(Adnkronos) - “Nell'ambito del contrasto alla violenza di genere proponiamo attività di sensibilizzazione all'interno delle scuole con educazione all'affettività e al rispetto, oltre a dare sostegno alle donne che vivono un momento di violenza”. Lo dichiara Fiammetta Perrone, Past Presidente Nazionale Fidapa BPW Italy in occasione della prima tappa dell’anno di “Innamòrati di Te”, il progetto itinerante ideato e organizzato a Lecce da Codere Italia, multinazionale di riferimento nel settore del gioco legale.
00:00FIDAPA is an independent opinion movement that promotes culture all over the world.
00:09So there are many activities and projects that are implemented all over the country.
00:16The activities that are proposed are both in the field of gender violence,
00:21so with sensitization activities within schools, with education on affection and education on respect.
00:29In addition to the support of women who live in a moment of violence.
00:37In fact, two centers have been opened in Italy in collaboration with the police stations,
00:43where FIDAPA gives its support in a voluntary way in the hearing and in the realization of the hearing room.
00:51Our battle in particular is linked to the Equal Pay Day,
00:56which concerns the equal distribution and therefore the equal return of the woman.
01:03This is an ancient theme that we carry on and above all at the European level with directives,
01:09precisely because the aspect of financial education, the economic aspect,
01:13is one of the aspects that greatly conditions the assertion of what are the rights of women,
01:19the rights that are then affirmed in the family economic sphere,
01:22in the field of reconciliation and in the field of respect.
01:29We have promoted activities regarding financial education.
01:33It has turned the boys between the ages of 11 and 14 through a platform training together with an NGO,
01:42which is Union and Children.
01:44It is an educational alliance, a training alliance that aims at a process of financial responsibility
01:53and also as an orientation towards STEM subjects.