Gogglebox.AU.S21 E03
00:00Want a bite of sausage?
00:04You had to come in here and eat it?
00:06And you eat it outside?
00:08I'm sitting down watching a TV.
00:10Every evening in Australia
00:12You know what this is, eh?
00:14What is it?
00:16TV reaches over 12 million of us.
00:18I love this show.
00:20I don't think you're the only one.
00:22But have you ever wondered what other people are watching?
00:24Such a feel-good show, isn't it?
00:26That really stressed me out.
00:28People thought about what was on in the last seven days.
00:30I reckon it's one of the greatest shows
00:32I've ever seen in my life.
00:34We are at the zenith of television.
00:36Boom. We're hooked.
00:38This week, David Attenborough's back.
00:40Yes it is.
00:42It was D.A.!
00:44Oh my God, oh my God.
00:46We caught up with the latest season of NCIS Sydney.
00:48We got jump police.
00:50Where are they shoving it?
00:52They're not shoving anything, but they are going to jump start
00:54in like a 1992 Honda Civic.
00:56And discovered a new doco
00:58about some very special children.
01:00Oh, I love this.
01:02They're going to see more
01:04than most people see in a lifetime.
01:12This week,
01:14Jared's away at Mardi Gras.
01:16Meanwhile, back in Brisbane...
01:18Bob was texting me today
01:20saying, make sure you're prepped
01:22and ready. And I thought, oh,
01:24sexy time.
01:26No, he was talking about Cyclone Alfred.
01:28I rock up home with torches,
01:30bread, butter, milk,
01:32you know, water, all those things.
01:34He was at the wrong shop.
01:36This week on Ten...
01:38Australian Survivor!
01:40Brains versus
01:44Will I be into brains?
01:46And recently there's been a tribe swap on the island.
01:48I have not felt like I've been making
01:50strong social connections with these ex-brawns.
01:52Some of the brains have gone across to the brawn
01:54and some of the brawn have gone across to the brains.
01:56You need a good mixture. Bit of brains,
01:58bit of brawn. Brawn or brawn?
02:00Anyway, over in the
02:02brains tribe, Myles is in
02:04Max's firing line.
02:06What is he doing? Cleaning their teeth.
02:08They use charcoal to make some white.
02:10Don't look white. He looks like a Collingwood supporter there.
02:12He's my mortal enemy.
02:14A lying little jungle rat.
02:16Max really hates
02:18Myles, doesn't he?
02:20Absolute tool,
02:22Max. And what's with the
02:24face? Musical theatre
02:26on your own time, not on Survivor.
02:30What a shifty malaka!
02:32I've never seen such beef
02:34between two contestants.
02:36But before Max's feud with Myles continues...
02:38Are you ready to get to today's immunity challenge?
02:40Yeah, we're ready.
02:42You're going to race to unload heavy
02:44sandbags from a canoe loaded
02:46with puzzle pieces.
02:48People love a puzzle on Survivor, don't they?
02:50Yeah, true. But this one's important
02:52because... There's actually a message.
02:54What's it say? The sandbags
02:56contain an idol. If Myles
02:58finds an idol, that would be amazing.
03:00Oh, come on. That would be way too convi...
03:02Oh, actually, yeah, there. He found one.
03:04Found the idol. Let's go, Bricks.
03:06Yeah! Yes, Myles!
03:08The tables have turned now.
03:10Correct. And after the brains lose the
03:12challenge... This is the worst possible
03:14thing that could have happened. Okay.
03:16Watch Max. He'll be sucking up to everybody now.
03:18I'm working my way
03:20into these ex-brawns
03:22tribe. He's a brain who
03:24wants to be a brawn. Mate, they'll desert you.
03:26First chance they get. I am
03:28a very genuine person. I love
03:30that Max took his shirt off and was like, look,
03:32I'm one of you. I want to work with you guys.
03:34He wants to be in with the
03:36cool kids. Yeah. Take a hit of this, mate.
03:38That'll make you cool.
03:40Is this just three blokes hanging
03:42out in their jocks? Yep, correct.
03:44And while Max tries to turn people
03:46against Myles, he also has something
03:48else up his sleeve. My little
03:54Oh, he has a secret
03:56idol. Jezebel.
03:58Isn't that a cow's name? She's
04:00gonna get me to the end.
04:02I think Max is coming across too cocky.
04:04This is gonna be the juiciest
04:06tribal council ever. Let's get
04:08those pens on paper, baby. It's time
04:10to vote. Farewell,
04:12jungle rat. I think Max
04:14is being the real rat here. He's also a
04:16primary school teacher. And I wonder if
04:18he's a drama teacher, cause he
04:20is so dramatic and over the top. If
04:22anyone has an idol and you'd like to play it,
04:24now would be the time to do so. Oh, is
04:26he gonna play it? Is he gonna play it? I'm gonna play it for myself.
04:28Alright. Yeah, good boy.
04:30Very smart for a jungle rat. And any
04:32votes cast for Myles will not
04:34count. Max, is Max
04:36gonna do it? I'm gonna make my prediction now. Max,
04:38he's not gonna play his idol.
04:40He's too overconfident. Yeah.
04:42I'll read the
04:44votes. Wow.
04:46He's not played his idol. That's
04:48risky. First vote.
04:52does not count.
04:54Jungle rat's happy.
04:56Myles does not count.
05:00I love it.
05:02Max. Max!
05:04Whoa! Max is
05:08Max. Whoa!
05:10That's it, baby.
05:12The brawn
05:14turned on Max's tail as old
05:16as time. The nerd gets lured in by the
05:18jocks and then the jocks flush his
05:20head down the toilet. Eight person voted out of
05:22Brains vs. Brawn. Come on, Max.
05:24Max. Max. Max. Max.
05:26You know that Max is a very popular
05:28dog name? Max.
05:32Max is gone!
05:34I told you! Coo-coo!
05:38The tribe has spoken.
05:40See ya, dick.
05:42You had your sneaky idol. It only
05:44works if you use it. What a blind
05:48That is good
05:50karma survivor.
05:52That was one of the best tribal
05:54councils ever. Oh,
05:56very good. Oh, my God, that was revenge
05:58A+. Mate, I've never
06:00loved revenge
06:02more than what I feel about it now.
06:04No, it was my throat.
06:18Not my bun.
06:24You said not your bun
06:26so he got your noodle.
06:30This week, Channel 9
06:32aired a doco about mammals.
06:34You and me, baby, ain't
06:36nothing but mammals.
06:38Water is everywhere.
06:40Whose voice did we just hear? Is it David?
06:42I've been duped before with fake
06:44David. I know. And just underground
06:46Oh, here it is. A network
06:48of tunnels. Yes, it is!
06:50It was DA! Bit over, David.
06:52Can we just be happy with David? I love David.
06:54You hate animal docos.
06:56I hate animals, but I love David.
06:58Okay, okay, settle down, because
07:00first up on David's mammal list is
07:02Oh, what is that?
07:06What the hell's that?
07:08A star-nosed mole.
07:10It's a mole!
07:12Oh, game on. Mole.
07:14Virtually blind. Blind?
07:16How does he know where to go?
07:18He relies on his super sensitive
07:20nose. Such an ugly nose.
07:22That's big coming from a kid who's born
07:24into a Lebanese family. It's not just
07:26for smelling, it's also
07:28for feeling.
07:30Oh, do you know what that looks like when you look
07:32up close? That looks inappropriate.
07:34What's it look like, Lee?
07:36And worms, as they
07:38burrow, simply drop into
07:40his tunnels. Wow.
07:42It's like winning Tetzlaro for them.
07:44You would be so pissed if you were a worm
07:46that got eaten by a blind mole
07:48who found you by just doing
07:50this. Life underground
07:52can be pretty good.
07:54Until? Torrential rain
07:56saturates the soil.
07:58Oh, they all get flooded. Hope he's got
08:00insurance. He must get out
08:02or he'll drown. Is he gonna make it?
08:04Come on, baby. Made it.
08:06But having taken a
08:08breath, he dives straight
08:10back in. So he's a stupid animal as well.
08:12Blind. Stupid.
08:16If you went outside and said that, you'd get arrested.
08:18David's next mammal
08:20is... A pod of sperm whales
08:22resting near the surface.
08:24They're asleep. That's how they sleep.
08:26They seem completely at home.
08:28Well, they are at home. They're in the ocean.
08:30But they're also waiting here
08:32for another very special
08:34reason. Tell us, David.
08:36The birth of a
08:38baby. Whoa.
08:40Helped into the world by
08:42supportive relatives. It's like
08:44Legos when there's like 40 people outside
08:46the room waiting for the news. It's a boy.
08:48The newborn is already
08:50more than three metres long.
08:52That is a big baby.
08:54How was your day? Yeah, pretty good. I just backed out
08:56of Kia Rio. A calf,
08:58like all mammal babies,
09:00has only one thing on its mind.
09:02Oh my God, look how much milk that is.
09:04The baby needs a straw. It's like
09:06Xamena Smoke.
09:08Turns out it's not milk, it's just a big vape cloud.
09:10Why does the water taste like blueberry honey?
09:12Next up on David's mammal
09:14list... Oh, what have we got here?
09:16The Galapagos Islands.
09:18When we're in the Galapagos, we swim
09:20with the sea lions.
09:22Really? We did. You swam with them?
09:24Pregnant Galapagos sea lions
09:26haul out on a
09:28beach to give birth.
09:30Are we going to see a seal's birth?
09:32I really don't want to.
09:34Push. Come on, baby. You can do it.
09:36You can do it.
09:38Don't pull it out with your teeth.
09:40Imagine that coming out of your hoo-ha.
09:42Is that what you saw, Mum?
09:44No. Are you all going to be on the TV?
09:46But a newborn pup
09:48is something of a shock to its older brother.
09:50He's had his mother all to himself.
09:52He must now find
09:54his own feet.
09:56They actually come and they play with you.
09:58Did you play with them? No, they were playing with other
10:00people and I was watching them play with the other
10:02people. But this is
10:04the time of year when sea
10:06lions also meet.
10:08Yeah, I was wondering how they have sex. That's interesting.
10:10Let's have a look.
10:12While the bull's attention is elsewhere...
10:14G'day, honey. How you going? You come here often?
10:16...the pup ventures
10:18beyond the safety of the rock pool.
10:20Oh, that's dangerous.
10:22Oh, no.
10:24Shark. Did you see these guys, Mum?
10:26No, and no one told me about the sharks.
10:28The pup strays further from
10:30the pool...
10:32Oh, my God.
10:34...while the bull is preoccupied.
10:36He's setting up the tally rulers.
10:38Trying to get laid.
10:40The pup can outmanoeuvre the
10:42shark... Get out of there.
10:44Swim! Swim!
10:46...but not for long.
10:48Oh, no.
10:50Alerted by the commotion... Too late now.
10:52...the bull takes action.
10:54He's pulled out. He's on the way. Let me just tuck it to the
10:56side for a sec. Give me 30 more seconds, son.
10:58Biting at its tail,
11:00he chases it away. Wow.
11:02What a hero. What did I
11:04tell you? When the sock's
11:06on the door, don't swim with
11:08the sharks. I have got
11:10photos. Do you want me to show you?
11:12If you can produce a sea lion photo
11:14on your camera now. Go get it.
11:1650 bucks.
11:18Just when you think David
11:20drops a mic and he's done... Yep.
11:22...another one comes back. Yep.
11:24That was one of his best. That was cool animals,
11:26though. Yeah. Whales are very smart.
11:30They have the biggest brain.
11:32If whales have, like, a really big brain,
11:34who's got the smallest brain? Dad!
11:48In Melbourne,
11:50Holly is texting her grandmother.
11:52I said, hi,
11:54Nana. She replied, hi,
11:56Holly. I said, how are you?
11:58She goes, thanks, Holly.
12:02On Foxtel, we watched a new
12:04series of... Selling houses,
12:06Australia. Sing it, girl.
12:08That's something we need to worry about, because we can't afford
12:10houses. Sing it loud and proud.
12:12We can't afford it!
12:14Well, I
12:16am in Hastings. Hastings.
12:18It's behind me. Meet
12:20Peter and Bridget. And Peter
12:22and Bridget are quite literally
12:24selling houses. Wait, what?
12:26So what in the lego creation
12:28is that? How many houses have you got here?
12:30Two. Two? Yeah.
12:32It looks like the house you build in Monopoly.
12:34It is. The hotels. The hotels.
12:36Look, it's the Monopoly house.
12:38Peter was living in his family home with his
12:40mum and his grandma. Wait.
12:42Is he Asian? No, no.
12:44He bought the houses as they were his
12:46nanses and popses.
12:48So, Peter purchased his
12:50first property. Peter purchased
12:52his first property.
12:54Try and say that fast. Peter purchased his first
12:56property. Property. Peter purchased
12:58his first property. Oh my God. Peter purchased
13:00his first property. Have you been drinking?
13:02Peter picked a pipe of pickled peppers.
13:04What did Peter pick?
13:06Peter picked a property, not a pepper.
13:08Though he is in a pickle, as plan
13:10picker Peter picked a property previously
13:12picked that prospective property people are passing
13:14on purchasing. Nice!
13:16But with Grandma moving out last year,
13:18they decided to sell.
13:20Oh, Grandma moved out. Oh, did she
13:22get off to the farm? This is Bridget.
13:24Hello, Bridget. I think it was Bridget's idea
13:26too. Bridget is like, let's get
13:28out of here. Yep. Granny's had sex in that bed.
13:30Toilet's right there.
13:32It's always handy. Nothing like walking in the
13:34front door and being able to see someone on
13:36the shitter. Shut the freaking door!
13:38You're sitting there on the dunny and
13:40someone opens the front door. Some
13:42people close the door when they go to the toilet. Yeah, there's not any door on the
13:44toilet. No, not when you're
13:46at home sometimes. Shut the
13:48freaking door! Alright, and what have we got through
13:52What's this? Sorry,
13:54what in the sitting room is this?
13:56So, hang on a minute. What's the chair
13:58doing right in the middle of the staircase?
14:00Stop Grandma coming down.
14:02There's a poop pipe behind
14:04the armchair. There's a poop pipe.
14:06I've never seen that. Do we have that?
14:08Yes, we have sewerage
14:10in this house, Holly. So where's the poop pipe?
14:12Right outside your bedroom, just to let you know.
14:14I've never seen it. We've smelt
14:16it. As it is right now,
14:18according to the agent, you might
14:20get that $7.50. But after
14:22a big reno, hopefully they can get more
14:26Wendy Moore!
14:28Hey Wendy Jo.
14:30And this guy.
14:32He has a name too.
14:34Wendy and Budget
14:36and Scotty Camp. I have to do
14:38something out here. Who is this bloke? I have no
14:40idea. He's the garden guy. He's been
14:42doing this for three years now. Andrew.
14:44Charlie. I'm thinking it's Neil.
14:46No, it's not Scott.
14:48Whatever his name is, he's got a lot of
14:50work to do, as the garden is filthy.
14:52Oh no, it's Grandma's boyfriend.
14:54Going, where's Nan?
14:58He's coming back for another
15:02I swear that's where she used to live.
15:04Inside is the domain of... Wendy Moore!
15:06Wendy Moore!
15:08Oh, Wendy Moore on the tools.
15:10Whoa, whoa, whoa, Wendy. That's load-bearing.
15:12That seems like a very important beam.
15:14Wendy Moore.
15:16Wendy Moore.
15:18Show me the transformation. Oh my god!
15:22Look at this, that's nice.
15:24It feels like it's
15:26been styled by the lady that works at
15:28Lincraft. And she's got a cousin that
15:30works at Spotlight.
15:32Why are some poles navy blue, some
15:34poles are orange? No idea.
15:36How many more primary colours do you want on the
15:38house? Dunno. Why is there so
15:40much furniture? Where's
15:42the downlight? They're good questions.
15:44Do they do anything to the other house? Where do they store anything?
15:46Where's the heater gone? Is that a rug?
15:48Where's the TV go? Would you guys help me renovate my house?
15:50No. Just stay on topic.
15:52Where is this house? You're in Hastings.
15:54Where is Hastings?
15:56My grandma moved out.
15:58But the question that matters most... How much?
16:00How much? How much? The agent thought
16:02the house could be worth $750
16:04before the renovation. I reckon they would have spent
16:06what do you reckon? A couple hundred?
16:08And they could probably get $1.2 million
16:10for it. $760?
16:12What? $760
16:14for all that? Come on,
16:16this is a $200,000
16:18renter. Do the math. I don't like
16:20the numbers. The numbers don't work.
16:22Disaster. Congratulations.
16:24Well done. They only have to spend $200,000
16:26on it. But we're only gonna get you
16:28$10,000 more.
16:30You know what this show should be called?
16:32Burning Houses. Because it needs an insurance
16:46Our dishwasher broke the other day.
16:48I've actually got a dishwasher sitting outside
16:50my house. I don't want it.
16:52It's broken, but you can fix it for cheap.
16:54No thanks. How do you dispose of a broken dishwasher?
16:56Recycling. Probably not gonna fit in my yellow
16:58bin, my guy. Hard rubbish.
17:00They don't do hard rubbish anymore. Yeah, they do.
17:02Not where I live, mate. Oh, that sucks. I get four hard
17:04rubbishes a year. I might drop my dishwasher
17:06off then.
17:10Sydney is back.
17:12Welcome back.
17:14NCIS Sydney is back.
17:16Good show, this show.
17:18It's great. This is the first episode
17:20from the second season now, Leigh.
17:22It sure is. And the second season
17:24starts with a funeral.
17:28Who died? It's a pretty simple recipe.
17:30Someone dies at the start of the
17:32episode, and then we find out who the killer is.
17:34Oh, six days
17:36earlier. I love this.
17:40They have a lot of twists in this.
17:42Let me ask again, Colonel.
17:44Okay, what's going on? What's going on is
17:46that we've just found out that one of the
17:48NCIS bosses, Colonel Richard
17:50Rankin, is a traitor.
17:52Oh! Joy's the freaking
17:54Colonel, isn't her? Good guy gone bad.
17:56This is good. I love a twist.
18:00What's happening? Is he poisoned?
18:02Get up, now.
18:04Oh, he's having a heart attack.
18:06How convenient's that timing?
18:08Right when you get caught. I don't know,
18:10but we're gonna find out. I got this.
18:12Call you later.
18:14Did he just put adrenaline into
18:16his heart? Full pulp fiction on him.
18:18What's happening?
18:20Well, his heart rate's gone from zero to 200
18:22BPM in a matter of seconds. Adverse reaction
18:24to the light again? What's that bloody thing there?
18:26Pacemaker. Oh, he's got a pacemaker.
18:28What did you think was in his chest?
18:30A heart! Pacemaker, yes.
18:32Give me a hammer. A hammer? A hammer?
18:34You can't freaking the block his heart.
18:40What the hell is that?
18:42That's a magnet. Pacemaker
18:44runs on a battery. Magnet disables the battery.
18:46Oh, my God. It's like MacGyver.
18:48That is so ridiculous. Whilst
18:50American Agent Mackey drops the Colonel
18:52off at emergency... We're taking him
18:54to RPA. I need a cardiac team.
18:56So she carried him in like the Hulk? You don't get an
18:58ambulance? Or even a wheelchair. The other
19:00NCIS Sydney members are
19:02trying to reanimate the corpse of a
19:04Russian assassin... Oh, my
19:06gosh. Russian assassin. I love
19:08a Russian assassin. To extract information
19:10from his digital tattoo.
19:12What the hell are you talking about?
19:14They've probably stuck an electric pole up his ass.
19:16It's not as complicated as that.
19:18What is that then? That is a car battery.
19:20They've got a car battery. They've got jumper leads.
19:22This guy's in RMA. Please
19:24connect those. Where are they shoving it?
19:26They're not shoving anything, but they are gonna jump
19:28start him like a 1992 Honda
19:30Civic. On the count of three.
19:32One, two, and three.
19:36Nope, still dead.
19:38He's got a charge. Let's go. Come on.
19:40What'd they get out of him?
19:42They get evidence proving that Colonel Rankin
19:44is innocent.
19:46And there's more. As of Rankin's
19:48last six-monthly DOD
19:50check-up, no pacemaker.
19:52No heart complaint history, but they've given him
19:54a pacemaker. So when was it implanted?
19:56No idea. By whom? And why?
19:58He wasn't sick. He got abducted and then they
20:00inserted it to use it against
20:02him. They said that we can kill you at any time.
20:04Alright, so Rankin's a good dude. He's just
20:06been blackmailed. But it might be
20:08too late, as another assassin
20:10is en route to the hospital to finish
20:12the job on Colonel Rankin.
20:16Oh, there she is. Oh, shit.
20:18I seem to
20:20have lost a patient. He's on his way to the
20:22ambulance, Bea. Oh my god, he's gone.
20:28Oh, they tricked her. They've got the Colonel in the back.
20:30Sucked in.
20:32Like, I'd have spent so much money on these scrubs.
20:36Good old-fashioned car
20:38chasing our hands. Sydney traffic. This is
20:40going to be a nightmare.
20:44Flipped it.
20:46And the blokes in the back.
20:50Oh, Colonel. He just comes sliding out
20:52in the gurney. Well, lucky they've got everything
20:54they need in the back.
20:56Oh, there she goes.
20:58Oh, she's dropping grenades.
21:02That chick is
21:04crazy. Hey,
21:06is that Whiteback Cruise Terminal?
21:08It is!
21:10Get her, get her.
21:12That's far enough.
21:14Leave him alone. He's a good boy.
21:16He's Adrian. Rankin
21:18got what he had common. You don't know what you're
21:20talking about.
21:22Who shot her?
21:24Who shot her?
21:26Right, the American.
21:28Where'd she come from? How did she
21:30not see Mackie standing there?
21:32That assassin would. Yeah.
21:36And the team attends Colonel Rankin's
21:38funeral. Oh, he died.
21:40Oh, so Rankin's the guy
21:42in the funeral. Rankin copped a spanking,
21:44didn't he? So was he good or was
21:46he bad? He was good. Oh, poor
21:50Undisclosed medical
21:52facility. Wait, what's going on?
21:54Hold on. Did they fake his death?
21:56At least for now,
21:58no one knows he's alive. What? Rankin's
22:00still alive! He's the
22:02only one who could put a name to the son of a bitch
22:04behind all this.
22:06Oh, shit. He's not dead.
22:08That was
22:10a crazy ending. Gosh, my head was
22:12spinning right throughout the show. A lot of
22:14drama for the Straits of Sydney.
22:22In Melbourne,
22:24Anastasia continues to recover
22:26from gastric sleeve surgery.
22:28How do you feel?
22:30How many weeks has it been? It's been
22:32three. It was three weeks on Monday.
22:34Now I'm on puree food.
22:36This week on Disney+,
22:38we watched a show about solid food.
22:40Oh, my God.
22:42Delicious, delicious food.
22:44That is so good. I can't look.
22:46The kind of decadent morsels
22:48that make life itself.
22:50Can you stop? Worth living.
22:52Okay, it's incredible. We get it.
22:54I'm Anthony Parofsky.
22:56Oh, you don't know who that guy is?
22:58No. Oh, I was hoping you did.
23:00And your teeth. God no, the opposite.
23:02He's one of the queer eyes.
23:04Oh, my fave.
23:06I know that food can tell you more
23:08about who you are. Are you going to be okay
23:10through this show? I might start drooling between him
23:12and the food. Malaya, that's your other uncle.
23:14I'm leading six curious
23:16Hollywood stars. Are you excited for this?
23:18Yeah. On their very own
23:20journeys of a lifetime.
23:22We're going back
23:24to celebrities' homes
23:26to find food that is important
23:28to them in their lives.
23:30So pull up a pew as we visit
23:32Florence in... Tindalee. No, England.
23:34Florence Pugh.
23:36Is Florence Pugh going to be on this episode?
23:38Love her dearly.
23:40She's my hall pass. She's just gorgeous.
23:42Because this is where
23:44Florence grew up. In England.
23:46In England.
23:48Now, when you hear the words
23:50English and food, you're probably
23:54I feel sorry
23:56for the Brits. The weather's
23:58really bad. They have
24:00the worst food.
24:02Their accent sucks. Daddy loves
24:04food. He eats it three times
24:06a day. What was that accent?
24:08Rich English. Like, they've got nothing going
24:10on for them other than David Beckham.
24:12But before you get too judgmental,
24:14give it a chance. Nah.
24:16Do you think
24:18the Queen's kids all said
24:20my mum's the best cook?
24:22Do you reckon she cooked?
24:24Where is
24:26your brain? In my head?
24:28How did you think of
24:30something like that? England, the castle,
24:32we're in England, so I just thought, do you reckon
24:34the Queen... The Queen cooked? Yeah, of course she did.
24:36They would have said... There's actually pictures
24:38of her baking. I've seen...
24:40That's AI.
24:42Thanks. The show is trying
24:44to find out who is Pew by
24:46heading into the family kitchen.
24:48This ancient dish has been passed down
24:50in the family for generations.
24:52What are they making? It's got mince, it's English,
24:54it's been passed down generations.
24:58Tacos? There's the potato!
25:00It's a bloody shepherd's pie!
25:02We're gonna make a shepherd's
25:04pie. Shepherd's pie's about the only good
25:06thing that the English do, isn't it?
25:08Oh, look at that. Give me a spoon.
25:10Well, you try and cook the meat first,
25:12Keith. Eating raw meat's not good for you.
25:14Knowing how much every meal means
25:16in this family has only made me
25:18more eager to taste our lunch. All those
25:20beautiful layers. Layers?
25:22There's only two layers, it's the meat
25:24and the potato. And a delicious
25:26first taste of Florence's culinary
25:28heritage. What's another English
25:32Yorkshire pudding. Yorkshire pudding?
25:34Oh, what a coincidence. Now we're going to
25:36Yorkshire. That's where we're headed,
25:38to find out who do you think you are?
25:40The historic
25:42county of Yorkshire in northern England
25:44has Thirsk. Thirsk.
25:46Thirsk. What if you can't say T-H?
25:48I'm in trouble. You can't say your own name
25:50properly. You always say Keef. Keef.
25:52It's Keef. Keef. No, you're saying
25:54Keef. Keef. Oh, forget it.
25:56They should have named you John. This is where
25:58the journey starts. Where are we walking to?
26:00Up a hill. Hello!
26:02More people walking around the frickin' field.
26:04No, but they're all wearing gumboots, Lee.
26:06They don't get shit on their shoes. That's where the sheep are nervous.
26:08They're right to be.
26:10Because one of them's headed
26:14This is just the beginning.
26:16With Florence's family
26:18so big on food.
26:24We get it.
26:26Now we're talking. It's so
26:28tender. Well done.
26:30No, that's medium rare.
26:32It's been so
26:34thrilling to find out about my ancestors.
26:36Your great, great,
26:38great grandfather.
26:40Great, great, great grandfather.
26:44grandfather's father.
26:48Or, hang on.
26:50A toast to all the ancestors.
26:52Cheers. I love the show.
26:54I thought it was really different
26:56to a normal, boring,
26:58cooking show. Her father,
27:00his father was a grandparent
27:02to the son.
27:04Her great,
27:06great, great.
27:08Her dad's dad,
27:10it was his grandfather.
27:14That was three
27:16great grandfathers of her.
27:18So, her great
27:20grandfather is not her
27:22grandfather. The next one up
27:24is the great. So her father,
27:26then her grandfather is her
27:28father's father.
27:30Then that father
27:32was the grandfather.
27:34Was her great grandfather.
27:36And then there was another great grandfather.
27:48In Sydney,
27:50Jad is trying to get used to married life.
27:52So, is the babies coming or not?
27:54She wants them. I'm like, slow down.
27:56I've got bloody Europe, Mykonos, all these
27:58things I want to go to. Say goodbye
28:00to all those things. No. They're gone now.
28:02No. I've got still Mykonos. No.
28:04Croatia, Lebanon. No.
28:06Your life is now Kravelcom,
28:08Jad Junior, and
28:10Jad Allah III, and that's it.
28:12You sound like my dad.
28:18Oh, little kitties.
28:20This week on Disney+,
28:22we discovered a new documentary.
28:24Oh, yeah.
28:26Oh, the aurora.
28:28Oh. That's amazing.
28:32I've seen it on lots. IRL.
28:40Wait, they can't see anything? Why?
28:44I wonder what this is about.
28:46The documentary follows
28:48Edith and Sebastian Pelletier,
28:50a seemingly normal French-Canadian
28:52family juggling life
28:54with four kids. When you get to
28:56four kids, you accept
29:00You've got four kids, you just give up.
29:02You see each other every day, but
29:04there's not much time to connect.
29:06I'm one of four. I can relate.
29:08But after the diagnosis,
29:10everything changed.
29:12What diagnosis? What happened?
29:14Our kids were pretty young when we learned
29:16that three out of four
29:18have retinitis pigmentosa.
29:20What's that?
29:22It's a genetic disease.
29:24If your field of vision is like that,
29:26for a normal person, slowly
29:28it's going to be shrinking.
29:30It's like the world is slowly
29:32turning its lights off on you.
29:34It's so scary.
29:36Until there's really only the centre that remains.
29:38This is terrible.
29:40We're still going to have three kids blind.
29:42For me, the hardest part
29:44was there's nothing they can do about it.
29:46Wait, so it's incurable?
29:48There's no treatment. There's nothing.
29:52That would be so heartbreaking for the parents.
29:54You just want your kids to be healthy.
29:56Specialists advise all Edith can do
29:58is fill the children's visual memory
30:00from media and books.
30:02So that when they lose their vision,
30:04they can still imagine what does this look like.
30:06But Edith doesn't want to stop there.
30:08She wants to show them the real thing.
30:10And fill their visual memory
30:12with as much beautiful
30:14thing as we can.
30:16Oh, I love this.
30:18The famous bucket list.
30:20What a great way to pick where you're going.
30:22This is really special.
30:24A Leo one to learn how to serve.
30:26Yeah, that's my man.
30:28Eat ice cream.
30:30In Turkey, how good.
30:32You get some random answers from a six-year-old.
30:34Laura, at some point said,
30:36I want to drink juice on a camel.
30:38Really, why?
30:40Because they're kids.
30:42Make friends in other countries.
30:44Oh my God, my heart is exploding.
30:46They're going to see more
30:48than most people see in a lifetime.
30:52But the trip of a lifetime
30:54is not without its struggles.
30:56I knew Lauren knew it was going blind.
30:58What I didn't realize
31:00is that he didn't know
31:02what it meant to be blind.
31:04That's a tough concept for a kid to understand, isn't it?
31:08So we were on the road
31:10and all of a sudden he turns on.
31:14what does it mean to be blind?
31:16Like that question was just like
31:18a narrow through my heart.
31:20Like I stopped breathing.
31:22How do you explain that to a child?
31:24He was only five.
31:26So I had to answer simply.
31:28It's just like if your eyes
31:30are always closed.
31:32That's got to be so frightening.
31:34No kid deserves to go through this.
31:36I just felt that I
31:38somehow ended his innocence.
31:44Oh, Papa.
31:46The hope of a child.
31:50It would be hard enough having one child going blind
31:52but to have to have conversations with three.
32:06But I like how they're also
32:08not sheltering it from the kids.
32:10They're just preparing them.
32:19Look at the incredible
32:21memories that they're creating.
32:23And younger sibling Laurent
32:25gets to tick off his ultimate
32:27bucket list item.
32:31It's not anything I've wanted to do but now I'm seeing it,
32:33I get it.
32:35Then, after a year on the road,
32:37the Pelletier family have to return home.
32:45They're just enough people.
32:47Those experiences you'll never be able
32:49to take from them. It'll be in their memory
32:57I think that was the most devastating
32:59yet uplifting show I've
33:01ever seen.
33:03All our senses,
33:05we don't really appreciate it till
33:07we lose it.
33:09I think there's a lesson to be learned in that they're on a
33:11time limit and they're trying to live life to the fullest
33:13when really we should all be living life
33:15to the fullest always and being grateful
33:17for what we've got.
33:33We came the other day and we lifted the couch up.
33:35It was horrific.
33:37Bro, there's a worm
33:39behind here.
33:41Have a look.
33:43A real worm? There's a worm.
33:45Oh yeah, there's a worm.
33:51This week we said
33:53to this new Disney Plus
33:55dating show.
34:01We watched the Indian one
34:03and the Jewish one.
34:05This is the Muslim one.
34:09I think
34:11your match has just
34:13arrived. This matchmaker
34:15sets up all these Muslim
34:17people together. The matchmaker that mum
34:19and dad got for you would work
34:21the same as the Muslim matchmaker.
34:23And that worked out well. No, it didn't
34:25work out well. All the women ran away from you.
34:27It was a disaster.
34:31Miriam and Omar, date one.
34:33Here's a bit of howdy-do. I would not
34:35turn him away. Welcome to Houston.
34:37Thank you. Never been to an appliance
34:39store before.
34:41Trust the levers to
34:43have a first date looking at white goods.
34:45This is the one I have at home. This is like
34:47porn in some parts of the Middle East.
34:49Habibi, I want to buy a washer dryer.
34:51Tell me more.
34:53I'm more used to a circular one.
34:55Really? You're an undergarment? Yeah, front loader
34:57not a top loader if you know what I mean. Big drum
34:59guy if you know what I'm saying. I also think
35:01the size of the washer dryer
35:03is really important. Size matters,
35:05trust me. I think he's good looking.
35:07Oh, she's giggly.
35:09Seems like Huda did a good job, I would say.
35:11I think we're on the same kind of energy level.
35:13I feel like these two are a good match.
35:15Time to meet couple number two in
35:21Hello, cowboy.
35:23I didn't know what to wear. Turtleneck,
35:25denim jacket, cowboy hat,
35:27necklace. Probably not a good choice.
35:29But it was a definite choice.
35:31Nice to meet you.
35:33Falani and Omnia.
35:35See, this is a better first date.
35:37My first question to him is where did you park your horse?
35:39Falani doesn't
35:41have a horse, but...
35:43Oh, he's got a cat case.
35:45She's my companion.
35:47I don't like to call her my pet because
35:49she really chose me.
35:51I'm allergic to cats.
35:53These are all my pieces that I've
35:55had featured in galleries.
35:57She is as
35:59bold as batshit.
36:01He's trying so hard, this guy.
36:03If you were an animal, what would you be?
36:05I got asked that at work last week.
36:07And what did you say you were? A dolphin.
36:09I'm playful, I'm speedy, and I'm smart.
36:11Oh, no, that sounds a bit arrogant.
36:13Have an answer.
36:15Oh, my God.
36:17She's bad at first dates.
36:19It's hard because there are multiple animals that I
36:21would want to be. Well, name them.
36:23You can say all of them. It's not real.
36:25You're actually going to be the animal.
36:27I want to be a dolphin.
36:29Dolphins are
36:31cute, but they're dolphins
36:33kill out of revenge.
36:35Kill out of revenge, Matt?
36:37That sounds like Matty D to a T.
36:39Don't cross me.
36:41Who matched these two?
36:43They are not a match.
36:45But Miriam and Omar definitely are.
36:47Maybe we can go to JB High Five
36:49for our next date. Fantastic furniture's
36:51just up the road.
36:53But matchmakers Hoda and Yasmin aren't so sure.
36:55Hi. Salam.
36:57Ooh, you're FaceTiming your mum?
36:59Get a bit closer to the screen.
37:03Hey, Mum.
37:05Miriam and Omar really hit it off.
37:07My one concern is they're moving a little too fast.
37:09Too fast? What?
37:11Sorry, did we not want them to fall in love?
37:13Talking constantly.
37:15They've been talking every night. They've gone off the rails.
37:19Try your best to pump the brakes a little bit.
37:21You know what? She wants to ruin the relationship to get more business.
37:23You gotta sign up another month. 500 bucks.
37:25Let me get you another guy.
37:27So where are we now?
37:29We're checking back in with these guys.
37:31Why is he back in a date with this chick?
37:35Painting with a twist.
37:37Oh, we're doing a paint and sip.
37:39I definitely want this date to be a little bit more fun, you know?
37:41This is a classic first date. Have a cup.
37:43Oh, they can't drink.
37:45We're not doing a paint and sip. We're just doing a paint.
37:47You can draw me like one of your French girls.
37:49Like one of my what?
37:51French girls?
37:53Oh, she doesn't get the quote from the Titanic.
37:57The Titanic.
37:59She's boring.
38:01Sorry, Habibi, but even Allah's not going to help you on this one.
38:05I don't mind a dating show.
38:07Oh, it's so juicy, isn't it?
38:09It is.
38:11Jad, is there a different vibe now watching matchmaker shows now that you're married?
38:13It's less anxiety now?
38:15It's more like I feel superior.
38:21I feel superior.
38:31I was a virgin until I met you.
38:33Oh, yeah, sure, yeah.
38:35There's things you wanted me to do.
38:37I remember things you wanted me to do when I went home and told me mother.
38:39I know.
38:41I can't believe you've done that.
38:43I didn't know what was going on.
38:45This is a story of the 70s you've never seen before.
38:47The 70s? I wasn't even alive then.
38:49This will be my childhood on celluloid.
38:51I was there too.
38:53Oh, Jackie Weaver.
38:57And Wednesday she was on SBS
38:59presenting its new three-part series
39:01about Australia in the 70s
39:03and the people who documented it.
39:05The Australian Commonwealth Film Unit.
39:07Their priority
39:09was creating an official portrait
39:11of Australia
39:13and selling it to the world.
39:15So is this Australian propaganda?
39:17It's exactly that.
39:19Let's see what they market to the rest of the world.
39:23Australia, an unofficial history.
39:25Well, one version of it anyway.
39:27Help me, Jackie, take me back in time.
39:29Most Australians live along the edge of their Big Island.
39:31The Big Island.
39:33Is that how we were known?
39:35And in summer, a lot of the living
39:37is on the long, sandy beaches.
39:39Ooh la la.
39:41Yeah, I mean, it's not like you're going to put up a film about Wagga Wagga.
39:43And when they weren't on the beaches,
39:45they were making...
39:47Train films.
39:49Not quite.
39:51Ann Johnson, country girl,
39:53too excited to sleep.
39:55Mainly for women.
39:57Not totally for women, just mainly.
39:59The film was made for the Immigration Department
40:01to show young women around the world
40:03just what Australia had to offer.
40:05What, pots and pans?
40:07Oh, yeah, let's get the women buying crockery.
40:09There are three supermarkets close to the flat,
40:11but Ann has a special reason for choosing this one.
40:15She knows the assistant manager.
40:17So what kind of meat should I buy, sir?
40:19Come to the Big Smoke, meet a fella,
40:21just dream all day about marrying that guy.
40:23Their dream was to marry the assistant manager
40:25for the local supermarket.
40:27Ann, do you think John will ask you to marry him?
40:29It never occurred to me.
40:31What's the finger for?
40:33Fingers crossed.
40:35That she's not pregnant?
40:37No, he said, do you think that he'll ask you to marry him?
40:39Because that's all we aspire to, is marriage.
40:41When the filming was done...
40:43Government film equipment was being snuck out the back door
40:45to capture an angrier,
40:47less united vision of Australia.
40:49The non-propaganda side.
40:53The real truth.
40:55On their own time, government filmmakers
40:57would help document the biggest protests
40:59the country had ever seen.
41:01Women unite, stand up and fight!
41:03They were being promised, come to Australia,
41:05there's this shopping and these men,
41:07and you'll be looked after.
41:09Women were fighting for their rights.
41:11And they weren't the only ones.
41:13Oh, homosexuals!
41:15What gives Dennis Altman's book its special interest
41:17is that he writes from his own experience
41:19as a homosexual.
41:21This would have been mind-blowing for people.
41:23They've got an actual gay person on the television.
41:27It was contentious,
41:29because homosexuality was illegal
41:31across Australia.
41:33Illegal in the 70s.
41:35It should have been illegal, that combo of suit.
41:37I'm going to lead the double life that most homosexuals lead.
41:39Yeah, that's pretty gutsy, hey?
41:41And people are going to have to accept me for what I am.
41:43So women's rights and gay rights
41:45were both happening at the same time.
41:47Straight white men must have been
41:49quaking in their boots during the 70s.
41:51And while all that was happening,
41:53people were also fighting for...
41:55Economic independence to enable black people
41:57to be able to determine their own destinies.
41:59Here we go.
42:01Professor Foley.
42:03Ah, the impetuosity of youth.
42:05He's tired.
42:07He's like, I've been fighting for rights for so long.
42:09And he hasn't slowed down.
42:11He's still out on the front lines.
42:13He's still going to marches and rallies.
42:15In 1972, this movement would famously
42:17find its way onto the lawns of Parliament House
42:19with the creation
42:21of the Aboriginal Tent Embassy.
42:23Everything blackfellas have
42:25is because of people like
42:27Gary Foley.
42:29See me get knocked out
42:31in a minute, I think.
42:33Dang, that's me.
42:37I mean, this is even before we had a racial discrimination act.
42:39That didn't come in until like 1975.
42:41On the streets
42:43and in suburban living rooms,
42:45from universities to remote
42:47Indigenous communities,
42:49a growing chorus of bold
42:51new voices now demanded to be heard.
42:53God, there was a lot
42:55going on.
42:57What a shift from that original footage that the government
42:59was putting out to the world of what Australia looked like
43:01and how much has changed just from then to now.
43:03We've come from here to there,
43:05but I think the country can still go a long,
43:07long way.
43:11Do you think there's some good stuff on SBS?
43:13I learnt more just then than I ever did
43:15in high school history.
43:17That was very,
43:19very cool.
43:31Oi, big boy.
43:33Cyclone's coming.
43:35You prepped?
43:37Well, I'm prepped, dude,
43:39but I've packed you a little cyclone survival kit.
43:41I got you
43:43emergency whistle.
43:45It works.
43:47I actually need toilet paper, man.
43:49You always never have any.
43:51Totally out.
43:53And the most important thing, you'll definitely need this.
43:55You know what? You can keep those too.
43:57I'll just keep this.
43:59Hard quiz.
44:01Here's your host,
44:03Tom Gleeson.
44:05Hard! Your favourite show
44:07and your favourite host.
44:09These contestants are hams. Last one to be cured will be
44:11tonight's Hard Quiz champion.
44:13This is weirdos doing weird topics
44:15with Tom Gleeson taking piss
44:17out of the weirdos. Is it getting more weird?
44:19Nathan, expert subject,
44:21llamas. Yeah.
44:23Llamas? Paulette, expert
44:25subject, Australian
44:27light aircraft. Oh, jeez.
44:29Where do people get these topics from?
44:31Nashi, expert subject,
44:33Steven Universe.
44:35I don't even know what that is. There is one
44:37good one. Let's start with Grace and her expert
44:39subject, ABBA. ABBA!
44:41I freaking love ABBA.
44:45An ABBA hit from 1979
44:47returned to the Australian top ten in
44:492005 as part of a song
44:51called Hung Up by which pop icon?
44:53Nathan for the steal. Steal already?
44:57Correct! Madonna.
44:59Next set of questions is for Nathan on
45:01llamas. I didn't know llamas
45:03were spelt with a double L. Yeah.
45:05It's like a ghost with a silent
45:09Llamas belong to the same family
45:11as alpacas and which
45:13desert mammal? Camel.
45:15For the steal it's Paulette. Camel.
45:17I'm on the board. Okay,
45:19Nathan, alpaca, llama, camel,
45:21f***, marry, kill. Go.
45:23In that order. Yeah, that's right. In that order?
45:27That's so weird that he answered it. Llamas are known for spitting
45:29and while many believe them to be only
45:31spitting saliva, they are in fact doing
45:33what? Nathan.
45:35Spitting bile. Oh!
45:37Correct! Ew!
45:39Hey, you don't actually
45:41have to spit! No, that's what llamas, llamas are
45:43known for spitting, right? You don't need to actually show
45:45us. But that's what they do, they go...
45:47Paulette. Ultralight aircraft are known
45:49for relaxed regulations compared to
45:51ultralight aircraft. No shit!
45:53What is the youngest legal age
45:55for a solo pilot? 21.
45:57Paulette. 15.
45:59What? You can fly before you can
46:01drive a car. Yep. Not allowed to smoke? No.
46:03Not allowed to drink? No. Ultralight aircraft?
46:05F***ing go for it.
46:07Are you laughing, Lee,
46:09at our quiz? I'm laughing at Tom.
46:11I may need to see someone.
46:13I tell you who we won't be seeing much of anymore.
46:15Paulette, you're at the bottom on 35.
46:17Oh, Paulette.
46:19Ultralight aircraft, baby.
46:25Oh, this is us. We're the people.
46:35This Nathan guy's good.
46:41Padum, padum.
46:43I should have known Kylie!
46:45You need to hand back your gay card to him.
46:47Nasha, you're at the bottom on 45.
46:51Final round, girls. Final round.
46:53Head to head. ABBA versus
46:55Warners. I think I'm going to be team
46:57Nathan here. I'm back in grace.
46:59Amazing grace.
47:01In 1977, thousands of people
47:03crowded the streets as ABBA
47:05waved to them from the balcony
47:07of the Melbourne Town Hall. During
47:09what festival? Moomba. Was it?
47:11Has to be Moomba. Moomba Festival.
47:15I know me, ABBA. How does she know that?
47:17I don't know, man. She's got no life
47:19and probably very little friends. Nathan,
47:21llamas communicate by clicking, humming
47:23and screaming, with males also making
47:25what mating call? A mating call.
47:27Do a mating call.
47:29It's called augulling.
47:35Grace, you need this to stay in. If you get it wrong,
47:37then Nathan, you are tonight's hard quiz champion.
47:39Come on, Grace. Footage of an
47:41ABBA recording session for the song
47:43Queen reveals a verse before
47:45the one that starts with
47:47you're a teaser, you turn them on.
47:49What is the first line of
47:51that deleted verse?
47:53How are you supposed to know a deleted line?
47:55You're a
47:59You're out of sight? No.
48:01Incorrect. The correct
48:03answer is, baby, baby, you're out of sight.
48:05It was close.
48:07Congratulations, Nathan.
48:09You are tonight's hard quiz champion.
48:11Good on you, Nathan.
48:13He gets that beautiful cup.
48:15Thanks for playing hard.
48:17Did you enjoy hard
48:19quiz? Oh, he made me laugh once.
48:21There you go, see? He's grown on you,
48:23Lee, I think. Like mold.