• 2 days ago
(Adnkronos) - “C’è una una cosa che ci preoccupa: le donne hanno paura di denunciare e questo è gravissimo perché dai dati è emerso hanno poca fiducia nelle istituzioni”. Lo sostiene Maria Luisa Toto, presidente dell’associazione “Donne Insieme” che gestisce il centro antiviolenza “Renata Fonte”, tra i relatori della prima tappa dell’anno di “Innamòrati di Te”, il progetto itinerante ideato e organizzato a Lecce da Codere Italia, multinazionale di riferimento nel settore del gioco legale.


00:00I am about 170 years old and I pass. The women who asked for help this year, in 2024, at the
00:14Renata Fonte Anti-Violence Center, are transversal. The age range goes from 17-18 up to 70 years old,
00:26but the main one is 40 years old. There is something that worries us, that is, women are afraid
00:38to report, and this is very serious, because, from the data that emerged, they have little trust in
00:49the institutions and they are afraid of institutional violence. Let me explain better. They are afraid
00:58to go from victims to carnivores, so they are afraid of their children, when there are children, they are afraid
01:09of their children, because they say, in our position of victims, if we do not have justice, if we are not
01:20credible, we risk that our children will be taken away from us. So we have to do, we are doing a work
01:28of sensitization and support to women, because this cannot and should not happen.
01:36But something begins to comfort us, that some women who did not want and started to take
01:46charge, but we did not lose them, continue with telephone conversations, because they are also afraid
01:55of their privacy.
