Sharon came down on you for my mistakes and...
04:30...I put you in an awful position.
04:34And that's not fair.
04:35Yeah, well, you know, I think your two-week suspension is punishment enough.
04:41I can't tell you how awkward it is living at the station that you're suspended from.
04:47Actually, I can. Very.
04:51Yeah, well, you know, speaking about awkward...
04:55...I still haven't told Odie about us hooking up.
05:03You know, I don't think we have to tell him.
05:05But... said you wanted to own it.
05:08So own it.
05:11Do it now.
05:13Yeah, no. No, you do not interrupt a man chatting up a girl.
05:18Especially about his ex.
05:19Not that's what he's doing now.
05:23Odie chatting up another woman is not going to break me.
05:27I'm in a good place.
05:31You really are.
05:33Now I just need them to unbench me so that I can prove it.
05:38I got a little surprise for you.
05:45I challenge you.
05:47You got your coin?
05:48Oh, I just... I don't think I have.
05:51If you don't, you buy the next round.
05:56You know, I don't leave the house without it.
05:59You know what?
06:01The next round's on you, Papa Leone.
06:04I get it.
06:06Two bears, Bolden.
06:09You know, that fish grows an extra foot every time you tell that story.
06:13I just want to see who's gullible enough to believe it.
06:16You guys go on this fishing trip every year?
06:17We used to.
06:19That was until...
06:21Well, I guess you had to leave.
06:23You guys stopped going because of me?
06:25No, you don't get all the credit.
06:27Your dad lost interest and so did your Uncle Lou.
06:30That was too bad.
06:32The most alive I ever felt.
06:33I'd give anything to be back in the rear with my boys.
06:37No, no. Hold up a second.
06:39So, you're taking your memory-impaired grandfather on a fishing trip?
06:44I swear it'll be good for him.
06:46Jake's gonna be here in a second.
06:47We are already doing this.
06:49I really should have guessed that you and Luke would gin up some kind of distraction
06:54rather than deal with a serious situation.
06:57Well, it was my idea.
06:59Nono is depressed.
07:01You should have seen him light up when he was a smoke.
07:02He's nostalgic over these fishing trips.
07:05You're just mad because you're not invited.
07:07You're so funny, Luke.
07:09He's a little funny.
07:10Start letting us know that he's drunk, will you?
07:11Cody, I need you to look after your grandfather on this trip.
07:15I will.
07:17And can you maybe stop with the doom and gloom, please?
07:21Okay? We're gonna get him into some waiters.
07:23We're gonna get a fishing pole in his hands.
07:25It's gonna be just what the doctor ordered.
07:26I'm hoping we can consult an actual doctor.
07:29We are gonna do this the Leone way.
07:33Yeah. That's what I'm afraid of.
07:38The Leone Way
07:52Son of a...
07:53Damn it.
07:57Is there a reason we don't do this more often?
08:00Because you hated these fishing trips.
08:02And Dad most days. Don't deny it.
08:06You would ruin perfectly good days,
08:08just like today, complaining about him.
08:10That's because all he'd do is yell at us
08:12for doing it all wrong.
08:14Well, he's not doing that now, is he?
08:16We're doing it all wrong!
08:18We gotta move upstream.
08:20We're the current eddies. That's where the big fish are.
08:22Vince, I'm sorry to say,
08:24but you picked a lousy spot. Let's move.
08:26Yeah, Vince.
08:32You know,
08:34I was surprised to get invited to this.
08:36I thought it was gonna be a family thing.
08:38And you're family.
08:40Papa Leone said so himself.
08:42I'm not sure
08:44if everyone would agree.
08:48listen, Bodie.
08:50I gotta tell you something.
08:54You guys come here to talk or fish?
08:56Quit your yapping. We gotta move upstream.
08:58All right. All right.
09:00All right.
09:06Kevin goes, he goes,
09:08did I make it to work?
09:10He goes, I barely made it home.
09:12He was walking on the highway.
09:14You have, like, a size 12 fish
09:16with a 9 1⁄2 under that one.
09:18That's amazing.
09:20Is there anything better
09:22than cooking food that you caught for yourself?
09:24Your brother caught most of them.
09:26Live bait's the way to go, man.
09:28This is right here, I think.
09:30Beautiful hall here, boys.
09:32Cheers to the chef.
09:34Bodie, thank you for getting us all out here
09:36and making us do this.
09:38Cheers, cheers, cheers.
09:40Guess we won't be doing this again
09:42for a while.
09:44What do you mean? Why not?
09:46You didn't tell him, did you?
09:48Tell me what?
09:52Come on, Luke.
09:54It's not like it's a mistress or something.
09:56I was looking for the right moment, Dad.
09:58That can be a tough task.
10:00You want to just spill it already?
10:02I got a job.
10:04Oh, hey, congrats. Thank you.
10:06Yeah, we heard that part.
10:08What's the catch?
10:10It's out of the country.
10:14You didn't think maybe
10:16you might want to talk to me about that first?
10:18And do what?
10:20Ask your permission?
10:22Vince, no, I did not think that.
10:24You're the one who can check in on him.
10:26You don't think that's worth it?
10:28I'm right here, guys.
10:30I can hear you talking.
10:32I don't need anybody
10:34looking after me.
10:36Okay, you know, this
10:38sounds like a family thing, so...
10:40Jake, you're a family.
10:42Yeah, sit down.
10:46What are you going to do
10:48when your hip goes out again?
10:50I don't know, Vince. What are you going to do
10:52when your hip explodes?
10:54Then again, I guess that's none of my business, is it?
10:56We just want you to have whatever it is that you need.
10:58Well, then why don't you leave me alone?
11:02With my
11:04bad hip and my old age.
11:06You guys treat me
11:08like I'm some one-legged dog.
11:10I'd rather be dead
11:12than be a burden
11:14to somebody.
11:16No, no.
11:22Okay, Luke.
11:24What's the plan?
11:26Why do we need a plan if none of us find?
11:28He's talking about the plan
11:30to cover all the things I do
11:32for Dad on the regular.
11:34See, over the last few years,
11:36I've been the good son, keeping an eye out
11:38on him, tending to his needs.
11:40I got a life, Luke, right here.
11:42I'm very aware of that.
11:44And you have a son.
11:46And you have a wife who likes to steal my job.
11:48And you have a battalion under your command.
11:50I need things, too.
11:52You know, I want things. When is it my turn?
11:54Oh, okay, so now you're a martyr.
11:56Shut up. Shut up, both of you.
11:58Shut up.
12:00You have no idea what it's like to be the family burden.
12:02I do.
12:04We're supposed to be out here lifting up his spirits,
12:06not drowning them.
12:20Great night.
12:30All right.
12:32Great work.
12:34Just a couple more hours
12:36on the road, guys,
12:38and get some well-earned
12:40shut-eye, all right?
12:42I'm gonna tell I.C. we're headed out.
12:46Great work, gentlemen.
12:50It's brutal, huh?
12:56Yo, is that Pruno?
12:58Contraband booze?
13:00I know what you're talking about.
13:02I'm talking about you drinking
13:04prison wine on the job.
13:08Luke, I'm not a C.O., all right?
13:10But every swig that you take,
13:12I'm gonna make you pay.
13:14But every swig that you take
13:16jeopardizes the reputation
13:18that Three Rock lives and dies by.
13:20So give it to me.
13:22Let me toss that crap for Caps either. Come on.
13:24You want to talk about Caps' rep?
13:26You're the one who punched the chief
13:28and then buddied up to him in our own barracks.
13:30You know what?
13:32You're on your own, bro.
13:36You look a little thirsty.
13:38Maybe someone needs a drink.
13:40Not on my face.
13:44Who's Pruno is this?
13:48Oh, really?
13:50I said, who's Pruno is this?
13:54Guys, look at me.
13:56Look at me!
13:58So nobody's gonna fess up.
14:02I've been waiting for a long night, gentlemen.
14:45No, no.
14:47No, no.
14:59No, no.
15:04Tooth's breaking.
15:06I promise.
15:08Thank God.
15:10Everyone else's feet seem fine,
15:12and mine are like hot dogs.
15:16You got any other tips?
15:18You really want advice
15:20from a suspended firefighter.
15:22Come on. Give me the goods.
15:26Do you want to know how the chiefs
15:28like their coffee made?
15:30For us, suspended means you don't work.
15:32If you're gonna stay in the airstream,
15:34stay in the airstream.
15:37Oh, my God.
15:39It couldn't be.
15:41James, with me.
15:47I've never heard that alarm before.
15:49Baby box.
15:51Okay, okay. Put this on.
15:57Oh, look at this little nugget.
16:01Oh, hi.
16:05Oh, hi. Oh, is your name Calvin?
16:07Hi, Calvin.
16:09Who does Calvin belong to?
16:11Oh, I'm afraid
16:13he might not belong
16:15to anyone yet.
16:17This looks like a safe surrender.
16:19A what?
16:2142 is a safe surrender station.
16:25So if it's within the first, um,
16:2772 hours, a parent can leave
16:29the baby here.
16:31So someone can just abandon their kid here?
16:33It's not abandonment.
16:35That's the point of the
16:37safe surrender baby law.
16:41I have to alert DCFS, so...
16:45you're gonna be in charge of Calvin.
16:47Oh, goodness.
16:49I can help.
16:51Please, as a concerned citizen.
16:53Okay, fine,
16:55but only because he's gorgeous.
16:57All right, you are the firefighter in charge.
17:03Oh, my goodness.
17:05Oh, look at that little face.
17:07Very little face.
17:15No, no.
17:17No, no, you okay?
17:21Why are you wandering around out here
17:23in the woods?
17:25Insomnia. Comes with old age.
17:27Gray hair, you'll see one day.
17:29I thought a little walk would help.
17:31All right, well, why don't we, like,
17:33head back towards camp?
17:35You see that?
17:39Over there.
17:41It looks like moonlight bouncing off metal.
17:43It could be anything.
17:45Yeah, well, I'm gonna go check it out,
17:47and you can go back to camp if you want.
17:49I'll be fine. I'm gonna check this out.
17:51Hey, no.
17:53Just careful.
17:55What the hell? Stop saying that.
18:03Looks like the driver's still in there, but they're not moving.
18:05Anybody alive down there?
18:09All right.
18:11Hey, no, no, no time for careful now, son.
18:21Can you hear us?
18:25I'm Bodhi. This is Walter.
18:27We're firefighters.
18:29I thought no one would ever come.
18:35It's not working. The door won't open.
18:37The roof's caved in. The door's infinged.
18:39We gotta get him out.
18:43Lewis, how long you been in here?
18:45About four days.
18:47Five hours.
18:49You just been eating these ketchup packets?
18:51And drank rainwater.
18:57Smart guy.
18:59All right.
19:01I'm gonna try and get you out, okay?
19:03Step back, Bodhi. Step back. Step back.
19:05I got this. I got this.
19:07Cover your eyes!
19:13Didn't learn that in training.
19:15Got a trick from the old days.
19:21It's not working. Won't budge.
19:23Now we're gonna have to take it off its hinges.
19:25I'm gonna need some help, man.
19:27Come back to the camp. Get the boys.
19:29Go on. Don't worry about me. It's him that needs help.
19:31I'll be fine. Go on.
19:43Everything's gonna be all right.
19:45All right, y'all.
19:47So it's no showers
19:49and there's no lights out
19:51till I figure out who's brewing
19:53the pruno.
19:57Manny with me.
20:03He's been in and out
20:05of consciousness a couple times,
20:07complaining about a sharp pain in his neck.
20:09So getting him out through the window is gonna be a no-go.
20:11He could have spinal damage.
20:13Hey, he's lucky you guys found him.
20:15Seriously, Dad, how'd you manage that?
20:17Yeah, I just heard him calling out for help from my tent
20:19and followed the sound of his voice. Common sense.
20:21That's not...
20:23If this stump gives way, it's a pretty steep slide
20:25down to the ravine, so we gotta stabilize the car somehow.
20:27Swiss Army job. I like that.
20:29All right, Luke, Jake,
20:31bring the truck around. Yep.
20:33Grab some ratchet straps and my toolbox. Yeah, yeah.
20:35You want it?
20:37Let's get some of that timber over here for Cribman.
20:39We gotta shore up these tires.
20:41Swiss Army job?
20:43Yeah, it's an improvised rescue.
20:45It's a little Leone lingo.
20:47I guess I'm still not fluent.
20:51No, I can't snitch.
20:53You're not like the rest of the Three Riders.
20:55I am right now, Cap.
20:57And I gotta be.
20:59Look, I know you're trying to be the O.G. with these guys,
21:01but as a friend,
21:03next step, everybody gets written up.
21:13Gotta do what you gotta do.
21:23Hey, you know, I meant what I said last night.
21:25New job is a big deal.
21:29I appreciate that, man.
21:31It's nice to hear someone's happy for me.
21:33Yeah, news could have gone down better.
21:35This family is so damn reactive
21:37that even good news goes down like a bomb, you know?
21:39I, uh, slept with Gabriela recently,
21:41and I haven't told Bodie yet.
21:45Well, I've been in a similar doghouse, believe me.
21:47You know, I've been in a similar doghouse.
21:49You know, I've been in a similar doghouse.
21:51Well, I've been in a similar doghouse, believe me.
21:53Okay, well, how did you get out of it?
21:55Gave Sharon my kidney.
21:57Tried that. Didn't work.
21:59Look, Vince is like a second father to me,
22:01but I can't go to him about this,
22:03and I could really use some advice.
22:05You want dad advice from me?
22:07Yeah, I do.
22:11You broke the bro code, pure and simple.
22:13You gotta own it.
22:15I don't know what else is going on with you guys,
22:17but you are family, Jake, and families forgive.
22:19Come on.
22:23Who could just dump a baby?
22:25No, I-I know it seems that way,
22:27but the program is set up
22:29so that parents can leave their...
22:31their newborns somewhere safe
22:33and come here not alone and defenseless.
22:35Well, I...
22:37appreciate you trying to teach me about
22:41but child abandonment,
22:43I don't need any advice there. I'm a pro.
22:45I'm a pro.
22:51Who are you? Oh, Calvin, thank God.
22:53Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. Hey.
22:55No, no, no. That's... that's my baby.
22:57I'm his mother.
22:59Give me my baby.
23:07We tried to call it in to 42,
23:09but the signal was spotty. I'm not sure we got through.
23:11This angle from this tree
23:13to the car is not the best anchor.
23:15I know, but it's all we got.
23:19All right. That's secured for now.
23:21Jake, why don't you head back up to the road
23:23and see if you can get a signal on my phone?
23:25You know what? I'll go with the safety numbers, yeah?
23:35Looks like a 916th
23:37and probably need an extension, too.
23:41Why don't you just... just grab the whole toolbox, will you?
23:47Why did you say that you fought a Christ battle?
23:49That's not what happened.
23:51What are you yapping about? I'm busy here.
24:01Here you go.
24:03How you holding up, Lewis?
24:05The engine light
24:07was blinking.
24:09I managed to take the car
24:15transmission failed.
24:17Is that when you crashed?
24:21I lost control of the wheel.
24:23They put the engine light right in front of you,
24:25telling you something is wrong.
24:29I ignored it.
24:33Why are you keeping Calvin from me?
24:35He needs to nap.
24:37He needs his mother.
24:39Yeah, we're real aware of that.
24:43Calvin is safe. He's asleep.
24:45And we are going to hear
24:47everything on this radio.
24:53I know I seem like a bad mom.
24:55But I've never
24:57been one before.
24:59I'm new.
25:01And I was on hour
25:0335 of labor.
25:05I was the
25:07worst version of myself.
25:09And look at him.
25:11He's really perfect.
25:13Yeah, he is.
25:15But I'm a mess.
25:17This kid deserves better than me.
25:19Oh, come on.
25:21So you say you've surrendered him?
25:25But he's my baby.
25:27And I want him back.
25:29Okay, good.
25:31There are some protocols we have to follow now.
25:33Have you called DCFS yet?
25:35Their offices aren't open yet.
25:37So it's not too late.
25:41I made a mistake.
25:45Give me my baby.
25:51All right.
25:53Go ahead.
25:55Here we go.
25:57All right.
26:01All right.
26:03Let's get Lewis out of here.
26:05What's going on?
26:07Let's get that seat back.
26:11It's jammed.
26:13His legs are pinned underneath the steering wheel.
26:15We're gonna need a hacksaw.
26:17What do we do?
26:19No way we give her back
26:21that sweet baby.
26:23People make mistakes.
26:25My dad did, and that doesn't mean that he shouldn't have raised me.
26:27Okay, your dad's mistakes got him
26:29ripped away from you, which is different.
26:31This mom made a choice.
26:33And she deserves a second chance.
26:35First time that my parents ditched me,
26:37they dropped me off at a YMCA for a swim lesson.
26:39A teacher throws me in the deep end.
26:41By the time the swim lesson was over,
26:43I still couldn't swim, and I needed my mom.
26:45She was gone.
26:47No comfort, no towel, no hug, nothing.
26:51That must have felt horrible.
26:53I'm sorry.
26:55Well, my friend's mom let me spend the night
26:57until, surprise, my mom shows up again.
27:01Promises she'll never do it again.
27:03But she did.
27:05For good that time.
27:09Ladies, I just asked you your next
27:11professional move.
27:13And you both gave me opinions
27:15and a lot of feelings at work.
27:17I thought I was benched.
27:19As did I, and yet here you are.
27:21There's a procedure for this
27:23that neither of you consulted.
27:25Our bad, Chief.
27:27Sorry, Chief.
27:37I was thinking
27:39about rusting the saws, but I just
27:41don't know if it's a blade or what the deal is.
27:43It'll work. You just gotta cut slower.
27:45Let me see.
27:51I know I wasn't following any shots for help.
27:53How's that hurt?
27:55What are you saying?
27:57I wasn't sure at first,
27:59but I think that he
28:01wandered off.
28:03Maybe Mom was right to be worried.
28:05Right now, it doesn't matter how you know I found this guy.
28:07Okay? It just matters Daddy found him.
28:15There we go.
28:17This safe surrender bracelet is like
28:19a key to get your son back. He has a matching one.
28:21Get him back.
28:23But he's mine. Please.
28:25It's not up to me now. It's up to you.
28:27The program is very clear.
28:29If you still feel like you're ready to be a parent
28:31tomorrow, you call DCFS
28:33in the morning, and he'll be yours.
28:37Oh, look.
28:39Somebody wants to say goodbye.
28:43Can I? Yeah.
29:05Yo, Birch.
29:07Hey, what are you doing?
29:11You talk to Cap,
29:13see me snitch to save your ass.
29:15I didn't say anything.
29:17That's why
29:19we're all getting written up.
29:21Yo, are you serious?
29:23Yeah, I'm serious.
29:25The whole team, we take the hits together.
29:27That's what it's all about.
29:29You only care because one write-up sends you to prison.
29:31You think I should go for Pruno?
29:33Yo, a little Pruno is one thing,
29:35but a write-up docks my pay.
29:37My privileges.
29:39Man up, man. Take the hit.
29:41Or take a different hit.
29:43Yo, yo, yo, stop.
29:45Stop! Stop!
29:48We're better than this, guys.
29:52I mean, look at him.
29:55He's on his last write-up, too.
29:58You think he deserves to go back to prison?
30:00And Ames,
30:02Ames only brings up money
30:04because he's got to save every single penny
30:06so he can pay off his debt.
30:10I know you dream Pruno
30:12because this job is hard.
30:17is hard.
30:19But bettering yourself, that's even harder.
30:21But it's a choice.
30:24And it's a choice
30:26that we all make
30:28every day.
30:30Otherwise, what the hell are we even doing here?
30:32All right, write-ups are ready.
30:40Anybody want to step up?
30:52You only need one.
30:54It was me.
31:06Vince, your phone worked.
31:08Ambulance is ten minutes out.
31:10They're gonna meet us on the main road.
31:12Let's get you out of here, okay? Let's get you out.
31:14Nice and easy. Here we go.
31:18My foot.
31:20It's stuck underneath the pedal.
31:22Dad? Yeah?
31:24Remember that car accident when we used the seatbelt
31:26to pull up the brake pedal?
31:28Yeah, yeah.
31:32Yeah, I got it.
31:34Do that again. I'll rip that sucker out.
31:36Everybody else, let's get down here, stabilize the car.
31:38Yeah, yeah.
31:42Brace it.
31:48Hey, come on.
31:50Just wrap it around the brake pedal, right there.
31:54Bodie, how'd I get here?
32:00Come on, guys.
32:02I don't know how much longer we can hold this.
32:04This is dicing.
32:08Come on.
32:22How's it going in there?
32:24No, no. Hey.
32:26Walter, Walter. Hold this.
32:28Yeah? Hold it.
32:30Good, hard. Ready? Here we go.
32:32One, two, three.
32:34All right.
32:36All right, he's out. He's out.
32:40Loosen it. Loosen it.
32:48Dad. Vince.
32:50Dad, it's Vince. Hey.
32:52Are you good?
32:54I'm good. He's okay.
32:56Come on.
33:06Did we just pull off a Swiss Army job?
33:08Yeah, I guess we did.
33:12Oh, man.
33:20Hey, hey.
33:22I got Lewis.
33:26No, no. Hey.
33:30You know where you are?
33:34There was an accident.
33:36You saved a man's life.
33:38I did?
33:40Yeah. We got to get him to an ambulance stop, okay?
33:42Let's go, all right?
33:46He's stabilized. I got him.
33:54You said you wanted to talk to him about the river?
33:56Uh, yeah, yeah.
34:14Gabriela and I...
34:20Gabriela and you what?
34:24We slept together.
34:26It was after you guys ended things.
34:30Consensually, drunkenly.
34:38I don't know how to react to that.
34:40Yeah, I didn't either.
34:42When you got between Gabriela and I.
34:46But you know what?
34:48I took that on the chin.
34:50You did?
34:52We're brothers.
34:54But what Gabriela and I did, that was a mistake.
34:58And I just want to own it.
35:02But look, I backslid not just on you,
35:04but my integrity.
35:10When I said that
35:12you were part of the family yesterday,
35:16I meant it.
35:18It backslides and all.
35:22It's a little hard to swallow.
35:28We're good.
35:42I love you, babe.
35:44You too, bro.
35:52Yo, Ashley, I'm out.
35:54Hey, Cap.
35:58Making any decisions on Birch?
36:00Yeah, I wrote him up, put him on latrine duty.
36:02Figured the punishment should fit the crime
36:04since he was brewing pruno in toilet tanks.
36:06Oh, you showing a little leniency, huh?
36:08Oh, no, no.
36:10I'm allowing him to better himself.
36:12Wise person said that, I don't know.
36:14You heard all that?
36:16You know, the barrack windows
36:18aren't that thick, my guy.
36:20But it's good to see the old Manny back, man.
36:22Nah, it's a new model.
36:24For real?
36:40I, uh, smuggled you
36:42a pick-me-up.
36:50Can't stop thinking
36:52about Brenda and Calman.
36:56I know.
36:58Me either.
37:00But we don't always get to know how a call turns out.
37:02I was kind of hoping for a
37:04it-gets-better talk,
37:06if I'm being honest.
37:08I'm sorry.
37:16If you're open to it,
37:18I would
37:20love to teach you to swim.
37:26Yeah. We do water rescues,
37:28so you should be prepared.
37:30Plus, I would never leave you hanging in the deep end.
37:46Oh, your dad was quick
37:48to let me know I was wrong about everything.
37:50You caught all the fish,
37:52and your grandfather helped save a life.
37:54No, you were right.
38:00What happened?
38:04There's something wrong with Nono.
38:10I tried to tell Dad.
38:12He didn't listen.
38:14What do we do?
38:20You know, I have to admit I was skeptical
38:22when you bought this place,
38:24but I do not mind the free beer.
38:26Hey. Of course you don't.
38:28Let's just consider it
38:30my apology for
38:32being a jackass.
38:36You know, I was not trying to push Dad on you.
38:38I know.
38:40And you're right.
38:42It's your turn.
38:44Build your life.
38:46My turn to make sure Dad doesn't
38:48get himself killed falling off a ladder.
38:50I'll look out for him
38:52when you're gone.
38:54I appreciate that. Thanks, Finn.
38:56His hip
38:58is all that's wrong with him, right?
39:02His hip. He's, uh...
39:06His personality.
39:08Well, you saw him
39:10out there today. He's fine.
39:14Plus, that man is a cockroach.
39:16He is going to outlive us all.
39:18No doubt.
39:22You want another?
39:24I do.
39:30Oh, no!
39:32Looks like the next round's on you, too.
39:34I'm thinking something top shelf.
39:38Can you just move already?
39:40Yeah. Well, you're not getting rid of me that fast.
39:42I still have to wait for my work visa to come through.
39:46Were you ever gonna ask where it is I'm going?
39:48No, but I'm gonna guess.
39:50Okay. Um...
39:54Japan. It's part of a new
39:56CAL FIRE program to train the Japanese
39:58wildland firefighters.
40:00Japan? That's... That's far.
40:02I had to cross an ocean to find a job
40:04that your wife would not steal from me.
40:06Copy that.
40:30Welcome home.
40:32It's from the first time
40:34I took the boys on a camping trip.
40:36They got so scared
40:38sleeping in the tent alone,
40:40so they came over and slept in mine.
40:42Can't imagine Dad being scared.
40:44Yeah, well, he was.
40:52I can remember
40:54every single thing about this trip.
40:56But this...
40:58last one, I...
41:00Last one, I...
41:02This last one,
41:04not so much?
41:10I told Ben that I heard
41:12the guy from the car cry for help.
41:18I can't remember how I got there.
41:24That must be scary.
41:30There's a map on my skin
41:32where the past is inscribed.
41:38Standing on the
41:40sharpest edge, I feel most alive.
41:42Something's wrong, guys.
41:48We'll have some tests done.
41:52We'll be right there with you, every step of the way.
42:02But don't tell my boys.
42:06No need to scare them.
42:26No need to scare them.