• last year
(Adnkronos) - Presso la sala Koch del Senato della Repubblica, alla presenza di numerose autorità civili, politiche e militari, si è svolto l'evento di presentazione del progetto Campioni di Vita - no al bullismo dell'Accademia dei Campioni. L'evento, nato dalla proficua collaborazione tra l'Osservatorio Nazionale Bullismo e Disagio Giovanile e Gestione Cittadella Srl in collaborazione con Opes Italia, ha visto la partecipazione, tra gli altri, di tanti campioni dello sport in varie discipline.


00:00At the Sala Coch of the Senate of the Republic, in the presence of numerous civil, political and military authorities,
00:11the event of the presentation of the project Champions of Life, No to Bullying, of the Academy of Champions took place.
00:17The event, born from the prolific collaboration between the National Observatory for Bullying and Youth Disorder
00:23and Cittadella S.R.L. management, in collaboration with Op.S. Italia,
00:28saw the participation, among others, of many champions of sport in various disciplines.
00:33The project Champions of Life was born with the intention of promoting the culture of sport
00:38as a tool of prevention and contrast to youth bullying.
00:42Specifically, it is proposed to train students of first and second grade high schools,
00:47promoting a healthy lifestyle and positive behavioral models, mutuated by the sports world.
00:53I am enormously satisfied with this important day, rich of many discussions, but above all also of many presences,
01:02made of many Olympic champions.
01:05We have presented a project for the boys.
01:07We want to make a platform for 100,000 boys all over Italy,
01:11who can train for free and understand, through the world champions,
01:16champions who bring enthusiasm, who reach the hearts of the boys because they have empathy,
01:21but because they have courage, because they are credible witnesses.
01:24So, many world champions to counteract bullying and, above all, youth disorder,
01:31which today, I want to remember, is the second cause of death, suicide,
01:36because in Europe three girls a day kill themselves, and we cannot allow it.
01:41During the event, among others, Maria Teresa Bellucci, Deputy Minister of Labour and Social Policies,
01:47Giussi Versace, senator and Paralympic champion, and Senator Maurizio Gasparri intervened.
01:53The Academy of Champions is the will to bring together champions of sport,
01:58but also of culture, show, music, in front of a camera,
02:03to tell their experiences, their fragility, to a young world
02:09that can then transfer these concepts and this way of approaching life to their peers.
02:16Our commitment is to support this organization,
02:20both with a structure, which is the Citadella dello Sport, which is being born in Tortona,
02:26a container to carry out all the contents of this community,
02:32and also to organize great events and, above all, the possibility of showing it to other large companies
02:40so that this system can be replicated in the various sustainability projects.
02:45Numerous champions were awarded, including Manuel Bortuzzo, Elisa Di Francisca,
02:50Alessia Zecchini, champion of Apnea, Stefano Maniscalco and Francesco Bonanni.
02:55Among the testimonials of the initiative, also the singer and Paralympic athlete Anna-Lisa Minetti.
03:01Sport, in my life, has given me the opportunity to perceive life as an opportunity,
03:06especially in discomfort. So, talking about youth discomfort and using the great champions of sport,
03:12but not for the medals won, but because they resisted the hard path that led them to that goal,
03:18makes me hope that, with authenticity, we will certainly be able to be effective, like few,
03:23and functional towards the boys, because we will give them tools,
03:27inevitably, well, possible, in terms of their personal growth, their training,
03:34and that, in turn, they will have the good fortune, with their language, to be able to communicate to the young.
03:40So, the Academy of Champions is a great opportunity against bullying.
