• 10 hours ago
Fire Country S03 E09


00:00Previously on Fire Country
00:02Hey, what are we looking at?
00:04There shouldn't even be any fuel for these spot fires
00:06Are you thinking what I'm thinking?
00:08Zombie fires
00:10Is that my best advice?
00:12The best tool we have to find a downed firefighter
00:14You do not have my permission
00:16I don't need your permission
00:18I could have abused my dad when I was blowing up my life
00:20You were a little busy getting locked up
00:22Anything that you would do for your own son, do for my daughter
00:24I don't know how to
00:26But you're one of them, judging me
00:28I am out
00:30Where are you going?
00:32This back burn is our only hope of saving the ranch
00:34Well I hope so, because if not
00:36You've burned me for the last time
00:38We still don't have eyes on Perez
00:40Manny, keep it together
00:42Not with my daughter out there
00:44We gotta get out deeper, gotta get towards the middle
00:46I'm not killing you because I never learned how to swim
00:58I love you
01:00I love you
01:02I love you
01:04I love you
01:06I love you
01:08I love you
01:10I love you
01:12I love you
01:14I love you
01:16I love you
01:18I love you
01:20I love you
01:22I love you
01:24I love you
01:26I love you
01:40You alright?
01:42It's really hot. It's hard to breathe
01:44We're gonna make it Lonz
01:48We gotta go back under
01:50There is too much fire in the shallow
01:52It's too hot, we can't breathe
01:54I'm right here with you, okay?
01:56No matter what.
01:58I'm with you.
01:59I'm with you, okay?
02:03Make a bet.
02:07Make a bet.
02:34That water drop was a miracle.
02:43Don't hyperventilate.
02:46Don't hyperventilate.
02:48I want to.
02:54Relax, relax.
02:55Relax, Lady.
02:56I'm gonna get us to the side.
02:57Come on.
03:00I'm gonna get us to the edge.
03:01Come on.
03:02More, sir.
03:03Ah, it's too hot, I can't hold on.
03:08I can help you cool it down if you get us in the shower.
03:11All right.
03:12Hey, come here.
03:13That's good.
03:14All right, that's good, that's good.
03:16Here, you should be able to touch me.
03:17All right.
03:24It's really hot over here, too.
03:25There's windows everywhere.
03:28We're not in danger yet.
03:30We gotta get this cooled off
03:31so we can get over to our gear.
03:32If we don't, Chief, we run our way back to this thing.
03:34You're right.
03:35No one's coming to look for us right now.
03:39So we save ourselves.
03:41You got it.
03:42All right, if it's cooled off, we can get out.
03:45That's good.
03:51You all right?
03:52Yeah, I got it.
03:53All right.
03:56Our passive devices aren't working.
03:58It's been way over 30 seconds.
03:59The water drop really killed it.
04:03My radio's fried.
04:06Mine, too.
04:09So we got no radios, no tools,
04:12and nobody coming to look for us.
04:14Yeah, yeah.
04:16We'll go.
04:17Get back to the crew.
04:19Let's go off and win.
04:20All right, let's split up.
04:22Let's look for a vehicle.
04:24No, absolutely not.
04:25You just swallowed a bunch of water.
04:26I'm not leaving you alone.
04:27Brody, you don't get all the hero moves, dude.
04:30I can search.
04:31So I'm gonna.
04:33Starting with the Delta side.
04:37All right, fine.
04:38I'll take Charlie.
04:59That'll do.
05:01Let's go.
05:25Over here!
05:28You okay?
05:30Oh, I'm great.
05:32Key's in the ignition.
05:39I'm on.
05:58Trying to resurrect some broken radios?
06:00Two busted ones might have enough working parts
06:02to make one good one.
06:04Engineering was my prison hobby, you?
06:11Do you see Leonie?
06:12This is Brody.
06:13He's James and Leonie.
06:14Do you copy?
06:15Do you copy?
06:17Do you copy?
06:18It's not working.
06:19I can't get through.
06:45How do you let a firefighter walk off the job
06:48into a fire under your command?
06:50Well, she stopped being under my command
06:51when she walked off.
06:54I'm sorry?
06:56I should've followed her.
06:57You think?
06:58DC, Leonie, this is Probies, James and Leonie.
07:01Do you copy?
07:01Yes, James and Leonie.
07:03Where are you?
07:04You're supposed to be back at base camp already.
07:06We're finally on our way, Chief.
07:08We got blocked by fire and our radios went down.
07:12Eve, good news only, go.
07:16Manny's MIA.
07:19Get on the radio and get the Probies here now.
07:22What do you mean?
07:23Cole said that Manny heard that Gabriela was in trouble.
07:25I'm reporting it to you before the CO.
07:28You tell no one.
07:29You do nothing.
07:31This does not go wide.
07:34I will handle this.
07:35Copy that.
07:40I'm on my way.
08:06Greencrest, Battalion 1508 on scene.
08:08Triple E family ranch.
08:11Let's get some lines up there, quick.
08:12Let's go.
08:15I had to send George and my grandnieces away.
08:17So your fire didn't take any more from us.
08:21We're trying to save your barn,
08:22whether you like it or not.
08:23Well, I don't like any of it.
08:24Trespassing, taking whatever you damn please.
08:27I'm not taking anything.
08:28You already have, Vince.
08:31I'm sorry.
08:32You lost your daughter.
08:36But you had no right.
08:39Stealing mine.
08:57There you are.
08:59I found you.
09:46That's my girl.
09:47That's my girl.
09:51It's raining embers now.
09:56VC, Leone, we might need some hoses.
09:57We're coming in hot.
09:59We could light up at any minute.
10:01We're gonna be fine.
10:02Jameson, Jameson, we're almost there.
10:05Just stay calm.
10:07Bode, we're on fire.
10:15Over here.
10:18Look, she swallowed a lot of water.
10:20Could be a risk of pulmonary edema.
10:21Don't tap me out, Bode, please.
10:23I have to.
10:23It's our first day.
10:26I thought I liked you.
10:29I'm betting you still do.
10:33I'm serious.
10:34Yeah, so am I.
10:36I almost lost someone I cared about from a secondary drug.
10:39I won't ever let that happen again.
10:48Oh, thank God.
10:49Are you okay?
10:50Where's Audrey?
10:51I'm good.
10:52She's all right.
10:53She's with the medics.
10:54I'm okay.
10:54Good, thank God.
10:55You scared me for a minute there.
10:57Okay, come on, get in.
10:58We're going to the Edwards Ranch.
11:00Back where it didn't go bad?
11:14Jake's assuming I.C.
11:16Copy, Jake.
11:17Uh, what?
11:18You're coming with me.
11:19Again, what?
11:20Hey, make me look good.
11:23Bode, on hoses with Eve.
11:25Fire's not screwing around.
11:27Hardly watched her take down a house like it was nothing.
11:29Hey, you shake that off, Bogans, all right?
11:32That is not going to happen to Eve's family's farm.
11:34Not their horses, and for damn sure, not their livelihood.
11:38Hell no.
11:40Now, Vince and Sharon left me in charge,
11:41which means we get to kill this thing, okay?
11:45Now, go change into some fresh Wildlands and get to work.
11:55We have a rescue situation on our hands.
11:57Yeah, I know.
11:59Search party's already out for Gabriella.
12:01It's not just Gabriella.
12:02Manny's looking for her, too.
12:07Okay, that's technically an inmate escape.
12:12Is that the way you called it in?
12:19You did call it in.
12:20Okay, Vince. Right?
12:21Manny left his daughter in our hands
12:24when she was vulnerable,
12:26and we have watched that child sink.
12:29Yeah, we tried to help.
12:30Yeah, but we failed, and we failed so badly,
12:33she walked off the job.
12:34She walked into a fire.
12:36Manny is out there risking the rest of his life,
12:39his freedom, to try and save his daughter
12:41because we failed.
12:44We owe it to that family to bring them back.
12:47You with me?
13:02Get me out of here!
13:03Dad, I'm stuck!
13:08I'm over here.
13:15Ladder, baby, where are you?
13:17I'm over here!
13:19I'm coming!
13:21I'm here, baby. I'm here.
13:24Oh, my little girl.
13:26I'm in pain.
13:27I can't believe you actually found my past device.
13:31I did, baby, I did.
13:33And all of your clues.
13:36Very smart.
13:37Very smart.
13:39How did you end up like this?
13:40I was trying to get away from the fire,
13:43and it was so smoky.
13:45I lost clear visuals,
13:46and my footing got tangled up in this damn fence.
13:51I can't manage to free my foot.
13:53Is three rock cutting line here?
13:59I'm gonna have to pull.
14:02So it's gonna hurt.
14:03Dad, tell me you didn't escape prison today.
14:07I wouldn't put it that way.
14:09I would.
14:10And I'm sure the DOC would agree.
14:16I'm a little busy here.
14:21I'm sorry.
14:24What's next, huh?
14:26I go back home,
14:27and you go back to actual concrete prison?
14:30Did you think anything through?
14:33I didn't think anything through.
14:35Did you think through?
14:37Walking off in a fire?
14:39An active fire with no radio?
14:43Did you put weight on it enough?
14:47I'm sorry.
14:54You have the impulse control of a toddler, you know that?
14:58I wonder where I get that from.
15:00Because last I checked,
15:01there's two of us in the woods
15:02without knowing how we'll get out alive.
15:07Come on.
15:08Fire's here, come on.
15:10Watch your step, I got you.
15:13There you go.
15:14There you go.
15:16Come on.
15:18Come on.
15:20Shelter side roof's almost out.
15:24Paint stores on the Charlie side.
15:27My dad keeps the protein and the gasoline on the Bravo.
15:30And you guys, if we lose this ranch,
15:32I lose my family.
15:34For good.
15:36We're not gonna let that happen.
15:37Yeah, no way.
15:38Hey, clear the fuel on the Bravo side.
15:40Leone, get hoses on the Charlie side.
15:45Knock that out, all right?
15:46Give me another line on there.
15:48Here we go, knock it down.
15:53Eve, your dad, is he doing that on his own?
15:57Yeah, he sent the ranchers away
16:00so that they can get away from the danger.
16:03Go ahead, I'm tagging in.
16:05Look, you're worried about him, I am too.
16:07Go, we got this.
16:08Go, now.
16:10Let's go, Leone.
16:11Get that hay bale from top to bottom.
16:14On it, Cap.
16:19Come on, come on.
16:20Work with me, boy.
16:21Come on.
16:23I got this one, Dad.
16:25Oh, boy.
16:27Yeah, it's the smoke.
16:29The horses are panicking, they're scared.
16:37Oh, Dad, Dad, watch out!
16:38Come on.
16:45All right, he's down.
16:46Easy, easy, easy, boy.
16:47Dad, I'm gonna get you, take my hand.
16:50I got you, I got you, come on, he's got it.
16:53Come on, let's go.
16:56I gotta get back on the line.
16:59Come on, baby.
17:00We should be okay this way.
17:02The way the wind is right now.
17:04Watch that, watch that, watch that.
17:05There we go.
17:06Wait, wait, wait, what's that?
17:12Jack Pine's campsite.
17:15It's gonna be evacuated.
17:16Yeah, but there might be water.
17:19Over there.
17:21It looks like a public bathroom.
17:23And it's concrete, so it won't burn.
17:27And hopefully they have some running water, right?
17:35Let's go.
17:36Let's go.
17:41Here, take hold of this, hold this.
17:43Jump around, one, two, three, go.
17:47Let's go.
17:55Hey, hey, hey, on the right.
17:56I see it, I see it!
18:03Want me to drive?
18:06Just sit there and keep criticizing me.
18:08Seriously though, come on, let it out, just say it.
18:11Covering up for Manny, escaping.
18:13Okay, he did not escape.
18:14He is freelancing to save a firefighter, like Bodhi did.
18:18That Manny had to overlook to keep Bodhi
18:20at Three Rock one million times.
18:22I'm all for protecting Manny, okay?
18:25I'm with it, but you unilaterally deciding to do that
18:30and putting Jake in charge in my place
18:33without asking me.
18:33I knew that you would agree, Vince, I knew it.
18:36Because it's the right thing to do.
18:41You can't protect everybody, Cher.
18:44These are our people, Vince.
18:47I have to go get them.
18:48I am gonna keep them safe to my last breath.
18:50Okay, I'm watching.
18:53Okay, listen, if you don't wanna be in my car,
18:55then just get out.
19:01I think I'm good.
19:04All right, good work, keep pushing it back.
19:06On it, Captain.
19:17Dad, why are you attacking the horses?
19:20So whoever finds them knows they're Edward's horses.
19:22No, we already corralled them,
19:23they're not going anywhere.
19:24If that fire comes any closer, I'm setting them free.
19:28Last thing I'm gonna see is my horses burned.
19:30Our horses, Dad.
19:32Our horses.
19:44Hell, if I'm gonna let my horses go up in flames,
19:46give me another!
19:51Cross your fingers for water.
19:56It's dry.
20:03Toilets, toilets.
20:23It's nothing.
20:25This place has been abandoned for a long time.
20:33Hey, it's okay.
20:35Nothing about where I'm at right now is okay.
20:39What are you talking about?
20:41We have shelter, Mia.
20:44Do you know why I walked off the job?
20:50I siphoned gas off a civilian's car
20:54to give it to a mom and kid that was living out of theirs.
21:01And they remind you of us?
21:04There is no us.
21:06There hasn't been for a very long time,
21:10and it is killing me.
21:13Yeah, well, it's killing me too, Mia.
21:15Come here.
21:15Then why?
21:17Why did you treat me the way that you did?
21:20What are you talking about?
21:22My wedding!
21:25My wedding fell apart.
21:28I fell apart, and you blamed me.
21:34No, I needed you.
21:36I needed you to have my back, your daughter's back,
21:40and you abandoned me at my lowest moment.
21:47I would take that back a thousand times if I could.
21:49No, no, no, and you know what?
21:51That wasn't even my lowest.
21:54You told me that I walked away from my wedding
21:57because of your bad example.
22:01So I leaned into that hard,
22:05and I drank, and I drank until I couldn't feel anything.
22:11And that didn't work.
22:13So I dove off glyphs until I got cut
22:17so that I could just feel something.
22:21And yeah, yeah, I walked off the job.
22:24And now I'm here in this disgusting bathroom
22:27next to my escapee father.
22:47Hell yeah!
22:48Let's do this work, guys!
22:51Over here.
22:57Whoa, my line went slack.
22:59Same over here.
23:03Come on, run the water!
23:06You used to run the whole tank on the engine?
23:08We used to have hidden spot fires on the way up here.
23:10There's no way, are we?
23:11Out of water.
23:13Yeah, we are.
23:18We're nowhere near a hydrant and our engine is out of water.
23:27Okay, it is too smoky for a water drop.
23:29Water truck's 30 minutes out.
23:30Fire's cut half the roads.
23:31No, by then the fire's gonna take the horses, the house.
23:34I can't.
23:34I already lost one property today.
23:35I'm not losing a second one.
23:36It's time to call it, okay?
23:38Your dad can ride with us on the engine.
23:40And leave all this to burn.
23:42No, we have come too far to give up, guys.
23:44Come on.
23:45Listen, I need you to think like a firefighter
23:47and not a daughter.
23:48Every second we are out here without water
23:50is another second we lose our chance
23:52of getting that escape route.
23:53We need to go now.
23:58Eve, where are you going?
24:02When I said we needed to go,
24:03I meant on the engine and out of here.
24:06What are you doing?
24:06Thinking like a daughter, like my daddy's daughter.
24:08There's an old irrigation system here
24:11and I helped him install it years ago.
24:14You wanna tie in this defunct water supply
24:15and run it through the engine?
24:19But I like it.
24:21Bodhi, give me two adapters
24:23and an inch and a half from the engine.
24:24Yeah, on it.
24:26Here's to hoping it works.
24:27Hey, thank you for taking a chance.
24:29Yeah, well, we're not out of the woods yet.
24:42Okay, I'm on this ride with you.
24:45We gotta start thinking about what we're gonna do.
24:49When we find him.
24:50Manny, we're gonna take him back to Three Rock
24:52quietly and privately.
24:54It's asking a lot, no?
24:56No, it's not.
24:57There's four of us that know.
24:59There's five.
25:01Okay, five.
25:02Which of the five of us do you think is gonna know?
25:28Do not comment on my driving.
25:33Oh, come on.
25:34Come on.
25:35Come on.
25:45Come on.
25:47No, no, no, no, no.
25:49Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God, oh my God.
25:55The axle's broken.
25:57We drove a truck into hell to save our friends
25:59and now we're gonna cry with them.
26:03Give me the key.
26:06You can suddenly drive a disabled vehicle?
26:08Pretend you trust me for a second, okay?
26:11Give me the key.
26:14Why would you do that?
26:15I'm luring Manny and Gabriella here to us
26:18while we figure out how to get all of us out of here.
26:28Is that an alarm?
26:35It's an alarm.
26:36It's an alarm.
26:37It's an alarm.
26:38It's an alarm.
26:39It's an alarm.
26:40It's an alarm.
26:41It's an alarm.
26:42The fires must have set it off.
26:46Wills, let's get back on our feet.
26:49Get us out of here.
26:50No, you make me feel like it's too much.
26:53Just lean on me, okay?
26:56And you say what you will about your old man
26:57getting locked up again.
26:59But if there's a car out there with no keys in it,
27:02I know how to get it started.
27:05Let's go, come on.
27:07All right, neck it up on this one.
27:09Got it.
27:10Cody, get that hose.
27:24All right, ready for water.
27:26Water coming!
27:30All right, let's go.
27:31Let's go.
27:32Let's go.
27:33Let's go.
27:34Let's go.
27:35Let's go.
27:41Come on, come on, come on, come on, come on.
27:46Let's go!
27:54All right, we're charged.
27:55Hey, let's hit those trees.
27:56Go, go!
27:57Eat with me!
28:01Pete, take that on tag five.
28:06Yeah, go ahead, Chief.
28:07We're in a mess.
28:09We went looking for Gabriela.
28:11Gabriela's missing?
28:12And Manny, in the woods just south of Cooper's Ridge.
28:16How did they go missing?
28:17There's no time for questions now, but we haven't found them yet
28:19and now the truck's out of commission.
28:22We all need a rescue, I'm afraid.
28:24Bonnie, fire's moving real fast.
28:26Not sure how much time we got.
28:28Yeah, come on, where are you?
28:29Hey, fire's out.
28:30My parents, Gabriela, Manny,
28:32they're trapped by fire right now
28:33and Chief's put us in charge.
28:34We gotta go save them.
28:35They still haven't found Manny?
28:36Hold up, wait, you knew Manny was missing?
28:38Oh, my God!
28:40Mom, hey, Mom!
28:44This way.
28:45Hey, Chief, watch your 20.
28:47Oh, man, am I glad to see you guys.
28:50Where's Gabriela?
28:51This way.
28:52She's hurt.
28:53We're coming, Mia!
28:57Chief, talk to us.
28:59What is going on?
29:00I'm here, I'm here!
29:02And Manny and Gabriela are now, too!
29:04Okay, Mia.
29:08You got her?
29:10She twisted her ankle pretty good, Chief.
29:13Easy, easy, easy.
29:14Sit on me, sit on me.
29:16Got you.
29:21We heard the car alarm.
29:23Yeah, we hit a ditch,
29:25took out the axle of the truck.
29:26So we have no way out.
29:30Look north, over the second ridge!
29:36Do you see it?
29:39All right, we got you.
29:40Come on, come on, let's move.
29:44Dad, I need the keys to the truck.
29:47Hey, Mr. Edwards,
29:48we got four firefighters trapped up in the woods
29:50and fire's coming for them.
29:51Our engines are too big to get to them.
29:53The terrain's too steep for my truck.
29:55It'll never make it.
29:56Even if it could,
29:57it'd take too long.
29:59I'm not giving you the keys.
30:00Dad, enough of this firefighting hating crap.
30:02I have to save a father and a daughter right now.
30:05And my parents.
30:06I know you guys have your differences,
30:08but they need our help.
30:11Take the reins, daughter.
30:20Y'all saved our horses.
30:21Take them.
30:22Go out there and save your people.
30:26Our horses will navigate those woods
30:27in half the time of any truck.
30:42Go now.
30:55All right.
30:56New problem.
30:57We got four people to save
30:58and only three riders.
31:02You say three?
31:04I see four riders here.
31:06Don't you?
31:32Fire's ripping our way.
31:33Even the concrete shelter's blocked off.
31:36The only direction not consumed by fire
31:39is the steep side of the ridge.
31:42So what do we do now?
31:47We dig!
31:48We dig a makeshift fire shelter!
31:50We dig.
31:51Come on!
31:52We got a meek tunnel deep enough
31:53that we can crawl inside.
31:55You cover yourself with dirt
31:56and you fire shelters.
31:58And we pray that it passes right over.
32:01Watch your hands.
32:02Watch your hands.
32:19Are we digging our own graves right now?
32:38Wait, what is that?
32:42Is it...
33:09Whoa, whoa!
33:10Hold up!
33:1642, it's here!
33:17Thank you!
33:18Thank you for coming!
33:24Over here, come on.
33:38Hey, don't worry.
33:39I got you.
33:41I know you do.
33:44Come on.
33:51All right.
33:52Hey, Daddy.
33:53How do we get out of here?
33:55Follow me.
33:56Let's go.
34:14I see Delta Division.
34:16Recorder the last of the St. Chris' on Bop-Up.
34:19I see Bravo Division.
34:20We are 100% contained.
34:24Canceling additional units.
34:25Cooper's bridge fire is under control.
34:27Hell of a winter, folks.
34:43This ain't no place for the weary kind
34:52You caught all your shots
34:56Shootin' eight ball at the corner truck stop
35:02Somehow this don't feel like home anymore
35:08And this ain't no place for the weary kind
35:18This ain't no place to lose your mind
35:27Incredible work, everyone.
35:30Could not be more proud.
35:31Rest up, wash up, and go play.
35:35Wash up and go get yourself a victory burger.
35:38Ah, more like a victory beer.
35:40Maybe we can get, like, a 12-hour nap.
35:43Whatever you want.
35:46How was that for a first day?
35:49Can't beat it.
35:51First win with my son by my side.
35:54Feels better than any in my career, as far as I can remember.
35:59Your heart's on the loose
36:03You rolled in sevens with nothing to lose
36:09This ain't no place for the weary kind
36:29What's the verdict? Are you okay?
36:31X-rays say bad sprain.
36:36Buddy, you saved my life. You didn't have to get me flowers.
36:44They're not for me.
36:48That was awkward.
36:53I'm so sorry.
36:57Don't be.
36:58Audrey's gonna love them.
37:02How'd you know?
37:04Well, I could guess.
37:13I just wanna sleep all day
37:17Rain on my roof
37:20The river keeps rising
37:23Ain't that the truth?
37:25It could wash me away
37:29Down to the sea
37:33Apology flowers for getting me benched.
37:37Well, I mean, lady said it was a mixed bouquet.
37:40So, I don't know. It could mean anything.
37:47So it does turn out that
37:49the water and the smoke gave me a little case of bronchospasm.
37:54Oh, so I was right.
37:57I'm not saying thank you.
38:00Better not.
38:02So, uh, your first day could only go downhill after we rode out an entire fire in a pool.
38:12I know. So I rode a horse.
38:17That is some nugget action.
38:23So you brought me flowers, huh?
38:29I brought you flowers.
38:55Thought you might be in the mood for a double-double instead?
38:59With chopped chiles?
39:02Oh, man.
39:03Come here. Sit down. Sit down.
39:12Let me get into that.
39:15You know, this is, uh,
39:18this is the first time you've visited me here at Duroc.
39:21I mean, this tour, anyways.
39:23Prepare to get sick of me.
39:25What do you mean?
39:29Get sick of the greatest thing I ever did?
39:37I love you, Dad.
39:48I love you, too, Mia.
39:50I love you, too, Mia.
40:04You need some daddy wisdom, don't you?
40:07Oh, yes. Please. I miss it.
40:13You feel lighter right now, right?
40:16I do.
40:18You know why?
40:21Because back there in that bathroom,
40:25in the middle of all that fire,
40:28that was your rock bottom.
40:35So the only place to go from here is up then, right?
40:47Oh, baby.
40:51I've been here way too many times.
40:57So you just follow my lead, all right?
41:01And we start with the men's.
41:04I'm ready for that.
41:06And to own walking off the job.
41:08Good. That's good.
41:10But can we eat first?
41:13Yeah, of course.
41:14Hell yeah.
41:18You're still a softie, though.
41:21What, me?
41:24No, of course not.
41:30Bodie, Eve, and Jake saved the Edwards Ranch all on their own.
41:37Yeah. They saved us, too.
41:40That's some damn good firefighters you raised there, Chief Feone.
41:44I'm not taking a victory lap yet,
41:46because Manny went MIA and we had to cover for him.
41:49He was not MIA. We knew where he was most of the time.
41:54And Gabriella?
41:56That's going to require some disciplinary action.
41:59What about you and Jake?
42:01What about me and Jake?
42:11What are you doing here?
42:13I want to get here early, make sure I got a good seat.
42:17For... for what?
42:20For what? For Bodie's graduation, smartass.
42:25Bodie's graduation was last week.
42:30This is some kind of stupid joke. It's not funny.
42:36It's not funny.